DAILY CAPITAL JOTTRMAL, SALEM. OKJOOK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1913. PAOB FIVB. BOOSTER SPECIAL ON SNOWY WHITE TABLE LINEN Linen bought by th; -ase, in fact an immense buy, place these handsome damasks at your disposal at these price $2.25 value $1.87 $1.50 value $1.19 $2.00 value $1.74 $1.25 value $1.09 $1.75 value $1.29 $1.00 values $ .88 MERCERIZED DAMASK QUALITY,. EXTRA GOOD 65c value 49c 50c and 45c values 39c ONE CASE WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS Values from $2.75 to $10.00, 20 per cent less. $1.00 Umbrellas, splendid values 88c $5.75 leather bags, excellent leather, splendidly lined and equipped $3.98 $2.10 tennis flannel shirts for women $1.49 $1.85 tennis flannel shirts for women $1.24 $1.25 Shepherd plaid sateen waists for women 89c 50c Silk boot hosiery, white, tan and black 38c 35c muslin drawers for women 24c 12 l-2c crash toweling ; 10c yd $4.00 bed spreads , $3.12 $3.75 bed spreads $2.99 $1.50 bed spreads $1.25 t I CITY NEWS. ' The city treasury realized about $450 , in fines imposed on prisoners during the week of tho fair. According to the police about every man arrested had money, and $5 donations to Judge El gin were frequent. ; Putting up $300 bondB in Judge Kel ly's court this morning, Mary Gotidy, ,who was arrested last Friday on a bench warrant charging her with con ducting a bawdy house was released. 4She pleaded not guilty, and the time of her trial will be set tomorrow. . ; A new time table of the Southern Ta eifie. company contains many changes j in the time of arrival and departure of , trains in this city. The new table fol : lows: No. 18, Portland passenger, j northbound, leaves Salem at 2 p. m.; 'No. 20, Cottage Grove passenger, north ibound, leaves Salem at 5:47 p. m.; No. J. 17, Gtendale -passenger, southbound, ,j leaves Salem at 11:10 a. m.; No. 19, :' Cottage Grove passenger, southbound, leaves Salem at 4:48 p. m.; No. 9 Hub City (Albany) local, southbound, leaves Salem at 8:45 p. m.; Salem-Geer train, .leaves Salem at 5 p. m.; No. 14, Port land passenger, northbound, leaves Sa i Jem at 8:11 p. m. 1 Dick Dunn, who was arrested last Thursday by Deputy Sheriff Harry Minto for sticking his hands in other peoples' pockets, was released this morning, after he promised to "beat t" out of town. Ho is the oldest pock et picker that either Sheriff Esch or Deputy Minto have ever had occasion to take in custody. Dunn is 70 years old, and ho is said to be a clever man at the trade, despite his extreme age for such work. When Deputy Minto appre hended Dunn, the old man had his lands in the pocket of a waiting pas senger at tho Oregon Electric station, .and was doing some tall digging for a pioco of change. 81 i1 it zt n i n m . M 1 1 1 v. n VI ;i i n ti n tt n u ' n M I II ; II i 11 ? II Rain Coats, Cravanette and Water Proofed 1 Overcoats in all sizes and descriptions, from $5 to $25. The need of one now is but the forewarning of the great need of a good rain shelter during the coming months. Bishop Quality will be just as apparent in the line of Rain Coat a in the suit bearing the ame label. A very complete line of umbrellas, $1.00 to $5.00. Salem Woolen Mills Store ut Cym mm mm mm nm mwi wm mm mw mm mpi w mt J For the reason she did not under stand the law, Rosa Trierchley, charged with larceny by bailee, was not com pelled to plead in Justice Webster's j court this morning when arraigned. Miss Trierchley is accused of the ; crime of stealing a horse and buggy, 'Whon brought before Justice Webster ( this morning, the girl stated that she Knew notning oi tne law, and did not want to proceed with her case until her mother in Oregon City was notified. The judge ordered that she be confined in jail until such time as her parent could be notified. As the result of Sheriff Esch and his force keeping a ctose lookout for the slick-fingered parties, and the police in the city following the same example, but one holdup and an attempted pick pocket case was recorded last week. The holdup was not reported to the author ities, and the pickpocket was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Minto. This is the finest record the officers have ever made during the 52 years the state fair has been in existence, and it is one that the authorities may well boast of. DEATH NOTICES. T FOSTER. Tn this city, October 6, 191.1, Mrs. Eudora Minerva Foster, wifo of L. M. Foster, aged 48 years, 8 months and 19 days. A husband, one son, Kent, and daughter, Pcth, and a brother 0. W. Moon of this city and a brother and sister at Wellman, Iowa, mourn her loss SAYS PEOPLE LIKE IT. rnifiTRD rnisn tshhd wins. Washington, Oct, 6. Presidont Wil son told callers at tho White House to day that he was convinced the people generally are satisfied with the admin istration currency bill. It was under stood he is receiving scores of