I DAUT CAPITAL JOTOJJAl, 8A1EM, O&EQOK, MONDAY, APOUST 11. 1913. HIS LAST LOVE BEST 11 II Pastor Russell's Sermon INFANTS SAVED i FROMTORTURE Thirty Thousand Daily Saved 1 From Damnation. LET THE GOOD WORK 60 OH. Patter RusmII Say PrnbyUrians L.ad In Thaologieal Prograaa Will Not Othar Danemlnatlona Co-oparatef What Can Ba Don Far tha Non ' Elect and Non-Regenerate Infanta of the PaetT Paetor Ruaeell Not Able to Agree, Although 8ympathetio Hi View of It ae Outlined In the Bible. London, August 8.-A Bible Stu dents Convention bit been In prog res bere several dnys In the Lon don Tabernacle. Lancaster Uate, W. I'astor Mus sel) delivered two addresses toduy. We report one of them, from the text, "Else were your children un holy, but now are they holy." 1 Co rinthians 7:14. The Pastor declared that his text which differentiated between holy and not boly Infants, was probably the ba sis for much of the confusion which has prevailed In all denominations on the subject of Infant salvation and In fant damnation. Before discussing his text, be wished to call the attention of his hearers to the fact that about two mouths ago the Presbyterian Gen eral Assembly In the United States bad taken a very advanced theological step on this subject According to telegraphic dispatches, It has altered the Presbyterlnn Confession of Faith so as to save the non-elect Infants as well us the elect ones. The thouKht that God bad arranged a (Flan by which some Infants would go Ito Heaven at death, and other Infants would go to eternal torture, bus for centuries greatly troubled the minds of all Christian people Catholic and Protestant. Some said that the elect Infants would he saved and tlio non elect Infants would be tortured. Oth ers had It that uuy Infant by 'baptism would be brought Into the Church and lie saved, while Infunts not thus bap tized or sprinkled would go to eternal torture. Others hud It thut none could be saved without regeneration, and these were perplexed to know how In fants could be said to be regenerated. Therefore how could they hope that mny Infunts would be saved? The hearts and the heads of all good people thnve suffered terribly for many centu ries because of these confused Ideas. It Is gratifying, the Pnstor declared, to see that with the Presbyterians, at least love and sympathy have triumph ed; and that far as they are con corned, thirty thousand Infants daily go to Heaven, Instead of going to Hell. Certainly this Is a missionary project of no menn proportions! At this rate they no doubt believe that Heaven will soon begin to have reasonable propor tions, as compared with Hell. We re gret that the brethren did not take any measures looking toward the relief of the non-elect Infants of tlio past who now must number thousands of mil lions. It Is worthy of consideration, anil we trust will have their intention And since the matter Is so oimlly ad justed, why would It not be the proper thing for nil Christian denominations to follow the lend and example of the Presbyterians? Wo fear that not many of the other denominations will Join the Presbyterians In their generous work of helping the Infants. They might reason that If all infants dying In Infancy are saved, it might he the sufest thing that lAireuts could do for their children to Insure their eternal solvation by killing them in Infancy. Then buby Incubators and various de vices medicines, foods, etc. Intended for the preservation of Infants' lives might come to bo considered detriment al to the eternal Interests of the chil dren! Hut how foolish nil such theories win! How beautiful by contrast is the simple teaching of the lllhlo, that the salvutlou for nil old and young, of heuthen lands as well as of Chris tian lands is through the resurrection power of Messiah's Kingdom-through its enlightening and uplifting, or res wrroctlng Influences! Why should we longer trouble with the errors of tha lark Ages wheu Cod's Message, the Bible, is now opening up for ills peo ple, shining as an electric lamp. In con trast with the talUiw cuudle darkness of the creeds? Unable to Agree, Taster Russell declared that he felt great sympsthy for the move made by the Presbyterian brethren, but, never theless, ha was unable to agree with their conclusions, believing that the P.llile teaches otherwise. Ho realised that tha Presbyterian view of Election made It dIOlcult for them to deal with the non-elect both adult and Infants. Il found the Scriptures declaring thut O'Kl la selecting, or electing, the Church from amongst tbo world. He mneeded that those not elected would he properly termed non-elect But he fouud nothing In the Bible to Indicate, that non-election to Joint heirship lit Messiah' Kingdom would mean pre destination to an eternity of torture. The Pastor realised, too, that tlx iff A ' I ; Presbyterian friends most feel consid erable embarrassment in trying to ad Just themselves to their changed creed. For if there are