Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1913, Image 1

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    VH theNews that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal
THE I inrrcn i
ii ill irvtiix K li tvyw iA f II r.:.,-..:::ri L M I 1 1 n
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1 SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. AmiTlST on ion " ' "
1 ' 7 - ' ' PRirp Turn rivTi ow thainr and
-, - v .i-lsio. 8TANHH run v;
t . i . c - i r . i
iiM Are eiiousiy injured
and It Is Feared There
Are More Dead.
jmployers, Clerks and Cus
tomers in Building When
It Collapses.
'etcrboro. Out., Aug. 28. Five per
ns are Hiown to be dead ana right
An seriously injureil, have bun
yen f ro'ii (he ruins caused by the col
is here of the Turnlmi' dry goods
in ',t Is learcd that r.'.T dead and
iurril are Inried iu the debris. About
i!ei's, employers iu custoiii-.vs
m inside the building when it col-
She walls of the Turnbull store were
aliened by the erection of a build-
BilininiiiL'. The birders auddeulv
jjwdecl and bent and 30 feot of ma
5rr collapsed. The whole fire de
itment and snores of citizen volun
r are searching tbo ruins. The
Jiertv loss will exceed $50,000. .
I "
J;al,8 xeaely eves y
iffalo, X. Y., Aug. 28. Clad in a
(Grecian robe and sandals, Mrs. Lil
Stuart, of St. Louis, a delegate to
international hygiene congress, this
trrnoon assailed nearly Avarv articla
oman s atire.
?For the imruose of lookiniz nrottv.
I Mrs. Stuart, "girls sacrifice their
vs. Olilcr women are equally as
l-maylio worso. Thev keen thoir
An girded in armor with the ribs
$' tiyht.
!They keep thoir feat cramped and
Jwted. A soul cannot be frun if the
U is kept tight, the foet pinched
tne neck restrained."
Fire on Great
Ship Quenched
Imperator Damaged to Some Extent,
But WIU Be Ready to Sail Next
Saturday, It Is Announced.
Hoboken, Aug. 28,-Pire on board
the steamship Imp'erator, the largest in
the world, caused some alarm h.
today, but was controlled.
Director Meyer of the Hnn,l,,..i
oriean line said the damage to the Im-
1-onuor wm soon be repaired and that
she will sail on Saturday cnr,iin
The big liner docked vmttrJav ,:!.
3100 passengers aboard, of whom tho
first and second classes hud hn a;.
embarked before the fire started Th
steerage passengers were still aboarl
awaiting the customs examination.
Old Men, Young Men, Farm
ers and Business Men Pro
pose to Them by Mail.
Testimony During Forenoon Session
Is Practically Same as In Maury
I. Dlggs Case.
Sre He Secured Places for Only
Pit of His Relatives Instead of
11, as Charged.
iDNITrn no...
pington, Aug. i!S.-Speakiug to
Mion of personal privilege, Soua
P'oindexter, of Washington, iu the
P t0(1"y dwlnrcd a Seattle news
r had criminally libelled him by
f'H charges that he had obtained
lament posts for 11 of his relatives,
f'lidexter admitted getting a place
'.k" brother in the senate folding
I1, b,,t 'lechircd he had no eonnoc-
Itll tioclirini. .w.::
l'"nniuu!i lor iie
""med, lin.l tlmt h i,u.i ,.
"'se of anv n,,r i,,,t .i,...
Governor West, Commenting on School
iuno, Hits Those Who Have Per
mitted It to Be Stolen.
A statement prepared bv Mm stii..
liind,office, at the request of Governor
nest tor the use of the Oreson conserv
ation commission, shows approximately
j,i.u,ouu acros of land, derived through
grant from the federal government, to
nave uecu sold. For these lauds tlio
stale received $(i,08,G00. or a little less
than $2.15 per acre. There remains yet
unsold 5,)0,000 acres of surveyed, and
230,000 acres of unsurveyed lands. The
governor, commenting on this says:
"Hod the same protection h,,
thrown around the school fund in past
.M'ors as is now being thrown around it,
3e iuinLwouKUiave amounted rn H,;,.
ty or forty millions of dollars, instead
of a little more than six and ons hnlf
millions, the amount now in the fund.
The handling of our school fnnl
stands as an objoet lesson iu plunder
ana waste. It shows how public offi
cials will often stand idly by and per
mit such a sacred trust as the school
fund to be plundered by selfish inter
ests without raising a hand in its defense."
Weiser, Idaho, Aug. 28. Within the
narrow confines of a grave which they
had been hired to dig two day labor
ers engaged in a rough and tumble
fight, according to a report which
reached here from Midvale today.
