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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1913)
JAILY CAPUT AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, fUESDAY, JULY 13. 1913. . nun wuu, niiiiiimniiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii""iHi""""nH iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii inn iiiiiiiiiihiiiui A DETERMINED CLEARANCE OF ALL V OMEN'S AND MISSES' I DRESSES I Your Choice of the Entire Assortment 1-2 Regular Price A final cleanup of all dretei in stockevery one mint go. Here an opportunity to get a neat stylish dress at just one-half iU usual price. In the showing are silk, Ihv en in Voile, Ratine, Bedford Cord, Marquisette, Gingham, , and Tissue Dresses, in many pleasing styles. Two great racks at these prices. Every dress in stock included. $15.00 Dresses $ 7.S0 fjj I- fk 1 I t?S f i mm 5 i- I Ittilti i 1 1 m s ' xik if u " $ 2.50 Dresses $1.25 $ 5.00 Dresses $2.50 $ 6.00 Dresses $3.00 $10.00 Dresses $5.00 $20.00 Dresses $10.00 $25.00 Dresses $12.50 $50.00 Dresses $25.00 Think of Meyers' Store when in need, and if you cannot shop in person use the parcels post ser vice and our excellent mail order department. You'll get the utmost of quality and satisfac tion if you purchase at Salem's big department store. Tomorrow, Our 647th Wednesday Surprise A most excellent assortment of dainty CURTAIN MATERIALS Your choice for only 18c a yard One of the biggest house furnishing values you'll find this year. Very pretty designs and quite a few to select from. Extra wide, being 44 inches in width, and may be had in ecru or white. Usual qualities up to 39c tomor row 18c oer vard. See the window display. None sold before 8:30. No phone orders received. BIRTHS. HILTON. To Mr. sod Mrs. Elmer Hilton; Sun day, July 13, 1913, s boy. DEATH NOTICES. 8CHREIBEB. At the family home on North High street, Sunday, July 13, 1913, August Schreiber, at the age of 59 years. August Schreiber was a veteran sa loon man of Salem, having at one time conducted a saloon in the Klinger building, on State street. He leaves a widow. , The funeral was held at 10 o'clock this morning from the Catholic church, Father A. Moore officiating. The re mains were birried in the Catholic cemetery. SEEKS TO ANNUL MAEKIAOE ON GROUND OF "FRAUD J-LOOODlGOODS TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 111111111 itiiiiiiiitn i I iiimii mm i iiiniT Capital City Brevities Special meeting of Multno mah Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M. this evening at 7:80, Work in the R. A. degree. Visiting companions welcome Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist, tuito 415-416-417 Masonic building. William kibbler, an O. A. C. student, Earnost Klingor, of Gervais, in in the ! city on business, ' Mrs. Holcn rarmalec, of Long Beach, California, will arrive here this even ing at 7 o'clock, to visit her niece, Mrs. Jas. N. Cassalman, a few days. At the offices of the P. E. 4 E. in 8a loin It was stated this afternoou that is in the city for the summer. He Is the employes had made no demands, connected with the Perry Pharmacy Co. and there was no wage difficulty, Special bargains. Regular 13 water' A motion for a directed verdict in power washing machine SIO. Calof ,avor f plaintiff in the caso of A. Bros., Court and High stroots. j u,ift v' 8- w- Jon. ' ' " over ruled this morning by Judge Kelly. I. II. Van Winkle, lawyer, attorney for the State Land Board, has opened offices at 81214 Masonic building, The e laminations, the glasses and the prices are all mado to stand the test of time and usage at Dr. James Smith, 30.1-4 Masonic building. Yeomen only. J. C. Dobbins will en- This is s case wherein the plaintiff is suing to recover WOO on a note alleged to have been Issued by defendants, Mrs, J. II, Harper, society editor of tho Spokesman RnSiciw, Spokane, is visiting friends In this city and Port land. She expressed herself as de lighted with Salem, and may locate tertain you at his home in Hollywood. Wo permanently. Leave Moose hall at 7:30 p. m. Bring Ed. Blessing has returned from June ,1"u'h- tlon City, whore he played a main part Mrs. Matney, late of Kansas City, has ' big country dlnnor which was luid opened dress making parlors at 840 out on the tablo of Mrs. Blessing's pa- Mate St. Will do high-class