Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 14, 1913, Image 1

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    ll the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal
m f m n in Wwsg. air i rfirtrwtm
TMar v k. w j mm mm at r. m iiiii i pi t n n m n t , i i i. sr e a t a m m. a s a is mm ma
Cirv QIYTH YEAR. - -
ill!" "
i I
t Least Half Government
i rt 1
Fortes Join canion rveoeis
in Thievery.
tifk on Foreign Concessions at
'sumaen a Now Believed to Be
Planned by Rebels.
Tuton, Aug. 14. Pillage is in pro-
; la everywhere here today, following
J ihting in Canton City yesterday, when
X M persons were killed.
-.F lAt least half of the government
phave joined the rebel forces and,
i ' Jtitg together, thoy have looted prac-
l filly all the goldsmiths' and silver-
,,!' ith' stores in the city. Local off i-
'j fs ire powerless.
,111 traffic on the Hankow railroad
been abandoned and an attack on
foreign concessions at Shameen is
believed to be contemplated by the
Fire broke out in the troop quarters
'to and 30 barracks were des
tntitiD mess leased wire.
fit Francisc, Cal., Aug. 14.
abe old adage is that love goes
lis it la.9cu1j and comes TroSTpro
Jjor'a a variety of 'way." .
,Cidje Van-Fleo in. this iiuMinor sup
'il "ffcts of Government Prosecu-
Tbcortore Roche to go further into
details of how Maury I, Diggs won
affections of Marsha Warrington
lured her into the confessed intl-
!You oiiRht to know from your own
rieace," he joshed Eoche. "Tho
-every man in the box looks en
1? caiablo of falling in love and
ilmtood how it is done,' Baid the
i glancing casually over the 12
k who will decide the case,
' Tie sir! admits she was infatuated
Jh Diggs; lot tho jury assume how it
f brought about through the facts
rt it. '
door of the couutv clerk 's office
airly covered today with big pos-
on whioh the following information
Viatecl: "Mr. Voter: If you rog
fi tor tho Inst city election, and
o nave not changed your precinct
I1"", you do not have to register
!y coming election this year."
f N"'1' practically explains the
J n of the new election law which
JUntbiit all voters in city elections
'I rPEutnr nf tl, ... .1...,., i
" v vuuiHV ('lirrK B 01-
'""ltd of at tho office of the city
as bus been the custom hero
In other word.s the registra
rs in City Recorder Elgin', of
ve been dnno m. -,:i. i n
ttiiii mm Ull
I'lralions will bc made in the couuty
f office in the future. .
J 're are el,.v,,n 1110r0 (av9 n whi(,h
i " who did not register last year
fh,nl'"l I'l-ecincts, can rogister
iy Clerk Gehlhar'. office in
at the next cltv election.
that nn A...t ,
'y, - i t- jiiL-nce Yin
Ko.li w"rrnnt t'e holding of
X to't'b M",."'"'a ml P- NakB'
lie 1, "Kra'"' 'i"r.v examination
'"'W of inurdor In the first de-
C"T b-v llilli"K Koda,
Women Did not
Spring From Rib
Dr. Harvey Wiley Says He Has Ex
ploded Old Tale as to Origin of
Women to Hia Satisfaction.
tomuD raise liibed wm.
Washington, Aug. 14. Addressing
500 suffragists here today, Dr. Harvey
Wiley, former federal pure food cham
pion, declared he had exploded the tale
tttat woman sprung from Adam 's rib.
"Biological study refutes the ntnrv "
said Wiley. "There is no evidence in
pnysiology that woman was an append
age of nay archaic male skeleton. I
am convinced that woman sprang from
the same bioplasm as man."
Mrs. Emma Devoe, of Washington,
president of tho national suffrairettea
council, presided at the meeting. She
"In my state women at the polls are
treated respectfully. I never heard of
babies boing neglected even on election
day. "
They Are Pleased With Refreshing
Showors, Which Are Making Crop
eBtter Than Ever.
While the rain was falling yesterday
afternoon Frank Durbin, the popular
hop man, was asked if he didn't think
the wet would wilt his straw lid. "Let
'or wilt, " said Frank. ' 1 But I toll you
sir, if tblc rain keeps up, I seo where I
buy a new ono.' Mr. Durbin 's remark
(imbraced the. truth to a largo extent,
however," bs thi present rains are bless-il.by-lltlie
hop-growers and that the
elements are very favorable at present
remains without question.
