f PAGE BIX DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBSAL, BALEftf, OEBQOK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1913. MMMMMM ! Pastor BEHOLD A NEW AGE IS DAWNING Pastor Russell Addresses Rec ord Crowd at Memphis. i THE TWO PROMISES OF GOD The Wonders of the Paet Century Re 1 hearsed They Are Foregleams of Meetiah'a Kingdom Tha Bleaainga Promised For Thousands of Years Are Upon Us Already In Them Greater Wonders Are Coming Scrip ture Prophecy Fulfilling Evolution Theory Incompetent and Unwise Lift Up Your Heada and Rejoice. "The Blind," Who See Not the Source of These Blessings, Discontented, Are Menaced The Danger Should Be Carefully Guarded Against. Memphis, Tenn., September 21. I'ustor ntisscll ad dressed two Inrjje and deeply in terested audiences here today, one la the Memphis All litorlum. Renting 3ve thousand. We report ouo o( Uls discourses, on the topic, "The Dawn of the Golden Ago of the I'ronhets and the Poets." Ills text was, "Ho that sat upon the Throne sukl. Behold, I innke nil things new." (Revelation 21:5.) He said: The promise of a New Dny has long been before God's people In the Bible. It was hinted to our first parents, six thousand years ago, that eventually the Seed of the woninn Bhould bruise the serpent's head. This, Interpreted, Is understood to mean that the power of Satan will be crushed, and man kind will be delivered from the reign of Sin and Death which has prevailed since tlie disobedience in Eden. A second promise, still more explicit, made by God to Abraham of old, says, "In thy Seed shall nil the families of the earth be blessed." For centuries Abra ham's posterity waited for tlio Mes siah of promise, with the anticipation that He would use them In connection with Ills work of blessing all peoples. The Prophets of Israel foretold the coming King of the line of David that He should be a great Priest, a reigning Priest, after the order of Mcl chir.cdee. To Ulra "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess," and through Him a blessing will extend to all nations aa "a feast of fat things full of marrow, a. id wines on the lees." (Isaiah 45:23; 25:6.) Even the disciples of Jesus, who rec ognized Ulra as the "Sent of God," were disappointed that His glorious Kingdom, of which He spoke, was not Immediately revealed, and that In an swer to their question Uo declared, "It Is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the Futher hath put In His own Power." Still the proph ecies respecting Messiah's Kingdom were repeated and amplllied In the parables of Jesus, In the teachings of His ApoBtles, and dually and graphi cally, In the Inst Book of the Bible, In the Itevelatlon which Jesus gave the Church through Bt Johu. Our text Is a quotation ' from this Revelation, respecting the Kingdom of Messiah. Through It God is to wipe nway all tears from off all faces; and the King of kings and Iml of lords, whom Jehovah has established as the great MesHlnh. assures us that lie Him self will "make nil things new." Kven the heathen poets sang of the Ooldon Age to come quite probably borrowing their thought from the He brew Scriptures and quite probably realizing In some measure that a gracious God would not forever per mit a reign of Sin and Death, but would somehow, sometime, and through some agent, bring to earth blessings to supplant the curse. ' "Arise, Look Around Thee," I After all these centuries of waiting mid hoping and praying, "Thy King dom come; Thy will be done on earth, as In Heaven," God's people today are more and more awakening to a realiza tion of the fact that we are living In the very dawn of the glorious Epoch for which all have waited, prayed and hoped. Theso blessings have come down like a gentle shower, so quietly that wo can scarcely realize that the earth has entered upon tiie foretold Times of Itefreshlug and ltestltutlon mentioned by St Peter.-Acts 8:10-21. Many are atlll asleep, Borne are con fused, and know not to what the bless . lugs should be attributed. Having lost faith lu the Bible and Its promises, many are seeking a solution of the wonderful things of our day along the lines of evolution, claiming that a Na ture god operutes by blind force, under a law of the survival of the fittest Surely they overlook the fuct that there were great characters In the past with whom few of the present day may be compared such as Shuke upeare. Bacon. Socrates. Plata, St I'liul, King Solomon. King David the xet Job, Moses, etc. A far better explanation Is furnished lis In the Bible. It explains that the wonders of today are the foregleams of Messiah's Kingdom and Its blessings. It explains that we are In the Day of Jehovah's Preparation for the King dom of Ills Son. We have the numer ous Scriptural declarations PolnUnf to k " 't 1 ! V ! I'ASIOJLgySSF-LD Russell's the end of this Age and the dawning yt a new Age, and assuring us that at this time many would run to and fro, knowledge should be increased, and the nlso should understand. Dan. 12:1-13. "In the Time of the End." This prophecy of Dauiel Is worthy of rureful note, not only because Dauiel was a Prophet greatly beloved by the Lord, but because Jesus, the Redeem er, specially quoted a portion of this prophecy, and thus attested Its gen uineness. The many running to and fro could seemingly refer to nothing slse than the wonderful travelling which is a feature of our day and no other. In no other time was running to and fro a possibility to any extent It Is less than a century since the first crude locomotive was built It is only one hundred and six years since the first Bteamboat by Fulton was tried. It might be said that there was no oppor tunlty for running to nnd fro, until within the past fifty years. Now, the world is grldironed with rails. Now, the ocean voyage of four months Is cut down practically to as many days, by mammoth vessels carrying three thou sand to four thousand at n time. Who knew, at the time of Daniel's prophecy, of these wonderful facili ties for running to nnd fro? Who knew that these facilities would be so generally used In this our day? Only the Almighty! And He gave this ns one of the particular signs of tho end Ins of the present Age tho dawning of the New Dispensation the loug pronilscd Messianic Kingdom. Look also at the second proof fur nished us by this Prophet the Increase of knowledge. Who would ever have dreamed, n century ago, of conditions ns they are at this moment when practically every human befng in civil ized hinds, from ten years old nnd up ward, is able to rend nnd write) Who would hnve dreamed of such persisten cy to fulfil the prophecy as would lead to laws of compulsory education in all civilized lands? Verily, the increase of knowledge is a positive proof of the lnsplrnton of Daniel's prophecy, and equnlly proves that the New Age Is dawning, and thnt we are now in the day of God's preparation for It. The next statement of the Prophet Daniel Is that the wise of God's peo ple shall understand. And now, In the appropriate time, nil over tho world, classes of Bible students are coming together, regnrdless of denouiinntlonnl lines, to study the Heavenly Father's Word. And true to tho prophecy, the wise, trimming their Bible lamps and being well supplied with the oil of the Holy Spirit urp receiving light are understanding the things kept secret from past ages and generations. "The mystery of God shall be finish ed," Is another of the promises of the Bible respecting the present time; and surely It Is having fulfilment! Not nil are yet awake. But the joy of those who are awake, and their sing ing of the song of Moses and the Lamb, tend more and more to awaken all the virgin class. One more token of the end of this Age and the dawning of the New Age, God declared to. the Prophet Daniel; namely, "There shall be a time of trou ble such as never was since there was a nation." Let us not especially dwell on this Bad feature. Let us regret that unpreparedness for God's mercies and blessings makes necessary a great day of trouble, to prepare the hearts of men for the blessings God Is about to pour upon them. Tho Redeemer mentioned the present tlmo, and the Time of Trouble which we see looming up on every hand and threatening the very foundations of society political, social and religious. He bade Ills followers rejoice even amidst the trouble, because It marks the Day of deliverance from the pow er of Sin and Death. He said, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your bends and rejoice, knowing that your deliv erance drnwoth nigh." Luke 21:28. Knowledge of God's Glory. The Bible declares that a prominent feature connected with the New Ago will be tho binding of Satan, the Prince of Darkness, the father of lies, who has been deceiving poor humanity for these six thousand years. Continually be has been misrepresenting God's character and Plan so as to turn hu manity away from God In fear and dis trust Thus he has blinded their minds to God's glorious goodness, which, to His people. Is now shining clearly, In the personal character of our Redeem er nnd In the promises of the Bible. Every preparation Is being made for tlie dlssomluatlou of knowledge world wide. Telegraph wires and cables cofi-utK-t the civilized world, and now ad ditionally the wireless telegraphy; and the later Improvements upou this means of communication seem destin ed to bring It shortly to a piano of world-wide economy and usefulness. The printing-press Is