The fight was brought to a close by
the arrival of the sexton.
Relatives of tho man whose body
was to oecunv tho crave on the fol
lowing day, hearig of tho desecration,
refused to accept the grave, and the
laborers had to dig another
'harg-s,-' Bid Poiudoxter.
J the same ,.as, a, those of inur
' he Alnskn robber syndicate,
f ' kidnaping and nssa-sination
i the .San Francisco franchise
V'"' or tl,so of hrilwrv of judges
1 liking f ini-ln hv tu mme
f 'Won railroad which supplied the
' IMirchnse this paper from its
i'Xited rnssa leased wiiie.
tVn.l.Mintnn Aiiir "8. A.lmir.ll
Fletcher this" afternoon ' cabled the
navy department that tho battleship
Louisinna is aground at Vera Cruz,
Mexico. Details wero lacking.
Charnos Mih.k t t
.;,M'- 'nsh., Aug. 28.-The speec
I ,r X,il" Poindexter iu Wast
T'l in In
;er iu Wash-
j , nail referenco to charges
'k..?" ''""'"'"lliRonciT of this
Cel '""h:Wr h Plac.l eleven
i, 'tvos in government positions,
i" " son was recently appoint
i ;".''0,i" I'.v Congressman LaFol
L, ,aMnKton, and this led to a
l' "tack. It is under-
t"d t l ,1e 'on ,n'1 the 'rother
' o "y the senator in his speech
U t two' ,he elpven wh0 "
i, ,he '""tor or in whom he
I nJ war interested.
rsnEo rnrss leased winE.l
San Francisio, Aug. 28. "All
of them will be tight and some
of them tiuhter
This was the dictum todny of
one of San Francisco's lending
woman's tailors who has returned
from l'oris, where he has lieeu
studying fall styles.
"This fall's skirts will fit like
the wrapper on a cigar," mi id he,
"Women will have to abandon
the custom of pulling 'em on over
their heads, and will have to
crawl into 'em like a man does
into his trousers. Home skirts
will require the use of a shoe
horn and others must be warped
on like a barrel hoop."
San Francisco, Aug. 28. While wait
ing to bo called to the witness stand in
the F. Drew Camlnetti white slave
trial here, Marsha Warrington and Lo
la Norris, involved with Caminetti and
Diggs in the Reno escapade, are being
flooded with proffers of marriage
from all over the country.
Grey-haired old men and romantic
youths, farme boys and urbane men
of profession are offering heart and
hand to the girls whose court confes
sions have been of such character as to
require police to keep back the crowds
in the federal building corridors. The
ardent proposals in manv. cases are ac-
compauied by photographs of the more
or less handsome senders.
A number of letters of this charactor
have even been sent to the girls in
care of cjurt officials, and several, it
is declared, have been delivered to
Judge Van Fleot's chambors
Letter heads indicate that some of
the missives come from theatrical
agencies in the East. Without distinc
tion they have found their way to the
waste basket.
One New Witness.
With the exception of Peter J. Te
nancy, secretary of the state board of
control, under whom Caminetti for a
time was employed at Sacramento, the
witnesses today woro the same as those
who laid the foundation for the prose
cution in the Diggs case.
All efforts of the government to re
veal Caminetti 's domestic affairs
thronph Tehnev were frustrated at this
time Theodore Roche had announced
that tho prosecution intended to show,
through this witnoss, that Caminetti 's
resignation from the board of control
clerkship indicated his intention of
leaving Sacramento and his family per
manently. The defense had maintained
that tho trip was only to have lasted a
short time.
Caminetti 's resignation was admit
ted in evidence. It directed the Vato
controller to turn over his salary war
rant, calling for $lii to tho Sacramento
Valley Tiank, to cover checks he had
issued the night of the flight of the
quartet to Reno. It was written on
tho stationery of Austin & O Bnen's
saloon. Tehaney also will be called as
a witness by the defense later.
More Women Present.
Ho hnd been preceded by E. W. Mil
ler, Reno grocery clerk, who again told
of delivering produce to Diggs and
Caminetti and tho two girls, who rep
resented themselves as husbands and
Perhaps more women than have ap
peared thus far at oither trinl were
present when court opened today. Sev
eral young girls with books under their
arms gave the impression that they
were "playing hookey" from school.
They started up hastily when the 12
o'clock whittle Mew, and hurried on'.
Attorney Is Grilled.
