Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 26, 1913, Image 1

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H the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal
HI 'Hit
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ttyni i LmLm vwiiii
ing Takei Locomotive of Train and Officers Pursue on
Switch Engine Many Shots Exchanged, But Outlaws Out-
I distance Pursuers and Make Escape in Lonely Woods-"
Deputy Sheriff Killed by Another Officer by Accident
Firemen Felled With Revolver ButtMail Clerk Wounded
'jTuioaloosa, Ala., Sept. 25. Three
Likod bundits hold up and robbed the
lw York-New Orloans express on the
'iabuna Great Southern railroad at
Iglewooil early today, and escaped
lh (100,000.
;:Tlia oonrr flpd nn tho lnpninntivA nt
t train they had robbed, exchanging
itt with a poBse pursuing them on a
it(b engine. Distancing their pur-
en, the outlaws evidently abandoned
;ir engine at some lonely spot on tho
f, for the locomotive ran wild
rough Tuscaloosa and stopped 40
In from the scene of the holdup,
ltd its steam was exhausted.
Ellis Officer by Mistake.
During the pursuit one of the deputy
niffi shot and killed another officer
j strident.
The train was brought to a stop by
'fjled block at Englewood, a station
la miles south of here. While Jhe
tnin erew wern invast.ifffi.fina. thA rnh.
c o,
jw rushed them.
Keeping Engineer Daniels covered
ilk their revolvers, the bandits or-
ed the fireman to cut off the coach-
from the engine and express and
ail ears. The fireman refused and was
Why a blow with a revolver butt.
3afo Is Dynamited.
si Having cut the train two themselves,
highwaymen compelled Dnniols to
U the express and mail cars a Bhort
'time ahead, broke into the cars with
'mite, exchanged a few shots with
?iprea Messenger Kelly and Mail
"ni Hammers, Phillips and Poole, in
Mfi Saunders was slightly wounded
) the head, and then ordered tho en-
,fer, messenger and clerks to lie
! n while they attacked tho express
registered mail.
Dynamite quickly shattorcd the safer
Jeering up two sacks filled with mon'-
T.anil with their pockets bulging with
"Macks, the trio were just board-1
t the engine aiznin when thev saw
,1 llin.iff - ii. . v
.... B un!iu on me Bwucn en
J", mmmoned by tolonhone bv the
diiftor ' the abandoned portion of
"'irain, approaching.
Fire Upon Pursuers.
Still hanging on to their sacks of
''Ot, the hnnilUu il. -.1.
"1('m acting as engineer, opened
ft( throttle and they wore off in the
f'Ntion of Tuscaloosa, firing from the
t the pursuing posse,
j oon as It was learned that tho fu
f1'1" had abandoned the engine
!' with bloodhounds began scouring
''mrhy wintry on both sides of the
track from Englewood to Bibbville.
Will Probably Escape.
The Alabama Great Southern road is
controlled by tho Queen & Crescent
system. The passengers on the train
held up were not molested. Deputy
Sheriff James Bonner, of Birmingham,
was the man accidentally killed in the
pursuit of the bandits.
The shot which killed Bonner was
fired by Deputy Sheriff Cope of Birmingham.
Try to Deny Big Loss.
After express company officials had
announced the loes of a large sum they
changed their minds and declared the
robbers secured little. It was the gen
eral impression that the reports of a
$100,000 haul were correct, however.
Postoffice officials were still check
ing the registered mail and said they
were not yet certain as to the extent of
their loss.
No Trace Secured.
Telophone messages from Cottondale,
just north of here, the center of the re
gion posses have boon scouring for the
men who robbed the New York-New Or
leans Express early today, were that no
trace of the fugitives had been found
this afternoon. If they are overtaken,
it was believed there would be a desper
ate battle.
Charges Filed Against Hugh a Wal
lace, of Tacoma, on Ground Hotel
Is Used Unlawfully.
Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 26. Informa
tion charging violations of Washing
ton's new red light abatement law,
were filed in the superior court late yes
terday afternoon against Ilugh C. Wal
lace, of national prominence in the
Democratic party, and his wife, Mildred
Wallace and his wife are alleged to
be the owners of the Antlers hotel prop
erty, and as such are accused, following
convictions in the police court of sev
eral men and women arrested in a po
lice raid upon the Antlers hotel last
Wednesday night.
Pasadena, Cal., Sept. 20. Making a
beautiful flight over the business sec
tion of Pasadena today, under ideal
weather conditions, Roy Knabenshuo
announced that the jinx which has been
hovoring over his big passenger dirigi
ble, in now interred, and that within 10
days he will be ready to lauch the first
days he will be ready to launch the first
America. IIo mode a speed of 25 miles
an hour without difficulty.
