PAOB SEVEN. VhH'M " t MM.MMMMM THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It is possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those yon hear need help. It U a long, tedious task, however. The classified way bringa your application before those who need help,' quickly and easily. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work' continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the first insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding, subsequent inser tion. j JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. MHH M MMMmMHItOWMtOMHMIM)mttHtHMOMttMIMMMttltlMlttHltMOtHtlllMt)ttlMttllMlltttMtttitMtlttt DAILY CAPITAL JOITONAL, SALEM, OEEQON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER L 1913. 4 roitI Journal Want Adt i Bring Quick Relt I - .ri a word for nrst Insertion. . word lor each Insertion O"' f,.. No advertisement taken for IM"'r'26c. Count six words to the lo OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ABSTRACTS. JjlABSTRACT CO. "Abstracts ''that Protect." Our books posted up 4 a,!,, each morning. Call Main 1249 ,nd a messenger will call for your .hutract. J- V. Biegmunu, promuouv jtn Gehlhar, secreUry. 345 Street. State DR. 0. F. HEI8LEY and Dr. 8. Etta Heuley (graduatea of A. 8. 0., Kirksville , Mo., Di. A. T. Still president of the school and found er of the science of Osteopathy), general osteopathic practioners. Also hydrotherapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success in these treatments is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles specialty. 629 Court street, opposite the court houBe AUCTIONEEE. i iCCTIONEEE Salem's reliable sell .t Farm Bales solicited. Terms 1 cent; BBtiBtactlon guaranteed ur Henry E voorhies, Michi- . . i. J IV 1 mm avenue, first street eam i mo J state fair . ; par do pay. BAKEEIES. UTTTERNCT BREAD It is worth I more than any other bread, yet the price is no higher. For sale at your grocers. California Bakery, A. Thorn is, Proprietor. . LODGE DIRECTORY (Continued). UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Moose Hall. 0. C. Criesal, M. A., Ivan 0. Martin, Secretary, Ma sonic Temple. MISCELLANEOUS. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All NEWPORT Make your summer out ing a pleasure, and avoid the trouble of hunting rooms or furnished houskeeping rooms, the place is "The McAllister," Nye Beach, only three blocks from the ocean. Wise is the man who puts his ears on cases of cruelty or tije j0b amj g;v.s his tongue a vaea- DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic disiases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505 506 U. 8. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence 346 N, Capi tol street. Phone 469. A. 0. U. W. Protection Lodee No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in the McCornack tall, corner Court and Liberty streets, C. M. Mason, M. W; S. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, F. I CHIBOPRACTIO-SFINOGOLIST pfc 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir j opractic's Fountain Head, Daven ? nnrt. Iowa. If you have tried every thing and have got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 V. 8. Na tional Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 1629. SAND AND GRAVEL. SAiifcM. UUSTKL'CTIOD company can supply you with sand and gravel. Office 464 Court street. Phone Main 90. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. fB. D. L. F 0 S T E R. Chiropractor, Treats successfully all nervous trou bles. Lady attondant. 1140 Oak St. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos. proprietor. ' Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards ntul cesspools cloaned. Office 548 State street. Office phone Main 2247 Residence, Main 2272. I CLEANING AND DYEING SALEM CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Goods called for and delivered Ladies' white gloves cleaned free. Feathers cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone Main 2462, 474 Court street. W. F. MoBher, proprietor. TAXICAB SERVICE It will pay you to see J. B. Underwood, manager of the WeBt Side Transfer Co., when you want a taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 81. On Sundays phone Main 100. Stand at corner of State and Commercial streets, DRAY AND EXPRESS. ,,'IHE WHITE TRANSFER COMPANY, Ante and team at regular team rates, Also all kinds of coaL Country trips ud pleasure trips a specialty. Office phone Main 367. Residence phone Main 590. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works. Hats of all kinds renovated into any size or style; good quality trim mings. 217 S. High street. Phone 251, Salem, Oregen. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. i tLfiCTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co., 220 North Liberty street. Phnm tlam 263. Electric wiring and elec trical supplies. Estimates furnished Try our new Mirror reflector. We hare the "Famous" Edison Maxda lamp. Its only rival the sun. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funer al directors. Lateet modem meth ods known to the profession em ployed. 445 Court street EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. ACME EMPLOYMENT BUREAU All I kinds of competent help furnished on short notice. See us when out of employment or when needing help, 540 State street. Phone Main 477, LAUNDRY. ! CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all-hand work; established 20 years. 438 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High, Hop Lee. SEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS, U. M. Baker New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Best cash prices paid for eeoud-hana goods. Call and see us sad look over our goods 373 Court treet. Phone 1853. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents. tc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles In town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 271 North Commercial St., phone Mai 1133. L. STIFF New and second-hand fnrnituro, hardware and general applies. Best cash picea paid for econd haud goods. Just received Isrge shipment of new linoleums, carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty street. Phone 941. LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wines,liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool nd refreshing, beer constantly on "rsught. South Commercial St. Family liquor store ah stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. "ines by the gallon, bottle or case. 'ree delivery in the city limits. Frlin. 140 N. Commercial St PLUMBING neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for invest! gation. tion. MULTNOMAH ROYAL A "-t CHAP TER, NO. 1, R. A. M. iiigaiar meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. James Plant, Ex. High Priest: Lot L. Pearce, secretary. Adenoids Are a Menace to Children. Babies and young children must be carefully watched for the growth of adenoids, which spoil the mental and physical life of a child. They usually result from a succession of colds and throat irritations and their presence is so productive of harm, that many school boards have an examining physician to detect them. The conditions that cause them may be easily avoided by careful I parents. Quickly and thoroughly cure Can't'Afford to Have Kidney Trouble. ia e0"d a ,that "" 7 the No man with a family to suppor can,"86 f Fo " H" .J""1 r Com" afford to have kidney trouble, nor need I"'1' 'l'k'"'l9 Wll not dovelI- , . .. ... . , , . , ur. etone AJiisg fotore. as Foley Kidney Pills. You can not tnke this honest curative medicine into your system wihout good rosults follow ing. It cleans out and builds up the kidneys, and makes them able to strain out of the blood the impurities that cause backache, weak back, sore, inac tive kidneys and sleep-disturbing urin ary troubles. Dr. Stone Drug Store. SCAVENGER. TAXICAB SERVICE. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. K & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. Fred W. Cook, W. M., 8. Z. Culver, secretary. CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCornack bldg, Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 p. m., F-ed G. Hale, C. C, Jas. W. Cox, K. of R. and S. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37., O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Josephine Vass, W. M. Ida M. Babcock, secretary, WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet overy Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in Masonic hall, McCornack block. W. G. Prunk, C. C; L. H. Fletcher, Clerk. THERESKA HAT WORKS. REAL ESTATE. It is easier to check the baggage than it is to check the baggage smash er. . 30,000 VOICES. And Many Are the Voices of Salem People. Thirty thousand voices what a grand chorusl And that's the num ber of American men and women who are publicly praising Doan's Kidney Pills for relief from backache, kidney and bladder . ills. They say it to friends. They tell it in the home pa pers. Salem people are in this chorus. Here's a Salem case: W. H. Bradley, farmer, 614 South Twenty-first street, Salem, Oregon, says: "About two years ago kidney trouble came on me. First my back beuan to ache, then pain seemed to No currency reform can reform the 8,(rea(1 aU over my b(M,Vi like rn6uma. currency poverty in some men's pockets. ;tislrL I noticed that the kidnoy secre tions were unnatural and For Salem People. We wish we had the power to per suade everybody in Salem who feels run down, worn out and the need of a good tonic, something to make you feel strong, tone np your nerves, your digestion and your whole nervous sys tem, to try Meritol Tonie Digestive. We have never seen anything like It for general tonic. It is made chem ists of wide renown and is without an equal. Try it on our say so. Capital Drug