DAILY CAM TAl JOUJGUI 1AL3M, OUMK. TOBMT, BmaPEt 8 1111 TAOS m 1 H MMMMM HHMH jj YE LIBERTY .foil FASTINATING ARRAY OF WOMEN'S SUITS, COATS ND DRESSES Creations of exquisite beau ty, extremely smart models de veloped1 by the foremost style creators. To fully appreciate this style show you should come in and see the attractive garments we have assembled. The new fashionable effects are very stunning, all made of this season's newest and most popular fabrics. Booster Sale Specials in Suits, Coats and Dresses Regular Price $7.50 to $50.00 BOOSTER SALE SPECIAL ON COATS SUITS AND DRESSES '00 A nrLENP a 04- v yi r 1 TAKE I If)) I jj ADVANT Mjj!k " AGE OF THE BOOSTER SALE PRICES The Well Dressed Man is the Tailormade Man Clothes made for YOU, to suit your individual ity are what YOU, as a carefully dressed r man,, need. -. j. ,-,... .. ( By the Scotch Woolen Mills system you get at a moderate price the equivalent to the best in quality at a much lower price. One trial is all we ask. A wide variety of the newest and best fabrics are at your disposal. Suits or Overcoats at $15 and $20 SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS 359 STATE STREET Any day is a good Jay to begiu s course of training at the Capital Busi ness College the school that for U years has been training young people to entor businoss with the assurance of success, Its graduates may be found one end of the state to the other, hold ing the best places. Investigate what it can do for you. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic pow der. It relieves painful, smarting, tender, nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bun- ionB. It s the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes, tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain relief for sweating, callous, swollen, tired, aching feet. Always use it to break in new shoes. Try it to day. Sold everywhere, 25 cents. Don 't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package address Allen a. ulm sted, Le Roy, Y. tMMt f IIop picking and prune picking win soon oe here, contract your bread and cake supply early with THE SALEM ROYAL BAKERY Former German Bakery, and you will be assured of dealing with an up-to-date, sanitary and respon sible firm. Phone 878, No. 249. Commercial street. GOLDSMITH & THEUER PROPRIETORS. i ' LAST NIGHT Of the Vocal Marvel CHAS. GIBBS, "Dead"Hear him say it DAPHNE LEWIS The .wonderful contralto. "JOYCE OF THE NORTH WOODS" Mary Fuller as the heroine of this famous Edison drama- I tization of the popular novel. Two other good reels. 15 cts. Children 10 cts. M . CITY NEWS. Local barbers are "making hay while the sun shines" now. Hop pick ers, with long whiskers are flocking' home, and the nifty man behind the razor is having the time of his life ' mowing the crops. Prunes are fine ana the geese hang ing high, according to August Hucke stein and son. The postmaster and the cigar man made a visit to their ranch south of the city yesterday, and found everything in tip-top shape. After rambling about some of Ore gon's finest territory for a week, Jack McGlyn, night clerk at the Hotel Ma rion, has returned much refreshed and satisfied. Mr. McGlyn visited Foloy Springs, sojourned at Belknap Springs and waded in Blue river. He took in the mining district near Blue river and enjoyed a general good time, and last night he was seen posted at his old stand behind the counter of Salem's popular hostelry. According to Secretary Bynon, of the Commercial club, local people will celebrate the opening of the Panama canal by making a big racket. Secre tary Bynon communicated with the Commercial club, of Portland, and has made the necessary arrangements for the notification of the opening. Toot ing whistles and ringing church bells in connection with various noise-making devices will be heard in Salem when the Atlantic and the Pacific are made as one. I The Store that Saves You Money OUR THIRD WEDNESDAY SPECIAL v M n M 11 11 n ss IS ri ii ii ii M ri FJ U 11 It Go-Carts Removable Hood Collaspsible Frame Rubber Tired Wheels. Price $3.25 Brass Beds 2-inch continuous posts, five heavy fillers. Price $12.75 Shasta Heaters Cast top and bottom, cast lined. Full nickle trim med. Handsome foot rests on both sides. Price $7.85 We Buy for Less Therefore We Sell for Less Ei Stori es Stores Sale I Portland, in ft