Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 14, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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This advertised list of delinquent
taxes for the year 1912, for Marion
County, State of Oregon, is in pursu
ance of an act of the state legislature
which is embodied in Chapter 275 of the
Meneral Laws of the 1911 Session.
The taxes on the following advertised
Teal property became delinquent on
April 7th, 1913, and are subject to a
Tienaltv of 10 per cent and interest at
the rate of 12 per cent per annum, and
the cost of advertising, nntil paid.
Any day after the expiration of aix
months after the taxes charged against
the following real property are delin
quent, the sheriff is authorized upon
demand of any person making applica
tion to issue to them a certificate of
delinquency upon payment of the taxes,
penalty, interest and cost of advertis
ing. Certificates of delinquency shall
bear interest from the date of issuance
until redeemed at the rate of 15 per
cent per annum.
Sheriff and Tax Collector of Marion
County, Oregon.
-Abbott, M. L., lot 11, Halls
Home Tracts 2.89
Ackerman, Isabella, Salem Nob
Hill Add., lots 9-10, block 21, 11.56
Adams, Q. and K., Salem, Mc
Coy's Add., lot 1, block 3 8.67
A. P. A. M. Lodge, Jefferson,
fraction of lots 19 and 20,
block 7 15.75
A. F. A. M. Fearl Lodge, Tur
ner, lots 3-4, block 15 4.05
African M. K. Church, Salem,
Riverside Add., lot 0, block 14
Akor, Lydia, 2 acres in Sec. 2, T.
7 8., R. 1 E., des. in vol. 112,
page 451, Record of Deeds
Alderman, J. A., .58 acre in Sec.
7, T. 5 8., R. 1 W., des. in vol.
95. page 324, Record of Deeds
Alderman, J. V. and Mary, Vi
acre in Sec. 18, T. 5 S.,"R, 1
W., dps. in vol. 71, page 326,
Record of Deeds 10.80
Allen, Rebecca, E. Vi of N. E. Vi
of Sec. 16, T. 9 8., R. 4 E
AlliNon and Hutching, 15 acres,
Sec. 17, T. 10 8., R. 6 E
Allison, Eliza, and Hutchings, J.
A., 90 acres. All of N. W. 14
of 8. W. Vi and H. of S. W.
Vi, Hoc. 28, and N. E. Vi of 8.
E. Vi of Sec. 29, lying N. of N.
fork of Santiam river, Sees. 28
and 29, T. 10 8., R. 7 E 12.65
Amort, Charles, Vi aero in Soc, 2,
T. 8 8., R. 2 W., dos. in vol.
108, page 19, Rocord of Dends .52
Anderson, C. M. and R. P., Sa
lem, Capital Park Add., vol.
1 1H, page .'-i1, Record of Deeds
fraction of lots 8-9, block 14..
Arnold, Elvin, 15 acres in Sec, 3,
T. 7 8., R. 2 W des. in vol. 89,
page 50, Record of Deals 17.23
ApMn, U H., 10 acres in Sec. 8,
,T. 7 8., R. 2 E dos. in vol. 125,
page 213, Rocord of Dcods
Bnilev, C E., 8 acres in Hoc. 33,
T. 5 8., R. 2 W., des. in vol.
125, pairo 153, Record of Deeds
Itakor, A. O., Salem, Riverside
Park Add., lot 5 0, block 7 20,23
Haldwin, M. P., ot al lot 10,
West Hollywood 6.63
Haldwin, Nollio G Halem, Robb-
dalo Add., lot 9, block 2 25.70
Harder, J. I)., fraction of acre in
See. 2fl, T. 7 8., R. 3 W., des. in
vol. 118, nngo 21)1. Record of
Deeds 49.13
Barhan, John A., N. E. 14 of 8,
W. '4, Sec. 36, T. 8 8., K. 3 E.
Bnrkhurst., V nnd 8., 80 acres,
K. Vi f N. W. Vi, Sec. 13, T.
7 8., R. 1 E
Rarnes, (Irace P., Salem, 8. M of
lot 3, block 27, 43.35
. J'.nruos, 1,. 8., Halem, W. i of
lots 7-8, block 7; also Salem,
fraction of luts 5, 6, 7, unnum
bered block, vol 100. iiaiio 245.
Record of Deeds 95.37
Darren, Mrs., Woodburn, Clino's
Add., lots 8 to 5, block 2 ....
Barton, P. C. Jr., Hnlum, Tuxedo
Park Add., lots 2 8, block 8 ...
Doardslcy, E. L. and J. O., Sa
lem, Iiivorsido Add., lots 11-12,
block 16
Beck, C. L., Salem, Capital Home
Add., vol. 118, page 243, Rec
ord of Deeds, fraction of lot 28
Beers, Oliver (McMuhon, L. II.)
4.14 acres in Sees. 1 and 2, 11
and 12, T. B 8., R. 3 W., des. in
vol. 45, pago 310, Rocord of
Bell, K. D., Stavton, Bursou's
Add., lot 3, block 4
Bennett, (leo. A., Salem, Univer
sity Add., 8. 1-3 of lots 1-2.
' block 38 52,02
Moment, (leorge, 40 acres, N, E.
, "1 of N. K. 14, Sec. 1(1, T. 7 8.,
II. 1 K '
Boyerle, John, 80 acres, 8. V, of
S. W, Vi, See. 18, T. 8 8., R. 2
E ..
Bid. lie, Ed., Halem, Brooklyn
Add., lot 11, block 9
Planer, . S. i. (,f S. E. 4 and
8. K. 'J of S. W. Vi, See. 20,
m 11 ..... .. '
1 . 11 n., it. i r
Bnardinnn, E. C., 2i.j acres in
See. 17, T. 4 8., R. 1 W.. des,
in vol. 120, lmgo 587, Record
of Deeds 3.37
Jioixligheinior, 11. (I., S. 4 of S.
W. Vi of See, 2, T. 0 8 R, 1
Bomhoff, I). H Woodliurn,
Ogle's Add., lot 21, block 1 1.34
Bouncy, T. L., (estate), acres
, in Sec. 36, T. 4 8., R. 1 W
des. in vol. 47, page 13 ami
vol. 101, pago 113, Record of
of Deeds 4,14
Port, Valetha, I1H4 acres in Soc.
