Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 04, 1913, Image 1

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    yi the News that's Fit to Print Everybpdy Reads the Daily Capital Journal
- A
HMM !!
TBEBEtf j.f L. 41 ifM 1 fl If? fl I
iiNapp-Mffl- t
--7-77;-- . ' TWO CENTS. W'MXZl 1
r 11? I 11 nil rour itiousand unDDOImoi
111 OUT
jinouced That Ambassador
Hal Resigned and Resig
nation Accepted.
'eiident Wilson Says Media
tion It First Flan to Be
Tried Out.
By John E. Nevin.
jaff Correspondent of the United
'ashingtor, Aug. 4. Secretary of
lie Bryan announced this afternoon
ho had accepted the resignation of
iryLane Wilson, United States Am-
&inr 10 Mexico.
3 (tatenieut was issued as to the
ft cause of Ambassador Wilson's
ilical dismissal but there is no doubt
Vai due to his almost antipathy to
government's course in Mexico, to
jfloie relations; with Huorta and to
jkand lie ,1a believed to havif played
ht tho (lavs when. tli fnrc nf
Jt'a mrjiiaz assassinated' President,
Announcement Made.
ie following announcement regard
Wilson's resignation was issued
I tllA Rl n ann.n.An.
Wmbajsador Wilson's resignation.
wome effective October 14, has
xceptod. Tho part he felt it his
to take in the earlier stages of the
!ution made it difficult for him to.
ent the views of the present ad-
oration, m view of the situation
''on refused to discuss his rosigna
t length.
still am nn cmiilovo of tho tnt
Lrtment," he said." "I have no
Bl"it to mnlie and have nnt. mn,l
i uon t wish to criticise my
f Today is tho fourth time I have
tN my resignation. I have no
y'.iM to ninlto recarilinir tlm
in Mexico."
Wilson's Statement.
rr mbasasdor Wilson said:
have no informatinn rmimiin.
President "a proposed plant for a
11111 of the sitnntinn nr.-:
V "n "ire that he and Secretary'
re actuated by the best anTl
P'lriotic motives, and have in
""I? what they deem best for
anihnufi.lA- t !.... ...
i lusisica mat his roe-
fulationa rem-cent h- ..: .i
ft Of both the Americ.n .!
f Population of Mexico and the
f diplomatic corps there. He said
fW the president's plan would be
"eeident's Attitude. I
.J '-t-n-ention in Mexico impends, !
,r" 'lon j, prepared today to
"public into his confidence. Af-
i . 1 mhmi inferred with Seer".
Four Thousand
Fishermen Strike
Announcement of Eeduction in Price of
Product Brings Action on Fra
ser Elver.
UNITED PRESS UUSrr. or,.. 1 ' State Ad iutatlt.Con.f .1 r...k.
r w . " J - -v.. vug,
New Westminster, B. C Auir 4' a . .
Four thousand Fraser river fishermen I Me" Wh,e CUh Caued
are on strike, and there 1A not. ft naf in ! FViii It a. iL.
the river from Mission Bridge to the I
uu neaas or in the gulf. Saturday .
canneries announced a reduction in the JOHNSON IS EMPHATfP
price of fish to be paid to the fisher-1 lV
Unable to Locate
Missing Prince
Search. Continued and He Is Believed to
Be in or Near San Francisco
With His Bride.
men irom !!5 cents to 15 cents. Yes
terday the fishermen at Steveston held
a meeting and decided not to fish at
the reduced price, and when tho mm
announcing the end of the closed
son was fired at 6 o'clock last even
ing not a boat put out. The strike oc
curs just as the biir run struct, th
river, the few fishermen who had not
Says He Will Call Out Every Soldier
in California to Protect Banchers
and Property.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 4. Under or
ders from the United States district at
torney's office here, search was con
tinued today for Prince Stanislaus Sul
kowski and his bride, who was Miss
Marie Louise Freese, of Los Angeles.
Frau Clara Melcher, whose presence
in Los Angeles and 'allegations and
friendship of the pried were the cause
of the search, hag recovered from the
hysteria that followed his marriage to
Miss Freese, and is being cared for at
a hotel.