one of the most wonderful preparations of God for the general dissemination of knowledge. And already the world Is learning that many of the things considered absolute certainties by our forefathers are real ly nbnurdltles. Amongst others are tho various creeds which we and other civilized peoples have worshiped as Idols Idols which have seriously mis represented the character of our Heav enly Father. In agriculture other wonders nre be ing performed, fulfilling the Scriptures, and seeming, lu the light of the past almost as miracles. Vast areas of wilderness and arid lands are being fertilized. Artesian wells are fulfilling tho prophecy of springs coming forth from the desert The promise of the Lord through the Prophet that the earth should yield her Increase, hi also being fulfilled. New varieties of wheat of outs, of cotton, etc., are being dis covered, and the yield Is bebtg multi plied. At the sums time the quality I Sermon being advanced. Fruits and vegeta bles are reaching a 'perfection not Ireamed of even twenty-five years nga The same Divine providence which has lifted the vetl before the eyes of mechanics has also lifted tlie veil be fore the eyes of agriculturists, and Mr. fcurbnnk Is giving the world won derful lessons In agriculture and horti culture. These blessings of our day are none the less wonderful because they are coming in a seemingly natural way. If once we expected these things to be fulfilled In a miraculous manner, It was because we forgot that "God moves In a mysterious way His wonders to perform." Everything In nature Is really a miracle until we come to understand it and then It is no less a wonder, but merely seems less so because commonplace and usual. "Send Out Thy Light." Willie we have been singing, "Send out Thy Light and Truth, 0 Lord," perhaps comparatively few who sang have appreciated the fact that, while we were asking, God was fulfilling our request, not only along spiritual lines, but also along natural lines. The In crease of light, knowledge, under standing, appreciation of God's Word, hns merely been keeping pace with the natural light. Think of it! oven fifty years ago the making of tallow candles wns an in dustry In nearly one-half the homes of humanity! Only then did petroleum be gin to enlighten the world. Then came coal gas; and now this is rapidly giv ing way to the electric light, in which one form after nnother Is Increasing Us usefulness nnd cheapness. Indeed, when wo speak of electricity we are speaking of one of the wonders of the world, of which wo understand so lit tle. It would appear as though the Lord has In this, hidden treasures of wisdom, power and blessing. Already the hours of labor are great ly decreased. Already time for study. Improvement and pleasure Is at our disposal. And yet we are only lu the Infancy of these blessings. We nre only nearlng the dawn of thnt glorious Day when sin and sorrow shall pass away forever. At one time we might have feared that the rapid increase In the con sumption of coal would soon leave the world destitute of fuel. Statisticians declare that the supply of the whole earth at the present rnto of consump tion and Increase will be exhausted In less than two centuries. But we need not fear. A better means of comfort, than by the drudgery of our fellow creatures In tho bowels of the earth, will undoubtedly be provided by the gceat King of kings, who bus under taken by His Kingdom to bring to our race blessings, llistead of the curse un der which we have labored six thou sand years six great Days. How fie will do It Is, of course, a mystery. Nevertheless, we do know that in tlie wntcr which is so abundant and In the air which we breathe there are elements of combustion far more than sufficient for every need. Man needs the key of knowledge on tills subject, nnd It will doubtless be fur nished by the Lord In the very same way that Ho has already given us the key to our other blessings which are preparing for the perfectness of His Millennial Kingdom. Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Peace. But Messiah's Kingdom will be much more than a 'beneficent Reign giving mankind temporal blessings and knowl edge. In connection with the knowl edge of God. the way of reconciliation will be paved for the sinner. He who redeemed the world with the Bncrlflce of His own life Is to be the great Medi ator between (Jod nnd men. Forgive ness of sins and help out of the weak nesses of the full are the glorious prom ises of the Scriptures. Inherited weaknesses, surrounding temptations and Ignorance of God, un doubtedly have more to do with the reign of Sin In the world than any real preference for sin on the part of the majority. Whon temptation to Bin shall have