Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 06, 1913, Image 1

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pi the News that's Fit to Print. Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal
i iIgOiaig -, .v,-n,vv ;
. - SALEM, OBXQOK. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 191.1. nntm mm OK ninra iwn mnra
- riuvd vyvj vcma. bianuh, ma ciints.
i i . :
ding Goes on Kapidly in
iilem and Street Work it
I Nearing FinUh.
'ireds of Thousands of Dollars Be
j Paid Out for Harvesting of
j Marion County Crops.
jib. $10,700 in Duilding permits is-
during the past six days; over
JO WO to be extended in the near
of Salem for the harvesting of
op crop and a crying need of peo
o harvest the orchard crop now
jiug on the trees, the Capital city
. the verge of enjoying prosperity
,tcd for at this time of the yoar.
ijier words, Salem will be the main
jetioa when tho crbps are harvested
.the home seekers will have corn
i their labors in due time to es-
;the fall weather,
"(ry carpenter in the city is busy;
jWnntile establishments are doing
iijaratively fine business and the
ry stores aro in the midst of a
. jirosperous time.
Ireets and Bridges Completed.
''th the exception of the North Lib
street bridge, every bridge in the
hith has been uudor construction
lie city this year has been com
i There is much work to be done
"Je North Front street bridge yet,
)he Oregon Electric company is
a the work as speedily as possi-
. iMaoy workmen will be engaged
in building a new bridge across
i Mill creek on Commercial street,
Hid for the work' having been let
uV material now ou the way. This
("re will be constructed of steel
'(ihout and will take the place of
wooden bridge which has served
bridge for the Portland, Eugene &
ra company for a number of
Street Worto Finished.
-,,it all of the street paving work
'fin completed. Union street from
' (ivcr to Twelfth street has been
3 and half of tho street is open
.ravel now. Union street is boing
i upon and many of the fiiitside
that have boon improved this
re being oiciied for traffic.
:iderable work is being dona on
fir grounds road and although that
.k'hfaro will not be paved this
irt he placed in a fair condi
'Vfore the big state show opens
Salem street department is mak
fne extensive improvements to
,it"nlks, gutters and othor run down
throughout the residence dia--.and
hope to have the work com
. licforo tho regular rainy season
Withstanding Rain They Build.
finch tho fag-end of the building
'J is at hand, the bultcnng penults
i b.v the city rncordor this year
' ' V- to $10,700. Thoso socuring the
fjs were:
.lnfh, repairs to the Ladd & Bush
' tsoo.
II. Turner, improvements to tho
Mc $1250.
K. Sinker, one story building at
..faith High street, $1000.
; .Miller, 1 ' i story building at 1030
Liberty street, $1000.
. 1'atton, remodeling Price shoo
, . f siin.
tl. Southwiek, one story building
, '? N'orth Winter street, H3000.
walker, two story residence
,"tecnth street, .1200.
J'aiier, one story building at
'" avenue, fSOO.
Transfers Lively,
h the exception of a laxitv of un
V ...
. v ,Brte transfers, tho records in
'""to Aufrano's offlco'show
11 : j'ie number of real estate transfors
!" founty have been as largo, if
tli in week than they wore
h'k. scvernl hundred acres were
Trpri ,1. .l. ... . . ..
me pnst lew (i
'' rilniderations have been more
1,a'ly large. Thev aro ns fat
Gunboat Aground
and Fired Upon
Mexican Craft Carrying 1000 Troops
Harrassed By Detachment of Bebels
and Refused Aid.
Douglas, Ariz., Sept. 6 The Mexican
gunboat Tampico, carrying 1000 troops
and a quantity of ammunition, is
aground near Toplobampo and is being
harrassed by a detachment of consti
tutionalists, according to dispatches to
day from Guaymaa.
The dispatches further state that the
commander of the American squadron
at Guaymas refused aid to the Tampico
because it is not in a sinking condi
tion. Rebels on shore have frustrated two
attempts to land the soldiers aboard
the gunboat.
Major Murphy Will Defend Mrs. Mer
riam in What Hs Calls Foul Con
spiracy of Husband.
Miller Forced to Cover His
Own Run and That of En
gineer who Wat 111.
Slept When Could and Followed In
structions of His Superiors In
Keeping at Work.
united press leased wise.
New Haven, Conn., Sept. 6.
