Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1913, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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- 1
VTffl Not be Known by Bis Title in
America and Will Not Use It for
Henry Blouom One of Those Who
Failed to Figure Out Importance
of "Little Ouy."
mistake recently on the part of Henry
Blossom, the librettist who eollarbor
ated with George Robyo in "The Yan
kee Consul" and other pieces made fa-
nun hv Ravmond Hitchcock. While
Blossom, Charles R Dillingham and
Vharles Frohman were in London to
gether, Blossom rushed excitedly up to
'Dillinnham and demanded to know the
identity of "that little (fuy in a blue
flannel hirt. with a pipe in his face
who is panhandling Frohman.'
In defense of American actors and
.against the charge that they are cor
Irtiptinjr the king's English "as she is
spoke," come a plea of justification
,from actors in this country. The
'charge, as might beexpected, came from
London and Henry James. It read
like this:
I "American comedy artist, clever as
they are, are especially to blame as a
corrupting factor in the purity of our
By Bean Blalto.
(uxiitd mess lsasio wita
New York, July 12. If he can in- ,r-.wh." New York actors who admit
fluence the press agents and newspa- tne fharge, defend themselves on the
iwrs of America, New York will never Kroun,i that there is a great deal of
see Sir James M. Itarrie, Hart., the tne Bran 0f English spoken in London
English author and playwright recent- tnat newi, corruption to make it sound
ly honored by King Oeorgei The fa- intelligible. Others blame the play
mous author of "Peter Pan" and wrights who furnish the linee and draw
"The Little Minister," will visit New tae characters.
York in November, but it will be Mr. ,,The trouble tbe English actors
James M. Barrie, Esq., on the ship's jt iM they hmve th, h4bit of talking
passenger list and the Gotham hotel eubiitin uii Clrter oe ITaven. "You
register, not Sir James M. Barrie, (Mm)t BIldetna them at all and the
J&art. The writer issued in ultimatum inef kaV() , be modlttd to great
when lie received his baronetcy on the ,B min ,0 Mke ,4Me Wnat
king's last birthday, that his title ,how chapi meMi j lnvpcMt i, that
should not be used for advertising pur- Ameri,,n , ,etors use Americanisms
poses, and ordered all publishers and with whie th, Londoners are not fa
the managers using his plays on no ae- mi)itr gome of them even , Amer.
eonnt to let "Sir" appear on the title lM 1ln(( whi.h u unforgiVable from
page of any of his books and in press tha KugiiA viewpoint, though, take it
notices and apers advertising his fnm American slang is not half
plays. The baronet feels strongly on M btd M tbo Briti,h vjety."
the subject, and says he will never use u wu Lew FieUti the ,.onledian,
tha kisg's recognition of his literary who bUmed ,he whole tning onto tne
plavwrights. He said:
, 1
srl'lll, lllWJ'ylya ""'"i.il 'ILyiV:
r m$mf' mm lA
m0 1
iM 'imnmk 111
pfl immmmM xMn ft s
a Filipino war photorlay, Mar
garet Oswald, who played the leaa.
stood on the roof of a third story bal
ccny after escaping through a window
in a house which was supposed to be
blown up by soMiers. Two hand gre
nades werethrown into the battle scene
nades were thrown into the battle s- ene
ploded near -Miss uswaia. umuui
tace at-1 arms temporarily rendering
her sight!e?.
Miss Jane Darwcll, playing second
lea.ls in one of the "101 Bison" com
taniee, is preparing to give t'niversal
cittr nm real thrills in her part in
"The Head Hunters," soon to be pro
duced. Her part calls for a horseback
ride at the breakneck speed, the ford
ing of a river and the slaying of a
man with a dagger. Miss Darweli only
a short time ago was a popular stock
ompany actress in the East. She is
proving a valuable member of the com
I any because of her versatility and her
iaring riding.
Ask tor L1MS
" 7 ' m i m A - II-
The Food Drink For All Ages-mgniy nuiriuuw winvemenf
Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder fom-dissolya
m waters-more healthful than tea or coffee. Used m train
SbSSThe best diet for Infanta, Growing Children, Inva idSi
and the Aged. It agrees with the weakest digest
Akfaf"HORllGK'S"-at Hotels, Restaurants, Fountain
DoJttomve" wSont it AIbo keep it at home. A lunch m a mmute.
iLTTablet form, atao, ready to eat. Convement-nutntioua.
and dramatic work to boost his fame.
