Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Women's Woolen
Vests and Pant
$1.75 garments $1.39
$1.50 garment 51.19
$1.00 garment
Women's Cotton
50c garments 39c
35c garments 27c
25c garments 19c
Cotton Blankets
$1.65 and $1.50 $1.39
$1.35 quality $1.12
$1.25 quality t..$1.04
$1.00 Umbrella
Women's Long Crepe
Pretty Patterns.
89c each
Canvas Hop-Picking
5, 10, 15c pair
Porous knit underwear
for men, 50c values 39c.
A Few Women All
Wool Coats
and Suits
Values to $15
No Hits and No Buns Allowed By Mc
Clure, Who la at His Best In,
Great Ball Contest.
Visiting Pitcher Is Also Stingy With
His Hits, But Lets Local Boys
Walk at Wrong Time
Believes He Will Have No Difficulty
ing Beating Barrieu Within 12
Bounds of Fight.
Queen Maud of Norway and Son
I She Fears May Be Assassinated
mm hi vXqfo
UEEN MAUD of Norway is able to verity the saying, "Uneasy lies the
head that wears a crown." 8he Is the mother or crown t rime v.ui,
and recently there have been stories of plots to assassinate the boy.
Queen Maud Is a mother as well as a queen, and she does not And life
Wortable when the fear of assassination Is ever with ber. She may leave
rwy because of these tales of assnsslnatlon." There Is a bill now oerore me
Whin providing that If the present ruler dies without a male hair the coun
t ahall become a republic.
Leading woman with the Girl of Hills
Co., Grand Opera House, Tuesday,
September 2.
Grand Opening Program
Vsf Performance 7:30 p.m.--Doors Open 7:00p.m.
Notice of Assesment 18th Street Im
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, will at or about 8 o'clock p. m.
on the 2d day of September, 1913, or
at the tame hour at any subsequent
regular couuicil meeting thereafter, at
the common council chambers in the
city of Salem, Oregon, proceed to as
sess upon each lot or part thereof or
parcel of land liable therefor, its pro
portionate share of the total cost of
improving North Eighteenth street
from the south line of State street to
the south line of Center street.
All persons interested in said assess
ment are hereby notified to appear at
said time before the said common
council and present their objections, if
any they have, to said assessment and
apply to said common council on or be
fore the said 1st day of September,
1013, to equalize their proportionate
share of the total cost of improving
said North Eighteenth street, and
their Baid assesment
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Keeorler.
Pitcher McClure was invincible yes
terday afternoon and the O. S. P. team
won from the Portland Transportation
club by a score of 3 to 0. McClure es
tablished a new season 's record for the
Senators' grounds by allowing neither
hits nor runs. He was splendidly
backed by his teammates and tho field
ing was sharp and at times spectac
ular. No hits or runs were made by either
aide until Christianson of the O. S. P.
got a single in the fifth frame. Poor
coaching resulted in his being caught
at second and Clarke and McClure
failed to reach first on infield ground
The O. S. P. scored in the Bixth in
ning. Dupont walked. Kemp sacri
ficed and Dupont reached second. Hoff
man sacrificed Dupont to third. La-
Barge reached first when Leslie failed
to handle the ball at first, and Du
pont scored. LaBarge stole second.
Griggs struck out.
Squeeze Play Worked.
In the eighth inning McCluro walked.
Dupont was also given a bape. Kemp
struck out. Hoffman filled the bases
with a single. Then a signal for a
squeeze play was given and McClure
was almost at the home plate when La
Biirge bunted. McCluro scored and
LaBargo was safe on first when Les
lie juggled the ball and it drifted over
toward the bleachers. Dupont scored
before Leslie got it back in action.
Griggs flew out to McCafferty and
Hoffman was ronght off second.
The visitors had a chance in the
fourth inning. Manning flew out to
Henderson. Petty walked. Leslie struck
out. Miller was hit by tho pitcher.
Fetty reached third on a passed ball.
