Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Advance showing of Women' Suit in Parisian styles.
Special prices on Men' Suit. Regular $22.50 to $30.00
values now $15.00; $15.00 and $20.00 values now $10.00.
Big sale of Women's and Misses Shoes in our shoe sec
tion.' '
Women's 85c and 1$ 1.00 Underwear,
special your choice, garment
These are fine lisle woven garments in just the right
weight. Regular 85c and $1.00 qualties. Special Wednes
day only at 39c a garment.
mm mm of
Capital City Brevities
Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist, mite 415-alS-417
Masonic building.
Special prices on 'gas stoves and
range. Buren & Hamilton.
Arthur Hoffman has gone to Port
land to spend the summer.
Mrs. Dora Walker, 61 I'orOBt Grove,
was a business visitor in Salem yester
day. The son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L.
Btoovcs, Lalmn, Is visiting in Waterloo
this week.
W. T. Bucknor, wifo and daughter
leave for Newport tomorrow to be
gone two weeks.
Mrs. C. S.'ttico, on South Tliirtoouth
street, Is being visited by Mrs. M. A.
Flood of Los Angeles.
Wnll paper in a wldo variety of col
oring nnd design, Let us show you.
Buren & Hamilton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Swinnerton, of
Silverton, are visiting at the home of
Mr and Mrs. 0. F. Jones.
Miss Ethel Jones, a teacher in tho Sa
lem high school, has roturnod home af
ter an extended visit In California.
Joe Pecry and family left today for
Newport to spend a fow days' outing.
Mr. 1'eery is connected with tho Oscar
Johnson clothing store.
With the intent of catching a ton of
fish aud killing a deer or so, Charley
Klgin, the city recorder, left today for
eastern Oregou. Ho will bo gone for
Home time. .
After spending a pleasant vacation
at Wilhoit Springs, Mr. and Mrs. 'C'uroy
V. Martin and littlo ilnughtor, Frances,
have returned to their homo on South
Jilerty street.
(I. D. Horton, the engineer on tho lo
rnl riwitch engine, loft yesterday for a
trip to Chicago. Mr. Horton says ho is
Riling nn far ns his money lasts, nnd
may ha a littlo bit further.
Sturgia' Baby Carriages aro safe and
eomfortuble for the baby, and conve
nient for tho mother. They're the
only carriages fitted with the famous
limiry back, Buren & Hamilton.
"Hack to tho farm" will bo the sort
of vucntion enjoyed this summer by the
miperintviident of tho city schools, Mr.
Kuiilii nnd his wife. They will go to
their country place near Salem and
upend several weeks.
Tho purposed excursion to tho Pen
dleton Hound Cp will bo tln main topic
of discussion at a meeting scheduled to
tie hold by the Cherriau club next Wed
nesday evening In the old armory at 8
-o'clock sharp,
dr. Harry Clay and wifo have re
turned after spending an enjoynblo out
ing at Newport. Tho popular physician
reports everything shipshape at tho
summer placo aud says that ho and
Mrs. Clny had a fine time in Hie big
Only a few more of the famous Vu
dor hammocks left. Got yours now at
the clearance sale price. Buren & Ham
ilton. The time has passed when any old
eye glass or spectacle will do. Today
you want the best. See Dr. James
Smith, rooms 303-4 Masonic building,
about your eyes or glasses.
Parnh E. Kolly was committed to tho
asylum yesterday by County Judge
Bushey after an examination made by
Dr. W. H. Byrd. Mrs. Kolly has been
employed On tho LaFollotto ranch on
Howell Prnirio.
Just received, another lot of those
Ttuskin Proofs, tho host reproductions
in color obtainable of the old masters.
Bureu & Hamilton,
Accompanied by a number of friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1!. Lucas went up
the Willamette last Sunday in tho
launch "lloso," and spent the day. Tho
party, especially Mr. Lucas, just laid
around in the shado and scoffed at
tho poor cusses who woro not fortunate
enough to bo up-river where the cool
breezes blow and street car bolls aro
unheard of.
