i PAOB TITS. DAT PAW TAIi JOrayAJj, aib, vmw, , i .rWr iti?' n art k oiik jijj reil.f nal li jii Ji k else till fork frtf t ii i I " id fimrl:-. Nit aro inci Thi fu Ml :f irt tin J ', ubls ' t wij, tl! o;, 'i luti. Ill U Mill. Jr tifflhj" "?-,; I to nut liirl i artf . N t( lifl. lie) ' It p.'' iretBj in ml ytfURDkTS SALES WERE 20 PER CENT GREATER THAN m LARGEST DATS SALES THIS STORE HAS EVER HAD . . I., t I'll.''.. .. . . .. , ujr tor a oig aay, out such a day as this we never dreamed or. this pubnc for one reason, we simply could not wait on all our customers, not anywhere- near all of e to know who was in nrsi. impossible to know who V- make this public tor one reason, we simply could not wait on all our customers, not ai 'fLn nd we fear we may avf made enemies, as it was simply impossible for the salespeople to rule i "tht the customer that comes first must be first served," but Saturday it seemed imp mnA if vou were nesrlected. ai w f- .... . ..... k.t If m.t not intentional in c,e case, and we are going to ask you to kindly overlook any seeming negligence this time. iirj ,alespeople always intend to give you courteous treatment and we want you to feel that this is your HOME STORE of. have assembled a very large and choice stock for you to select from. We invite your inspection, f e THE BEST VALUES ARE ALWAYS HERE. YOU CAN'T FALL DOWN ON OUR FALL FOOT WEAR FOR WOMEN, MISSES, MEN AND BOYS . That is as to their style, quali ty, good values and real com fortableness. We have made the statement, why not ask us to make good. Ask for the John Kelly shoe for WOMEN or a Barry SHOE FOR MEN SMART ALL-WOOL . CLUinilNU rUK IVILIN WHU CARE FOR MERIT AND . . . STYLE CORRECTNESS I OUR FALL LINE OF MEN'S CLOTHING is especially wor thy of your careful attention. Every suit has been fashioned by America's foremost tailors, and they have modeled style into them from the start. SNAPPY! Yes, and we are positive in saying you CAN DRESS NO MORE SMARTLY, NO BETTER and NO MORE ECONOMICALLY than IN OUR GUARANTEED ALL WOOL CLOTHING. PROVE THIS. OUR MEN'S SUITS RANGE IN VALUE UP TO $30. SEE OUR BOOSTER SPE CIALS AT $10.00 and $15.00 'v 'i'. !, :.f We claim they are above others as to merit, but not in price. Try our Dr. Jaeger's Cushioned welt shoe, if you have very tender feet. Made especially for ease. iflt BOOSTER SALE SPECIALS Rough neck all wool iweaters, special $4.65 Men's elastic ribbed shirts and drawers 50c values 39c BIG 4 BLACK AND TAN SOX, SOc perbx 75c golf shirts BLUE, TAN, GRAY 50c values BOYS' WAISTS 25c values 19c MEN'S OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS $1.25 values 98c MEN'S SILK HOSE 25c values 19c 49c WORK SHIRTS 39c F1 i I " I I" w GORDON NUFF SAIC THE BEST $3.00 HAT IN AMERICA si Program of State Fair is Greatest Ever Given Here "1 Monday, Sept. 39 OhUdren's Day. ' J Forenoon. j J 8:00 Gates open and all depart .jwiti la full operation. I 1 :00 to 12i00-Trap shooting tour 'mat in front of grandstand. :00 to 12:00 Illustrated lectures V members of the 0. A. C. and U. of hculty in music hall. ' 9:00 Eugenics and child welfare exposition in eugenics building (all day). Babies examined' from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. 10:00 James I Davics, demonstra tion of handling bees, on grounds. 10:30 Free vaudeville act in large tont. 11:15 James McLay, exhibition of driving sheep with trained dos. X 1 "' I i III '.'St v Vhen l School Starts And the vacation worn clothes are laid aside for a brand new school suit, you will find the largest assortment of clean cut, gentlemanly looking styles at this store. And the prices are very reasonable $5 to $11. You are protected with Jgl our "Guaranteed Satisfac tory" which goes with ev ery article we sell. Salem Woolen Mills Store Afternoon. 1:00 Commencement of judging in livestock arena. 1:00 to 6:00 Illustrated lecture in music hall. 1:15 Concert by McElroy'a band in grand stand. 1:30 races: 2- year-old trot, purse . $ 900 :H pace, purse - 1000 224 trot, purse - 1000 First heat of relay race, purse .... 1500 First heat of wild horse race, purse 300 Free vaudeville acts between races in front of grandstand. 2:00 Lecture on child welfare in stockmen's headquarters. 2:00 Free vaudeville acts in large tent. 3:00 Jamee I. Davis, demonstration of handling bees. 4:00 Lecture on eugenics in stock men's headquartors. Evening. 7:15 Band concert in music hall. 8:30 Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circuB, followed by fireworks in front of grandstand. Tuesd."-. Sept. 30 German Societies' Bay. Forenoon. 8:00 Gates open and all depart ments in full operation. Continua tion of judging of livestock. 9:00 to 12:00 Trap shooting. 