Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ITADV TDJIIMIMH I ? H H H H t M H H t 1 1 M t M llUMMMM im UWMtnwm.MmMMMmmmumuL.vmummL.mm
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Children Cry for FItrhA-'e
The Kina iou Always lionght, and wlilnh j, v
se lor oyer SO years hJ"
aud been made nnd hi. t r
AU Counterfeits, Imitations and ' V,.h wior w
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. P,.
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is nleaannf ii
Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kaeotto
substance. Its ape is Its gnarantee. It destroys Woras
and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty yea Tit
hug beon in constant use lor the rcllci of Constitution
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething VroSblSTSS
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and J, ?
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
San Francisco, Aug. 28. Denounc
ing F. Drew Caminotti on the sumo
grounds as those on which Maury I.
aifji was convicted of violating the
Slaim white Blnve act, Special Prose-
iulor Matt I. Sullivan presented the
Inse of the government yesterday nf-
rnoon in ( aminetti 'a trial 'before
nlpc Van Fleet's court.
Sullivan declared that C'aniinctti was
st as assailnblo on the grounds of
i'ling nnd assisting and enticing Lola
orris to visit licno, Nevada, for im-
iural purposes as wns Diggs i" t lie
Jase of Marsha Warrington. He do
jprtd the fact that Diggs aeutally pur
jkaied the ticUcta for tho quartet's iu
Instate escapade mado no difference,
that Caminetti and Diggs wore part
ners iu guilt, and should be partners
in punishment.
On the whole Sullivan's address was
almost exactly a replica of the gov
ernment's presentation of the Diggs
Tho liluo Sky law has been tested in
the district courts of Kansas recently.
Judges Dana and Whitromb, of first
and second divisions of district court
of Shawnee county, sitting jointly nt
Topeka. Both judges joined in the
opinion that "it was fully within the
police power of the stnto to protect its
citizens against this army of illegiti
mate dealers in stocks, bonds and oth
er investments.
Many Useful Things Are Taught Boys
Who Participate in Maneuvers
of State Militia.
la Case There Should Be War, Trained
Man Would Have Great Advan
tage Over All Others.
The Markets
$3.25Round Trip
For Labor Day, September 1st, to
Newport, Yaquina Bay
via the
You can leave Salem on the early morning train, spend Saturday af
ternoon, all day Sunday and up to noon on Labor Day enjoying the
Train Xo. 15 connects with the early morning train from Albany for
Newport, and No. 19 with the afternoon train.
Call on 0. L. Darling, agent, Salem, for further particulars, train
chedulcs, etc.
General Passenger Agent.
A great deal of interest is being
shown by the young men of Salem in
the organization of the new militia
comany. Not only men who know
nothing about military work, but men
who have had from three to seven years
previous service are making inquiries
as to what kind of a bunch of men are
going to be in the new organization
and many have signified their intention
to become members providing the pres
ent standard of enlistment will be main
tained. That sounds mighty fine, be
cause when you attract a class of men
that makes the veteran want to get out
and soldier along side of them, they
must be better than tho ordinary. The
veteran, having had experience, knows
the class of men that can make good.
That does not go to say that every vet
eran is desirable, any more than every
citizen is desirable, but the best will be
taken ouly.
Tho morale of the national guard has
shown a marked improvement in the ,
lust two year, and more so in the last
year. The rowdyism and rough stuff wns
nowhere iu evidence at the last encamp
ment, it is said, and the reirulnr armv
officers on duty with the Third regi- j
ment at Camp West this year were sur
prised to find so much improvement
along this line. Every man seemed to
be desirous of learning as much as pos
sible and worked with a will, and if he
made a mistake, it was due mostly to
lack of training rather than to any
cause. This is a result of having the
right .kind of men in the organization.
However, there is very much room for
The present administration is paying
moro attention to the national guard
than it ever received beforo. It has
been realized that iu time of war the
national guard will play a very vital
part, and the wnr department is doing
everything in its power to make the
militia as efficient is possible. Regular
army officers are detailed as instructors
and have no other duties to perform but
to train tho national guard, and are
with them constantly, not only in the
armory, but in their daily life, studying
I them to Bee if they are the proper nieu
to command troops. Jn addition to
having an instructor in this state, for
the infantry, the Third infantry has
been fortunate in securing the services
of Major C. II. Martin, U. S. A., to com
mand the regiment. Major Martin has
been commissioned colonol of infantry
in the Oregon National Guard and as
signed to the command of the Third in
fantry. Colonel Martin has just fin
ished a detail at tho Army War College
livision of the general staff at Wash
ington, D. C, beforo being sent to Ore
gon and stands very high in the regu
lar service.
