Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 18, 1913, Image 2

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The Salem Capital
rm 4-. liinilii utrHtrliiiin of the amenitiin to ilpmnml thnt the Hlatn of On-Kim uow tuke
The BarneTaber Company
OBAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager.
Aa Independent Newtpaper Devoted toAmericau Principle and the Progress
nd Development of Salem In Particular and All Oregon In Oeneral.
a hau.l in her own jjreat interest.
The dispatches Saturday announced that Mm. Hulzer was delirious. This
was not unexpected in the li(ht of her recent actions, for they can only lie
explained on the 'ground that alio was most decidedly off mentally.
Pabllabed Ktwy KveolDg Except tiundar, Msleu, Ortguu
(lorarlalilj In IdniiMI
Dally, n, Carrier, pr ear ... 1.120 I'cr month. .46c
Dally, bl Mill, per ar 4.00 I'er month.. Hoc
Weelly, by Mali, per veer .... 1.00 Hlx roonihi .COc
Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
"Nnr Today" adi strictly cash in advance.
"Want" ads and
The Capital Journal carrier boyi are Instructed to put the papers on the
torch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
aper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this la the only
way we can determine whether cr not the carriers are following Instructions.
Phone Vain 82.
T11K F0RIT HEBVIfK bunch bit off considerably more thnn it can mas
ticate handily when it created the Cliiiucli forest reserve in Alaska.
Recently the senate committee on territories hud Mr. Oreeley of thu
forest service department before it and asked him some questions that
were real embarrassing The outcome of it was that Mr. (Ireeley ad
mitted that the creation of the reserve could not possibly benefit any one or
the forests either. His own statements showed the timber was practically val
ueless, thut it only carried about 7000 feet to the acre, and that this was of
such poor quality that it was useless for any purpose other than for pulp or
in fact when pinned down by the committee he admitted that the depart
ment hnd ''lone nothing towards conserving this forest other than "conserving
the title." He insisted that his department had protected that, ami that i'
it hail not done so the railroad might have built through part nf this reserved
area, and used some of the timber for ties. It would seem from this that the
only thing the forestry department has accomplished in mulling this big re
serve in Alnska is to stop the construction of rnilrnmls, and thut this it has
This trait is one of the most objectionable things in all these public depart
mental creations. No sooner is a place made in which some distinguished citi
zen can draw a fat salary and be a gnnd-sized boss, than he begins, to turn nil
his efforts to making his department thn biggest thing on earth. He loses
sight of the objects of thn department which he is called upon to direct, uml
begins to give It. importance, to swell the juli up until he thinks it is big enough
to justify it requiring the services of so important a persnnnge as himself, lie
tries to make the department big, rather thnn its work useful and beneficial.
We. have some cases of this kind here in Oregon, where the only thing kept
In sight, by the officials was that nf making their especial department bigger,
an that it. would require more appropriations than liefore, and giving it impor
tance by the sums it cost to operate it, lather Hum from the results obtained.
The forest service depnitment of the government has from t inception
been one of the worst managed of any of the government jobs, it has caused
more trouble, more aiiuoyaiice, than all the others put together. It has al
ways been In thn way nf development, always a hindrance, always a brako on
the wagon, and it has nothing nt nil to show for its endless red tape, its wordy
claims, Its windy advertising of itself as about the greatest thing on earth. It
has conserved nothing but a lot of fat jobs for a lot of incompetents ami it
never will accomplish more than that. The sample of its work ns shown in
Al.nika is a fair one, anil the only thing this suggests is that the quicker Uncle
Haiti fires the whole gang of useless blood suckers, the better it will bo for the
country, This department opposes the building of railroads through reserves,
the use of timber by such roads, tho settlement of hundreds of thousands of
acres of find agricultural lands', any nud everything else that tho needs of tho
country require. In fact tho whole system just turns over to this egotistical
bunch tho control of millions of acres of the public domain to mismnnngo anil
keep from being made productive.
