Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 26, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Taenia win Be Enjoyed at Willamette
TJnlTersity Until Wet Weather
Pots Stop to It
The work of making farther inv
prorements on the Willamette Universi
ty tennis eonrts u started this after
Boon. Errol Oilkey, president of the
tndent body assigned each class a
court to keep in repair, and stated that
ilia Improvements would be made on a
competitive basis, an especially bad
court being handed out to the freshies
Cor improvement
While it is importable to estimate how
nraeh longer tennis weather will last,
there is great enthusiasm over the
port at present, and, weather permit
ting, tennis will be the diversion of a
largo number of students for some days
to come.
Chech and Boles; Williams and Bliss.
E. H. E.
Portland 1
San Francisco 2 5 2
James and Berry; Fanning and
95 48
84 55
M 63
7 69
63 80
American League.
B. H. V,.
Boston 5 10 2
Philadelphia 4 4 2
Moeeley and Thomas; Shawkey and
B. H. F,.
New York 2 4 2
Washington & 121
Ford, Fisher and Sweeney; Johnson
knd Alnsmith.
National League.
R. H. E.
Brooklyn 2 8 2
New York 8 16 1
Began, Pfeiffor and McCarthy; Mar
qnard and Meyers, McLean.
B. H. E.
Pittsbnrg .. 1 6 0
Cfcieago 7 12 2
McQuillan, Coopor, Duffy and Sim
on; Humphries and Archer.
First game.
Philadelphia 3 6 3
Boston 1 6 1
Chalmers and Dooin; Quinn and Rnr
iden. Second frame.
Philadelphia 7 13 2
Boston 6 12 0
Alexander, Brennan and Killcfer,
Dooin, Cocbreham, Tylor and Goudy.
Pacific Coast League.
B. H. E.
Oakland 4 10 2
Venice 5 6 3
Stone and Rohror; Ferguson and El
liott Los Angeles - 7 10 0
Sacramento 0 4 4
National League.
New York
Boston .
Brooklyn 62 80
Cincinnati 63 85
St Louis , 49 98
American League.
Philadelphia 95 50
Cleveland 83 62
Washington 83 63
Bolton . ...74 67
Chicago 74 72
Detroit 62 84
New York 53 89
St. Louis 55 92
Pacifio Coaat League,
Portland ... 94 72
Sacramento 87 81
Venice 91 86
San Francisco 87 91
Los Angeles .. 83 92
Oakland 79 99
Mrs. C. A: Hoyt, who resides near
Forest Grove, last week killed n 100
pound bear with a .22 rifle. She was
walking down the rpad when bruin
came sauntering out of the brush. The
woman did not scream or run, but drew
a bead on the cub and killed him the
first shot.
President Sproule, general passenger
Agent Scott, and several other promi
nent railroad men are inspecting all
the S. P. lines. The party was in Ash
land Tuesday and will come back this
way in a short time.
A fire starting while the threshing
crew was at dinner, burned 130P bush
els of rye belonging to Alden Jones, of
Cow Creek, Harney county, last Thursday-
The Josephine county fair opened at
Grants Pnss Wednesday with a large
Oregon City will have pmong her ex
hibits at the state fair a pumpkin Ihnt
is three feet in diameter and weighs
150 pounds.
Clover hulling in the Monmouth see
tion is about completed. There were
about 800 acres raised near that point.
The Independence Commercial Club
favors extending the time in which the
Falls City Lumber company tan com
plete its mill at that point, and Die
"0W!" Corns?
Use "Gets-It"
"GETS-IT," the Naw Plan Con Core,
Hakes Any Com BhriTeL Vanish.
You'll say, "It doe beat all how
quick "GETS-IT" got rid of that
corn. It's almost magicl" "GETS-
IT" gets every corn, every time, as
sure as the sun rises. It takes about
"Madam If You'd TJae "GETS-IT"
for Coma, Ton Could Wear Any
Tight Shoe Easily.
two seconds to apply it. Corn, pains
stop, you forget the corn, the corn
shrivels up, and it is gonel Ever try
anything like that! You never did.