Marshall 11. Woodworth, of couiiM.d
for Caminetti, got one stiff dressing
down from Judge Van Fleet when court
begun. Special Prosecutor Mutt. I. Sill
liviin, as soon as court opened, called
the attention of Jiulgo Van 1'ieet to
statement printed by a lo. al newspipi'i
.yesterday in which Woodwortn wn-i
quoted as saying that the Mnnn net was
on trinl in the ( amiiietti case and that
it wan never intended to cover such n
timis as his. Sullivan doclnp'd this
statement by Woodworth was most im
proper and was designed to affect tlie
"I 'unnot imauine such a statement
coming from counsel," sniil Judge Van i
Fleet. "It is entirely improper and it
repeotod will be considered a seiiics
cou'empt of court. This ease will h;
ttied in this court only, not ill the
newspapers. The jury is instructed "o
ei.t.iolv disreirard this statement ur.-t
in.;.' s'miiar ones of which they may be
At the conclusion of Woodworth 's
cast i gal ion the case was proceeded
with. F. A. Lindner, elerk of the River
side hotel at Reno, taking up the story
Deteitioe!L , ONLY 9
rouna nea up
Warned That He Most Cease His Ef
forts to Clear Mystery of Murder
of Elizabeth Miller.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 28. Bound
hand foot, with pockets rifled and
with a note warning him to cease ac
tivities in connection with the Eliza
beth Weber murder cases, lvinst beside
him, W. F. McCullough, aged 22. a pri
vate detective, was found in an alley
back of the Spokane theatre early to
"This is what you get for knowing
too much about the Weber case," was
the inscription on the ' paper
McCullough was unconscious when
found, but recovered soon after being
removed to a hospital.
He stated he had spent much time in
working on the mystery surrounding
the murder of Elizabeth Weber, a
young girl, a year and a half ago.
Pursuant to the amended tax law. the
Marion county board of equalization
will mcot this year on the second Mon
day of next month instead of the old
date, the third Monday in October.
County Assessor West declared yes
torday that the assessment roll will
have boen completod next Saturday and
all prepared to be turned over to the
equalization board by' the 8th of next
According to Assessor West, the acre
age and town lots records this vear con
tain twenty-two more pages than those
or 11)12, which is considered to Iia u
exceptional increase in view of the fact
that each page includes a great number
of acres and city properties.
Parade Will Be Great Feature, and
There Will Ije Interesting Ad
dresses Made on Occasion.
The weather permitting, one of Hip
longest and most original Labor Day
parades ever taking place in Salom
will be staged next Monday. Tho dif
ferent trades unions have made tho
rinnl preparations for uniforms to
mark their respective vocations, and
every class of workmen will bo well
represented in the parade.
Tho line of march will start from
Marion square, and, after wending its
way over the principal streets of the
city, the labor unions will moot at the
corner of Commercial and Trado streets
where a train will bo waiting to tnko
them to Selah Springs for tho day. The
train, wil leave hero at 11 o'clock,
and It is expected that a largo crowd
of both representatives of labor organ
izations and others will take advantage
of the excursion picnic at the popular
summer rosort.
Among those who havo been asked to
join in tho speech-making and general
good timo aro L. H. McMahon, Judge
P. If. D'Arcv and Governor West. Sev.
ernl other noted tnlkers will take part
in the "high jinks" which is to be
held at the springs, and everybody is
invited to join tho merry throng.
Also There Are Only 14 So.
cialistt in List Registered
Have Total of 387, While Prohibltion-
lss ts Are Second With 121 and
Democrats Have 117.
of the adventure of the eloping quar
tette where dropped by railroad men
who testified yesterday.
F. J. Peck, the Hcno real estate
man, who rented the lleno liungnlow
to the elopers, followed Lindner on the
stand. Not a new fact wns brought
out, tin testimony being almost en
tirely a repetition of the evidence nt
Diggs trinl.
The Weather
we MWf in 7 (',-
: A) Z."-
An official count of the number of
registrations by County Clerk Gohlhar,
undor the new law, including the po
litical faiths of each registered voter
in tho city, shows the following:
First precinct Rep. 39, Dem 10,
Soc. 2, Prohi 0, Progressives 1. Inden.
1, and no politics 1. Total, 66.
Soeond precinct Rep. 56. Dom. 16.
Soc. , Prohi 10, Progressives 1, Indep.
6, no politics 2. Total 91.
Third precinct Rep. 28, Dom. 3.
Soc. 1, Prohi 11j Progressives . In
dep. 4, no politics 3. Total 50.
Fourth precinct Ron. 36. Dem. 14.
Soc 1, ProhL 12, Progressives , Indep
7, no politics 4. Total 74.
Fifth precinct Rep. 43. Dem. 18.