Although the rains in the immediate
vicinity of Salem were not heavy yes
terday, other portions of the hop bolt
are roorted to have been visitod by a
heavy shower. According to the hop
mon here, prevailing rains at the pres
ent stage of the hop season are doing
fine things for the popular product, and
the 1913 crop can stand a good down
pour. Everything scorns to be coming the
hopmen 's way so far this season and
not only a monster crop is looked for
ward to, but the quality is going to be
far above the avorago on account of the
climatic conditions being perfoct for
hop-growing in the valley. In any
event, considerably over a million dol
lars will bo turned loose on the working
population of Marion county next
li. r, n 'B II pse, justice
if defendants.
fv'ling opinion among the of
'.t it" "'Car'll" triple murder,
5 In, m"'in ani1 "IHile. The
j """'atnated with Mrs. Ko-
' ill t 1""'0,,1"ly l"r Mrs.
r J the b,y ani, ,hfn sla9hc(1
C TWi'h th' knife..
tii,,I ,th' wh, tended Kola
.H!,'?v gro,ln,, lllt Mrs. Koda
i were killed by th. man
l'i dead at thereof the
tCNiTKO rains uahkh wihr.1 -
Baker, Ore., Aug. 14. Word was re
ceived at the sheriff's office from Rye
Valley this afternoon that Lawrence
Cartwright, a wealthy rancher, and his
wifo had been shot and killed by a man
whose identity had not been fully es
tablished, who afterwards committed
suicide. Tho tragedy is said to have
been the result of a family feud. On
account of the isolation of the scene,
details are mengre. Officers arc en
route to Rye Valley to investigate. Ac
cording to the sheriff's office, it is
known that three are dead, including
Cartwright and his wifo, but that some
doubt exists as to the identity of the
third person.
Sun Francisco, Aug. 14. United
States District Judge Maurice T. Dool
Ing, who recently qualified to succeed
the Into Judge J. J. DcHaven, on the
federal bench for northern California,
today announced that he would preside
in the forthcoming trials of the Western
Fuel Company cases, In which the alle
gations by tho government are frauds
in weighing.
The first case is set for August 20.
timiTKD racsa utn wil
Clifton, Ariz., Aug. 14. Nine men
were Instantly killed and three seri
ously injured when an ore car dropped
down a 3000-foot grade at the Corona
do mine, near here late yesterday, ac
cording to Information brought here to
day. One of the Injured men may die. The
dead include Enginer Bhieffer, formerly
of Denver, and two other Americans,
The others were Mexican and Italian laborers.
rrzz. , - .
Ambassador Sayt He Feels
Justified in Giving Out
Hit Statement.
However, li la Known That President
Wilson Is Very Angry, and There
May Be Developments,
f united rusi mm wiu.1
Washington, Aug. 14. Ambassador
to Mexico Henry Lane Wilson, who
stands in imminent peril of Immediate
dismissal by President Wilson for his
issuance of a statement replying to the
British foreign official's declaration
that Groat Britain recognized Huerta,
provisionally, only after Wilson had
publicly lauded the Mexican dictator,
today reiterated his criticisms. Wilson
also admitted having given Senator
Smith inside information of the Mexi
co City situation.
"I feel justified," said the ambas
sador, "in stating what I did in an
swer to what purported to be an offi
cial statement by the British foreigi
office, reflecting on my course in Mex
ico. I have not attempted to embar
rass the Wilson administration, and
have studiously avoided making state
ments which might endanger the suc
cess of the president's negotiations. I
am still of the opinion that the state
ment of the British foreign office was
misrepresented by the newspapers which
printed it."
Wilson said that neither Secretary
Bryan noi President Wilson had asked
for bis immediate resignation.
It is reported, however, that Presi
dent Wilson is a very angry man, be
cause the ambassador has again injected
himself into a situation from which he
was tacitly dismissed.
Officials hore expect that John Lind,
the president's envoy, will take deci
sive action in Mexico City. His task,
it is believed, will be easior through
Great Britain's announcement that she
would recognize Huerta only in his ca
pacity of provisional president. This,
it is thought certain, will tend to dis
courage Huerta, and will make him
more amenable to Lind's demands.
Other Forty Escape, Following Lively
Battle in Which Several Feder
als Are Also Killed.
(oniTiD rnisa ixxtm wim.
Ran Diego, Cal., Aug. 14. A lottor
received hero toda ygives details of a
sensational fight between Mexicau fed
erals and rebels on the Moscapala river,
near Hnn Junu Ilautista. A band of
rebels prowling through that section
stopped a small river boat and forced
Is officers and passengers to land. The
two officers in charge favored shooting
all the party, but the 100 rebels under
them objected. After a short dispute,
one of the rebels, according to the let
ter, stepped from the ranks and shot
inth officers, killing thorn instantly,
Tlio rebels then went to tho Morce
les rancho, took all tho women and
hililren into a largo warehouse with
them and prepared to sjiend the night.
