w V semi I a'A- "'I :Wf.'. I jMid-Season Specials Pretty Attractive New Neckwear A large assortment to choose from. All of the season's Utett. The Bulgarian effects, .' pretty bowt, dainty chemisetes, smart, jaunty collar and jabots- 20 per cent less Extra Specials on Ribbons The new Bulgarian, Dresden, checks, stripes and plain colors. Splendid quality up to 4 1-2 inches in width, 22c a yard Children's Coats, 20 per cent Less 35c Muslin drawers 24y nmV I Muslin petticoats, daintly trimmed .Q Less PACT CAPITA!. JOVXHtU gALBbt OMQQX, WEDXSBPAT. JULY 23, WIS. SCIALTY OF GEOEOE HANDING OUT EAW DEALS r UNITED PRE 8! fJMBSD WIB1. In Francisco, July 23. Too little and too much laundry brought Ifiic Bisson into court here today to d a divorce suit. Gorges specialty," Baid Mrs. Bis- is handing out raw deals. The after our marriage he opened a crammed to bursting with soiled 'tra and pointed to the wash tub. Then I wanted him to take me out to dinner. " 'Stay at home,' he told me, 'and have a sensible bowl of boud and a roll.' 'Then when the rent came due ho ducked." George grinned throughout his wife's testimony. A childless woman can't understand why a mother Bhould not spank her offspring at least three or four times a day. Now Is the Tlmrne To supply yourself with lightweight wearing ap parel. , Our assortment of outer and undergarments will not disappoint you. We have the short sleeve and knee length underwear. Light weight shirts, soft collars, everything to make you comfortable. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL CLOTHING. ' Salem Woolen Mills Store FEED IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS A request to place several portions of Multnomah county under quarantine received Dy Governor West yester day from the state veterinarian, W. H Lytle. The following tlie official's wishes: "As provide for n nvtinn a fv ter 14 Of the Seaainn T. ft for the year 1913, provision is made mrein upon the advice of the stato livestock sanitary board any infectious, contagious and communicable disease of domestic anlimals exists in any locality of this state, you mar is.. ation placing such portions of the state in quarantine and forb!,Mi,, moval of any animal or material, liable WUTV ucn disease, from such por tion of this state, unless such animals or materials have been first inspected by the state veterinarian or his deputy .uU 1UUiiu iree irom disease or expos uru inereto. Whereas, the infoetimm ima municable disease known as rabies does exist m dogs and other animals in por tions of Clackamas and Multnomah counties, it is therefore most respect fully asked that if your office sees fit, that you issue a quarantine atrainHt. tho removal sf any dog from that part of laeKamas described by starting at the commence of the Clackanm. ,i Wil lamette rivers and nrn.w.1i,i .. along the north bank of tho Clacknm... river to that point where the division i:-- vi . . . uno ubiween ranges three (3) and four (4) intersects the said river, and then proceeding north along this line the Multnomah county line: thenco, wt ward along this line to the Willamette river; thence smith nlmur tl,n to:ii ette river to the point of starting ,and all that part of Multnomah county ly ing west of the dividing line botwoen ranges three (3) and four (4) in said county; unless the same shall have been inspected by a state , assistant state county or approved veterinarian mj certificate given permitting such re moval. " SPORTS nos ma. s , i ' 111 MMIMIMDMHIIIIIM Jabs and Jolts SUFFERERS If Ton Wish to Obtain Complete and ' .; Permanent Results Try CARDINAL CELEBRATES. iflNlTBD rnERB LEAB1CD WII1B. Baltimore, Mil, July 23. James Cardinal Gibbons was 79 years old to day. He spent his birthday anniversary at the home of a friend in Union Mills. Md. Hundreds of letters and t,.ln. grams of congratulation were received by his eminence, amone them a letter from tho pope. FEDEBALS WIN FIGHT. TDNITKD PRBflb LIAHEU W1RS.T Washington, July 23. The Unitod Stntes consul at Shanghai cabled the stato department today that Chinese rebels and government troops are fight ing there for possession of the govern ment arsenal. All Americans are re ported safe. Later dispatches indicate that the federal troops retained posses sion. The work of strengthsnlmr the Boston Americans for the pennant race of 1914 nas begun. Two younar Ditchers hav !...'