In the snnio perky manner and just
us handsome, George Gilmoro, a former
Salem newspaper man, but now a gath
erer of tho stuff Hint's necessary for
tho East Oregoninn, at Pendleton, ar
rived in the city yesterday to look over
his old territory. Mr. Gilmoro declares
the Capital City looks just the same
and everybody seems ns happy as ever.
Spend 10c and save m. We don't
need to write an essav en tl, vnl...
.vou now can got on furniture and
hnuso furnishings. See the goods, they
mil talk lor themselves, ltemember
wo move September 1st to 2)7 North
Commercial street, and thereforo de
si ro to reduce the stock as nine has
possible. Our removal prices awnit
your inspection. Snlem Furniture Co.,
Cheineketa near Commercial.
Our morning contemporary Is wrnn,
again, as usual. It snvs- "MV Sii.
ilid the work well and oeonomi.-nllv
Of course," and this while in another
column of the same issue It prints the
report of the Investigating committee,
which says Couneilmen Seigmund and
Hatch and Street Commissioner Corne
lius did the work, and that Stolj had
nothing to do with It. The thinker of
the editor needs a ehnporone.
According to August Huckestein I
Son, the popular Salem cigar manufae
turers, business is right on the jump at
tho present time. The home-made article
delight to the users of the weed is
in great demand an.IJho makers are
hustling every minuto turning out
smokes for their many patrons. The
factory has now a largo stock of the
choicest tobaccos on hand and the We
of capable workmen are putting up the
goods in first class stvle and i !,....
t 1r, Vonictuy, the well known Salem
pnyHi. ian, has returned from an extend
ed trip In New York, Dr. Pomerov took I,,,'nrPntion filed yesterday with
a special course of study while in tho L ,i,,5 follow' Provident Trust
cant and she returns to' this city with mlmn' rorllandj Sand Gulch Mining
many new and Important addition to I r""lm,l-v' Antone; Co operative Drain-
ner former well supplied knowledge as" ., ' 'V"1: "'eat Southern
Vacancy In State's National Guard of
One Company and Another One
Here Will Fill It.
If the plans that were made last
night by the members of the local Span
ish War Veterans materialize, Salem
will soon be the proud possessor of an
other company of national guardsmen.
At a meeting held by the veterans in
the armory, the movement to add an
other company to Comany M, O. N. G.,
was endorsed and immediate steps will
be taken to organize the necessary seventy-five
men to make up the new as
With another company of militiamen,
the Capital City will be the second dis
trict in the state in military service. At
the present time there is a vacancy in
the state's national guard of one com
pany, and this vacancy, it is hoped,
will be filled by Salem men. There are
quarters already prepared in the new
armory here for another company and
all that remains to be done to perfect
such an organization, is to advise Uncle
Samuel and receive the equipment
Veterans Do Much.
The Spanish War Veterans in Salem
are doing much, not only toward the
development of their own organization,
but lending unstinted aid in upbuilding
the Oregou National Guard in every
particular. It iB likely that the mem
bers of the local veteran organization
will lead in forming another company
and at the meeting held last night, each
individual vot gave assurance that he
would do all within his power to make
the proposition a success.
Col. C. H. Martin,, of Portland, will
be in the city shortly and at that time
the matter of forming a new company
will be definitely settled.
Another fine thing that has been
done for Salem by the veterans is that
at the encampment held in Eugene by
the S. W. V., of the stato, local repre
sentatives succeeded in gotting the next
encampment for this city. It was de
cided at the uoxt assembly of tho state
representatives of the organization will
bo held iu Salom during the Cherrv
tair of next year, tho dato of tho en
campment being unknown until the
Cherry Fair committee names snmn. -
Kellogg, Idaho, Aug. 5. Their bod
ies literally blown to bits, Romeo Al
hinola ami C. P. Martin, employed at
the Nabob mine, aro today dead as the
result of an explosion of dynamite in
tho mine shaft. The men, who were
lighting fuses, remained in the shaft
too long, despite the warnings of their
companions, who escaped injury. Five
men have been killed in mines in this
section in the past week.
i unit pubis imstn wiss.l
Washington, Aug. 5. An attempt to
force President Wilson's hand in deal
ing with tho Mexican situation came in
tho house today when Congressman Ste
phens of Texas introduced a resolution
proposing a repeal of the neutrality
laws in order that the Mexican rebels
may procure arms. He denounced Huer
ta as an usurper.