Theres no more fussing with plasters
that press on the corn, no more salves
that take off the surrounding flesh,
no more bandages. No more knives,
files or razors that make corns grow,
and causes danger of blood poison.
"GETS-IT" is equally harmless to
healthy or irritated flesh. It "gets"
every corn, wart, callus and bunion
you've got.
"GETS-IT" is sold at all drug
gists' at 25c a bottle, or sent on re
ceipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co.,
city council will probably give the
company another year.
, Class periods in the high Bcbool at
Eugene will henceforth bo signalled by
a clock with an automatic announcing
attachment A saving of time will be
one of the beneficial results.
A tragedy of the plains iii indicated
by thiB paragraph in the Fort Rock
Times: "The big team horse of B. F.
Talbott that strayed away last spring,
came home a few days ago. lie looks
as if he had had one h of a time."
Appeal to the homesccker in the Mo-
ro Observer: "If you were a young
man looking for cheap land and a com
fortable living on the farm jju would,
with modest means, find u farm in
Sherman county that would be satis
factory in every way."
Condon Globe: Condon has outgrown
the one-day "clean-up" in the spring.
The city council ought to make provis
ion for several clean-up days during
the year, and the matter of ( leaning up
the premises should be directed by an
officer and orders made canning a leal
cleanup and cutting of dry weeds.
Refinishing Marred
Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that
are unsightly and a discredit to your home can
be made to look bright and new at slight ex
pense and you can do it yourjself.
stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to
all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur-
7rv able, lustrous surface of hpnntiTii.lir
rp';V7r;,.f '
fiiittt.' A finished oak. mahopinv. walnut nr
iiimwm i uujci caucu&ivc vvoous. ian ior
color card.
Willamette Hardware Company
246 State Street Phone Main 217
) Mtttl MM ;
Recipe Department j;
; ; By BETSY WADE. ; ',
in '
"Betsy Wade" would appreciate it if the ladies of Salem
would tend in tested recipes for this department
Mapleine Luncheon Cake.
3 cups flour.
( 2 cups sugar.
half cup butter.
3-4 cup sweet milk.
3 eggs (whites).
1 teaspoonful cream tartar.
Vi teaspoonful baking powder.
teaspoonful Mapleine.
Beat thoroughly and bake in good
hot oven.
Orange Fie.
Grate the rind of one orange, add the
strained juice of three oranges, one
cupful of sugar, the yolk of throe eggs,
two tablespoonfuls of flour. Pour into
a pan lined with unbaked pastry and
bake until it sets like a custard pie.
Cover with ameringue made of the
whites of the eggs. Mrs, Lelia Munsoll.
Graham Gems.
Two cupfuls of graham flour, two
cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of
salt,, one-half cupful of sugar, two
teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one egg,
one-half cupful of melted lard and two
enpsful of milk. Sift the flour, salt,
sugar and baking powder together.
Then add the milk, egg well beaten and
lard. Mix and divide into greased
gem pans and bake in moderate oven
for 20 minutes. Misti Janet Bryant.
An Appetizing Chowder.
Dice two largo potatoes, put them in
to a saucepan, covers with water and
boil for five minutes. Slice with two
onions, fry them in hot butter, but do
not let them brown, add to the pota
toes with one can of tomatoes, one can
of salmon, one quart of milk, and salt
and peppor to taste. Cook for a few
minutes and serve hot. The skin and
bones should be removed from the sal
mon. Miss Addie E. Armstrong.
Flank Steak With Tomato Sauce.