28. T. 8., R. a W des. in
vol, 125, page 437, Rocord of
Deeds 5,75
Brady, P., (O. C. Wolfe), lot 3,
subdivision of lot IB, Kdwnld
Fruit Farms, See. 3, T. 8 8.,
R. 3 W ; 1.04
Also, lot 6, subdivision of lot
19, Edwnlil Fruit Farm, See,
3, T. 8 H R. 3 W 1.03
Bra.nlgar, A. P. (Sheard, C. A.)
fraction of acre in Sue, 7, T. 5
8., R. 1 W des. in vol. 8,
page 600, Record of Poods 16.20
BnMilgar, A. P., fraction of acre
in Soc. 7, T. 5 8 II. I W., Am.
in vol. 98, page 609, Rocord of
Deeds 67
Bratiigar, K. ,1., 1V acns in Sec,
7 and IS, T. 5 S R. 1 W.,
de. in vol, 01, pago 450, Rec
ord of Deeds, (ex. vol, 116,
pago 218) 48.60
Branson, II. M., Snlem, River
side Add., let 1, block 2 1.13
Bmnson, II. M., Salem, River-
sid Add., lot 2. block 3 1.13
Salem, Riverside Add., lot 14,
block 2 ...
Branson, II. M., Salem, River
side Add., lets 12 13, block 4 7.23
Unwspll, Marv ,1., Mehaina, frac
tion of block 5 1.00
Pmwn, A. C, Salem, Englewood,
A.M., W. 14 of block 31 I.1S
Brown, C. H., 10 9-100 acres, lot
3, Portland Truck Gardens,
Sec. 33, T. 5 8., B. 2 W 5.94
Also, 11 35 100 acres, Jot 4,
Portland Truck Gardens, Sec. .
33, T. 5 8., R 2 W 6.17
Brown, C. H., 10 35 100 acres,
lot 5, Portland Truck Gardens,
Sec. 33, T. 5 3., R. 2 W 5.54
Also, 10 4-100 acres, lot 6,
Portland Truck Gardens, Sec.
33, T. 5 8., R. 3 W 5.56
Also, 10 4 100 acres, lot 7,
Portland Truck Gardens, Sec.
3, T. 5 8., R. 2 W 5.67
Brown, C. H., 7 81 100 acres, lot
s Port ami Truck uardens.
See. 33. T. 5 S.. R. 2 W 4.18
Brown, C. H., 10 4-100 acres, lot
in Port and Track Uardens.
Sec. 33. T. 5 8., R. 2 W 5.68
Also, 10 4-100 acres, lot 11,
Portland Truck Gardens. Sec.
33. T. 6 8.. R. 2 W. 5.67
Brown, C. H., 8 42100 acres, lot
12. Port, anil Truck Hardens.
Sec 33. T. 5 8.. R. 2 W 4.51
Also, 8 76-100 acres, lot 13, -Portland
Track Gardens. Sec.
33. T. 5 8.. R. 2 W 4.79
Brown, C. H., 10 76-100 acres,
ot 1. Portland Truck uardens,
Sec. 33. T. 5 8.. R. 2 W 5.76
Also 10 89-100 acres, lot 15,
Portland Truck Gardens. Sec.
33 T. 5 8., R. 2 W 5.40
Brown, C. H., 11 61-100 acres,
lot 16. Portland Truck Gardens
Sec. 33. T. 5 8., R. 2 W 6.23
Also, 11 71100 acres, lot 17,
Portland Track Gardens. Sec.
33. T. 5 8., R. 2 W 6.32
Also, 11 71100 acres, lot 17,
Portland Track Gardens, Sec.
33, T. 5 8., R. 2 W 6.32
Brown, C. H., lot 18, Portland
Truck damons 0.40
Also, lot 19. Portland Truck
Gardens 6.40
Brown, C. H., 9 95-100 acres, lot
1. Portland Track Gardens,
Soc. 33, T. 5 8., R. 2 W 5.43
Also, 10 17-100 acres, lot 1,
Portland Track Gardens, 8cc.
33, T. 5 8., R. 2 W 5.54
Brown, F. W., 2Vj acres in Sec.
1, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., des. iu
vol. 125, rage 83, Record of
Doeds 3.94
Brown, Martha E., fraction of
of acre in Sec. 18, T. 5 8., R.
1 W., des. in vol. 110, page 513
Record of Deeds 28
Bnmkal, J. and li., 60Vi acres in
Sec. 13, T. 7 8., R. 3 W., des.
in vol. Ill, page 584, Record
of Deeds 139.91
Buchheit, J. J., 3.66 acres in
Sec. 10, T. 6 8., K. 1 W., des.
in vol. 73, iiaizo 437. Record of
Deeds (ex. vol. 118. paire 350) 12.82
Buorcr, M., fraction of acre in
Sec. 3.1, T. 9 8., H. 2 W., des.
in vol. 109, page 408, Record
of Deeds 2.78
LBunigardnor, Isaac, Salem, North
rmicm, lots 1 -z, diock va 411.13
Burkhart, J. P., Salem, Prospect
ram Add., lot 'i'i. block 3 20
Bitmap, M., Salem, fraction of
lot 8, block 20, des. in vol. 114,
pago 200, Record of Deeds 52.02
Burris, Edwin, Salem, Poise's
First Add., fraction of lot 15,
block I 1,44
Busiek, llcntnec, 10 acres in See.
q, T. 8 S 11. 3 W., des. in vol.
(II, page 17S, Kecord of Deeds 17.40
Butnek, Heat rice, lots 6 and 7,
Siitiiivside Fruit Farms No. 4 20.10
C'Bldbookt Sadie S., lot 4(1, Smith
Fruit Farms No. 2 13.37
Caldwell, A. J., Stavton, Hollis-
tor's Add., lots 3, 4, block 3.... 10.00
Calloway, C. ('., Woodburn, Cow-
el s Central add, lot 1 to 12 .... 30.14
Card well, O. C, Salem, Cardwoll 's
Add., lot 8, block 5 7.22
Also Salem, Cardwoll Add., lot
11, block 5 .. 5.TS
Also Salem, Cardwoll Add., lot
12, block 5 5.78
Cardwoll, O. C, Salem, Card-
well Add., lot 3, block 2 $5.78
Also Snlem, Cardwoll Add., lot
0, block 2 7.23
Carl, H. G Salem, Boiso's First
Add., lot 2, block 2 37.57
Carlos, Clvdo E., 5 acres in Sec.
2, T. 5 S., R. 2 W., des. in vol.
112, pnge 210, Record of Deeds 4.05
Cannodv, John, 280 acres in
Sec. 8 and 0, T. 0 8., R. 3
W., des. in vol. 112, pago 67
Record of Deeds 158.00
7.85 acres in See. 0 and 10, T. 0
8., R. 3 W., des. in vol. 112,
page 67, Record of DoedB 6.32
20 acres in Sec. 9 and 10, T. 9 8.
R. 3 W des. in vol, 112, paco
07, Record of Deeds 6.32
( herrington, Win,. Salem, Nob
Hill Add., lot T.' block 26 5.78
Christian Church ' (parsonage)
Turner, Sec. 20, T. 8 8., li, 2
W HJ. 6.60
Chirk, C. W 80 al-ros, N. Vt of 8.