fashions- !t Sunday. Ed. looks happier lile dresiutiaking, guaranteeing satisfac tion and roliclt your patronngc. The members of the Fellows for Fel lowship class of tho M. E. church Ann lBy school eujoyod a short outing on the Willamette river last night. They went tip the river In a launch and re turned in skiffs. and feels hotter and acts reasonable since gottlng on tho outside of the big meal in question. Yesterday afternoon an auto party composed of Mr. und Mrs. Edgar Hart Icy, Robert Downing and family, J, B. Craig ami wife, F. M. Brown and fam ily, V. W. Htenslnff and wife, and D. J. For the purpose of promoting soda- l'ry fl""l-v' l,,,.t f,,r '1"" Ore- liility, the members of the local Minis terinl 1'nioii gathered In tho grove in the rear of Kimball rollcge this after noon and enjoyed a nice picnic. j Miss Lola t'ooloy, a teacher in the Hast Portland school, arrived here yes terdny, and will spend a few days visit ing friends and relatives. Miss ( ooloy is a former Hnlem girl, but now reside near Oregon I lly, My Superintendent Kuntx has re turned fmm Suit Uike City, where he attended the N. E. A. convention. Efficiency in education wns the keynote to the entire meeting, he says, sml the object was gone Into thoroughly. K. II. line has opened a fancy dressed, milk fed poultry establishment, r2 South Church street. Phone Maine "AK. He will slo carry strictly fresh eggs, which lie will guarantee. Deliveries made anywhere In the city. The ntuta fair hoard tins concluded In build a machinery building this Hum mer, and plans are new being drawn fur t. The building will be SiSxIifl feet, and will occupy the ssnie place he present machinery building stands on. Keep in mind Bud tell your friends flint the third and deciding game be tween McMinnvllle and Snlem will be dayed at Snlem Sunday, July 20. The first two ames were simply great, bill Shey eannot be fompared to this one, The Mars of the valley will h lined X against each other. gon on a trip. The partv will visit many of the southern Oregon towns and will he gone about four weeks. An old-time Salemite, in the person of Rev, H. B. Elworthy, now of Spo kane, arrived In the city yesterday. Rev. Elworthy was formerly a school teacher and pastor in North Uowll Prairie, and he will visit his old I'iviik place in that vicinity before reluming to Spokane. He states that his daugh ter. Miss Bertha, a former Wilnliuetto student nml well-known local society girl, will soon become the wife i,f ,1. M. Elsie, of Spokane, and thev will make their home in Potlnteh, Wash, The home of Charles Bort at the cor ner of Commercial and Market streets, had a narrow escape from being burned to the ground last niglit about P o'clock, The blaze started in the roof and when the department arrived, it was progressing at a good rate. Post master llockeMoin was the first to ar rive, and he hod with him a fire extin guisher which would have probably been sufficient to quell the flumes, but the fire department soon placed the house out of danger. Little damage was done. Gasolene, 22c per gallon, at Salem Auto Garage, 246 State street. jattta at motor UVUlfllM CYCLES watt ninpp, AmmnnlUoo, rtahlnf Tscklt, Etc Mortk Commercial ItfMt Phons MS Brlatow Thinks Secretary of State Can Live Within Salary by -Cutting Out Orape Juice. UNITKO I'KKNS I.KAHKD WIIIK.) Washington, July 15. "Cut out the grupe juice and stick to spring water," was one of the angestions hurled at Secretary of State Bryan this afternoon by members of the senate and congress. Bryan's declaration that his salary as secretary of state was insufficient to enable him to maintain both his homo in Lincoln and his position here, arous ed considerable comment. 'Men go on vacations," said Sena tor Bristow, "in order to recuperate their strength and render better service for the remainder of the year. A man using his vacation to earn money ex hausts his mental wwers and by so do ing is not treating his employor right, if the employer is paying his salary luring the vacation. "If Bryan followed the sound doc trine of serv ing only puro spring water on the table instead of this nuuseatlng grape juice, I feel sure ho would have no trouble In living wilhin his salary. I understand grape juice Is cheaper than hnmpagtie, but it is not so economical nor so good as spring water." 