The rebels were swn by a federal lieu
tenant, who gathered a force and storm
ed the warehouse at daylight, The
rebols fired, killing several of thoiri
opponents. Tho federal then cut off a
large tree trunk and battered tho door
lown. They did not shoot, but used
the bayonet, killing sixty of tho reb-
nls. Tht other forty ecaied.
united hiehs iMtnto wmi.l
Philadelphia, Aug. 14. William
T.ncke, president of the Philadelphia
National League baseball team, died
this afternoon at Ventnn, X, J., of a
complication of diseases.
nifiTUD racs uabed wins
Washington, Aug. 14. The navy sup
ply ship, Glacier, with Ameriran refu
gees aboard, is en route today from
fluaymas, Mexico, for Han Francisco,
according to advice received here to
day. Phe will take more Americans
aboard at Topolobampo.
Another Case
Against Slavers
Diggs and Caminetti Will Be Required
to Answer to Crime of Desert
ing Minor Children. '
Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 14. Maury I.
Digge and F. Drew Caminetti, who are
charged with violating the Mann white
slavo act by taking Marsha Warrington
and Lola Noma to Reno, Nevada, will
be prosecuted in the local courts in tase
they are not convicted in San Francisco
on the federal charge.
Diggs and Caminetti are scheduled to
appear in Judge Hughes' court here on
August 25 to face charges of deserting
their minor children.
The date of the hearings has boen
postponed from time to time because of
the San Francisco trial, and will be
postponed again if necessary according
to the district attorney's office here.
Both the Norris and Warrington girls
are awaiting a hearing in tho juvenile
court here, which caso also has been
postponed from time to time. They are
technically held as dependent of the
juvenile court.
Something About Requirements Under
New Regulations In Force in
State of Oregon.
New course of study for the high
schools is out and in hands of printer.
It gives groator freedom in the choice
of .eloctives, prescribes 13 credits to a
course, and fonr years for graduation.
A studentif his physical and mental
makeup is sufllcieut, may "complete thin
course in three years. In order to stim
ulate interest in vocal and instrumental
music, a studont may earn from one to
three creditB for graduation by taking
music outside of the school. It also
raises the standard of the teachers'
training course, by requiring actual
teaching by the students.
Tpon learning yesterday that the
state desert land board, during his ab
sence, had adopted a resolution re
questing the interior department of the
federal government to extend the con
tract of the Deschutes Laud Company
two years, Governor West, who has led
the fight agninst the company, from
his summer home at Escola, sent the
board the following telegram:
'I wish most emphatically to protest
against any extension being granted or
recommended in tho Morson case until
after a thorough discussion by a full
board. I was under the impression
that a few days' vacation by a state
official was permissnhlc and that com
mon courtesy would suggest postpone
ment of such an important matter dur
ing the absence of a member. I Insist
thnt no extension should be granted by
the board until a new contrnct or
agreement, fully protecting tho inter
ests of the state and prospective set
tlers, have been made. 1 request that
this, protest be spread upon the min
The governor and J. E. Morsop, presi
dnet of the company, which onnr rni'ted
in 1002 for 31,028.21 acres of lanl on
the Deschutes, have had trouble for
several yeirs. The governor at first
took exceptions to the way the com
pany was granting options to settlers,
declaring that the settlers were not
fully protected. Suit was instituted by
the desert lnnd bonrtl and the supreme
court hold that the company bad not
violated its contract. At tho request of
the governor an investigation was
made by tho Interior department, and
it declared that no Inw had been vio
lated. Governor Weft pointed out that
tho department could hold up the
project boeause It was planned to plK
water across government land.
Governor Is Still Holding Fort
and Insists Papers Make
No Difference.
She Is in Serious Condition, According
to Physicians Who Are Attending
Her Case.
iDHrrsn rasas uuid wias.
New York, Aug. 14. Impeachment
papers were served on Governor Sulzcr
today in the executive offices.
The executive offices were crowded
when the impeachment papers were
served on Sulzer. Senate Clerk McCabe
left immediately afterward.
After the service of the papers Gov
ernor Sulzer insisted they made no dif
ference in his status. Ho told the
United Press his only real care was re
garding his wife, who last night was
Glynn today told the United Press he
would take no action until somothing
was brought to his attention to force
it. "This is serious matter," he said,
"and it is best for the honor of the
state that no precipitate action be
taken by any one.".
Doctors Jacobi and MacDonald, who
are here in attendance on the wife of
Governor Sulzer, said today that her
condition is serious.