Chamberlain hit a long fly and it
looked sate, but Dupont retired the
side by a running catch. The score:
AB. R. H.PO. A. E.
Manning, 3b 4 0 0 3 2
Petty, rf 3 0 0 0 0
Leslie, lb 3 0 0 11 0
Miller, 2b 2 0 0 4 3
Chamberlain, c 3 0 0 5 2
McCafferty, ss. 3 0 0 1 1
Irumbull, If 2 0 0 0 0
Hoffert, cf. 3 0 0 0 0
Monroe, p 3 0 0 0 4
c kited rasas leased winx-1
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 1. Consid
ering the fact that neither had time in
which to train properly, Leach Cross,
the New York fighter, and Frank Bar
rieu, the Northwest lightweight, were
in good condition for their scheduled
12-round bout at Brigouse this after
noon. The advance sale was a trifle
disappointing on account of the match
being arranged at such a late date,
but the indications were that a goodly
crowd would he on hand when the hoys
entered the ring. All cars headed for
the arena were jammed
Cross looks to be 10 pounds lighter
than his opponent, who is of stocky
build, although both boys are natural
Both took a complete rest Sunday,
and neither left his hotel until a late
hour this morning.
"I do not anticipate any trouble
difficulty in disposing of Barrieu
within 12 rounds, although I under
stand he is a clever boxer," said Cross
today. "The training I did at Los
Angeles for tho bout with Johnny
Dundee, which was called off on ac
count of Young's death, has stood me
in good' stead, and Ivnm in fine fet
Barrieu would not discuss his
chances of winning over Cross, but de
clared that meeting a real lightweight
contender had not affected his nerve,
and that he would put up the gest fight
he was capable of.
Freddie Welsh and Willie Ritchie,
who will box here September 20 for the
lightweight championship of the world,
will be at the ringside. During bis
stay hore Cross will endeavor to ar
range conferences with Welsh and
Ritchie, with a view of securing a
match with the winner of the Septem
ber bout.
t Even the most conservative dresser will need an en-
tirely new wardrobe this fall.
Fabric d?a!gners have developed a wonderful variety of
Novelty Suitings I
and Coatings
to meet requirements of the radical changes in style
of garments to be worn.
The Beautiful New
Brocaded Fabrics
Are extremely fashionable. You'll find a good range
of patterns and colorings in our line to select from.
Wool Ratines and
Eponge Cloths
In both plain and striped weaves are among the high
grade novelties.
Velour Striped Suitings, Bedford Cords, Scotch
Coatings, Zibeline Coatings, Astrachan Coatings and
an extensive line of Plain and Brocaded Plushes.
Velvets, Velveteens
and Corduroys
Will be very popular. Our new line is now ready for
you. Salem's best dressers know that they can de
pend upon finding the correct fabrics each season in
our Dress Goods Department at prices that "credit
stores" can't match.
Opening Overture , ,. -
Dolly Vardens By the Edison Co.
Daphne Lewi. . Contralto
The Yellow Streak By the Vitagraph Co.
Thos. H. Dalton ; ;:;""m
Editor of the "Daffeyville News
A Womans Way Patheplay
The Nifty Girls In Nifty Songs and Dances
Papa's Baby ..
Come Seben, Leben Biograph Comedies
Exit March.
Totals '. 2 0 0 24 12 0
O. S. P.
AB. R. H.PO. A. E.
Hoffman, cf 3 0 1 0 0 0
La Barge, lb 4 0 0 11 0 0
G"ggt c 4 0 0 10 1 0
Henderson, rf. 3 0 0 1 0 0
Christianson, 3b 2 0 112 0
Clarke, ss 3 0 0 2 3 1
McClure, p 2 1 0 0 3 0
Dupont, If. , 12 0 10 0
KcmP, 2b 2 0 0 1 1 0
Totals 24 3 2 27 10 1
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
0. S. P 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3
Hits 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2
First-base on balls Off McClure, 2;
off Monroo, 3. First base on errors
O. S. P., 3; Portland, 1. Struck out
By McClure, 10; b.vs Monroe, 5. Passed
ball Griggs. Hit by pitcher Chris
tiaiison, Millor. Stolen bases La-
Barge, Griggs, Christianson, Sacrifice
hits Hoffman, Kemp. Umpire Sim
oral. Time of eame 1:40.