An Added
Advantage of
Toric Lenses
Is the added comfort they will
give your eyes
Are made in our store. Broken
lenses duplicated on short no
tice. Our prices you will find
Chas. H. Hinges
Next Door to U. 8. National
Bank Building.
123 North Comemrcial Street.
a physician.
The I lie rr i an members arc making ex
tensive plans for tho big excursion and
nailroad Ctiiiiiintiv ti... n..n . .. . .
- " '-nues; Andrew
bahn Asiatic Importing Company
1 "rtlandj Molalla Irrigating Company-
M ii.. iii . .... '
It I. hr,,Hl l,v tl, , .1... ... ...... .,. " ' "im.nng
.. . ... , v .-.,, !... lUon, mrtlnnd: Fa
jho win join in niaKing the novel outing , Agency, IVndlet
. .urrs.. ,0 ciuo will select the , Telephone Conman
evernl other Important matter, will he Ma,.,fa.rtri' ' Z . .. .
tion' I , 0rnjB
on; Firwood Dm
Sandv, Boone-
brought up at a meeting to be hold to
morrow at 8 p. m. In tho old armory
for consideration.
ranv. No,nr... t.i-.. r,
' " -oi onipanv,
Talent; Gre, Mountain Copper Com
pany, Glendale.
Ammunition, ruhlaj tackle. Eta.
Nona Commercial Street Thaa, MJ.
The largest assortment of room-size
rugs ever shown iu Salem is now on
'lisplny in our carpet department.
Buren 4 Hamilton.
"Steve" Sone, one of tho finest men
thut ever pushed a pencil or rend a
proof, nnd who'was formerly a member
f the (npitul Journal staff, is now
chasing tho elusive news for a Eugone
paper. The Journal force wishes Steve
success and ninny scoops, ami ho is sure
to get 'em, ns he is a live wire.
frszule Yoknlis today filed a com
plaint iu tho circuit court against tho
Silverton Lumber Company to recover
25,000 damages, alleged to bo due on
the grounds her husband, William Yok
ulis, wns killed as the result of care
lessness on the part of the defend
ant. Daniel Cupid wns a very busy man
today, he having brought together tho
following matrimonially inclined me
sons who were issued marriage licenses
by County Clerk Gehlhar: Frank W I
Q... lit. .. . i a- ' -
-.".n, uge.i and Asenath Blodgett,
K"i no! n or isalem; Claude Tucker,
aged ill, of Seattle, and Florence Tbil'
bps, aged 21. of Snlem; Ralph A. Van
leave, aged 2:1, and Alma Cordis. n..i
If, both of Salem, and Joe E. H...
ged 2. and Luella Schroder, aged Id'
both of Melinma.
The foxy deer nnd the peevish wiu.
eat will have to look ., .1., .i.
next few weeks. The reason n r...
being th.1t Emrv .in,,,. i . .
, - - - " "u ' conceit-
ed to be one of the best hunters in the
valley, will sally forth thi, evening and
look for suitable camping ,,, ,
mountains southeast of th
several miles. Mr. Ja
harles Elirio. Larry
Scheduled to Tell Head of Mexican
Government He Will Not Be Rec
ognized by Wilson.
Washington, Aug. 5. Envoy Liud to
day is en route to Mexico. His instruc
tions are elastic and he carries what
practically are pleuary powers to act
for the president and the United States.
Bofore he started on his trip Lind
and the president, with Secretary Bry
an, held a lengthy conference in which
every possible contingency was consid
ered. Lind's first task will be to com
municate with influential Mexicans who
have indirectly advised President Wil
son that they aro working for a recon
ciliation of the Mexican factions.
To these men Lind will make it clear
that recognition of Huerta by the Uni
ted States is impossible. This is the
first step of the administration's pol
icy. Tho following steps will not be
made public until Lind's reports. The
president expresses the greatest hope
fulness that Lind's mission will succeed.