Why theso millions of acres of land should bo turned over to this bunch of
theorists, this aggregation of asininity, to nmiiso itself with, is one of the in
explicable things that it is not even worth while trying to find out. Congress
saddled them on us and nil we can do is to let them ride. For one, though, wo
cluliii the sacred right belonging not only to humanity, but to the dumb brute,
that like us has to be saddled and ridden, ami that is to buck when spurred too
hard, ami to switch our tall, metaphorically of course, when the rowels l it
dig in so deep. That forest sorvice depart incut that serves iiobmly ami no
thing other than its officials Is about as useful as un Ingrowing toe nnil as or
namental as a carbuncle, and as remunerative lis the itch.
T1IR MORNINfl ASTOUIAN', advocating slate aid in opening the Colum
bia, snys:
Measuring the present movement in this state for the deepening of the
ship-channels ucross tho Columbia bar by the pregnant losses of the past
and the extraordinary and certain gains of the immediate future, no
step to bring this to pass is too great, even to tho summoning of the Oregon
legislature for the purpose of enacting specinl laws ami making generous ap
propriations for the vital work; nor is there valid reason why the slate as a
whole should not lend its countenance and practical uid to the scheme.
Never in her history has so vast a proposition of profit and progress pre
dented Itself to the consciousness of Oregon, and since, of the four common
wealths involved In the development of this commerce, Oregon Is surely the
leading and heaviest I cficiury in tho venture, her initiation of such n course
Is logically iniemt.ivi and must of a certainty he followed by similar active
expression on the part of the otherthreo to whom the ii use results will
quickly demonstrate the necessity for such a a coalition,
Htnte pride and state welfare should prompt the cleanest and clearest han
dling of this huge question at the hands of our legislators provided it shall
be put up to them; their response to the universal demand for such action
should be in exact proportion to tho enormous sums being spent on the Colum
bia river by the federal government Itself and a minimum appropriation of
half a million is no extravagant standard In the premise, and as much more as
mnv appear essential fur the early accomplishment of the high purpose.
This is no time to consider special privileges, contracts, or pending negotia
tions, of nuv sort; If new departures are to be made for the dispatching of this
formidable uml promising task, they must be made without reference to any
thing which has gone before) the paucity of time left us in which to expedite
the work which should have been done yearn ago, is the key-cause for Ignoring
everything of un Invidious sort and putting in operation nuy and every expedi
ent wisdom and money can engineer. We have but 20 months in which to
work out even a partial degree of recoptiveness in this impending access of for
tune and no hour nor dollar should be lost or wasted. Astoria has shown her
hund in the mutter by the appropriation of tsoo.000 for docks ami dredging;
Portland ha long since demonstrated her power and purpose in the scheme,
has spent money like water and will spend it over and over again, ami it Ib no
Mr. (Ilynn, who under the law succeeds Governor Sulzcr, of .New York,
while the latter is under impeachment, is playing the Tammany game just an
he is directed, and will give the people of New York more Tammany rule. How
ever, that seems to be the kind of government tho New Yorkers like, and this
being the case they ore taking the right steps to get it." It Is said that "Lib
erty shrieked when Kosciusko fell." It is a safe bet that the dainty foolscap
the split shirted old ludv sports, took an up-tilted angle as she grinned when
Tamieany ; tfnuic jto he front in the interest of good government, uml downed
President Wilson, by. his refusal to rccgnize President Hnerta as the head
of the do facto Mexican government, is in rather an embarrassing position in
dealing with the Mexican situation, for the reason that he can not deal di
rectly with Hnerta. Tho proposition he is submitting to Iluertn, has to bo
submitted to the representatives of such foreign governments as havo recog
nized his gnvprnnieiit. f, iH understood the plan submitted by President Wil
son provides for Iluerta culling an election and for getting the revolutionists
to agreo to this.
Mrs. Harriet .1. Nye, of Pendleton,
died of paralysis in Portland Friday.
