fill the News that's' FJt to Print Everybody Reads the Daily 'Capital Journal At " n THE BEST ii THE LARGEST i CIECDLATION I J VCU7CDADED ? i Mt THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. SALEM, OEZOOH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1913. pnirv Tiwn rtWTfl " TUUIM AMD W"l rmu itiu is. BTANia, siva c&wra. mi 1 llfflifnuiiifl 7 IU. READY 11 FOR GREAT STATE FAIR UIMIL- J ' Arrangements Practically Com i pleted for Opening of the Gates Tomorrow. 'ANOTHER BUSY DAY 1 FOR EXHIBITORS ; Activity in All Sections of j Grounds and Buildings Are J Filling Up. ; Secretary Meredith was this at- ternoon called up by The Capital Journal for a last word about the state fair "I have not the flor- , ewenee of language to do the sub- , ject justice," said he, "but you i can anything in the way of praise ; that your vocabulary can suggest .' and then you will be short of the .facts. It is the biggest, the best, 'and way yonder the broadest in " the way of showing the divorsi- ',.'. fied character of Oregon's pro- ducts that was ever held in the state; and no other Btate can sur- pats the exhibits hore this yoar. No idea can be conveyed of it by i words. You just have to see It i ami it will take you the whole ' week to do it." : . ' The sreutest fair in the history of s the state of Oregon will open hero on j Monday and continue all week. The j program is the most extensive ever pre I pared hero and weather is all that is necessary to make the fair a Buccess in etery particular. All arrangements have ' liar... ..... 1 l. i llrH( many uompioieu. I j This was the busiest (lay so far this lessen at the grounds. Kverywucro it is bustle and hurry, and the amount of i tllff heitll)' hfinleil in ftimi.K- Annrmnlii .1 Should Teach Girls Modesty Dress of Today Denounced ai Sneaky, Cowardly Exposures by California University Professor. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIB1. Berkeley, C'al., Sept. 27. Educational courses in how to dress as a safeguard to growing girls are advocated here to day by four leading instructors of the University of California. "The dress of the women today," said Professor Thomas II. Eeed, of the dopartment of political science, "is the peculiar disgrace of the twentieth cen tury; they are sneaky and cowardly ex posures. It seems to be up to the schools to teach growing girls modesty. It is the one big thing that the mothers of today are overlooking." Dr. Eomilda Paroni, of the depart ment of hygiene, objects to the hobble and slit skirt. "I do not object," he said, "to free dom of the body, because the body is too beautiful. But parents are jeopard izing the lives of their children by per mitting the present indecent styles to exist' "The schools must teach modesty of ideas as well as drees, ' ' says Horbert E. Cory, professor of English. "Men stare at so-called fashionably gowned women. But they do so in contempt, not admir ation,." "Action should be taken beforo the crisis comes," said Dr. Florence Sylves ter. ' Mothers should dictate simple and decent styles, but they seem to have gone insane on the question of dress." BUILDING PERMITS TOTAL $7000 IN WEEK Even building work is giving way to the festivities which will take place in Salem next week at the state fair grounds, according to the number of building permits that were issued by Recorder Elgin. But $7000 is recorded this week. Contractors, however, are receiving a far greater share of business than thoy expected formerly, and they say that before' the fall rains set in there will be a hundred or bo homes all com pleted, ready for occupancy in the city. R. R. Ryan, who is clearing ground and making other preparations to build on his property on South Commercial street, hopes to have his one-story brick building up before the rains set in. Mr. Ryan intends to erect a modern structure which will be made the home of autos and other businesses. $5,000 REQUESTED BY '! "uuiiiiiuinii nini is tno most oacKwaru j ' '11, but this is natural for the show 's "tin made there !b only brought in at i u.. . . . mm inoinciii. more was a largo 'orce at work thoro.all day Friday, and ov tonight it will be in good shap There was quite a lot of stock iu the 'tails Friday night, and moro came to- '!)', so that by Monday tho big barns nd staliles will be filled to capacity. Exhibits Are Arriving. Along the switch dozens of ears are Wng unloaded, and every passenger train stops to add a great mass of ox 'bits to tho thousands already on the grounds, Tents aro going