Millionaires who, living or spend-
ing thoir summers along the New
Haven railroad line, find in con-
venicnt to patronize its trains,
need not use the same equipment
as people of no financial promi-
nence, it was brought out today in
the course of the public investiga-
Finds Nothing to
Justify Arrest
Judge Elgin Turns Loose Two Men and
a Woman Who Were Spotted By
' City's Woman Sleuth.
A fleck of dust on their shield or
something of the kind had a tendency
to quash what was believed to be a big
catch of two men and a woman in a
local lodging house last night by Offi
cers Woolery, White and Irvine. It
seems that Police Matron Lynch had
"spotted" l. A. Hulbudt, W. M. Storm
and Mrs. E. M. Creswoll, while they
were entering the lodging house on
State street and the night members of
the police department raided the place1
The arrest was made on tho charge
of disorderly conduct, and after Attor
ney Caroy F. Martin was called upon,
the defendants gave ball and were re
leased. This morning the trio appeared
before Judge Elgin and after a brief
investigation, the case was dismissed
on the grounds that there did not exist
Bulficiont evidence to constitute a com
plaint against the two men and the
According to defendant and Attorney
artin, the young men had known Mrs.
tion into last Tuesday's wreck on
tho system, in which 21 lives were Cre8we11 iac "he wtt8 baby nl was
lost and about 40 persons were in-
It was the testimony of Gen-
San Francisco. Sent. 6 Inside his-1 eraI Passenger Agent A.M.Smith
tory of an army scandal which has
jarred military circles from Jackson
barracks, New Orleans, to the San Fran
cisco Presidio will be bared here Sep
tember 22. Then Major Clarence Mur
phy on the staff of the governor of
Louisiana, in Judgo Graham's court,
will relate a Btory of his rolations with
Mrs. Bessie. C. Morriam, wife of Cap
tain Henry C. Morriam, U. S. A., who
for months haB bitterly fought here
charges by her husband that she was
unduly intimate with Murphy while at
Jackson barracks, New Orleans.
When Mrs. Merriam'B case came up
Murphy was named as co-rrespondent.
He was in Paris. Immediately he
learned of the charges Murphy cabled
denouncing them as a "frame-up" and
declaring that so far as he knew, Mrs.
Morriam was deeply wronged. As soon
as possible Murphy came from Paris to
clear Mrs. Morriam 's name in open
court, she having resisted overtures
from her husband to drop the case and
be reconciled on the plea that, for hor
daughter's sake, her nnme must bo
fully cleared.
Murphy finally appeared in court
here ready to tell his story, wishing to
return to Taris whon hiq taisk was done.
Lawyers wrangled over the proposition
to hear -Murphy 's story, whilo a court
room full of women craned their necks
and stretched their care. Finally Judge
Graham decided that the tale of scan
dal would not be hoard until Septombor
22, and Major Murphy will bo forced
to remain hero until that time to clear,
ns he says he will, the neme of Mrs.
Morriam from what he declares is a
foul conspiracy.
which developed the latest revela-
tion. The use of steel alone had
been ordered by the company,
Smith said, in the construction of
on their way to a picture show with
her when they incidentally dropped
into their lodging apartments to comb
their hair and brush up, when the thre.
policemen invadod the quarters and
placed them under arrest. The lady
was sitting on a lounge waiting fof
tho men folks to complete their toilet
Little House Is Completely
Wrecked by Blast Fired
by Miscreant.
Hansen Blown Half Way Across Boom,
Walls An Wrecked and Ceiling Is
Entirely Cared In.
the "club cars." used exclusively wnen tU9 PlaMlin of the peace ap-
by rich commuters, who rent the IearcJ 08 the lleona-
cars at $3000 apiece yearly. ' "
The public investigation into
the wrock was concluded today.
New Haven, Conn., Sept. 6. Testify
ing at the public investigation into the
Now Haven railroad disaster Tuesday,
Engineer Miller, of the wrecked train,
said today that, for a week before the
accident, he had been covering his own
Assistant State Superintendent E. F.
Carlton, who has charge of the Indus
trial department of tho public schools,
UTVU t . 4' A II.
run and that of another engineer who " 7 umK l"" ""Innienaonis
wft8 jj i n mo cuuuiiui uuu matrices oi me
, ' I first class, calling attention to the f net
. " "urithat both county and district exhibits
Tuesday," Miller continued, "hut wasi
are providod for at the coming state
""P", lu B0 ""'i. fair, but that district exhibits cannot
1 had done his work, as well as my own be crcdit(!d to th countv ...
