Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 05, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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jmpion Lightweight Is Roughing It
Order to Get in Shape for His
Coming Battle.
Sparring Partners Used, and He
Ml Eely Mainly on His Clever
ness and Skill.
I tvsiTtD rns&r uism wiri.1
fope, B. C, Sept. 5. Willie Ritchie,
BJ's lightweight champion, is living
lor canvas in the Canadian Rockies,
)w miles from here, and taking his
ruing plunge in a river that flows
;the Racier a few miles away,
thie is living almost in the open,
Ithin canvas tent being no protec-
against the chilling, bracing air,
(he champion is brown as a berry,
iing his preliminary work before
jting training for the world's cham
Iship battle with Freddie Welch,
.'Vancouver on the afternoon of Sep
ift 20.
jjti'hic arrived hero early in the
jji, accompanied by Manager Jinny
and ,lamcs J. Stnck, of San Fran
is, a noted bear hunter. A Hope
i was engaged immediately, and
party started for the mountains,
lihie lias walked to the city once
c ho i n tr up in the hills, and re-pi-lidl
the larder of his camp,
iitihie looks to weigh about 1.18
.jiils, and fairly glows with health,
will leave here Saturday, arriving
Vancouver Sunday, and on Monday
icing start the two weeks of hard
jing for the Welsh battle.
I Welsh Gets Busy,
fancoiivcr, B. C, Sept. 5. Freddie
Wi, getting the jump on Willie
(hie, is already hard at his training
k work for the world's champion-
liattlc between the two, scheduled
- this city on the afternoon of Sep
n 20. Welsh has training quar-
fitted up in a gigantic skating
1 ami every afternoon hundreds of
;!e watch the British champion as
;c.oes through his training stunts,
t starring partners, including Eddie
J, of Allcntnwn, Pa., and Percy
of Tli'Hingham, are kept busy by
th, and the lithe Briton boxes from
to 12 rounds every afternoon, being
rni believer in plenty of actual
4ng heforo a battle.
'My cleverness and skill is my great
it," declares Welsh. "I really ex
j to give Ritchie a first-class box
;.. lesson when wo meet in tho ring,
f all my efforts now are being bent
Jnl perfecting my judgment of dis
ie an dspeed. "
f!sh weighed MS when he started
training. He is endeavoring to hold
If a that weight until a few days
ire the battle, when he will reduce
fie pounds at' noon, demanded
iilio articles.
Jabs and Jolts I
Aday evening, September 19, there
' an evening of wrestling at the
Vena, Calif., Athletic- club, when
jnil of the best mat artists in South
.''.''aJifornia will meet. Among the
fonts will bo Ocorgo Retzer, light
ed champion of the coast.
' award Hanzel, wrestler and boxer
Inland, arrived in Salem yestor
afternoon and will remain here for
'le of weeks. He is anxious to
wrestling match and anyone wish-,-to
meet him can do so through the
ting editor of Tho Capital Journal.
M wrestles at 170 pounds. Fred
J', who is also a wrestler and boxer,
arrived and is anxious to arrange
National League.
First jame R H E
Brooklyn 8' g' j
New York ' " ' a 7 3
Walker, Ragon and McOarty; Mar
quard, Crandall aud Meyers.
second game R. H E
Brooolyn k j g- o
N(,w York ' 2 , '
angling and Fisher; Tesreau and
First game i nr
st. Louis 0"
Pittsbaurg J 2 8 3
Sallee and Hildebrand; Robinson and
Second game jj e
Pittsburg K'
St. Louis . A 11 r.
McQuillan. Kai,,!.;- ...j
, auu uioson:
Coyer and Roberts.
Boston-Philadelphia, no game; rain.
American League.
Washington 2 10 0
New York 3 6 2
Gallia. Hllffhmi nr.. I A;.:.i. . i. ...
, a "uiunu, xisner
.and Sweeney.
Second game R. H E
Philadelphia 2 2 2
Boston ; g jj j
Hauck. Bush nil To, ir. i...
dicnt and Thomas.