'The solution of the whole matter lies in cold water." Senator Norris, of Nebraska, took a lifferent view of the situation. "Any man in ordinary means," he snfd, 'ought to live within 1 12.000 an- mini iv. ir iiryau lives on more, in my opinion, he ought to devote his atten tion to decreasing expenses rather than increasing his income." Senator Ollie James, of Kentucky, defended llrvaii. trank Peradotto, a local mixer of the liquid that cheers, left this morning for Seattle, where ho will remain for a week or so visiting friends and rcla tlves. rtiinougn a eioiiit was last night cast on the title of Police Matron Lvnch to the job, she wore a star today and an nounced that she would continue until toimally removed. Mrs. Lynch denied today that she had the couple arrested in a rooming house Sunday night spotted, She said she never saw the woman until about midnight after the arrest when she was called to the police station to search -her. JAKE STA11L RESIONS Icnitio rssis ihhh wist.) Uoston. Mass., July 1.V .lake Stahl, who piloted the Bostou Red Soi to world's championship lint season, i signed the management of the Bosti Americans this afternoon. Vale strawberries; who eares, with raspberries ripe and blackberries ripen log. Alleging that, with the aid of M. La Velle and La Clair Eddins that Ida M. Hoff. Miller, contrived to obtain the possession of $30,000 worth of proper ty belonging to Isaac Miller by falsely and fraudulently representing that the latter's relations and friends did not care for him, and that Ida Miller, for the purpose of gaining possession of the property, married Isaac Miller, A M. Fry, as guardian of the Mr. Miller, yesterday instituted suit to annul the marriage of his ward to the defend ant, Ida M. Hoff'Miller, on the grounds that the husband is not in his right mind, and was induced to enter into a marriage agreement with the defend ntn while in a feeble niinded state. It is alleged in the complaint that Isaac Miller is 75 years of age and his mind is feeble. It is further alleged that the defendant is 40 years of age, and that she, with the assistance of M. LaVelle and LaClair Eddins, deceived tho old man into marrying the defend ant for the sole purpose of gnining possession of Mr. Miller's property, which is located at Aurora, Marion county. Rev. Babeoek, of Snlem, per formed the ceremony without knowing that the plaintiff's charge was in cdpablo or reasoning, it is said. ORDINANCE COMMITTEE WILL REPORT FAVORABLY J D. Waring, of the ordinance com mittee, said this afternoon: "In response to your reporter's re quest for a statement of my attitude on the police matron ordinance, I may state that, as one member of the ordi nance committee, I will vote for a fa vorable report upon the ordinance. I believe in the office of a police matron, as I stated on the floor of the council, My position in voting for the repeal ing ordinance was to bring the matter to an issue on tho present incumbent of the office, in addition to wanting the ordinance amended so as to bring it strictly within the letter of the char ter. "If this amending ordinance is nnssed by the council, and becomes a law, I expect to vote for a policewo man to fill the office of matron in the department, whom T believe can and will do effective work. I am not in sympathy with police methods which call attention of the public at large to to Immoral conditions. T believe that such work should be done quietly anil effectively done, without becoming an offense to the public, and a menace to the young people of our city." Bechtel and Bynon Bargains HOUSE BARGAINS Good house, two lots, $1000. B-ACRE TRACT CHEAP. We have a choice 5-aere tract, close in, small house; price, $1130; terms. $250 Will buy s choice vacant lot worth $350. FARM BARGAIN. Mr. Farm Buyer: Don't averlook the famous Howell Prairie farms the cream of Oregon lands. Price $100 per acre and up; any number of acres to suit. We Write Fire Itasuranca Seven of the Best Companies MONEY TO LOAN We can place your money on good se curity. HOUSES FOR RENT. BECHTEL it BYNON, Phone 452. 