Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 27, 1913, Image 2

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    dtioAal Page of TSie Salem Capital Journal auS
Gentry, aged 4 years, who fell in the Oregon Power Company 's ditch a few
feet above the falls, and in a moment would have been swept over them to
death, but for the prompt action of Vorj'I Hoover, a 7-year-old boy who at the
The Capital Journal
The Barnes;-Taber Company
f - i GEAHAM P. TABEB, Editor tad Manager.
An Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principle! and the Progreu
nd Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
imminent risk of his life, jumped in after the girl and succeeded in dragging
her to tho Bide of the ditch and keeping her head above water until they were
both rescued. It was a brave act gallantly performed.
Portland is trying to decide the question: " What is a loaf of bread 1" It
is said the present loaves sold in that city run from 8 to 16 ounces, and the city
Pibllfhed Ur.rj BTralDg Except Bundaj, Ualem, Oregon
(Invariably la Advance)
Dally, ny Carrier, per year ... 18.20 Per month.. 45e
Sally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c
Weekly, by Mall, per year .... 1,00 ill months. 0
sealer of weights and measures is preparing an ordinance requiring all bakers
to label each loaf giving its exact weight in ounces. It is proposed to estab
lish a loaf weighing between 12 and 16 ounces as the standard.
Judge Henry McGinn, of Portland, is taking the fast cure and has eaten
nothing for 19 days. The dispatch says nothing has passed his lips but Bull
Run water in that time. This indicates that Portland's famous water supply
must be meat and drink both, and contains much solid food, though Henry is
said to have lost 25 pounds since beginning the fast.
I . 1
Advertising ratet will be famished on application.
"Kw Today" ads strictly cash in advance.
Want" ads and
The Capital Journal carrier boyi are Instructed to put the papen on the
porch. If the carrier doe not do this, mlasea yon, or neglects gettiiig the
paper to yon on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this la the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instruction!.
Phone Main 82.
SENATORS GALLINGEE, GKONNA, PENROSE, and that class are much
worried over the tariff because, for ono thing, they nay it will not at
once reduce tlio cost of living, and they contend that because of this the
Democratic party will go down in defcut at the next election. Their
tenderness in this connection is noteworthy and commendable, from the
view of the patriot, or for that matter from that of the Democrat; but it is
rather inconsistent on thoir part, and shows that they do not believe what they
state, for if the passage of the Undorwood tariff bill would, as they claim,
knock the Democratic party out for all timo, they would be doing everything
in their power to assist in gotting the bill passed.
The truth is thoy do not so boliove, but they do believe that it is necessary
to placate the big interests that elected them, and on which they must depend
for their re-election. Then, too, they ovorlook the fact that the tariff is no
longer a party matter. Every platform at the last oloction had a plank pledg
ing the party to a reduction of the tariff, and they, as well as the Democrats,
aro in duty bound to reduce It.
What they fear is not that the reduction of the tariff and the passing of the
Undorwood bill will kill the Democratic party, but that it will strengthen it
with the people and rosult in thoir retirement from their aoats in the senate,
rather than the retirement of the Democratic party. The fight against the bill
is made for selfish reasons and no other. The people have arrived at the con
clusion after having carried the protected Industrial until they are saddle
marked, that any business that is a burdon ou other businoss, that requires that
some other, or every other industry be taxed to maintain it, is a very good
business to drop. No privato busincs man would carry on a branch of his busi
ness that was a drain on the other departments of it, that was not solf-sustain-ing,
but required supporting, that was a dead loss; and the great mass of the
American poeplo have reached the same conclusion as to national affairs.
"Every tub miiBt stand on its own bottom," is a good saying to keep in mind
in this connection, and the sooner Messrs. Gallingor, Gronna, Penrose and that
gang of patriots commit this to memory tlio better it will bo for them. Tho
American people havo malo an army of I'arnegles, Schwabs, Guggonhoims and
that class of tariff mado multi millionaires, and they are not proud of their
ALREADY the politicians, or would-be such, are arranging tho ticket for
1918 and first among those to bo taken into consideration is Roosovolt.
It is a long time until 1916 and much may happen before that time.