R. H. E.
St- Lou 5 6 2
Chicago 4 12 1
Schwenk and Aloxandor, McAllester;
Russell, Scott and Sohalk.
R. H. E.
Cleveland 3 7'
Dotroit -. 4 jj g
Twolvo innings.
Oregg and O'Xeil; Dubnc and Mc
Kee. First game ft. jr
Rosto" 8 10 1
I'hiladelphia 6 10 3
Leonard,, Hall and Carrigan; Plank,
Plank, Pennock, Brown, Busch and
Pacific Coast League.
R. II. E.
Portland 9 17 1
Oakland 15 5
Hagerman and Fisher; O'Brien and
R. II. E.
Sacramento 3 7 2
Los Angeles 18 I
Klawitter and Lynn; Slaglo and
R. H. E.
Vonico 3 10 3
San Francisco 2 15 0
Thirtoen innings.
Ilitt and Elliott; Overall and
National League.
W. L. Tct.
New York 85 42 .070
Philadelphia 74 4(1 .017
Chicago 71 50 .539
Pittsburg 67 59 .532
Boston 54 OS .44.!
Brooklyn 54 71 .432
Cincinnati 54 78 .409
St. Louis 40 83 .351
American League.
W. L. Pet.
Philadelphia 85 43 .004
Cleveland 77 52 .597
Washington 69 57 .548
Chicago 67 04 .511
Boston 64 02 .508
Detroit 57 71 .445
St. Louis 19 83 .371
New York 44 80 .355
Pacific Coast League
W. L. Pet.
Portland 82 62 .569
Venice 80 70 .513
Sacramento 73 72 .503
San Francisco 74 81 .478
Los Angeles 73 80 .477
Oakland 72 83 .405
To, You Fear Consumption?
No matter how chronic your cough or
how severe your throat or lung ailment
is, Dr. King's New Discovery will sure
ly help you; it lmay save your life. Still
man Oreen of Malichite, Col., writes:
"Two doctors said 1 had consumption
and could not live two years. I used
Dr. King's New Discovery and am alive
and well. Your money refunded if it
fails to benefit you. The best homo
remedy for coughs, colds, throat and
lung troubles. Price 50c, and $1.00.
Guaranteed by J. C Perry.
Disregards Recommendations of Harris
to Buy New Modern Plant for
Very Little More.
However Board Decides to Buy and
Will Pay Salem Scale to Printers
Employed at Capitol
Demands of R. A. Harris, state nritifc-
er, for a new printing plant and the
rornana union wage scale, which is
$4.50 more a week for each employe
than the Salem union scale, were re
jected yesterday afternoon br a unan
imous vote of the, state printing board,
consisting of Governor West, State
Treasurer Kay and Secretary of State
icott. 'the board decided to offer Mrs.
Willis Scott Duniway, widow of the late
state printer, $15,470 for the Duniway
piant, this being the appraisement
made by George Putnam of Medford
and G. W. Orton of Portland, a major
ity of the appraisement committee.
Carey Iiaytcr of Dallas, the other mem-
uor, appraised the plant at about $16,-
When Mr. Harris demanded that the
Portland scale of $25.50 a week be put
into effect Messrs. Kay and Oleott sai,l
they saw no reason why tho state
should pay its men more than private
concerns. Governor West ni,l h .
no reason why tho present scale should
not be adopted, explaining that the
most expert men couiu be naid what
the board saw fit.
Mr. Harris declared he could not iret
good workmen for the Salem scale, and
pleaded1 that it would be economy to
adopt the Portland scale.
Work Held Satisfactory.
" Why should the state avo a hiirhcr
scale than others?" asked Treasurer
Kay. "The work has been done sat
isfactorily under tho Salem scale."
You and I have the brunt of this
hattle to bear, Mr. Harris," said the
governor. "Wo have promised the peo
ple that the work would be done
Heapcr undor the flat salary law
than under the old system, and we
must keep our pledge. We should start
with tho scale in operation now and
see what happens."
Economy to Buy New Plant.