Quebec, Sept. 20 The eight children
of Ulrieh Truedel, owner of a three-
story ' frame building, which burned
about midnight, wore believed today to
have perished. Truedel and his wife
woro saved alive, but badly burned
George Teakman, an English sailor
lad, was given a sentence of 15 days
in jail this morning by Judge Elgin, for
carrying concealed weapons. The young
man "took his mediicne" cheerfully,
and when locked up last night he enter
tained the other prisoners with songs
and dances.
The capture of Teakman and his pal,
Fred Beck, was somewhat sensational.
Day Officer Welch received 'informa
tion that Teakman was trying to sell a
small calibre revolver on the streets
yesterday afternoon. After chasing the
lads about the alleys for some time, Of
ficers Welch and Irvine tost them, and
soon aftorwards were told that the boys
were in the neighborhood of Twelfth
and Chemeketa streets. Officer Irvine
took an auto and headed the couple off
as thoy wore making out of the city
north on Twelfth street, but the boys
rofuscd to stop, until the policeman
hauled out a young rifle, and, waving it
around in th air menacingly, called to
the fleeing fellows to halt.
Defendant Becomes Excited as
His Counsel Battles With
Prosecutor Wants to Produce Certain
Girls to Show Blzby Contributed
to Downfall.
Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 25. Desper
ate efforts were made today by counsel
for George II. Bixby to save him. from
further- inquisition upon the subject of
his relations with minor girls. Bixby
is being tried on a charge of contribut
ing to the delinquency of Cleo Helen
Barker, aged 19.
After the defense had re-opened its
case to introduce testimony by F. S.
Parsons, a bank official, regarding
checks alleged to have beeu drawn by
Octavlous V. Morgan, a witness who
also claims be was blackmailed, Pros
ecutor Keyes announced that he would
produce certain girls to face Bixby
and charge him with contributing to
their downfall.
Heated objections were interposed by
Bixby 's attorneys. The defendant be
came excited and freqioiitly offered
suggestions to his attorneys, as thoy
skirmished with the, state's represen
tatives. Jury Excluded.
After half an hour of pointed argu
ment, Judge Bledsoe sent the jury out
of the room, and the dispute was re
newed, with littlo hope of an early set
tlement. Bixby took the stand yesterday af
ternoon and asserted that his knowl
edge of certain Inmates of the Jonquil
"hotel" had been gained through phi
lanthropy, and he had given large sums
of money to enable girls to lead a bet
tor life. He carried on his work on
with Mrs. Emma J. Goldman, proprie
tress of the Jonquil, who is now serving
a year in the county jail, and who wns
known to him as Mrs. Josie Rosenberg.
Bixby gave a girl named Marion $900,
and she 1b now happily married. He
gave one named Helen Scott $1300 and
CIco Baker received $t).ri0,
He Cannot Blacken
Girl's Character
in Defending Act
As the result of his team becoming
frightened and running away yesterday
aftornoon on South Commercial street,
Hermann Honccl, of Oak Orove, sus
tained a broken jaw and many other
painful bruises when he and his young
son, were pitched to the ground from
the wagon in which they were riding.
Heneol was driving toward the city
and when within a short distance of the
City View cemetery a northbound street
car passed him. The horses beoamo
frightened and bolted across tho street
car track just as the car had passed.
The jolting of the wagon threw Mr.
Hencol and his son out of the rig and
Motorman Moore, who had charge of
the car, ran out and caught the team
before it had proceeded any distance
The boy was not hurt In tho least.
but Mr. Hencel received a badly brok
en jnw and suffered other Injuries that
were painful, but not serious. The In
jured man won taken to the Salem hos
pifil and he is resting as easily ui
could be expected todnv.
Imited mess leased wina.l
''kton. Col fa.... on pn t,.
Jmplo set by United States Judge
fleet in tlm
5 1'ials, Judjjo Norton, presiding in
' trial of P ii ,. . n.i
''',1it,","l"l'r n,an who ' eharged
il u .""""""ting to the delinquency
i Floreno,, C avender, a 15-ycar-Ki!
' l'hoM lM '" ht out all at
itta of defense to blacken the
l" of the girl previous to her
't'I will. n ..
h r
urm auractea attention
when Miss Cavender lcapeil into Stock
ton channel and attempted to drown
herself. On being rescued a water
soaked note was found on her person
accusing -lira Me, me wmui
n.,i.i..n Htti Liberal, sn anti-prohibi
tion publication, of deceiving ber,
Miss (pveiuler tola ner riorv, u.
meeting with Bra Me one night in July
-m route to a fire. Later,
she says, he enticed her to his room and
there wronged ber.
Miss Cavender was under cross-examination
on the stand this morning.
Exhibitors Are Hurrying to Get
in Shape for Big Opening
Practically All of Entries Have Ar
rived and Will Ba Beady for Big
Event to Bo Staged.