Prizes are provided for each class. A
to A. P. James, $10; port
an" 1. block S I-nlvrr-tv .,1,1..
i nd R
Davis to W, R. Scheurer,
''"Hilar piece of land, a portic
' 1. containing 0.130 sere.
2' ,nl K. A. Reese to A. M. Cham
, 'Cuntinued on page Jour.)
Lewis Austin Believed to Be Member
of Ring Operating on Coast and
Offers Bribe.
Sacramento, Cal., Sept. (f.-Lewis
i' :.. .i.iv
Austin, a man or many iniu.-"-",
held by the .Seattle police-, pending ox
tradition, having been arrested yester
day when ho attempted to secure from
tho steamship officials of that city a
Chalmers automobile, m which no aim
his voting wile escaped i"'"' '-
cento nfter Austin had been arrested
i a ehnrgo of stealing automobiles.
Sheriff Ahem hero today said he
believed Austin is a member of a ring
of automobile thieves operating ou the
.acific coast.
In the Chalmers car, alleged to have
been stolen bv Austin, the sheriff found
a license card reading "32H Oklahoma
When arrested in Stockton, Cal., re
centlv, it is 'charged Austin offered a
.-,fio" bribe to a deputy sheriff, and
At,.,,, nvs hn offered a bribo of .W
to the Seattle officials.
Austin has been indicted by the Sac
ramento grand jury, it believed, uui
the indictments are as yet not m.de
,,,,1,110. Ahern will go to Seattle to
night for the prisoner.
for a week, I might as well do it for
another iay. end hen wo are.
"I did my work without the aid of
stimulants. No, I drank no whiskoy. I
slept when I could. Sunday I rested,
going to Springfield Sunday night.
Monday morning I took my engine out
on my run to Stamford, arriving thore
at 9:15, cleaned my engine, started
home and arrived at 12:4!. Then T
slept until 4:45, returned to Stamford,
rested an hour, started for Springfiold
and got here at midnight.
"At 5:13 we started on the return
run, and at 6:55 the wreck occurred."
Oenernl Manager O. L. Hardo of the
New Havon road, said that botween
August, 1011, and last July, the direct
orso authorized expenditure of $0,926,
000 for improvements intended to mako
travel safer for passengers. They had
docided, ho added, to buy only all-stool
cars in future.
Slump in Now Haven.
New York, Sept. 6. A slump in
New Haven, following the withdrawal
of J. P. Morgan & Co., as Its fiscal
agents, was the only feature of the
Btock market today. New Haven
opened a point off at 90 3-4, slumped
to Dil and then recovered to 00 "-H.
Ilonds were steady. The market closed
moderately firm.
special building 50x143 feet has been
erected for the industrial exhibits of
the children, and in this all agricultural
products, domestic science and manual
training work will be shown. Adjoin
ing this building is a tent 50xS0 feet
that will house tho children's poultry
Answers have been received from ten
counties saying they will have exhibits.
Thoso so far reporting are Benton,
Clackamas, Douglas, Jackson, Lane,
Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk and Yam
hill. McMinnvillo gives notice that it
will have a district exhibit aa large as
any county shows, and Marion will
probably have a fine district exhibit.
San Diegcr, Cal., Sept, 6. Dynamite
or blasting powder placed under his
house, near the eastern limits of the
city early today caused the death of
Peter B. Hansen, aged 74, and com
pletely wrecked his little home.
Hansons son, Peter B. Hansen, Jr.,
was questioned, but was not held.
Hansen's son, Peter B. Hansen, Jr.,
asleep when the bomb was set off un
der the floor beneath his bed. So great
was the force of the explosion that the
entire floor of the bedroom was re
duced to splinters. Hansen was blown
half way across the room. The walls
were wrecked and the ceiling cavca
Chief of Police WUbou said today,
after investigating, that he believed
the explosion was of black powder in
stead of dynamite. He added that
Hansen had long had socialistic affil
iations, but was at a loss to imagine a
motive for the supposed crime.
Oakland, Cal., Sept. 0. Th Jimmy
Clnbby-Frauk Logan middleweight
match, scheduled by the Weflt Oak
land club for September 17 is of,f.
Clabby declaros he injured his should
er when he fought Sailor Grande in
Sacramento Labor Day, but the fine
hand of Promoter Jim Coffroth, of Ban
Francisco, who wants to send Clabby
against the winner of the McAllister-
Potrosky battle, is seen in the deal,
Clabby had a forfeit of 250 up, and
this he forfeited to the local club. Otto
Berg, of ARtoria, Ore., may be suliBtl
tuted for Clabby. A bantamweight
card may also be put on in place of
the Clabby-Logan attraction.