letters of approval from small bankers. TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS FOR THEY BRING RESULTS VI El 11 II II i U II II II II 11 II II 11 11 is if M II 11 ri minim urn im. i mm wip wjt 1 m am FEATURES OF THE INCOMEJTAX LAW Minimum Exemption Is Placed al $3,000 Annually. $1,000 MORE FOR FAMILIES Additional Taxes For Incomes Above $20,000, Increasing Until the Maxi mum of 6 Per Cent Is Reached on the Excess Above $500,000 Penalties For Failing to Make Reports, The Income tax feature of the new tariff law, made possible by the adop tion of an amendment to the federal constitution, marks a new feature In tariff legislation. It Is expected to yield an annual revenue exceeding $100,000,000. which makes possible the reduction of tariff duties. - Under the terms of tne sew law a tnx of 1 per cent will be levied on all Incomes In excess of $3,000 with cer tain exemptions. The bill provides that there shall be "an additional tax of 1 per cent per annum upon the amount by wblcb the total net Income xceeds $20,000 and does not exceed $50,000. and 2 per cent per annum upon the amount by which the total net Income exceeds $50,000 and does not exceed $75,000. 3 per cent per an num upon the amount by which tbe total net Income exceeds $75,000 and does not exceed $100,000. 4 per cent .per annum upon the amount by which tbe total net Income exceeds $100,000 and does not exceed $250,000, 5 per cent per annum upon the amount by which the total net Income exceeds $200,000 and does not exceed $500,000 and 6 per cent per annum upon the amount by wblch the total net Income exceeds $500,000." Individuals to Make Returns. Every person subject to tbe Income tnx must make a report of his Income to the collector of Internal revenue In the district In which be lives or In which his business Is carried on. In denning what shall be considered Income for taxation, the bill says: "Subject only to sucb exemptions and deductions as are hereinafter al lowed, the net Income of a taxable person shall Include gains, profits and Income derived from sularles, wages or compensation for personal service of whatever kind and In whatever form paid, or from professions, vocations, businesses, trade, commerce or sales or dealings In property, whether real or personal, growing out of tbe ownership or use of or Interest 1. real or personal property; also from Interest rent divi dends, securities or the transaction of any lawful business carried on for gain or profit or gains or prollts and Income derived from any source whatever, In cluding the income from but not tbe value of property acquired by gift, be quest, devise or descent, provided thnt tbe proceeds of life Insurance policies paid upon the death of the person In sured or paymehts made by or credited to the Insured on life Insurance, en dowment or annuity contracts upon the return thereof to the Insured at the maturity of tbe term mentioned In tho contract or upon surrender of the con tract shall not be Included as income." The provisions of tbe bin for exemp tions as finally agreed on are: "There shall be deducted from the amount of the net Income of each of said persons, ascertained as provided herein, the sum of $3,000 plus $l,UO0 additional If the person making the re turn be a married man with a wife, living with him and being herself not taxable under the Income tnx law, or plus the sum of $1,000 additional If the person making tbe return be a married woman with a husband living with her and being himself not taxable under the Income tax law, but In no event shall this nddlttonnl exemption of $1, OOO be deducted by both a husband and a wife " Foreign Residents to Be Taxed. The bill contains provisions for the tnxntlon of the Incomes of citizens re siding In foreign countries on Incomes derived from property owned or bust--lies carried on In the United States. The bill also provides: "That If any person, corporation, joint stock company, association or In surance company liable to make the return or pny the tax aforesaid shell refuse or neglect to make a return at the time or times hereinbefore speci fied In each year, such person shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $20 nor more thun $1,000. Any person or any officer of any corporation required by law to make, render, sign or verify any return who makes any false or fraudulent return or statement with In. tent to defeat or evade the assessment required by this section to be made shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not exceeding $2,000 or be Imprisoned not exceeedlng one year, or both, at the discretion of the court, with the costs of prosecution." Tbe first to Is to be levied and col lected on Incomes from March 1, 11)13. to Dec. 31, 1913. Thereafter tbe In come shall be computed for calendar years ending with Dec. 31. The bill also provides that the In come