Former Champion riofced as an Easy
Winner, But Many Believe Azeved)
Jlay Surprise Him.
Oaliiund, '.'a)., Sept. 1. Ad Wolgnst
and Joe Azevedo bad things all to
then. el' is today, pugilistically, around
Sun F'runoiKco bay, no other glove con
tests bi'iiii; scheduled for Labor day,
Th' two l't'lmveights mot in a 10-rotind
Hut at tho Oakland Wheelmen's club
this iif-.oi'ii'jon. Woigast was a 2 to
lavur.ie in Ihe betting, with practically
no A:'''"(lo money in sight, Wolgast,
though lie did little training, seemed
to be i' leity fair shape, and appar
ently was not suffering from his In-
r"d lituid.
Azevedo trained as if for a cham
pionship battle and was in splendid
condition, he declared ho did not fear
either Wolgast 's reputation nor his
much touted body wallops. The ex-
champion has regarded the match
lightly, and this led many to believe
that he might meet with a surprise,
for Azovedo is an exceptionally strong
lad and of late has shown considerable
iour preliminary bouts, the first
Btarting at 2:30, preceded the main
event. It wins expected that Wolgast
and Azovedo would enter the ring about
2:30 p. m. Jim Oriffith refereed the
feature bout.
Our store closes every evening at
5:30 excepting
Pay Your First Visit to the
Theatre Beautiful
Children 10c Adults 20c
kadThe Journal For News'
. . .
r V Wall and daughter, Car
men, of McKee, were shopping in Wood
burn Wednesday.
Miss Sophia and tmrna jikbh
Balem visitors Saturday.
Fred Huntress, or romano, who
WooAhurn visitor TuesilAy.
J. B. Marshall, of Portland, was in
town on business Tuesday,
W. Johnson and wife, of Salom, are
stopping at the Doris hotel for a fow
days- . , .
Kov. F. Zche and wife stopped in
Woodburn Tuesday. Thoy were ou
ti,iir mlv to Mt. Angel.
II. Gans and wife, of Portland, were
in Wnndhiirn Tuesday and Wednesday
on while here thev stopped at the
Doris hotel.
K. K. Taylor, of Chicago, was in
Wnrulblirn the first of the week on
H. D. Kinir. of Portland, was visiting
friends in Woodburn the first of the
A. M. Hoff, of San Francisco, is reg
intcrcd at the Doris hotel this weok.
K. K, Spaugh, of Portland, visitd in
;V.n.Klburn the first of the week.
If. M. (hoiw, of Portland, was a
I Woodburn visitor Wednesday.
' W. P. Stols, of Portland, mad', a trii
to Woodburn Wednesday on bnsincss.
He is smart man who only makes
stakes at the other fellow's expense.
euro appendicitis. If you have appen
dicitis, watch the St. Loifis Cards at
tempting to play the national pastime.
When the magnates remind us of
the low Bularies the basoball stars
of other days received thoy overlook
the dinky gate receipts the magnates
of other days drew. !
There may be something In a name,
mill all that rot, but wby should a
man named Muldoon bo playing with
the Lincoln Giantsf
Horace Fogel avers that he wants
to put a basoball team in New York.
This leads one to suspect that Horace
as not heard of the adventures of
Frank Chance.
Washington fans having presented
Waltor Johnson with a lovinir cud
illed with money, it is s?ld that Colum
bus fans will hand King Cole a Bhav-
ng mug filled with lather.
I Jabs and Jolts
National League.
W. L. Pet.
New York :....83 38 .6S6
Philadelphia 69 48 .600
Chicago 07 56 .54.1
Pittsburg 64 56 .533
Boston 52 '66 .541
Brooklyn 52 (!(1 .441
Cincinnati 52 70 .407
St. Louis 45 80 .360
American League.