While Roosevelt is In good health now, he is mortal, and may have pass
ed over before that dato. However, if he should be on hand, as he very
likely will be, bo will, cut ho ice in the 1016 campaign. With his great popu
larity, he made a very poor showing in 1012, and this not because his admirers
had lost faith in him, but because of the unwritten law against a third term.
The vote in 1H12 emphasized that fooling and served notice for some time, at
least, that tho American people would nnot tolerate a third torm, no matter who
might want it.
Roosevelt occupied the presidential chair about 7 year ami 8 months, and
while he did not servo two full terms, his election again would mean that he
would hold practically three terms,, and this in tho present tompcr of the Am
erican people will not be permitted. Roosovolt has strength enough, perhaps,
to dictate the candidate of the Progrosnive party in lSllfl, but that is as far as
his power extends, Thoso who are so busy making up tho program for the next
election might as well eliminate Mr. Roosevelt from thoir calculations. Besides
tho old party may get itself joined in matrimony again, for both its members
arc, we think, rather sorry they ever instituted proceedings for a divorce, They
find it rather hard getting along without each other, and this feeling will be
stronger as timo and failure to get n happy homo brings them to a keener real
ization of tho lonesomeness of their separnto lives.
INSANITY is largely n question of locality, according to tho developments in
the Thaw case. So long as Thaw was on this side of tho bordor where his
life was iu danger If pronounced sane, ho was crazy as the proverbial March
hare. So soon as ho reached Canada, whero if he was insane ho would bo
deported, tho doctors got nut their charts and wands and pronounced him
perfectly sane. Time was when the legal fraternity was held up to the world
as the pretension without the saving grace of honor. Tho lawyers, It was gen
erally supposed, would do anything in tho way of boating (he law, not stop
ping at subornation of perjury, or for that mutter at taking a swear at it thom
selvee, if necessary, and tho fees wero high onough. They will havo to look
aftor their laurels, or tho medical aggregation will take this proud distinction
away from them. In these days anything in the way of insanity can bo proved
or disproved, as needs be, by the medical fraternity, ami it can bo proved both
ways at the same time and also demonstrated by still other physicians that
both theories are wrong and that the patient is sane and insane minute and
minute about. The doctors are in the saddle In the courts now, for when all
else fails, their teetlmouy will show that the party about to got what was com
ing to him and what he deserves is at least irresponsible.
It-is Indeed pleasing to note that the senate and congress is patriotic
enough to lay aside party when It comes to backing up Uncle Sam, and stands
firmly behind the president in his dealing with Mexico, After all, we are all
of us, regardless of politics, Americans first and Democrats or Republicans af
terward. It is also a matter of pride to every American that all the foreign
powers are throwing their influence with the United States in its effort to get
tho Mexican people on their feet, and to establish a permanent peace.
lloroism Is far from being a lost trait of humanity, as witness an accident
at Albany last Saturday, which would have resulted in, the death of little Ora
The advancement of civilization is nowhere more startingly in evidence
than in Klamath Falls, where a few years ago the wild red man and wilder
cowboy held sway. Where the tinkle of glasses on the bar in the hurdy-gurdy
was heard all night, where the lid was off and Sunday unknown. There, now,
the city council purposes stopping the " bunny hug" and all that, and may
tackle the 'X-Ray" gowns and split skirts.
Bud Anderson, the pug, is named as co-respondent in a divorce action at
Oregon City. The husband charges that his wife writes love letters to the
little bruiser, goes joy-riding with him, and calls him affectionate and endear
ing names. In other words, Bud has knocked the husband out, and the latter
is taking the count.
The Capital Journal invites pub
lic discussion In this department
Let both sides of all matters
be fully brought out It is not
the purpose of this newspaper to
do the thinking for its readers.
their farms and market, wero within the
. I
T otv limita- thai Tipr wprfl aiinroxi-
f THE OPEN FORUM f I "iatcy :,co business houses in Minne
apolis, employing ouuu wagons, wnose
loss from. bad roads was $910,000 for
the year.
