. ' I . , . .. All the News that's Fit to Pjrint Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journc Ml . - N THE IiRfiEST f I QRCUUTION I MM T , - THE BEST k-H. .. -fc. A A JM NEWSPAPER THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. PRICE TWO CENTS. ffcES SALEM. OBEOON, THURSDAT, SEPTEMBER 29, 1913. 1 m? f fir riJi rrirtnitim ffir UrA j-v ill . 1 OLA lUlU ALL ABO it vita mm GONTR vttmtatv HISTORY OF PEALS WILL HE RECITED Sulzer's Counsel Unable to Head Off Letting Down of Bars in Trial. MORE EVIDENCE! REGARDING FUNDS Witnesses Tell of Contribu tions Given to Governor for His Campaign. To Decide Fate of Their Pastor Los Angeles Presbytery In Executive Session to Consider Misconduct of Dr. Mason. UNITED PBISk LEASED WISE. Pasadena, Cal., Sept. 25. At 10 o'clock today the Los Angeles Presby tery went into executive session to de cide the fate of Dr. 0. II. L. Mason, of Long Beach, charged with unbecoming conduct with a young woman of his congrogation. The case will be decided upon the point of whether the report of the administrative commission, entire ly favorable to Dr. MaBon, shall be considered final, or further charges ad mitted. There was a large number of members of Dr. Mason's church pres ent, all apparently anxious to assist in creating sentiment in his behalf. SAYS HE WROTE OF AN TO Cassie Admits There Is Nothing to Story of Holding Wo man in Arms. WANTED RECONCILIATION Riots Will be in Big Cities BY JOHN EDWIN NEVIN. CNITKD ritBHS LEABKD WlltB. Albany, X. Y., Sept. 2.1 Tho entire financial history of William Sulzer's niipi for election as governor of New York state must be made public, the impeachment court ruled today. Every contribution he received and le spent must be accounted for. The jovernor's judges decided unanimous ). to licnr all the ovidonce the prosecu tion has to offer, whether roforrcd to in the articles of impeachment or not. Former President Morris Tokulsky, of tho New York Botail Liquor Dealors tnoriation, was on the witness stand nhen the decision to throw tho case wide open to the prosecution' was reached. Tokulsky had been asked a question tonccriiing a contribution said to have k(?n made by the liquor dealors' asso tiition to tho campaign fund. Tho governor's lawyers objected to the query on the ground that thoro was no reference in tho articles of impeach ment to such a contribution. Arguments followed. At their con dueion Justice Cullcn, as presiding of ficer of tho impeachment court, held that the prosecution must not be held to the narrow limits of a criminal case the question was permissible and so ere other questions like it. The justice's ruling was sustained ly the court unanimously. The prosecution this afternoon de manded that Sulzer's private secretary, Louis Raraceky and broker, Frederick Colwell, be produced by the defense for examination, Attorney Herrick, for Sulzer, replied with a sneer that the defense was not to blame if neither lid been subpoenaed. It was learned during the day that Jifob II. Schiff, who gave Sulzer $2,- 500 nl said Sulzer did rightly in using " to please himself has been re-sub poenacd for cross-examination. In Secretary's Account. The defense's objection to his tes timony having beon overruled, Tokul 'ly testified that he gave Sulzor his 'heck for if."0 October 0. It was a Pwsona! contribution, he said. The wk was introduced and Tekulsky identified it. It was endorsed lu Sul '' name but deposited to the ac fnnt of his privato secretary, Louis fcnvky. The prosecution accordingly started "t after Sn reeky on its own account. was siilipoenaod on his way from j1" railroad station to his hotel, brought '"'ore the court 'and ordorcd held un 111 testimony was called for. BILL AIMED TO PREVENT KILLING OF CALVES Horns Rule Leader Says Everything Will Be Running Smoothly in Dublin Parliament. UNITED PUSS LEASED WIH. Vichy, France, . Sept. 25. "Ulster will fight, no doubt," said T. P. O'Con nor, one of tho most strenuous of Irish home rulers, commenting here today on iiowa of the preparations in progress in Belfast to resist government by a Dub lin parliament, "but tho trouble will bo confined to the big cities. f'If there aro clashes, they will be caused by the inflammatory speeches of such men as Sir Edward Carson to the illiterate crowds. We will have the Dublin parliament running smoothly within a year." ONITKD FBKBB LEASED Win. Xashvillo, Tonn., Sept. 25. ISloodshod and further rioting on tho floor of tho honso was feared here today when its members assembled. All