That new and better equipment for
a state printing plant cau be purchased
ior .fii.j 15 was asserted by State Print.
er It. A. Harris at the meeting yester-
uav. as 111 tne enso of evory old print
shop, there is a lot of worthless iunk
in tho Duniway plaut, and it would cost
the state $15,470. Additional n,n.,in.
ery required would bring the cost up to
$17,115, or just $537.22 less than a now
modern plant would cost.
The busiest and most sought-after
man on tho fair grounds, next to the
popular Frank Morcdith, is Con Ho
myer, who is here, there and every
where. Ed. Carey, of Carlton, a last year's
camper, was recently in to make an
entry in the cattlo department.
hx-Shenff Worth Houston, of Al
bany, writes for extra camping space,
to be used by a neighbor.
James I. Davis, of Oakland, will
camp early. He is to give demonstra
tions in the handling of bees.
There is a good supply of hay and
straw for sprinkling the streets when
Old Sol again smiles upon the Tented
ThoRe coming to camp should have
their mail addressed to Fair Grounds,
Oregon. Omit the word Salem, as it
confuses the mail clerks. Just as much
reason in addressing a letter Albany,
Eugene, Oregon, as Fair Grounds, Sa
lem, Oregon. Fair Grounds is as much
a separate office as is Portland and
San Francisco.
The board will handle the wood
proposition and sell wood to the
campers at cost.
The familiar face of L. W. Watts
The Markets
A few contracts for hops were closed
Thursday at 17 and 18 cents, but the
market is quiet and practically dead,
buyers aud growers alike awaiting de
velopments. The crop was apparently
not damaged greatly by the unusually
heavy rains, and the fair weather prom
ised, and now here, will permit the har-
cwt.; plums. 75c$1.25 ner box: near!
75c$1.50 per box; grapes 75c$1.50
por crate; casabas, tl.75 per dozen.
Tropical Fruits. Oranges, Valencia,
$4; navels, $4.505.50; Florida grape
fruit, $5.507; lemons, 8.5010 per
box; pineapples, To per lb.
Vegetables. Artichokes, 75e per doi-
, , , 1 r -
vestinff nf thA crnn without fiirthn .In. ten: aanarainiii. OrAonn Knf7il- nH An
lay. There is still demand for pickers, 1 en; beans, 34e per lb.; cabbage, 1
uwiug 10 many leaving me yams on eo per id., cauuiiower, fi per Crate;
account of the rain. Estimates of the eggplant, 910e lb; head lettuce, $2.30
European crop grow smaller daily, and Per crate; peas, 57e per lb.; peppers,
this indicates a probable advance in 810o lb.; radishes, 1012e per dos.;
prices before long. Wheat is still above rhubarb, l2o per lb.; spinach, 75 per
export value, and the market is firm box' tomto!S, 2035c per box;
and unchanged. Packers say the pack garhc'' "8c lbl' eorn' 15e Per dol-i
of canned corn this year will be not I cucumber. 2040o per box.
to exceed half of last year's, but there PotesNew, 75c$l per , ewt.;
iB a big stock held 'over from last year $2-75 T crat9.
ana prices win not De allotted materi
ally. Peaches are in demand and prices
are expected to rule higher as the
earlles are about done, and there is a
strong demand and a light supply of
the later varieties. Pears are lower and
are nearly a drug on the market, green
stock bringing at the top only $1.25
a box, and the ripe fruit refusing to
got a move on. Dairy products are
firm, with a tendoncy towprd higher
prices, and poultry and eggs axe in de
mand at advancing prices. Eggs are
quoted at from 25 for "take your
chances" to 32 for candled.
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Wheat Track prices: Now Club,
7879c; new Bluestem. 85c: new
Fortyfold, 80c; now Red Russian, 77c.
Fife, 78c; Valley, 80c.
Millstuffs Bran J2423 per ton:
Bhorts, $2627; middlings, $31.
Flour Patents, $4.70 per barrel;
straights, $4.10; exports, $3.653,05;
alley, $4.70; graham, $4.60; whole
wpoat, $4.80.
Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per
Hay Fancy Idaho timothy. $17(5)18:
fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516;
timothy and clover, $14(5)15; timothy
and alfalfa, $1315; clover, $8.5010;
oaU and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011;
alley grain hay, $10(5)11.