One medium sized flank steak, one
onuion, two tablespoonfuls of butter,
one cupful of thick tomato soup and
salt and pepper to taste. Score the
steak and chop the onion. Molt the but
ter and fry the onion in it until golden
brown, then add tho steak and brown
it nicely on both sides. Season the
meat, cover with water, and add one
half of the soup. Bake for one and
one-half hours, bating often; when al
most done add the remainder of the
soup. When finished thicken the dress
ing and serve on the steak. Mrs. R.
Sea Foam Cake.
Beat up the whites of ten eggs very
stiff; then sift one and one-half cup
fuls of sugar with one cupful of flour
and one teaspoonful of baking powder
together five times; stir this gradually
into the beaten whites, and add one
teaspoonful of vanilla extract. Pour
into a buttorod and peppered cako tin
and bake in moderate oven 40 minutes.
Mrs. A. Ehrhardt.
Apple Boll.
Put two cupfuls of water Into a drip-
ping pan, add one cupful of sugar, and
four tablespoonfuls of butter, then
cook to a thin syrup. Meanwhile
make a rich biscuit dough, roll it out
one-quarter inch thick, cover with
sficked cooking apples, sprinkle over
with sugar, then roll and place in the
pan of syrup. Bake in a hot oven until
ready and serve with cream. Mrs. C. E.
Creamed Shrimps With Pimento.
To ono quart of prepared shrimps add
one pint of sweet milk, one large pim
ento, and one-half teaspoonful of black
peppor. Cook slowly for ten minutes
and thicken with one tahlespoonful of
butter and one tableapoonful of flour
which have been thoroughly blended.
Serve on hot toast.
Speed Away Sponge Cake.
Beat three eggs with one cupful of
sugar for one-quarter of an hour, then
add four tablespoonfuls of milk, one
cupful flour, one teaspoonful of lemon
extract. Bake in a square tin and
when ready cut in squares. Remove a
small portion from the center of each
square, fill with cherry jam, and dec
orate with frosting or whipped cream
and preserved cherries.
A Favorite Salmon Salad.
Shred three large heads of crisp let
to e into a salad bowl. Chop one can
of salmon and add to the lettuce. Dice
four small slices of bacon and fry to a
nice brown cblor; add one-half cupful
of vinegar, one tablespoonful of sugar,
one teaspoonful of 'je.lery seed, and a
dash of white pepper. Let como to a
boil, pour over the lettuce and salmon,
mix thoroughly, garnish with a hard
cooked egg, and serve at once.
"ways UeEA,:
i our Giiest, i
Itt "V form of
Apple Snow.
Use one quart of canned apples nnd
cook until soft. When done press them
through a sieve, and add or.e cupful of
sugar, the stiffly beaton whites of five
eggs, one-half cupful of whipped cream,
and one teaspoonful 0 vanilla extract.
Mix careully and servo in n dainty
crTstal dish.
(&' E I i
E. !" 5
Will TIal TT- .. ' ')
frefizA nut n '
t Try it in vn. 1: i
I i"""K, Muces, can- J? 4
ped cream and lc . "M i
we not only steel ent to e0 -I';
but WA ramnvA ll.. .1... . I
"" cuan in j
Phone 543.
t HW
4. I
!! Meadow Brook
The butter that makes other t -
I things taste better, K'
f Made by Marlon Cmmrj, Ji)
Best of Smooth Sweets at special
price for Saturday.
Home grown, fresh and crisp, al
so turnips, carrots, green pep
pers, etc.
339 North Commercial Street.
Now stock, German style dill
pickles, the best in the market.
This season's pack. We have
them In bulk.
Wutermelons. Ca-Jtaloupos
Phone 259
Reliable Goods for the
Have you ever figured out just .what that means to yout It ii
another way of spelling satisfaction.
Our goods are guaranteed as to quality, appearance and price.
The same kind of good goods which you obtain down town, tn
be hail here for little loss, and at a great saving of tlmo-tor
every good nousekoepcr, at times, wants some article delivered n
very short notice.