Walter Guyer, of Salem, and Miss
Esther Wtlen, of Springbrook, Ore.,
were united in marriage Sunday at 2
o'clock nenr Newberg, Ore. Rev. A. J.
Femborton read the marriage service.
(From The Family Physician.)
It would be much better for the
skin If little cream powder or rouge
were used luring the heated term.
Mixed with perspiration, dust and
grime, these things are anything but
beautifying. Ordinary mereolized wax
will do more for the complexion, and
without giving an oily, shiny, streaked.
spotted or pasty appearance. It is the
ideal application for the season, as it
not only keeps the pores elaen, but
daily removes particles of scarf skin
which have been soiled by dirt or
wentner. liy constantly keeping the
complexion clear, white and satiny, it
does more toward perpetuating a
youthful countenance than any of the
arts or artifices commonly employed.
One ounce of mereolized wax, obtain
able at any drug store, will completely
renovate the worst complexion. It is
applied at night like cold erenm and
washed off in the morning.
To keep the skin from sagging or
wrinkling, or to overcome such condi
tions, there's nothing better thnn a
face bath made by dissolving 1 ounce
of powdered saxolite in 'i pints witch
San Francisco, Aug. 5. "B. E.
Donaldson," "B. E. Donaldson,"
rang through the courtroom of
United States Judge Van Fleet
here today when the talesmen were
being called for the white slavery
trial of Maury I. Diggs. But B. E.
Donaldson came not, and United
States Commissioner Krull grew
peevish. Finally a deputy United
States marshal announced that the
summons addressed to "B. E. Don-
aldson, Esquire," has been return-
ed with the pencilled notation:
"Am not an esquire; am a Mrs."
When the court room crowd's guf-
faws had subsided, Judge Van
Fleet remarked with a smile:
"Women jurors are not accepted
in this court," and B. E. Donald-
son's name was stricken from the
I ONiTrb raisa uusu wiaa.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 5. Lieutenaat
Polikarpoff and his mechanician were
instantly killed today while aeroplaniug
at Krasnaye Selo Camp. The aeroplane
turned turtle when one of its wings
Notice of Improvement of Mill Street.
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, deems it expedient and hereby de
clares its intention to forthwith im
prove Mill street from a point 213.5
feet west of the west line of High street
to the west line of Fourteenth street
with bituminous concrete No. 2, at the
expense of the abutting and adjacent
property within the said limits, in ac
cordance with tho plans and specifica
tions for said street improvement as
heretofore adopted by the common
council of said city aud on file in the
office of the city recorder, which are
hereby referred to for a detailed de
scription of said improvement and made
a part of this notice by such reference.
ntten remonstrance against the
said proposed improvement may be
made at any time within ten (10) days
from the final publication of this no
tice in the manner provided by the city
imrter. This notice is published for
ten (ID) days by order of the common
council, the date of tho first publica
tion being the flth day ef Auguit, 1013.
'A!5. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Children Cry
ruK miuHEK's
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Salem,
Oregon, invites sealed biiU for the mak
ing of an improvement of the alley in
block 70, in the City of SaJem, Oregon,
from the north line of Court street to
the south lino of Chemeketa street with
0-inch gravel cement concrete, 6-inch
crushed rock cement concrete or bi
tuminous Concrete Pavement No. 2,
consisting of 4-inch rement concrete
base and lVj-ineh bituminous concrete
wearing surface, in accordance with
the plans, specifications and estimates
on file in the office of the City Re
corder of said city, which are hereby
referred to and made a part of this notice.
Said bids will 'be opened on or after
the 4th day of August, 1913, at or about
8 o'clock p.m., in open council meeting in
tho city hall, in Salem, Oregon. Each bid
submitted must bo accompanied by a
certified cheek equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid. The
city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. This notice is published
for five successive days in a daily
newspaper published in the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, the date of first publica
tion being July 29, 1913.
m AS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals for furnishing of la
bor and material required for the com
pletion of a brick and concrete boiler
house to be erected at the Oregon State
Blind School will be opened by tho
Oregon State Board of Control at 2 p.
m., Monday, August 11, 1913.