Soc. 4, Prohi. 9, Progressives , Indop
11, no politics 2. Total 88.
Sixth precinct Rep. 54, Dem. 12
Soc. 1, Prohi. 24, Progressives 1, In
dep. 10, no politics 1. Total 109.
Soventh precinct Rep. 39. Dem. 20.
oc. , Prohi 11, Progressives 3. In
dep. 5, no-politicsl. Total 79.
Eighth precinct Rep. 25, Dem. 4.
moc. A, 1'rohi. 8, Progressives 2, Indep
2, no politics 1. Total 45.
Ninth precinct Rep. 44, Dem. 11,
ooc. 1, Prohi 16, Progressives , In
dep. 12, no pol'itics 8. Total 87.
Tenth' precinct Ren. 28. Dem. 3.
Soc. 1, Prohi. 14, Progressives 1, In
dep. 8, no politics 1. Total 51.
Socialists Few.
Although there were but 739 people
registered under the ne wlnw, the
majority of voters being exempt from
registration at this time, the records
show that out of the numbor of appli
cants for registration since June 3
there are 121 Prohibitionists to 117
Democrats, while the Socialist party
is represented by but 14 voters, and
387 Republicans registered. Tho Inde
pendent voters registering total 72,
while 9 Bull Moosors declared them
selves. The county dork accented the
applications of 19 persons who would
not divulge their polities.
For the first timo in the history
of Marion county's registration it is
now possiblo to secure a rnrriw.1
and expedient report of tho registra
tion prior to elections. County Clerk
Oehlhnr has systematized the registra
tion problem to the extent that he can
turn to an index file, and within a few
soennds give any inquirer tho exact
copy of the record of registration of
any voter. Under tho old registration
law, this was imposisble, due to the
fact that there was no system by which
tho clerk or his deputies could find
certain names of those registering. Al
though tho new system requires much
more work and timo, it is thoroughly
efficient in every respect, and when
the registration books are onco closed
future reference to them is but a mat
ter of a minute's interview with the
county elerk 's office.
Man Who Aided
Dynamiter Jailed
Joaquin Bucho Alcalde Nabbed In Los
Angeles and tells of Destruction
of Gunboat
united paasa lsaiid wise.
Los Angeles, Cal.. Aug. 23. Joaauin
Buche Alcalde, who claims to have ae.
companied Didier Mosson on several
rngnts over Guaymas harbor, Mexico,
was arrested here today as he stepped
from a Southern Pacific train, and hus
tled to the city iail. Special A or Ant
John Bowen, of the department of jus
tice, who mado the arrest, refused to
explain his step, and the iail 'hlnttAr
opposite Alcalde 's name Bhows only the
entry "en route."
Alcalde dechirea Masson's bomb
throwing flights were successful and
that he destroyed one federal gunboat
at Guaymas. He did not try to explain
uis presence in Los Angeles.
ITS $50,000
Governor Reports Jefferson Levee Re-
Covered With Nothing Expend
ed in Proceedings.
Governor Wost this moniinu address.
ed tho following communication to
State Treasurer Kay:
"By Chapter 312, Laws of 1013, this
office wa authorized to recover in the
name of the statu, possoesiun of what is
known as the Jefferson Stroot lovoe,
Portland, Oregon, heretofore i 11 posses-
sion of tho Southern Pacific compnny.
ine sum or jO,000 was appropriated to
reimburse the Baid company under cer
tain conditions for Improvements there
on. I
"T am pleased to advise you that
possession of tho property has
covered without tho expenditure of the
funds appropriated by the loglslature.
Five hundred dollars of thin tr,s
ing been oxpomlcd iu the wy of attor
neys' foes, the snmo has been collected
from the city of Portland ,i t
- , -.. UUTO
hand you herewith v 400
drawn by the pnblin dock m,i:..'
from tho treasurer 0f the city of Port-
lanu, in the Bum of $500.
'As this public 1 AVAA tlio) Inn I. -
. '""Mil UM
been finally adjusted, and the property
.....,fu over to tne city of Portland,
there will bo no further occasion to
draw against the fund appropriated by
the legislature."
Announcement Is Considered
Very Encouraging by
Washington Officials.
Considered Likely That Huerta
Will Finally Accept Wil
son's Plans.