members were searched for fire arms before they wero allowed to enter and it is now believed that tho militia will bo callod out beforo night. The situation in Tennessee today i similnr to that prevailing in Kentucky during tho Ooebel row. Troublo here was precipitated when Govornor Hooper axked the special session of the login lilt u re to pass lawo authorizing him to rigidly enforce statewide prohibition Speaker White of the senate has ask ed the govornor to call out the militia and to koep tho police away from the state building. Speaker oiauton of the house today agreeil that persons in the gallery had guns trained on him and also that the police aro supporting the "wot" ele ment. Republicans and defecting Democrats elected Hooper, a Republican governor. Hooper introduced statewide prohibition and has Incurred the enmity of regular Democrats. IS INTRODUCED 'bington, Sept. ! f,1ve under 2 vein nf '""H their meat between 7 ill be tioo fine, P"onmei.t or both, if 4 " the house- by Al!mm today should ''mi of course ""t prices. !S, For killing age or for ship states, the pen six months im a bill introduc Representatives be passed. A a blow at high GAMES WILL BEGIN IN 1 Roosevelt Calls Report He Would Accept Republican Nomination Lie Remaining Games to Be Played Alternately Between Goth . am and Philadelphia. Evidence Also to Effect That Wife Threatened to Stab Him With Wicked Butcher Knife. Under the pitiless examination of At torney John H. McNary yesterday af ternoon, Antoine Cassie, the dofendant n a divorce suit brought by his wife, Mrs. Nera' L. Cassie, grudgingly tes tified that he had writton falsehoods in letters to his wife for the purpose of making her jealous of him and in ducing her to again love and respect him, following numerous quarrels which took place botweon the c Duple Bhortly aftor their marrjago. Mrs. Cassie is seeking divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman troatmontt Both parties to tho proceedings aro former officials at the Chomawa Indian Training school. In the letters introduced as evidence by Attornoy McNary, who represouts the plaintiff, Mr. Cassie told his wife that he did not want to live with her any longer; that he waB planning to marry again as soon as he could got divorce; that "at the proseut time ho was holding another woman in his arms;" that he would bring his future wife to Chemawa and that he hoped his ALL ARRANGEMENT MADE Umpires Connolly, Eg an, Klem and Rigler Are Named to Officiate During Big Series. united rniss leased wish. Philadelphia, Sept. 23. The New York Giants, winners of the pennant in the National League, and the Phila delphia Athletics,, champions of the American League, will meet In New York October 7 in tho first game of the series to be played for the world's championship. The remaining games will be played alternately at Now York and Philadelphia. Umpires Connolly and F.gan of the American League, and Klem and Rig ler of the National League, wero nam ed by the commission to officiate in the world's series. A flip of a coin by Chairman Herr mann docided that the first game should be played in New York, Presi dent Hempstead,' of the Giante, calling heads and winning. SUICIDE BELIEVED TO BE DELZELL IS NAMED. united phess leased wise. Washington, Sept. 25. The nomiua tion of W, A. Belzell to be postmaster present wife would not pull her hair and & Klamath Falls, Or., was sent to the many other thincs. Unon beiuir cross- i senate today. examined by Attorney McNary, Cassie with downcast face, told Judge Gallo way that everything ho said in his lot tors to his wife wore falsehoods and lies; that he did not mean anything he wrote and he mentioned tho above things for the sole purpose of making his wifo jealous in the hopo that she would not pay attention to any ono else and that she would return to him and "obey her marriage vows to love and -.,.,f l,;... it 1 1 I UNITED PSBBS LEASBll WIBB.1 """"" Shoboygnn, Wis., Sept. 25,-Bolicving Attorney Shaw, the defendant's e.oun-, a young man who committed suicide sel, introduced ns ovidonce two wicked hero today to be Joseph Ellis, supposed butcher knives whien, alleged the do- murdered of Joseph Shalnnsky in In- fondant, his wiro threatened to stab diannpolis, Justice W. M. Kiug tele- f " . . , llllf S ;;ff ; . k' ' : ' h .;:!: ' .Jr"V r i V J 0;nri : . :'..,irwit jj cQfiHitMT sec cweaiMtr: Colonel Theodora Boosevelt ORCED TO GIVE 500 TO LAM Los Angeles Architect Tell in Bixby Trial of Blackmail He Paid. UNITED PBBBS XJAASRD