been removed, when 8atnn shall be bouud, when the True Light fihall shine, when God's true character shall have been manifested, when Ills loving pity for the race shall have been demonstrated, we have every reason to suppose that then, the tnnjority of mnnklnd will be glad to return to the Father's House, to serve Him with true contrition of heart and loyalty. We are fully content, however, with the Scriptural proposition thnt when the light of that glorious Day shall bring blessings to every member of our race, the Inexorable law will be that who ever loves sin shall perish In the Sec ond Death, without hope of recovery. The Church of this Gospel Age Is an exception to the nfasses of the world. Of these Jesus said. "Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your cars, for they hear." Thus He Indicated that a special favor comes to this special clasi. Respecting the others, St Paul writes that some are feeling after God, desiring to find Him, but are baf fled by the Ignorance and superstition with which Satan blinds and confuses them. "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of those who believe not." lest the glorious light of God's goodness ns It shines In the face of Jesus Christ our Lord should shine In their hearts. The Church, thus an exception to the world, Is styled the Elect of God, B people) for B purpose. The Divine promise to the faithful of the Church Is Jnlnt-helrshlp with Messiah In that glorious Kingdom which Is Just about to be established, and for which still we pray, "Thy Kingdom come." These elect ones, tried.. tested, found worthy, will be Messiah's Joint holrs and His associates in ruling, helping, npliftlng. Judging, the world of mnnklnd-to as certain which, under full light and op portunity, will love sin nnd which will love righteousness and bate Iniquity. The Markets The hop market had another lift Thursday, going up a cent and is still climbing. It is a foregone conclusion that the price will not stop short of 25 cents, and how much higher it will go is a matter of individual guessing. Eo ports from England and the old country hop yards show steadily falling esti mates, and they are not alone on this, for here in Oregon the yield is now es timated at about 130,000 bales as against the first estimate of 145,000, and this may be too high. Wheat is unchanged, but firm. The government ' report shows the potato crop is about 18 per cent below that of last year. Of all the states, Maine alono shows an increase over last year. The total production of the United States last year was 414,289,000 bushels. Oregon's crop is only 7 per cent below normal, and last year was one per cent above. The total yield in 1912 for the state wns 10,385,000 bushels. The peach market is demoralized. Tomatoes are scarce and firm at from 50 to 65 cents. POETLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Wheat Track prices: .New Club, 80S0Vjoj new Bluestem, 88c; new Fortyfold, 80c; new ReiT Russian, 80c Fifo, 80c; Valley, 80o. Millstuffs Bran, $23.50 per ton; 79; Fifo, $25.50; middlings, $31. Flour Patents, 14.70 per barrel; straights, $1.10; exports, $3.C53,05; valley, $4 70; graham, $4.60; whole wnnt, $4.80. Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per ton. liny Fancy Idaho timothy, $1718; fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516; timothy and clover, $14(ffil5: timothy and alfalfa, $1315; clover, $8.5010; oais and vetch, $1011; choat, 1011; valley grain hay, $10(311. Oats No. 1, white, $2525.50 per ton. ' Barley Feed, $2424.50 per ton; brewing, nomiual; rolljd, 42728. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots, 12 14c; peaches, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 8 10c, nilver, 18c; figs, white and black. H7Hc; currents, 9 Vic; raisins, loose Muocatel 67ttc; bleached Thompson, 11 He, unbleached Sultan as, 8Vic; seeded, 7tt8tte. Coffee Roasted, ia drums, 1832c per lib. ' Nuts Walnuts, 17H18o per lb; Brazil nutB, 12 Vic; Alberts, 15c; al monds, 1618c; paeans, 17c; cocoa nuts, 90c$l per dozen. Salt Granul".t 1, $14 per ton; half ground, 100s, $10 per ton; 60s, $10.75 per ton. Beans Small white, $6.50; large, White, $5.50; Lima, $0.30; pink, $4.15; red Mexicans, 6c; bayou, $5.90. Sugar Dry granulated, $5.65; fruit ana berry, $5.65; beet, $5.45; Extra C, $5.15; powdered, barrels, $5.90; cubes, barrels, $6.05. Rice No. 1 Japan, 55e; cheaper grades, 4V4c; southern head, 66c. Honey Choice, $3.25(5)3.75 per case. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples New, 90c$2.25 per box; apricots, 75c$1.25 per boi; canta loupes, $1.251.50 per crate; peaches, 4060o per box; watermelons, $1.25 per cwt.; plums, 3050c per box; pears, 75c$1.50 per box; grapes 75c$1.50 per crate; casabas, $1.75 per dozen. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT BY COMMISSION Yon votefs of Snlem will probably be called upon in the near future to voto on whether we will have the commission form of government for our Cherry City or not. To voto intelligently you ought to know something about this commission form of government, nml the pnbjic library Is the place to find out. The library has been able to sup plement its own collection along this line by a special collection from the state library so the material now available is especially valuable. There are not only genoral books about com mission government, such as Bradford's Commission government in American Cities and Bruce 's Now City Oovern mont, but there are also charters of many cities which have adopted this form of govornmeiit, such as Tacoma, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Davton. Ohio. We also have the Iowa law, under which tho city of Des Moines onoraina. There is one book which is especially worthy of mention, and that is Charles A. Heard s Loose Leaf Digest of Short Ballot Charters. It is absolutely nn tn date, the list of short ballot cities be ing corrected to May 20, 1913, and a digest of the charters under which the cities operate being given. Some of the most interesting eenernl books on the commission form of gov ernment are as follows: Bradford, E. 8. Commission Govern ment in American Cities. Bruce, Henry New City Govern ment. Deming Government of American Cities. Fairtie Municipal Administration. Hamilton, J, .1. Government by Com mission. Macgregor City Government by Commission. ' Robhlns Selected Articles on the Commission Plnu of Municipal Govern ment. Woodruff City government by Commission. I Tropical Fruits. Oranges, Valencia, st: navels. $4.5005.50; Florida grape fruit, $5.507; lemons, $8.5010 per box; pineapples, 7c per lb. Vegetables Beans, 34o per pound; cabbage, 22V30 per pound; cauli flower, $2 per crate; corn, 1015c doz.; cucumbers, 2040c per box; eggplant, 5Q7c per pound; head lettuce, 3540c per dozen; peas, 57o per pound; pep-j pors, 08c pound; radishes, lOtfglJc per dozen; tomatoes, 4060c per box; garlic, 10c per pound. Potatoes New, 75c$l per cwt.; 9weets, $2.25 per crate. Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack. Dairy and Country Produce. Butter. Oregon creamery, solid pack, 30c per lb.; prints, box lots, 34c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 3435o per doz. Cheese. Oregon Triplets, 16Vfcc; Dai sies, 17c; Young America, 18c. Poultry Hens, 1516c; Bprings, 18c; ducks, young, 1213c; geese, 14lGc; turkeys, live, 20c, dressed, 25c. Veal Fancy 1516c per pound. Pork Fancy, 12 l-2c per lb. Provisions. Hams 10 to 12 lbs., 2122c; 12 to 14 lbs., 2122c; picnics, 14Vc; cottage roll, 17 Vic. Bacon Fancy, 2930c; standard, 25 (g20'c; English, 2122c. Lard In tierces, choice, 14Vac; com pound, 9 3-4e. Dry Salt Meats Backs, dry salt, 13 14c; backs, smoked, 1415V4c; bellies, dry salt, 14 He; smoked, 16c. Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25c ; dried beef sets, 22c; outsldes, 2Uc; in sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c. Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet. $14; regular tripe, $10; honey comb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' tongues, $40. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1913 contracts, 2.ic; 1912 crop, nomiual. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1016c pel pound; valley, 1819c. Mohair Choice, 2526c. Hides Saltod, 12o per lb; salted calf, 1017c; salted kip, 12c; salted stag, 6Vjc; green hides, llMic; dry hides, 21c; dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry stags, 1213VjC LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Bran, per ton $26.00 Shorts, per ton $28.50 Wheat, per bushel 80c Oats, per bushel 3540c Chittim bark, per lb. 4Vd5e Hay, timothy $15.00 Oats and vetch $10.0011.00 Clover, per ton $5.009.00 Cheat, per ton $10.00 Butter and Eggs. Butterfat, per lb., f. o. h. Salem 31c Creamery butter, per lb 3131V6e Country butter, per lb , 35a Eggs, per dozen ...... 3028c Poultry. Fryers . .16c Hens, per lb 13c Roosters, per lb 8c Steers, Steers .. m78c Cows, per cwt 45c Hogs, fat, per lb . 