PAGE EIGHT. - DAH.T CAPITAL JOTTJUtili. HZM, OSBQOH, FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1913. - Today is Remnant Friday Your choice of a great assortment of remnantssilk, wool en and cotton fabrics, ribbons, laces and embroideries-- ONE-HALF PRICE For the School Children Capital Regular meeting of De JpTj, Mr-lay Commandory No.' 6, K T. this evening. A Dr quested. By order or the Eminent Com- maDder. Visiting Sir Kinghts welcome. Dr. F. L. Titter, dentist, suite 415-410-417 Masonic building. Mrs-. Dexter Field has gone to Geor gia, to spoud the winter with ber sou, i' ioyd. Dr. VV. A. Asgcln will rutiirn in Kn. lm .l,nv f(- vW.tina i Phi,. f., at the past few months. No drugs used in fitting glasses by Dr. Mendelsohn, 210 TJ. S. Bank build . ing. Eyes fitted correctly. Mrs. A. Clark, of Santa TJnrbnra, ! , , r ' ,' i8 ,. . u a,u..g m me easi r 1 Clara. M. Gordon yosterday filed a complaint for divorce in the circuit court against C. H. Gordon. Desertion lno grounu upon wincn Mrs. llordon asks a separation. "SOUSE SHOW BELIEVE ME t"l TODAY AND TOMORROW Bligh Theatre "Where Everybody goes." 2--REFINED VAUDEVILLE ACTS 2 4 EXTRA GOOD PICTURES-4 THE BONDSMAN Two-reel feature MUTUAL WEEKLY Latest Events WHAT FATHER SAW Keystone comedy SALEM'S ONLY VAUDEVILLE SHOW. ffim Saturday No. 2 Cold Blast Lanterns SALEM HARDWARE COMPANY 120 N. Commercial St. Phone Main 172 '4 444 - f4 - 4M ACADEMY of the SACRED HEART Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names SALEM, OREGON Most approved methods, Primary, Grammar and High School Depart ments. Complete course In Mueic. No interference with religion of pupils. MODERN CONVENIENCES DOMESTIC COMFORTS Scholastic year begins third Monday la September. JLDDEES8 SISTEB SUPERIOR. 44 4 444444444 4M Perhaps something has been overlooked in the preparing of the child for the school season. We are showing excellent clothing for boys. A new fall assortment in the newest styles and fabrics. A splendid line of Hats, too, at sav ing prices. FOR THE GIRL A most extensive array of neat, well made dresses and many very attractive coats. Our Shoe Section offers unusual values in chil dren's footwear. Bring the children in and let us outfit them. They'll be pleased and you'll be pleased from a standpoint of quality, appearance and price. City Brevities Dr. Hay, nerve specialist Masonic bid. TTfWA vnlii flVM fltfail onrrAjttlv v Mendel8ohn( 2i0 U. S. Bank build- 1 . r;. ismrtaae, or Portland, was in the city yesterday looking over the terri tory iu the interest of the United States land show which is to be held in Chi cago. The annual reception given by'the Y. W. and Y. SI. C. A. to the Willamette freshmen and now students will occur Eatott 1IaU this evening. This will Salem loal field has become so ex- tensive that au expert court reporter in the person of (!. D. Ranch will take up thfl wnrk hnrn in flia fiirnrA Mr Pnnih a y"n nma ttml his ability to maIie .,,, tm(,kg i8 llp to 8nuff, The re. porter has been busily engaged at the court house for the past few days and he states that ho likos Salem and its people very much. Mr. Ranch was for- morly court reporter in Albany. He is located in room 814, Hubbard building. Each 444--44 4 4444 44-M - 4M ; Special I at Meyers ' My son, fortunate is that man who has always a Tashmoo agout his person, for, behold, such a one Bhall never lack for a good smoke when wanted. The assault and battery charge against James Putnam was dismissed by Justice Webster. H. A. Green was the complaining witnesB but the evi dence showed that Mr. Putnam meroly carried out his duties as judge of the last city election by compelling Green to remain outHide of the Killing place iu the Fifth ward. Bert Thomas, the young man who filched an overcoat from a feed barn on Center street day before yesterday, was taken before Justice Webster yes, terdny pfternnon on a charge of lar eeny. The defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $25. Thomas failed to havo the price of the fine and was com mitted to the county jail. Miss Ethol Keubens, of Independence, sustained a broken arm yosterday af ternoon by being thrown from the rear seat of a motorcycle, which was being driven by her brothor, Goorge, of this city. Tho injured girl was taken to the home of Goorge Cutforth, who resides near the place where tho accident oc enrred, and medical aid was culled to set the broken arm.. Inn rirst Presbyterian church, of Merced, Cal., has issued a call to Rev ir m Ti.. i. - . . ... , . ii. i. iiaucocK, or, tnis city, to go Merced and take charge. Rev. has not decided as yet what he will do iu the matter. The Merced