Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 06, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Pastor Russell's Sermon
"The Suffragette?
Prison Statistics Support the In
ference, Says Pastor Russell.
Reverence For God Constitutional With
Alt With Proper Conception! of God
All Would Delight to Worship Him.
How Satan Hat Foatered the Mia
concoptiona How Theee In Turn
Hav. Driven Men From the Almighty
In Feer God Hoi Been Pictured aa
Beelzebub The Bible, Coneidered
the Revelation of 8atanio Purpose,
la 8hunned Tha People Pariah For
Lack of Knowledge Tha True God
Should Ba Preached True Knowl
edge Will Draw AH Toward Him.
Columbus. Ohio,
September 2 8.
Pastor Russell
preached two dis
courses here to
day. We report
one of them from
the text "If our
Gospel be bid. It
Is hid to them that
are lost, in whom
the god of this
world hath blind
ed the minds of
them which be
lieve not lent the light of the glorious
Gospel of Christ, who Is the image of
God. should sblne unto them." 2 Cor
lutLlans 4:3. 4.
I do not charge our forefathers with
evil Intent In I tie making of the creeds.
I cheerfully admit that every creed
contains an element of Divine Truth.
My contention is that Sutan, tbe great
Adversary of God. substituted tbe
creeds for the Bible; and Into the
creeds, through bnman weakness, be
Injected a sufficiency of nonsense and
"doctrines of devils" to render them un
bealtbful for the taints, and absolutely
poisonous to others, said Pastor Rus
sell. Taking np his text be declared tbat
its truthfulness Is manifest on every
hand. The word Coupe! signifies the
good Messnge, It Is the Message of tbe
angels at the birth of Jesus: "Behold,
we bring you Ithe Gospel good tidings
of great Joy. which shall be unto all
people!" This Gospel of joy and
blessing, of Divine Love and Mercy to
ward our race, an Id tbe Pastor, is com
pletely bidden from the world. Even
matured Christians discern but little
of tt. because the creeds of human tra
dition have so misrepresented God and
Ills purposes as to make of them bad
tidings not good tidings.
Hath Blinded Their Minds.
St. Paul, as well as the other Apos
tles, foretold the fulling away of the
Church from "the faith once delivered
to the snlnts"; and be particularly
pointed out Unit this would be the re
sult of giving heed to "seducing splrUs"
and "doctrines of demons" the fallen
angels. (1 Timothy 4:1; Jude 6.) In a
thoimnnd ways, through mediums,
plunchettes, visions and (1 reams, etc.,
these fallen, seducing spirits have In
truded their demon doctrines upon the
Church of Christ And the whole pur
port of their evil work seems to be to
deceive mankind In respect to God's
real purposes toward them, and Ills
renl character.
How wonderfully successful Satan
and his fallen angels, tbe demons,
have been! While persuading men
that they were far off, stoking 11 res for
humanity's future torture, they have
really lieen hobnobbing with ecclesias
tics and assisting In misinterpretation
of the Illhle especially its parables
and symbolic statements. To such an
ritent Is this true that the glory of
Giid manifested In Jesus for human j
salvation Is completely confused ami i
unintelligible to the world,
Cnbellevers can reason, and do rea
son. Those who reside In civilized
In nds, Instructed along the lines of the
creeds, Inquire. Why did God make us
sinners, with depraved appetites anil
sentence us to eternal torment, and
then send Jesus to be the Snvlnr of
merely such as become saints, believ
ers In certain doctrines which they
themselves call mysterious? lutein
Kent heathen similarly ask. Why should
God make such n plan as the mission
aries relate? Why should He condemn
us all to eternal torment and then
make provision for only the few who
hear of Jesus, and believe tho myste
ries and monstrous Inconsistencies of
wiiii of the creeds?
lo not the facts today, after eight
een centuries of creed blinded Chris
tlaulty. corroborate the AKstlc's state
ment tbat the "god of this world." fa
tan, "hntb blinded tbe minds of them
that believe not?" Otherwise surely
the glorious Gospel of Christ now be
coming more and more clear to Bible
students, would long nuo have shone
Into many hearts, carrying Joy and
pence through reconciliation with God
Tim statement of our text "If our
Gospel be hid. It Is hid to them that
are lost," does not moan that they are
lost because they cannot see the Gos
pel. Tho Bible distinctly tells us that
all of Adam's race are lost through dis
obedience. The Apostlo evidently
means that the masses of tbe lost
world raunnt see the Gospel light it
: to bidden from them. Only the com
WtraUveiy few lee it, and the; only as
' -'V
they are guided by the Holy Spirit and
their eye of understanding open.