The state fair grounds are getting
in shape for the big events to be stag
ed there next week and today was the
most active so far. Many cars are be
ing unloaded and drays are having a
busy, time carrying exhibits to the
grounds. The big rush will continue
tomorrow and Sunday and everything
will be in pretty good shape Monday
morning. Exhibitors who were late in
securing space are getting up tents and
will endeavor to make the beet of the
situation. Machinery exhibitors al
ready have a large share of their goods
arranged and ncavrly everything in the
line of farm equipment is in place.
Tomorrow will be a record-breaker
from a busy standpoint, it is certain.
Race Horses Here.
Practically all the horses have ar
rived for tho races and it is -already
doped out that the Oregon speedors will
have a show this year. There is & big
entry list from Canada.
President Booth and wife are expect
ed here tonight. They will go into
Sickness of his daughter will prevent
Hon. D. H. Loonoy of Jefferson, from
attending this year. For the first time
in 32 years he will not be a camper or
Superintendent of the Pavilion O. E.
Freytag and wife have arrived from
Clackamas county.
Tho fair management urges Sslom
people particularly to go to the grounds
and pitch tonts. It is argued that they
wii very much handier entortain friends
and relatives thore.
There is much interest in the barn
lance scheduled for tomorrow night.
(okited leased wiee.1
London, Sept.. 20, Isolation of tho
province Is threatened today by Bri
tish postal officials if Ulster secedes,
to show its disapproval of tho home
rule bill aud establishes a provisional
Unionists, it was stated, are Inquir
ing just how fnr the government could
go along this line, The telegraph lines
ulso are controlled by the government.
The Weather
me: its HflgF
"The Oil-key Bird
says: Oregon: Rain
tonight or Satur
day, west; fair to
night and Satur
day east portion;
cooler interior
west portion Sat
urday; light frost
eaot portion to
night; southerly
O. E, Cox was arrested this afternoon
by Constable Cooper and Policeman lr
vino on the charge of being drunk and
disorderly aud for a time the two offi
cers had their hands full before an auto
could be summoned to take tho innii to
.the city jail.
f ox Is thought by the officers to be
'insane. IIo wns first noticed at the In
torsei'tion of Coniiuerc'uil and Kerry
streets about 12 o'clock. Ho attracted
tho attention of many by cutting ca
mpers on the Btrwt corner. Constable
i Cooper was notified that tho man was
dancing, throwing his hands In the air
and carrying on all kinds of cavortions,
and the officer took him In custody af
ter Cox attempted to fight and run
away several times. Officer IrViiie as
sisted Constable Cooper after the latter
had finally captured the Insane man
and an auto was called to take him to
the jail. Cox has btwn arrested arreet
(ed before ou the charge of being drunk
and disorderly according to the records
okited rruss leased wise.
New York, Sont. 25. Dr. Ernest Mu-
rot, the dentist, who was Hans Shmidt's
partner in the counterfeiting business,
will bo a wituoss for tho state against
the confessed murderer of Anna Au
mullor. Whitman plans to start
Schmidt's trial October 23. Alienists
are now examining him.
Pokln, China, Sept. 20. Strong prob
ability of war betweon China and Rus
sia is seen hero today as a result of thn
attacks made yesterday by the Russian
army upon two Chinese forts and the
occupation by Cossacks of the cities of
Kobdo nd Tchougoutehak. President
President Yuan Shi Kal ami his advis
ers consider Russia's latest move as
equivalent to a declaration of war, mid
commanding officers of all Chinese bri
gades havo been otdered to mobilize
their forces.
The latest trouble, It was announced
here today has arisen over the Insist
ence of tho Russian government that
China to quell the disturbance In certain
provinces of Western Mongolia. Six
teen regiments of Cossacks yesterday
captured Kobdo and Tchougoutehak,
after a short, but bloody battle.
Wants Million
for Her Husband
firm, Clarence MacKay Defendant In
Suit Brought By Wife of a Promi
nent Surgeon.
unites raass lias id wish.
New York, Sept. 26. Mrs. Clarence
H. MacKay, society leader and promi
nent suffragette, was today served
with a $1,000,000 damage suit by Mrs.
Joseph H. Blake, wife of a prominent
Now York surgeon, for alleged aliena
tion of the affections of tor husband, a
prominent New York surgeon.
"Dr. Blake has the highest ideals,"
LT.. Blake said in an interview today.
'After living with him for 21 years I
ought to know something about him.
No woman has a more devoted husband
than he has been.
rHo came to New York a stranger
and succeeded on absolute merit. He
became the greatest surgeon in New
York yes, in the world. His achieve
ments made me the happiest woman im
"Then this terrible thing happened."