"The combined loss of the farmers,
merchants, and manufacturers for one
year was $1,518,000. As there arc
Editor Capital Journal:
In tho "Review of Reviews," for
August there appears an article from
the pen of Walter C. Tiffany, regard
ing public reads. In regard to bad
roads he writes as follows:
"One of the most thorough investiga
tions of the subject ever conducted, tho
results of which aro used as a text
wherever the doctrine of good ,roads is
preached, was made by tle Minneapolis
Civic and Commerce Association. While
the conditions investigated were those
of territory tributary to Minneapolis,
thoy aro undoubtedly typical, to a
grcator or less degree, of thone existing
"A committee of tho association se
lected for investigation tho farming dis
trict, 750 square miles in area, the trade
of which is tributary to Minneapolis.
From a thorough canvass of the condi
tions existing there it was found that
tho 4009 farmers in the district hauled
500,000 tons of farm produce to market
in 1911 and sold it for $0,665,080. To
do this they had to make 305,000 trips,
the time spent equalling 800 years of 8
hoiir days and the distance covered 88
times the circumforence of the world.
Bod road conditions caused losses in
time, partly due to slow progress, partly
to the necessity of taking less direct
routes, and partly because smaller loads
had to be carried. Detailed investiga
tions showed that the losses in time
were as follows: Due to not taking the
Bhortost route, $02,000; due to slower
progress, $75,000; due to extra trips
necessitated by smaller loads, $159,000
a total loss of $290,000. Losses from
inability to reach the best market, from
the spoiling of product, and from injury
to horses and wngons wero found to ag
gregate $221,000; from restricted abil
ity to haul manure, $91,000. The total
loss caused by bad roads was placed at
"Tho committee made the following de
ductions: On account of bad roads each
farmer lost, for the year $1.70 for every
ncro that he farmed; 13 cents every
timo ho carried a ton of farm produce
over one milo of bad roads; 9 per cent
of his total crop. Ho pnid as much for
bad roads as for labor; more than for
feed for his stock; twenty-five times as
much as or ertilizer. The total loss to
the farmers in this district for the year
from this cause would have bought all
tho corn produced in it, or all the wheat
or the oat crop twice over, or all but
10 per cent of the potatoes, or all the
barley, yo, flaxseed, timothy seed, hay,
and forage combined. The losses would
replace the farm implements or the cat
tle every three years, the horses every
four years, and would pay off all the
mortgages in the district in three years,
with $100,000 to iare.
"The farmers, moreover, were not the
only losers from bad roads. The com
mittee found that the worst sections of
the roads they had to travel between
about 3000 miles of roads in the dis
trict, which could have been kept in
good conditions for $3000 a year, if
properly constructed, in order to ascer
tain what amount could profitably be
invested in good roads, the committee
deducted this amount from the total
loss, leaving $1,200,000. Capitalized at
4'j per cent, or 5 per cent, which is
more than bonds would cost, the prin
cipal is $22,000,000. If this amount
wero invested in good highways at
$7000 a mile, tho district would still
break even on the investment."
In such writings he states that the
3000 miles of road mentioned could be
maintained for $3000 annually.
Our scientific rottd experts are mar
velous engineers if they can maintain
public roads for $1 per mile, annually,
after they are properly constructed.
In regard to the great losses of farm
ers on account of bad roads, I will cite
a case of a farmer near, having hay
transported over bad roads of Oregon.
The owner of a small tract seven
miles out, had eight tons of hay hauled
to Salem by an auto truck this season.
Two tons were hauled at a trip and four
were made in one day. When eight
tons of hay are hauled seven miles by
one truck in one day, over roads where
farmers have wasted all driblet road
funds for the past 40 yeiars, it is time
we had some scientific experts, to fig
ure out the great economic loss from
such road conditions; especially when
all the funds expended in such road
districts, for the past 10 years, did not
amount to $25 per mile, annually; yet
In the greatest bargain-giving. Come and tee the crowds of people that visit our ita,
daily, then you can see at a glance the reason. The people appreciate real UrgauUi '
The wonderful stock of New Fall Silks and Dress Goods we now have on diipW
latest foreign and domestic goods shown, and at the lowest prices on this coast.
our New York buyer's purchases of Ladies' New Fall Coats, Suits and Dresses. Our bUT
er is an expert in the cloak and suit line and you may rest assured that when it comei
quality of materials, the latest in Paris and New York models, he has no superior. Wi
always make the low prices for Salem.