There is a bill beforo congress now to
ay the militiamen a percentage of reg
ular army pay which will in some de
gree comKnsato tho men for their ser
vices while not attending camps or oth
er duty in the field. During the annual
encampments tho men are paid accord
ing to the rank they hold in addition
to receiving board, clothing, and at tho
same time getting an outing and ex
perience that can not be duplicated in
any other way. The men are not paid
the regular army pay, but are paid ac
cording to a wale made out by the state
authorities which amounts to considera
bly more for the enlisted men. Tho of
ficers are paid Btrnight regular army
it is conceded thnt military training
would be a good thing for students of
the high schools, and it is thought by
various authorities that the citizen of
todjiy would be Improved at least BO
Bids of 83 cents were made Wednes
day for blueatem, but this was the only
wheat that held its own, all other show
ing a slight decline. The markets will
vary slightly, of course, but the priee
for the season is fixed and the fluctua
tions will be ouly such as loc.il incident,
such as demand for completion of cargo,
or some temporary cause may compel.
California's hop crop is now estimated
at 95,000 bales. Eastern orders at 18
cents are plentiful, but no one is paying
any attention to them, and anything les
than 20 cents is not considered. Just
what the price will settle at is a ques
tion that each will have to guess for
himself. Many think the priee will be
under rather than over 20 cents while:
a few have some pretty wild ideas, pre
dicting 45 cent hops inside of six
months . Not many take any stock in
this wildcat figure. Sugar was given
another boost Wednesday. Poultry and
meats of all kinds are in good demand
with prices a shade stronger. I
Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc.
Wheat Track prices: New Club.
7879ej new Bluestem, 83c: new
Fortyfold, 80c; new Red Russian, 77c.
Fife, 78c; Valley, 80c.
Millstuffs Bran $24(5)25 oer ton:
shorts, 2627; middlings, $31.
Flour Patents. 14.70 rer barrel:
straights, $4.10; exports, $3.653,65;
alley, $4.70; graham, $4.60; whole
What, $4.80.
Corn Whole, $34; cracked, $35 per
Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, $1718;
fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516;
timothy and clover, $14(5)15; timothy
and alfalfa, $12.50; clover, $8.5010;
oais and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011;
vaiiey grain- hay, $1011.
Uats No. 1, white, $27; new, &24.50
per ton.
Barley Feed, $2424.50 per ton;
brewing, nominal; rollod, $27(328.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc
Dried Fruits Apples, lOo per lb.;
currants, 10c; apricots. 12 14c;
peaches, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 8
10c, Oliver, 18c; figs, white and black,
tt7ttc; currents, 9Hc; raisins,
loose Muscatel H47ttc; bleached
Thompson, 11 Ho, unbleached Sultan
as, 8ttc; seeded, 7tt8V4e.
Coffee Roasted, in drums, 1832c
per lb.
Nuts Walnuts, 17H18o per ft;
Brazil nuts, 12 He; filbert, 15c; al
monds, 1618c; pecans, 17c; cocoa
nuts, 90c$l per dozen.
Salt Granul-.t 1, $14 per ton; aalf
ground, 100s, $10 per ton; 60s, $10.75
per ton.
Beans Small white, $0.75; large
White, $5.90; Lima, $8.30; pink, $4.25;
red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $5.90.
Sugar Dry granulated. $5.55: fruit
and berry, $5.65; beet, $5.45; Extra C,
$5.15; powderod, barrels, $5.90; cubes,
barrels, $6.03.
Kice No. 1 Japan, 55Wc; cheaper
grades, 4V4c; southern head, 56c.
Honey Choice, $3.25(3)3.75 per case.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Apples New, 90c$2.25 per box;
apricots, 75c$1.25 per box; canta
loupes, $1,25(5)2.00 per crato; peaches,
25(5 80c per box; watermelons, $1.23 per
cwt.; plums, 75c$1.25 per box; pears,
$1.50(5;1.75 per box; grapes, 55c$1.25
per crate; casabas, $2.25 per dozen.
Tropical Fruits. Oranges, Valencia,
$4; navels, $4.50(5)5.50; Florida grape
fruit, $5.507; lemons, $8.5010 per
box; pineapples, 7o per lb.
Vegetables. Artichokes, 75c per dos
en; asparagus, Oregon, 50c$l per dot
en; beans, 34c per lb.; cabbage, 1
2V,o pr lb.: cauliflower. $2 oer crate:
eggplant, 910c lb; head lettuce, $2.50
per Ktuie; peas, oiaio per id.; peppers,
810o lb.; radishes, 1012o per dot;
rhubarb, l2e per lb.; spinach, 75c per
per box; tomatoes, 5075e per box;
garlic, 78c per lb.; corn, 13c per doi.;
cucumbers, 2040c per box.
Potatoes New, 75c$1.25 per cwt.;
sweets, $2.75 per crate.
Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter. Oregon erraniArv. anliil nB..1r
30c per lb.; prints, box lots, 32c.
r.ggs uregon rancn, zs(ai30c per doz.
Cheese. Oreann TMnlAta laiA. rt.i.
sies, 17c; Toung America, 18c. '
Poultry Hens. 14c: sorines. 18c:
ducks, young, 1213c; geese, 1416o;
turkeys, live, ZOc, dressed, 25c.
veai r ancy (85 to 125 lbs.) 15o per
Pork Fancy, 11(5)11 per lb.
Provisions.. .
Hams 10 to 12 lbs., 2223cs 12 to
14 lbs., 2223c; picnics, 14c; cottage
roll, 17VjC.
Bacon Fancy, 3031c; standard, 25
26c; English, 2122c.