She was born in Missouri in 1H44, but
came to Oregon with her parents when
but a year old. She was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Switzler, who
located at Vunconver in 1H45. She
married Adam W. Nye at Vancouver
in lxii'i, and with her husband moved
to Umatilla county in I HUT. The funer
al will bo held in Vancouver Sunday.
Jacob Hess, a bartender nt Pendle
ton, was stubbed Friday while trying to
stop a row between two men in his t-a-
loon. He will recover.
The Newberg brick and tile plant
has been sold to V. S. Wharton, presi
dent of tho First National bank.
Advices from Florence say the Port
of Siusluw commissioners have voted to
issue $1811,0110 bonds for thp purpose of
extending the north jcttv at. the mouth
of the Siuslaw.
William Irwin, a pioneer of Douglas
conntv, and for more than 17 vears
postmaster nt Ten Mile, died Thursday
i was 113 years old.
The Douglas county fair board has
sold a five-acre tract to the county
which will erect a poor house thereon
Ashland has put her fire department
on a pay basis, ami the old "masheen'
gives way to d new nuto truck engine
A special election on the question of
incorporation will be held at Mnsier in
lato September.
Domestic science, manual training
ami a physical laboratory are to aug
ment the curriculum of the Sntherlin
schools the coining yenr.
The Tnmalo Times is the latest paper
to be launched in Crook county. It is
published nt T.aidlnw by 8. H. Drown
and printed nt Itedmond.
The city council of Tillamook has de
cided to discontinue nil paving for this
year and has cancelled the contract for
the paving of Fifth street.
Kcott Cornelius, former assessor of
Clatsop county, permits the Astorinn to
piote him ns pointing with pride to ('
tons ot the finest kind of huv on 1! of
his fertile acres.
luM Hill's lutest. feat in boosting
itself is the enactment of nn ordinnnco
to compel the helpful hen to do her
helping in the seclusion of lu-r owner's
premises. The streets and the neigh
bor's grounds will be hers no more.
K tt
This is the season for nqnatie sport
at Athena. The press thus descriU's an
exciting contest; "Jack Vincent, and
Austin Foss ns veritable wnter rats
when it comes to fighting with tt hose.
Two rounds were given Wednesday be
fore a crowd of hilarious onlookers.
The last bout ended In a draw, .lack
having a flight edge on the first one,
when he climbe to the top of the llur
rett building and doused a bucket of
wuler on Foss, who was standing below
on the street,"
Slips Practically Completed and Exhib
its of World Will Be Unloaded
From Steamer to Cars.
ii LADD & BUSH, Bankers
uxmtn mesa LEJisr.n wir.)
San Francisco, Aug. IS. Tho Pan
ama-Pacific International Exposition
has built its own railroad, a standard
gauge, which now traverses the state
nnd foreign nations section of the ex
position grounds from end to end east
and' west. F.xeopt for a few hundred
feet northwest of the Palace of Ma-
hinery a great part nf the grounds
are under rail ami wit Ii i it a short tune
heavily loaded freight trains will de
liver loads to ulinost all sections of the
three mile crescent inside the Golden
A great ferry freight slip near the
Machinery Hall is now completed. As
rapidly as the exhibit alaces are com
pleted the heaviest exhibits in the world
will he unloaded directly from steam
ers upon waiting freight cars and taken
Ihenee into their spacious halls. Sixty
lion feet of lumber in all will be us
ed upon the main exhibit palaces and
tho railway will fuciliato their con
A world's record is now being attain
ed In rapid exposition building. Ten
exhibit palnces all under construc
tion; the frame work of Machinery
Hull is practically: completed nnd the
remaining structures are being built
with almost lightning rapidity. Thous
ands of men . are scattered over the
giounds, nn army of landscape gard
ncrs is engaged in beautifying the
great esplanade which lies between the
main groupe and Ran Francisco bay;
sculptors and artisans in two huge
sculptural warehouses are enlnrging the
sculptural models to be reproduced
throughout the grounds 'nnd courts.