! Vi -11 - . uccu uaugm wunin a lew days, Fitch- er Kadlorr, purchased from the Mania- gUipggcr mo imcuiiran state Ieamie. oeing the latest acquisition. The new comer is a left hander. He will rnnn at tne close or the Michigan league sea a. The Seattle city council has passed an ordinance providing a penalty of 100 fine or 30 days in jail for betting at Daseoail games. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Eemedy- vw uonvmce you. Work has now started on Dugdale's new ball park in Rainier valley to re place the "cheese box" now masquer ading as a ball field in Seattle. Belief is the new grounds will be ready for occupancy the latter part of August. Tom Tennant, of the Senators, is of the opinion that Jimmy Shinn is a bet ter base-runner than Jimmy Johnston, or the Seals. Both 'jimmy" their way into the statistics too often to suit coast catchers. The way the coast receivers are eo. ing Uus Fisher and Claude Berry, of Portland, are doing the best work in the circuit. Jack Bliss, of Sacramento has taken such a slump down south that the boys are handincr him hrick bats by the wagon load, while poor noons Mitze has lost all the cunning ..... rrom bis throwing arm. Walter Schmidt. of the Seals, came north with the rep utation of being the best receiver in the ' loague, and several bier leairan scouts 'were said to be trailing him around at night. Schmidt was far out classed in the past series, however, hv both Berry and Fisher. It must make Berry sore to get back at his former employers the way he has this year. COAL MINERS KILLED. rUNITKD PRESS UASID WIBI.l Aix la Chappelle, France, July 23. Fourteen German coal minors wore found dead today in a mine near Gei- lenkirchen, Prussia. They had been entombod for 24 hours. For a Seashore Outing Go to NEWPORT, YAQUINA BAY .X ..!- , . - - - -- Vh 'k cornPlcte unless you visit this old, reliable seaside resort , " 1,1 "Hers to the summer visitor a charm of environment not found r' Delightful points of interest in the neighborhood, deep itlrii ' "rf batniuB boating, hot sea bathing in the new Nata V " , Stages, room houses and tents at reasonable rates. Ample "IM BCCOmnm,lni. .1 .1 .! ,... ),.. .mho k III iiUMD, UUUJIUUIICC Ul Sftl iUUU, U.tolCtn, , n.ilin, . i w.'n .i a"d vegetables, arisen nf fnrmnlitv and a home liek welcome for Double Daily Train Service 1 L-wve Albany Daily 7:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., except Sunday. - -v"j'uri uauy ai:4u p. m. ana u:u p. m., except ounna. Low Round Trip Fares Season, Week-end and Sunday Excursion Fares East 1 ?T' t ''W n 4B lai'y UntiI SflPteml)!r 30th 'rom a" mR,a line M1 bran'n ',nt" ,0 Eastern destinations, one way through California or vis r'Wland. Hot,,.- i:i. .l.. m,.l 1 , .nun vciuuor oiaw For illustrated booklet on Newport, or copy of "Vacation (lavs in Oregon," call on uearept agent. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Paswnger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I Wexford I Today and Thursday. Shenandoah The Greatest War Picture of all. Bronson Howard's great play produced in 3 reels. See the bombardment of Fort Sumptor, produced on the exact spot The terrlffic engagement at midnight Sensational escape from Rich mond prison. Sheridan's Historic Ride (pro duced at Winchester). Strategic skirmishes and awe-in-spiring Battle of Winchester. This picture created a great sen sation when shown in Portland. Judging from the number of times he moves, every day must be May 1 for Bane Korton. The ex-Chicago Sox first-sacker was traded recently to New York, was then farmed to Jersey City, refused to report and returned home to St. Joseph. Now he has wired that he will be good and return. Del Howard blushingly admits that ho is 34 yenrs old. So docs Kid Moh ler, but ho declines to say how ninny decades ago. ' ; The fact that Fred Derrick has been rendered horso do combat by a frac tured knuckle proves that he is not a real big leaguer yet. The IUihee dub won from Watt Shipp's team last evening by a score of 4 to 1 in the Twilight series game. Quito a number attended tho game. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is well known trfroughout the country. Many thousand people have taken it for Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ail ments and report marvelous results and are highly praising it to others. Aston isning benefits sufferers have received even from one dose are heard every where and explain its tremendous sale. It rarely ever fails and thoBO afflicted with Stomach Liver and Intestinal Ail. ments, Indigestion, Gas in the Stomach and Intestines, Dizsiness, Fainting Spells, Colic Attacks, Torpid Liver, Con stipation, etc., should by all means try this remedy. The benefits stomach suf ferers who have taken Mayr's Wonder ful Stomach Remedy have received in most cases a lasting one. After you have taken this m,...!.. ...... .l i t. . , --' ...... vv mi oiiuiiiu oe UIO IU UIL'KKI. Hnn BMinil o,a ........ 9 J -'"'iaLO ;UUI XUUU, Ki 3 V eart t0 P,ln,P Pur8 red ".uuu iu every part oi the body, giving firmness ami tvo,...ii. 1 r.tl 1 w..u ,w iiuru ami muscle, lustre and sparkle to the eye, uu vuior to tne complexion and activity and brilliancy to the brain. Do away with vmn naln n.,1 : and this is often possible with even one uUn i,i uayr s wonaerful Stomach Remedy. TntAi-aatinr. booklet describing Stomach Ailments sent free by. Georire H. Mayr, Mfg. C hemist, 154-156 Whiting street; Chica go, 111; At Perry's Drug Stores. "IMMM..!,!.tM.1"11 H H Salem is a Sumrher Resort that's not to be Sneezed at How could it be otherwise with the beautiful WiUam ette at its very doors? Of course, folks go away for the summergo to Tillamook and Newport and the Santiam. But that's because they want a change of scene and surroundings, as much as anything else. When it comes to keeping cool and sleeping comfort ably, you can't improve on a room overlooking the riv eror within a few blocks of the river. This is the time of the year when everybody in the river zone who has rooms to rent should make the most moneyshould do a regular summer resort business. Men and women crowd to the river front during the summer, but many who have rooms to rent near the riv er do not fully appreciate their location. If you are in the vicinity of the riverside, and have one or more desirable rooms to rent, sit down now and write the right sort of an ad. When it is finished Phone Main 82 4MMMMM t MMMMMM4 Chicsgo 51 44 Boston ; . i'l AK Detroit 39 57 St. Louis aa so New York 20. so' .537 .483 .406 .396 .322 TO GET MATCH WITH BLACK. toNinn runs lmsid wins ) San Francisco. July 23. Sailor TM Petrofkey, middleweight champion of the Pacific Coast, is willine to box bam Lanjjtord, at 18 pounds ringside. after he goes through with his match with Bob McAllister here August 8. Potroskey will box Lansford auv way the latter wants to split the purse, for 20 rounds only. The match could not be put on until September. . etioskoy declares he is not afra'.l of the negro, but will not consent to let him go over the middleweight Jinjit. langloiil leclsB ure of makin: the weight. American League. Detroit ..: 2 7 1 'NoW York 0 3 3 Dauss and McKee: Ford. Fisher and Gossett, Smith. , , MISSING NINE YEARS. ;New York, July 23. Nine years ago today the mysterious mists of the metropolis enthroude Godfrey Louis Michon, M. D., Bellevue University, class of '87. Nover since that day has his wife (or widow), Mary Fallon Michon. soen him or heard directly of him. She has had clues at times but not in recent years but all of them proved false. With two daughters to sumiort Mra. Michon went naturally into nursing, for it was while she wbb in training at North Brothers Island where Dr. Mi- lion was head doctor, that she met and married the man who drifted