Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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page Tiyn.
We Need Room
quantty of pretty and dainty waistings to go at bar
:n prices, 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c values
8 SPECIAL 15c yd.
12 l-2c, 15c and 18c values.
SPECIAL 10c yd.
Handsome Leather Bags
An array of handsome bags that would tempt any wo
manto buy a new one who cares for good leather.
Especially at the Mid-Season Clearance Sale Prices.
Handsome mountings and bags that are commodious,
neat and well made.
$12.00 bags $9.00 . $3.50 bags i$2.88
$10.00 bags $8.50 $2.50 bags $1.98
$ 8.50 bags $6.84 $1.00 bags $ .74
$ 5.00 bags $3.78 $ .75 bags $ .56
To the editor: This city .has been
injr for lo, these many months to
11 $376,500 worth of sewer bonds
frewing 5 per rent to Eastern or for-
pi buyers, and thus far has met with
o Buccess.
Now, as a matter of civic prido, we
ould all rather see the bonds go into
hands of local capital. The Wil-
raette University is now celebrating
o completion of its goal viz: a $I00,-
)0 endowment fund, which, I presume
for investment.
Wo have some five or six blocks of
ihlie buildings, the court house, post
fire, Willson avenue and the state
line on one side of State street and
o Iniversitv campus on me oincr
jde, and there are no prettier grounds,
irohably, on the Pacific coast than
ley arc, especially the state house
Now, my suggestion is this:
Let the Willamette University talie
p the bonds at say 8 per cent, but
pnlate in the contract that one of
at 6 per cent, or $3785 per year, for
first year, and correspondingly less
or the succeeding year, be used in
oautifying the campus to correspond
a measure with the Capitol grounds.
By doing so we would not only keep
ur money at homo but in a few years
we would have a city not equaled in
beauty this side of that City whoso
streets are paved with gold, and from
a financial standpoint, which unfor
tunately figures more in the affairs of
men than any other, we would have an
asset that would do moro toward in
viting capital here than any other one
C. 0. R.
To Curs s Cold In One Day
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
failB to cure. E, W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
The wise young man raves over the
new gown sho wears for his espocial
benefit; but he raves in another key
after marriage.
We Want Your Business
Our complete equipment ranks
with the bent on the coast, far
superior to the average.
Now located on the busiest
corner in the city.
.Clothing called for and deliv
ered, free from street dust and
Established 1911.
Hatters, Pressors and "RepaJrers.
Phone Main 2180
225 Hubbard Building
Many Witnesses Called to Testify in
Case of Young Man Charged
With Criminal Offense.
With an innocent little baby playing
the leading part, much to the disapprov
al of both the court and the spectators,
and the rambling testimony on the part
of various youths who were called to
the witness stand by the defense, the
case of the State vs. Fred Demagolly
occupied the time of the circuit court
this morning.
This is another one of those cases
wherein a young girl is alleged to have
been the victim of the wiles ef design
ing young men. Demagolly was indict
ed by the last grand jury on the charge
of committing an assault upon the per
son of a minor, Miss Mary Ake, in 1912.
At least twelve witnesses, all young
men, were in court this morning, and
they will be called upon by the defend
ant's counsel this afternoon to testify
as to Miss Ake's general reputation
Babe Displayed.
When the trial opened this morning,
Deputy District Attorney Keyes called
as the first witness, Miss Ake. The
young woman started to the witness
stand with her fatherless babe in her
arms, but upon objection of Attorney
Winslow, who represents Demagolly,
Judge Kelly ruled that the child ohould
not be brought to the stand.
Then, after referring to different
rules wherein courts have held that the
offspring of men and women who have
not been legally married, may be intro
duced as exhibits to show the likeness
to either party, the prosecuting attof-
ney moved that the babe be shown to
the jury. Judge Kelly sustained the
motion and the mother of the .infant,
wentto Matron Lynch, who was holding
the babe, and taking the little thing in
her arms,' carried it in front of each
line of jurors for their inspection. It
could be plainly seen that Judge Kolly
abhorred the scene while both jurors
and spectators hung their beads when
the baby was displayed ag "Exhibit
A." ,
Court Severs.
