Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1913, Image 2

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JULY 17, i
EMoAai Pa&e of The Salem Capital Journal
The Capital Journal
,The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM P. TABEB, Editor sad Manager.
Ad Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles ud the Progress
and Development of Balem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
PnblhUwd Bry Bralnf Eirapt Bnndaj, Hslem, Ormon
(Invariably in Advance)
TJallT, iiy Carrier, per jear ...15.20 Per month.. 48c
Dally, br Mall, per jear 4.00 Per month.. 36c
Wwfclj, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 8H months. SOe
. Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
"New Today" ads strictly cash In advance.
Want" ads and
' The Capital Journal carrier boyi are instructed to put the papen on the
porch. If the carrier doe not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
paper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 82.
OHIO recently passed a workmen's compensation law similar to that
passed last winter by the Oregon legislature, and the bill has had about
the same treatment that it met with here. That is, it has been, or has
attempted to be referred to the people for ratification or rejection, just
as has been done here. Tt has followed still further, the course of the
Oregon measure, in that it is claimed the petitions for the recall were obtain
ed by fraud. In the Ohio cbhc, however, the fraud is. said to bo of a whole
sale character. It is claimed that the peddlers of the petitions took old city
directories, telephone books, any old thing full of names, and wrote as many
of tho names therein, on the petitions, as they cared to.
This, of course, saved much work, and enabled the petition peddlers to
earn fairly good salaries, as they were paid at the rate of five cents a name;
and copying names at that price was so profitable that it must have also been
pleasurable. It was shown by the confossion of , five of these peddlers who
are under arrest, that in one petition containing tho names of 220 citizens,
that not one had signed it or seen it. Names of men dead for years were on
the petition, which showed remarkable energy on their part. A petition from
another county contained the names of 210 peoplo and only two of those had
signed it.
This shows, just as conditions here showed; that the law is weak, and
needs amending. The suggestion made in The Capital Journal some time
since is, we believe, well calculated to stop this work. That is to have all pe
titions of this character left at certain places, such as the county clerk's of
fice, and other places, justices of the peace, for instance, and then make it a
penalty for any one to either pay or receive money for obtaining namos to
these petitions.
Let tho act of signing be voluntary, and also require some little effort on
the part of tho party signing. The referendum is all right in principle, but as
' it stands at present, it is open to all kinds of fraud, and simply places a wea
pon in the hands of tho lawless to override tho people's will. With this, or
somo similar rhango to shut out thofrnmls the liiw is a splendid one, but it
surely needs fixing.
.jpavl'.HY At.KK pr this spoiled hay, then, that is applied to tho land
i lj will permit tho raising of threo 30-bushel wheat crops, or five 40
P bushel out crops or three 20-biishol potato crops or three COO- bush-
si el apple crops, without any depreciation in tho fertility of the
soil," is the astounding statement made by Professor If. D. Scud
der, agronomist of the Oregon Agricultural collego in discussing tho farmers'
most pressing problem of tho best disposition to make of spoiled hay. Profes
sor Souddor continues the discussion as follows:
"A ton of clover hay contains 40 pounds of nitrogen, five pounds of phos
phorous and thirty pounds of potassium. If this amount of plant food was to
be purchased on the market as fertilizer, it would cast not less than $8.50 and
pebably closer to 10.50, depending upon the form of fertiliser. Since a good
average field of votch and clover would yield the first cutting this year about
three tons per acre, the actual fertility value at the lowest market prlco for
these three plant foods alone, containod in the spoiled hay on tho average acre
of clover land is 21.50. Clover hay that has become spoiled for feed has lost
little or none of these fortuity elements, and hence evory ton of It that can
Vie returned to the land is worth not loss than 10 to $13, and every acre with
threo tons of this spoiled hay carries a value of $.'10 to $15 If properly util
ised. "The folly of letting this hay lie or burning it up can be seen at a glance.
It should be hauled to the barnyard and thrown in deep piles, just as is tho
manure. In other words, it should be composted, or allowed to rot. If it in
cline to "firofang" It should be wet down a little. When the fall rains come
it will rot down and bo ready to spread on the land In tho following winter.
In many cases this hay can he hauled off the meadow and spread at once on
the stubblefield or pasture that la to be plowed this fall, llofore plowing it
should bo thoroughly disked so that it will bo rhopped up and mixed with tho
surface soil.