Plans, specifications, proposal form
and notice to bidders may be obtained
at the office of W. C. Knighton, archi
tect, Capitol building.
Secretary Oregon State Board of
TWO CENTS a word for each
FOR SALE 7-roomed modern house,
2 blocks from car, on paved street.
Will take vacant lot as part payment
See owner, 1950 South High, or ad
dress E. K. Spyked, route 4, boz 4,
WANTED To borrow $2000 on first-
class real estate. Will pay 8 per
cent annually or semi-annually. W.
A. Liston, 484 Court street. Phone
Main 1321.
in good repair, 225 North 20th street.
Phone Main 249S. J.
FOR RENT Meat market, 1215 South
Commercial Call evenings. H.
LOST Agate watch charm,
please phone Main 911.
ano, for city or country property. In
quire "B.," Journal office.
FRED, FRED, FRED. Try no grease,
in front of the Madison.
LARGEST LIST of properties for ex
change. See Bechtel & Bynon.
FAILED After others have failed to
sell your property, try Bechtel k By
fire insurance. Insure with Bechtel
& Bynon.
WANTED Experienced girl for gener
al housework. Call mornings. Main
254, 378 Bollovue.
$0.50 WILL BUY a choice 5-acre tract
oa easy terms. Bechtel & Bynon.
FOR RENT At Newport, cottages and
tent houses, all modern. W rite J. C.
McElroy, Newport, Ore.
BECHTEL & BYNON only advertise
$3UO win Duy a iu-acro prune
rancn, tna tis $500 will make the
first payment, and the crops will
take car cof the balance, if you will
take care of the crops. See Clyde
Rice, with L. S. Barnes Se Co., 315
310 Masonic Temple.
HOUSES FOR. RENT in all parts of
the city by Bechtel & Bynon.
FOR SALE Olo good Singer top bug
gy. Will carry two machines. 640
State street.
modem 7-room house, fine location.
Seo Bechtel & Bvnon.
WE HAVE a few sood drnn.hn,t
ing machines, with all the attach
ments, at $12.50 each. 640 8m
DO YOU WISH to place your money
on good real estate security f .See
Bechtel & Bynon.
.nwnuii TO CONw,.-
Sealed proposals fM tll.
of labor and material, J H
full completion, with t0
ready roofing, of a f'
Exhibits building to bT r
Oregon State Fair pmH
of the city of sJ'Ji
opened by the Board of V i
roctora at 2 p. m WJtH
s,"1 "';
Plans and specific.ii... . i
tained at the office of W nH
architect, State Capitol, 'A
Contractor. :n . ' 5
llt ug j
deposit $15 for each ,et JJ
guarantee that the plan,
tions received by him win K.
to the office in good co'.
before the date set for ft,'"
the bids. On the return of
certified check for eight L. I
lar. ($800.00) must
Frank Meredith, wcrst,,,
State Fair Director,, to nimt
tne bidder will enteracontrw?
ecute the required bond; n !
be forfeited to the State 'of ow
award of contract i, m,
an dhe or they fail to enter H , "'
tract and furnish the n.J
within ten days from date of i
.4..A T ... "
on form furnished by the ,liy ,;
The right is reserved to a , jff '
ject any or all bids, or to waiv,t. v
formalities in bids. i
Secretary Board of State Fji,t.l
AM "1 '
Wars may cease, but suton f
aeroplanes will increase. I
Children Or?
HTiitttut m
MONDS brings color tj f
cheeks. Only at Schaefn'iDr
Store. I
To Purchaser
For farms or city proper!;
Dr. W. A. Cusick, owner, pf
Fry's dm?? store.
inn 1,1.1,11111 mmqmmmnmm
South Salem Eci i
Tray and berry boxes. Fruit bew
all kinds. Porch and lam iriy'
screens. First-class cabinet ttit i
Phone 308 2)7 En
On farm anrl nlir nrmwiift Ui:
ocotx, over Chicago Btor,amt
egom. FDr.ce i&bl.