Attaches of the federal district attor
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug, 4. "If nec
heard of the .triu. ' be 7 wZV, ' I ."' 8 re' today that
makin, one drift w .1 Z ranch" , ZZ. .. I .- qtlon the prince re-
fi.l, 7,i.'n i '"K - i".. wuu t garding the woman 's stories. They ad-
!h fn ,lr lT- eXpeCted that ' I I"' n,,3enSe' End '"Itted that no actual clue of his where-
the canners will be able to operate for 't be any more foolery." about is ia their . .
a xew nays with fish from the Sooke " was the comment of Governor! he is with his bride in or near San
..-r, xlum ull. jrap, on u, mi. ... uonnson nere today regard- Francisco.
Ameriefin a!(lA t iu. i .. . inn lU .0 1
wl- n'o wuere it 18 t " v" wj. nop picKers 01 xuua
county, whose clash last evenincr with
the authorities resulted in the death of
four men and the wounding of many
The governor said that Adjutant
General Forbes is in complete com
mand of the situation, and that mes
sages today from the scene of the
trouble had assured him that the situ
ation is much improved.
Seeking Site for
Big Military Post
President Strahorn Believes
Employes Voted Without
Knowing Issue.
Secretary Garrison and His Party Look
Over Several Points Within. Few
Miles of Tacoma.
Public Greatest Loser in Case Strike Is
Declared on What He Calls
Trivial Pretext.
expected fish may be purchased rl nrintr
the height of the run.'
Max Cohen Is Bitterly Scored by Judge
for Getting Witness to testify
Falsely In Case.
Some Arrests Made.
Wheatland, Cal., Aug. 4. Adjutant
General Forbes, in charge of the state
troops on riot duty here, this afternoon
tuxiTEO phess lbased wias.l , threw a picket line two miles long
Portland, Or., Aug. 4.-After excori- around the Dust ranch hop fields,
atjng hia.,for having induced Esther where the fatal riot occurred in which
Wood to testify falsely in a white slav- four men were killed yesterday after
ery case, and declarin? that his action
, - w " o uniu t,u K 1 U3B I II IB
in doinir so was almost unbelievable.
Federal Judge B. S. Beau, in the United Tm10diatelv a search nf W ;i,.
Mates district court today sentenced ers' quarters was iustituted by Chief of
Max Cohen, a well known attorney, to
two years imprisonment on McNeil's
r'At the beginning of the trial and
until the evidouce was most uumistakn
Wo that the charges were truo, I could
not make myself believe that an attor
ney practicing before this court could
Police McCoy of Marysville and three
police officers.
As a result of these precautionary
measures, William Beck, who it is al
leged is an agitator, was arrested on
information furnished by eye-witnesses
to the fray, who it is said, told the of
ficers that Beck was seeu in possession
t ""'an . .
'"""ation circle, that the chief
;e "nsiders intervention in
0 t only iw i t 1
4.,, . 'iu..uuic, 1)111
M r remotely possible.
LTV" 8V"-V a,'ro,lut reaching
I 'M-, the Mexican situation
, K, and the president thinks the
1 rr,ve,l when he can tell some
, - . , in-eiB mub aw.. wu seeu in possession
be guilty of such practices," said Judge of an automatic revolver immediately
llontl 111 nng.lllif aAtitawinn IIT)... T ......
nean 111 passing sentence. "But I am
convinced that this man induced a poor,
abandoned outcast to testify falsely in
the hope of saving a wretch who had
profited by the commerce of her body
and for whom she appeared to have
Cohen was allowed thirty days in
which to filo proceeding for a new trial.
following the riot
Whothor it is significant that District
Attorney Manwcll was killed by a bul
let from an automatic revolver was not
declared here today. Beck was locked
up in the Wheatland city jail on suspicion.
Tacoma, Wash.. Au. 4. On an nt.
ficial tour of the American Lake dis
trict and other possible site for a mil
itia brigade post, Secretary of War
landloy M. Garrison and party of army
officers left the city at 9 o'clock thin
morning on an automobile trip to sev-
jeral points which is expected to con
sume the greater part of the daw.
The tour will include the Nisqually
reservation, old Fort Steilacoom and
American Lake manouver crrounds. Ta
coma Is the only city not having an
army postthat Is included In the itin
erary of the war secretary, and his
With several important matters to
come up, there may be an interesting
session of the city council tonight. The
police matron, mad don and other or-1
dinances of more or less importance
are scheduled for action. The com
mittee investigating the improvement
of Mission and Waller streets and oth
er matters will roport, it is expected.