347 State St. HIOHWAYMEN ELUDE UNCLE SAM'S REVENUE OFFICERS (united 1-rehs ut.tsno wins.' Bellingham, Wash., July 13.' The revenue cutters of the United State and Canada, posses from Friday Har bor, augmented by Canadian detectives and bloodhounds have todnv retired from the chase after the two highway men who held up two bnuk messengers at Trent Bridge, B. C, near Nannimo. July 5, and relieved them of $21100. The running down of the desperadoes has been put Into the hands of Pinker ton men. This action wns taken after it had been made certain that the robbers had succeeded In escaping to the main land from the San Juan islands. Saturday a note was found at West Sound notifying the authorities that ine nignwoymen na. taken a missing boat, and adding that they would not he taken alive, and that they were off for other parts. NOTICE. The new Snlem bakery is located at the corner of Twelfth and Cliemeketn streets, where the old Herman Bakery formerly stood, H has been remodeled and improved with patent oven, cement floor and hard plastered, sauitary and modern throughout. With a new auto delivery, we are now ready for business Phone 2-tNll for prompt delivery. 0. A. Back 4 Co. AND IT WAS SO EASY Mr. W. B, Farier, of Spnulding Mill Company's force, wns up river Sun day fishing, and it was a treat ( f) for the writer, to see how easily ho landed his black bass. Mr. Farier caught eight beforo the weather changed, two of which scaled three pounds each. t Gasolene, 22c per gallon at Salem Auto Garage, 246 Stat street Notice of Proposed Re-Establishment and Change of Grade on Fourth St. at the Intersection of Madison Street. Notice to the public is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, proposes to re-establish and change the official grade of Fourth street at the intersection of Madison street. The grade which is proposed, to be established by the common council is described in Section, 1 of Ordinance 'Hill Xo. 1301, which is as follows, to wit: "Section 1. The official grade at a point being. the intersection of the cen ter line of Fourth street with a jarallel to and 12 feet northerly from the south line of Madison street in said city was heretofore established under Ordinance No. 779 at an elevation of 42.75 feet above the base of grades of said city; that said grnile be and the same is here by re established and changed so that said point shall be at an elovation of 42. .10 feet above the grades established by Ordinance Xo. 105 of the city of Sa lem, Oregon." All persons owning property adjacent to said Fourth street or the part there of described above and upon which it is proposed to re-establish and change the grade, are hereby notified to make and file their written remonstrance with the city recorder, if any they have, against the said proposed re-establishment and change of grade within tre period of ten (10) days from the final publication of this notice and unless the owners of more than two-third majority of the superficial area of the property adja cent to said Fourth street or the part theroof particularly affected by said proposed re-establishment and change of grade remonstrate in the manner pro vided by the charter of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, within the period above named, the conncil will proceed to re establish and change the grade of said Fourth street as above set forth, By the passage of an ordinance on or after twenty (20) days from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 8th dav of Julv, .1913. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for furnishing of labor and material required for the completion of a concrete and brick and boiler house to be erected at the Oregon State Training School will be opened by the Oregon State Board of Control at 2 p. m., Friday, July 18, 1913. Plans, specifications, proposal form and notice to bidders may be obtained at the office of W. C. Knighton, archi tect, capitol building. W. C. KNIGHTON. Notice. The new Salem 'Oakery Is located at the corner of Twelfth and Chemeketa streets, where the old German Bakery formerly stood. It has been remodeled and Improved with patent oven, cement floor and hard plastered, sanitary and modern throughout. With a new auto delivery, we are now ready for business. Phone 24S6 for prompt dolivery. O. A. Pack & Co. $100 to $1 That you can't beat our bargains. 