"Every ton of it contains as much plant food as is taken away from tho
barn iu thirty bushels of wheat, or sixty-six bushels of onts, or 200 bushels of
Ktntoes, or (100 bushhela of apples, or in one ton of fat hogs, or four tons of
milk, or ten tons of butter.
"They are prominent in social and financial circles." Involved in the case
were hundreds of acres of land which the two obtained through deals in
connection with the bank, and which, as nothing is said about their being
forfeited or returned they probably retained.
Here in Salem a few days ago the curtain fell on a farce that has been
before the courts for some four or five years, when J. Thorburn Hose was
turned loose. We are not vindictive and have nothing against Ross, but we
submit that his acts were not such as to be lightly overlooked, and that his
being turned loose was a travesty on justice. Roes never served a day in
prison, and neither did the -gentlemen in Idaho, the president rushing their
pardon by wire to prevent that appalling catastrophe.
Now why prosecute Ray Diamond t He only got a small sum, and that
was all returned, just as were the sums taken by Ross. Why then send Dia
mond to the penf Why should we make a distinction between the man who
liolds up the cashier of a bank, and gets a few hundred, or a few thousand
dollars, and the cashier who holds np the bank and gets away with a big
roll! Why send a man to prison who commits the smaller offense and par
don the man who commits tho greater I As a matter of fact, the man who
takes a gun and at some risE to himself, holds up a cashier, is a much bet
ter specimen of real manhood than the cashier, who takes advantage of his
friends, betrays the trust reposed in him and robs his employer and his em
ployer's friends. Yet we make fish of one and flesh of the other. Whyf
Is it explained in that sentence, "They were prominent in social and finan
cial circles?" It must be, for that is the case with all who get the sympathy
and the pardons. Will Diamond be pardoned t Will the young fellow in jail
at Oregon City for robbing the bank at Milwaukie be turned loose! Will the
men in jail at The Dalle's for holding up the bank at Hosier be given dis
tinguished consideration and a pardon be rushed to them by wire to prevent
them being disgraced by doing time in the penf You can answer it to suit
RECENTLY in discussing tho tariff a proposition was mado that would
give the president authority to raise the tariff rates on importations
from countries refusing to enter into reciprocity deals with the United
States. This shows the profound wisdom of the very small men we
Americans elect to office to make our laws for us. This avatar of
unwisdom seems to think that the foreigner pays tho tax. He has tho
idea that whon this or any othercountry levies a tariff tax, that it is a
punishment of the other fellow. As amatter of fact, which everybody but a
congressman knows, tho levying a tariff on any product makes the consumer
of that product pay an extra pricefor it, it makes him pay the tariff.
Now this brainy legislator would have the president authorized in case
Borne foreign country punishes its citizens by compelling them to pay a tar
iff duty on our goods, to get even on the low down foreigner by compelling
ub to pay a tariff on anything we might buy of that country. It would let
us play even by punishing our own people just as mne h as any foreign gov
ernment might punish theirs.
Reciprocity, it has been well said, is not so much an agreement between
two countries to do each other good, as it is to refrain from doing each other
harm. We agree to be wise and just if the other fellow is, but why if he
makes a blamed fool of himself, should we be compelled to get down to his
level, and to get even on him, make all kinds of fools of ourselves! The rea
son soma of our lawmakers do not occasinally think is that they have noth
ing to think wi,th.
pE AMERICAN! do seme very queer things besides aping French
fashions. For instance, wo assail tho saloonkeeper for selling liquor,
speak of his business In terms of contempt, and hold up our hands in
horror at tho barkeeper. Now the barkeeper may be an abstainer
himself, may not drink at all, but while wo are roasting him wo
have only feelings of pity for tho man who works on tho outside of the bar
and does the drinking. We say tho man would not drink if tho other fellow
did not have it bandy and sell It to him. This is undoubtedly true, but is it
not also truo that If tho other fellow refused to buy and did not demand tho
product the barkeeper would not be selling itt
There is another place where we make really Invidious distinctions and
without the shadow of justification. There is now iu the jail at Itoseburg a
yonngfollow named Ray Diamond. Ho is charged with, and Is guilty of,
holding up a hank cashier at (llendale, and robbing him of some $2000. In
a short time ho will ho tried and, In the natural course of events, will be sent
to the penitentiary. This is according to the laws made for the punishment
of such offenders, and will not bo criticised by us.