Philadelphia 81 41 .664
Cleveland 75 49 .605
Washington 69 52 .570
Chicago ....65 61 .516
Boston 59 61 ,492
Detroit -.. 54 71 .4,12
St. Louis 48 81 .372
New York 42 77 .35.1
Pacific Coast League.
W. L. Pet.
Portland 81 69 .57X
Venice 76 75 rm
Kan Francisco "4 76 .49.1
Hocramonto go 72 .400
Los Angles 70 78 .47.1
Oakland 70 80 .467
The man who is always in a hurry,
loses time and misses many opportune
It is said that fighters can't come
back, but every day wo noto othor
wise. For instance, there is Jack
lleincn, tho heavyweight. As ho was
leaving the place some philanthropist
said, " Wait a minute, Jack! We're go
ing to buy another." Ho came back.
We ari Indebted to the Federal
league for the custom of granting
magnates an occasion leave of ab
sence. If the practice onlv spreads
to tho
National league all will be
Fable: Once there was s man with so
strong a memory that he could recall
the time when the White Sox had
regular .300 hitter.
Old King Cole looms up like a world
beater in the American association. So
alho, did Laverne Chappell,
Johnny KUbane plans a trip around
the world with two objects in iew,
One is to look for trouble abroad and
the other is to dodge it at home.
In- walks one Frank Kline, pugilist,
who avers that he can whip Tham
Langford and Joe Joannette. We have
been unable to learn whether Mr.
Kline carries accident insurance.
Doctors tell us that laughter will
K. II. E.
inciiiuatl 5 6 1
'ittouurg 4 U 2
Packard and Clark, Kling: Adams.
Henilrix, Robinson and Simon, Gibson.
R. H. E.
Boston oil o
New York 3 7 j
Hess and Whaling; Domaree and
- I?. II. E.
Philadelphia 6 12 2
Brooklyn 2 8 1
Scatou and Killifer: Walker and
R. H. E.
'l'ieago , 2 9 4
Cleveland a jo j
Licotie and Mihalk: James and I
a ,k ... I T
R. H. E. I
Vow York 0 4 4
Boston 6 12 n
SiIiuIj! and Sweeney; Moseley and I
R. II. E.
naniiingion 15 6
Philadelphia 4 7 0
BoehliiiK, Gallia and Henry; Bender
nd Hcliang.
We can sell you a farm of almost any
size you may desire at a reasonable
price per acre and upon attractive
Some Bare Bargains.
A fino stock farm, ;10 per a.
Another one, at $50 per a.
A fine dairy farm, $05 per a.
A fine hay or grain farm, $85 per s.
40-acro farm, inproved, only $3500.
10-acre tract of fine land, $1250.
5-acre tract, all cleared, $625,
No trouble to show land.
$350 cash wil buy three nice
largo lots in good location that are
really worth $675.
$250 Sown.
$250 down, $15 per month will buy
a modern bungalow, built for a home.
Electric light and brass fixturos, bath,
toilet, basement, on a paved street.
Price $1550. Why pay rent J Be your
ewn landlord. jtt
Is your property insured! If not da
lays are dangerous. Insure with Becb
tet & Bynon.
Don't Worry.
We buy, sell, rent or exchange prop
erty. Money to loan on real estate.
847 State St.
Phone 452
Oakland, Cal., Sept. 1. Morning
game score:
R. H. E.
Los Angeles 4 6 2
San Francisco ....3 3 3
Tozer and Byrne; Henley, Stand
rldgo and Clarke.
He who lias a thousand f remit
Has not a friend to spare
And he who has one enemy
Will meet him everywhere.
"You are my friend, for you have
dwelt with me
In gay or stormy weather; ,
I like you. for the times you've smiled
with mo
I love yon for the tears we've wept
You'll not be disappoint
ed if you select your fall
suit from our large asort
ment of
$15.00 to $25.00
Woolen Mills
We can fit you up for the t
Round Up.