of states, territories or political subdivision shall not be taxed, and there shall no tax levied on Incomes derived by nates and municipalities from the of-ratlon of public utilities, but this do, not exempt the corpora tion operating the utilities from paying tax on the portion of the Income due to the municipality. No, Cynthia, marrying an artist or sculptor docs not make one S model wife. A woman never shows the white feather if some other color is more fashionable. "HE GOT HIS PRICE. In Pact He Had to Have It and Far a Very Good Reason. Tody Hamilton had an experience with an editor of a weekly paper in Michigan when be was general press representative with the Barnuin & Bailey show that gave blm a new view of finance. The big show was billed to appear at Owosso, Mich., and the contract agent with the No. 1 advertising car bad failed to come to terms with the editor of a weekly at a little junction point twenty miles distant Hamilton went to the little town, sought out tbe editor and prepared copy for a double column advertisement "I'll give you $10 and twenty tickets for two weeks' service In your paper, two columns, mostly cuts," said Ham ilton to the editor. "Oh, no, you won'tl You'll give me $63 or the advertisement won't go." replied the editor coolly. ."Sixty-three dollars! Great Scott!" roared Hamilton. "That's more than your Infernal paper Is worth. I never give more than $10 and twenty tickets for our stuff In any country weekly. Man, you're crazy, stark mad!" All efforts at persuasion failed. Tbe editor remained obdurate. It was $G3 or nothing. Finally In despair Hamil ton exclaimed: "Why do you make It $03? You might as well make It $103. It's just as unreasonable." "I'll tell you, friend," replied the edi tor calmly. "I have a note coming due shortly for just tbnt amount, and you have got to pay It" inrmllton did. for be needed the ad vertising In thnt particular weekly, and the editor knew It New York Sun. PLAGIARISM. Only Crime Whan One Filches From the Commonplace. Plagiarize all you please, provided you steal from tbe right sources, for the secret of Individuality is familiar ity with the masters. Tbe great gen iuses were meant to be objects of plagiarism. To be plain, the more you absorb of a first class mind the more your own originality Is fed. Plagia rism is only a crime when it is a theft of commonplaces from mediocre sources. Let tbe young musician soak full of Beethoven. Wagner, Mozart and Men delssohn. That Is the surest way for blm to find himself. To absorb comic opera music Is tbe way to smotber, lose and kill himself. Let the young preacher preach Bush noil, Robertson and Brooks. So doing, he will come to preaching blmself. As for writers, there 1b truth In tbe advice given by a great man that the best way to acquire a good style Is to read Addison and exercise oneself In endeavoring to rewrite blm. You cannot plagiarize the Bible, nor Shakespeare, nor Homer, nor Dante, nor Milton. These have ceased to be meu: they are humanity. You can plagiarize Shaw, or Brete Harte, or tbe last "best seller. To (solute oneself from the mas ters Is not the road to originality; It Is the road to vulgarity. "Few English authors." says nam merton. "studied past literature more willingly thun Shelley and Tennyson, and none are more original." Frank Crane In Woman's World. Prohiitorio Man In Belgium, Prehistoric man bas been traced In several periods In Belgium, and M. Putot, a Belgian geogoglut, has made a novel attempt to estimate the popu lation nt different stages. In the lower Aurlgnucluu period live of Belgium's numerous caves seem to have been In habited, their capacity being fifty to sixty persons. In tbe Magdalenean period tho population was probably sixty. Retreat of the Ice permitted leaving the shelters, at tbe close of this period, and the Bottlers on the bunks of the lakes may soon have numbered 100 or 130. The coming of the Cervldes forests perhaps developed a population of 1.000, wblcb may have Increased to 4,000 or 5,000 at the be ginning of the polished stone age. New York PreBa, Whist Whist undoubtedly Is derived from the old game of trumps, which has a purely English lineage. There is no record of the origin of this game nor of Its development Into ruff and hon ors, which was the parent of whist Tho earliest reference to It Is believed to be In a sermon of Latimer about the year l.r)29. Tbe name probably is derived from the "hlBt" or "sllenco" which close attention to play demands of the players. Glasgow's Pavements. According to an excellent custom in Glasgow, before any street Is paved or rcpaved nil city departments that may be likely to open the street are communicated with so as to give them an opportunity to exnmlne their pipes or make necessary repairs, alterations or renews Is before the paving Is laid. Chicago News. While There's Life