This will be his uecond visit to the
United Rtates, and the purpose of his
trip is to see Miss Maude Adams about
a new play. Coincidentally, his first
visit concerned Miss Adams though on
that occasion It was accidental and not
by design. His first visit occurred
some years ago, when he first discov
ered the talent of the American ac
tress. The night before he sailed for
home, Barrie saw Miss Adams in
"If my English ain't good, it's the
playwright's fault, ain't it Sure. Sup
pose now he makes me a German char
acter. I got to use German talk, ain 't
If fiuro. 1 can't speak regular talk
and still be a Dutchman, can If Sure
not. Suppose it stands in the manu
script perfectly good English but it
says also I got to be a Dutch come
dian, what do I do then, heyf T tell
von something, a fact: It's all the
"Rosemary," .d said to Charles playwright's fault, except where we
Trohman: "Jf you can get Miss ot t0 ,,!,, the lines ourselves, and
Adams to play the part of Lady Bab- then we make 'em fit what we think
Die, I will dramatire 'The Little Min- the plrt demands. Dickens himself
ister." How he did dramatire the wrote poor English sometimes, and he's
book and how Miss Adams used It as ju(t M g00j M t am. go aont blame
a vehicle to ronvey her almost into me ni,lne lt on ,he man who wrote
instant stardom now is a matter of his- the. lines."
The purpose of the coming visit of srN BAOOOT AND WHITE
Sir James is to see Miss Adams in her
coming revival of "Peter Pan" and to
consult her about "Leonora," a new J
Barrie play which Mrs, Patrich Camp
"bell ia about to give a premiere in
llcrbtrt Brenon, producer of manv
of the Imp two-riel features, ia uow
well underway with the first British
London. The author wants to aroduce r(MurtioD in which King Baggot ap
ine piay in uiis country wnn miss jn , principal role. There is
Adams in the title role. ' quite some little secrecy about the pro-
On the other side It is said that his duction, but this much'has leaked out;
title nas not changed Sir James a bit. ( u .mbr.ces a struggle between a Ja-
ins out ceienranon oi me nonor, as . In Amerirlln (or lmcmacv
Tar aa his friends could see, was to
have a new bowl put in hia cherished
and inevitable, pipe.
When rehearsals of "Leonora" be
Kan the other day at the Duke of
York's theater in London, Hir James
read the manuscript to the cast without
removing hia pipe from hia mouth. Bar
rie 'a small and slight personality and
in London, a magnificent scene at the
Hendon aerodrome, a day at Eom
where we see the immortal Derby,
fight on a railway train and personal
appearance and flights of the beet
known aviators in the world. M
Claude Graham White, whose name is
too well known to need comment, ap
pears in one of tha principal roles, am
unassuming manner led to an amusing we see a thrilling escape by the Jap
On June 7 the Photoplayers' Club,
the new organization of the California
picture actors, held a ladies' night af
fair in their new club house. Miss Mar
garita Fischer and Director Otis Tur
ner, of the Bex Company, were the most
conspicuous of the crowd on t' e
room floor, the former for her beauty
nd the latter for his new-found ability
to "rag it."
A magnificent new two-part photo
play has just been completed by the
101 Bison Company. The title of this
Civil War etory of aentiment and
pathos is "The Picket Guard," sug
gested by Ethelinde E. Beers' historic
poem, "All Quiet Along the Potomac."
All quiet along the Potomac tonight,
Where the soldiers lie peacefully
heir tents in the rays of the clear au-
- tumo moon,
Or the lights of the watch fires are
. tremulous aigh, aa the gentle night
Through the brush leaves eoftly is
While stars up above, with their glit
tering eye,
Keep guard for the army is sleeping.
There's only the aound of the lone sen
try's tread,
As he tramps from the rock to the
And thinks of the two, in the low trun
dle bed,
Far away in the cot on the mountain.
The moon aceins to shine just as bright
ly as then
That night when the love yet unspoken,
Leaped to his lips, when low mur
mured vows
Were pledged to be ever unbroken.