We may well thank God that the
i. -ie in wbicb Satan will be thus priv
ileged to put darkness for light to de
ceive the world Is limited. Tbe Bible
prophesies that soon Christ will take
His great power. His first work will
be the binding of Satan that be may
oo longer deceive men. And then tbe
Redeemer will begin His great work
of blessing mankind. In the thousand
years of His appointed reign.
What Priaon 8tatiatica Show.
In all modern prisons statistics are
kept wblch show tbe religious instruc
tion received by the prisoners earlier
In life. In almost every instance the
prisoners guilty of the most serious of
fenses were from infancy trained to
think of tbe Almighty as the great
Enemy of His creatures, who foreknew
and fore-arranged for the eternal tor
ture of all but a handful. Did these
creeds better those who confessed
them? Did they Inspire in tbe parents
of these criminals beart-devotlon to
God? Nay, in almost every case where
the false, horrible creed-Idol was wor
shiped, fear prevailed instead of love,
bedlam Instead of holiness. Is not
this tbe case even today In tbe major
ity of homes of so-called Christendom?
Foolish Feara, Vain Imagination!.
Little have we realized the foolish
ness of such reasoning. The Influence
of the creeds of the Dark Ages has
been the very reverse of what has been
expected of them. Man naturally baa
a reverence for God. This may be
seen In tbe shape of bis bead by those
who can read pbrenologlcally. It Is
seen also in tbe fact that in beatben
lands worship Is practised. Tbe true
knowledge of God would incline men
to come to Him. The highest qualities
of their being would find expression
In worship, praise, adnratlon. With
the enlightenment of the Bible man
would Indeed learn tbat all are sinners.
that all come short of that glorious
perfection which God originally creat
ed and which alone He can approve.
Guided by Bible instruction ' these
would realize that "the wages of Bin Is
death" not eternal torment Romans
3:10-12: 6:23.
The desire for life everlasting per
sists In every creature: and man's at
titude would have been to approach
his Creator to ascertain if It would not
be possible for him to return to rela
tionship with God and to regain tbe
gift of life everlasting. Then would
have come the answer that no fallen
creature is able to recover himself, but
that God has provided through Jesus
death a reconciliation.
A Savior Able to Save.
Aa the repentant one would strive to
live up to tbe Divine standards and
find It impossible because of inherited
Imperfections, be would be drawn to
the merciful Father In Heaven, to
learn bow to attain to the condition
which his benrt coveted. Then he
would hear tbe answer through the
8crlptures that while God has provided
for the world in general a thousand
years of Restitution, yet He Is willing
now to receive a few choice characters,
on special terms. These must have
their Master's spirit, a love tor right
eousness and a hatred for Iniquity, a
loyalty to God ready to lay down life
and every other thing In His Bcrvlce.
Such would be Inducted by faith Into
the elect Church, would be begotten
of the Holy Spirit to be trained by
trials, dllllcultles. testings and polish
lngs, and eventually, If faithful, be
accorded a change of nature from
earthly to Heavenly, participation with
Christ In Ills great work of blessing
ami restoring humanity during Dls
thousand-year Reign. .
Errors Effect tha Oppoiite.
Our wily foe, Satnn, well knew all
this, aud has worked In opiKisltlon to
It By hiding from men the true Gos
pel Unlit, he has, driven them In dread
away from their best Friend Al
mighty God, From infancy they hoped
to escape eternal torture, but as the
weaknesses of their fallen nature yield
ed to tbe temptations on every band,
they pruyed forgiveness. As sins mul
tiplied, doubts and fears gained con
trol, and In dread of God and In fear
of tho unjust aud unmerciful arrange
ments of the future taught them from
Infancy, they pltiuged headlong Into
sin, strlvii g to forget God. Some were
led to out- excess, Koine to another
gambling, drunkenness, frivolity, pleasure-seeking.
One merchant told me of bis own ex
perience He said. "My good Methodist
wife told me 1 would surely go to bell.