Washington, Aug. 28. John
Lind, President Wilson's special
emissary to Mexico, telegraphing
from Vera Cruz, advised the ad-
ministration this afternoon that
ho would rench Mexico City to-
morrow. It is believed he is re-
turning to the Mexican capital in
resH)iiso to Provisional President
Huerta 's request for a renowal of
negotiations. 4,
London, Aug 28. Two militnnr. .
fargottcs this afternoon caught Pre
mier Asquith, of Great Britain, nlav-
ing golf at Lossemouth, Scotland The
only thing they did was to smash As
quith 's hat, pound him in tho face
with their fiBts and whack him over
the head with umbrellas. This ended
all golf playing for tho afternoon, so
far as Asquith was concerned. The
two women were arrested.
Chicago, Aug. 28. Tho Knights of
Columbus of Chicago today joined tho
Palette and Chisel chili in opposing tho
taking to San Francisco for the 1915
exposition nf the Kpniilsli caravels, re
productions of the idiips of Christopher
Columbus little floi-t, which were built
for the Columbus exposition hero in
IW3. The vessels are declared to be
The Dicl ey Bird
y says: Oregon: Ren-
0 era My fair tonight
ami r nilay; east
erly winds.
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 28
Lieutenant Covernpr. Wallace of Cali
fornia today invited the governors' con
ference to meet in Han Francisco In
HM5. Ho also asked the' governors to
boost the Panama Pacific exposition by
encouraging stale building.
Sa- ramento, Cal., Aug. 28.-Jobu 8.
Chambers, managing editor of the Sac
ramento Bee, was appointed today
state controller by Governor Hiram
W. Johnson to succeed A n v.
Chambers will assume office at once.
'hicngo, Aug. 28. "Willie"
Palmer, Jr., aged 03, is through
leading the gay, fust life, ami
will stick to tho pledge ho gave
Municipal Jndgo Snbiith ami his
father, William Palmer, Sr., aged
" Ves, sir," piped William, aged
Ml, affectionately stroking the
gray hairs of Willie, aged til!, to-
day, "Willie will sow no more
wild outs. He was in bed at !)
o'clock last night and refused to
go out with the boys. For fifty
yeis he's been as wild as a colt.
Hut .when a boy gets to bo 03, I
say it's time for him to behave."
"Dad's right," said Willie,
"fifty year of whooptedee is
about enough for any boy. When
I signed the pledge to Quit drink.
ing, I meant it. I'm going to be
Washington, Aug. 28. CBble ad
vices today from John Lind, President
Wilson's special peace emissary to
Mexico, indicated there is still a strong
probability of Provisional President
Huerta accepting President Wilson's
peace suggestions. Llud's latest note,
however, did not confirm reports that
Huerta had accepted the peace plan in
full, but the fact that Lind announced
that ho would continue his stay In
Mexico indefinitely is considered en
couraging by Washington officio!.
The state department this afternoon
made public the gist of the lastest
cable from Lind. It said:
Request Withdrawn.
"The requost for an exchange of
ambassadors is withdrawn, but Huer
ta hopes the presidont ambassadorial
personnel in Mexico City will continue
until after the October election."
It is reported here that nuerta ar
gued that Presidont Wilson's request
that Huerta not be a candidate for
the presidency in October constituted
a recognition of nuerta 's provisional
government. The administration, how
evor, repudiates such an Interpreta
tion. .
Huorta's latest note to Lind, it is
said, virtually reopens nnirnHntinn. -
Huerta's counter proposals.. The pros-
went, nowovor, is not building any
false hopes on the latest turn In r.i.
can affairs, but is waiting anxiously
ior inner details from Lind.
Intimates Wilson Uninformed.
Huerta's note Intimatm tlii p,,..;.
dent Wilson evidently is unaware that
tho Mexican constitution prohibits a
president from succeeding hi
otherwise he would not have asked
that Huerta pledge himself not to bo
a candidate for reelection. President
Wilson Insists ho Is perfectly familiar
with the Mexican constitution. alh
with the fact that It is enstoinnrv for
Mexican presidents to
ahead of election day for the purpose
or running. The presidont, however,
thinks Huerta is seeking a roundabout
way of giving his pledge not to rim
ngnm without losing prestige.
Lind today sent Secretary Itryan a
messnge In addition to Huerta's com
nmnicntion, Brynn refused to discuss
it, except to say: "rt is encourag
ing." HuerU Out of Race.
Mexico City, Aug. 28. Foreign Min
ister (inmboa's latest note to John
Lind, President Wilson's pence emis
sary, wai published here today. Its
most important point is that Provision
al President Huerta is constitutionally
excluded from being a candidate fur
re election in October. This, It Is be
lieved here, paves the way for further
negotiations. The note, however, does
not say that American mediation will
be unqualifiedly accepted,
Troops Off to Texas.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 28. A special
train carrying 173 recruits from lef
ferson and Columbus barracks left hcta
today for Ta City.