FAOB EIGHT. DAXLT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THUB8DAT. AUOUSTyli, 1913. HIIIIIIIlllllJlllllllllllHIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlim I Introduce Your Head to ( a New Hat This Week I at Meyers $3.00 and $3.50 Kind I for $2.00 -A. tnerit.in our men's assortment of good E A special hat offering of unusual section this week. Our excellent felt hats in the popular shapes and colorings models E to suit every style of face. They are extra good quali- ties, but we have too many, hence this reduction. Reg- ular $3.00 and $3.50 hats, your choice at $2.00 each. MenVand Young Men's Suits at Small Prices, too Decidedly good values priced extremely low, for we must move them, as we need the room for new ar rival. If you intend to get a suit now. "Get it at Meyers." THE HOUSE OF QUALITY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiimiiiiimm Capital City Brevities Dr. P. L. Uttor, dontiat, aulta 415-410-417 Masonic building. Mrs. ,T. W. Lehman, of Sollwood, 1ms returned homo after visiting with Mr. and Mm. IJ. J, Lehman, of Kiilein. Prof. I. Olcnn, a foremr music di rector at the University of Orogon, but now connected with the University of Washington, was hero on business yesterday. INDIAN g WATT SHIPP, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Etc. North Commercial fltraAt Phna qaq Extra! Extra! I For the first time in tho history of Salem the people of Marion and Polk counties can secure all kinds of sacks at right prices in this city, instead of spending their time and money in going to Portland. We are pay ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rags. We also are paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron. Highest prices paid for all kinds of old clothes, household goods "" " ouy ana sen everything from Muil- t. ! C 1 1 .111. . . . ccu.s iii piece or goia. aii Kinds or tools and chinery and pipe bought and sold a muuon oargains a ma- The house of a half i! H. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. 233 State Street. Phone Main 224 C.I r w uaicni, uie(on, B. W. Morgan and wife are the happy parents of fine 9 pound boy this morning. Dr. Ellis was the attending physician. ' Maccabees meet in McCornack hall Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. W. B. Oilson, B. K.j office 344 State St. Call any time, day or night. Glasses ordered of Dr. James Smith, rooms 303-4 Masonic building, are guar anteed to give complete satisfaction, whether they cost $2.00 or more. Fire Chief Mark Savage is being vis ited by his brother, Bert Savage, of Lewiston, Idaho. The visitor is well known in Salem, and at present is con nected with the Lewiston Tribune. Henry Sihroeder yesterday filed a complaint in the circuit court for $.').'), 000 damages, against the Silverton Lumber Co. The plaintiff alleges in his complaint that by reason of negli gence and oversight on the part of the defendant, he lost a leg. Pears and apples will soon be coming into the Fruit Union at the corner of Trade and High streets in large num bers, according to the managers of that market place. There are some plums and apples already on hand, but the rush will be on shortly. Blood poison contracted from a wound in the hand caused by a gopher gun, caused the death of Walter Kant elborg, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Oustave Kantelberg, yesterday. The funeral will be held this afternoon . at 3:30 from the German Baptist church. The remains will be buried in Lee Mis sion cemetery. The fire department made a speedy run to tho corner of Shipping and Front streets last night in response to an' alarm in from residents located near a vacant house owned by A. .T. Anderson, of the city. A fire was in progress in the rear of the building when the department arrived, but the firemen succeeded in squelching it be foro any serious damnge was done. Theso changes in the- weather hnve not mado any difference to the people buying goods at our removal sale. Summer goods sell just as readily as seasonable fall goods. It will pay you to buy now, and have your purchases laid away until September 1. No charge for storage. Salem Furniture Com pany, Chemeketa near Commercial street. ' The members of the Salem Commer cial Club, under the, direction of Secre tary Fred Drynon, will show the Tort land newspaper men a good time when that delcgntion, along with several prominent officinls of tho Portland, F.u gene & Eastern Hailroad Company ar rive on a special train en route for points in the southern end of tlrt val ley. The excursion has been made up in tho metropolis, and will visit every city on the P. E. & Ef lines. The party will arrive hore next Sunday at 12:30 and will remain until 2:30. They will bo met at the trnin with autos and es corted 'shout the city, after being re ceived by the members of the Commer cial Club, in tho organization's new quarters. f.i iL, , .:,...',, 9 ARROW COLLAR M II 11 II 11 (I ti Once More ti H II II E3 n is u 83 R B IS B ft w, ta IS ta n is 13 JsmWjJ M 11 M ra n si ii ri it ii n ii ll II M We Defy Anyone to Prove That We Did Not Buy Edwin Clapp Shoes Six months before Hanan Shoes were bought by any Salem store. Or that we did not quit buying Hanan Shoes when we bought EDWIN CLAPP SHOES. Or that we ever of fered to discontinue EDWIN CLAPP SHOES. Does it look reasonable that we would buy EDWIN CLAPP SHOES and then discontinue them in favor of a line that had not giv. en us satisfaction? We would rather be small mer. chants in the public's estimation than be large merchants in our own estimation ONLY. We are credited with sense enough to know we COULD NOT misquote values, run. so callod hundred thousand dollar sales, remodeling sales and try to mislead the public in many other ways and still main tain the confidence of intelligent people. We have some Hanan Shoes. Come compare them with others at the same price. ioc Globe ioc Today A Possibility 2-REEL IMP. COMEDY Mental Suicide Good Rex Drama Why Rags Left Home Powers Drama. Alice Rooney In new Popular Song Friday and Saturday That great 3-reel Bison Feature Robinson Crusoe Starring Marguerite Fisher, a former res ident of Silverton. Tale of the Hat Nestor Comedy 10c 10c A Rare Farm Bargain 81 acres fine black loam, well draia ed, 64 acres under cultivation and about 15 acres good timber, family orchard, bearing. Fine big barn, sufficient for 40 head of stock, small house. Two springs, rttnning water, also windmill. Located on a good road within a mile of Oregon Electric station, two hundred yards from school and church. Phone and rural delivery service. This would make an ideal dairy farm and the soil is admirably adapted for clover. Price 110 per acre, if sold before September Reinhart's Shoe St ore Home of "Quality Shop" Shoes 444 STATE STREET OPP. BLICH THEATRE EXCLUSIVELY SHOES M The work of fitting up the quarters for the Salem Motorcycle Club will commence immediately, according to the report made at a meeting held by the organization last night. The club will be over the Belle confectionery store, on North Commercial street. It is hoped the work will have been com pleted in ten days, at least. Milton A. Miller, of Lebanon, Ore wno win succeed uavid m. Dunne on Saturday as colelctor of internal rev enue for Oregon, has tendered his res ignation as a member of the state sen ate to Governor West. A successor will not be necessary unless the legislature shall' be called into extraordinary ses sion before the next election, and one piobably not be chosen unless such an emergency should arise. In his let ter of resignation Mr. Miller says: "In my new field of duty I trust I may prove an efficient and worthy official, worthy of the confidence reposed in me by my friends." Mrs. Eva Itridghnm, an inmate of tho stato industrial school for girls, and who was sent to the institution, in lieu of being committed to the penitentiary for the crime of hurglary, attempted to escape from the school last Mondav by climbing down a fire escape. Mrs Bridgham nearly succeeded in getting away, when she was discovered by the officers of the plnce and returned to her quarters. The young woman used n improvised rope made of sheets to reach the fire escape, and had with her a suit case. On account of her act con stituting a violation of the parole granted her by the Portland court, it is likely that she will be compelled to serve out the original sentence, which is from six mouths to three years in the penitentiary. Mrs. Uridgham is being held in the city jail, pending the return ot Governor West, who will investigate the case. Much to the relief of both pedestri ans and those traveling the streets in vehicles, the Portland, Eugene t East ern Company has completed tho work of replacing the old broken bricks with new ones in its street car line on State street, and is filling the young caves which have broken many auto and wagon springs, and caused the lowly pe destrian to cuss when he runs amuck with the chuck-holes. ioren ( urtis has returned from s week 's vacation at Agate lleach. He reports that summer resort all in good shape, and the only grievance he has is that he couldn't frequent the place longer. T. O. Wish has returned from an ex tended business visit In Portland. Mrs. liligh has now left for the const to en joy a vacation after attending to bnsi ness nt the theatre during her hus band's absence. J. C. Mite and wife left this morn ing for New York, where they will visit relatives for a few weeks. Mr. Miles will visit relatives in Maine before re turning home. The ordinance creating the office of police matron will go into effect tomor row, and it Is expected that the coun cil will appoint some woman to fill the position at the next regular meeting. Newborn's commercial elub already has under discussion plans for celebrat ing the formal opening of the new bridge acre the Willamette, which rent it due at some mid-winter date. Large lot 66x132 on paved street only $260. This is a snap. SNAP. New and up to date modern bungalow 6 rooms, bath, two toilets, basement. stationary wash tubs, electric lights and fixtures, shades, screen porch, hot and cold water, plumbing in, sewer. All assessments paid, two large lots on fine street, close to school and carline. This property is well worth $4500, owner away, must sell at a sacrifice. Price $3150, terms. Any one wishing to buy a modern home at a lower price than you could build for yourself, ought to see this property. Bechtel & Bynon write fire insurance, seven good companies. SUBURBAN HOME We have a fine suburban home, five and a half acres of fine land. Price $2800; terms. For stock or dairy farms For grain, hay or potato land For fruit or timber lands See BECHTEL & BYNON. 