E. H, Sec. 1(1, T. 10 S., R. 6
E 17.25
Clark, M. B., Seotts Mills, lots 27
and 28, block 18 1,81
Cleaver, c. ll lot 42, Pimiek
Homestead Tracts 22.33
Clymor, II. V., 401 acre In Soc.
4 and 0, T. 8 8 R, 1 Y, des.
in vol 07, pago 238, Record of
Deeds 106.05
( ohb, .1. A., t al., 4 acres in Sec.
20, T. 5 8., R, 2 W 3.38
Cobb, J. A. et al. (A. John) 5
acres in Sec. 20, T. 5 S R, 2
W., des. in vol. 120, page 158,
Record of Deeds 4.20
Cobb, A. J et al., (L. K. Palmer)
5 acres in Sec. 20, T. 5 8 R.
2 W., des. in vol. 12(1, page
208, Record of Deed 4.29
Cochran, A. V Snlom, Depot
Add., lot 5, block 6 1.15
Cullard, Clara A 10 acres in
See. 1 aud 2, 11 and 13, T. 6
8., R. 3 V di in Vol 98,
page 027, Record of Deeds. 4.20
Cone, A. J., 22 acres in Soc. 25,
T. 7 8,, R, 2 W des. in vol.
57, page 332. Record of Deeds 29.77
Connor, John, Salem, Riverside
Park Add., fraction of lot 10,
block 6 1.74
Conowsy. A. B., Donald, lot 17
block 5 67
Oonrov, Patrick, Salem, Burling-
tnn'Add., lots 17 to 20, block
6 14.45
Cook, J, P., Woodburn, Ben
Hall's Add., lot 5, block 7 1.05
Coonso, Laura, 6 acres in Sec, 2(1,
T. (1 8 R S W des. in vol. 100
psge 306, Record of Deeds ... 3.68
Corman, Alpha, 40 acres, N. W.
"4 of M. E, 4, See. 6, T. 8 8.,
R. 1 E $6.60
Cornforth, John, acres of lot
7, Cornforth F. & D, Traets,
Sec. II, T. 8 8., R. 3 W 4.05
Oomiford, M., Woodburn,
Thomas' Add., lots 35, 30,
block 2 1.P0
Cowing, Amy J., fraction of acre
in Sec. 35, T. 6 8., R. 1 W.,
des in vol. 114, vtit 558, Use-
ord of Deeds (ex. Cowing Add.
to Silverton) 35.52
Cowing, T. and A., (Oscar Blake-
ly) Silverton, Cowing's Add.,
lot 6. block 2 - 2.77
Cowing, T. and A., (J. H"s)
Silverton, Cowing's Add., lot
8, block 2 2.42
Cowing, T. and A., Silverton,
Cowing's Add., lot 3, block 1
Cowing, T. and A., Silverton,
Cowiner's Add., lot 4, block 1 -i.il
Also Silverton, Cowing's Add.,
Lot 6, block 1 Z.'S
Also Silverton, Cowing's Add.,
lot 7. block 1 X.M
Cowing, T. and A., 8ilvertn,
Cowing's Add., lot 8, block 1 z.i 1
Also Silverton, Cowing's Add.,
lot 1. block 8
Cowing T. and A., Silverton,
lot 2. block 6 - s.ou
Also Silverton, Cowing's Add.,
lot 6. block 6 z.u
Also 8ilverton, Cowing's Add.,
lot 7, block 6 z-o
Craig, H. H., Salem, North Salem,
lot 2. block 12 iu.i-i
Crisman, W. W., JO acres in Sec.
36, T. 5 8., R. 3 W., des. in vol.
119, page 467, Record of
Deeds 3.23
Culver, W. J., fraction of acra
in Sec. 26, T. 7 ., K. a w.,
des. in vol 50, page 458 and
vol. 75, page 341, Record of
Deeds 53.46
Cuthberth, N. R., lot 12, Valley
Fruit Farms No. 2 i.u
Dailey, E. M., Salem, Pleasant
Home Add., Jot 4, block T .... 7.0
Darr, Wm., Snlem, Riverside
Add., lot 7. block 8 1.15
Davis, T. J. and A., Salem, North
Salem, lot 2, block 37 37.D
Davis, W. C, 30 acres in Sec. 36,
T. 9 8., R. 3 W., des. in vol.
113, page 23, Record of Deeds 30.59
Deardorff, J. W 5 acres, lot 58,
Vernon Acres, Sec. 22, T. 5 S.,
R. 2 W 3.30
Also 5 acres, lot 59, Vernon
Acres, Sec. 22, T. 5 S., R. 2 W. 3.30
De Laney, D. B., 5f4 acres, in
Sec. 4, T. 10 S., R. 2 W., des.
in vol. 05, page 135, Record of
Deeds 17.40
Dentel, A. B., 60 acres in Sec. 34,
T. 3 S H. 1 W., des. m vol.
23, page 255, Record of Deeds 34.65
Derby & Lafky (F. L. Spaulding)
lot 32, Edwald Fruit Farms,
Sec. 4, T. 8 8., R. 3 W 8.13
Dickey, Lucy A., Salom, North
Salem, lot 8, block 40 23.12
Digman, Jos., Salem, North Sa
lem lots 5 and 6, block 40.... 14.45
Dobbins, J. C, Salem, Willam
ette Add., lot 12, block 4 21.67
Dobbins, J. C, Salem, Capital
Park Add., lot 3, block 28 15.36
Also Salem, Capital Park Add.,
lot 0, block 28 4.34
Dole, C. A., Salem, Capital Park
Add., lots 10 and 11, block 9.... 38.29
Dollarhide, C. M., 20 acres, E i
of N. W. Vi of N. E. Vi, Sec. 21,
T. 7 8.. R. 2 E $0.13
Donald, R, L., 103 acres in Sec.
11 T. 5 S., R. 2 W des. in vol.
105, page 614, Record of Deeds 1.21
Dawn, Candance, Stayton, Hollis
ter's Annex No. 1, N 20 feet
of lot 12, 8. 100 foot of lot 13 16.00
Downing, R. E., (et al.) Salem,
University Add., dos in vol 100,
pnge 454, Record of Deeds,
fraction of lot 1, block 52 .... 7.22
Dugnn Brothers, Riverside Add.,
Salem, lots 3, 4, Block 3 2.31
Eastern Investment Co., N. E.
Vi, Sec. 3(1. T. 7 8., R. 2 E 50.16
Eckhnrt, R. M., Salem, Universi
ty Add., 8 Vi of lot 1, block
11 30.35
Ehrmnnn, Fred, 40 acres, in Sec.