WIB1. ( Boston, Sept. 25. Wiring from New I York to the Massachusetts state pro-1 gressive 'committou, Colonel Theodore' Roosevelt flatly denied yesterday after noon published reports that the Repub lican nomination for the presidency in 1910 would be acceptable to him. He bitterly denounced an article to this effoct appearing in tho Boston Herald. ' The Roosevelt telegram said in part: "I don't think it worth while to answer the articles, but If you think otherwise you may publish this tele gram or state that I state the Herald's statements are preposterous falsehoods which were published because they were falsehoods. If these falsehoods are de nied the Horald undoubtedly will in vent new ones." MURDER DF TWO MEN IN COMPLAINT him with. Tho defendant further tea titled at tho request of his attorney that his wife at one time tried to in jure him by slamming a trunk lid down on his hand." Mrs. C'assio was then called to the stand and she testified that sho was afraid of hor husband and at the time mentioned she picked up a knife and threatened to defond herself with it. She further testified that during the two years she was mnrrlod to the de fondant, he furnished her with but $3.50 to clothe herself and that her par ents supplied tho rest of the money. She said she had not been provided with anything to cook with, that her hus band was insanely jealous and that he treated her in such a manner that she coilld no longer love or respect him. Mrs. Cassie further testified that her 1EFEAT (Continued on page 8.) graphed to the Indiana capital for a complete description of tho wanted man. The' suicide rcsenibleu nulili.i,.v,i pictures of Ellis, and papers found in his pockets bear out the theory that he is the person sought. The Weather Old soa Tho Dicky Bird Kays: Oregon, Fail tonight and Fri day; heavy frost tonight east por- "on, easterly winds. UNITID r-BKBB LBASKD WI1IB. San Francisco, Sept. 25, A. R. Coul- son was formally ehargod at 11 a. m. today with the murder of William Ack er and George Kovack. The accusation was made by Detective Manuel De La Guorra. . Acker and Kovack wore shot to death a few minutes aftor 2 o'clock last Sat urday morning as thoy wero launching in the Atlas garage with Coulson's common law wifo, Mrs, Catherine Gal lagher, who was also shot and seriously Wounded. ' (,'oulson gave himself up late Satur day aftoruoon. Since then, until to day, he wtis held by the police under no formal accusation, Superior Judge Lawlor today refused a writ of habeas corpus for Mrs. Gal lagher who is technically detained by the polico, though actually In a hos pital suffering from tho wound. Hor attorney, 0orgo Cpsby in fact, with drew the request for tho writ saying he bolioved his cliont was satisfied to remain whore sho is. SHERIFF IS ROUNDING UP COURT CONTEMPT UNITED rBKRS UABSD WISE. Seattle, Sept. 2. Aftor delaying ac tion for 18 hours on bonch warrants issued by Judge Humphries! late yos terday afternoon, Sheriff Cudiheo this morning started out to round up 1)9 socialists and members of the Free Speech league, who wore 'ordered ar rostod for contempt of court, Tho wholesale arrests demanded by Judgo Humphries followed tho opon de fiance hurled at tho jurist at a mass meeting Sunday, in which the socinliBt party officially joined the free speech fight and threatened to make a farco ofvJudgo Humphries' authority by de liberately violating his orders, If he should insist on punishing for contempt of court, three spenkors at an open air meeting hold in City Hall park recent- The letter of defiance, signed by (III, whs sent to Judge Humphries and he wsb informed that voluntoors from all over the state would be ask'od to joiu in the cammign to make his court a farce. Salem Should Put on Her Best In Honor of Her Fair Visitors UNiTiD rnsss masio wibs. Visnna, Sept. 25. The Servian gar rison of the Albanian town of rrisrond have beaten off a dosperato Albanian attack, according to messages received hore today. Albanians now occupy Diakowa and Dibra, however, and fierce fighting is in progress along the Sorvisn Albanlau frontier. Commencing Monday Salem will keep open house for the Imlance of the state, and for many visitors outside of it. It is only right therefore that like tho dainty hostess ihe Is, she put her house in order for her guest. In other words wo should, every man, woman and youngster in the city, do all we can to make the city attractive and give our visitors the vory best we have in stock both as to our own looks and home, and their comfort