At I.cwlston, Idaho, Monday, William F. Kettonbaeh and Ooorgo TI. Ros
ter were unconditionally pardoned by President Wilson. They had been con
victed of making false reports to the comptroller of the currency, as to tho
rendition of a hank they were managing, and using its supposed surplus In
land speculation. The supremo court had affirmed the decision, and It was all
off with them unless a pardon was forthcoming, which It was just at the right
The news story of tho pardoning naively but unnecessarily adds that;'
Only permanent success is worth
while. The kind that establishes good
will and makes every customer a "repeater.
Tho fly-hy-niglif vendor of qnestion-
able merchandise who lures trade by
flaring banners announcing an alleged
solo of $100,000 worth of clothing
slightly damaged by firo at 25 cents
on the dollar would never think of
advertising in The Capital Journal and
even if ho were disposed to do so,
The Capital Journal would not accept
his business.
This sort of ficticious price-cutting
produces a cortain type of business.
"Transient" is the descriptive term
best applied to it.
"Transient," because its a structure
built without a foundation because It
is dependent for its very life from day
to day upon attracting tho unwary.
It Is a superficial view that answers
"Well, but they get the money," yes,
once. Twice! rarely. Three times!
Doubtless it is a bit disconcerting to
the consciencious merchant to see the
crowds flock In the storo of an obvious
fnker who advertises to give away the
earth as a premium with every snle
Hut upon second thought he remem
bers that there is a law of compensation.
And pin him down to a sincere an
swer nn (1 he will admit that he would
not trade his own good name and the
reputation of his business for a dozen
of these apparent successes,
The fictitious price-cutter hns his
They nre his supposedly low prices
and tho gullible element to which he
Without either, his business would
crumble in a day.
The conscientious merchant has his
rescources, also
The confidence of the community in
him snd his methods
If firo or flood should sweep awnv
;! LADD & BUSH, Bankers
i I
) H
his goods, he would still be rich in good
name nnd credit.
Let us get the definition thoroughly
in mind. Let ns not be confused or
confounded by the conditions that sur
round us. Lot us stick close to the
fundamental idea that advertising is
business building not merelv business
Let us build on the firm, sure fonn
dation of public confidence, even if
progress oftentimes appears slow in
comparison with mushroom growth
gained today at tho cost of failure tomorrow.
Each man's advertising problem
calls for his own individual solution
but there are certain conditions that
govern all advertising alike.
The first principles observed, tb
advertiser must plan his advertising
to fit his business.
Rut the basis of every permanently
successful advertising campaign must
be honesty of purpose to give the best
possible value for the buyers' money,
This means a satisfied customer, and
a satisfied customer means a "repeat
customer and a ''repeat sale" is the
real net monoy-making snle.
I This is the clnss of trade to which
I the wise advertiser makes his success
ful appeal in Capital Journal adver
tising. The Capital Journal's reading
I constituency has been attracted to it
through the thirty-six years of con
sistcnt policy of good faith iu its ad
vertising, ns well as its news nnd edi
i tori ii 1 columns. It is a " quality con
jStitueney attached to a "character'
! newspaper. ' A constituency which
, will respond to the good faith of the
I newspaper's advertisers, as it does to
t tho newspaper itself.
The Capital Journal's circulation
pre-eminently a home-circulation, and
as a certain merchant once observed
"One paper In the home is worth
hundred in the highway."
I The Capital Journal advertising is
( Business Building Advertising, the Ad
i vertlairur that Creates Permanent
law, and yet even the justices of th
X-RAYS. supremo court disimree about it, but
these are Oregon-made laws.
A Chicago dentist with nn regard for
the family man and no care about the
high cost of living, says candy and
sweets are good for the chil, Iron's teeth
but whether good just from the den
tist's viewpoint, he does not say. Any
way its a groat statement for the kid
dies to pull on the old folks.
Newspapers generally till the tnith.
mil mey uo not pretend to tell all the
truth. If they ,id, that Is tell it, not
not pretend to, there would be lots more
trouble in the world than there Is.
When a man gets so deep in love he
can t got out, he generally drags sunn
w-uot m Original and Genulno
Tlia Food-drink for All Acqs.
n vt -. , ...T . ""
' ruieiNi;trition,upbuildingihevholcbody.
R!ch rnfi mnltcj grain, in powder form.
I A quick luzch prepared in i miWo.
1 ake no ub-tiftile. Ask for HORUCK'S.