Mrs. MacKay 's friends asserted the
gossip concerning her and Dr. Blake
was started by persons jealous of her
prominence as an advocate of woman
State Superintendent of Public
Work Peck Accuses Gov- 1
ernor of Crime.
San Francisco, Sept. 26. Mrs. May
E. Vaughn, a prominent social worker,
recently indicted on a charge of at
tempting to blackmail Judge R. M.
Widnoy, of Los Angeles, has disappear
ed from her home here, according to
the police. Judge Widney, who is here
defending his son, Arthur, n charges
of occopting monoy from a woman of
the underworld, allcgod that Mrs.
Vaughn offered to secure the dismissal
of charges against his son for $500. The
police allege Mrs. Vaughn disappeared
three days ago.
Aftor a week's stay at the home of
Mrs, Vaughn, Mrs, Vivien Lyons, of
Denver, involved in several affairs
with Robert J. Widnoy, also a son of
Judge Widnrfy, alleges Bhe is a ner
vous wreck, and is taking the rest euro
at a local sanitarium. Mrs. Lyons al
lege she was so badly troatod that she
was on tho verge of collapse when tak
en from the Vaughn home.
At the annual conclave of the
Kmighst Tomplar of Oregon, held at Al
bany Thursday, L. L. Jewell, of Grants
pass, was elected grand commander of
the grand commandory. James F. Rob
inson, of Portland, was re-elected grand
recorder for tho 2-lth consecutive term.
Othor officors woro eloctod as fol
lows: Deputy grand commander, Dil
lon B. Grant, Ashland; grand general
issimo, Louis G. Clarke, Portland; grand
captain-general, W. T. Laraway, Hood
Kiver; grand senior warden, Edwnrd E.
Kiddle, Island City; grand junior war
den, George O. Brown. Salem: Brand
tronsuror, John IJ. Clelnnd, Portland.
Grand Commander Jewell named ap
poiutivo officers as follows: Grand
sword Bearer Frank 8, Bullie, Suinpter;
grand Warden, W, O. Shollunbarger,
Portland; grand captain of tho guards,
D. L. Cartmoll, Eugene. The oppint
ment of a grand prelato Is yet to be
Ashland was chosen as the meeting
place next year.
The Installation of the new offioers
completed the busiuess session, and the
grand commandory closed with a big
reception in the Armory in the evening.
Executive Said That Was What
He Was Going to Do When
He Testified.
mciTED rasa ixabsd wiu.1
Albany, N. Y., Sept. 20. Sworn tes
timony that Governor William Sulzer
of New York asked him to commit per
jury before the Frawley senate com
mittee was given before the impeach
ment court here today by State Super
intendent of Public Works Peck.
Immediately after Sulzer was nomin
ated for governor, Peck declared he
gave him $500. t Ou July 4 Peck said -he
was cubpoeuaed by the Frawley1 com
mittee. "I went to the executive offices,"
Peck testified, "showed Sulzer the let
ter and asked him what I should do. He
said 'forgot it.' I asked him what I
culd do if they had me under oath,
and he answered 'oh, do as I am going
to do forgot it.' "
Technical Victory.
Sulzer won an important technical
victory. His victory took the form of
a vote, 49 to 2 to let contributors to
his campaign fund toll whether their
contributions were given with the un
derstanding that thoy were to be used
only for campaign purposes or if they
meant to let Sulzer spend them as he
If 8ulzor' eon prove that the latter
was the case, the bottom will he knock
ed out of tho prosecution's claim that
he used a part of tho fund in personal
stock markot speculations and that, In
doing so, he committed a crime.
Could Not Do It
Henry Morgenthau, who contributed
$1000, said Sulzer begged him to troot (t
as a personal transaction if asked con
cerning it before the Impeachment
court. Morgenthau told him he could
not do it.
T. Tenjplo Gwathmay, cotton broker,
told the court that he intended the $100
check he 'gave to Sulzor to be used
"for campaign purposes only."
Dr. John Cox, who followed Gwath
may, scored for the governor, ne nave
'$300 to the campaign fund. Sulzer's
counsel asked whether it was for cam
paign or for personal use. The prose
cution did not want to permit an an
swer. Chief Justice Cullen overruled
the objection and the curt sustained
him 33 to 24.
"I Intended Sulzer to have the $:)0
for his own personal uso, to do with an
ho pleased," said Cox.
A meeting has been called by Secre
tary Ilynen, of the Bnlcm Commercial
Club, for tonight at 8 o'clock, at which
arrangements will be made to fittingly
celebrate Salem Day at tho state fair.
Tho business men will attend and state
their wishes and a general talkfeet iu
regard to the honor given this city by
the stntei fair board will be In order.
The Commercial Club honee to nretuLr
a program for the eventful date of the
rair and It is more than likely that all
the stores will close on Salom Day.