no non-elect Infants, then all infant are elect; and if elect when Infants, bow could their predes tination change with advancing years? His sympathetic advice to Presbyte rian brethren is, that the entire creed be recast; or, better still, that it and all other creeds be abandoned, and the Bible as a whole be accepted. Then, be argned, all Bible student could come together without prejudice for mutual assistance and untrammeled growth In grace along Bible line. While tbe Pastor mentioned Presby terians, his thought included all Chris tians. For surely many other than Presbyterians have been consigning ad It and infant to tbe number of at least 00,000 every day, or 82,000,000 every year, to eternal torture, if not because non-elect then because on regenerate, or nnbaptlzed. Surely all Intelligent people are out of accord with such a proposition. Surely all must agree that some great mistake has been made during the Dark Ages, and that under the Influence of that mistake, as expressed In our creeds, our God has been slandered. Surely today every thinking person will con cede that a human being planning such atrocities would be a thousand times more devilish than any one known in history. And surely our great God, our Creator, could not be worse than the worst and most de praved of all Ills creatures. On the contrary, God must of neces sity be the very personification of all tbe graces Justice, Wisdom, Love and Power. Evidently the God who fore knew and determined to send these 32.000.000 human beings per year to an eternity of torture would not only not be a God at all, but would be tbe most terrible devil that the human mind could concelvel Bible Students are realizing that a great mistake has occurred, and that the Bible teaches nothing of tbo kind we bad supposed. More and more, as the eyes of their understanding open to proper Interpretations of God's Word, they are appreciating the Di Tine character, and the Bible as never before. The Pastor declared that a week from now be will consider some of the Master's dark sayings, and show how they have been misinterpreted nnd misapplied. Today be must content himself with the subject in hand. He must discuss God's relationship to the heathen and to Infants. He Still Sees Difficulties. As we understand It, said the Pas tor, our Presbyterian friends have changed the statement of tbe creed, which formerly read, "Elect Infants dying In Infancy are saved" taking out the word "elect," nnd letting It rend, "Infunts dlng In Infnncy are saved." But Is this truo? Do our PreHbyterlun frlendB believe this? Cotne, let us reason together. Are not the children us well as the more matured members of Adam's, family born In sin and misshapen In iniquity? Are not all of tfiose by nature "chil dren of wrath"? Did not every mem ber of Adutn's family come under bis sentence and participate In the pen alty, or curse, of his sin "Dying, thou shalt die"? Is not this the reason that Infants die at all? Will not all coneodo that had there been no sin there would have been no death In the human family? Docs not St Paul dis tinctly state this, saying. "By one man's disobedience sin entered the world, and death as the result of sin, and thus death ptiHsed upon all men because all uro sinners"? Romans 5:12; Psalm M:5 All Condemned Need Redemption. Surely all Christian people, Presby terians especially, will agree with me that the sentence of death, passed upon Father Adam and Inherited by his race, mint needs be settled, cancelled, before any of his posterity, old or young, could bo released from the pen ulty. True, we all agree that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ Is the redemption-price and that He provided It more (ban eighteen centuries ago. But do we not also agree that Jesus' death, of Itself, saves nobody; thut His merit be comes applicable merely to us of the Church at such time as we believe In It and accept It appropriating It to our selves? Is not this the proclamation of the Gospel Age Relieve! Relieve! Do we not remember the Bible declaration thut we uro Justlllcd by ciiiA. not by being tnf tints f And do we not all agree that faith cannot be exercised except by n more or less developed mind? Hence nil should agree that the Scriptural proposition Is, that all Infants shared In Adam's sentence of death, and have provision also in tbe redemptive work of Jesus. Nev ertheless, they can bo saved only by wuilng to n knowledge of God nnd of Jesus, and by then exorcising faith and obedience to tbo extent of ability. We believe this to be nn uudnbutuhle proposition. If this be so then our Presbyterian brethren overstate the matter when they declare that all Infants dying In Infancy are saved. They might very proiHM'ly sny. All Infants dying In in fancy, und everybody else, coino under the provision of Divine grace In Christ, and must all be brought to a knowl edge of the Truth, that they may be saved; nnd then when thus