When Miss Ake was called to the
stand, she insisted upon speaking so low
jthat the jurors could not hear. "Speak
louder," stated Judge Kelly, "or this
trial will result in a farce."
Several time during the hearing this
morning the court found it necessary to
speak sharply to both attorneys and
'witnesses, and once, while two parties
were conversing in- the room the court
advised them to keep silent. "- -
Miss Ake testified on the stand this
morning that she has never been mar
ried, but that the child is hers and that
Fred Demagolly is its father. She tes
tified that the defendant induced her
to commit a wrong, but would'toot swear
that he in any way compelled her to
Biibmit. Upon being cross-examined.
Miss Ake testified that Demagolly 's in
sistent requests drove her to doing
what was not proper, and with the ex
ception of another instance prior to her
relations with the defendant, she was
forced to lead a wayward life. She
A good hot
weather drink.
The juice of a
lemon in a cup of delicious
Renews your energy.
blames one Robert Savage in the first
instance, testifying that he threatened
her bodily harm to acommplish his pur
pose. Objections by the score were offered
by Attornoy Winslow during the hear
ing this morning, and the witnesses who
testified this afternoon received a rigid
examination by both the state's conn
sel and the attorney for Demagolly. The
only witnesses for the state were Miss
Ake and Dr. Roy Byrd, the latter giv
ing expert testimony.
Bobinson aud Oppenheimer Alleged to
Have Withheld $18,000 of the
Finn's Money.
Portland, Or., Julyl7 .Charged un
der the laws of the United States with
conspiracy to commit a crime, W. W.
Robinson and E. K. Oppenheimer, mem
bers of the bankrupt firm of W. W.
Robinson, clothiers, were arrested to
day by Deputy United States Marshals
Fullor and Becker. The specific charge
is that they made an effort to conceal
from the referee in bankruptcy certain
assets of the corporation. '
United States Commissioner Cannon
released Oppenheimer under $1000 cash
bond. Robinson's bond was fixed at
When the case first was called to the
attention of the federal authorities, the
alleged withholding, of $18,000 of the
firm's funds appeared to be merely a
case of embezzlement under the Oregon
state law, and it was turned over to
District Attorney Evans, of Multnomah
county. Officers arrested Robinson in
Bellingham last Saturday night, it be
ing alleged that he was on his way to
Canada. He was returned to Portland.
The federal charge is the outgrowth of
a meeting of creditors before Referee
Chester Murphy.
1 ' r
united press leased wihs.J
Washington, July 17. Representa
tive Underwood, of Alabama, Demo
cratic leader in the house, expressed
satisfaction with the progress being
made in the enactment of the new tar
iff law bearing his name. He said he
believed the bill would become & law
before September 15.
People of Salem and Vicinity Invited
to Join In Boosting this
Section of Oregon
The following communication is be
ing sent out by the Commercial De
partment of the Salem Commercial Club
for the purpose of encouraging every
property holder in the city and sub
urban districts to join in the movement
to boost Salem and Marion county:
"Please consider this letter as a per
sonal invitation to you to become a
member of the Promotion Department
of the Salem Commercial Club, which
organization was formed by a consol
idation of the Salem Board of Trade
and the well known Illihee Club.
"The Promotion Department Will
work for the development of not only
Salem but for all the country surround
ing it; and the aim of the officers of
this department is to have the prop
erty owners in Marion and Polk coun
ties as members. Heretofore the efforts
expended to secure members were con
fined to the business men of Salem, but
under the new management, the field
and scopa is to be widoned and the
property owners, the men and women
really interested and benefitted, are
to Be invited to join and participate
in the deliberations and efforts of the
Salem Commercial Club.
"Marion county, with one exception
is the only county in the state main
taining the services of a Government
Farm Expert, and the Commercial Club
is financing this undertaking. This is
only one of the many things the Com
mercial Club is doing to help the land
"There is no membership fee and
the monthly contributions are regulated
by the members themselves. Enclosed
is a membership card. Please fill this
in and return at once to the secrotary.