89c Stock ogs, per lb ....7 to 7o Ewes, per lb 4c pring Iambs, per lb 4Vj5c Veal, according to quality ll13c PUts. Dry, per lb. , . Salted country pelts, each 65c$ Lamb pelts, each yy Notice of Special Meeting of the Stock holders of Freeland Consolidated Mining Co. Notice is heroby given thnt a spe cial meeting of the Freeland Consoli dated Mining company will be held in the office of the secretary at room 413 in the Masonic Temple building, in Sa lem, Oregon, on Monday, September 29, 1913, at the hour of 1 p. m. of said day for the purpose of devising means to raise money to pay the debts of (be corporation, to mortgage or sell the property of the corporation to raise funds to do necessary assessment work on the mining property of the com pany, to soli or hypothecate any or all property of the 'rporation to raise funds to pay overdue taxet, assess monts and licenses, to pass a resolution for the reorganization or for the disso lution of the corporation, as may be necessary to comply with tin require ments of the new corporation law of the state of Oregon, and to transact such other business as may be nocos sary to protect the interests of the stockholders. This notice is published for ten days in the Daily Capital Journal, as re quired by the by-laws of said corpora tion. Dnted Scptomber 17, 1913. ' HUGH FREELAND, President. Carey F. Martin, Secretary. Your tea troubles are over once you get acquainted wilh Sold in air-t'ght padres only I : !' i f.- - --- " ; " j Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum SALEM This beautiful Mausoleum will be completed - about December first. 0n You are invited to inspect the construction of thli k u ing in City View Cemetery. M' SUBSCRIBE NOW Plans and specifications on file in Salem office Boom 301 Hubbard building. Women Avoid Society. They are reluctant to mako tho least effort when suffering from dizziness, backache, headache, nervousness, the blues, that bearing down, pain or a dis placement. Yet they would liko to be well. Why continue to suffer when thousands of American women nro liv ing testimonials fo what Lydin E. Pink lifim's Vegotable Compound has accom plished in overcoming all such troubles and restoring glorious health I l That Which Exists Between Capital Journal Readers Journal regularly throughout the year, are the best known business men in Salem, and it is equally true that they transact a consistently increasing business. persistentlymake their appeal intelligently. They have learned by experi ence that Capital Journal read ers must be reached through the mind that they are best influ enced by offerings designed to satisfy refined tastes, whether the mechandise involved is ex pensive or inexpensive. And this is the tribute to the character of The Capital Jour nal's circulation. Capital Journal readora are refcognized aa diBCriminatinlff not especially as a class that buys highost priced wares for personal use but a class that has learned that it is not neces sary to be extravagant in order to have the bost that its means will provide. Capital Journal readers have learned this distinction by the exercise of common sense the kind of common sense that is the outgrowth of education of wholesome home surroundings of a natural preference for the bottor things of life. The Capital Journal is essen tially a nowspaper that meetB the requirements of progressive people whether rich or in mod erate circumstances and its Clin telo is one that the best local ad vertisers can profitably culti vate with their important store announcements. A complete list of Salem busi ness mon who advertise In Tho Capital Journal contains those whose names have become house hold words whose reputations for fair dealing stand ont most Portland Mausoleum Co. I., wouiu rBther g0 b(. uiun noi go at all. Some inrU ni.iW . ... . . " point to bfc.l at everything they ,1pm undmtm 'THEOLD RELIAaIFt, KEMEDYforMfT IAT DHUGGI6T8.0RTfllAlB0XHVu.TT' , L -BEWARE OF IMITATint'.T" MM MMtttMHtMHwl RARE B01 . OF TRUST f ; and Capital Journal Advertisers H It is notable that advertisers who use The Capital They advertise in The Capital Journal consistently uid . prominently. They we lestas in their respective lines. Their stores have been built by eontin uoua conformance to lound torn mercial principlosby adherents to the finer ethics of baying ui selling. Whilo they advertUe to cr sales from day to day, tier do not lose sight of that which even more valuable thai the profits of the moment tt" cumulation of good wilHn out which no businew cn dure. They are recognitad Is homos of Capital Journal resae and their advertising li wp1 ed to with confidoice. tl:. t. htwaiim every Ha iti t ' xuio " - - - . advertising In The Capital Jor j .l 1. practically CERTIFIED sdvertising-tha nlvertl.in! foremost local and national vertisers-and readers can pend upon seVuruig everrthi" offered in the way of P Ml quality advantage. The Capital Journal i llahed a bond of trurt its readers and 1" k1" to bring ti.Tt;c;J; tal Journal has edited umn. for the homo and -ently refused to print sure" lag of questionable This knowledge-'hh ! shared by reader. .MJ Journal and who advertise in ' . .u format". ' m rf that operates for the each. T M M