church is a large mid important one and tho well known local pastor has been paid a great compliment by the California Presbyterians. Rev. Hancock hns been here eight years and has been very suc cessful. Wo are anticipating another big chicken day tomorrow, mid havo made arrangements accordingly. We will have a large number of extra choice young chickens. Our own picking and dressing. Order one or more for your Sunday dinner. Sunset grocery, 121 South Commercial street. Farewell appearance of the popular singer, DAPHNE LEWIS The Selig Company announces The Jeweled Slippers Ths further adventure of the "Mn in the Street," a two-reol story that holds the interest throughout. The Grecian Vase. A beautiful story by ths Edison Company. Two Biograph Comedies, clean and snappy. Watch for our big vaudeville program next Monday and Tuesday. Three big acts. i, Where you always see the best pictures Wexford Featuring today the great melo drama t "Broken Threads United" Two reels of heart interest Iwo others of the best pictures Hear "Chap" Sing "ADAM AND EVE" With original parodies A great; friends. program, tell your Green, McDole & Green, chiroprac tors. Rooms 303-304 Hubbard building. The funeral of Miss Christena Schir mer will be held at 10 a. m. Saturday morning at Lehman & dough's under taking parlors. A Victrola talking machine concort at any time. All the greatest operatic numbers are played, together with the latest popular selections. You are welcome at any time, or ask for a dem onstration in your own home. No obli gation incurred. R. F. Peters, 521 Court street. lou're judged Ifalf by your grip when you are traveling. Don't leave town with a shabby one. You'll wish some one would steal it if you do. We are doing a big business in traveling grips of every kind. F. E. Shafer, the saddle and harness man, 187 South Commercial street. One of the best bits of decorating the city is getting is of the negative class, and that is the removal of the big poles that carried the wires for (he street cars. These are being removed from their Commercial street, and' their absence is "greatly admired." At the regular election held yester day afternoon the sophomore class of Willamette University chose their new officers for the year. James Read Bain, of Tillamook, was elected presi dent. He has been a very active mem ber of the class, and was the author of the froshman song which received the highest markings in the Freshman Glee club last year. Other officers chosen were vice-president, Helen Westell; secretary, Charles Ohling; treasurer, Henry Richter, class reporter, Walter Glieser, sergeant-at-arms, Inez Goltra. Among other things "dolled up" for the state fair are the Waite fountain, which is getting a new shirt waist and the Breyman fountain, which is getting a hiew gown throughout, a rich bronze, that adds much to its appearance. Busi ness houses are also getting full dross suits for the occasion, and many pri vate residences nre being prettily dec orated. According to City Superintendent of Schools Kuutz, he has registered 600 pupils for the high Bchool this after noon. This is a record that the Salem high school officials can be proud of, as it means 134 moro this year than last. it is a busy place at tho fair grounds and the way things are being rushed in to shape for the opening is something to astonish one. It will be the great est fair ever hold in the state, and that ia saying much. An effort is being made by the Ore gon Anti-Saloon League to put Stn,"ton dry, an initiative local option petition boing presented to County Clerk Oehlhar today by tho Anti-Saloon League. The petition calls for au elec tion to be held ou the wet and dry question on November 4, 1013, and it contains 80 namos. FLAX BOOSTERS HOLD For the purpose of boosting the fli industry In Salem, Boveral persons met in tho office of August Schreiber last night and the following Salem boot'rs joined hands in forwarding the imlus try: T. H, Kay, l'aul Wallace, Eugene Boss, Mrs, William Lord, Hnl D. Pat ton, Then, Roth, August Schreiber, and Huns McKeowu. V The flux expert from Portland, Hans McKeown, gavo some interesting infor mation iu regard to the growing of flax and its uses, lie had with him several exhibits of material produced from flux and he stated that with the proper enre and attention, Oregon could be made an ideal flax growing section, It will require at least 41.10,000 to ostnbllsh a plnnt in this city, according to the expert, and not less than sixtv persons can easily be employe.! iu the same. With the above' meutloued peoulc pledged to work in th iutimwt of the purposed new