The minimum monthly contribution is
fifty cents, but you can give as much
as you please. We don't care how much
or how little you give; it is not alone
the money we need, it's you. We need
yu to help up; you need us to help
Trusting that we may have the
pleasure of a favorable reply and see
ing yon frequently at our new quarters
in the Cray block, we arc,
Promotion Department
rnfae (CiieerfnE Mie
It Is the lieht of eTarvona to liva and ninv thji kIimiI iff w.
it to ourselves and those who live with us to live tha cheerful Ufa. Wo.
cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us,
Tha wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervotuneaa.
tiaadacha. backache, drassrtnir-down feeling-, or any other weakness doe to disorder
I or lrresmlantiea of the delicate female organs ia not only a burden to beraelf.
tut to her loved ones.
Thm U m remeeV. Forty years experience has proven unmistakably that
Favorite prescription
, will restore health to weakened womankind. For 40 yarn ft haa orvivad
Erejudice, envy and malice. Sold by dealer in medicine In liquid or tablet form,
T. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tiblets can be had of druggist or mailed on
receipt of one-cent i Lamps for $1.00 or 60c sixa. Address K. V. Pierce. AL D.
Buffalo N Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate
Stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granule.
Ban Jose, Cal., July 17. The elec
tion of E. J. Finneran, formerly edi
tor of the Daily Guard, of Eugene, Ore.,
if announced here today as president
of the Consolidated Publishing Com
pany ,which prints the San Jose Morning
Times. Louis O'Neal, a politician and
attorney, is said to be the guiding hand
in the new organization.
The entire editorial and business
staff of the Times resigned on the spot
when it was announced that Finneran
had purchased for $60,000 a controlling
interest in the paper. The employes
held an option, which expires today,
for $40,000.
For soreness of the muscles, whether
induced by violent exercise or Injury,
there is nothing better than Chamber
Iain's Liniment also relieves rheumatic
pains. For sale by all dealers.
The reported removal of the Corne
lius Tribune's editor, with his plant,
to. llarrisburg, does ont signify the
panning of the Tribune, which, in new
hands, appears on schedule time and in
enlarged form.
Wheeling, W. Va,, July 17. A terri
fic wind and rain storm, visited West
Virginia and southeastern Ohio last
night and today, causing floods which
endangered the lives of thousands of
persons. The telephone operators
throughout the territory affected stuck
to their posts, sending out warnings to
the people to flee for their lives. The
storm was the most violent of the yoar.
Immediately after warnings had been
issued all wires were demolished, and
the extent of the damage is not known,
but it is believed that the heroic work
of the telephone employes prevented
many fatalities.
The storm reached thoproportion of a
cloud burst iu this vicinity. Dig and
Little Wheeling creeks, which flow
through this city soon became raging
(Continued from page 1.)
of Illinois, and Jenkins, of Wisconsin,
re-elected. Many letters wrote to head
quarters appeared for financial aid for
Jenkins, "one of our best friends."
Bribe Messenger.
Once, Mulhall said, Jenkins did not
have sufficient money to pay railroad
fare, and money was rushed to his aid.
He told of paying Henry Neal, one of
the speaker's messengers to keep him
informed regarding the speaker's visi
tors. A score of lettors and telegrams, ar
ranged chronologically, were read, pur
porting to show that the N. A. M. offi
cials were in constant touch with Bo
publican leaders, both before and dur
ing the 1908 convention. Emery, one)
of the letters said, was "in touch"
with the committee on resolutions ton
days before the convention met.
The president of the N. A. M., Mul
hall said, and the executive board
attended the convention, and when the
ticket was selected all the resources of
the N. A. M. were used to aid Taft and
In June, 1908, Mulhall wrote Emery
that Jenkins was broke, and that
$16,000 was needed to re-elect him. Ha
said the big brewers of the country
aided the N. A. M. in backing Jenkins.
I Skin or Beauty is a Joy Forevei
The Joy
1 1
0Ti "0- TW
If you have one of our
Gas Water Heaters
No heating of the house
is nceessary during the
warm weather if you
have a Garland Water
Heater. Simply light the
Gas and after a very few
minutes the water is hot,
shut off the gas and the
bath is ready to be drawn.
THREE CENTS Worth of Gas Will Heat a Bath
Tsn. Ptmplst.
Vrocklei. U
Utah, snd Skta DIhsms
ana evsrr Diemun
i)D beauty, and 4s
flrs detection. It
lis stood ths test
of so TMrt, and
Is so hsrmleil wt
Is proMTlf mult.