up in the mp ground and Mayor Tozicr is as 6uBy.a a hen with one chicken, or even u hen that would like to own one. M. hightlinger is anothor busy man the camp ground. He has one of the Mt furnished little houses on the pounds, and is busy all the time help H others get settled down. Among the arirvals Friday were Mr. '! Mrs. Wm. I'oworH, pioneers of 1840, d visitors at the fair regularly over 3 !lec the first one R7 years ago. 3 The flowers are even more lienutl- J fl than A few lnra turn a tl.rtV nra ill . J -K"l " "'ller bloom. They attract the atton ,io of a, ami all kinds of flattering "minenti, aro mado on the excellence of this feature. Lots of Machinery. The busiest place about the grounds a the machinery hall, where tho (lis f1")" aro being itten into shape. Tho " building, 12ixl75 feet, is filled ''til a conglomeration that will be nil "flit, if the luaHs enn ever lie straight ed out, and those in charge seem to lfcik this enn he done. A glance nt the lw.e fhuwed pretty nenrly everything ti'i way of machliierv that can be I nt anything except mailing wood- J nutmeg,. There are plows, little l,ly fellows and great gangs, harrows, harvesting machinery, from old fashioned cradle to the com- Jont1nupd on pane our.( Emergency Board Continues Its Discussion During After noon Session. OTHER SUMS ALLOWED Several Items Passed Upon and One Connected With Penitentiary Is Turned Down. Woman Wins in Recall Election The emergency board, created by the last legislature, which, passed a law making the creation of any doficieucy by any state officer a penal offense, without the sanction of this body, met for the first time this morning at 11 o'clock primarily to pass upon the mat ter of creating a deficiiency not to ex ceed $5000, in the matter of the en forcement of laws by the governor, it being practically for the carrying on of the prosecution of bootlegers, and vio lations of the liquor laws. Borne other matters came up, how- ( ever, and these were taken up first as a sort of preliminary to the.principal matter over which there is a wide dif ference of opinion. The last legislature authorized the governor to investigate the Portland gas franchise, but failed to provide any funds for doing the work. On motion of Malarkoy a defi ciency of $500 was authorized. There wpS' considerable squabbling over this. Mr. Kay took the. ground that a dofi ('iiMiey could uot exist whore there bad been no original appropriation. The County Superintendent Is Sustained Following Long Fight' Over Re vocation of Certificate. cnitcb run uuu wibi. Hanford, Cal., Sept. 27, Friends of Mrs. Fannie E. Davidson,'eounty super intendent of schools, were jubilant to day at her victory yesterdfty In tho first recall election ever held on the coast against a woman office holder. Her op ponents iraintained that it was simply because many voters did not like to cast their ballots against a woman, or objected to the principle of the recall that she won. The campaign, culminating in a ma jority of 650 for Mrs. Davidson, out of a total of 3300, 'followed a three years' fight with Principal T. J. Rose man, of the Hanford high school, which ended recently in the filing charges of unprofessionalism and immorality against Roesman and the revocation of his certificate by the county board of education. His friends retaliated with an at tempt to have the supervisors oust the board, and when this failed, the recall was instituted against the superintend ent. ' Mrs. Davidson has a year yet to serve. T, united mass muhed wire. Washington, Sept. 27. Democratic tariff conferees plan to eomplote their report today and hold a final confer ence Monday with Republicans bofore governor thought there was a deficien- i introducing the report iu the house. It STUDENT DIES OF INJURIES. UNITED rnESS LEASED WinB. Eugene, Or., Sept. 27. Claude Mc Donald, aged 19, of Portland, died here today from a fractured skull sustained when he fell on the cement floor of the University of Oregon gymnasium. Ho was a freshman. BOT KILLED BY UNKNOWN. cy when a follow or a fund was out of money, that, when he was broke he real ized he had a deficiency to face. Tho matter was authorized by a vote of 5 to 2, Kay and ForkinB voting no. Deficiencies Ordered. It was asked that a doficieucy of $0, 500 for repairs at the penitentiary be authorized. This was denied bv unani mous vote. There was a mistake made in apportioning the funds for transport ing insano, and a deficiency of not to exceed $3000 for this purpose was au thorized for