D OUR AUGUST WINDOW DISPLAY. This is the month when cost cuts no figure
the greatest stock of Domestics and all kinds of Wash Goods in Salem. Prices, yard,
4c 5c 8 l-3c 10c and up
now on display. Satin hats and all the rest. Come here for bargain!.
'. J )' 1 iliiniii'iyiiii.ii i ii ipiuniiii.il mi i ii ii i ii ii mi ii-iii i iiiiiijiii jjiiiiiipm '"I. ..iiipiiiii... hi.,
. . .
. .
! LADD & BUSH, Bankers j!
- - -
Hop picking and prune picking T
will soon be here. Contract your i
bread and cake supply early with T
Former German Bakery, and you
will be assured of dealing with s
up-to-date, sanitary and respon
sible firm. Thone 378, No. 240
Commercial street.
A good hot
.1 J:1.
lemon in a cup of delicious
m, Renews your energy.
the roads were not only maintained, but
have been gradually improved.
What would our scientific road en
gineers have accomplished with such
meager funds! Probably they could
have made some preliminary Burveys
and drawn a few maps each year; but
nothing more.
Hurrah for scientific building of pub
lic roads, paralleling railroads; for the
pleasure and comfort of automobile
tourists; the profits of contractors and
transient laborers and the tax bleeding
benefit of farmers.
Yours truly,
Salem, Oregon Aug. 15, 1913.
What is probably the most valuable
tree in the world is an alligator-pear
treo at Whititer, Cal., which netted its
owner a profit of $320 in one year.
This tree was planted in 1905 and be
gan bearing in its fourth year. In 1912
it bore 3000 pear, which sold for $1500,
Hop Pickers and Campers
Buy your Dry Goods and Furnishing Goods of us. We
save you money.
Cotton Blankets at Low Prices
We bought a bi; St before the high price of cotton.
We give you the benefit of early purchase.
Blankets, 45x70, only 50c pair
Blankets 60x76, only $1.00 pair
Blankets 64x80, only $1.25 pair
Calico, yard 5c
Ginghams, yard 5c
Shirting, yard 10c
Red Table Cloth, yd 25c
Leather Gloves 25c pair
Gauntlet Gloves 50c pair
Hop Pickers' Gloves at
little prices.
36-inch Percales, big assortment, only 10c yard
Cheap Straw Hats for women and Children
: 20c, 15c, 13c and 8c
8 oz Canvas, 29 inches wide 17c yard
10 os Canvas, 36 inches wide 25c yard
11 ox Canvas, 40 inches wide 27 l-2c yard
Men's Bib Overalls...: 7SC
Men's Underwear 25c
Boys' Overshirts 29c
246 Commercial Street.
while the sale of buds during the same
year amounted to $1706, making the
total given above The tree iB a seed
ling, the seed having been planted with
a quantity of other seed which had
been imported, presumably from Mex
ico. Another tree, which was planted
at the same time, and which stands
close to this phenomenal bearer, has
never borne more than 50 pears in a
season Pictures of the tree sod .
of its fruit appear in the Sejtr:
Popular magazine.
Children Cry
rl WW Ws 1WI WW 1
Oregon State Fair
Salem, Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 1913
A whole week of pleasure and profit; $20,000 offered
in premiums on Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry, Ta
ttle and other exhibits.
Horse Races, Shooting Tournament, Fireworki, BanJ
Concerts, Eugenics Exposition, Children's PlaygT011
and other Free Attractions, including Boy & 0(k
One-Ring Circus. Free Camp Grounds. You r
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. ReoW
rates on all railroads. For particulars addrert
Salem, Oregon
Him t
$ Extra! Extra
For the first time in the history of Salem th t?
of Marion and Polk counties can secure all
sacks at right prices in this city, instead of PD"
their time and money in going to Portland. We vr
ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rags. W
paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron- "'
prices paid for all kinds of old clothes, houseboW
and furniture. We buy and sell everything
needle to a piece of gold. All kinds of tools
chinery and pipe bought and sold. The house or
a minion bargains.
I 233 State Street.
C-t 1 v
i Tium'Mi.inr"'"'