Accept do oountefv
frit af similar
name. T)r. L. A.
ftavrs Sftld to
latlr of ths bsut
t'n a patient) .
" At Tt u Isdltt
will UfS thrm
I riiuinnona
'ftnn mart's Cruitnt us trie Wirt hsrmfm at sll ths
kin pruiiHrsttonn." For uls by sll lrmtjtlta and Finer
Goods Ui'Slers in ths United Utslsi, Osnads &ni uiup.
fEBlT.hWUNS.Picii, 37 Great Jcnei Street UM
Bechtel and Bynon
Good house, two lots, $1000.
Wo have a choico 5-noro tract, clone
in, small house; price, $1130; tonus.
Will buy
choice vacant lot worth
V have a dnudy dairy farm only 2'j
niilcR from Salem on a good rock road,
Nil ncres, all under cultivation but
nboiit 10 arms of good timber. Tim Im
provements are good, a new barn, six-
room hoime, other outbuildings, etc.
Family orchard in full bearing, fine
spring and stream of running wntcr.
Thin is an ideal location and a bar
gain at $100 per acre.
We Writs Firs Insurance
Seven of ths Best Companies
We can place your money on good security.
The United Telephone Company has
been given permission by the railroad
commission to discontinue its exchange
and business at Aurora, and has turned
the field over to the Aurora. Mutual
Telephone Company.
The Chautauqua at Ashland is being
well attended, and has reached the
overflow meeting stage.
The four saloons closed by the sheriff
at Hillaboro Saturday, are still closed,
and will remain so until after a hear
ing before the county court.
W. T. House, of Independence, snys
he has a loganberry patch that will
yiold $200 an Bcre net.
l?ny Diamond wns Rontencod Tues
day, at Roscburg to 10 years In the
penitentiary for holding up the cashier
of tho Olendale bunk a few weeks ago.
He was not paroled like J. Tliorburn
Kciss, fur instance.
Telia How She Was Restored
To Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
There wns n big grunge picnic
at McMiiinville Saturday .
La firnnde women are giving n Merles
of dances to raise money to pay off the
indebtedness of Uh (')iautnuqun IiihI
year. (
Grayvllle, 111." I was a Ifcreat suf
ferer of female complaints for a year
and I got nothing
that helped me un
til I began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound. I was Irreg
ular and had cramj s
so bad that I had to
go to bed. NowL
have better heali'i
than I have had for
years and .1 cannot
speak too highly of
your medicine, "-Mrs. Jessie Schaaii,
413 Main St, Grayvllle, 111.
Case of Mrg. Tally.
Chicago, 111. "I take plensuie frf
writing to thank you for what Lydio E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hasi
done for me. I suffered with such aw
ful periodic pains, and had a displace'
ment, and received no benefit from tho
doctors. I was adviaed to toko Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, anil
am now as well ns ever." Mrs. Wil
li VM Tl'LLY, 2052 Ogden Avenue,
Chicago, III.
If you have tlio slightest doubt
Unit Lydiu 10. PliiUliuni'ft Vegeta
ble Compound will lulp you, write
to Lydia I'.I'lnlilminMcrtlolneCo.
((oiiII(lcntliil)Lynn,laMH., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict coiilldeneo.
We have just llHted a good, modern
house, 7 rooms, bath, toilet, electric
light, largo lot on a hard paved street
all assessments paid, close In. Price
only $2000, well worth $M00. This of
fer for this week only don't delay;
act quick.
Huie Wing Sang Co.
Silk Hote, nil colors, 25c, 35c and 50c pair.
Ladies' Waists, 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $3.00.
Children's dresses 50c, 75c, $1.25, $2.00.
Ladies' Dresses, Wrappers and Kimonas, big line. Prices
75c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.70 and up.
Underwear, all kinds on sale.
25c a yard Dress Goods, sale 15c yard.
$1.50 a yard Silks, sale $1.00 a yard.
Pants $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, $2.25 and up.
Phone 452. 317 State St.
All goods on big tale this week,
and retail.
Matting at wholesale
325 North Commercial St., Salem. Orego