Ilnrges and lighters trom up-river
points are bringing down thousands of
tons of rich soil, this being placed over
tho sandy ground to nssure n fertile
setting for flower beds, palms, shrubs
and rare trees that will adorn the ex
position site. The esenrpemeut along
Hie harbor is completed nnd a yacht
harbor near the center of the grounds
is finished.
As rapidly ns one section of the ex
hibit palaces are completed an army
of workmen will begin npplying n tex
ture known ns Travertine stone to the
outside of the buildings; this finish,
which is a composition resembling the
cement, is of a beautiful ivory cream
Hint at a distance will appear almost
white. Jules fliierin, the famous artist,
and some of the grentest punters in
the world ore completing panels for
the great mu nil paintings to be set
behind the colonnades of the courts.
A fortune is being expended in sculp
ture and decoration, lis well ns in arch
itecture ami landscaping. The Panama
Pacific International imposition prom
ises to surpass even the most wonder
ful expositions of history.
Perfect Health Woman's Crown of
Did you ever observe n woman who
has reached the age of sixty or even
seventy iu perfect health and sny to
yourself, "1 hope I may grow old ns
gracefully as she does!'' In order to
roach a lovely old age women should
guard Ngniii woman's diseases, ns they
are the greatest menace to joy and
gladness, l.vdia K. Plukham's Vegeta
ble Compound Is nature's own remedy
for organic derangements, safe and cer
tain. Nearly forty years of success is
a grand nud peerless record for nny
one medicine.
Minister Praises this Laxative.
Rev. II. Htubeuvioll of Allison, la.,
in praising Dr. King's New Life Pills
for constipation, writos: "Dr. King's
New Life Pills are such perfect pills
no home should be without thorn." No
bettor regulator for the liver and bow
els. Kvory pill guaranteed. Try them.
Price SISc, at J. 0. Perry.
InniTiD mass uaseo wiaa.1
Washington, Aug. IS Reports re
ceived at the state depnitment today
indicate Hint the situation in Mexico
City is not so st ruined, nnd that. John
Mud, President Wilson's special einis
snry, is progressing with his work. It
is reported Hint the president hns asked
him to hurry ncgotiutious.
Hop picking nud prune picking
will soon be here. Contract your
bread and cake supply early with '
Vernier Oerninn Maker', and you
will lie assured of dealing with nn
tipto-dnte, sanitary and respon
sible firm. Phone ."ITS, No. 210
Commercial street,
Come and See Our Window Display
It will .how you at a glance what a POWERFUL CU 1 uuvwy mean, ?t the .
ChS Sto! No mercy shown to prices for August clean-up. We must have
Chicago Store. No mercy
for our fall stock
Qf the latest New
York models in
Ladies' Suits
and Coats
Piling up on top of
us are those new
garments before we
have made room for
them. Come now and
get a bargain. Intro
duction low prices.
$4.95, $7.90
and $12.50
$8.90, $10.50
and $12.50
Every Garment
Worth Double
Wash .,,
One thousand in the
lot. Dainty dresses
for children and miss
es, priced about half.
25c, 35c 49c
75c and 98c
Wonderful Bargains
In Ladies' Waists,
Middy Blouses, wash
Dress Skirts and
House Dresses.
75c and 98c
39c, 49c, 75c up
fa J
10,000 Yards
Of Fashionable Woolen
Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets,
Plushes, Corduroys, etc.,
now on sale. Wonderful
bargains offered.
25c, 35c, 39c, 75c and up
Ladies' Summer
Knit Vests
8 c, 10c, 15c, 25c
Union Suits
25c, 35c and up
20,000 Yards
The greatest showing of
Wash Goods in Salem. The
prices are small.
4c, 5c, 8 l-3c and up
VK... i iii ..i.ii.i.i I nn ttal i aarn i
Don't Wait 'for the Fatal Stages of
Kidney Illness Profit by Salem
People's Experience.
