DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 27, 1913. $5.15, Salem to Newport AND RETURN via the IV SUNSET I (0GDEN&SHASTA1 I 1 ROUTES I THE ROUND-UP. " T pads rnasi and to rush the construction o( a big 2,250,000 gallon reservoir were im provement transactions of the city Lake county is arranrina to hoi,! J"""""1 of La Qraie at 8 "t gn. ... ... iaF uuinn 0 fa .v:. I . .. o mio nm, oui tne details are not yet worked out. AH ready all the seats in the grand stand at the Pendleton Round Up have been sold, and the 3000 extra bleacher seats provided, it is thought will be in sufficient for the big crowds now assured. August is the Banner Month At this delightful outing resort. Get away from the heat and dust He beach season is now in fnll swing. Best and recreation for old ud young, deep-sea fishing, surf bathing, delightful drives to Ottor Bock, The Punch Bowl, theTJght house and boating and fishing oi beautiful Yaquina Bay. $3.25 Week End Fare BOUND TRIP FORM SALEM ' i Double Daily Trains leave Albany 7:30 and 1 p. m. Connection made with north and louthbound Southern Pacific trains. Call on our agent for copy of "Newport" booklet or "Vacation Days." They are free for the asking. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Seaside had last Thursday. a splendid dahlia show m A vast amount of ill health is due to paired digestion. When the stomach f "THE OLD RELIABLE" REM EPYfor MEN I AT DHUGGIBT6.0R TRIAL BOX BY MAILSOa fAOM PLANTER 9J HENRYST BROOKLYN. NY. I -igEWARg OF IMITATIONS fails to perform its functions properly the whole system becomes deranged. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets is a yu need. They will strengthen your digestion, invigorate vour livpr. and regulate your bowels, entirely do ing away with that miserable feeling due to faulty digestion. Try it. Manv others have been permanently cured wny not you! For sale by all dealers. , Tent City A. J. VAN WASSENHOVE. Proprietor. Grounds Illuminated with Electric Lights. CITY WATER. Three Blocks From Nys Beach, Newport, Oregon, P. 0. Box 5. Furnished Tents and Cottages. Write or Wire for Reservations MMMM HHHM MMMM MM Medford is arranging for a big fair to be held September 9-13. Oregon City has declared war on speeders, and has a special officer mounted on a motorcycle that can catch any old auto, whose business it is to arrest spedcrs. An Irish picnic at which $300. in prizes will be given away, will be held t the Hog Ranch, Samas Prairie, Lake county, September 1. Lake county will try to get rid of the jack rabbit by catching a couple of hundred, innoculating them with some rabbit disease, epidemic in character, and then turn them loose. Lakeview is to have a hospital "modern in every respect." It will be ready for use about September 15, and will be in charge of Dr. and Mrs. J. Irving Russell. For a slogan good enough for the new and lusty municipality of Molalla the editor of the Pioneer offers a year's subscription. ) With a school of whales off shore and plenty of summer orirla nn n. beach, the Signal says Newport is man aging to keep on the map as an at tractive summer resort. Among articles scaled up in tho cor nerstone of the new Masonic building at Tillamook were a package of local picture post cards, and some current booster literature. Baker Horald: While the people back in bleeding Kansas will have been closing their places on account of the heat, people in Baker county were getting out their winter underwear. The Stayton Mail has reports of a number of surveyors at work on both sides of the Santiam. The Mail does not know to what organization these men belong, but it presumes their pres ence means another railroad in Stay- ton. , To make La Orando the beat lighted city in the Northwest, to insure con- stmction of the Second street subway at a cost of considerable over $30,000, TWO RAILROAD CELEBRATIONS ABE SCHEDULED FOR WEEK nxiTiD puna liasid wiei.) Eugene, Or., Aug. 27. Two railroad celebrations are scheduled to take place in tho upper Willamette valley during the first xeek in September. The first will be he basket picnic at Monroe, September 3, to celebrate the comple tion of the Portland, Eugene & Eastorn tracks between Eugene and Monroe and the cui'Sequeut connection through Cor vallis with Portland, and the other is set for Saturday at Noti, 20 miles west of E'lgene, to commemorate the begin ning of rail transportation on that por tion pf the Willamette-Pacific compa ny's line between Eugene and Coos