DAXt-T C ATX T Aai J00EHA1, EALEM. OEBOON, 8ATUBDAY, JULY 12, 1913 PAGE 8HTEEK. MELANCHOLY WOilE Should Profit by Mrt. J i - r : . Li.n I ley iAjjcucm-c ncrvjvr Story Here Told. ; .:'..! for corporation scalps again. In a recent resolution be sskod that the secretary of com merce be directed to Investigate whether the price of oil In Okla homa Is being artificially fixed, and if so by whom. t Another amendment to the constitution for a single Ix year presidential term was recently proposed by Jtup entatlve William Waller Itucker of Missouri. This makes the sixteenth single term proposal thut Is pend ing in the bouse. The Hucker amendment proposes thut '"-"' ' 1 K UPBESBRTATIVB cuckkb. i Virginia, used to be the editor of a weekly paper in bis native state of Missouri. But that was yean before ha doclded to go east and (row up with the country. u Representative Phlp Pitt Campbell of Kansas, who used to be called the "octopus hunter" during his first term la the bouse before that sport became so widely popular, wants to decrease the number of congressmen. Recently be Introduced a bill to reduce the number of moniberu of the bouse after March 3, J917, to 233 members la place of the present membership of 435. - t R Dr. Charles D. Walcott. secretary ef tbo Smithsonian Institution, is said to know more about fossils than any man now living. Just at present be is Inter ested In the plans for the Langley aerodynamic laboratory, under whose auspices government experiments in svltitlon will be conducted. 'St si st Senator Thomas Benton Catron, who shares with Senator Kail the' honor of being the Brut to wear the toga from New Mexico, is a Confederate veteran. Be was born in Lexington, Mo., more than seventy yeurs ago and was a close friend and law partner of Stephen B. Elklns of Wost Virginia long be for that state conferred senatorial honors on the latter. Representative Borland of Missouri on returning to the capital from a recent visit to his home in K minus City surprised his wife by bringing with him two little girls, aged respectively four und alx years. Tho children were orphans and bad no oue to care for them, so the congressman In his kindness of heart had agreed to find a borne for thorn among his Washington friends Before arrangements could be made, however, Sirs. Borland bocanie so at tached to the tots that she refused to glvo them up. Consequently, while not yet fornmlly adopted, the children probably will continue to be members of the Borland household. Besides Mrs. Borland and the congressman, they have found a strong ally in the little Borland boy, who finds them capital playmates. Today's Short Story A Message In Blood THE detective bus many curious rid dles to solve. One of the most remarkable that evor came up for my solution was connected with tbe case of a man named Joel (Chip per, lie lived alone and was murder 1 one night during a bllxutrd. The murderer left him for doud, but he did uot die for some time aftur the blow was struck. Klapper was used to reading at night In bed beforo going to sleep and kept on a stand besldo bis bed a lamp, matches and soma books. When tho body was tllacuvored In tho morning the lump was burning, though the oil was nearly exhausted. People who had jjussed the house between 11 und 12 reported that they had seen no light, but a niuu who hud passed Just before dawn on his way to a train declared that he hud noticed a light In Klnp per's room. I framed several theories, more or less Influenced by this circumstance. Klapper was surely In bed with the .light out when the murder was com mitted. How then could It have been burning In the morning unless he had lived long enough after the blow to light It? I had i feeling that the lamp had been lighted by the victim with a .purpose after he hnd been struck. . 1 looked for a communication on pa per, but found none. I was absently turning over tho leu von of one of the books on the table when I came to a red smudge. It covered tbe word "ten." It at once occurred to me that Klapper had communicated something concerning the murder by words roudged by his own blood, and I Inok d for more, which found. I expect ant that they would lie lu the order of nicswiuc. but I bey did not Consec utively placed they Mad: Ten, erlnp, mini, on, beard, me. Called. National, live, bill, tuok dollar, hair, tore, tieail, nw, becauea, scar, rvd and stabbed. I of all, ten. The mnment I hnd placed these word mi impcr In the ulmre order I knew fn.in the words acnr, beard and balr thut It inntnlned it description of the murderer I nlmi Inferred from Hie words i i'isp, live, bill, ten and tintlnmil that It ln entitnlned a description of w.wtw.ttwtwt Tell Gossip From Washington ENATOIt ROBERT L. OWEN, the part Cherokee statesman from Oklahoma, bag started hunting SENATOR OWES. after March 5, 1!'