13, T. 9 S., R. 1 W., des in vol.
8(1, pnge 40, Record of Deeds 9.00
Elkins, E. C, 15 acres, Soc. 26, T.
9, 8., R. 4 W des In vol. 95,
pago 326, Hecord of Deeds 7.75
Elliott, A. H., Woodburn, Addi
tion "C," lots 3, 4, block 7.... 22.94
Engle, Samuel, 181 acres, Sec. 22
and 23, T. 9 8., R. 2 E., dos. .
iu vol. 104, page 144 20.82
Evans, Harvey E., Salem, River
sido Park Add., lots 7, 8, and
10, block 2 8.67
Fnwk, H. and M. E., Salem, Nob
Hill Add., lot 1, block 30 4.34
Fawk, II. and M. E., Salem
Amended Plat of bloc!:;, 07 28,
30, 31, 32, Nob Hill Add., lots
5 to 8, block 35 46.21
Feidt, Wm. (heirs) Salem Capi
tal Park Add., des. in vol
54, pnge 177, Record of Deeds,
fraction of block 24 8.67
Fisher Flouring Mills, Silverton,
Davenport's Add., lot 7, block
3 2.60
rorlies. D. ,1., 184 acres in Sec.
21, T. 8 8., R. 1 E., des. in vol.
110, page 277, Record of
Deeds .'. 38.68
17 acres in Sec, 21, T. 8 S R.
1 K., des. in vol. 119, page
27S, Record of Deeds 1.62
Forcicr. Louis, 53 acres, in Sec.
1(1, T. 5 S R. 2 W., des. in
vol. 82, page 506, Record of
Deeds 31.20
Forcicr, Theodore, 6 acres in
Sec. 1(1, T. 5 8., R. 2 W., des
in vol. 73, page 576, Record
of Deeds 3.25
I'reres, W, L., Stavton, Thomas
Add., des. in vol. 103, page
292, Record of Deeds, frac
tion of block 1 1.51
Funk, J, A., Snlem, Momingside
Add., lots 5 to 7, block 11 4.78
Gamble, A., lot 40 Dimick Home
stead Tracts 6.23
Gohlhar, Max, (Sheard, C. A.)
fraction of acre in Sec. 2(1,
T. 7 8., R. 3 W., des. in vol.
125, paire 12, Record of Deeds 12.27
Giwner, Rhoda E Salem, 8.
3-4 of lot 4, block 71 103.40
Gosner, Mrs. Rhodn, 20 acres in
Sec. 24, T. 0 8., R. 2 W., des
in vol. 74, page 640, Record
of Deeds 8.3
Giles, E. H lot 47, Dimick 's
HonietMd Tracts '11.87
flilsdorf, Othman, Turner, 15
acres, Sec. 23, T. 8 8., R. 2 W.,
ill's, ill vol. 07, page 517, Roc
ord of Deeds 16,25
Also ;ix acres. Nee. T. 8 8.,
R. 2 W., des. in vol 07, page
517, Kecord of Deeds 23.12
lloediile, J. C. (heirs) Salem,
North Salem, lot tl, block 74 5.78
Uregsoii, A. and C. A. (Rush V.
C. and F.) lot 7, G region's
Add. to Salem 4.63
Grouper, C, 23 4 acres in See.
10. T. 6 S.. 11. 1 W dos in
vol. 107, page (IDS, Kecord of
Deeds l.j.50
2 acres in S.V, 10, T. 6 S., R. 1
W., des. in vol. 107, page 63S,
Record of Deeds
Gross, (1. E., Salem, Rosedale
Add., lot 1, block 2
linger, F, A et al., fraction of
acre In Soc. 1, T. 10 S., R. 3
W., des in vol. 113, page 1S7,
Record of Deeds
Hall, B. F. and 8. E., li acres
in Sec. 18., T. 5 8., R. 1 W.,
des. in vol 118, page 284,
Record of Deeds
Hall, E. W., lot 46 and 8. of
lot 45, Dimick Homestead
Tracts '. 17-50
Hall, W. W, (W. H. LercheT)
Woodburn, Ben Hairs aoo.,
lots 1. 2, block 2.
Hall, W. W., Woodburn, Ben
Hall's Add., lots 17,. 18, block
3 ..
Hall, W. W. (F. H. McMor
ris) Woodburn, Ben Hall's
Add., lots 1. 2. block 6 1.58
Hall, W. W., (H. C. Todd) Wood-
burn. Ben Hall's add, lots i,
4, block 4 2-10
Ham. W. B.. Jefferson, fraction
of lots 1 to 3, block 8 lz.da
Hamman, Winnie and J., 1 1-3
acres in Sec. 10, T. V S., it.
1. W.. des. in vol. 89, page 532
Record of Deeds 22.48
Hammer & Pemberton, Srptts
Mills, fraction of lot 10, block
Hammond Lumber Co., 160 acres
in Sec. 24, T. 9 S., R. 2 E.,
des. in vol. 119, page 607, Rec
ord of Deeds
Hammond Lumber Co., 8. E. '4
of -Sec. 20, T. 9, 8., R. 3 E.
S. W. 14 of N. E. Yt, Sec. 20;
T. 9 8., R. 3 E
Hammond Lumber Co., W. y.lt N.
E. 14 and E. Vj of N. W. ,
Sec. 19, T. 9 8., R. 3 E
Hammond Lumber Co., 8. W.
4 of 8. W. 14, Sec. 23, T. 9
S., R. 3. E
Hammond Lumber Co., 25 acres
in Sec. 29, T. 9 S., R- 3 E.,
des. in vol. 70. pace 204, Rec
ord of Deeds 1132.50
1 acre in Sec. 20, T. 9 S., R. 3 E.,
des. in vol. 99, page 34, Rec
ord of Deeds
38 acres in Sec. 29, T. 9 8., R.
3 E, des. in vol. 90, page 34,
Record of Deeds
Hammond Lumber Co., N. E. '
of Sec. 22, T. 0 S., R. 3 E
8. E. Vi of Sec. 22, T. 9 S., R.
N. '."' ot 'Sw"22,'r.' 9 S.," R.
3 E
S. E. of N. W. VI, Sec. 23, T.
9 8., R. 3 E
Hammond Lumber Co., 8. W.
N. W. 14 of Sec. 35, T. 9 8.,
N. E. Vi of Sec. 36, T. 9 S., R. 5
S. E. 14 of Sec. 36, T. 9 8.,
R. 5 E 11.50
Hammond Lumber Co., lot 4,
Sec. 1, T. 10 8., R. 4 E
S. E. 14 of N. E. V, and lot 1,
Sec. 1, T. 10 8., R. 4 E
N. V' of S. W. '4 of N. W.
14 and lot 3, Sec. 1, T. 10 S.