brought to (now the Lord and the terms of salva tion, the results will depend upon themselves. If they accept, they mny have the everlasting life provided; if they reject, they will experience tho Second Death. What 8ay the Soripturee? We have already Intimated the teach. Ing of the Rlble. All mankind came under the Divine curse, or sentence of death not eternal torment "In do time Christ died for the ungodly"-for very one of them for all those who lived before His crucifixion, and for all born since for white and black, old and young of every nation. Because of this general redemption, coextensive with the curse, or sentence of death, there la to be a recovery from tbe curse of death. All mankind are thus to be made amenable to a release from the death penalty to have the oppor tunity of a resurrection out of sin and death conditions back to perfect life conditions. Only those who wilfully and intelligently reject this grace of God will die the 8econd Death be blotted out as though tbey bad never been perish like natural brute beasts. -2 Peter 2:12. From this standpoint we see that no body la saved yet All both infant and adults, heathen and Christians go to Sheol. Hades, tbe tomb, the state of death. All are said to sleep in Sheol, Hades, tbe tomb, until the glori ous Morning of the New Dispensation. Messiah's Kingdom of glory. Then tbe Church will constitute the First Res urrection class, to Heavenly glories and honors and Divine nature. Following this, the Church with her Lord will reign as kings and priests, for the blessing of the entire bumua family, of all nges, nationalities and colors. in other words, according to the Bi ble none buve gone to Heaven. As Jesus said, "No mun bath ascended into Heaven." iJohn 3:13.) Hence there are no infants in Heaven. All Infants who have died bave gone to the Bible bell, tbe tomb, and "know not anything." They merely await the time when the Kingdom shall be In power, and tbe awakening processes shall begin to operate; end tbey shall come forth from deutb each in his own band, or company. 1 Corinthians 10:23; John 5:28. 29. Hope For AH Children. There Is another theological theory, which has no Scriptural foundation, but which claims thut every Infant Is Immortal, and that the present life, long or short favorable or unfavora ble, constitutes the only opportunity ever to be enjoyed for reforming char acter and becoming fit for a happy eternity. Hence, according to this un scriptural theory, the children of unbe lieversconceived and born in sin and depravity us are all mankind, more or less are unprepared for an eternity of bliss, nnd consequently must spend that eternity In pain and horror. But let us rid tbe mind of this false theory, nnd go by Scripture alone. As the Word of God declares, "God only hath Immortality." Therefore no In fants are Immortal. When God said "The soul that slunetb It shall die," Ho meant It When He declured, "All the wicked will I destroy." He meant It The penalty upon Adam and his race Is death; and therefore children and all others die because of Adam's, sin. The worst that can befall the children of unbelievers would be death. What then, Is the Scriptural hope for the children of unbelievers? It Is exactly the same as for the children of saints; namely, that Christ Jesus our "Lord tnsted death for every man when no tasted death for Adam; for all are under Adam's sentence of condemna tion to deuth. One man's sin brought the death penalty upon all; therefore the one mnn's Ransom was the Ran som for all. The children of unbeliev ers were redeemed In the most abso lute Bcnse from the entire condemna tion of deuth. Indeed, none but sin ners were redeemed. "Christ died for the ungodly." All are ungodly; all are sinners. Hence, all die; and all need to be redeemed, else they would have no hope of a resurrection. In the Messianic Kingdom, the Res urrection Age. children of believers will have a little advantage over the children of unbeliever, In that they will have less depraved organisms when awakened. But under the gra'nd resurrection processes then at work, such disadvantages will soon be over come. All who are willing nnd obedi ent shall be brought to n full knowl edge of tbo Truth and full opportuni ties for complete Restitution, bnck to nil that wns lost In Adam, for him self and his posterity. In thnt day It will no more be said, "The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the chil dren's teeth arc sot on edge." "Every one shall die for his own Iniquity." "The soul that xlnneth It shall tlio." Jeremiah 31:21). 