I replied, 'Mary, I know It, I know )tl
Aud when 1 get there, there will be
one sinner who will deservo some
thing.'" He said. "Pastor Russell, I
held the ordinary view-that all except
the saintly were sure to spend eternity
In torture. That seeinsd to me most
unjust that the Almighty had taken
advantage of His power to create us
under unfavorable conditions, with tho
fore-knowledge that we should spend
eternity In torment i concluded that
one person at least would deserve
some of It"
A lady of wealth and refinement told
me that secretly she had always feared
the future, believing Implicitly the
teachings of the creeds. She said, "I
went Into society deliberately, with a
view to drowning my thoughts on re
ligious subjects." She did not feel
drawn to the God presented In the
creeds. She merely granted film His
Power and sought to forget Him: yet
all the while, ss she herself said, she
was unhappy. Her soul found no rest
Both of these people have since
found the true God have come to
know II I m In Ills true character, as
presented to us In the Bible, when
rightly understood. They are both
happy, both zealous, seeking to lay
down their lives In Ills service, and
taking pleasure 111 everything which,
Id Hli providence, they art permitted
to experience, knowing tbat "all things
are working together for good to those
who love God, the called according to
His purpose."
"Morning Dawna, Arise, Arlee!"
Tbank God. tbe morning of Im
manuel's Day Is dawning! It I bring
ing light upon every subject Tbe
chains uf error and superstition, state
craft and priest-craft are breaking.
True, some may thus be led to ex
tremes and, mistaken, revolt against
all religions and all authority and all
laws of God and man. Tbat la but a
natural mistake. Tbe pendulum swings
naturally to an opposite extreme and
requires some little time to steady
itself upon a true center.
Tbe proper thought for ns all la the
one which the Bible gives, namely,
tbat our delusions and bondages, onr
superstitions and errors, although by
men, were not of men. Satan baa been
our great Adversary. He it ! against
whom we are to feel tbe special In
dignation. Like ourselves, others of
humanity were blinded. Illustrations
of this blindness were frequent during
tbe Dark Ages. Men and women, mis
understanding tbe character and the
Plan of God, were Just as sincere as
ourselves when they sought to copy
wbat tbey supposed to be tbe Creator's
methods by torturing eacb other, burn
ing one another at tbe stake, etc.
These mistakes were not made whol
ly by one denomination, even as the
errors which led to these mistakes
were not held merely by one denomi
nation. Presbyterians were persecut
ed, and In turn persecuted others; so
did Episcopalians. Methodists. Bap
tists. Catholics, etc. Mistakes so com
mon In tbe past are not to be blamed
either against denominations or against
individuals. In harmony with our
text we should charge them up to tbe
"god of this world" Satan.
Instead of feeling anger and hatred
and charging others with having kept
us In Ignorance and superstition, let us
rather rejoice together and glv thanks
to God that our chain at last are
breaking. Let us remember Saul of
Tarsus ns an Illustration of bow a
good man, misled of tbe Adversary,
became a persecutor of tbe Church of
Christ As be was freely forgiven of
God, and showed himself a loyal serv
ant of the King of kings, so let us re
gard others of our day as equally loyal.
and let us trust that they will become
equally faithful a tbey come under
the Influence of tbe great light from
Heaven, now shining.
Put Away, Therefore, All Thaaa.
St. Paul urges us. as children of the
light to walk In tbe light Jesus bids
us to let our light so shine before oth
ers that we may thus glorify the Fa
ther In Heaven. St Peter says tbat
we shall show forth the praises of
Him who has called us out of darkness
Into His marvelous light The light
that Is now shining upon tbe pathway
of God's faithful people Is not a new
light It Is the same light wblch Jesus
and the Apostles held forth and rejoic
ed In. For the time being, it has been
lost burled under the rubbish and su
perstition and error of eighteen centu-
les. Now, In Qod's providence, these
obstructions are being seen. We are
coming out from under their influence
Into the sunlight the true light wblch
shall yet lighten every man, as God's
Word has promised.
The question with each and all of us
who now perceive the source of the
darkness In which we have been and
the source of the light Into which we
have come Is, What shall we render
unto tho Lord for all His benefits?
How shall we best show to our gra
cious Lord our appreciation of His gra
cious character, of His true Plan of
Salvation? The Scriptures assure us
that we can best show our love and
loyalty by Improving the opportunities
which the Lord affords us for witness
ing for Him and His Truth, wblcb rep
resents Ulin.
Our time, our talents, our privileges,
our opportunities, are limited. At very
most we can do but little, now earn
est we should be to demonstrate to tbe
Lord our love and appreciation! How
faithful we should be to others In car
rying tbem the light even as we our
selves appreciate the channels which
God used In bringing the blessings to
usl How wise we should be, realizing
that our opponent Is Satan himself, and
not being Ignorant of his devices!
We are not to show forth our own
praises, for we have nothing praise
worthy. What have we that we have
not received? We did not make the
Divine Plan. We merely learned of It
by the grace of God. In telling It to
others, therefore, tills fact should be
remembered, that It Is not ours, but
His. As we compare the Divine Plan
of Salvation presented In the Bible
with nil the different plans of salvation
represented In the various creeds of
Christendom, we see how wonderfully
different It Is from them all.