Takes Steps to
Oust Wooden Car
Southern Pacific Flans to Spend Couple
of Million to Cqmplote Its Steel
San Francisco, Sept. 6. In fulfill
ment of Its announced intention to dis
card all wooden cars on its lines as
soon as possible tho Southern Pncifo
railroad today has filod with the Cali
fornia state railroad eommission an ap
plication for authority to issue $2,010,
000 on equipment trust certificates to
bo used for the purchase largely of
steel cars.
The railroad plans to puy at once
161 stool cars, including observation
'cars, combination baggage and postal
cars, baggage oars, and 63 steel passen
ger coaches. The company already has
steel cars on all its interstate runs.
The Weather
How Goes tf)
Coaticook, Quo., Sept. 6. In
continuing the case against former
r District Attorney Jerome of New
York changed with playing penny
ante with some newspaper eorros-
.joudents, Judiro McKoe said to-
"Jerome muy think Coaticook
The Dickey Bird is a suburb and that he can play
says: Oregon, fair poker in the street here. But wo
tonight and Sun- will enforce the laws and Bhow
day; cooler to-1 him he can 't play cards before our
dny; cooler to-! children. He will be prosecuted to
night with light the fullest extent of tho law."
frost, except near The crowd in the courtroom
the rout, north- ' hirrsd wil llv lit. the conclusion
! of Judge Mi Kcc's remarks,
Caminetti is Found Guilty on
One Count and Furnishes Bond
Not Likely That Bo Will Be Much
Better Than an Even Bet in Con
test With Freddie Welsh.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 6. Evory
preliminary to tho world's champion
ship lightweight contest between Cham
pion Willio Bitchie and Freddio Welsh,
champion of England, which is to be
Btaged at Brighouse arena, near hero
September 20, is completed todny, and,
barring accident to the fighters, an
Englishman will have tho first chance
in years at the lightwoight crown.
After much backing and filling for
feits were finally poBtod last night with
the official stakeholder. - BoUv-Hitchle
and "Welsh aro in . the full swing of
propnrntion for the mill, and Welsh's
ankle, which' was hurt recently, seems
to be ns strong as ever.
While there haB been little betting
on the contest as yet, it is not believed
that Ritchie will be much bettor than
even money. The Han Franciscan is a
stranger hero and Welsh 's cloverness is
well known. Both show well in thnlr
workouts, but Welsh 's activity and
cleverness is token by many as giving
him a big elwuice to win if the cnntn.it.
goes the full 20 rounds. Ititchio, on
tho othor hand, Is known to hnve a
punch, and his admirers count on It to
win. It is uenorallv beliuvod tlint tlm
contest will not end within fifteen
V 10
ortie mum
Famous Dynamiter Make Scores From
as Many Battlesnaka Skins In
On Month.
Los Augolos, Cal.. Sept. 6. Twontv
holts from 20 rattlesnako skins in a
month is tho record of Industry estab
lished by Ortio Me.Manlgnl, star wit
noss in tho famous McNamara trial,
who occupies a "suite" of coIIb in the
county jail horo, ponding his final dis
position by the authorities,
MeMnnignl undertook the manufac
ture of snake skin belts whon the fash
ioning of picture frames from cignr
hnxes prilled upon him He has been
in jail hero since the spring of 1011,
and has no assurance of how long he
will remain.
Three indictments stand against Mc
Manigal He is rh,.;Kcd by a federal
grand jury at Iiidiimnpolis with llle
gaily transporting dynamite from one
stato to another. He Is charged here,
In indictments returned by federal and
county grand juries, with dynamiting
the Llewellyn iron works soon nfter
the destruction of the Times building
by the MeNnmars October 1, 1910.
Secrets of 28,000 Years Pre
served and Guarded for
Their Benefit.
Ponderous Complaint of One
Plaintiff Tells of Her
Great Claims.
Los Angolos, Cal., Sept. 6 Projection
of the law upon her plans of Infinite
calm caused Williminia Leonora, Ann
strong, "teacher of teachers," to dis
continue here today her instruction in
oriental occultism and mysticism to her
patiently established classes that aro
said to have included many women of
woulth and social standing. Meanwhile
Mrs. Admstrong Is preparing to defend
herself against a suit brought by Mrs.
Beatrice Fuller to recover $100 alleged
to have been paid for such instruction.