Lard In tierces, choice, 14 Wc: com
pound, 9 3-4c.
Dry Salt Meats Backs, dry salt, 18
14c; backs, smoked, 14H15tte;
bellies, dry salt, 14Wo; smoked, 16c.
Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 26o;
dried beef sets. 22n: nntahina Mc- in.
sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c.
ficKied uoods Barrel!, pigs feet,
114: rflfrnlnr trlnA tin- hnnav fnmh
triDe. 112; lunch tons-uei. 122: lamb'
tongues, $40.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops 1913 contracts, 18(5)20c: 1913
Fugglea, 2122c; 1912 crop, 10M!18c
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1016o per
pound; valley, 1819c.
Mohair Choice, 3031o.
Hides Baltod, 12o per lb-; salted
calf, 1617c; salted kip, 12a; salted
stag, 6c; green hides, llc; dry
hides, 21c; dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry
stags, 1213MiO.
Bran, per ton $28.00
Shorts, per ton $28.50
Wheat, per bushel 80c
Oats, per bushel 3540c
Chittim bark, per lb. . 45o
Hay, timothy $15.00
Oats and vetch $10.0011.00
Clover, per ton $5.009.00
Cheat, per ton $10.00
Butter and Eggs.
Butterfat, per lb., t. o. b. Salem 31c
Creamery butter, per lb... 313iyj0
iouniry outter, per id .. ZBUKgaoe
Eggs, per dozen 2223o
Hens, per lb ..........
Roosters, per lb ..........
Steem . ,
. .8c
Cows, per cwt .... 45c
Hogs, fat, per lb ..,.............89o
Stock ogs, per lb . 7 to 7 We
Ewei, per lb ... ..... 4c
Spring lambs, per lb ....45c
Veal, according to quality ll13c
Dry, per lb 8
Salted country pelts, each 65c$l
Lamb pelts, each .. 25c
per cent in appearance and manhood.
Characteristics of men are brought
out by military training when they can
not be by any other method of training.
For instance, the soldier learns to cook
his own meals, mend his own clothes in
the field, shelter himself from the
weather under different conditions, take
care nf his body at nil times, leadership
of men, and also thftt there is some one
else iu the world besides himself. There
are inuny others too numerous to men
tion, knowledge of woodcraft, nomen
clature of the rifle and most anything
that would come up in ordinary life
ami is tjiken care of by tho tradesman
lici-aiiKC that is his business, but ill the
field the soldier cannot depend on tho
trit'linninn, but must do tho work him
self. Thus a man is mndo self-dependent,
nnd in this course of training the
character of the man is brought to the
Consequently military training is of
vital importance to the citizen as well
ns the nation. And the man who pro
pares now will lie able to take care of
himself in the field if we should find it
necessary to take the field. But the
man who volunteer nt the Inst minute,
though just as brave an any other mat
stands an mw fill slim cliauco. It is lik
cold blooded murder to send such a man
into tho field, but what else can I
done? Thero has to bo men to hold the
firing line, and when tho trained men
are exhausted, volunteers must bo usod.
It's not the government's fault that the
individual limn would not prepare hin
self when the opportunity wns offerei
any more than it is the government'
fault when a contractor or niauiifiirtui
Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Erasers, Blot
ters, Composition Books, Ink,
Everything that Scholars Use
Need'nt look any further, they
are all here. The list at the
top of this was put there to
catch your eye and fix your at
tention on the fact that we have
the most comprehensive de
partment of school supplies in
School children are extrava
gant users of supplies, so we
give the most for your money
A nickel here and there,
makes a difference, even a
daily penny saved counts up.
Quite a difference from the old
fashioned slate and pencil
days when everything went, it
doesn't go these days.
Children's School Dresses
Children's School Hose
Children's School Coat
Children's Knit Underwear
Children's Wool Sweaters
Children's Middy Blouses
Agent Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
' ?. I-'
Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum
Now Under Construction in City View
Cemetery, Salem
Compartments unsold in this Beautiful Mausoleum can be se
cured at the original price offered the people of Salem. After com
MENTS WILL BE ADVANCED. J , J J I . , s J ; j j ; , j, j
Why Defer Longer?
Plans and specifications on file In our Salem office for your inspection
Portland Mausoleum Co.
Room 301 Hubbard building.
Phons 239
er is unable to fill an order for equip
ment which they agreed to.
If any one bo interested further in
military work, information will bo
gladly given upon receipt of an in
quiry at hcitilquartnrs, Third battalion,
in care of the armory, Hnlom, or a
staff representative will be present nt
the headquarters every evening between
S nnd 10 p. in. Only a few vacancies
exist at tho present time on the peti
tion nf the general staff, but It is possi
ble thnt some of tho signatures already
secured will be eliminated if found un-di-sinilde.
Thero in room for a desira
ble man any time.
Washington, Aug. 28. Senator Bns
tow's Income tax amendment to the
tnriff bill, placing a tax as high as ID
per cent on lucernes ovor $100,000, was
defeated Into yesterday afternoon by
a vote of 111 to 46.
'J(J6T RB CWC T6-rl6Hr
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