R. 5 E
Hammond Lumber Co., N. V, of
S. E. 4 and 8. E. 14 of N. E.
14, Kec. 1, T. 10 8., R. 5 E 17.33
Also 87 14 acres, 8. W. '4 of N.
W. V, and lot 4, Sec. 1. T. 10
8., R. 5 E
Hammond Lumber Co., IfiO acres,
N. W. 14 Sec. 2, T. 10 ., K. 5
Also 100 acres, S. E. 14 Sec. 2, T.
10, 8., R. 5 E
Also 160 acres, N. E. 'i Sec.
2, T. 10 8., R. 5 E 4.60
Also 152 acres, S. W. 14 Sec. 2,
T. 10 8., R. 5 E,
Hnmniond Lumber Co., 160 acres
X. E. 14 Sec. 3, T. 10 8, R. 5
Also Kill acres, W. Vj of 8. W. U
and E. Vj of N. E. Vi, Sec. 3,
T. 10 8., R. 5 E 6.93
Also 38 acres, 8. W. V, of N. E.
V,, Sec. 3. T. 10 8., R. 5 E I 2.31
Hammond Lumber Co., 160 ncres
E. of K. "A, See. 7, T. 10
S R, 5 E 13.86
AIbo 65 acres, des in vol. 104
pago 3, Record of Deeds,
Sec. 7, T. 10 8., R. 5 E I
Also 80 acres, 8. Vi of 8. E.
Vi, Sec. 8, T. 10, P., R. 5 E 3.47
Also 100 acres, N. W. 14 Sec. 8,
T. 10 S.. R. 5 E 8.08
Hammond Lumber Co., 100 acres,
S. W. i Sec. 0, T. 10 8., R.
5 E 21.00
Also IfiO acres, S. E. Vi Sec. 9,
T. 10 S., R. 5 E 23.10
Also 80 acres. E V. of N. E. Vi
Sec. 9, T. 10 8., R. 5 E 6.30
Hammond Lumber Co., 100 acres,
N. W. VJ Sec. 10. T. 10 S., R.
5 E 4.20
Also IfiO acres, N. E. Vi, 8ec. 10,
T. 10 S., R. 5 E 4.20
Also 160 acres, S. W. Vi Sec. 10,
T. 10 S R. 5 E 4.20
Also 160 acres, S. E. Vi See. 10,
T. 10, S., R. 5 E 4.20
Also 307 ncres, Sec. 11, T. 10
S., R. 5 E., des. in vol. 119,
page 607, Record of Deeds ... 8.97
Also 5U acres, des. in vol. 74,
paire 130, Record of Deeds,
Sec. 1. T. 10 8., R. 5 8 1.20
Hammond Lumber Co., 30 acres,
that part of S. W. V4 of S. E.
Vi and N. E. '4 of 8. E. '4
lving in Marion Countv, sec.
11, T. 10 S., R. 5 E 2.30
Hammond Lumber Co., 10 acres,
all of the N. W. 14 0f N.
W. 14 lying N. and W. of
the Santiiim River, Sec. 14, T.
. 10 8 . It, 5 E 1.15
Also 255 acres, all of See, 15
lving in Marion Co. (ex. S.
14 of N. E. v., Sec. 15, T.
, 10 8., R. 5 E 8.0:
Hammond Lumber Co., 160
acres, N. W. Vi Sec. 16, T.
10 S R. 5 E 8.40
Also 100 acres, N, E. Vi Sec. ,
10 S., R. 5 E 4.;
Also 100 acres, 8. j of S. W.
Vi and N. E. Vi of 8. W. 14,
Sec. 16, T. 10 S R. 5 E 3.78
Hammond Lumber Co., 160
N. .j of N. E, i and 8.
it. of 8. E. Vi. Sec. 17, T.
10 8., H. 5 E 9.2
Also 80 acres, N. W. Vi of 8. E.
'4 and S. W. V, of N. E.
4, Sec. 17, T, 10 8., R. 5 E. 4.6:
Hammond Lumber Co., 20 acres,
.V E.
of 8. E. 14, Sec.
18, T. 10 8., R. 5 E.
Also SO acres, all of the W.
.j of N. E. 4 and E. of
N. W. lying N. of the N.
Fork of the Santiam River,
Sec. 20, T. 10 S R. 5 E
Hiiinmnnd Lumber Co., 11 acres,
lot 6, Sec. 6, T. 10 8., R,
6 K
(Also) 00 acres, all of the S.
E. v, of S. W. 14 and 8. W.
i4 of S. E. 4 and lot 4, ly
ing in Marion Co., Soc. 7, T.
10 S., R. 5 E
Hammond Lumber Co., 35 acres
des. in vol. 119, page (107,
Record of Deeds, See. 16, T.
10 S., R. 0 K
Also 00 acres, des. in vol. 110,
page 607. Record of Deeds,
Sec. 16. T. 10 8.. R. 6 E. -
Hammond Lumber Co., 75 acres
that part of the 8. i.. A ly
ing in Marion Co., Sec. 17,
T. 10 S., R 6 E
Hammond Lumber Co., 3 acres,
part of the 8. E. '4 or .m. .
V4, 8ec. 22, T. 10 8., R 6 E
Also 50 acres, des. in vol. 95,
page 342, Record of Deeiis,
Sec. 23. T. 10 8.. B. 6 E
Also 20 acres, that part of the
8. lying in Marion Co. ....
flammond Lumber Co., Mil
Citv, Elizabeth's Add., 101 1,
block 1
Also lots 3, 4, block 1
Hammond Lumber Co., M5U
Citv. lot 4. block 6
Also Mill City, block 7
Also Mill City, lots 1, 2, ,
block -8,
Also Mill City, block 9
Also Mill City, lots 2 to 5 and
7, block 10
Also Mill City, lots 5-7, block
Hammond Lumber Co., N. W.
Vi of 8. W. Vi and W. Vi
of N. W. Vi, Sec. 26, T. 9
S.. R. 5 E
Also N. Vi of N. W. Vi and 8.
Vi of N. E. Vi, Sec. 27, T.
9 S.. R. 5 E
Also 8. E. Vi of N. W. Vi of
Sec. 27, T. 9 8., R. 5 E
N. E. of N. W. Vi and N.
'i of N. E. Vi of Sec. lis, x.