the eastern Oregon branch asylum. A deficiency was authorized for a heating plant at the tuborculosis hospital. A deficiency for a building at the U. of O. which burned September 24 was authorized not to exceed $900. The stato does its own insurance and the rebuilding of this one is iu line with its insurance policy, the amount being Kaved in premiums. At ) o'clock this afternoon the board resumed its Hossion and at 2:30 no ac tion had been taken on the governor's application for $5000 to enforce the laws by means of special agents. UNITED PUEHS LEASEO WISE. Philadelphia, Sept. 27. The nude and frightfully mutilated body of an un identified littlo boy was found on the Country Club golf links hore early today. BY T! F UNITED MIESS LEASED WISE. w Orleans. Sent. 27. That the three bags of money stolen in the hold up of an Aliibaina Great Southern pas senger train near Tuscaloosa early yes terday probably contained moro man $200,000 was the declaration hero this fi.,riiimn of John Wogan, assistant chief of tho sub-treasury. The money he mid. was consigned to Louisiana and Alabama banks. TWO MEN KILLED. UNITED WEBS LiAHID WIRE. Redding, Cal., Sept. 27. Harney Ossela and Charles Elmoli, minors, were killed in an explosion at the Mammoth mine, near Kennett. is not believed, however, that the meas ure will be ready for; President Wil son's signature before the end of next week. Democratic senators claim victory In two-thirds of the items over which there were controversies, asserting that most of the low rates were accopted. The conferees, however, are expected to disagree on the cotton futures tax. KILLED BY EXPLOSION, t united vuss uabud win. L 'Orient, France, Sept. 27. Three workmen were killed and soven others injured here today by a compressed air chest, used in the construction of a quay, exploding when put in the water. SLAIN INJER OFFICE Beaten Over Her Head With Piece of Gas Pipe Until Her Brains Exude. WALLS BLOOD-SPATTERED More are Sent to Seattle Jail yWell-Known Attorney and President of International Union In Contempt of Humphries. Robbery Is Not Believed to Be Motive 'and There Is No Clue to Her Slayer. The Weather rev.... 2V Ht- rVH m ij; The Dickey Bird says: Oregon: Fair east, rain west por tion toniglit;warm er southwest por tion; Sunday rain, southorly winds, increasing along the north coast. UNITED rSESa LEASED WISE. Loe Angeles, Cal., Sept. 27. Mrs. Re becca P, Gay, a Christian Science prac titioner, was found murdered in her of fice in a downtown office building ear ly today. She had been beaten over the head until her brains exuded, with a piece, of three-quarter inch gas pipe wrapped in browu paper. The pipe lay beside her body. ' The body was found by a charwoman who screamed and then fainted. Jani tors hearing her outcfy notified the po lice. The floor and walls of the oifice were spattered with blood and tables and chairs were overturned. According to police detectives, no apparent -search of the office was made by the murderer. They don't bolieve robbery was the mo tive. Coroner Hartwell said that life had been extinct at least ten hours. Well Known Woman. Mrs. Oay was about 55 years of age. She was among the best known Chris tian Science practitioners of Los An geles. According to her friends, Mrs, Oay came here some time ago after a di vorce from John Gay, a wealthy citizen of San Diego, who since bos remarried. Guy aud the slain woman were mar ried in Iberville, La., December 20, 1877 she being from Bayou Goula, La. They cume to California in 1886 and to San Diego three years later. He charged that she deserted him in September, 1892, and sued for divorce, which wtts granted April 25, 1894. She failed to appear at the trial, and the case went by default, no alimony being granted. The case was tried before Judge W. L. Pierce. Gay has married twice Bince. Oay 111 at His Home. (ay is confined to hia bed in bis home at Lakeside today, having been ill for some time. "Mrs. Rebecca I. Gay and I were married in tho parish of Iberville, La., December 20, 1877," Gay said to a re porter. "Hor name before our mar riage was Rebecca I. Connor and her home wns at Natchoz, Miss. "I have seen hor only once since our divorce. I mot her about fiftoen years ago on the strcot in Los Angeles, but we did not speak. Sho passod outirely out of my life years ago. "I have heard about her through oth er people off and on during the years and have understood that she had at- UNITED raiSS LSAHIO WIRE. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 27. Glenn E. Hoover, well-known attorney and for merly a deputy in the office of the state attorney-general, and J. O. Brown, president of the International Shingle Weavers' Union, were added this morn ing to the list of those incarcerated in the county jail for contempt of Judge Humphries. Thomas Russell, president of the union of Mine Workers of Amer ica, for district No. 10, was also arrest ed, but he put up $250 bail. In all there are 17 in jail a present, two of whom are women. Twenty-fivo are out on bail and the sheriff's force if taxed to its utmost to gather the remainder of the 99 ordered arrested by Judge Humphries. In a speech from the bench this morn ing Judge Humphries declared he will not permit any one to remain in jail when convicted for contempt if he, or she has property sufficient to cover the fines. This was the judge's answer to the Socialists who last night agreed to go to jail rather than pay fines. Commenting upon Judge Humphries' orders, Hoover, in jail today, declared that the statutes of this state have been exceeded by Judge Humphries and that he is proceeding entirely upon "judge made law." AD1 TSHE BURIED HIS WIFE ALIVE Thief Substitutes Washers for Gold and Steals Many Thousands LEMON BATES TOO HIGH. (UNITSD rnSS LEASED WIOE l Washington, r"ept. 27 Contending tlmt tho lemon rntvs ordered effective ny the commerce court aro too low, tmuaLiiiitinentnl railroads, it was Bn nounced here today, will carry their fight to the United Htntes supreme court. The roads have filed briefs at tacking the decision of the commerce court. UNITED FUSS UASED Will. Han Francisco, Sept. 27. That ft will be weeks probably before the exact ex tent of the sliortaige which has been discovered iu tho mint here is known, was admitted today by officials engng ed in the investigation. There are fill, Hill) bans of gold and silver coin stored iu the mint vaults and they all will have to be gone through to determine how thoroughly the thief did his work. More than this it was 'practically tin ssiblo to learn from the local mint of- neiais, who replied io nearly every quesnon inui an insinuation concern ing the case must eomo from Washing ton, which is itself not yet very fully informed. fl-ntll EMIWIIIII tn HMO !...! 14 ' " " iiu niav ii Miuyjoi me coin Bomctliing ovor a year ago ..... u,. .Ker man mo lauer figure, and that thero was no shortage then Jt was also clear that the gvernment 's ; This year's count was to have been loss might have gone undiscovered for a begun in July last, but was dolaved longtime but for a slight miscalculation awaiting tho appointment ot Mint Ho ns io weigni, on tho thief s part, in the poriiiton.leiit T. W. H. Hhaiinlian, a W il siiiismuiion ot the iron washers for sun ..l.i.-i;..,. .!. ,.!. c:... gold coin in the money bag he rifled. The moment It was noticed that one of the bags did not tip the scule at ex actly tho correct figure, the bag was opened and tho theft discovered. The opening of morn hugs followed, but while it Is eertuin thill others hml been tampered with, the exact number dis covered thus fur was not known outside the mint itself today. To tho thief's identity, it was said. tnero was not the slightest clow, liven It wns known, however, Hint the the time of the thefts was uncertain, shortage is estimated nt all the way beyond the fact that there was a count August HI. The count had, however been start ed before that (Into under the adminis tration of former Superintendent Frank A. Leach. Responsibility for the shortage would consequently, persons familiar with the mint said, full upon the past adminis tration. The count is being made by 30 clerks under tho supervision of Superintendent Shannhsn, ex -Superintendent Leach, As a,ver Frederick P. Dewey and Charles 8. Arms, W. II. Kelly and .1. J. O'Con nor of the trensury ilepnrtinnnt. tained quite a reputation as a healer, but I kuow nothing at first hand." The divorce decreo was granted by Superior Judge W. L. Pierce, who was on the bench here at that time. Lots of Cruelty Alleged. Later Gay was married to Miss Lu cille Daniels, but she brought suit for divorce before Superior Judge E. 8, Tor rance on Novembor 20, 1902. She filed 23 allegations of cruelty against Gay, aud be filed a cross-complaint with sev en charges of ruelty. The trial was a famous oue. It was taken to the su preme court first on a Writ of mandam us and later on an appeal. Judge Tor rance found for Gay on every count, and then, when' the cbbo was docided, ordor cd the county clork to