In the light of our day all are asham
ed of the things set forth by the great
and the wise of centuries ago. We
might Indeed have reason to be proud
If we had manufactured the Divine
Plan of the Ages. If It wore our con
ception. But no. It Is of the Father
and by the Son, and we are merely
privileged to be minister or servants
of the Father, of the Son and of the
Truth honored servants, truly, but
servants still.
And evidently, when the Mnster shall
say to the faithful ones, "Well done,
good and faithful servants," He will
add, "I will make you rulers ovet
many things, because y have been
faithful over a few things." More anil
mure we realize that our talent, om
opportunltlm of the present time, are
few aud mihi II. Only of God's graei
may they becnine worthy of anything
nnd only by Ills hlesslng may they I
powerful to the pulling down of thr
strongholds nf error and to the build
Inn up of Ills people In the Moat Hoi)
Edjjor and Publisher of Etlverton Jour
nal Host Answer to Charge Be
fore Court Here.
Ball Bond of 1250 Is Continued by
Judge Kelly Until Case la Dis
posed of by Jury.
J. E. Hosmer, editor and publisher
of the Silveiton Journal, was indicted
by the Marion county grand jury Sat
urday afternoon on a charge of crim
inal libel. On motion of the defend
ant's attorney, Walter Winslow, he was
given until next Friday morning in
which to file a demurrer to the true bill
Hosmer 's former bail of $250 satisfied
the court today and ho was released.
The indictment of Editor Hosmer wns
returned on the recommendation of Cir
cuit Judge Kelly, after a presentment
had been made to the court by the
grand jury which involved several
points of law upon which the jury de
sired enlightenment. The presentment
wns considered by Judge Kelly last
Thursday afternoon and at that time
he advised the grand jury to bring in a
true bill.
Judge's Ruling,
The presentment made by the grand
jury included questions bearing upon
the law in respect to whether or not
statements made by a third party that
are printed constitute criminal libel;
whether or not it wan necessary for the
jury to determine whether or not the
statements made by tho third party
were true, and whether or not it de
volved upon the jury to determine the
seriousness and effect of such state
ments. Judge Kelly held that it was not the
duty of the gnynd jury to ascertain the
truth or veracity of the statements pub
lished by the defendant, but that it
must determine whether or not he real
ly did publish or instigated the publi
cation of such statements or affidavits
made by the third party or parties. He
told the jury that it wns the duty of
the district attorney to prosecute com
plaints wherein a defendant is charged
with printing criminal libelous matter
against another, whether or not the ar
ticles are true or not. It remained for
the jury to decide as to the truth and
authenticity of the article in question
he said. ,,
In conclusion, Thursday, -tho court
advised the jury that criminal libel
constituted a breach of the peace and
was a direct violation of the law and
that, if it found that the defendant
printed Buch libelous statements, an in
dictment should be returned.
Indictment Lengthy.
The indictment returned by the grand
jury was one of the most voluminous
ever submitted to the court in this coun
ty. It review all of the printed matter
involved in the subject of the suit and
contained the full affidavit of Miss
Lasenan, the "escaped nun from Mt,
Angel Convent."
The defendant was in court and aftor
hearing the indictment read, his coun
sel, Attorney Winslow, argued that the
kill was complicated and that ho desir
ed to have time in which to give it
more thorough investigation before
pleading. Attorney Winslow said he
would file a demurrer to the indictment
Friday morning and that on Saturday
morning the matter would be argued.
Tho court and district attorney acqui
esced. Liszt Dry 8mekar.
Liszt was a dry smoker of a peculiar
type. Massenet who knew bin) well
In his later years, tells us that Llsrt
;ould not play unless he had a cigar
In his mouth, which be never troubled
to light He would sit down to the
piano with n cigar between his teeth
md keep munching It all tbe time be
played. When the clirnr was quite
?nteu up the ahhe would rise from the
.nstrument exhausted.
Making Sure.
"Understand me. sir. I cannot live
without your daughter"
"But don't you misunderstand me.
young man. What I want to know
now Is where you and Mary Intend to
live after you have been married."
St touts Republic.
"1 would walk on hot plowshare
for your sake, my love."
"Ye, and tbe mlnutu you tried It you
would get cold feet" Baltimore
Still the police pot of the past smokes
Independent Market
Thone 729.
255 Ferry St.
Best Eastern Hams .-23c lb.