9 8.. R. 5 E
Hammond Lumber Co., 8. E. Vi
of 8. W. Vi of Sec. 21, T. 9
8.. R. 5 E
Also N. W. Vi of 8. W. Vi of
Sec. 25, T. 9 S., R. 5 E
Also S. E. Vi of N. E. Vi and
N. V of 8. E. Vi, Sec. 20,
T. 9 8., R. 5 E
Also E. H of W. Vi of Sec. 20,
T. 9 S., R. 5 E
Hammond Lumber Co., part of
N. W. Vi of N. W. Vi, Sec.
35, T. 9 8., R. 4 E
Also part of N. Vi of S. E. Vi
of Sec. 35, T. 9 S., R. 4 E
Hammond Lumber Co, 8. E. Vi,
Sec. 23, T. 9 8. R. 4 E
Also N. E. Vi of Sec. 24, T. 9
S., R. 4 E
Also N. Vj of N. W. Vi, Sec.
26, T. 9 8., R. 4 E
Hammond Lumber Co., fraction
of acre in 8ec. 29, T. 9. 8., R.
3 E., des. jn vol. 125, page
38, Record of Deeds
Also fraction of aero in Sec. 29,
T. 9 S., R. 3 E., des. in vol.
125, page 38, Record of Deeds
Hammond Lumber Co., Va acre
in Sec. 30, T. 9 8., R. 3 E.,
des. in vol. 125, page 38, Rec
ord of Deeds
Also IV, acres in Sec. 30, T. 9
S., R. 3 E., des. in vol. 125,
page 38, Record of Deeds
Hammond Lumber Co., N. H of
N. Vi of Sec. 28, T. 9 8., R.
Also N;''E7'y"oi"8ecr797"T"
9 S., R. 2 E
Also N. W. Vi Sec. 29, T. 9 8.,
R. 3 E :..
Also N. V" of S. E. V4 Sec.
29, T. 9 8., R. 3 E
Hansen, N. and Elm, Salem,
Hansen Add., lot 1, block 7..
Ilansro, N. and Ella, Sa.lomt
Hansen Add., lots 1 to 7,
block 1
Also lots 8 to 15, block 1
Hnrdwick, Geo. T., West Wood
bum, lot 1, block 11
Harmon, Peter, Salem, Willam
ette Add., lot 30, block 1
Ilnrris, Annie T., Woodburn,
Tooze's First Add., lots 1, 2,
block 3
Hartley, Edgar (et al), Salem,
Highland Add., lying W. of
O. E. R. R., fraction of lots
5, 6, block 7
Also Snlem, Highland Add., frac
tion of lot 1 to 4, block 11 ....
Hartley, Edgar (et al), Salem,
Highland Add., fraction of
lots 2 to 6, block 25
Hartwig, Geo., Aurora, fraction
lot 2, block 4, des. in vol.
105, pago 427, Record of
Hauge. W. G., 1-3 acre in Sec.
29, T. 0 8., R. 3 E
Hnzelton, E. L., Salem, Nob
Hill Annex, vol. 117, page 210,
Record of Deeds, fraction of
block 20
Helgerson, P. and E., Silverton,
Geiser's Add, Lot 4, block 4 ..
Hollis, O., 3 acres in Sec. 25, T.
5 S., R. 1 W., des. in vol. 120,
page 411, Record of Deeds
Hendcrsohott, L. E. et al., 07
ncres in Sec. 21, T. 4 8., R. 1
W., des. in vol. 110, pago 508,
Record of Deeds
Hepburn, W. W., N. E. v, of
N. E. Vi See. 20, N. K of N.
W. Vi nnd S. E. V, of N. W.
V, of Sec. 21, in Sec. 20 and
21, T. 0 8., R. 4 E
Herren, Mrs. J. C. (nnd. 'i int.),
Snlem, W. Vi of lots 1 to 4,
block 73
Hertzig, Flrich fund. 1-3 int),
Snlem, Nob Hill Add., lots 7,
8, 0, block 20 !
Hicks, Chns. E., fraction of an
acre in Sec. 35, T. 6 8., R. 1
W., des. in vol. 11 2, page 366,
Record of Deeds
Hicks, ,T. A., 1-3 acre in Sec.
35, T. 6 8., R, 1 W., des. in
vol. 103, page 234 Record of
Hicks, Marv B, 10 acres in See"
36. T. 5 8., R. 3 W., des. in
vol. 110, pago 470, Record of
Ilofer, Anna B. (L. 8. Barnes)"
fraction of acre in Sec. 26 T
7 8., R. 3 W., des. in vol. 122
page 116, Record of Deeds
Iloleomb, Orlin, 5 acres in Sec.
36. T. 6 S., R. 3 W., des. in
vol. 110, page 81, Record of
Hnlden. Arthur, 15 acres in Sec.
2 and 3, T. 7 8., R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 504, pages 315 and 516,
Record of Deeds
Hollister, O. W., 3-4 acre in Sec
10, T. 9 8., R. 1 W des. in
vol. 42, page 511, Record of
Holmes, G. 0.. Salem, ilroadnav
Add., lot 5, block 5 '
Howell, Mr. F. F , 1, acre "in
See 35. T. 1 S R. 3 W., des.
in C. C. Jr
Huddleston. A. and D., 7.64 aeroj
in Sec. 4, T. 7 S., R. 1 w
des. in vol. 109, page 505, Ree!
of Deeds
Huddleston, M. E7.""Woodbiirii"
D.L, Rcmimjtun's Add, lots
Huddleston, Willi,, Woodburn'
Woodburn Tacking Co, 1 Add'
Huddleston, Willi,, Woodburn,"
Settlemeier's Add, lot 8, block
Hudson, J. a, 8aiem,"'Riv'f'rs'id"e
Park Add., S 39 ft. of lot 10,
lot 9, block
Hull, Gordon J., Menama tuns
Add., vol. 118, page .), Kec.
of Deeds, fraction blocks 3
1 A
auu t
Humphrevs & Patton, 120 acres,
N. E. 'Vi of S. E. Vi and N.
W. Vi of 8. E. "4 and . r,. "4,
of N. E. Vi, Sec. 3, T. 8 8.,
n. x x.
Huddleston, W., Woodburn, Add.
"C," lot 7, , oiock o
Huppertv, Geo. K., Salem, River
side Add, lot '2, block 10
Hurst, Fred (Estate), .66 acre
in Sec. 34, T. 7 8., R. 3 W.,
des. in vol. 43, page
of Deeds
Jacobs, Geo. B., Salem, River-
view Park, lots 11, IS, li bi
block 14
Jess, A. M., Salem, Riverside
Add, lot 2, 3, block 4
Johnson, Meyers, Gill & Mor
ris (Mevers), 48 acres, des.
und. Vi int. vol. 97, page 353,
Record of Deeds, Sec. 35, T.