dustry, Salem' payroll will be increased materially within a comparatively short time, it is believed and the Marion county fanner will also be privileged to take up another branch In his work of producing. rrun .r n octobeb 24 in- . so 1 Vkl IIIIIIMWII invi fcwivu Mrs. Mary C. Hildreth Visits W. B. C. in Salem and Is Much Pleased With Work Being Done. The president, Mrs. Mary R. Lickle, of W. R. C, called a special meeting of that order for Wodnesilay afternoon, as Mrs. Mary C. Hildroth, the depart ment inspector, of Oregon, was to be present. There was a good attendance and af- tor the meeting, when Mrs, Hildreth, who is of Grants Pass, was asked by the president for her opinion, and also for suggestions iu regard to the work done by the corps, Mrs. Hildreth seem ed to be only able to congratulate the presidont and the members for their good work and efficiency. -Mrs. Hildroth fs remarks were few. but right to the point, and certainly very encouraging to all present, as they were all of praise, and of a commenda- tory nature. She also remarked she could sec great improvement since her last visit, when she was here in her ca pacity as defprtment president, six years ago. The president presented Mrs. .Hildroth with a burnished brass fern holder, in the name of the corps. as a slight remembrance from them, and Mrs. Hildreth responded in a few vory happy remarks. After nil business was well completed, a dainty lunch was served. Among those who were present to en joy the ice cream and othor dainties were only two comrades, W. W. Vales and Eli O. Miles. A sister of Mrs. Mar tin, assistant conductor, Mrs. L. A, Sensor, of Aberdeen, South Dakota, was present. Mrs. Walter G. Ackerman who has been visiting in Idaho for scl era weeks, was gladly welcomed back, Also others who have been away for an outing. 4- BIRTHS. ALBERT. To Mr. arid Mrs. John T. Albert, at tneir nome in Portland, September 2.T 1H13, a boy. Mr. Albert was formorlv a Sale boy, having lived in this citv almost 25 years. He traveled for the Interna tional Harvester company for scvera years, with headquartors in Salem, and is well-known throughout the Willam otte valley. He is a son of T. C. Al bert, of Salem. STEIDINGEB. mi. nun mrs. Lvi rtteuiinger, a tneir nome in Forrest, III., an 8-pound girl. Mrs. Stoidinger was Miss Evaline Starkey, of Salem, before her marriage ana is well known in this citv. SHBINER3' ATTENTION. All nobles of the Ancient Order of tho Mystic Shrine in Salem and vicini ty are requested to meet at the Mason ic hall at 7:30 o'clock, promptlv, to ught. A matter of grent importance demands your attention. CHEKRIANS, ATTENTION The Cherrians wil attend services at tho Baptist church Sumliay evening, September 28. Meet at the Com mereia club rooms at 7:00 o'clock, sharp, in urn uniform. The roll will bo calle and a heavy fine assessed against nil absent mombers. The king commands, That girl of yours may risk a future good voice by a complica tion from a cold. Keep a bottle of 0. H. P. Syrup of White Pine Always on baud It is a preventative and a relief for the throut and lungs; con tains no habit-forming drug, 25 and 50c per bottle. OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY Salem, Oregon. . '"V.v.' That's All We Do Examine eyes and furnish glasses, but we do it right A. McCulloch Optometrist. m N. Commercial St. Phone 92S I "our. 9 to 6. Ground floor t OCTOBEB 24 FRANCES ALDA Lyric Soprano, from the Metro politan Grand Opera, New York, assisted by the Russian 'Cellist, CASINI I and t FRANK LA FORCE Pianist and Composer NOVEMBER 5 SCHUMANN-HEINK World 's Greatest Contralto JANUARY lfl YVONNE DE TREVILLE loloratura Soprano in Costume I Recital as Prima Donna of three periods: Louis XIV; as Jenny X Lind of 1850, and ss Prima Don- X na of today. JANUARY 23 CHAS. W. CLARK of Paris, World renowned teach er and Concert Singer. Course tickets, $5; tickets to one concert $2.50 and $2. Ad vance sale course tickets Oct. 18. Management Minnotta Magors Phone 1295 Tickets on sale at Music Stores. 4444444444444MH 444 SALEM MEN GO ASTER . A CARLOAD OF VENION W. F. Buchner and H. Peck left last night for Grants Pass, from where they will go to Takilma7 40 miles east of that city, and will be back, provided they are not taken for a doer, probably Tuesday night, so as to got their game exhibit at the state fair. That Is what they are going after, just game, which in this especial case means "mowitch They havo a small arsenal, and tried to borrow the cannon from the state house grounds, but Secretary Olcott, fearing it might be needed at Coos Bay, had to refuse their request for the loan of it. If they get back with the amount of venison they are dreaming about, and which they have already given away, the beef trust will have a kick coming, and the local butchers go out of busi ness for a week or two, at least. The Journal man will continue his fast until they get back, and, well, who knowst . i f It is nntural for a woman to talk, but silence must be acquired. . NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS word for each insertion. 