30; Ezeklel 18:2-4. How reasonable are the way of God! How plainly are they stated In the Word! Those who have the eye und the ear of fuith. who are hearken ing to the Word of the living God rather than to the dead creeds of tbe Dark Ages have a Joy nnd peace of mind which Is a source of strength, unknown to others. According to tho Divine arrange ment parents are responsible in re spect to their children. The conscien tious pnrent hns n wonderful oppor tunity to train his children In the nur ture and admonition of the Lord. Tbe Christian parent should earnestly seek for the wisdom from above, that he may be able to rightly discharge his duties under nil circumstances, even the most trying. Notice Our Text Again, The Apostle clearly distinguishes be tween the children of believers nnd the children of unbelievers. Ills argument Is that the children of unbelievers are without any relationship to ttod, aid without nny supervision from I'A.U; while the children of believers, because of purentnt relationship, are subjects of Divine supervision and care. For these na for their parents all things work to gether for good for their welfare. This Divine supervision on account of their parents will, of course, terminate when the individual child come to year of discretion and responsibility. Then they must enter Into personal re lationship with God. or, like tbe re mainder of the world, be outalde of any relationship with ntm. nntil the Day of Christ I thousand jeers long. COOL AS HEIGHT BE President's Envoy to Mexico Once At tacked General Manager of St Paul Newspaper. EESENTED BEING JIBED AS ' ' ROTTNDHEAD 1 ' BY DISPATCH Hurried From Capitol When He Quit Governorship and Slugged Black Vigorously. Former Minnesotans of Salem recall that John Lind, President Wilson's en voy to Mexico, did not always show that coolness with which he is credited by the press generally at this time. When Lind was governor he was bit terly assailed by the St. Paul Dispatch and what especially got his goat was the fact that in cartoons the Dispatch depicted him as a gentleman posessiug an absolutely round head Lind consid ered this a slam at his nationality, the evident intent of the newspaper being to deride him as a "roundhead," a term often used to start a fight. Bushes From Capitol. When Li nil's successor relieved him from the duties of office at the state capitol in St. Paul, Lind hurried at once down to the Dispntch office and slugged General Manager Black. He explained that he did not want to do it when he was governor, but as a pri vate eiti7.cn he felt at liberty to resent the style of criticism resorted to bv tEe Dispatch. Black was sitting down when Lind attacked him, and failed to defend himself. Lind left the office after the trouble, and the Dispatch got some satisfaction thnt evening in de nouncing him for "resorting to the tac tics of a low thug" in settling his grievances. The fact that Lind held off until he was out of office before attacking Black, leads to the belief that in case he feels like going to the mat with Huerta, the Mexican dictator, he will wnit until after he is relieved of .re sponsibility as representative of the T'nited States. FOR BILL CAUCUS Return From Vacatio nto Participate in Discussion of Currency Measure of President ' UNITED TI1ESS LEASED WUIE. Washington, Aug. 11, The house Democratic currency caucus began to day. The program is for the adopt ion of the Glass bill, as approved by the house committee on banking and currency. Scores of Democrats have returned from their vacations to take part in the caucus. Efforts to open the caucus to the public and members of the press par ticipated the first dispute today. The Democratic leaders opposed this plan. Just Right Shoes The new styles in English lasts are neat and com fortable. Combined with the excellent quality of our shoes, makes them es pecially desirable. PRICES $4.00 to $5.00 BLACK AND TAN OXFORDS Have been reduced to $3.15 value $4 and $4.50 Salem Woolen Mills Store OF ALL, SAYS GOODWIN Comedian Declares He Is Settled for Life Now, Although He Would Bow to Old Wives. ok mm rasa iass wis. Boston. Mass.. Aug. 1L "The pres ent Mrs. Goodwin is the right one at last," said Nat Goodwin, "love pi rate," here today when, for the 'steenth time, he took the public into his confidence on his marital ventures. "I'm settled for life now," Nat said. 'Mrs. Goodwin saved my life twice. I love her most of them all. 'Of course." he added, with fine Generosity, "if I happened to meet any of my former wives I'd bow to them. But so far as reviving old associations go, I'm through with them all for good.' ' TATI Attorney-General Crawford goes to Alarshfield Thursday to investigate the matter of tho deporting of Dr. Bailey K. Leach from that place a short time ago. Mr. Crawford will go to Draio, thence by auto to Allegheny, the head of navigation on Coos river, thence by boat to Marshfield. He makes this in vestigation at the request of the gover nor and what action will be taken in the matter, if any, will depend upon the attorney-general's report of his find ings. Marshfield people, or at least tho Marshfield paper, the Times, is very bitter against Governor West, re senting his intoreference in the matter. Venezuelan Government Claims Behels Will Be Defeated and Uprising Will