The committee is composed of JJrown.
Constable and Skaifo, of the city coun
cil, and Messrs. Slater, Boise and
There is still an apoloizv due Kin-
don before he will participate in tho
A committee was name dearly last
week to take action in this matter.
A report is also expected from tho
committee which has been investigat
ing the Church street paving matter.
It was claimed (hat the paying is prac
tically worthless, although only put
Mayor Steeves, "stabbed in the
Portland, Ore., Aug; 4. "I cannot
believe that the local trainment of the ( purpose in coming here is to decide
Southern Pacific who voted for the wnytttei' or not a post ehall be located
strike and who are now subject to ar- lnear thi' tH'
bitration before the National Board of I "If0""9 .b'e' wi" b Vei
Mediation and Conciliation fully .I'tt"" Cmmerc.a Cdub room, this ev-
, ... ,, . iening, alter wnich Secretary Garrison
derstopd the issue," says President I ,A . . . . f
Robert E. Strahl nkv Th ! ,WlVe 8team f'
have certainly been wronir in assuming
that any reduction of wages or changes
in hours or other working conditions
from present steam line arrangements
are contemplated. A reference to the
letters of both sides to the dispute,
n.jw being so generally published, set
tles this matter absolutely.
"Also I cannot see how any honest
friend of labor would knowinelv haz
ard such a calamity as a strike, with
all its attendant ruin, in view of the
vast additional labor demands which
will arise from the completion of the
Portland, Eugene & Eastern electric
system, if this is not discouraged by
some such catastrophe. Few stop to
considor that whon in full operation
our system, as now designed, will em
ploy eight or ten times the number of
trainmen now at work on the steam
lines we aro olectrifying.
Only Abut 50 Employed.
"It actually requires only 12 train
crews, or a total of about 50 men to
operate the 159 miles of steam railroad
the Willamette valley which we are
now taking over from tho Souehern
now taking over from the Southern
band, tho operation of tho much moro
numerous electric trains ovor these S.
P. lines, which the Portland, Eugene &
Eastern will take over, and including
(Continued on page four.)
Boys Shoot at Each Other
in Play and One is Dead
onitso pbess leased wiRE. ( far away either could get and still hear
Centralia, Wash,, Aug. 4. Two vio-1 tho sound of the shot. A bullet struck
lent deaths, one an accidental shoot-1 the Knapp boy in the neck and killed
ing, the other a suicide, and the discov- him.
ery of a second suicide, transformed I Adolph Mauermann, a pioneer of
the Sabbath quiet of Lincoln Creek, a
village eight miles west of this city,
into a day of excitement.
Al. Knapp, aged 19, was shot an in
stantly killed while playing with
Joseph Malnerlch. The boys were on
a hunting trip, and it is said began
shooting towards each other to w ho-v
Lincoln Creek, ended his life by shoot
ing himself and then leaping into the
river. He had become despondent over
financial affairs.
John Baker, aged 50, despondent af
ter being arrested for intoxiention
leaped from the Chehalis river bridge
find drowned.
, ,, . , . 1 t.it"rn win ihkb over, ana including
at the same time as Rigdon, ;ti. mi -i. ,. ... .
. '!the 191 miles of now lines which this
will preside at the session tonight.
Los Aneoles. Cal.. Ann. 4. In snito
of the fact that the representatives of
the Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
have been in conference here steadily
since their arrival here Saturday, no
final conclusion has been reached as to,
the waire controversy between the
Southern Pacific trainmen and conductors.
The Weather
The Dickey Bird
1 says: Oregon, fair
tonight and Tues
day, northwester
ly winds.
restore peace. His en-
" considered and provided
0 "Prehesslv, w,tion o( me.
further fi... i....
"lien i '"" ,l,e revolutions
... ' n'1' Possibly .I a final
llvi of Prohibition against
f tk. """" ,l18 eonstitutional
? las nnnl.
, the iirei,l..,. i
in, a . ..I''li'nt Is prepared to
Hi- " not Indicated be
V ,0 ! the issuance of
hTl "t ri.e to
V'f U'nt talked to the
' Torrea-...! . .. .