7 8 R 3 W
Johnson, O., Vi acre in Sec. 23,
T. 7 8., R. 3 W., des. in vol.
76, page 155, Record of Deeds
Johnson, C. E. and P. V., Sa
lem, Brooklyn Add., lot 16,
block 9
Johnston, Nettie, 20 acres. E
of N. E. Vi of N. E. Vi, Sec.
26, T. 8 8., R. 1 E
Jones, Geo. W., lot 10, East Side
Fruit Farms
Jones, J. L., 1.58 acres in See.
18, T. 10 8., R. 2 W
Jones, Mary 8., Salem., fraction
of acre lying east of block 31
amended'plat of Nob Hill Add,
20 ft. by 1SI tt., diock ,ii
Joseph, Geo. W., Woodburn, N.
20 ft of lot 4, block 4
Knv, T. B., Salem, Yew Park
Annex, 8. V, lot 8-9, block 27
Keams, J. T. and E. A., 202
acres in Sec. 13, T. 8 S., R 1
W., des. in vol. 118, page 625,
Rocord of Deeds
Kelly, F. W. and M. M., Salein,
(Jueen Ann s Aim, 101 .1, niuim
Kilian, P. F. and F. C., Mt
Anirel, May's Add, lots .1 to
King, Edith, 1 acre in Sec. 10,
T. 0 8., K. 1 w., ites. in voi.
110, page 447, Record of
ing, E. E., 4.73 acres in See.
10, T. 9 8., R. 1 W des. in
vol. 118, pago 520, Record of
Tin ml a
Knapps, B. F., 8. E. V, of N.
W. 14 and lots 3, 4, 5, Sec. 6,
T. 9 8., R. 3 W., 161.80 acre
Knighton, Louella, Snlem, River
side Add., lot l(i, block a
Koester, II. L., Gervais, block 25
Also lots 3 and 4, block 35
Krebs, .fohn, 90 acres in See. 25,
T. 9 S., R. 4 W., des, in vol.
113. nnire 22S. Record of Deeds
Krebs, W. II. and M., 8 acres
in See. 35, T. 8 8., R. 3 W
des. in vol. 109, page 553, Rec
ord nf Deeiis
Labodie, H. R. and 8., 50 acres
in See. 33, T. 3 8., R. 1 W.,
des. in vol. 110, page 627, Rec
ord of Deeds
Laflar, G. W., W. V. of lot 8 nnd
all of lots 9 and 10, Sunny
side Fruit Farm No. 5
Lnflar, G. W,, Nob Hid Add Sa
lem, lot 6, S. V, of lot 5,
" block 21 '
Laflar, G. W., and M. H., Sa
lem, George H. Jones' Add.,
lot 5, block 7
LaFore, W. 8., 54 acres, Sec.
31, T. 8 S., R. 2 W., vol.
72, pago 267
Lang, Ada E., Jefferson, frac
tion of lots 1 to 3, block ...
Latham, J. F. nnd M v. Sa
lem, Yew Park Ancv 7,
block 15 .'
Lawler, Elvira, 305.40 acres in
Sec. 35 and 36, T. 5 8., R. 3
W., des. in vol. CH, pago 337,
Record of Deeds
Lawler, Elvira A., 50 acres in
Sec. 31, T. 5 8., R. 2 W., des.
in vol. 70, page 338, Record of
Lee, Martha E., Salem, South
west Add, N. 25 ft. of E. 70
ft. of lot 5, E. Vj of lot 6,
block 5
Lenon, Estella ,1., Salem Uni
versity Add., fraction of lots
7, 8, block 16
Liggett, J. A., Snlom, E. ilj
of S. i.j of lots 5 nnd 6, block
Long, ('. H., Salem, Englewood
Add, lot 3, block 14
Longsworth, N: O., Salem,
Brooklyn Add., lots 6 and 7,
block 4
Maginnis, T. F. ami J. A H
acres in Sec. 8, T. 5 8., R. 1
W., des. in vol. 116, page 85,
Record of Deeds
Mauley, Bertha E., Snlem, South
west Add., fraction of lot 8,
block 9
Muriels, Emma F Salem Cap"
Home Add., vol. 112, page 181,
Record, of Deeds, fraction of
lot 27
Marsh, Fred L 1 acre in See!
7, T. 5 8 , R. 1 W., des. in
vol. 100, page 258, Record of
Martin, Charles, Salem, Depot
Add, lot 2, block 8
Mnrtin, Edgar, Donald, lot 12
block 7
Mnssey, Minnie, 8a'iem7'coVn'p-'
ton'B Add, lot 7, block 3
Massey, Minnie M., Snlem, Ri'v"
erside Add., lot 1, block 16 ...
Massey, Minnie M., Gervais, lot
1. block 48
Matti, Max, Mt. Ang'ei, Buial"
la's Add., lot 1 to 4, block 1
May, R. D Donald, lots 15 and
16, block 7
MoAdatns, T. W., 7 acres. Seo!
7, T. 8 S., R. 2 W des. in
vol. 105, page 509, Record of
MeCartor, Rex, 2 ncres7see7 31
T. 8 8.. R. 0 w., vol. i,5;
page 292
McDonald, J. F. and M. (Rob
inson, .1. M. and M. L.), lot
0. McDonald Fruit Farms
McGilchrist. Win., Jr. (S. p
Bnlentine), Salem, -Nob II ill
Annex, 8. 50 ft. 0f . 75 ft
of W. i.j of block 20
McGilchrist, Wni Jr. (Orviiie
Stubbs), Snlem, Nob Hill Add.
K. 25.6 of W. 102.4 of N. 100
ft. of W. li of block 30
Mclntire, A. E Salem, Capital
Park Add, lots 13. 14, block
MoLniichlin, O. "w. " "and 's.,
Woodburn, lots 7, 8, block 1
McMnhan, L. II., Salem, Cook's
Add. X. 1.', nf lf 1
McMuhon, E. M., Snlem,"'Fai'r-
mount rark Add., lot 3, block
I. 16
II. 25
McMahon, L. , 95.3l'a;;T-
Sec. 1 and 2. T. 6 8
Mansfield, Claude (Hei'r'';','r 1'
N. F. 1. t s 1 1 II .
R. 7 E. " iU' f 8
McMilan, G. W., 0 , Hi
Sec. 5, T. 5 8.; R. 1
in vol. 113, page 2 r'N
of Deeds 1 KeW
M. E. Church. Par8on"a7e.''R;,:-
George U- Jones Adi.rr,'
M. E. Church, HubbaM'TT ,;'
road Arid S L ., .?'
of block 13 ' W'
Meyers, Prank A.7'4o'a7r7i's:"' ,!
4 T. 8 8., R. 2 W des in t'
i ' "es- "1 vol
.... FaKc aiso v. 05 .