so mys teriously to the Port of Missing Men. With a natural love for babies Mrs. Michon turned to that branch of work, and as near as she can calculate today, she has ushered in and started properly on the road of life just two hundred and forty-three babies since that day nine years ago, when her uhvsician- husband faded away. "I hiwe long ago given up hope of ever finding him,-' she said today. "But I would give my right hand to clear up the myBtery of his disappear ance. I pay the insurance on his life out of my earnings every month it" now comes to $156 por year .and you can realiie that it comes hard. I may never get anythinir for it. as the of. ficials of the Catholic Benevolent Le gion inform me that death must be pos itively proved before I can realize on the policy. In all I have paid nearly $2000 on the $5000 policy and I shall continue as long as I can raise my hand and as long as this terrible mys tery remains unsolved. Nine years is a long time. I guess it's only because of the dear little babies I love them all and because they keep me busy that I can stand it. My nooduosB. there's the telephone now" And Mary Michon, victim of mvstorv was off to meet a very material, mater nal emergency. I (OOOlNliSHAST I V ROUTES I Field Day Sports of Chi- t nese Recreation Club.... Vitagraph And a good Vitaffraoh comedy by our old friend, John Buny. Miss Reatha Fowler in' Songs Always the Best Pictures at the WEXFORD I Coming "THE TIGER LILY" X The best Vitagraph ever I producd. In 3 reels National League. R. H. E. Brooklyn 1 11 3 St. Louis 3 a 1 Batteries Curtis, Stack and Miller: Sallee and Wingo. First Game R. ILK New York 8 8 1 Pittsburg 3 7 4 Demareo and Meyers, Wilson: Cam- nitz, Robinson and Simon, Gibson. first name R. H. E. Philadelphia 6 8 1 ChicHKO 5 7 3 Alexander, Brennnii and Killefer, Howley; Lavender and Ncedliain. Second flame R. If. g. Philadelphia 8 12 2 Chicago 0 10" S Rixey, Chalmers, Meyer, and Kille fer; Humphries, lieulliach, Richio and Bresnnhan, Neeilliiun. First. Game R H K Boston 3 o Cincinnati 4 n p (10 innings.) Hess and Raridcn; Johnson, Ames Brown and Kling, w pii mwi pm www ihb a hi m n 111 w 'w w nw am tww m w nam na aim asj II ---l-is-.--aj il rilllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllliy lUnilMTnMnilltMIMlMll'rtMltlMlfli! nimrnHnii M imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim mum 1 An Electric Iron doe. NOT heat the room. You can sit down to your work. A Fan sends a breeze all day and costs less than a fifth of one cent an hour to operate it. Can you afford to let vour wife get hot and cross during this weather. Come in and let us show a real breeze. THE ELECTRIC COMPANY PHONE 85 II n 11 11 u ti El 11 II II II It n u II II II M 11 11 ti ri ti 11 Pacific Coast League. R. IT. E, Portland 4 10 C Sacramento 13 1 Krapp and Fisher; Kinsella and Bliss. Oakland 3 B (1 Venice 1 7 Pruitt and Rohrei; Kleiifer. Hark- ness and Elliott. Los Angelen San Francisco, no came. traveling. Pacific Coast Loague. W. L. Portland 55 40 Los Angeles 55 52 Sacramento 5250 Oakland 53 57 Venice 53 07 San Francisco 52 58 National League. New York 60 28 Philadelphia 50 32 Pittsburg .... 44 42 Chicago 45 Brooklyn ;is Boston 31! St. Louis ...35 Cincinnati 35 American League. Philadelphia 53 Cleveland 54 43 43 411 E3 PC. .545 .514 glO .4X2 .482 .473 .60 .512 .511 .160 .:u .393 ..9 il 11 11 II I II II II 11 II II II bl n 11 n 11 ti n u ! ! 1 :: 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 M n R4 laBBBEBailWBBnBZnEEnnE'nSHlHBfflnri-! mmtmammmtmmamuitmmmihMMUlitkkMttimw w M El ti II 11 II ti II :i 11 11 11 n ti M a N M M 13 II M II 11 11 II ri 11 n M II 1" M44H.4 HAVE YOU TRIED IT? "SALAMANDER" "HopfeD und Maltz Gott Erhalis" A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer "Gesundheit und ein proher Mut Sind besser alt viel gelt, und gut Especially bottled for home use. " Send your order by telephone, Main 229 for a case I Salem Brewery Association 27 37 39 .700 .593 .667 "M4-- Washington .. Bl EEEEEZEEEEEEEEEZEEnaiEEEEaSHEnEBEaEEnEEEBEEEEEa ti