-"uuctiw tmg morning
..1 ., " '"
fc, '""'iffn com.
eoJ. lrm WW of the
-"'" and Flood of the
company is constructing will make
places in the Willamotet valley for
over 400 men in similnr employment,
and at the same wnfres the 50 now en
joy. Surely tho few men now at work.
as well as the general public, should
strive to encourage such extensive in
crease of payrolls of skilled labor.
(Continued on Page Five.)
President Thinks There Is Nothing
Warkllke In Improvement of Naval
Base at Bermuda.
':' .. rf.-H.
Washington, Aug. 4. There . is i
excitement evident in administration
circles here today over Groat Britain's
intontion to improve its naval base at
Bermuda. In talking to newspapor
correspondents the president indicated
ho did not believe there is any chance
of connecting the improvements with
any violation of the Monroe doctrine
or that it would in any way affect the
Panama canal,
At the executive offices the roport
that the prosidont has closed the doors
of the White House to those Demo
crats who oppose the currency bill was
declared baseloss, as is also a roport
that president will take the stump for
tho measure. Ho'oxpoets quick action
on both the tariff and currency bills
in both houses of congress.
The White nouse also acepts the ex
planation that Great Britain and Ger
many will not participate in the San
I'rnnciseo exposition from motives of
economy. The administration, how-
over, will urge reconsideration upon
both countries.
Governor Scared Away
by his Mexican Enemies
Ran Diego, Cal., Aug. 4. M. Gomer.,
governor of Lower California tinder the
Ifuerta administration, is speeding to
day toward his capital, Ensenada, ap
parently a very much seared official.
Uomez arrived here last nieht. after
having accompanied Felix Diaz north.
After his experience with anirrv
crowds of Moxicans in Los Angeles he
liccame very nervous. Tie wns to have
hold a conference with Chief of Police
Wilson at 10 o'clock, to arrange for
police protection in this city, being
nervous over reports that his foes were
seeking him here.
However, he rushed from the city
without even stopping for breakfast
and sped in a large automobile for the
south. It was announced that he go
ing straight to Ensenada without wait
Tug for the boat.
Portland, Or., Aug. 4. The Portland
fire department band, the ouly one of
its kind in tho United States, will leave
T..ln.wl Anmtiif .1 fnr New Ynrk to ,
attend the International Convention of
Fire Chiefs. Eu route concerts will be '
given in Tacoma, Washington, and Mis
soula, Montana, for tho benefit of the
relief funds of the firemen of those)
cities. I
Country Club Needed Here and
it is Believed Can be Secured
house have been in close tonYh with the u wno live nere snow, is one or lire
president m0l,t Bll'"tnntiol, prosperous and beau-
The plan to hear the constitutional- mm " i" jmumu uii.nu.TiT m
ists' side of the Mexican trouble, es-the United States. We now have the
penally a proposed audience for Colonel aiem i ommerciai iiiid, wnicn, un.ier
Hav head of the rebel junta, was ie- me prcw-ui niuitKrnirui, win u wmhh
elded upon only after Senator Bason do splendid work. W e have that excel-
had asked the president 's advice. lent ooomer orgiuiiamon, wie ..nor
t virile., .mt rWretrv Brr- rians. Why not now have a Country
rrmiuniv i.ii-wu p....
ference formal- nil), wnere inn people oi muem can
Editor Journal: Salem, as those of i idea to circulate at least soma nf m.r
vocation money at hornet There are
many beautiful sites around Halem
where land can 'be purchased at a rea
sonable price and a club house with'a
dancing floor, dining room, sleeping
apartments, and in fact every comfort
and modern convenience, erected at
an at this morning s conference iorTnai- ui", ' n(M ....n ....
ly approved the presidential Mexican go and enjoy s day's outing, or several
peace plan, which probably will be out- days' outing or a month's outing, with
lined some time this afternoon. They out having to go to the expeose,
also discussed the status of Ambassador trouble ana annoyance or navmg 10
Henry Lane Wilson, who waited in tat travel tbe distance now necessary!
outer office. 1 Then, again, wouldn't it be
proer organization, the right club
steward and competent help, a high
class, clean resort could be operated at
little expense which would be a credit
to the city, and a source of great en
joyment and pleasure to tho people of
Salem. This idea just occurred to me,
and I thought It bettor be brought to
the attention of the public through
your columns. I would like In W
nominal cost. The grounds could be
beautiful sd placed at the dispoul of others express their views on the sub
i,ii,; nn utwu panies, wnue a por- jeet.
tion of the land could be set aside and , Let's get busy and organise the fia
devoted to raising more than enough ,1cm Country Club. With our climate
produce to supply the club's table. ; could be kept open all winter, and
Oolf links and tennis courts miaht be woubl h i...t ii,- -I... u,
, , .. , , , . - i - - -- !"- mi puin names
good, laid out, and, ia the hands of the land dances. CITIZEN.