Every man is supposed to know thejWof l3 JLnf fiJl'Ifo TfUSl
An Indian girl In Ctnh has written
an opera. Vtnh is the natural home of
opera, anyhow, for l is a sort of po
lygamous brand of music.
A AAA V s. tpA J
Of Summer Wwh Ftbrici now piled out on our counters. You can find in this reel
, . . f . l . M... ...anf a f r-fn n.lin nf-lCAft- Out fk.. f
any class and Kind or summer guuua ju -- -
go 4c, 5c, 6 l-4c, 8 l-3c, 10c, 12 l-2c yard and up.
10,000 YARDS OF SILKS AND DRESS GOODS The greatest showing offered by !
store in the Willamette Valley. The latest styles and novelties are shown for dreMi.!
suits and coats. Clean-up prices. Per yard, 25c, 35c 49c, 75c and up.
The Big Chicago Store
Is out this week with a new line of merchandise. Fall Su'tJ, long cut-aways, new fL
dresses, and advance showings in Silks and Dress Goods. Honest merchandise and c
at the lowest prices is the road you have to travel on in our days to win your law, ;
Come and see.
is the prices
we are now
dresses worth
Up Prices
Silk Uisle
Hosiery, pair
10, 15 & 25c
Ladies' $5.00
trimmed hats
Union Suits,
25c and 35c
Remnants of
hundreds of
yards all less
than cost
Are the prices
now for new
Fall Suits
Later will be
$15 and $20
fl Are
Xii-jap -nirW-i V-gr!
girl into the pool of matrimony before
he saves himself.
Women should not spend good mon
ey for slashed skirts, for a cheap one
is just as good. No man ever sees the
skirt, anyway.
Too many people look at their
troubles through a telescope and nurse
the instrument when examining their
Never get discouraged. Just call to
mind the number of those you have
clascd as blamed fools, that make good.
A young man may hive have diffi
culty in deciding whether the world
rather be a baseball star or a bank
president, but he can decide without
trouble, when older.
The importance of the boys' nnd
girls' club movement as affecting the
rural school is discussed in a recent
report by A. C. Monahnn, of the Vnited
States Bureau of Education. Mr. Mon
ahan points out that the clubs are at
present more closely identified with
the schools than ever before, and that
their work is becoming a moro def
inite part of the school program.
The tremendous influence of these clubs
in aid of better farming, bejter living
conditions, and better schools, is there
fore exerted as part of the movement
to make the rural school the real cen
ter of rural civilization.
After showing how the clubs are or
ganized through the school authorities,
Mr. Monahan speaks particularly of
tho girls' garden and canning clubs,
which in an incredibly short time have
assumed an importance second only to
the better-known boys 'corn clubs. Fur
thermore, while the government's
activities in behalf of the clubs have
i until recently been confined to the
south, they arc now extended to the
1 Vftrfllttn nn.l TI . T t
and girls' agricultural clubs are now
organized under national auspices in
most of the states.
I These newer clubs are organized in
J much the snnic was as in the south, ex
cept that they will be in closer con
nection with the state colleges of agri
culture. The work has been plnnned
directly for the fnrm and home, rnthcr
, than for tho school, but in most in
stances it is carried on through the
agency of the school, and may therefore
bo made an integral part of
rational worn ny the school si
Besides the boys'- and girls f
numrjer of othor agencies art
throughout the United State
in the rural school advance. I
ahan gives an account of Un
report. He .describes, amo:.
things, the creation of a nm
division in the Bureau of E
specially provided for by
state rural commissions in
the states; work of state ari
rural supervisors: and schools
ment associations in the cor j
trlcts. Ho also discusses the i
literature of the jear deal;
rural life and rural education
If yon are a housewife jri
reasonably hope to be health."
tiful by washing dishes, swef.
doing housework all day, and
Into bed dead tirod at night, I1
get out into tho oncn air snik
If you do this evory day and W
stomacn and bowels in good'
taking Chamberlain ' Tablf
needed, you should become hot!"
and beautiful. For sale by H
Dysentery is always serios1'
ten a dangerous disease, but i f
cured. Chamberlain 's Colie,
and Diarrhoea Remedy, hai s?
even when malignant and'.
For snle by all dealers, I'
li wim ifcsi wM ha ii ii my ipii
"Hopfen und Maltz Gott Erhalis"
A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer
"Gesundheit und ein proher Mut
Sind besser als viel gelt, und gut
Especially bottled for home use. Send your :!
order by telephone, Main 229 for a case
j Salem Brewery Association;!