12 acres In Polk county, two miles west, well Improved, $4000; 14 acres on car line ideal suburbun homo, $10,000; 1 acre In berries, new home on car lino, $1800; 7 acres in berries, 2 miles out, house and barn, $3000; 30 acres, 10 acres in crop, balance timber, 4-room house, good barn, 7m lies out $3500; 220 acres in Polk county, well improv ed, $22,000; 1 to 5 acres on installments several new homes in Salem on install ments; 500 acres well improved, $90 per acre; several 5 and 10 acre tracts well Improved We have a cigar stand, pool hall, rooming house, hotel, restaurant, gro cery store, candy store aud othor busi ness chances. 20 acres close In, well Improved, $0, 500. Soveral prune ranches and berry tracts at the right price. 10 acres bearing Italian prunes, $2730. We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds List your bargains with us and we will prompt and ment. Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOK, Manager. Phones: Office, Main 477; reeldeao Main 487. OpposlU Court Hons. 840 Stats 8t Employment Burtau in Connection. give you square, courteous treat- Call for Bida Improvement Street. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Ore gon, hereby invites sealed bids for the making of au improvement of Mill street, in the city of Salem, Oregon, from a point 213.5 feet west of High street to the west line of 1 Ith street ment No. 4, consisting of 4-inch cement concrete concrete base and 2-inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface; Ambrose-Burdsal Asphaltic Concrete Pavement No. 2 con and lKi-ineh wearing surface; El Oso crushed rock concrete, Clark 4 Henery Asnhaltic Pavement No. 1, consisting of 4-inch cement concrete base and 11-r inch asphaltic concrete wearing sur face, Clark & Henery Asphaltic Pave ment Xo. 4, consisting of 4-inch con crete base and 2-inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface; Ambrose-Burdsal As phaltic Concrete FaPvement No. 2, con sisting of 4-inch cement concrete base and l'i-inch ewariug surface; El Oso No. 1, consisting of 4-inch hydraulic ce ment base and 2-inch wearing surface; El Oso No. 2. consisting of 4-inch hy draulic cement hase and l'-i-mch wear ing surface; EI Oso No. 0, consisting of 4-inch hydraulic cement base and 2-inch wearing surface; No. 2 Standard Bitu lithie, consisting of 4-inch hydraulic ce ment base and 2-inch wearing surface; Xo. 4 Light Standard Bitulithie, con sisting of 4-inch hydraulic cement bnse and l'-Vinch wearing surface; Bitum inous concrete No. 1, consisting of 4 inch eminent concrete base and l'.Vinch bituminous concrete wearing surface; Bituminous Concrete No. 2, consisting of 4-inch cement concrete base and l1-.'- inch bituminous concrete wearing snr face; Bituerete Pavement, consisting of 4-inch cement base nnd 1 '.-inch wear ing surface, or Ambrose-Burdsal As phaltic Concrete Pavement Xo. 1, con sisting of 4-inch cement concreto base and 2-inch wearing surface, in accord ance with the plans and specifications and estimates on file in the office of the city recorder of said city, which are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. Said bids will be opened on or after the 21st day of July, 1913, at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open council meeting in the city hall in Salem, Oregon. Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check equnl in amount to 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids, This notice is published for five consecutive days in a daily news paper published in the city of Snlem, Oregon, the date of the first publics tion being Julv l.i. 1913 CHAS f. ELGIN, City Recorder CALL TOR SEALED BrDs ' School district 24, Marion L ' Oregon hereby calls for seal,; for the erection of a grand n,J' athletic grounds of district CenV check for 10 per cent must v"'"-' pany all bids. The right is reerJ reject any and all bids. Pl,ni . specifications may be seen at offj. F. A. Legg, architect. Bids mM opened July 21, 1913. wul ''! W. H. BUHGHARDT, jjj m CU-: FOB SALE. I At a bargain, 6-room bungalot J water, young fruit trees, fine Terms. Small amount cash, b.i $10 per month. Take South Sal,,'? get off at Rural avenue, .walk fc,, blocks we9t, sixth house left hsjjJf I Sealed Proposals. I Sealed proposals addressed to l Wilson, secretary of the Board of j gents, Oregon Agricultural Coll!f Corvallis, Oregon, will bo receive ,, the said Board of Regonta ',. o'clock p. m., July 18, 1913, for tin nishing of all materials and tk, y formance of all labor required (or 