Bay. For the Monroe picnic excursion train will be run from Eugono and Corvsllia and the dinner will be served in V'ilhclm's grove. Return trips will oe made during the afternoon, and thereupon regular service will be begun between Eugene and Corvallis. t con. nect with the trains to Portland, Alba ny and to laqiuna. Statu and mnntu officers are scheduled to speak. The bief purpose of the excursions i to giJ J.ugene and Corvallis businoss men an opportunity to see the territory which is thus being opened up as trade zoues for the respective towns. A woman Is awfully disannnintivl when her worst suspicions fail tn mm. out. '""MM I I M 1 1 1 1 t I I I MM! Mi The Markets M MM Ne WPOBf The Ideal Summer Resort ENJOY the cool sea breezes, the surf bathing. VISIT the scenic points. Devil's Punch Bowl, Otter Rocks, Seal Rocks, Hecta Head. Gather your own souvenirs. First-class fishing, both salt and fresh water. First-class hotels, rooms, cottages, tents. Reasonable prices For information, address Newport Commercial Club NEWPORT, OREGON n H II M EI II M II II II II II II li 11 II II II II 11 I II II U H 11 II II II II II 11 II u ' ! g aa5B3szzzaszzzzzzs3SZ3EZzzsszzsggazzzzszzzaaaiii There is no change in the wheat situ ation, prices remaining unchauged and the market very dull, buyers and sellers alike waiting developments. The same statement might be made as to hops, a waiting policy being the tactics of both grower and dealer. Fruits of all kinds are in good supply and it is suggested that those having these for market rat them in not later than Friday morning, as Monday is Labor Day and there will be nothing doing tor two davs. Eirra are slightly higher and are quoted at trom 2a to 28 cents. Another advanco in sugar is expected in the near future. i'avorable weather for hops is reported in i.ugland. It looks threatening in the Willamette valley hop section, and rain is predicted. Hops, like Josh Billimrs' monkey, are uncertain because von nev er can tell what they will do next. Un favorable weather hero ill nndouwbtcd- ly send the price up. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Wheat Track prices: New Club, 7879c; new Bluestem, 8384c; new Fortyfold, 80c: new Red Bnasian. iti Fife, 78c; Valley, 80c. Millatuffs Bran $24(5)25 per ton; shorts, $2627; middlings, $31. ' Flour Patents, $4.70 per barrel; straights, $4.10; exports, $3.653,65; alley, $470; graham. $4.60: whole ht, $4.80. Corn Whole, $34; cracked, $35 per ion. Hay Fancy Idaho timothy. 17ffllR- - l - 1 iancy eastern Oregon timothy, $15018: nmoiny and clover. $14(5)15: timnthv and alfalfa, $12.50; clover, $8.5010; oau ana vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011; valley grain hay, $10(5)11. Oats No. 1, white, $27; new, $24.50 per ton. Barley Feed, $24024.50 ner ton: brewing, nominal: rolljd, $27(5)28. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.: currants, 10c; apricots, 12l4o; peaches, 8llc; prunes, Italian. 80 10c, nflver, 18c; figs, white and black, H7ttc; currents, 9Hc: raisins. loose Muocatel 87ttc: blaachMl Thompson, 114 c, unbleached Sultan as, 8Hc; seeded, 7H8Hc. Coffee Roasted, in drums, 1832c per lb. Nuts Walnuts, 17V418o per tb; Brazil nuts, 12 Ho; Alberts, 16c: al monds, 16018c: Dscana. 17c: virn. nuts, 90c$l per dozen. Salt Granul-.t 1, (14 per ton; half ground, 100s, $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75 per ton. Beans Small white. $6.75: lame White, $5.90; Lima, $6.30; pink, $4.25; red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $5.00. Sugar Dry granulated. $5.55: fruit and borry, $5.55; beet, $5.35; Extra C, $3.05; powdered, barrels, $5.80; cubes, barrels, $5.95. Rice No. 1 Japan, S(!i)5VjC; cheaper grades, 4'ac; southern head, 56c. Honey Choice, $3.25(5)3.75 per case. ,$4; navels, $4.505.50; Florida grape- iruii, o.au7; lemons, $8.5010 per box; pineapples) 7e per lb. Vegetables. Artichokes, 75e per dos n; asparagus, Oregon, 50c$l per dot en; beans, 34c per lb.: cabbage. lU.iffi per lb.; cauliflower, $3 per crate; eggplant, 10o lb; head lettuce, $2.50 per crate; peas, 57o ner lb.: Banners. 810o lb.; radishes, 1012c per dot; rnuDarb, lW2c per lb.: sninach. 7S tier per box; tomatoes. 60(i)75o garlic, 78o per lb.; corn, 15c per doz.; cucumbers, 2040c per box. Potatoes New, 75c(S)$1.25 ner v.wt.i sweets, $2.75 per crate. Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack. Dairy and Country Produr. Butter. Ornirnn HMDmam ..llj l. 5n . iu . "f" y, ..u p.c, isi in,, urinis, oox lots. aac. i-ggs Oregon ranch, 25c per dozen. Cheese. Ornirnn Trirtlata lfll. Tl a iU73u: pal sies, 17c; Young America, 18c. Poultry Hens, 14c: anrinffB. Ifln ducks, young, 1213c; geese, 1416o; turkeys, live, 20c, dressed, 25c. few ancy (85 to 125 lbs.) 15o per pound. Pork Fancy, U(S)11M per lb. Provisions. Hams 10 to 12 lbs.. 22(S)23c: 12 to 14 lbs., 2223c; picnics, Hc; cottage roll, 17c Bacon Fancy. 80(S)31c: atandar Pit 26c; English, 2122c. Lard In tierces, choice. 14V,c: com. pound, 9 3-4c. Dry Salt Meats Backs, dry salt. 18 14o; backs, smoked. 14015Wn: bellies, dry salt. 14 o; smoked, 16o. Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25o; dried beet sets, 22c; outsldes, 20o; In sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c. Pickled Gnnilil Rd.Ii 1 yiBH loot, 114; regular tripe, $10: honey comb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' tongues, $40. Hops, Wool, Hides, Eta Hops 1912 crop, 1720o, according to quality; 1913 contracts, 19o cents. Wool Eastern Oregon. 10(5)1 6e df pound; valley, 1819c. Mohair Choice, 3031c. Hides Saltod. 12o ner Tb: iRltori calf, 1617o; salted kip, 12c; salted tag, 6Vc: green hides. HV,ei in hides, 21c; dry calf, No. 1, 25o; dry stags, 1213o. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Bran, per ton 2B.on Shorts, per ton . $28.50 Wheat, per bushel 80c Oats, per bushel 3540c Chittim barli, per lb. 4Vj(S)5e Hay, timothy $15.00 Oats and vetch $10.00(5)11.00 Clover, per ton $5.00(5)9.00 Cheat, per ton $10.00 Butter and Eggs. Butterfat, per lb., f. 0. b. Salem. 31c Creamery butter, per lb... 8131Vjc country buttor, per lb 2225c bggi, per dozen 2223c Poultry. Pry" 1618c Hens, per lb HVjCd)14 Roostors, per lb .....8c t , :! Great Little finders of Lost Articles :i Those brief and extremely interesting ads in the "Lost and Found" department of the "Want Ad" pages of The Capital Journal. Published in the "New Today" where everybody can ee them-where they are sure to command widest reading. They are part of the newt of today, and the people look for them as eagerly as they look for any other feature in the paper. When you lose any thin for find anything-The 3l ' Jc-ttl w carry your message into more than 3000 homes daily and reach nearly 15,000 people. That's enough to start the gossip regarding your loss enough to reach the owner of anything you have found. Make a mental note of this. It takes little or no time to writ, . "Lo,t er a "Found" ad, and then bring it, mail it or phone it to The Capital Journal. Main 82 t'M )W X Fruits and Vegetables. Apples New, 90c$2.25 per box; apricots, 75c$1.25 per box; canta loupes, $1,2.'2.00 per crate; peaches, 2.'(fi80c per box; watermelons, $1.25 nor cwt.; plums, 75r(S jil.25 per box; pears, $ 1.50ft 1.75 per box; grapes, 55c($1.25 per cruto; casalms, $2.25 per dozen. Tropical Fruits. Oranges, Valoncla, GrandOperaHouse Two Days, Thursday and Friday i! migust and zy SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY Wonderful production. Correct Veritus Version, thai -waM uiui ib muio Lrama. "QUO VADIS" The picture which has startled both the amusement and religious loving people of the world. Unequaled in, the history of Motion Photography added to this Twentieth Century wonder. The most surpris ing natural history production. "WILDEST AMERICA" Bare game in their native lairs, the preservation of the noble elk wolves, grizzly, bob cats, wild cattle hunters, trappers, graphically shown. America's wonderland, geysers, glaciers, torrents. Why go to Switzerland t See America first. Greatest success of the silent drama Special Summer Prices, 15c and 25c l '-44mK4-ytMM44H4 Steem Cows, per cwt ... Hogs, fat, per lb . Stock ogs, per lb Ewes, per lb Steers. 78c 45c 8(S9c 7 to 7 He ..it Spring lambs, per lb 4W(5)5c veal, according to quality 11(5)180 Pelts. Ury, per lb gt 8altod country polts, each Lamb pelts, each ... ...5c$l 25c , i. Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum Now Under Construction in City View Cemetery, Salem Compartments unsold in this Beautiful Mausoleum can be se cured at tbo original price offered the peoplo of Snlcm. Aftor com pletion of building THE PRICE OF ANY UNSOLD COMPART MENTS WILL BE ADVANCED. Why Defer Longer? Plans and specifications on file In our Salem offico for your Inspection Portland Mausoleum Co. Room 301 Hubbard building. Phone 239 MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS -By Gross iWYJR , . , 1 y I l . . p . 'I a i ; r . unt op I ' :v. I-jiM M1 or 'go sh H ) ( 1) (PEAlt