Opts No. 1, white, $25(225.50 per
Barley Feed, $2424.50 per ton;
brewing, nominal; rollid, $27(5)28.
Groceries, Drtefl Fruits, Etc
Dried Fruits Apples, lOo per lb.j
currants, 10c; apricots, 12 14c;
peaches, 8llo; prunes, Italian, 8
10e. nllvnr ISl" tltra MhtU nwA kln.b
lH7Hc; currents, 8c; raisins, Per bushel 80c
loose Muncatel 67tto; bleached pe' b"Bhel 7" S5i0t
Thompson, HHc, unbleached Saltan. hiMlm. bark- P6r lb
... .. 7U,oii. Hy. timothy $15.00
CoffoT?n.t.'i in a '. 1 oa J 0at and vetch .
..whuvwu, ,u UIUUUD, JD(WO
per lb.
Nuts Walnuts, 1718o Mr lb
Brazil nuts, 12 He; filberts, 15c; al
nuts, 90c$l per dozen
Salt Granul-.t 1, $14 per ton; half
ground, 100s, $10 per ton; 60s, $10.75
per ton.
Deans Small white, $0.50; largo,
Whito, $5.50; Lima, $0.30; pink, $4.15;
red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $5.90.
Sugar Dry granulated, $3.65; fruit
and berry, $5.65; beet, $5.45; Extra C,
$5.15; powdorod. barrels, $5.90; cubes.
barrels, $6.03.
Rjee No. 1 Japan, 55y2e; cheaper
grades, 4',4c; southern head, 5Gc.
Honey Choice, $3.25(5)3.75 per case.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Apples New, 90c$2.25 per box;
apricots, 75c$1.25 por box; canta
loupes, $1,252.00 per crate; peaches,
40(ffi00c per box; watermelons, $1.25 per
Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter. OrAETAII lrA.mn anli.1 nijtl
30c per lb.; prints, box lots, 34c,
i-ggs Oregon ranch, 2830e per doc
Cheese. Oreiran Trinlat.. 1HU. n.l.
sles, 17o; Young America, 18c
Poultry Hens, 1516c; springs, 18e;
ducks, young, 1213c; geese, 1416o;
turkeys, live, 20c, dressed, 25c.
veai nancy i5(fliue por pound.
Pork Fancy, 12 l-2o per lb.
Hams 10 to 12 lbs., 22(5)23c: 12 to
14 lbs., 2223c; picnics, 14Vjc; cottage
roll, 17.c.
Bacon Fancy, 3031c; standard. 25
(526c; English, 2122c.
Lard In tierces, choice, 14c; com
pound, 9 3-4c.
Dry Salt Meats Backs, dry salt, 13
14c; backs, smoked, 1415Vio:
hollies, dry salt. 14 He; smoked, 16o.
Smoked Meat. Reef Innmia. 9r
dried beef sets, 22c; outildes. 20c; In-
ernes, Z3c; Knuckles, 21c.
Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet,
114: regular trlnn. tin- hmiov mmh
tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs'
ungues, I4U.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops 1913 contracts, 17(518c; 1913
Fuggles, 2021c; 1912 crop, 181-21
Wool Eastern Oregon, 10(5)16e per
pound; valley, 1819c.
Mohair Choice, 3031c.
Hides Saltod, 12o per lb; salted
calf, 1617c; salted kip, 12o; salted
stag, 6Hc; green hides, lle; dry
hides, 21c; dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry
stags, 1213Hc
Bran, per ton $26.00
Shorts, per ton ..$28.50
Milady s Fall
Tasteful Styles and
Agreeable Prices
We have a splendid array of
the prettiest styles of the sea
son in all the latest fall shades
and materials. Stop in and
look them over, try them on.