and pleasure. We should "doll up," put on our very best civic dross for the occasion and appear at our best. To accomplish this, even- 1,.,. "'an should see that his place of busl "ess is well deeornted. The streets are already pretty well strung wit, ))ai). ners ami bunting, l,t addition to this every business plnce should have its windows decorated and tho private houses especially in tho central part of the city should also have a display of buhtiag, anything to call attention to the fact that Salem i. more than glud to have her visitors put their feet under her mahogany and .hare the feast with her. Prom all Indication, there will be one of tho biggest crowds hero tho city has ever seen, and it Is up to us to mako their visit ono that they will re- member with pleasure, and mark with a white stone. Wo it rrt ti ti. m 1 1 1 rt t am f . ..(iH, nig just what should be done; thut is for the householders to decide some thing in honor of tho occasion. Salom is the second city In the state in pop illation and first In beauty, and thli imputation it is up to hor to maintain Hoe to It that you do not wait for those noighliors to start the good work, You are just as competent to do that as are taey. IIS BAR ASSOCIATION WILL TAKE ACTION Judge Declares Lawyers Who Engage in Such Work , Should Be Disbarred. united rasas leased wrnE.1 Los Angoles, Cal., Sept. The defeusa of George H. Bixby, Long Beach mil lionaire banker, charged with contribu ting to the delinquency of a minor girl, scored another victory today when Oc tavious Morgan, a wealthy architect, was forced to testify in support of Bix by 's contention that he was the vic tim of a black moiling conspiracy. Morgan swore that he gave to W. 1L Stevens, attorney, tor gixlg concoct ed with the Bixby case, checks aggre gating $2,500. Tho dofeuse then sought to prove that those were given as the price of silence regarding allagod re lations between the architect and young girls. Claim Similar Extrtlon. The Bixby attorneys aro hanging thoir case on a contention are hanging nar extortion was aimed at their client, and that his present difficulties are th result of his refusal to pay. Morgan, who is white huirod and past sixty years of ago, appeared deeply af fected by tho revelations he was com pelled to make. Evident effort to treat him with consideration was made by th defense attorneys. While waiting for the attornoys to conclude thoir arguments on the Mor gan matter, Mrs. Elizabeth Luo.oy, mother of Marie Brown-Levy, a wit ness, was carried from the witness room in a critical condition, the losult of a cardiac attack. Morgan, upon tho roqucst of tho de fense, produced throe cancelled checks, two for $500 and one for $1,500, all Hiyabyle to Stevons. Should Be Disbarred. At this juncture Judgo Bledsoe in terposed the declaration that the mat ter of the checks will be reported to tho bar association. 'If there aro any lawyers here who prostitute thomsolvos to ongoge in op orations of this kind, they should be driven out of the profession," Judge Bledsno said. "A eopy of this testi mony will bo laid bo me before the bar association." Aftor Morgnn had testified that he had no business relations with Stevons at the time of tho check transfer, und that Ste veus had told him that ho renre snnted Mrs. Laccy, Davis asked: "Wero you guilty of any misconduct whatsoever (By reason of which you core forced to give these chocks to Slovens!" Morgan refused to answer on tho ground-that ho might thereby b "de graded." Ho gave the snine retdv to the next question, which sought to bring to light tho purpmte ,'or which tho checks were given to tho attorney. BALBOA HONORED, UNITED PSISS IJ0ASED WISE. Constantinople, Sept. 25, More than 800 persous wero killed by the explo sion of a powder mill at Ordu, a sea port on tho Illnck Sea, last night, ac cording to advices received hero today. Tho explosion followed a flro which practically destroyed the town. It started by tho bursting of an oil reser voir and spread rapidly. UNITED PBBBS LEASED WIRE. Sun Francisco, Sept. 25. Over tho 1'neifie ocean today there wont radint lug from San Francisco a wireless mes sage which reached every ship with wireless apparatus, and asked it to dip Itsflag In honor of tho 400th anniver sary of the discovery of that broad ex pense of water by Balboa. OVER MILLION SUBSCRIBED. (UNITED rnSSS LEANED WISE. Belfast, Kept. 25. The Ulster volun teer committee this afternoon announc ed thut $1,250,000 already had been sub scribed to the indemnity fund.