4- RUM ACE SALE At 3,12 Chemeketa street. The Church Extension Circle of the Christian church will hold rumago sale. Ur A VTUn m , . . . . .i i tuu i earns to unioau wood from cars. Salem Fuel Yards. Phone 520, W AM hi) A girl for kitchen work, good wages. Call at Dilly House, 5,18 State. Phone 1732. TEN' ACRES of very rich bottom land on crushed rock road, 5 miles from C.l n i-Niiiuii. .i acres rasnhcrr es. 2 acriw gooseberries, 5 acres choice apples, small douse and barn. Easv imv monts. See C. O. Rice, with L. S Barnes & Co.,315 31fl Masonic temple WANTKD Experienced girl. No oth ers need apply. Call mornings. 1515 Court street. FOR KXCIIANOE-Oood irrigated farm, city and income property in best section of Colorado, for small tract improved or substantial busi ness near Salem. E. T. I'hillips.gen. era! delivery, Albany, Ore. FURNITURE FOR SALEMAnd house for rent. Inquire at 1045 North Sixth street. ' U)KT 2A Brownie kodak, a week ago. I'lenso leave at 407 Hubbard build ing; reward.- Clara Moslier. FOR SALE OR TRADE House and two lots. Wil take team, wagon, har- nesa and two or three cows, Inquire at 013 Statesman street. FOR ALE-irBlf"lownthTrohbreli White Leghorn roosters, stl.oo each. Kouto 1, box lit, R. Chaffee". ' STOLEN Idvor and white pointer dog "Dutch Jake," with name of C. J. Young engraved on collar. Any In formation notify Frank Sheduck, chief of police. WANTED Delivery boy, having biey do. Salem Fish & Poultry Market. 13 Sotlth Cntnninrninl at T1 - 2125. FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom during fair week, dose in. Phone 1391. FOR," .; furnished house, cioso iii, 1'iione 7S0, 275-ACKE DAIRY RANCH three quarters of s mile from railroad sta tion, running wator, rich soil, good location. Oood buy. See C. O. Rico, with L. 8. Barnes & Co., 315 310 Masonic building. LOOK AT THIS Slightly used drop head aewlna muctiln. sin. .1 " " lion urup head sewing machine 16 and up. 610 State street. WANTEdTtU,,, having modern .ix- iiuin lurmsnoa house for ront, address "Homoseeker," care Capital Jour nal. Might buy If terms are right. NORWICH UNION F!E INSURANCE SOCIETY r6HitDT KUEDiTM Missal ifsafc g tet t4 n i Wednesday ONE Nwhx 0NlT "Officer 665" AUGUST A WK OP MYSTEjy 2 A Laugh Ram... ' . Action with VS. P'Sees. SO ....'".""as , l" 91.Su. tB'e i'iCh-:av. $100 to $1 That you can't beat . iB seres in Polk conty, tw0Bi well improved, S4000; H J line ideal .uburbaa vjl", acre in berries, hom. .! T' 1 1800;7.cre. in briea I " 7 house sad bam, ?l acre, in crop, balance ttab., J" house, good barn, 7m lie. wen lBpm(, w par Mrs, several 5 a.d 10 well improved. We have ciga, ltand) N rooming house, hotel, wrtsswt ,1 eery store, candy .tor, M nesa chances. 20 acres close in, well lmpmd u 500. Several prune ranch ,nl tracts at the right price, M bearing Italian prunes, $2750, We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds List your bargain with m and we will give you Kuu prompt and courteous . trett. ment Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOS, Hiugar. Phones: Office, Main 477; rwiinw Main 2487. Opposite Court Honsa. HO Butt (4, Employment Bureau in Con nection. HMIMHHMIH Our Specialty it Prescriptions Accuracy, Quality, Promptata, ' OmriPWnid nntii aiwnn f Deutsche Apothcke, MMMtt South Salem Box Co. Tray and berry boxes. Fruit bom rf sll kinds. I'orch and lawa iwup jcreens. First-clasi cabinet work, Phone 308 247 Millu 91 MONEY TO Oa farm sad city propsrtr. Join Boott, OTsr Chicago Btort, klia, stoa. Phoas ltll. MONEY TO LOAN Os Good Real Xstste SeeiHtr. TH0S. K. F0HD Orer Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salsa, Or REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN JACOB 00. Phons 2424. 20 807 Hubbard Bldl MONEY TO LOAN Oa rod Seal Iitsts sertrttj. ECHTIIi HM 147 Ststs Street wooiTaNsUoTi , ii.. PKimnt WlWf our specialty, rails City Lart Compasy. 171 North Cemosrw strsst Phons Msla til JirANKSB UUKDBI A5B ' CLIAXRiO W0M8 No mschisery to r "4 out dsllcate fabrics. Work for and dellvsrsd promptly. 448 Ferry street Phons MsjaJ I Cherry City Ice treani :: We make a Specialty of :: Dinner and Lodge orders. Buy It !4 Ckeaekets "' m A&1 rnom-"m o.. . rii. ii,.i Lm8CT '""