Will Turn Sulzed Down.
Mitchell May, secretary of state, to
day advised Glynn that when the time
is ripe he will recognize Glynn as gov
ernor anil .will refuse the soal of the
state to. Suber. Adherents of the gov
ernor say this will aid him by giving
him an opportunity to act directly in
the courts.
Adjutant Hamilton today nlso an
nounces that he recognizes Glynn as
It is rumored today, but without con
firmation, that Sulzcr contemplates re
signing, and thus forestalling impeach
ment. This his friends denied.
Idnitsd rraa umi wis I
Washington, Aug. 14. Hocretary Mc
Adoo today conferred with a delegation
nf coast bankers regarding the distribu
tion of 4 '0,000,000 crop contingency
fund. He is expected to annonnco de
tails of his plan this evening.
frminni rsaaa lsahd wiss.1
Washington, Aug. 14. The follow
ing chairmen of senate committees were
elected today: Chamberlain, military;
Meyers, public lands; Smith, Aril., Irrigation.
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 14. Clark Grif
fith, manager of the American Leagu
Washington team, within the next three
days will offor tho owner of the De
troit Tigors 1 100,000 for Ty Cobb. Grif
fith announced here this morning that
he had been authorized to make the of
fer. Griffith and Nnvin are to confer
this afternoon.
Griffith denied reports from Wash
ington that he has a certified chock
for 100,000 ready to trade for Cobb.
Ho said:
"I haven't the chock hore but I can
get it whenever Navin indicates that
ho is willing to deal."
"It's bunk," said Navin. "Tho Sen
ators will finish paying for the players
they now have and for their new park
before they make any real $104,000 of
fers. I don 't caro how good the plavor
Voice Does Not Falter at She TelU of Her Misbehavior Mist
Warrington Deniea She Wat Offered Immunity for Tet
tifying Against Diggs Moving Pictures Taken of Girlt on
Way to Court Room.
(onitid rsass uusnn wisa.l
Nannimo, B, ('., Aug. 14. Riots were
renewed at Extension this afternoon Is
the report just received here. The
town is being burned by the miners ami
175 strike-breakers are tmpped In the
tunnel of No. 3 mine. Troops are now
on their way to Extension.
t united rsKss uu'sed wmi.l
Denver, Colo., Aug. 14. By a vote
of 12, for lios Angelm to IS 7 for New
York, the California citv todav canhir-
el the next conclave of the Knights
Templar, in sension here,
William Norris wan oloetod grand in-
nlor warden at. this afternoon's ses
sion. Arthur McArthur, of Troy, N. Y.,
was elected grand master at the morn
ing session. The rest of tho officers
will be elected this afternoon.
united rtxss uued wiu.
San Francisco, Aug, 14. Affording a
striking contrast to Marsha Warring
ton, both physically and in her frank
and unabashed method of testifying.
Miss Lola Norris, remarkably attrac
tive girl of 2D, took the stand today in
the Diggs white slave trial hore, begin
ning her part of tho story upon which
the indictments against Maury I. Diggs
and F. Drew Caminetti, hor companion
in the escapade, are based.
Tho cross-examination and re-direct
interrogation of Miss Warrington had
been concludod shortly before noon.
the defonse again remorsolossly prying
into whatever salacious details had
boon overlooked hithorto.
Denies Immunity Promise.
Practically the last testimony given
by Miss Warrington was a comnlote
refutation of tho insinuations by the
(lofonse, through Nato Coghlnn that the
two girls had been persuaded to color
their testimony to fit tho government's
caso in order to secure immunity from
prosecution thcmsolvos.
In this connection former Unitod
States District Attorney John L. Mc-
xvab's name was brought Into the testi
mony, Attorney Coghlan asklnsr Misa
Warrington if it wore not true that she
had had a conforonco with McNab be
fore she went bofore the federal Brand
jury and had been advisod that "unless
sho told the truth she would'be placed
in jail ana bom as witness."
Says No Coercion.
With an emphatic "no'," the witness
denied tho Imputation of coercion on
the part of the government prosecutors.
and added in so n-.any words that "no
one in connection with the cose ever
asked me to tell anything but the truth,
and no Immunity promise has boon
held out."
f It was just previous to this that At
torney Coghlnn had announced to Judge
Van Fleet that tho opening stntoinent of
tho defonse would be based on the con
tention of the defense that the War.
rington girl had been pe.suaded to color
her testimony to savo herself from
prosecution under tho juvenilo act on a
charge of contribution to the dependen
cy of tho Diggs and Caminetti minor
She Is Unabashed.