-'1, or as soon thereafter us the amend ment Is proclaimed, any person who has discharged the office of president for more than one year shall not be eligible for re-election. The same term would apply to the vice president K X K President Wilson recently set the seal of olHclul ap proval od white duck trousers for golfers by appearing In a pair of them on the Cbevy Chase links. H Howard Sutherland, congressman at large from West a bank bill or bills that had been tak en. My efforts In deciphering the message resulted us follows: Man (with) rod hulr and beard, scar on forehead, stubbed me becauae I called. (He) took ton now crisp Ave dollar bills, all of the Tenth National. Since tho hank might have been the Fifth or the Tenth National, I weut to both and learned at tho Tenth that It hud paid out sonio new Ovo dollar bills the day before, and Mr. Klnppor's ac count showed he hnd been paid $.",0 the same day. I at once advertised to give a pre mium to any one who could furnish me with one of theso bills. A woman. tho cashier of a third rate restaurant answered tho advertisement, bringing ono of the bills. The woman told me Hint tho man who gave It to her was so rough looking that she feared It was counterfeit and took It to her employer beforo changing It In this way the matter wns Impressed on ber mind. She snld sho could Identify the mnn. Tho rest wns comparatively ensy. I laid tbe mntter before tha lnnwt,ir mill asked if he hail snv nunnl nt criminal with red hnlr and beard and n scar on his forehead. After exami nation ho found that the dicrli,ti,in fitted Jim Itmtrko, nllns Patsy Burne, alias Cnuky Jack ami a number of other aliases, who hnd recently been released from tbe penitentiary and seen In town. The mnn wns watched for, arrested and Identified by the restnurnnt cashier. Two of the bills were found on his person. He was tried and convicted. After his conviction he gave au account of the robbery and murder that tallied with my theory. An Old Favorite The Serenade "W"1, ""nJ 10 ,WM "wake mT f What nil! ma with rtellnhtt Oli. mother, loom Who iinga thut Ho awiMily through the night?" "I hear not child. I aea not) Oh, sleep thou softly onl Comes now to aerenade thee, Thou poor nick maiden, hone!" "It Is not earthly music ' That nils me wllh drllght; I hear the angela call me. Oh, mmher, dour, good nlshtt" -Johanna l.udwli I'hlixnA t Them You Saw Their Ad in t00f Pickle Vinegar. Vinegar In which homemade cucumber pickles have been preserved should not be thrown awuy, as It Is excellent for using In salad dressing. The flavor is delicious and cannot be gained In any other way. Angel Custnrd. Heat one quart of milk and when scalding hot pour It slowly over the beaten whites of four eggs, sweeten with two scant table- spoonfuls of sugar, add a little salt and flavoring, then turn into cups, set them In u pun of hot water and bake until firm. Curdled Custard. Wheu custard curdles from being cooked over too in tense heat try beating it with an egg neuter iu u cold bowL If this falls to make it fine add a level tablespoonful of cornstarch moistened In cold water to the curdled mixture and heat In the double boiler long enough to coolt the cornstarch. Then strain the custard. Mock Angel Cake. Mix and sift well one cupful of flue granulated sugar, one und one-third cupfuls of flour and three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Over this mixture pour slowly a cupful of scalding hot milk and stir slowly fold In the well beaten whites of two eggs with one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake In un buttered pan for about for ty-five minutes, having a moderate oven. Sponge Pudding. One-third cupful of flour-stirred smooth with a little wa ter; add this to two cupfuls of hot milk and cook a few minutes. When cool stir In one-half teaspoonful of melted butter, one-fourth cupful of sugnr and the yolks of three eggs. After beating well fold in the whites of three eggs and bake In a pan of hot water until set Serve with cream, either