I if If. I itmi X stl4 ntflU' i; tH: 4 win'! : ten,' nfw !.'' If ' V 1.11.1. rw-F tfFrj' 'IK '4 ml 5 at V t I PAILT 0AriT JOPBKAL, BALEM, QRE0O1T, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1913. i i niiin iiii iiiaiii vins.ii llliuil LUI Children Cry for Fletcher's Mffi jhe Kind You nave Always Booght, and which has been use lot over SO year, , h as I ,or, ae the B,gnat?,re Cof . uiiiuo unuer his Per sonal siinorirlal. i . . 1 tr tfggg;. Bona! supervision-since to iZSe" J-CUCA4iS; Allow no onn tn V, Auow no one todecelve yoiiinthiV in Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-.,.,! " ,.: What is CASTORIA CMtorlft Is a harmless snbstltute for Castor Oil. Pam. gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. I Jontalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other JJaren Wbstance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys AVormS nod allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it Has been In constant use lor the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and piarrhoca. It regulates the Stomach and Bowel assimilates the Food, giving- healthy and natural sIbm? We Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend, SWINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beare the Signature of (The Kind You Dave Always Bought J In Use For Over 30 Years 1 CINTAUW eeMHNV, NIWYORK CITY. Choosing a Wife .tl By Annie Laurie I am going to marry a beautiful man," said the clever man, "and a jml woman, and I don't care whether can spell c a t cat, or d-o-g dog, or The stupider she is the better: wo- 'i are so comfy when they are Btup- tley are like nice, soft cushions, Bjy so pretty to see and so nive to in against I'm tired of clever people, tired of Lit women, tired of intelligent com- fcowhip. I want to bo. comforted: ion't want to bo stimulated. 'Many nowl No; not just yet. I'm ready just now, but in a fow years, I'm through with things, I'll 'it,-, somebody protty, somebody !, somebody sweet tomnercd: and I shall have a fnmily, tall BOns pretty daughters, elevor boys and M girls, and I shall sit back and Ji'h them grow up, and toll my wife 'i to do and what not to do. and mv fund I will have a good time laugh- M the pretty sisters and the kind. V'tlempcred mothor, and life will 'i. wit should be." M the clever man did what so few Ft men ever dn. h lnt 1: i...i T. 1. " uncw e.ever women and pretty and good women and rich wo- nil poor women and young wo "d women as Blim as the willows omen who thonffht nf thamuiv.. ("Junoesqiie." children, a very ugly, very lively, very interesting, very clever little girl, with her father's high forehead and her father's stubborn mouth, and her fath er awkward gait. And there was a very handsome, very dull, very slow wittod, very timid little boy, with his mother's almost silly smile. And the clever man was madly in love with his ugly daughtor, and was doing his best to spoil her,and the stupid womanlwas desperately devoted to her Btupid son, and thoy wore all four very happy, much to the disgust of several very much interested people, who had been hoping nil along that the clever man would see what a mistake ho had made wnd would be very, very miserable. AH of which goes to show what fun it must be to be a novelist and have people happy when they ought to be instead of when they are. The man's theories about women! Thoy haven't changed a particle. "I'm glad my daughter is clever,' says the clever man. II J,rf 'm ago he married, just as ."id he would, a beautiful, amiable Vestonlny I aw the clover man fjwbenutiful wife. Thore were two CASTRO'S REVOLUTION FAILS. ONITSD 1'HEBS LEASED WIRI. Washington, Aug. 13. Official re ports today from American Consul Voet- tor at Caraeas to the state department say the uprising in Venezuela led Cip riano Castro, is a failure. Voetter's dispatch also confirmed earlier reports that General Torres and his officers who had headed the revolution in the eastern part of Venezuela had been captured. A great fortune awaits the fellow what can develop a hen that will lay two eggs a day. Funny; some fat men keep the coolest. fta Best Food -Drink Lunch af Fountains insist Upon horlicecs L fvold Imltatlonu-Tako No Substitute S'" Mgrain,inpowder,orm- More heahWul ,oa or co,fee- Ln,Jv ', 8rowin8 