We are always pleased to
show merchandise, whether
you purchase or not,
Agents---Ladies Home Journal Patterns I
MERCHANDISE tn smcr ktwccs jtatc 6 count '" bricks
Clover, per ton ...$5.009.00
Cheat, per ton ....$10.00
Tllltt.Ar mnA Ttairi
- " m ' v. , uiuciia, luu, Hi I -no-
monds, 1618c; pscans, 17c; cocoa- Butterfat, por lb., f. 0. b. Salem. 31o
Croamery butter, per lb........8131c
Country butter, per lb 22Mi25c
Eggs, per. dozen ,....2223c
Fryers.. 1618c
Hens, per lb Uya14o
Boosters, per lb .
Steers ..
Cows, per cwt
Hogs, fat, per lb
Stock ogs, per lb ........
Ewes, per lb
1 8c
7 to 7 We
pring lambs, per lb 4V,()5c
Veal, according to quality ll13c
Dry, per lb. .. 8
Salted country pelts, each ..65c$l
Lamb pelts, each .... . ........25c
will be missed this year. Ho died in
Portland April 9, 1913. He was a pion
eer of 1847.
Uncle John Minto will be a welcome
visitor to tho Tented City.
C. M. Plummor, superintendent of
the eugenics department, will be a
camper this year.
Those contemplating to camp are re
quested to sot up their tents at any
time now. Avoid the rush, The beau
tiful oak grove park Is a pleasant
place to visit on Sunday. Why not set
up your tent and then come to tho
Tented City over Sunday.
Mark Hurlliurt's happy sniilo and
fond goodby will be missed this year.
Mark, who served as a vice-president
of the board, is numbered with the list
of dead in 1913. A firm boliever in
the Orogon state fair has tented with
us for the last time. Murk, old friend,
a long farowell. None will miss you
moro than the 0110 who writes these
V tafert Laxative for Women.
Nearly evnry woman needs a good
laxative. Dr. King's New Life Pills are
good because they are prompt, sufe,
and do not cause pain. Mrs. M, C. Dun
lap of Lcadill, Tonn., says: "Dr. King's
Now Lifo Pills helped hor troubles
greatly." Out a box today. Prico 25c,
Hocommondod by J. C. Porry.
Thomns A. Edison's latest invention,
the Kiuotophone, or talking pictures,
has taker its place among the high
class theatrical attractions now tour
ing tho country. A program of 12 cx
collont subjects, combining musical and
dramatic numbers, comedy, vaudeville
and minstrol bits, and special foaturos
in which prominont statesmen and not
ed suffragists are seon and heard, has
been arranged for presentation in the
first-class theatres, to bo at the Grand
opera house September 8 and 9.
Several companies have been organ
ized by Mr. Edison, each equipped with
its force of operators and necessary
mechanical accessories of machines,
etc., and having its advance agent and
business manager. These eniiipnnies are
competing successfully with the larg
est dramatic and musicnl organizations
for volume of business. In tho hundred
or more loading cities of the United
States where the Kiuotophone has al
ready been seon during engagements
varying from thro days to as many
months, the recognized dramatic crit
ics have been unanimous la declaring
it nn unqualified success.
Strengthen Weak Ktdneyu.
Don't Buffer longer with weak kid
noys. You can got prompt relief by
taking Eloctric Bitters, that wonderful
romody praised by women everywhere.
Start with a bottle today you will soon
feol like a new woman with ambition
to work, without fear of pain. Mr. John
Dowling -of San Francisco writes:
"Gratitude for the wonderful effect of
Electric Hitters prompts me to write. It
cured my wife when all else failed."
G001J for the liver as well. Nothing
bettor for Indigestion or biliousness.
Price, 50c and $1.00 at J. C. Porry 'b.
Not even an ingenious woman can
mnkv a ically good huslinnd out of poor
Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum
Now Under Construction injCity View
Cemetery, Salem 1
Compartments unsold in this Boautiful Mausoleum can be se
cured at the original price offered the people of Salem, After com
Why Defer Longer?
Plans and specifications on file In our Salem office for your inspection
Portland Mausoleum Co.
Boom 301 Hubbard building.
Fhone 239
By Gross
I I J a 1 ' 1
(Mow Bf sage r-r r rvo.Twiq r- CmkA CrX
I JC M ft If Js S ir
ij "' 1 i
Pay "i