In s ponderous complaint' devoid of
technical verbiage of the law, and
reading, with the exception of tho alle
gations against Mrs. Armstrong, Ilka
page from the journal of au Indian -
adept, Mrs, Fiillnr recites the plaintiff 'a
luim of a trnst roposed In her-when
she was given the eecrets "preserved
and guarded for 28,000 years by tho
genemtions of a recluse brotherhood in
eaves miles deep in the Hiinalyas." ,
Important Person.
The alleged methods of the teachers,
the complaint assorts, gradually led her
classes through courses of travel dis
cusion, Into occult diBcusion, which was
gradually and imperceptibly blonded
into a mysticism of Impelling fascina
tion until the instructor stood revealed
as tho Kalki Avatars, or, the complaint
further defines, "the living embodi
ment of the personality of God, head
of the infinite, come to earth, the
dftrkost planet of the universe, to end
violence and take from hell, nil who
could pass cortaln tests, her presence
boing the beginning of the golden age,
the millonium."
Caught Evon Horrlman.
Even the sagacity of the late E. II.
Ilnrrimnn wns Improssod by tho won
derful teachings of the "teacher of
teachors," according to the claim at
tributed to Mrs. Armstrong in the com
plaint. Tho mystic, It is alleged, while
claiming in no sense to bo a spiritual
ist, was nble to communicate with the
spirit of the railroad wizard, which pro
fessed admiration of the teachings to
an extent that It deplored its failure In
life to aid tho promulgation of "the
light." It is further alleged that the
benefit of Mr. Hnrriman's business
acumen might bo passed to scekors for
a consideration.
Mrs, Armstrong, who clnims to bo a
grndunlo of tho Women's Medical Col
lege of I'liilndulphiu, is given five days
to answer the complaint.
Pan Francisco, Sept. 6. F. Brew j ute stood 10 to 2 .or conviction and
Caminetti stands eonwctcii today ou dually the two agrixul to compromise
one count of the' four charged against by finding a verdict of guilty ou one
him. I.ate yesterday afternoon the of the four counts charged.
jury in the fi-dornl court brought in I'.uil in the sum of s ! 0.0(n was fur-
vi.ru. ( I savinir that ho was guilty of nislml. bv Frank Freeman of Willows.
trnnsiwrting and aiding In transport
ing Lola Norris to Reno for Immoral
purposes. It did not consider him re
sponsible for Marsha Warring'en's elop
mcnt with I)igs and It refused to be
lieve that Miss Norris had been en
ticed into going.
The jury was out three hours and
took eight ballots. From tha first, th
( nl., and C). IWIaiftilupi of Sun Fran
cisco, and was ready to be tiled with
the Tinted States ninnhal when the
verdict was announced. Sentence will
be pronounced WcdneMlny, September
10, the dny set for sentencing Maury I.
IMggs, jointly Indicted with Caminetti
and convicted on four counts.
Exceptions to the charge of Judge
. an l'leot as a wholo and In part were
t nil en by counsel and a petition for an
appeal will be filed, as in the case of
l aminetti took the verdict lightly,
milig a forced smile end nudging his
brother jocularly. First he lifted his
little dnughter, Naomi, who was play
ing at his feet, and placed her carefully
in her mother's lap. Tlicu he shook
hnnds wih his lawyers and with Biggs,
who had hecii sitting nearby.
Ifis mother and wife showed no emo
tion. They sat with lowered eyes and
lowered beads, gazing into their laps
Tickets for the Cherrlan excursion
to the Pendleton Hound Up will bo
placed on sale Monday morning at
hecretary Bynon's office, in the Com
mercial club. Tickets must be taken
up at once In or,!.;.- that reservation
csn be secured. The Cherrlan sn'cinl
train will leave Salem at 0 a. m. Thursday.
Han Francisco, Sept. fl. No applica
tion wns me do to tho district attoruey's
olfico up to noou today for a warrant
for tho arrest of Vivian Lyons, de
clared saua yesterday after a hearing
boforo Sus!rior Judgo Van Nostrnnd,
which was the outcunio of a suicide
pact entered into by her and Robert
.1. Widncv, a fnrmiir Los Augelus real
estate broker, who Is now convalescent
at a Livermoru sanitarium. The young
woman Is being nired for at a private
home here. She says she will 'forget
her old companions and endeavor to
live a peaceful existence.
It was rumored that Judge Widnoy
would seek to have Mrs, Lynns ar rente I
on a charge of assault, if the Insanity
chargo failed, but he has not yet taken
my action.
f V, ii ; 1 1 1 t