Remember that you'll got what you want at reasonable prices, aid
when you want it from
1800 E. State St. Phone Main 93
Program of State
Fair is Greatest
Ever Given Here
Monday, Sept. 29 Children's Day.
8:00 Gates open and all depart
ments in full operation.
9:00 to 12:00 Trap shooting tour
nament in front of grandstand.
9:00 to 12:00 Illustratod locturos
by members of the O. A. C. and V. of
U. faculty in music hall.
9:00 Eugenics and child welfare
exposition in eugonics building (all
day). Babies examined from 9 a. m.
to 4 p. m.
10:00 James I Davies, demonstra
tion of handling boea, on grounds.
10:30 Freo vaudoville act in largo
11:15 Jnmos McLay, exhibition of
driving sheep with trained dogs.
1:00 Commencement of judging in
livestock arona.
1:00 to 0:00-Illutrated lacture lu
music hall.
1:15 Concert by McElroy'i band in
grand stand.
1:30 races:
2-year-old trot, purse 900
2:14 pace, purse 1000
2:24 trot, purse 1000
First heat of rclny race, purse .... 1300
First heat of wild horse race,
P 300
Free vaudeville acts between races
In front of grandstand.
2:00 Lecture on child welfare In
itoekmon's headquarters.
2:00 Free vaudeville acts in largo
3:00 James I.Davis, demonstration
of handling bees.
4:00 Lecture on eugeulct In stock
men's headquarters.
T:15 Band concert in music hall.
8:30 Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circus,
followod by fireworks in front of
Tuesdav, Sept. 30 German Societies'
8:00 Gates opon and all depart
ments in full oporation. Continue-'
tion of judging of livestock. I
9:00 to 12:00 Trap shooting. I
9:00 Eugenics (babios examined
from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.)
10:10 James I. Davis, bee demon-!
stration on grounds. I
10:30 Free vaudeville acts. I
11:15 James McLay, exhibition of
driving sheep with trained dogs,
Afternoon. j
1:00 to 0:00-Ilustrnted locturos.
t:15 Band concert.
1:30 Races:
2:25 pace, purse $1000
2:18 trot, nurse onn
8-year-old trot, purse 2000
Second heat of relay race, purse 1500
Socoud heat of wild horse race,
purse 300
Vaudevillo acts between hents in
front of grnndstand.
2:00 Lectures on child welfare.
2:00-Frce vaudoville acts In tent.
3:00-Jnmcs I. Davis, bee demon
stration. 4:00 Lecture on Eugonics.
7:15 Band concert.
8:30-Boyd & Ogle', one-ring cir
cus. Wednesday, Oct 1-Salem Day.
8:00 Gates open and all depart
ments in full operation. Continuation
of judging of livestock.
9:0 to 12:00 Illustrated lectures.
9:00-Eugenic. (babies examined
from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.)
10:00-James L Davis, bee demon
10:00 Free vaudeville acts.
11:15 James McLay, exhibition of
driving shocp with trained dogs.
1:00 to 6:00 Illustrated locturcs.
1:15 Band concert.
1:30 Races:
3-year-old, purse $1500
2:68 pace, purse 5000
2:40 trot, purse 500
Third heat rolay race, purse 1500
Third heat wild horse race, purse 300
Vaudeville acts botwoen beats in
front of grandstand.
2:00 Lectures on child welfare,
2:00 Freo vaudeville sets ia tent.
3:00 James I. Davis, bee demorutra
tion. 4:00 Lecture on eugcnlci. 1
7:15 Band concert in music hall
8:00 Annual meeting of Oiegoi
Purebred Livestock Aseociation, ii
stockmen's headquarters.
8:40 Boyd Ogle'i one ring
cus, followed by fireworks in front
! k my
Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum
This beautiful Mausoleum will be completed on or
about December first.
You are invited to inspect the construction of this
ing in City View Cemetery.
Plans and specifications on file in Salem off
Portland Mausoleum Co.
IHinaa H
ivuum oui nuDDara building.