4' erection and completion of the ow, portion and left wing of tha K,, Gymnasium building and the right of the Women's F.conomics (knoinj the Domestic Science building), (o, Agricultural College, Btate of Ortf" All bids to be endorsed "Pro for (giving name of each building) ; Said proposals to be oponed npnY above dato by the said Board o( gents. All the work and matorlnl mint, form to the plans and specificit. therofor on file at the office ol college, Corvallis, Orogon, and of , architects,- Bennes & Hendricki, Henry building, Portland, Or, Fi, proposal must uo ui:i:uiiii!iuieil org certified check of five per cent of amount bid as a guarantee that the! cessful bidder will enter into a toiijf according to, said plans and speti!-;f tions, said chock to be made pajraUs; the Oregon Agricultural College, t for any reason the bidder fails toJ cute the proper contract and bouij quired within ten days after notif tion of the acceptance of his hid,fei said certified check will become ft ed to the Oregon Agricultural Co! - All honest, faithful work is good; a great portion of talk is no good. The King of All Laxatives. For constipation, headaches, indiges tion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. Thev are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 2oc. Recommended by J. C, Perry. Even a moderate amount of loneliness may be improved and made beneficial, NEW TODAY. FOR SALE OR RENT Six-room cot tage. Call at 670 Union. Phone 1901. GIRL WANTED Experienced for gen eral housework, good wages to right party. Call mornings at 378 Bellevue St. LOST A bracelet. Fhone Main 23 WANTED Porter, at C.ilson's barber shop, 344 State street. FOR SALE House and lot, fruit trees good well. Price 700. Also house, lot and bnrn. Price 500, good loca tion. 1402 North Iflth street. FOR RENT Two nice sets furnished rooms for housekeeping. 730 North Front street. WANTED Competent girl or middl-J-aged woman for housework. Phone 1937 or call 2395 Center street. WANTED Position as practical nurse, or housekeeper for a widower or bachelor; references exchanged. Ad dress "X25," care Journal. A BABROAIX A good live grocery nnd feed business, in Snlem. Owner is going to sell. Call at Journal of fice for information. LOST Ladies' gold watch and chain between Oomniejvinl and Belmont. Return to Journal. WANTED By man and wife, job run ning cook wagon for thresher ex perienced. Phone Farmer 5!3 or ad dress "XI," care Journal, TO EXCHANGE Mr. Landowner, how much land will you give In exchange for a 7-room house, barn, lot 80x240 feet. Call or address R. A. Pfcil, 017 Mnrket street. Phone Main 145(1. LOST Antonio! ile license number tag 12.400. Finder call Main 703. FIVE DESIRABLE furnished hos7 keeping rooms; modem fixtures in every respect. Inquire 818 North Libert v. lit,. i . ier a aay s outing save your skin with Schaefer'. Face Cream. SCHAEFER'B DBUO BTORB 4- To Purchase!; For farms or city property J Dr. W. A. Cusick, owner, t Fry's drug store. South Salem Box d Tray and berry boxes. Fruit bout; all kinds. Porch and lnwn swiif-f screens. First-class cabinet worl I Phono 308 247 Milk! Treatments given at Imperial It Rheumatism and dropsy my spedi'.. MARION GEORGE, L Magnetic Healer. I Residonce: 1105 North street, ami, lege dormitory. P. O. box 713, S, burg, Oregon.' - t in, MONEY TO L0 On farm and city property. Juki; Scott, over Chicago Store, Baits I! hob. Phone USI. , s n r I Cherry City Ice trean I We make a Specialty tl Dinner and Lodge orders: Buy It Eat i 266 Chemeketa Street. Phone 2482 j NORWICH UNION I FIRE INSURANCE SOCIET BUBGHARDT A MKHEDId testae! AfMta 131 Bute sir:. MONEY TO LOf 0 flood Real Estate Sees: TIIOH. E. FORI) ! Ovsr Ladd ft Bush Bank. Saint REAL ESTAT Money to Loan. I JACOB ft OO. t Phone 424. 206-207 Bubbsri MONEY TO Ltf; Oa food Real Estate seta BECHTEL A BTN05 (47 8Ute Street COAL AND WOOf Prompt delivery. Bole sum" th Famous Bock Bprings Coal I oapitat. mr.T. no. f E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. 0 Phone 210. fards opposits 8. ? f. senger depot. ' WOOD AND CO,', 1st aay quantity. Prompt WV our specialty, rails City li' Company. 179 North Coo" street Phone Main III J JAPA5E8K LiCKOBT A5D l7 CLKANISfl WOBES ) No machinery to tear asd out detloete tabrtca. Wort tor and dIWerd promptly r' 445 Ferry street Phone Wsjj