Mrs. Matchem forty years old, Mr. Slngloton, and never been married. Dear me! But surely you have not given up all hope? Singleton No, In deed! I hope I am safe for another forty years, anyway. Boston Tran script All Sorts. First Diner-Let me see. I think I'll order some lamb. Second Diner Don't! I never order lamb In this place; It's mutton before you get It Boston Transcript Even those who have sn iron consti tution must oboy the laws and by laws of nature. It takes a girl to marry man be cause he is a good dancer, thon blame him bocause he is s poor provider. Imuran rxiss uisid wias. Seattle, Wash.. Oct. 6. The Seattle Star, today, in s prominently displayed editorial on the first page, demanded that Governor Lister immediately call a special session of the legislature of the state pf Washington for the pur pose of considering impeachment of Judge Humphries. As an alternative, the newspaper sug gested that the prosecuting attorney taRe steps for the elimination of the judge from the King county Buparior bench. The editorial followed Humphries' statement, during the fire which dam aged the Times newspaper plant here yesterday to the extent of $75,000, that the Socialists who had signed the peti tion of defiance against Humphries were guilty of arson and should be ar rested, i Fire Marshal Harry W. Bringhuret this afternoon had discovered no evi dence that the Times fire was of incen diary origin. He declared today it was caused by a gas explosion. HIDES MONEY WHILE ASLEEP AND THINKS HE IS ROBBED Pierce Walker, a stroot car conduc tor, is still being joshed by other em ployes as a result of the temporary loss of i36 belonging to the company. He had collected that amount on his car, and was unable to turn it in when he finished his run. He stayed at the car barns, as did many other conductors during the fair week rush, and when he arose from his bunk could find nothing of his monoy sack. He reported his loss to the company, and was informed that he would have to make good the amount. Although convinced ho had been robbed, Walker returned to the car barns and again searched for the cash. He found the money stuffed in his mattress, where he evidently placed it some time during the night, when he was too sleepy to know what he was doing. FLOOD CONDITIONS WOBSE. tuHiTitD rasss UUSID wiks.1 Austin, Tox., Oct. 6. Flood condi tions along the lower Rio Grande grew worse today. The Rio Grande has over flowed in many places, doing immense damage. Matamoras, Mexico, was in undated from two to six feet deep. WILSON SAYS FATE WEATHER. tJXITID FICSS LS1SID WIRI.1 Washington, Oct. C "Boys," Pres ident Woodrow Wilson told the office force' today, "my razor strop worked smoothly this morning. That indicates fcir weather for tho opening of the world's seriee tomorrow between the Giants and Athletics." HUNTER IS KILLED. (DKIT1D rUSS MASSD Will. Aberdeen, Wash., Oct. 6. John Leord, aged 29 injured yesterday while hunting, die I today from loss of blood. Ho pulled his gun over a log with tho muzzle toward him, tho charge outeriug his right side. HE MAY BE PRESIDENT. UNITED TBISS I.1AHID wins.1 Nognles, Ariz., Oct. fl. Residents hero were inuJincd today to take seri ously General (irrunza's proclamation of himself president of Mexic;. FORMERLY OF QUAKER CITY. cnitid rums lcashd wiiu.1 Philadelphia, Oct. 0. The police hore sny that Henry Spencer, held in Chica go for the murder of Mildred Hexront, and who says he has killed at leant 11 persons, formerly lived here. Ho was known in Philadelphia, the polico says, as Edward Good. IHb father, mother and Bisters now live hero. SAYS HE OAVE UP $10,000. CN1TK0 TRESS IJBASKD W1BB.1 Albany, N. Y., Oct. fl. Kdward Mee ley, of New York, testified before the impeachment court that ho gave Sulzer 10,000 "for his personal campaign, without Interest and without security and tho money is not repaid yet." Provisional Government, "Father." said the small boy, "what Is n provisional government?" "Well, my sou. my Impression In a general way Is thai a prnvUlouul gov ernment Is imp that has tn keep hu tllug from day to duy fur provUloim." WiiHhliigtuL Star. ' The Bttt of Frlsnda. "Are you good friends of tb Rrowns?" "I should think so We're tnklnv cure of their canary, bulldog and gold dsn while they're ubruiid." Detroli Free Press. Difficult Ftst. There nre a lot of dllllcult feats, bill probably the most tlllllnilt ut nil Is thnt of reiiiimlrliiu tile name uf the mini to whom you have Just been Intro rllicrd Philadelphia Ledger. I.ty bold on life with both bands. Wherever thou muyvxt seize It it Is Interesting.