turn all papers in the case back to the attorneys. In this way the rocords of the ease were entirely destroyed. Judge Torrauce or dorod Gay to pay alimony. Threatened by Slavers. A promising line for the searchers for Mrs. Gay's murderers was opened up late today when it became known that she, and other Christian Scienco practitioners here, had beon threatened with doath by a gang of white slavers who acted under the guise of Christian Science practitioners. According to a Btrange story told to day by one of the women who were threatonod, the practitioners frequently) wore abused by telophone, and their lives threatened, unless they ceased their efforts to put an end to the op erations of the gang. One woman who threatened was given police protection. Mrs. Gay, hor friends say, always slept with a revolver under her pillow, and novor venturod from her apartment after nightfall, unless necessary. LAYS iiil RAIL AND HEAD IS CUT OFF BY UNITED FUSS LEAISD WISS. Stockton, I'al., Sopt. 27. "What's the uset Good night, you rotten old world. E. M. " After scrawling this note on a piece of brown wrapping papor and tucking it in his faded vest pockot, an unidentitied cripple deliberately placed his neck across a mil iu the Southern Pa- citic railroad yards here early to- day. The head was severed from tho trunk by a passing freight train. Tho man hud been seen about tho freight yards for sov- al days, gathering up scraps of food spilled by the freight ban- dlors. Ho had a wooden leg. Clyde Wilkinson Confesses He Killed Woman After She Spurned Him. HASTILY DUG GRAVE IN FARM CORNFIELD' Neighbors Search for Two Weeks Before Discovering Grave of Woman. UNITED PB1SS S14ASBD WIRE. Kokomo, Ind., Sept. 27. Clyde Wil kinson confessed today that he murder ed his wife, Anna. He added that he believed he did it by burying her alive. Of this, however, he was not quite sure. It was possible that Bhe was already dead when he threw her into the grave he had himself hastily dug. Until recently Wilkinson, his wife and their two young sons lived on a ' farm near Kokorua. Husband and wife quarreled and the later left the farm August 28 she disappeared from Koko mo. About two weeks later Wilkinson sold his belongings aud wsut with his sons to Logansport. Find Her Grave. In the meantime neighbors had been hunting for the wife. They continued their search aftor Wilkinson had left. Today thoy found the woman's body in its grave iu the corn field on the Wil kinson farm. It lay face downward with the legs doubled up, for the grave wiaa too short. Though badly decomposed, the face was recognizable. The skull had been crush ed in. ' The police at Logausport were com municated with by wire. Wilkinson wa arrested, aud brought here at once. On his arrival he mado a full confession. "I lured Anna to her death August 28," ho said, "by .tolling hor that our boy, 3 years old, was sick aud needed her. "She came and I took her into the cornfield, where 1 begged for a recon ciliation. She refused, so I knocked; her down and kicked her on the head. Alive When Ho Did It. "I dug hor gravo right whore Bhe foil and throw her in. I think she was alive when I did it. Thon I filled up tho grave. "I told the boys thoir mother had gono away, never to return." The police here admit that when Mrs. Wilkinson loft for the farm, she asked that a policeman be sent with her, as sho feared her husband, but they re fused, telling hor sho was in uo dangor. A close watch is being kopt over Wil kinson lest he attempt suicide. CROKEB'S CONTRIBUTION UNITED PRESS UASED WIRE.) Albany, N. Y., Sopt. 27 At tho Sul zer hearing late yesterday, Richard Croker, Jr., stated that he sunt his cheek for $2000 to Sulzer, making it -payable in "cash," because Sulzer ask ed to have it that way. The contribu tion wus a purely personal ono, he ad ded. Aftor Crokor had testified the court' adjourned until Monday. MATCH ABOUT ARRANGED. (UNITED mtSS LEASED WIRE. Modford, Or., Sept. 27 Arrange ments havo practically been completed for a ten-round muteh between Joe Aze veda of Sncrnmento and Bud Andorson, the uorthwestern lightweight recently defeated by Leach Cross at Los Angeles. SUSPENDED AND FINED. UNITED PREb LEASED Willi. 1 Portland, Or., Sept. 27 President lluum of the Coast leaguo yesterday wired Manager Del Howard of tho Sna. Francisco team thut Third Baseman. McArdlo had been fined $25 and sus pended three days for1 using profane language to Umpire Hush iu Thursitiy's giime here with Portland. fIAI 3j C TtW IT DAY AT STATE f At la 11