With head erect, waving aside prof
forod support of a friendly arm and
facing the crowded courtroom with a
frank and unabashed gaze, Miss Norris
then began hor recitnl. Her voice did
not falter and sho did not hantr her
head, as Miss Warrington had dono, ev
en under the most searching questions
as to the Illicit relations of the four.
Her testimony was eipllcit and full.
and she noodod scarcely any coaching
from hpocial Prosecutor Thcodoro
Rocho, who conducted the examination
for tho govornmcnt.
Movies on Job Also,
fn addition to tho battery of cameras
directed upon her, Miss Warrington to
day had to run the gauntlet of moving
picture machines stationed in tho fed
eral building, whore tho trial is in pro
gress. When she resumed her testimony,
under cross-examiiintion, at 0 o'clock
Judge Van Fleet announced that o' ly
30 minutes more would be allowed the
defense for her examination.
"Wero you on friendly terms with
Diggs when you returned fn.in lie
not" asked Attorney Coghlnn.
"Yes'," replied Miss Warrinirton.
Miss Warrington stated that she did
not nrrnnge to see Diggs a'fter thut.
"Were you perfectly sober when you
went to Renof' asked Attorn-y oh
lan. "Yes," said the witness.
Tho court here Intermixed tho pio
cemlings to ask whether severnl young
girls back in the court room room were
accompanied by their mothers or ehnp
erones, "They can take their own responsi
blllty in remaining,'' he commented,
when Informed that rtieir mothers were
with them.
Asked if she had goon to Reno wil-
I lingly, Miss Warrington answered, qual
ifying her statement by adding "after
Tt.lt ... ... ....
i naa Doen irignteneu into it.
In Happy Trams of Mind.
" We played on the piano in the bun
galow at Reno to take no the ti
( replied the girl when Attorney Coghlan
lvugu in oiwn out wiu in a nappy
I frame of mind.
Coghlan had (;o be continually ad
monished by the court because of ob
jectioual sttttemonts commenting on tha
( evidence. Ho asserted that Miss War
rington had made three conflicting
,statomoiit in rogard to the Reno eaca-
Miss Warrington admitted that alia
had made ono of these statements to
shield Dijjgs.
Does Not Remember. ' '
Coghlan 's cross-examination wu at.
tremoly sovere. He failed, in behalf of
the defenso, to secure the transcript of
statements inado to Sacramento offi
cials on the roturn from Bono.
Miss Warrington appeared more cau
itious in hor answers to questions today
(and frequently roplicd: "I do not re
member," "Did not Diggs say to you on the
, train coming back that ho had mads
o promises or painted any bright pie-
luros: Didn't hef" quorled Coghlan.
"Yes, he said that." admitted Mi
Warrington. 1
Ivomised Liberty Herself.
Nettled by objections to his interro
gations concerning several nurnortn.1
statements by Miss Warrington, Cogh
lnn announced that the opening state
ment of the dofonso to the jury would
, 1,0 that Miss Warrington had corrobo
rated her toHtimouy in conformity with
a promise of liberty of prosecution her-solf.
I "The government prosecutors in the
district attorney's office at Sacramen
to simply told mo to toll tho truth,"
assorted Miss Warrington whon asked
(by Coghlan as to attempts to have her
ntn l.n t.i:..
-"i mvi iixibiiiiuiiy.
She Denies It.
' Hasn 't it been Intimated to you thnt
unless you testify against the dofond.
ant hore tho charge resting against you
in oncrainento would bo pressodf"
asked Coghlan, referring to purported
charges now pending against Miss War
rington for contributing to the
ency of the Diggs-Caminottl children.
llio witness answered no.
On ro diroet examination Government
Prosecutor Rocho vouturod that the ob
ject of Diggs' alleged questions to Miss
Warrington on the train returning from
Hono regarding the white slave act was
to forestall prosecution by tho govern
ment under the Mann act.
Dlggg Would Marry Her.
"Did Diggs ever make the state
moot: I would be tickled to uWh If
my wifo secured a divorce, to marry a
young lady of the high morsl character
of Miss Wnrringtou't" asked Rocho.
es, she said. She admitted here
to the Incident in Diggs' office, ac
knowlcdging her downfull there.
Eor the first time during her exam
ination the girl refused to answer h.u
cause of confessed shame, when ltocho
aiiemptcl to go into details regarding
tho affair In 1- office.
"I was rather intoxicated." shit !.
mittcd, aftor persistent nno.tini.lmr "I
was Kivcii champagne."
The Weather
Luck fishing
Tho Dickey Bird
say: Oregon, fnir
tonight and Fri
day, except show,
era tonight north
west portion, ami
warmor Friday)
westerly winds.