Soon Be Ended. . DNITKB PBESS LEASED Willi. f'nracas, Aug. 11 Fighting contin ued today in tho state of Jachira be tween government forces and rebel troops. Although no definite word of the progress of the battlo has been received, government officinls are cer tain that the revolution will bo of short duration. President Gomez' is lending (he gov ernment forces, having arrived at Mar acay lust Friday with a federal army. Official dispatches received hero to day say that Generals Corcegas and Pustamcnto have captured General Torres Catro, a relative of former President Castro. Three Classes of Medicines, are tlio Animal, Vegetable and Mineral, of which the Vegetablo Kingdom fur nishes by far the most and the best. Over 700 varieties of roots, plants and herbs are nown by pharmacists to have medicinal vnluo and probably tho "In dian Medicine Man" knows of as many more. It was in this most interesting study, more than forty years ngo, that Lydia E. Pinkhain of Lynn, Mass., dis covered her now famous Vegetable Compound for woman's ills, which has proved of incalculable value to hun dreds of thousands of American women, Its wonderful success proves its merit, TOO SOON FOB ALIMONY. UNITED riUEBS LEASED WIBI. Portliunl, Ore., Aug. 11. Seven months' married life does not entitle a woman to alimony, unless cxtrnonlin jnry circumstances are shown, wns the ! ruling today of Judge Henry Mr (linn. ' He refused to grant Georgia Hichnrd so nnn allowance lor support during ' the pendency of her suit for divorce, i i ; Suffered Eczema 50 Years Now Well. eeins a long timo to endure the aw I ful burning, itching, smarting, skis- diseaso known as "tetter" another name for eczema. Seems good to realize, lalso, that Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint Iment hns proven a porfect cure. Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes writes: "1 cannot sufficiently express my thinks jto you for your Dr. Hobson's Eczoma Ointment. It has cured my totter, ! which has troubled me for ovor fifty i years. All druggists, or by mail, 50c. l'feiffcr Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.j Philadelphia, Pa, J. C. Terry. . j Ts it only in older people's imnginn ation that tho world is becoming in j snner year by venrf SNAP For this week only I will sell my modern 5-rooin bungalow, built two i years ago, 5 largo rooms, bath toilot, stationary wash trays, electric light, concrete foundation, woodshed, large lot, near paved street, good loca tion. Trice $1200, only tfOfl down, balAnce on easy terms. Look at this property and compare it with any j)2000 property in the city. See my sgents. BECHTEL ft BYNON, 347 State Street. ii Announcement! u I II El n We Want to Announce to th H PiiWLV flinf VVp Hava Tal-ii Exclusive Agency for the ii ii ii El If II II II 11 U II II IS II II a n FAMOUS HANAtf SHOE H The Hanan shoe is recognized over the entire j , j as being the best and most exclusive shoe made j their makers are always looking for the most sive store in each town to handle their line. Th;,j. II j the reason that THE PRICE SHOE CO. has bwn u II ' II lected to handle this well-known line. Hanan at Sot II ' II do not like to change their agents, but when an ani I I I " : II cannot "deliver the goods" and other stores rowM II II II II II II 11 II El u II II II H II 13 19 II 13 El II 13 II El U II 8 31 El II El II II II 4 a II 11 II El El II II El II II II El II II BE! such large proportions that people all over the com munity begin to remark about the leading brand tf shoes not being carried in the leading store, allhomt it is very distasteful to Mr. Hanan, he is compelled in j change his agency to keep the Hanan shoe alwavi h ' the first place in every city. You can go into a Ham store, of which there is one in each city in the U. S, and be sure you are getting the first quality of ever?- thing. This recent change is a demonstration of Ikii fact. The Small Profit and Quick Sale Store The Price Shoe Co! 326 State Street Phone 616 j Next to Ladd &1Bush Bank I THE ROYAL TAILORS, AskPrkef MBBHnsSSaSSSSEEnaBBESSBSC'' REDUCED TO QUE COUPC n Mm CAPITAL JOURNAL Show rur .im.m,M i, , .dOT(()11.i .pnsHr IrjJ sbor. Cjrtihcu .f Appr.cl.llo. ind pr...nlin. II l t" kI r " M AWMUtioa and pran(ta it t " ID. ItHHla ku. . I .ni. .!-a.rV K" j.rT' nrii i.i oppoiit. .nr r" " "reT us , tl , hlr EXPENSE tt.). " , The $1 (in ,. . " r - ' to,, . N.iv ' , r """'rations in tbe announcements ""'"r::,,- z monErn Fni th r."". winy . I Din i.m a 6 v? n 1 au'nor't from leading university, - . I Sl,ARYlu 1 LlmP Lcatl1"- flexible, stamped in gold Z- clul II ,a"d 600 ,ub'Kli beautifully illustrated by three- tZ ? Iat"' "u" lubjects by monotones, 16 K J n"lf.haKd "e 'tUnf.rd States C.n.?: S , I N O W-ONLY n M r COUPON-N0V world Prop-1 jro; i THENEW ..mtU: DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE f PRESENTEDBYTHE " is we only entirely hew compilation dj ' UNt. UrtifietU ! Areiu" -