A Good Bacon -17c lb.
Best Lard .J5c lb.
Good Mutton Chops ...5c lb.
Good Mutton Stow IQc lb.
They Clean Liver, Sweeten Stomach,
End Sick Headache, Bad Breath,
Indigestion, Cons tl nation.
Get a 10-cent box.
Are you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, pure and fresh with
Cascarets or merely forcing a passage
way every few days with salts, cathar
tic pills, castor oil or purgative waters?
Stop having a bowel wash day. Let
Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and regu
late the stomach, remove the sour and
fermenting food and foul gases, take
the excess bile from the liver and car
ry out of the system all the constipated
waste matter and poisons in the bowels.
A Ca.sca.ret tonight will nuke you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sicken or
cause any inconvenience, and cost only
10 cents a box from your druggist Mil
lions of men and women take a C'asea-
ret now and then and never have head
ache, biliousness, coated tongue, indi
gestion, sour stomach or constipated
bowels. Cascarets belong in every
household. Children just love to take
Ten Per Cent of America's Population
Work to Amuaa tha Rest
It has been roughly estimated that
10 per cent of ns, the people of the
United States, keep busy and earn our
living by amusing the other 00 per
cent This 10 per cent Includes those
who do the actual work of amusing
singers In grand opera, light opera,
concert; actors in the 'legitimate" the
aters, in vaudeville, in burlesque, in
small shows; performers In tbe vari
ous deportments of the innumerable
circuses, carnivals, Btreet fairs, base
ball players, football players, basket
ball players, motor racers, aviators,
boxers, innumerable exponents of in
numerable forms of professional ath
letics and professional sports.
It includes also the people who pro
mote these amusements, who incorpo
rate companies and manufacture de
vices to be used In amusing film com.
ponies, wltb armies of employees In
the moving picture field, for example;
the people In their large office forces,
the people who manage and direct the
aters, amusement parks, race courses,
athletic fields, etc.; stage bands, mech
anicians, electricians and employees In
countless other ramifications of tbe
general business of amusement
It includes those who originate
schemes of entertainment, those who
finance tbem, those who manage them,
those who execute them, those press
agents, advance men, sign painters,
"spielers" nnd "bankers," etc., who ad
vertise tbem and draw tbe attention of
the rest of ns the patrons who com
prise tbe other 00 per cent World'
A woman may not even want to
know her own mind until after she has
changed it four or five times.
A Great Big Laughing Show
Special Scenery Pretty Costumes
" and .
TheRich Rosebuds
Complete change of plays Tomorrow. Chorus girlt
contest Wednesday
"1 notice that you and Simmons don't
seem to be aa friendly as yon were for
merly." "No. He has no nse for me any
What' the matter?"
"At the club a few nights ago be at
tempted to tell a joke ut my expense,
and by a lucky Inspiration I was able
to slip In a remark wblcb turned tbe
laugh on him." Chicago Record-Herald.
For once, at least, the voters were
wrong and the judges right.
The Quality Shoe Store
Our men's work shoes are the most !
talked of SHOES IN TOWN. An'
army of men who know of the good
ness of these shoes continue to wear j
them every season and speak well j
of them to their friends. We believe
them to be the greatest value the j
price ever bought. j
yy-" 7?" !' (v-."
Over 1400 people attended the op
ing performance of the Frank B
company at the Bligh theatre yestc,
day. The unanimous verdict is that a
company is the best evor seen here
popular prices. This is the origim'
Frank Rich Co., known as the East'
company, and is headed by George R,
ton, who is ably assisted by Toimt
Burns, and a strong cast and a fii'
chorus. Tonight the company will pu
sent "The Suffragette," aud will a!'
change the bill every night durii
their stay.
Decided to Buy a Home?
You have? That's good! Now you must decide where
it's going to be located.
In reaching this important decision, The Capital Jour- ;
nal can help you. It is the official advertising medium i
of reliable real estate firms and individual agents who '
control the most desirable prospects in and about Salem.
In The Capital Journal "Want Ad" pages important
facts relative to city and suburban real estate, improved
and unimproved, are told from day to day by men who
know the situation men who are actively engaged in :
promoting the expansion of Salem.
Read what they have to say. Study the different lo
calities they talk about. Become as well informed as
Then, when you finally make your choice, you will be
satisfied with it. '
If you have something to exchange in part payment, t.
and wish to get in touch with some one who can use it to
advantage, write an ad for the "Real Estate Wanted" de- ;
partment. When it is ready bring it, send it, or phone it
to The Capital Journal.