Oregon City, Or., Au. 4. After bo-
ing assured of a good houso, through
the announced lntnntinn r.f (:,,vr.
West to attend, and tho action of min
isters in urging from their pulpits that
church members turn out in full force.
the wild west show, which was barred
from showing here Hundnv bv tlir,n
of the' chief executive to declare mar
tial law, pulled stakes today and head
ed for the next town. This action was
taken to rebuke tho townspeople for
not letting the show appear on the Sab
bath day.
Santa Cms, Cal,, Aug 4. After
drifting for two days among the
Farrallons islands in a launch without
food or water, Pedel Perez and Castor
Lago. Snili fishermen, were picked
up today two miles up the coast from
here, more dead than alive The men
were unable to reach shore after their
engine 'went dead.''
Congessman Scores Probers ia
Letter Saying He Will Not
Statements in New York Pa
per Indicate Testimony
Would Do No Good.
united press leased wise.
Washington. Aue. 4 Stlnirinir e.nn.
deinnation of the senate lobby investi
gating committee was voiced hers to
day by former Congressman Jamoe.
Watson, in a letter withdrawing his re
quest to appear before the brohera tn.
explain tho charges of former Lobbyist
Martin Mulhall that the National As
sociation of Manufacturers aided his
campaign for governor of Indiana in
"I have decided to take my case t
another tribunal where the law will be
impartially weighed," wrote; Watson.
Watson did not appear at today'
hearing, but in his letter bitterly de
nounced statements summing up tha
lobby testimony which appeared In a
New Tork newspaper Saturday simied
by Senators . Overman, Beed and
No Use to Appear.
"These statements plainly show."
wrote Watson, "that a majority of the
committee, without waltinor to formally
report, voluntarily rush into print and
render a decision, and pronounce judg
ment before a slncle dofense witnese
has been heard or a syllable of of tes
timony in rebuttal offered..
"I submit that you have prejudiced
my evidence. You have passed on Its)
character and sufficiency without hav
ing heard it, for, whilo you do not spe
cifically mention a nnmo, yet you havei
privately determined and publicly an
nounced that Mulhall has made out his
Would Be Farce.
"I have no. connection with the Nn,
tional Association of Manufacturers,
but these statements mako It clear,
even if I prove Mulhall a perjuror, the
case will not be helped. Thomfore
senators, In my judgment, It would bs
merely a farce for me to appear before
the committee, for no matter what ev
idence is given, you have so strongly
foreshadowed your report and so un
erringly forecasted your decision that
I could not hope to change either, or
make any impression whatever on your
Senator Townscnd, of Michigan, an-
peered before tho committee today at .
his own request and branded Mulhall
ai a liar and eorniptionist. "
Townsend Testifies.
Senator Townsend testified that, ha
met Mulhnll on the street once and
that Mulhall told him he (Townsend)
was "the only honest man ha had met
I have never forgotten that man."
said Townsend. 'No one could. When
he says ho had further couforoncna with
me, ho states an unqualified falsehood.
I would remember any man that Innkn
as this fellow docs, oven if I should
meet him in perdition."
Mulhall was recalled to the stand ami
produced the stub of a check which he
says ho drew in April. 190(1 t,
Watson a $500 retainer to work for tin.
tariff commission.
Letter by Wilson.
Mulhnll presented a letter alUirn.i t
have been writtcu in DoenmW inn
by former Congressman, now Socrotary
or i,ai)or) William B. Wilson, refusing
conditions named by Mulhall hef,,.
turning over N. A. M. correspondence.
Mulhall had insisted that the
organizations employ him for one yea,-.
Miunaii then announced that he bad
found three more files of Jotters,
which, he said, were of o-rnnrne (mn-
snce than any heretofore produced.
Wsshington, Aug. 4. Former Gover
nor Llnd, of Minnesota, was selected
this afternoon to go to Moxico C:ty to
set as adviser to the Americas embas
sy there. ,