9:00 Eugenics (babies examined from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.) 10:10 James I, Davis, bee demon stration on grounds. 10:30 Free vaudeville acts. 11:15 James McLay, exhibition of driving sheep with trained dogs. Afternoon. 1:00 to 8:00 Dlustrated lectures. 1:15 Band concert. 1:30 Hoc os: 2:25 pace, purse $1000 2:18 trot, pum 800 3- year-old trot, purse 2000 Second heat of relay race, purse 1500 8econd heat of wild horse race, pnrie ........ - 300 Vaudeville acts between heats in front of grandstand. 2:00 Lectures on child welfare. 2:00 Free vaudeville acts in tent. 8:00 James I. Davis, bee demon stration. 4:00 Lecture oa Eugenics. 7:15 Band concert. 8:30 Boyd Ogle's one-ring cir cus. Wednesday, Oct 1 Salem Say, Forenoon. ments in full operation. Continuation of judging of livestock. 9:00 to 12:00 Illustrated lectures. 9:00 Eugenics (babies examined from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.) 10:00 James I. Davis, bee demon stration. 10:00 Free vaudeville acts. 11:15 James McLay, exhibition of driving sheep with trained dogs. - Afternoon. 1:00 to 6:00r-IHustratod lectures. 1:15 Band concert. 1:30 Races: S-year-old, purse $1500 2:08 pace, purse 5000 2:40 trot, purso '500 Third heat relay race, purse 1500 Third heat wild horse race, purso 300 Vaudeville acts between heats in front of grandstand. 2:00 Lectures on child welfare. 2:00 Free vaudeville acts in tent. 3:00 James I. Davis, bee demonstra tion. 4:00 Lecture on eugenics. 7:15 Band concert in music hall. 8:00 Annual meeting bf Oregon Purebred Livestock Association, in stockmen 's headquarters. 8:40 Boyd & Ogle's one-ring cir-. cus, followed by fireworks in front of grandstand. Thursday, Oct 2 Portland Day. Forenoon. 8:00 Gates open and all depart ments in operation. , 9:00 to 12:00 lHutrated lectures. 10:00 James I. Davis, bee demon stration on groundB. 10:00 Free vaudeville acts. 11:15 James McLay, exhibition of driving sheep with trained dogs. Tako FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tonic la Action - Quick In Result Oct rid of your Deadly Kidney Ailment, that cost you a high pries in endurance of pain, lots of timt and money. Others have cured themselves of KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES by the prompt and timely use of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Stops BACKACHE, HEADACHE, and ALL the many other troubles thatfoIlowDISEASEDKIDNEYS and URINARY IRREGULARITIES. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURE any case of KIDNEYand BLADDERTROUB. LB not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do mora. In yellow package. DR. STOXE'S DECd STOBE. DiBifiS Bong IBack School BOYS' SWEATERS A dandy roll collar Bweater coat with two pockets in navy, oxford and cardinal S1.45 MISSES' SWEATERS An all-wool sweater coat, Norfolk style knit plait, high military collar a beautiful thing for school girls in the popular cardinal color $2.25 STOCKINGS Our "Boy Scout" stocking, heavy rib bed cotton for rough and tumble wear, each pair 25c THE "CO-ED" HOSE The "Co-Ed" hose a very serviceable fine ribbed cotton stocking for girls at ..15c UNDERWEAR The children need good underwear when going to school where they are subject to draughts varying tempera tures and damp atmosphere. We can supply your needs. I guess I know what I need more than anything else I need a new pair of " BUSTER BROWN RIBBON SHOES The expression of thousands of school, children and a mighty .good bit of ad vice for parent to heed. , These shoes are built for school wear the su preme test for footwear. The school bell rang this morning. Now is the time to equip the children with clothing and other necessary sup plies. This you can do here easiest, most satisfactory, most eco nomically because we sell at lowest cash prices BOYS! GIRLS! Look This List Over Pencils with rubbers, each j. lc to Be Drawing pencils, each 10c Large pkg wax crayons Be "Kubens" Crayola, 12 col ors 8c Pencil holder Be Pencil sharpener - Be Pencil sharpener, extra good 10c Pen points, Gillette, 10 for 5c "Corking" pen and holder ..6c Pencil erasers, each lc Pencil and ink erasers 4 and Be Combination dividers Be Pencil boxes, with key 5c, 8c, 10c Ink, Sanford's or Thomas' ....Be Pencil and pencil tablets, ruled and unruled, all sizes, 5c up Drawing pads 5c and 10c Composition books.... 6c, 9c, 10c Students' note books 5c, 9c Legal of Fools Cap, 2 pkg ....Be Slates 5c, 13c Black or brown fibre lunch boxes 10c, 15c 20c Folding lunch boxes 10c Aluminum drinking cups ....10c Boys Are Delighted Go ing to School in One of These Suits There is a wonderful diversity of weaves and colors to choose from (and by the way first choice is going fast). Those Norfolks are the nobbiest suits out. Every suit is tailored for style and hard service. The Knickers are lined throughout and seams are taped which leaves practically nothing that might be added to a first-class suit. Prices $3.00 to $7.75 We close at 5:30 o'clock except Saturday. Hats and Caps for all Boys Afternoon. 