Store. The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ana Dinrrnoea Kcmecly is counueu on their experience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diorrhoe and dysentery that it has ef fected. For sale by all dealers. m Thaw may not bo insane, but he is a fool for not biding a while. A Personal Guarantee. The Meritol Preparations are made by the American Drug & Press Assoeia- ation, of which we are a member and part owner. We personally guarantee every one of them. Your money cheer fully refunded if you aro not absolute ly satisfied. Try them on our say so. How could we recommend them more highly? Capital Drug Store. Inject common sense into a love af fair and it will soon ceaso to be interesting. UNDERTAKERS. UNDERTAKERS. RIGDON-RICHARDBON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High Street Office Phone Main 183. Rigdnn residence Main 111. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WaTCHMAKER- Over 20 years' experience as a watch maker at Beatrice, Neb. high grade work at eastern prices. Opera Housa Block, 484 Court St FOR SALE Five acros of choice val ley laud, 2 miles north from Cress well, on good road, near 8. P. H. R. Three acres commercial orchard, 4 years old, principally apples. Two acres small fruit and garden, 4-room house, barn, chicken house and yard, good well. Price 1(2300; $1500 cash, balance 4 years at 8 per cent. Room 304 U. 8. Bank building. Vhone 470. Running rp and down stairs, sweep ing and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beauto ful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain's Tablets to improve her digestion mid regulate her bowels. For sale by all dealers. Not even a woman ever liked all her relatives. MR. LABORER We are building an other 4-room, plastered cottage on corner lot, 50x110, which we will sell for $800; $50 down, balance $10 monthly. Your chance. German In vestment Cs. FOR SALE Five-room louse, barn, good well, corner lot, 150x150, all in bearing fruit; by owner. 1595, cor ner Saginaw and Lincoln street. FOB BALA. FOR SALE One Frailer Grey racing sulky at a bargain. Phone 544. A. J. Anderson. FOR SALE Ten White Rock chickens, 5 months old, and 1 dozen Plymouth Rocks of 4 months. 655 North Fourteenth. WOOD SAWING. WOOD SAWED Price for cord wood: Hardwood, 60c; fir, 60c; slab, 60c; old junk, $1.75 per hour. P. A. Ship ley. Phone 2157. GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We manufacture high grade auto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders in our work. Laher Auto Spring Co., 26 North 15th St. Portland Or. Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, CholeTa and Darrhoe Remedy. The re markable cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighborhood have given it a wide rep utation. For sale by all dealers. I knew that my kidneys were disordered. I road an endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills given by ono 'of my neighbors, aud 1 got some. I found them to be just what I needed. Before I had started the second box, I was almost entiroly free from pain and my kidneys acted regularly. I have used Doan's Kidney Pills since with good results." For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole ageut for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. A noted automobile racer has retired; ho wants to live years instead of weeks or months. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GOLD DUST FLOUR Mads by the : SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Use Ask snd your grocer for It. Bran shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agent Avoid the Bronchial Coughs of Early Fall. The ehangeaWo weather of early fall brings on bronchitis and a hard cough that is wearing on the system, and seems to tear open the bronchial tubes and mucus lining of the throat. Use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. For it will soothe Bnd heal the inflamed mueiis lining, relieve the cough quickly, and help to expel the cold. It contains no opiates. Get the genuine in the yellow package, and re .use substitutes. Dr. Stone Drug Store. LABOR LEAGUE CELEBRATES. UNITID PBSSa UJkSXD WIR1.1 Pittsburg, Ta., Sept. 1. Prominent labor loaders and delegations from all over Pennsylvania today attended the fifteenth annual celebration of the United Labor league, which is being held at West View park. Enoch Rnun, who, as city councilman, secured pas sage of the bill extending to employes of the city the principle of just com pensation for injuries received in the performance of duty, spoke on "What Civilization Has Done for Labor." "TOMATO DAY" IN COLORADO. onitid paces uisro wins. ' Ft. Lupton, Colo., Sept. 1. All of Ft. Liipton took a day off today to pay homage to King Tomato, the chief pro- net of this section of the state. Noth ing but tomatoes, raw and cooked in a ilozcn different forms was eaten to ny. A bumper crop is expected this year. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. DKITID PMSS UH WIM-1 Hochoster, N. Y., Sept. 1. Ways and nun ns for the spreading of propaganda to increase the membership waa the mportaiit topic discussod today when the Brotherhood of Tainters, Decora tors and Papcrhangors of America mot icro in annual convention. Ropresen tat Ives from all over tho country are n attendance. WELL, LOOK WHO'S HERE AGAIN! Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept 1. Candidates for the University of Pittsburgh foot ball team today reported to Coach Duff, who issued tho call for candi dates back in July. A short confer ence with tho Pittsburgh veterans who reported, and a limbering up constitut ed King Football's 1913 debut here. if you aro looking for a light job apply at the gas works. Of course, Bryan might reduce his church and charity expenses, but no one is going to advise him to do so. Ever Hear About This? We want everybody in Salem to know about Meritol White Liniment. It will do so much for pains of all kinds, rheumatism, sprains, etc. We have never sold a preparation that we could recommend more highly. Capital Drug Store. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS We are now booking orders for summer delivery lab wood, mill wood, oak, ash, first snd second growth fir. Prices rea sonable. Also dry wood of all kinds cut to suit Phompt deliveries. Phone Main 529. 752 street Mark Biddall, proprietor. STOCKS FOR SALE Either private or public to the highest bidder, Uni ted States Cashier Co., 60 shares at $10 each; Coin Machine Manufactur ing Co., 2 shares at $100 each; Call Switch Co., 40 shares at $10 each; The Electric Mining 4b Smelting Co., WATER COMPANY. SALEM WAIER COMPANY-Office Commercial and Trade sis. For water service apply at office. Bill rayable monthly In advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. ffinFltN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 'dock it s. n. corner Court and in jiinfluii' " T.iWtv streets. Elevator service. R, M. Morris, V. C; Bay A. Grant, Clerk. PACIFIC LODGE NO 50, A. F. 4 A. JI Stated communications third Fri i i. mntli t 7:30 t. m., In any m the Masonic Temple. Edward Res ..u w M.. Ernest II. Choate, sec retary. 'HEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water nd steam heating and tinning, 164 u N of A. -"Oregon Grape Camp' v. nun. meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornack building, Court ....i i ii,..n streets. Eclovator. r.,m.ntr. 781 North Front 8t, Oracle; Hatel Pries, Imperial Furnl- And if the air isn't fresh enough ij the country for children who live there, they might bo sent to Salem. CASTORIA lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears ths Signature An article that has real merit should in time become popular. That such is the ease with Chamberlains Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them. II. W. Hondrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and croups, and is my beBt seller. For sale by all dealers. Probably it is only the exceptiornl shares at $1 each; Campbell's Au- Pn, "d the fat one, who can safely 100 i tomatie Safety Gas Burner Co., 25 shares at $5 each. These stock must be sold to settle upan estate of U. G. Kightlingor by July 31, 1913. Ad dress S. C. Kightlinger, 360 Miller St., Salem, Oregon, administrator of the estate. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 3-room flat, close in, 257 Bollevne. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close in desirable location. 365 High street. to KENT N re v lurnisncu room mo.lern: breakfasts. 11U0 .Mission street. Phone WiX. WANTED. HI0H-CLA88 fashionable dressmak ing; fancy suits, gowns; fit guaran teed. 640 State. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 754 Icrry street. un health suncnntenacnt renisor ' .lai-lam acalnst kissing. Sonirbte man: what's the uet Uesldec, most li..! nit of the declarations of th faddists, is probably healthful rather than harmful. abstain from eating for weeks. Get Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism. That you can do by ridding yourself of the cause. Weak, sluggish, inactive kidneys allow the uric acid crystals to rculate in the blood, and these lodg ing in tne joints ami miiwies, rausi- rheumatism, lumbago, and stiff, swollen aching joints. Foley Kidney Pills eac your pain and torment from the time you begin taking thrrn. They positive ly and permanently build up the kid neys, restore their normal action and Htrain out the uric acid crystals that ause rheumatism and lumbago. Try them. Dr. Stone Drug Store. Salem Fence Works R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Headquarters for Morley's patent hop basket. Order now sure. See the drive and twist anchor. Don't use a deadman. Big stock of paints. American wire fence, screen doors and wire netting, fence posts, Ready roofing. 250 Court St. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum Piep&res modtclnei which will curt, t known diseases. Hs makes a ipeoiw of asthma, lung, throat, stomach, liver kidney, rheumatism, debility snd hem:, troubles, smallpox epidemic, lost man hood female weakness, paralysis, bolls and bruises of all kinds.. Cars of Tick Bo Tong, Chinese Med ical Co., South High Street, Salem, Or. Offlcs hours from 10 o 12 a. m. snd 1 to 7 p. m., Including Sundays. flB FRENCH FEMALE IsPILLS. A turn, Cnmr Ru f RoyrmaM II un? inn, NEVER KNOWN TD FAIL. Bitot Hor1 Bilv I H.U.- fV'tlun (JusraiiteeU of ktotKjF jUfundefJ. Hottt prrnalil I fur 1 1. 00 pH-boi. Will tfml them on trial, to he ptl, for 1 ben rellTd. 8 amp Irs Vn. It jim dj&gflil dw not OftTe vnsui ssuu yuurerueisj w hi UNITCDMKOICALCO.,aoKT, LMaMTK, P, J TRAVELERS' GUIDE t After all carping and caviling, a great deal of real reform in all field, is being effected. If you knew the real value of f'hamberlain 's Liniment for lame back. soreness of the muscles, sprains snd rheumatic pains, you would never wish to bo without it. For sale by all deal ers. All Patent Medicines or medicines advertised in this paper are for sale at RAILROADS SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Tims Table Portland Division. Train No. 10 Albany Passenger ............ 7:24 a m 14 Portland Passenger ....... 6:20 a.m. 16,...Oregon Express 6:00 s.m. 28 Willamette Express 9:27 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 12:35 p.m. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger . . 7:88 p.m. 220 Local way freight 10:30 a.m 222 Portland through frt. 10:36 p.m. Southbound. IS California Express - 3:32 a.m. 10 Ashland Passenger 11:10 a.m. 17 Iioseburg Passenger . 4:27 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 6:11p.m. 11 Shasta Limited 7:38 p.m. 13 San Francisco Express 10:36 p.m. 9 Albany Passenger 8:30 p.m. 225 Local way freight 9:27 a.m. 221 San Fran, thrh frt 12:01 a.m. Salero fleer Branch. . 127 Passenger arr. 8alom 9:25 a.m. 130 Pass. mid. loaves Salem 11:00 a.m. 129 Pass. mxd. arr. Salem .... 3:00 p.m. 128 PaBS. loaves Salem 4:lSp.m. Salem, Falls City Western. 150 Arrives 8alem 8:00 a.m. 152 Arrives Salem 11:20 a.m. 154 Arrives Salem 3:10 p.m. 158 Arrives Salem 6:25 p.m. 158 Arrives Salem 7:30 p.m. 151....Leaves for Black Rock.... 6:45 a.m. 153 Leaves for Falls City . 9:55 a.m. 155 Leaves for Falls City 1:45 p.m. 157 Leaves for Falls City .... 3:30 p.m. 150 Leave for Dallas 8:20 p.m. 100 Freight, arrives 12:30 p.m. 161 Freight, departs 4:50 a.m. Southbound Continued. 2:05 p.m 9 4:30 p. ra 8:40p.m..........ll .... 8:05 p.m 4:40 p.m 13 Ltd 8:30 p.m 6:00 p.m 17 Loe .8:20 p.m 9:25 p.m 19 .11:25 p.m 11:45 p.m 21 OwL 2:05 s.m Northbound. Lv. Corvallis Arv. Salem 6:30 s.m 8 8:00 a.m 4:45 p.m 20 5:50 p.m Lv. Eugene. Ar. Salem 7:35 a.m 10 Ltd 9:45 am 11:15 a.m 1:50 p.m 6:00 p.m 12:01 a.m 14 16 Ltd 22 2 Owl ... , 1:50 p.m 4:00 p.m , 7:45 p.m . 3:10 s.m Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A DR. STONE S Drug Store The only cash drug store in Oregon, owes no one, and no on owes It; car ries large stock; its shelves, countort and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for me dicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is s regu lar graduate in medicine and has had many years of experience in the prac tice. Consultations are free. Prescrip tions srs free, snd only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug stors, Salem, Ore., from t! the morning nntll 0 at n'trht. Fre' delivery to all parts of ths city. Southbound. Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m 9 Lv. Salem 8:25 p.m Ar. All 5:3 Ar. Ku 7:05 Ar. Alb. ...17 . ay .m ..a m J Ar. Lv. Salem OREGON ELECTEIO RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Salem Arrives Poitland Tralu. No. 4:25 a.m 2 Owl 6:50 a.m 6:30 a.m 8:00 a.m 9:45 a.m ll:20a.m 1 ;50 p.m 4:00 p.m....-, 4:15 p.m 5:50 p.m... ..... 6 8 8:55 a.m Loc 10:20 a.m 10 Ltd 11:40 a.m j10.15 gj 9:25 p.m Corvallis 9:55 p.m Ar. Eugene 2:15 a.m 21 Owl 7:50 a.m 8:35 a.m 1 11:15 s.m 10:15 a.m., 6 Ltd 12:25 p.m Lv. Salem. Stops st Albany 1:05 p.m 7 2:03 p.m Stops at Corvallis 2:30p.m Lv, Salem. Ar. Eugene 6:35 p.m 13 8:45 p.m CORVALLIS OONECTIONS. Northbound. Lv. Corvallis Ar. Salem 6:30 a.m . 8:00 s.m 8:23 s.m 9:45 s.m 12:12 p.m 1:50 p.m 2:36 p.m 4:00 p.m 4:25 p.m B:50 p.m 6:05 p.m 7:45 p.m Southbound. Lv. Balom. Ar. Corvallis 8:3:5 a.m 10:07 a.m ...12 1:45 p.m 14 4:20p.m ,.15 Ltd... 5:65 p.m . 18 . . 20 . 7:45 p.m 22 Southbound. Lv. Portland 6:10 S.m 1 7:30 s.m 6 8:20 s.m 8 Ltd. 10:40 s.m f , ..... 6:40 p.m 8:15 p.m 10:05 p.m Ar. Balom ..... 8:30 s.m .... 9:50 a.m 10:10 s.m 1:00 p.m 11:40 a.m 2:30 p.m 4:35 p.m - 0:00 p.m 6:35 p.m - 7:57 p.m 1:05 p.m , O.C.T.Co.'s Steamer Oregonla leave) for Portland Monday, Wednesday snd Friday at a. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt , i Commertlal St., Pnons M in 1 . turs Co., reeorder.