347 State Street Phone 452. That the Enelish language can be sreatlv misconstrued was manifested this morning when a well known local haracter attompted to relieve himself of his opinion in regard to the Japan ese murder which occurred here last Thursday. He said: "I toll you that dou't believe that Koda did the job nosiree he couldn't. It is as plain as the nose on your face that he proved his 'alimony,' and he could not have been around his wife at the time she was killed." Thus, alibi and alimony got sadly mixed. As the result of one hour's soliciting Heppner citiens put up $1275 for the Morrow county fair, and the city council followed with $500 more. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the citv of Salem. Ore gon, will, at or about 8 o'clock p. m on the ISth day of August, 1913, or at the same hour at any subsequent regular council meeting thereafter, at the com mon council chambers in the city of Sa lem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof or . parcel of land liable therofor, its proportionate share of the total cost of improving the alley in block 29, Vniveraity Addition to Sa lem, from the east line of 12th street to the west line of 13th street. All persons interested in said assess ment are hereby notified to appear at said time before the said common conn cil and present their objections, if any they have, to said assessment and ap ply to said common council on or be fore tho said ISth day of Alienist. 1013 to equalize their proportionate share of the total cost of improving said al ley in block 2!, University addition. H. W. ELGIN, Acting City Recorder , Notice of Assessment. Notice is hereby given that the com nion council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, will at or about 8 o'clock n. m. on tho 18th day of August, 1913, or at the same hour at any snbsenuent reir. ular council meeting thereafter, at the common council chambers in the citv of Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess up un ii u lot or pare mereor or parce of land liable therefor, its nrnnortinn ate share of tho total cost of imnrov ing North Church Bteret from the North line of l ourt street to the approach oi the bridge over North Mill creek. All persons interested in said assess ment are hereby notified to appear al said time before the said common conn cil and present their objections, if any tney havo, to said assessment nnd nnnl to said common council on or before th said ISth day of Auinist, 101.1. to eon ize their proportionate share of the tal cost of improving: said North Church street, and their said assess ment, it. w. vir.x - Acting City Recorder. iC in- i to. $100 to $1 That you can't beat our bargain. 12 acre in Polk county, two mil fts west well improved, $4000; 14 acres n car line ideal auburban homo, $10,000; 1 sere In berries, new home on car line, $1800; 7 acres in berries. 2 miles nut house and barn, $3000; 30 acres, 10 acres in crop, balance timber, 4-room house, good barn, 7m lies out $3500; scree in Polk county, well improv ed, $22,000; 1 to S acres on Installment. several new homes in Salem on install ments; 500 acres well Improved, $90 per acre; several 5 and 10 sere tracta well improved. We have a clear stand. nil t..ii rooming house, hotel, restaurant, gro cery atore, candy atore and other busi ness chances. 20 seres close In. well lmnrnv.j n 500. Several prune ranche. anH LrJ tracta at the right price. 10 acre. oeanng jtalian prunes, $2750. We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds List your barcaini wlik ... d o - ai,ls US we will give you square, prompt and courteous treat-merit. Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOK, Maaacsr. Plon: Office, Main 7T; raaidene, Main S19T OppotitS Court . - utv oiaie et tmployment Burtau in Con- neciton. vjst r.r "i Ask your grocer for England's favorite for over 70 years Notice to Property Owners in Regard to Paying Southern Pacific Tracks on Twelfth street You are hereby notified to appear at the common council chambers Fri day, August 15, 1913, at 7:30 p. m., to confer with the committee and engin eer of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company as to the matter of the im provement of the railroad tracks on Twelfth street. H. W. ELGIN, Acting City Recorder. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank many kinds friends and neighbors for their thoughtful as sistance and beautiful floral offerings in the hour of our loss of a beloved wife and (laughter. JAME D. LANSING, T. HESSLEY AND FAMILY. NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each ' Insertion. WANTED A young man with ability to tnke charge of a department in one of Salem's progressive stores; splendid chance for advancement; references required. Address P. O. Ilox 336, Salem, Or. WANTED To rent about 150 acres of land for general farming purposes, by an eastern farmer of severnl years' experience. II. C. Pnskins, care of New Houston Hotel, Portland, Ore. . FOR SALH! An almost new Singer sewing machino wagon, 640 State Btreet. SEWING MACIIINESMi7st be Boil Just come in and see how cheap we wilt sell you a fine drop-head ma chine, the very best makes, from $12.50 up. Now is the time, 640 State itreet. L. H. WILLIAMS (Hattio) desires her many friends and customers to know that she has moved from 255 North Liberty street, and is now residing nt 6S1 Center street. WANTED Concession for Labor Day picnic; Sclah Springs, 3000 people on grounds; ice cream, drinks, cigars, candy, closed; excursions from all towns Art Artcs, 178 South Commercial. ' .ii y zu- norse power I. H. C, auto truck, high wheel ior sale, or will trade for horses: .lust arrived from Southern Oregon, .m-iuumg an equipment. Henry Bau mer, 256 Center street. Cl!Ii7 B can t. rt. Your Eye. and Po j ' Le- in your fr,m- f, Reuses in Silverine ' Lenses in gold fillcj , : Kryptok le-s- JS""'.'. to $15.00. """"SSfc, Broken lenses dupliclted . 50 cent. ,., 1 "ittiea (,,; CHAS. H. HINGES Optician and ai"s UOQV to U. sBank Building. - Sttia,; Notice of Improyerasnt ofBfflT1 Notice is hereby given tSat tl, 1 mon council of the city 0f Saii -' gon, deems It expedient ud clares its intention to farth-in' i prove Mill street fro- , m "J foet west of the west lin 0f a. to the west line of Fourth rtl with bituminous concrete No j '! expense of the abutting ui L, property within the sain l!-i,. M jcordance with the plan, ..uu- r -iU street Improv,,. heretofore adopted hv rt. J '' council of said city and on fl,,' on ico oi the city recorder, wli, j hereby referred to for j deUiy scription of said improventeit i.j J a part of this notice by anch rtf, written remonstrance ;. said proposed improvement m, maue at any lime with h tan , ; from the final publication of it;, J tice in the manner provided brlh,f -.1. n-t-; ... ' tuuner, inis notice is publbhed ten (10) days by order of tWr council, the date of tho first pal: tion Demg the 5th day of August, ' CHAS. P. ELGIN, CitrBfc HHttn. PENSLAR CREAM OP Al MONDS hl-ino. t. II. ' n vvl, v ui i cheekB. Only at Schaeferf Dr.; i Store. I, 4HOHMtMw' fl jsWjW: South Salem Boil Tray and berry boxes. Fruit biia ; all kinds. Porch and Urn mf screena. First-class cabinet roil I, Phone 808 . 247 MONEY TO If Om farm snd city propertj, J Scott, over Chicago Store, W, cob. Phone 15(1. f NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE SOCIEF; . bCBGHABDT MEHEDITI V . 'Realttot Agents INI Stste ft WANTED Hop pickers for the xioimes yard. Freo tents, free trans Poriation and many other ,lvt. ages, auch as free tent, table and 4 ioois, straw and fire wood, spring water, Livcsley'a atatinn Investigate before registering. Phone i. A. Livesloy & Co., or call filth I'oor snlom Bank & Trust Company SEVEN-ROOM HOT'SR tn.nni. lot on paved street, paving paid. Fruit, ornamental and ahade trees blackberries, loganberries, good gar ... n.uv aa well, one block from car line, good location, now renting for $! per month. All f. unnn. ... h, balance $1$ per month, 7 per ...... ..urgnin. see Clyde Rice, with .mmes u., 316 Masonic tern- pie. FOR SALE UK TRADE Automobile in good repair, 225 North 20th street. I hone Main 2408. J. WANTED-Experienced girl for gener- H 378 Benovue """"" FOR RENT-At Newport, cottage, and ., m0(ierlli w rit(J j c McFJroy, Newport, Ore. $500 will buy a 10-acro prune - .u. u, $500 will mak, the f.rat payment, and the crop, will tke car eof the balance, if yu will take care of tb. trops. See Clyde Rice, with L. S. n... i. ... 316 Masonic Temple. W O. MOREHOI-seTd! V. M.-Coun-' V veterinarian. Prompt attention, y or night. Office, J.clt Darr1. fed barn, 544 Ferry afreet. Phone MONEY TO LOV On Good Best Estate M ' TH08. K. F08D j Oyer Lsdd ft Bush Bank, M; REAL ESTAI, , Money to Lo". I JACOB 0ft 1 j Phono 2424. J06-207 Hubharf S MONEY TO LO . . Os loos' ! I'" " !' BECHTEL inI 147 8UH Stmt -K COAL AND W0C Prompt delivery. Sole the Famous Rock Bpringi C1 CAPITAL ITIEL 00. i E. H. Jory, successor ts J.' J'.' Phons 210. JTsrda opHu 1 j senger depot WOOD AND CO us say quantity. Prompt our specialty, rails City w- Compssy. I7 North w- , street. Phons Mais U ; JAPANESE lAUNDBi in",: CLEa?infl 0M!, No machinery to out delicate fsbrlos. j. for snd dellrsrsd pwo: ,' 44S Perry street. PhoMj Cherry City J Ice trear. :: We make a SpdV :: Dinner and Lodge "j;;. Buy It U v m Cksmskstt o'" ; Phone 24S2 j