w wwmw HOME I FURNISH EKd COR. COURT &HIGHSTS. Vancouver, Or, egon w. Washington "IN BAD" You are certainly 'in bad" when you allow the appetite to lag, the digestion to become impaired and the bowels con stipated. Got "in right" today by taking a short course of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters The Willamette river is losing its bottom, according to the old time riv ermen and launch owners. They declare that the water is so low that a small launch can hardly navigate the river in certain places. This is rather unusual at this time of the year, as the records at the 0. C. T. company's dock show that the stage of the Willamette at this time of the year heretofore has been much higher. William Petzel, administrator of the estate of the late Joe Petzel, yesterday afternoon commenced an action for damages in the circuit court against the Oregon Electric company. It is al leged in the complaint that the defend ant company operated a train at a great rate of speed without giving due warn ing that it was approaching a motor truck in which Joe Petzel was riding, and who was killed as a result of the train running into the truck. $7500 damages are asked for in the complaint. G. B. Trask and J. D. Densmore are al so complainants against the company in a separate suit filed to recover $3100 damages alleged to be due on account of the defendant's train running into the truck while being operated negli gently. NEW YORK APPLAUDS AID A. Mnio. Frances Alda made her first appearance at the Metropolitan Opera house this season on December 11, in one of her favorite roles, that of Mimi in "Boheme. " When Alda. first came to the Motro- politain a few years ago, she was at once recognized as the possessor of a voice of exceptional beauty. That the prima donna is also forturuite enough to possoss abundant intelligence and an unbounded capacity for hard work is evidenced by the manner in which her art had broadened since her debut here. The following exec-rpts from the New York press show with whist apprecia tion the diva was received on her ap pearance. If ever before she has sung so well at the Metropolitan as she did last night, then the occasion escapes memory, and the huge audience appre ciated her work. She resisted tempta tions to force her voice, singing with re pose and beauty of tone. Her phras ing was musical and she sang her first ' Cnidl9l3TtMHf Pick Out Your Overcoat While Our Splendid Stock is Still Intact Overcoats this season combine luxurious comfort and warmth with a more graceful appearance. We have an especially good assortment by the best Ameri can and English makers. Overcoats that are just the thing for daily wear and yet adaptable for wear with a dress suit. You'll get the maximum wear and service for the money at $20.00 Others at $2.SQ (for raincoats.) to $40. THE TOGGERY, Inc. 167 North Commercial Street. act aria so impressively that enthusi- and with unorring pitch. So, too, in asts interrupted the opera to applaud the farewell scene with. Iiodolfo, of tha nor. Ana at tne end or the act she third act, was the admirable." N. Y. Boared to a high- C with utmost ease Herald, Dec. 12, 1912. . . Adv. Globe Theatre TODAY Basco and Brown's Musical . Comedy Company CHANGE OF PROGRAM TODAY "A Chinese Ambassador" 8 new music, new costumes, New Songs, New Dances. A r 1 n iIiaw . ... .l!Urf tu nuiiicuaimumuicn! 2NEW PICTURES2 Bargain Matinee Every Day Prices: Matinee, adults, 15c; children, 10c. Evening, adults, 25c; children, 10c. Globe Theatre FARM SEEDS Just received a large shipment of Grass and Clover Seeds and can now fill orders for any sized lot. Some fancy Vetch Seed at the right price. A complete stock of rec leaned Fall Oats, Rye, Cheet Seed, etc. Seed Cleaning Remember that we have the only power seed clean ers in the city and clean all our seeds before offering for sale. Also, do custom work at reasonable charge. Bring in your seeds and grain and have them cleaned in first class shape. D. A. WHITE & SONS FEEDMEN AND SEEDMEN. 251-261 State Street. S.le.n, Oregon. 1 4 ON BRASS GOODS This Sale Includes a Beautiful Assortment of Jardinieres Jardiniere Stands Umbrella Holders Vases, Fern Dishes Bon Bon Dishes FOR THE FIRE PLACE We have just received a large shipment of iron and brass firesets, andirons and fire screens. SEE DISPLAY OF BRASS GOODS.