- Goethe. When s man marries ho cuts out tho solo and takes part in s duet, and for two or three days thereafter, he thinks life is one grand, sweet long. ANAMENDEDGOMP LIT r j IN PRISON FUND ii The attorney-general is irenarinir an amended complaint in the suit brought by the state against Governor West. Secretary of State Olcott and State Treasurer Kay, on account of alleged unlawful use of money received from the so-called prison revolvine fund. There is no claim that the money was not well spent, or that it was usei for any purpose other than needed state work. The only question involved is whother the law was complied with in the expending of the money. Judge Kelly held kwt week when the" case came up, that no allegation of damage had been made and that this was fatal to the complaint The amended com plaint is to covor this point. It will be up to the state in the trial of the case to prove that the state has been dam aged, and this it will probably be tiret- ty hard to do, as tho state has benefit ed by the expenditure of the money rather than damaged thereby. 10 PIECES IN COLLISION A box car being pushed south by an Oregon Electric switch engine and a work engine collided on the bridge on the west side of South Commercial street here this morning, resulting in tho box car being practically torn to piecos, and the work engine receiving a badly damaged pilot and motor house. The switch engine was pushing two box vara and a baggage car west on the main lino track with a view to return ing to the Front street siding. The work train approached from the south, and noither motorman observed the danger until the two trains were close together. According to tho men on the work train, their engine was backing up before the switch engine and train struck. t 10 TEN YEARS GIVEN A sentence of from one to ten years was given Prank Toland this morning by Judge Kelly. Toland was indicted on the charge of forgery, and pleaded guilty last Saturday. WICKED OLD ELEPHANT CAUSES OIRL TO BLUSH Tho circus elephant at the fair groundspullcd a Btunt not on the pro gram late Saturday afternoon. A girl and her beau woro passing, and the ani mal, which had been rather unruly for some time, grasped tho lower part of the girl's skirt with his trunk and en doavorcd to tear her clothes off. "Stop that now," the girl shrieked in a high soprano, whiio her escort yolled lustily. An employe of the circus made the elephant release tho girl, and blushing furiously, she quickly disappeared in tho crowd. PLEAD NOT GUILTY 10 CHARGE Homer Yates, the man who Bhot and kilted Mrs. Myrtle Hayes, near Fruit land, recently, appeared beforo Judge Kelly, this morning, and, upon advice of his attorney, Frank Holmes, pleaded not guilty. IHb trial was set for II o'clock next Monday morning. Yatos' genernl appcuraneo in court this morn ing was that of a haggard, worn out man. Ho sat with his hands clasped in his lap and did not bnt an eye during Tho entire proceedings. I'robalily no preceding president ever led his party majority in congress as completely and successfully as Wilson has dono. Tho Democratic members not ony follow his advice or instruc tions, but do so willingly and without resentment. Sensible firmness is a very different thing from jackassical obstinacy. YE LIBERTY TODAY AND TOMORROW 1 Big Vaudeville Program. ERNEST MILLER Famous GermanBaritone Songs Old and New. EDDIE HOWARD The Crazy ClownFrom Pantages. SUTTON, McINTYRE AND SUTTON Just from the Orpheum, presenting the eccentric novelty "The Pumpkin Girl." Half a ton of special scenery. FOUR NEW PICTURES. 10c ii GLOBE TODAY AND TUESDAY THE HAND OF PROVI DENCE drama. GENESIS IV-IX A two-reel feature STUNG A comedy full of laughter "TINEY SNYDER" One of the greatest bari tones ever appearing in any moving picture house in Salem. Ask those who heard him Sunday. Here all week. THE GLOBE "The House of Refine ment" ' 10c 10c THE Fair Paid Dividends To those who paid admission, as it was extra good value this year 0. H. P. Cough Syrup Will pay larger dividends to those who invest in it, as It will Bars you money in doctors' bills, during the winter. It is the best remedy known for throat and lung troubles. . 25c and 50c. Guaranteed. Opera House Pharmacy E MflDDflU muii Tuesday morning committees of the Commercial dub will intorviow Balem ites for the purpose of increasing the membership thereof. The importance of the club is being realized more and more each day, and every person in the city that can afford it should do some thing towards adding to its efficiency. Under the' present arrangements there is no fixed sum of dues, subscribers giv ing monthly what they choose.. Every dollar counts, adds to the working strength of the club and helps build up a greater and bettor Salem. ' When the committee comes around your way bear this In mind, and do your part to wards tho good cause. YOU MUST BE SURE AND SEE THIS WHEN WOMEN GO ON THE WARPATH. The greatest two-reel bur lesque ever put out by the Vitagraph Co. It's a scream from start to finish FRENCH AUTO RACES Full of Thrills and spills. A Big Program. WEXFORD ALWAYS THE BEST PIC-TURES