Occasional nt.tncl8 of liaclinche,
regular urination, henilaches ami dizzy
spells are t'reiuent symptoms of kidney
disorders. It's uu error to neglect, these
ills. The iittnchs may pass off for a
time, hut generally return with greater
intensity. Don't delay a minute. He
Kin tukiiin Dunn's Kidney l'ills, nud
keep up their use until the desired re
sults are olitnined. (lood work in Pa
Icm proves the effectiveness of this
Kreat kidney remedy.
.lames Unrnear, l.ee and Turner Sts.,
Salem, Oregon, snys: "Dunn's Kidney
l'ills helpeif ine a (rent deal when 1
was sul'l'erim; from kidney disorders
nnd .rheumatic pnius in my l:ick, I
still lielieve them to lie a fine kidney
medicine. Yon nun ntimic puldish-
ill)! the testimonial I have niveu he
fore." I'lir sale lv nil dealers. Price fit'
cents. Fnslcr-Milliurn Co., Buffalo,
New York, side nu'ents for the I'nitcd
Kemeinlier the name Donii 's nnd
take no other.
twenty-second annual convention of
tho Sons of St. (leorjre will convene
hero August 1!), nnd continue its ses
sions until August. 21,
Business will he comhined with
pleasure and the visiting delegates will
ho treated to sidn trips along the Sac
ramento river nnd excursions nnd auto
mobile rides will be made into the
mountain districts adjacent to lie 'if
The sessions of the conveitiM'i
end wit ha lmn(uet on Thursday il ll-1
Sacramento hotel.
V. II. Button, of Knfraiwnto, i
chairman of the reception row!
Journal Wnnl Ailvs. Brim Bml'
ri'NlTKIl 1MIKSR l.KAHF.n WinK.l
Pendleton, Ore., Aug. IS. Sharkey,
the famous Belgrade bull which drew
mention in the Suturdny Kvening l'osl.
some time ngo on account of his won
derful bucking ability, has been pur
chased by the Wound l'p nnd will be
one of the features of the riding con
test this yenr, September 11, 12 nud
1.'1. One hundred dollars to any mini,
womnn or child who will stick on this
bull for ten seconds, nil riding rules
nnd regulal inns suspended. Hide nnv
old way. The bull is n big black !,.
guide, weighing nbout a ton and jumps
straight up nnd down with a forward
movement, lie is perfectly gentle and
ns soon as his mnn is unloaded, which
is generally about two seconds, he stops
snorts and waits to be unsnddled. H,.
is n perfectly nice bull and nn one need
fenr getting on him nt nil, nud they
should be in no hurry nbout getting off
for Sharkey will not hurl th,,m. ,,
was purchased by the Hound l'p f mm
Happy .lack llnwn, nf Kresnn, Californ
ia, the consideration being fiiiiii.mi,
nxiTrn rimss iiAsro 'i 1
Sacrnin.Milu, Cnl., Aug. IS The
Oregon State Fair
Salem, Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 19l3i
A whole week of pleasure and
profit; $20,000 offered
in premiums on Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry, Te j
tile and other exhibits. i
Horse Races, Shooting Tournament, Fireworks, Band
Concerts, Eugenics Exposition, Children's Playgroup j
and other Free Attractions, including Boy & Ogle ,
One-Ring Circus. Free Camp Grounds. You in' J
vited. !
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. ReJuceJ
rates on all railroads. For particulars addres I
Salem, Oregon
Extra! Extra!
For the first time in tho history of Salem the P'op'
t ... wij aivi
or Marion and Polk counties can
sacKs at right prices in this city,
mrur All
of Pn(1",,
their time and money in going to Portland. We
a (juunu tor pii Kinas or rg- - ii'-M
paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron,
: i c . . ...... i UaM I00"
f;u ior an Kinds ot old clothes, nouK- -
ana rurniture. We buy and sell eve
TIP P rl 1 r n t It ail I ' 1 C
... . v u ui goiu. nu Kinas 01 .
chinery and pipe bought and sold. The house ol
es, nouK- - .
of tool, and
The house of
a million bargains.
233 State Street.
Phone Min'
c.l r
Jaiem, uiegou, . .M1)