plain or whipped. The Home 1 , 'V""" Beautiful A SUM. M Kit dining room tltted with willow furniture Is Illustrated here. A sideboard, bullet, table, serving cabinet window box und chairs of willows are shown. A novel and attractive combination is the use of the leaded doors with their lozenge shaped panes. Curtains, por tieres and table cover are all of the same figured summer fabric. For the porch dining room, which Is a fad of the season, furnishing of this kind Is exceedingly appropriate. GYRATIONS OF FASHION. ! If you don't know how to make the little satin roses which are seen every where on frocks for formal and Infor mal wear, on negligees, on boudoir caps and on llngerlo, try covering tiny woodeu button molds with bits of dif ferent colored sutln and tucking these guy little circles in the folds of lace and lingerie to give the needed note of color. t Cretonne motor parasols are shown In the shops. Tbey are simply made, with walloped or slightly ruffled edge. They are mounted on natural wood handles and, like all motor parasols, are so made thnt the parasol may bo adjusted at any desired angle to the handle. They will be carried with lin en or pongee or cretonne suits or mo tor coats. t Plain linen waists are apparently to he much worn with cout suits for warm weather. One, of heavy linen. Is made with turnback collar and cuffs which show a simple embroidered de-slgn-ati eyelet flunked by two leaves -worked nt Intervals nf about an Inch In heavy embroidery cotton. The col lar and cuffs are edged with narrow Irish pivot luce edge. A small pocket Is applied to the left front It. like '.be collar and ruffs. Is embroidered uot Mli-.-t with rl",t TTTi THE 6UMM?R GUEST. There is the guest who brings ber et dog with her and expects to have choM especially broiled for It, u cushion particularly pre pared for its bed and general homage paid Y " from the be ginning to the end of Its stay. There Is the guest who for gets everything. She cannot find her baggage check to begin with, and when her trunk Anally ar rives she announces that she has forgotten to bring a dressing gown, u toothbrush, the belt that goes with Iter linen suit and the little gift she hud planned to give her hostess, and the hostess, long suffering mortal, is asked to supply nil the wants but the last There Is the man who talks about bis business from the time he enters until the time be passes out of your bouse, and there is the woman who talks about Bobbie and Katberlne un til you are sure that you would detest such paragons of every thing wonderful as her children must be. The ideal guest should Indulge In none of the follies practiced by the beautiful princess or any of ber modern fellows, and If she does not have to spend all her time remembering tbe things she should avoid she will enjoy her visit and her hostess will en joy It too. i : How 8ht Helped. "While mother Is busy." said dear llttl Nan, "I'm going to help her all that 1 can." "Huh!" laughed her brother. "What can you do? I can tend (Ires and run errands too. But you are a girl and. besides, so small You won't be able to help at all." Nan's eyes were bright with her happy plan. "Oh, I can help I know that 1 canl If 1 don't tease, but keep still as a mouss And go on tiptoe all over the house And smile just as hard as ever 1 can, That will help mother." enld little Nan Youth's Companion. Suggestions For a Porch Dining Room f I i THE PICNIC BASKET. Equipment A big, nice white ta blecloth spread out ou tbe grass In the shade near a bubbling spring, with silver and glassware and dishes of sliced tomatoes to give a touch of brightness. Of course have plenty of chicken anil sweet, pink slices of hnm. With these have plenty of bread and biscuits und crackers for the aulud. Salad Dressing. -Two eggs, teaspoon ful of salt, tettHpootifiil of mustard, ta btespoonful of sugar, butter the size of a walnut und one cupful of vinegar Iteut eggs well and add salt Bud sugar hlssolvo the mustard In n little vlue gur. Add the rest of these Ingredients to the eggs, slowly beating all the time. Drop In the butter and stir over boiling water until thick. Chicken Salad.-Boll fowl till tender, letting It cool In the water In which It Is cooked; when cold cut into small pieces and add one stalk celery and one-fourth cabbage, both chopped very line. Chop three bard boiled eggs and two cucumber pickles. Chill and mix with salad dressing. Apples chopped line Instead of the cabbage make It better Cheese Salad Balls.