502. Record of TV . , ' IS
Miller, Jacob, Woodburn"Y,
"B," lot 2, block 1 ' Kil
Miller, John, 5 acres i STj-
Miller, Mrs. Z.. Salem 4
lot 1, block 46,'?;
page 464, Record of Deed, ,
Millet, Octavia, 1 acre .V111
0. X. 7 8., R. 2 W. de l ,
43, page 452 and titl
590, Record of Deco, , '
Mills, Samuel (D. M. Geo;;'.; 1
3 acres in Rec. 13, t
R. 3 W ' 10
Mills, Wm., Vi Bcre'in'rW'iin' 1
T. 9 8., R. 3 E., des. I? '
Mills, Wm., Mill City l0t 't "
10, block 1 y" 10" 1
Miranda, Frank, 64 acTeVto'iw 1
27, T. 5 S., K 2 W., des. jn' '
1, page 7, Reg. of T.
Mishler. A. J., et al., .07 ai: 3l
Sec. 12, T. 4 8., R. W
Mondy. Rosa L., 178 ap'rw i," IJ
Sec. 9, T. 6 S R 3 vV
in vol. 110, pago 3(1, Hecord of
Morlk-y, John L 42 acres'm Sw
28, T.6 8 H. 1 E., des. in vri
07, page 239, Record of Dwji if
Also 93 acres in Sec. 20, T S
S., R. 1 E., des. in vol, j,
page 344, Record ot Deeil, '
Morrow, J. K Gntes, Gatn"
Add., lot 8, block 8 c
Moser, J. H. and J., Siivertol
Davenport's Add., lots 1 to l'
N. Vi lot 6. block 5 ' ,
Mott, W. 8. (Van Walter"
lem, fraction of lots 9 snd 10
block 88 Ei
Mullen, Phillip, 16 acres In Sec"
24, T. 4 8., R. 3 W., de.. h
vol. 89, page 535, Record ol
Deeds i
.Mullen, William, 5 acreB in S.
n, 1 . I ., K. -i K, in. in vol.
110, pago- 541, Record ol
Deeds i-
Mussor, ('has., Salem, Nob Hill
Add., vol. 120, page 301, fr.
tion of block 18 .... v
Myers, A. E., Salem, Capital
Home Add., vol. 108, imge 508.
Record of Deeds, fraction of
lots 10. 20. 21 v
Nash, C. E., Marion S. of lota
1 and 2, block 2
Also, Marion, E. 'i of lot) M,
block 2 J
Also, Marion, lots 3 and 4, block
4 II
Xeal, N. B., 100 acres in Sec. Id
and U, T. 0 S., R. 3 W do. ,
in vol. 25, page 408 Record of
Xeal, Wm. (estate) 120 arm iu
See. 10 and 11, T. 9 8., R.3W. 5:
eer, F., M. and L. 0., .137 acio
in Sees. 18 and 19, T. 9 S.,1
2 V., des. in vol. 08, rvage d,
Record of Deeds :. aV
Nelson, Mrs. Rachel, Salein, Vii
versity Add., vol. 86, page 1W, ,
Record of Deeds, fraction l
lot 8, block 52 i:
Nibler, Franz, Gervais, lot i,
block 61 (
Nibler, N and L., 'j acre inte.
10, T. 6 8., R. 1 W., dci.ii
vol. 114, page 433, Record of
Deeds r "-'
N0W0, M. T., 28'4 acres in rVc.
10, T. 7 8., R. 1 E., des. it
vol. 125, page 200, Recordi of
Deeds : L'
Norgren, Mrs. G., 16 2-3 l" ii
in Sees. 33 nnd 34, T. 7 8.J.
3 W., des. in vol. IS, page
Record of Deeds
Xorgren, Mrs. ()., 5 acres, See. 3,
T. 8 8., R. 3 W - i
Xorris, George, Snlem, North S-
lem, lots 5-6, block 14 - f-
Northcutt, Alvirn, Salem, Tew
Park Annex, lota 1-2, block a 1'
Xott. 8. E. and B. F., 2.1": a"
in Sec. 5, T. 5 S R. 1 W., d"
in vol. 101, page ISO, Record of
of Deeds
Nunn, E. ,T lot 11, Valley Fw! (
Farms No. 2 - '
O'Flvng, Enos, lots 1.1 and ,
Sunnyside Fruit Farms N'-! l
O 'Lonne, H. 0., 2.3 acres, 8cc. H
T. 8 8., R. 2 W.. vol. 11", T'P
46, Record of Deeds '
Olson, Emma, 1 acre in Bee. I.
T. 9 8., R. 1 V, ilea, in vol M.
page 311, Record of Defito ;
O. & ('. R. R. Co., 16 acres in S- :
21, T. 5 8., R. 1 W all of W
O. & C. R. R. Co., lot 2, 8. I ,
T. 6 8., R. 3 W., 9 acres -.-7 fc
O. & C. R. R. Co., lots 0 iM'i ,
Sec. 15, T. 6 8., R. 3 W. -Also,
lots 8, 0, 10, See. 21, TJ- ,1
R. 3 W . '
O. & C. R. R. Co., lot 9, 8-1
T. 8 S R, 4 W., 7.3 acrM--- '
O. & C. R. R..C0., lot in Sec. U, (.
T. 9 8., R. 1 W ;,, ,
O. & C. R. R. Co, lot 3, 1""' ,
acres in Sec. 20, T. 9 8., ,
V ,
O. A.r7'C'B."co., N.E. 14
25, T. 6 8., R, 1 B.
V4 and 8. E. V4 of 8. E. 11." t,
25, T. 6 8., R. 1 K..
O. & C. R. R. Co., (M ; j
Wernes) 40 acres, 8. fc. J
of N. W. Vi, Sec. 25, T.
0. & c."r"."r7'co." "liiii " J f ;
of S. E. V4, "nd E. "i J'ji
V4, Sec. 31, T. 6 S, R. -
Also, 76 acres, N. E. 14 of & J'
U, and N. E. Vt of a E. .;
8ec. 31, T. 6 8.. It. 8 1
Also, 160 acres, X. W. 14 -
31, T. 6 8., R.2 E. -"; ;
O. & C. R. R. Co., Ora-fl
man) 77.58 acres in See.
6 8., R. 2 E., W. 'i of 8. Jf
O. & C. R. R. Co., 121' aersj, ,
'i of 8. E. Vi ''aAV
N. W. V'See. 1, T. 7 J, R
O. ScC. R R. Co., ?'
son) 40 acres, 8. E. 14 '
a &C R. R. Co.. 36
5, and 6, in Sec. 7, T. 1
0. i cRrfe'cM'!!;
("Continued on P8e 11