children. Agrees with the weakest digestion. JWtf P buildin8'hewholebody. Keep it on your udeboard at home. w"e nunu,8 mothers and the aged, A quick lunch prepared in a minula. Some Lobbying Required to Get Janitor of Big Hat to Show Favors on Certain Occasions. WASHDAYS ALLOTTED BY CZAR OF APARTMENT HOUSE Thursday Is Universally Considered "Day Off" for Cooks and Maids and No Washing Goes. BY CARLTON TEN EYCK. " (Written for the United Press.) Now York, Aug. 14. Xew York wo men have not yet got the ballot, but they know a lot about politics. Many of the matrons of Manhattan rnM teach their husbands a lot about wire pulling and influence and the like. Pol itics in a flat is just as exciting as pontics in a ward, and when it comes to maneuvering and schemine for fa vors, the assembly district has nothing on tne apartment house, politically speaking. The "district leader" of the New York apartment house is the janiotr, and no Tammany sachem is more pow erful in his bailiwick, nor more sought after. The janitor is the domestic ar biter of the place. The whv-ness of this condition is that in the modern Tower-of Babel beehives that hundreds of thousands of Gothamites call home, there are many conveniences and appli ances that are used in common, such as the dumb waiters, and the like. Every body wants to use these thinirs first, of course, and hence the politics. One of the best examples of politics n a flat is to be found in the older houses in the downtown residence dis tricts which have common laundries in the basement. In the more modern apartments uptown, laundry tubs are in each apartment, and the biggest bone of contention is thus removed. But a large number of the New York apartment houses are equipped with common laundries, wherein only a lim ited number of family washings can be done at one and the same time. Proba bly because of the Biblical injunction that "cleanliness is next to Godliness" most of the housewives desire above all things to wash on Monday. If thoy can not have that day, they want the near est to tho first of the week that they can get. The janitor is the autocrat who allots washdays, and thus he is the recipient of all sorts of hints, bribes and persuasions. He has various expe dients for Bottling the clamor for wash days. In Borne house the days are allotted by floors, Monday for the first floor, Tuesday for the second, and so on. Oth er janitors give tenants their choice of days alphabetically, that is, the Andor- sons, Adams or Abrahams can wash on Monday, the Browns, Bonnetts on Tues days, etc. In other houses the matter is settled by seniority, the tenants have their choice according to the long est term of residonce in the apartments. Speaking of washdays, the most un popular day in New York for that pur pose is Thursday, for that iB almost uni versally the "day off" of tho cooks and maids. Other things that cause politics in the apartment houses are the washing of windows, cleaning of rugs, redecorating, painting etc. Some of the ultra-modern houses now have thoir own vacuum cleaners. These aro allotted as are the wash rooms of the older hoimcs, and the plotting and scheming for their use is something to marvel at. PAGE THREB KANSAS WOMAN WHO SUFFERED From 'Headache, Backache, Dizziness and Nervousness, Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lawrence, Kans. " A year ago I was suffering from a number of ailments. I aiways naa pain and was irregular. Dur ing the delay I suf fered a great deal with headache, back ache, dizziness, fev erish spells, nervous ness and bloating. 1 had been married nearly three years. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable r!nmnnilnH rnml nnw I feel better than I have for years. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to all who suffer as I did." Mrs. M. Zeuner, 1045 New Jer sey Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Montana Woman's Case. Burn. Mnnt "T.wHi V. PinM,.. . ... i. lion, a Vegetable Compound cured me of awful U-Alrun ... I. ' t. T L . re ... . wwiw wuicii a una suuerea witn lor months. I Wra HAWpnk I ennM Viaillnn my work and my head and eyes ached all the time. Your Compound helped me in many ways and is s great strength ener. I always recommend it to my friends and tell them what a grand med icine it is for women. You may use my name for the good of others. "-Mrs. John Francis, Burns, Montana. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as those above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no Btranger it has stood the test for years. ?ysisi if . ...'.".. 1 CIRCUS EMPLOYES HURT. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 14. Three em ployes of Barnum & Bailey's circus arc dying here today, and ten are seriously injured through a collision at Richfield, Neb., of a Hook Island train with the circus cars. The circus cars were pull. n g into a siding when they were struck. Often a man has a lot of good traits that you would never suspect if ho didn't tell you about them. There is no bore augurs more tortur ous than over enthusiasm of tongues over trifles. 'Long Tom," Baid to be the tallest giraffe in captivity, to be hero with Ringling Bros.' menagerie, August 23. One of . the most common ailments that hard working people are afflicted with is lame back. Apply Chamber lain's Liniment twice a day and mas sage the parts thoroughly at each ap plication, and you will got quick relief. For sale by all dealers. More people than ever before are trying to do good, both for the pres ent and for future generations. Many a. man's success is due to his ability to obtnin five by adding two and two together. Snap Judgment is often taken on your by a rebollous stomach, lazy liver or clogged bowels. Be prepared for such emorgency by keeping a bottle of HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS handy. It is for Cramps, Diarrhoea, In digestion, Costiveness and Malaria. ETIQUETTE OF TODAT. By Mrs. Frank Learned Early in life it is well to realize that the spirit of restlessness must be resisted as an enemy to a normal con dition of mind or body. Many people think that to achieve results they must hurry, make a stir. Good work and hurry do not go together. Clear thought and flurry can not dwell in the mind at the same time. The person who succeeds in life has steadiness of mind, self -discipline and quiet think ing. The mind that is not flurried by events or activities balances the per son who achieves good results. The mind that is clouded by flurry can not face opportunities or solve prob lems. Some persons think that thev im press others with their importance by talking about being terribly busy and telling of the rush in which thev live. There is no time for any pleasant, firendly interchange of thought. They are "going on" somewhere and have not a moment to stop. One feels, when talking with them, as though one were whirling along in a motor or on an er- press train. To live in a state of unrest and feverish excitement is not conducive to happiness. It is better to try to do a few little things which are worth while than many of the things which require a continual drive and are a waste of energy or time and certainly a waste of peace of mind. There are numberless little tasks of everyday life which need to be done. A good way to cure restlessness is to do them, and to do them as well as we can. It is a very pleasant thought that there is generally something that each of us can do, some very little thing, perhaps, some small, lowly task or act, but which no one else can do; or there is someone to whom no one else can be quite as nsefue as we may be. Too often we neglect those little things which are plainly before us, almost asking to be done. A girl who is on the watch for the little duties at home and does them cheerfully and gladly will find that they help to make groat happiness. It may not seem a groat thing to go on an errand for a mothor, or in ar ranging a room, or putting a desk in ordor, or making a delicious dessert to please a father; but perhaps those are some of tho little daily things de manding to bo done. Any form of work is worth doing, and If it iB done in the right spirit it is sure to brighten our own lives and the lives of others. Tho trouble is that the spirit of rest leBsness crwites a desire to do any thing else but what is the affair of the moment. There is a discontent with the present surroundings, a vis- Initial Showing of This Fall's Fashions in SUITS- COATS DRESSES We are now showing new Suits, Coats and Dresses in Wool Broche, Silk and Wool, Mateliesse, Poplins, Bed