1 1
mes will join
M ili-i,l, ,. t
t. . . I ".' I "vr
e-rge ami others, and then the
"laughter will begin. The artillery tak
en along by the hunter, would "make
he Sandy Hook testing grlln,, ooV
while the men who will manipul,,, the
death deabng WPaon, gn,
mild manured, and not subject to
burst, of ag,.r, th ,WUp(l(J thij
morning that they would bio wthe .y.
erlaatmg daylight, out of the first bear
or mountain Uon they meet.
Every New Improvment
In eyeglasses or spectacles is shown at
this establishment.
Eye examination by a Registered Opto
metrist, Invisible Bifocal, Toric and
Flat Surface Lenses and PERFECT
FITTING LENSES are feature, shown
here. Lot me prepare your glasses.
a. Mcculloch
til N. Commerdal 8t. phoa,
$100 to $1
That you can't beat our bargains.
IS acres in Polk county, two miles west,
well improved, $4000; 14 acres oa car
Hue ideal suburban homo, $10,000; 1
acre in berries, new home on car Hue
K1MJ0; 7 acres in berries, 2 miles out,
nouse and barn, $3000; 30 acres, 10
acres in crop, balance timber, 4-rooni
nouse, good barn, 7m iles out iSMiin.
2" "T" P0lk C"lnty' We" imProv
ed, $22,000; 1 to 5 acres on installments
several new homes in Salem on install
ments; 500 acres well improved, $00
per acre; several 5 and 10 acre tracts
wen improved.
We have a cigar stand, pool hall
rooming house, hotel, restaurant, gro
cery store, candy store and other busi
ness chances.
. " ai'r08 "'""e in, well improved, $0,
500. Several prune ranches and berrv
tracts at the right price. 10 acre
bearing Italian prunes, $2730.
We rent Houses an1
Furnished Rooms. We
selllnsuranceofall kinds
List your bargains with us
wA.Mtu-lhe man who is looking
lur a rarm, to go out in one of our
autos to see Howell Prairie, the
cream of all Oregon land; $100 per
acre ami up; terms. Bechtel 4 By-
uuu, soie agents.
Dr. J. C. Yuen
Success to Dr. Kum, the Greatest
nero specialist.
Care Bow Wo it Herb Co.
187 South High Street
Patients Speak for Themselves.
prompt and
Acme Investment Co.
A. a COOK, Manager.
Phone,: Office, Main 477; re.id.nc
Msia 8487.
Oppo.it. Court IW 840 But. 8,
Employment Bureaa in Con.
Shellburn, Ore., April 19, 1913.
Dr. J. C. Yuen, Salem, Ore.:
Bear Sir: I wish to offer you .
testimonial in regard to vnn,
I had tho advice of u
Phsicians, and they told me lht T
appendicitis, and would have to be
operated on before could Bet well
ter about three month,' treat,,,', i
" ""."'u Ioe"" ""iS snd healthy.
- to uo an ,n my power to cir-
the knowledge of your wonder-
,"'""cine. Respectfully,
Shollburn, Oregon.
Salem, July 5, 1913.
trubl .d. tumor for some time, and
ifter three weeks' treatment with Dr.
J. C Yuen I can say I am
ureiL sad smc. then h.v, 0
PJ,.nd would recommend hi.
treatmeat to .11 w
Blckresll, Or..
mo noon item estate wow -
TH08. K. F0BD t
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. W ',.
Money to Lou. 1
Phone 8424. 206-207 HnbbtrJ fc .
Om rood BesJ EiUU sen
bkchtiii t tna
147 Stat Bkl j
Prompt delivery. Bell "I"4 ',
the Famous Bock Spring) Coal
n tt . . . f I
ix. vvrjf successor w -Phone
810. Yard. oppoiiU 1
senger depot. '
l say Quantity. Prompt - ,
our specialty, rails CltJ
Company. I7 North Co
strt Phons Main 8U J
JlDiX'vaci I irmnBV i'P u ,
No machlserr to Kr " ,
out delicate fabrics. Wort
for snd dellrersd prompt ff
445 Ferry rtreet. PhonsM,,
; Cherry City j
Ice Creai
- We make a Spedalty
Dinner and Lodge ,
r.t 1
t Buy it. - j
I EM Chem.ket Strs ;,
Phone 24S3 I