-Qrat cheese, add enough salad dressing to make It stick together; mold It Into balls and press an English walnut meat Into the top If nuts are not convenient a dice wn-T nr riipnmher rtlckle will do 7777777777 A DUTCHMAN was relating his from drowning wheu thirteen of bis compan ions were lost by the upsetting of u boat and be alone was saveii. "And how did you escape this fate?' hearers. "I tid uot co Iu te pote." was 'the Dutchman's placid answer f. K Willie Gee; I wonder why pa never leaves a dime In his old pants when ma turns thein over to me? ! K K JImcrack-l caught our Iceman In the meanest trick you could Imagine Knndail-Short weight yon'f Jimcruck-Worse than thut he was moving the Ice box to tbe sunny side of the porch so the ice wouldn't last half a duy. Not Exactly. A young girl was taking a trip .on one of tbe greut lakes In a small steam er. Tbe luke wns quite rough, and many were seasick. The girl sat in tbe bow and was unusually quiet for ber, so her father thought He watched ber a few momenta in silence, then asked: "Are you feeling sick, Marion?" "Well, not exactly sick, but I should hate to yaiM," she replied. H ; More Likely to Come His Way. Blx Have you seen the new nickel yet? Dlx No, but you can Just bet I won't miss seeing It so long as I did that new gold piece of a few years ago. 1 1 i. ,i..i..,.h-I....m1. M .M .1-1 AT A GLANCE. H"I"I"H-I-I-I"I"I-H"H"H-I"I-I"I-H"I"1- At an elevation of 100 feet at sea the horizon Is a little more than thir teen miles away. it t The total number of Afro-American males In the United States of voting age lu 1010 was 2,459.327. or 0.1 per cent t It Taking cognizance of the various movements of the earth, a person tak ing a three mile stroll has traveled 85,255 miles. t ? There are five times as many earth quake shocks recorded on the Pacific coast of tbe United States as on tbe Atlantic coast. t H A combination camera and skyrocket which will take photos at a height of 2,000 feet has recently undergone a successful test In Europe. X It has been shown that climate has nothing to do with tbe length of hu man life, the blubber fed Eskimo liv ing on the uvcrage quite as long as the rice fed Hindu or the epicure whose diet Is of the "hot bird and cold bot tle" variety. TIHE QKIILIW What Willie Bat is afraid will happen if machine becomes a success. n n Game ef 8oldirs. A blackboard gome not generally known Is called "soldiers." Two boys each draw a row of ten o's about a quarter of an Inch In size and half an Inch apart; the two rows must be sep arated by a distance of twelve or fif teen Inches. Each boy takes a piece of chalk and then pretends thnt he Is the commander of one row of soldiers Tie then Ares- a shot from one of his soldiers at the opposite row, drawing his chalk rapidly across the blackboard from one row to the oth er to do this. The boys shoot In turn and every time a shot ichalk tnurki crises near the center of one of the iW ttVr "P'9 The Journal WHAT FUNNY THINGS WE HEAR murveious escape asked one of his The Maid's Burden. "Where have you been, Mary Ann?" "I've been to the girls' Improvement class, ma'am," was tbe maid's reply. "Well, and what did the curate aay to you? Did you tell him who your mistress was?" "Please, ma'am, be said I wasn't to give notice, as I Intended, but that 1 was to consider you as my burden and bear It" K As Usual. "That's a bad looking thumb you have, waiter," said tbe diner. "Does It hurt you?" "No, sir," replied the waiter. "It Is parboiled. It gets that way from serv lng soup. GARNISHING WARM WEATHER DISHES. Summer garnishes should al ways be fresh, crisp and' dainty. Watercress, fresh parsley, let tuce heart leuves, cupers nnd small radishes, crisp and cold, all form appropriate nnd appe tizing garnishes for ment ttsb and vegetable dishes. Another way of garnishing Is by combining two dishes. For Instance, If hashed brown potn- ', toes are to be served with a hash of lamb and peppers, place I the meat basb In the center of the dish and arrange the pota- I toes neatly about It Creamed ' fish enn be piled In the center ! of the platter, creamy mashed ' potatoes can be urranged ubout ! It, and tbe whole can be brown- 1 ed in the oven with a few but- ! tered breadcrumbs sprinkled ' over the fish for ten or fifteen minutes. Bacon can be used as 1 a garnish to liver or poached or ! fried eggs. It should be broil- 1 ed crisp nnd dry and should be ! neatly put on the serving dlsb. ' Nothing is more unsightly than i greasy, limp, balf cooked bacon ' piled hit or miss on a dlsb. . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei Riddles. a young When man calls on a wbnt three' he always young lady tions" should curry with him? Coufectlon in his pocket-perfection In bis manner und affectlou In bis heart When Is a pig not a pig? When It Is turned Into a pen. What kind of a person does an auctioneer like best? One who Is for bidding. Why are convicts like a pack of cants? He- the flying k cause there Is i knave In every suit o's that soldier Is counted as killed and be cannot fire again. The game' ends when all the soldiers of one side have been, shot-that Is. crossed off by the chalk marks. The lines must be drawn across very rapidly If the game h Played fairly. Nonsenss Vers "Ths cat la a little tiger, 1 know very well," nii Willie, But how I, it that th. cattail Is never a tiger lllyr Hear the ocean moaning. Ever moaning, sad and' low Tls because that fat old bather upon Its undertow 9 m displacement, organic inflamrnatio,k! leiimie weafcv, For two yein( could not ataaj j my feet long (i i time and I coon'. walk two bijl without etf. , cutting and draKt1 pains dovnmjnf side which inct; once a monti j have been t . time purple In 4 lace ana wouiu imm uio uuur. j; not lie down or sit still Bometimei je ! dy nnd a night at a time. I wait, vous, had very little appetite, non tion, melancholy, and often felt though I had not a friend in thetij- "After I had tried most evj male remedy first, without siiiw my mother-in-law advised me totij Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable fcl pound. I did so and gained in stre?' everyday. I have now no troiitj any way and highly praise your cine. It advertises itself." Mtiif Hurley, Eldon, Missouri. t Remember, the remedy which J this was Lydia E. Pinkham's VejajJ' Compound. For sale everywhere It has helped thousands of tt who have been troubled with db.' ments,inflammation,ulceration, kP! Irregularities, periodic pains, bath,;, that bearing down feeling, Indigr. and nervous prostration, after alln;. means have failed. Why don't 4 tryitT ) - i.i ..it- a - The Bicheet Man In the WorU Could you spend his entire Irr. trying to make a better remedy-; rheumatism than Meritol Khemi;. Powders. If you only knew theiin, you would use this wonderful nt. for rheumatism. Recommended kjj sicians and all who have tried It, ;, ital Drug Store, sole agents. '. ... There may a few people who It! used automobiles a good whilt t never mot with an accidont; prohy not many. ( For soreness of the muscles, trty induced by violent exercise or ii; there is nothing bettor than Cbic-j Iain's Liniment also relieves rheit,; pains. For sale by all dealers. 1 AH Pata! ' Medicines or medick advertised ii t this paper Hi for sale at DR. STONE Drug Store The only cash drug store in On, owes no one. and no one owes il:' s ries large stock; its Bholves, (!; and show cases are loaded with H medicines, notions, toilet rt wines and liquors of nil kinds h dicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is I "I lar graduate in medicine and hu many years of experience in the ! tiro. tJonsultations are free. Fi tions are free, and only regular;'; for medicine. Dr. .Stone can be: at his drug store, Bolcm, Ore., to; in the morning until 9 at night i'v delivery to all parts of the city, i Dr.J.CYu Success to Dr. Kum, the 0i'. Chinese Herb Specialist ( ESTABLISHED 1887. Care Bow Wo & Herb Co. 167 South High Street Patients Speak for Themselm Shellburn, Ore., April Dr. J. C. Yuen, Salem, Ore.: Dear Sir: I wiBh to offer !M testimonial in regard to your wot nieincine. r I hn.l tho Q.i.Ma i - . H.,,D ui nu.i.o ui w " ; physicians, and they told me thitH ': appendicitis, and would have W , oiwrated on before could cut Not wishing to be oporatod " 1 consulted Dr. J. C. Yuen, and ''; ter about three months' trontufil i am again feeling strong and hef I wish to do all in mv nnwefH ! I dilate the knnnleil ful medicine. Bespectfullv, ! J. L. OQLESBFJ j; Shellburn, Or' I Salem, July 5, 19; I have been troubled with trouble and a tumor for somo tin';, after three weeks' treatment wi :'r T. C. Yuen T ... t .. nV L cured, and since then have gsi""1 pounds, and would recommend H treatment to all sufferers. . ,M MRS, W. H. 8T0NEEI0CK ;, Bickreall,0";