ford Cords, Serges and Novelty Materials, Suit Jackets are 38 inches long, and the new draped and slit side skirts are so gracefully tailored that stout as well as slender figures can wear them with ease and comfort. Your early inspection invited. Home Journal Patterns. School and Office Supplies. Colgate's Toilet Articles. Kayser's Silk Gloves and Hosiery. "POPULAR MERCHANDISE yscflTt imtcT ktwccs statc 6 couut RICCS ionary longing fo occupations for which one may be totally unqualified. A girl must try to see very cloarly what are her duties at home and whether she is neoded there before she determines on an indenendont career away from home. A very old and sweet saying is a great help in time of doubt as to action: "Do the duty that is nearest. The second duty will already have become clearer." Dr. J. C. Yuen Success to Dr. Kum, the Greatest uninese Herb Specialist ESTABLISHED 1887. ICare Bow Wo & Herb Co 187 South High Street. A DAINTY TOILET ARTICLE. Every lady who desires to keep up her attractive appearance while at the atre, attonding rocoptions, when shop ping, while traveling and on all occa sions should carry in her purse a book lot of Gouraud's Oriental Beauty Leave. This is a dainty little booklet of exquisitely perfumed powdered leaves which are easily romoved and applied to the Bkln. It is Invaluable when the face becomes moist and flush ed and is far superior to a powder puff as it does not spill and soil the clothes It removes dirt, soot and groase from the face, imparting a cool delicate bloom to the complexion. Put up in White and Pink and sont anywhere on roeoipt of ton cents in stampi or coin. F. T. HOPKINS, 37 Great Jones St. New York. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There 1b only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, aid when it is en tirely closed, deafness is the rwult, and unless the Inflammation can hs token out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forover; nine cases out of tea are caused by Catarrh, which Is noth ing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of doafnoss (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation, When a man acquires a peck of trouble It looks to him like a bushel and a half. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A TtHHtMOtMIIMMH , Cotton Blankets at Low Prices Patients Speak for Themselves. Shollburn, Ore., April 19, 1013. Dr. J. C. Yuen, Salem, Ore.: Dear Sir: I wish tn nffnr testimonial in regard lo your wonderful medicine. I had the advice of Borne of the noted physicians, and they told me that I had appendicitis, and would have to h operated on before could got well, Not wishing to be operated upon, I consulted Dr. J. C. Yuen, and now, af ter about three months' treatment, I am again fooling strong and healthy. I wish to do all in my power to cir culate the knowlodge of your wondor- rui meuicine. Kespectfully, J. L. OQLE8BEE, Shollburn, Oregon. Balem, July 6, 1913. I have been troubled with kldnev trouble and a tumor for some time, and after throe weeks' treatment with Dr. J. 0. Yuen I can say I am perfectly cured, and ilnce then have gained 30 pounds, and would recommend M treatment to all sufforom. Moo. W. H. 8TONEIIOCKER, Rlckreall. Ore. Buy your Cotton Blankets of us. We bought a big lot before the high price of cotton. We give you the benefit of our early purchase. Blankets, 45x70, only 50c pair Blankets 60x76, only $1.00 pair Blankets 64x80, only $1.25 pair Ladies' 75c Long Lisle .. Gloves only 48c pair. Leather Gloves 25c pair Gauntlet Gloves 50c pair Hop Pickers Gloves at - little prices 36-inch Percales, big assortment, only 10c yard Cheap Straw Hats for women and Children a J. : 20c, 15c, 13c and 8c 8 oz Canvas, 29 inches wide 17c yard 10 oz Canvas, 36 inches wide ......25c yard 11 oz Canvas, 40 inches wide 27 i-2c yard Boys' Bib Overalls, 38c Men's Big Overalls, 75c Men's Underwear, 25c Boys' Overshirts, 29c. ROSTEIN & fiREENDAUM 246 Commercial Street. 4 MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross Put. me iNtoup "FHE.DfcAe, THMlOOO. ill Hm TO 60 rVp WASH IT I HOW CAUSE IT KDOF DOST. 1 1 ,'uwr tech r H, Hoe.GCTS i n m ix ill i i i i i i i i'-im m if r Lirvr i ha . i i s 1 ii n s. 1 1 . . 1 " it ' . j 1 1 ivi '.---" urn r ' i flEIIRY JR. SAYS (ioJj Wist is w