1:00 to 6:00 Illustrated lectures. 1:15 Band concert. 1:30 I! aces: 2-year-old pace, purse 600 2:20 pace, purse 500 2:12 trot, purse .. . i ... 5000 Fourth beat relay race, purse....... 1500 Fourth heat wild horse race, purse' . . 300 Vaudeville acts between races in front of grandstand. 2:00 Lectures on child welfare. 2:00 Free vaudeville acts in tent, 3:00 James I.Davis, demonstration tion. 4:00 Lecture on eugenics. 7:15 Band concert by McElroy's band in music hall. 8:30 Annual banquet of Oregon Purebred Livestock association. 8:30 Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circus. Friday, October 3 Oregon Manufac turers' Day. Forenoon. 8:00 Gates open and all depart ments in full operation. 10:00 James I. Davis, bee demon stration. 10:00 Free vaudeville acts. 10:30 Program undor auspices of Oregon Manufacturers' association in music hall. 11:15 James McLay, shoep driving with trained dogs. Afternoon. 1:00 to 6:00 Illustrated lectures. 1:15 Band concert by McElroy's band. 1:30 Haces: 2:20 trot, purse 700 2:08 pace, consolation 1000 Fifth heat relay race, purse 1500 Fifth heat wild horse race, purse 300 Vaudeville acts botween races' in front of grandstand. 2:00 Lectures on child wolfare. 2:00 Free vaudeville acts in tent. 3:00 James I. Davis, boo demon stration. 4:00 Lecture on eugonlcs. 7:15 Band concert by McElroy's band in music hall. Prizes will be awarded to the winning babies in the eugenics contest during the Intermis sion. ' 8:40 Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circus, followed by fireworks in front of grandstand. Saturday, Oct 4 Shrlners' Day. Forenoon. 8:00 Gates open and all departments in full operation. 9:00 to 12:00 Illustrated lectures. 10:00 James I. Davis, bee demon stration on grounds. 10:00 Free vaudeville acts. 11:15 James McLay, driving sheep with trained dogs. Afternoon. 1:00 to 6:00 Illustrated lectures. 1:15 Band concert by McElroy's band. 1-an Races:' 2:15 pace, purse $1000 2:12 trot, consolation 1000 Last heat of relay race, purse.- 1500 Last heat of wild horse race, purse 300 Vaudeville acts between races in front of grandstand. 2:00 Lectures on child wolfare. 2:00 Free vaudeville acts in tent. 4-00 James I. Davis, bee demon stration. 4:00 Lectures on eugenics. 7:15 Band concert by McElroy's band in music hall, 8:30 Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circus. Woodpecker's Waterloo. "That woodpecker may be persistent, but I think he's benten this time." "VVIint Is he trying to dor "Drill a hole in an Iron trolley pole." -Pittsburgh Post. AUNT SALLY'S ADVICE TO BEAUTY-SEEKERS C. M. P.: The nock should receive similar attention to that given the com plexion, so color and texture of skin will be the sonic. A yellow neck and a white face give a discordant effect. I advise using for both neck and com plexion, the treatment recommended ta "Monica." F. M.: First, stop scowling, if yoir. would get rid of the lines between the oye. The bst application for such linos, and all wrinkles is a solution of powdered saxolito, 1 oz., dissolved ini witch hazel, ia pint. Butho tho face in this daily until entirely rolioved. Aloulca: You hardly need such a list of cosinotics as you mention. Ordinary moroolized wax will help you more than any or all of them. It will gradually (ibsorb tho withered, discolored com plexion and you will soon havo a now youthful and healthy looking skin. You needn't get more than an ounce of tho wax, which will coat you littlo at any drugisfs. Apply nightly, like colli (ream, wnshing it off mornings. Wo man 's Uonlm. Wrestling With a Razor. Littlo Minnie Oh. mnmmn, what's that dremlrul noise? Mnmmn HuBh. (InrlliiK. pupil's iryliu; to save the price of n shave - U. TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS FOR THEY BRING RESULTS Albany has served a copy of tho ordi nance compelling the putting of a now car on its lino to the depot on tho P. E. & E within 30 dnys from September 18. It might add to happiness if doctor had bargain days. LAST SATURDAY I Wat the second 6esf day in our history. Our tales for Saturday, Sept. 20, 1913, exceeded our talet for any other day in the hittory of our business with but one exception, which was Saturday, April 23, 1910, during our great discount sale. It's because there's no juggling with prices in our store and we sell reliable merchandise at prices that "credit stores" can't match. t&r'neJ'fodiddcrc Kf)tiiin)iiiniitntt 8:00 Gates open and- all depart