Ilia musket falls alack, his face dark
and grim,
Grows soft with memories tender,
As he mutters a prayer for the chil
dren asleep,
For the mother may heaven defend
Then, drawing his sleeve ronghly over
his eyes,
He dashes the tears that are welling,
And gathers his gun close op to itB
As if to keep down the heart swell
He passes the fountain, the old blasted
The footsteps are lagging and weary.
Hark: Was it the night wind,
That rustled the leaves!
Was it moonlight so wondrously flash
It looked like a rifle
Ah! Mary, good-bye.
And the lifeblood is ebbing and
All quiet along the Potomac, "they
say, ' '
Except, now and then, a stray picket
Is shot, as he walks his post to and fro,
By a rifleman hid in tbe thicket.
" 'Tis nothing, a private or two now
and then
Will not count in the news of the battle;"
"Not an officer last" "Only one of
the men."
"Moaning out all alone the death
"All quiet along the Potomac tonight
No sound save tbe rush of the river.'
Whilo soft falls the dew on the face of
the dead.
The qicket's off duty forever."
anese in an airship piloted br Mr
White himself.
Mr. Brenon writes that he believes
it is the greatest production he has ever
made, stating that "o beautiful pic
turesque scenery, dramatic value,
thrills and acting it eicela any of hia
previous production.
He announces with a great deal of
satisfaction, the arrival of Miss Leah
Baird, and feels that with Mr. Baggot
and Miss Baird playing the British
roles, supported by a British company
with beautiful European backgrounds
he will obtain wonderful results.
1 1 : : ? 1
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Ay k '.a- I J k
Gertrude Short, the 11-year-old star
of the Universal Pacific Coast forces,
is a great lover of animals. She was
the center of attraction recently at the
Hotel Alexandria, in Loa Angeles,
where she frequently goes for after
noon tea.
Little Miss Whort, wearing a delicate
white lingerie dress, black silk coat,
and flowered hat, and holding a dainty
swagger stick, wns attracted by the
faint cries of a small dog that had
been injured in the street and had
been injured in the street and trn.l
sneaked Into the hotel. In an instant
the child photoplaver had her gloves off
and was bonding over the canine. She
asked a bellboy for some water and
towel, and when they were brought the
child gently bathed the injured paw
while score of persons looked on a I
miringly. Forgetting tea, she took the
little animal in her arms home to Hoi
ft' y'"41v f iM
since, a man fell into an open coalholo
sued for damages, and was awanieu a
substantial amount. When he recoiveu
bill from hia lawyer, however, he was
stunned again, ami as son as ho could
get into hustling shape he hastened to
see him.
' Your bi.l is outrageous! " exclaimed
the client to the legal one. it is
more than three-fourths of the amount
I recovered."
"yuito true," was the calm
of th lawyer, "but you mustn't ,.
thnt I furnished the Bkill and i,
learning for tho case."
"Yes," excitedly cried the ,i
but I furnished the case."
"Oh, ns far as that goes," ,
scornful reply of the lawyer, ",
body can fH "own a coa' holel"
" tHM MM 2
A Director's Ditty.
By James J. Montagus.
Run the road to get resultsl Keep ex
penses low!
Economize on employes, for wages
mount up so!
Use the rolling stock you've got as
long as wheels will turn.
Suppose it isn't all brand new; that's
none of our concern.
And if a smash-up comes along, say
once or twice a year,
Charge it to the loss account, and
blame the engineer!
Boost the fares up right along, and if
the people balk,
Tell 'em they don't have to ride; they
can always walk!
Keep the freight rates going up; if the
shippers whine,
They must pay 'era just the same;
we've got the only line.
In case of wrecks go into court and
fight on every claim,
And don't forget the battle cry: "The
engineer's to blame!"
Watch repair bills! Keep 'em down!
A lot of harm is done
By useless high-priced tinkering on en
gines that will run.
Keep away from foolish fads; steel
cars cost more to build.
And wooden ones are good enough;
your job's to keep 'em filled.
Of course they smash to spinters in a
wreck; but never fear
If any one gets after you, just blame
the engineer!
Collars Laundered
Like When Purchased
That's the way we launder collars and until they have reached ft,
.. .... nnni;nji in launder them an thtvt!
very limit or. tneir useiuiuew no -j ...
riv. satisfaction. It ia our exclusive process that Insures coliara.
But that is not all. Every time we return your collars they will k
smooth at the top edges spotlessly clean and free from lump, ,
blistera. It costs no more to have collars laundered right so send jj
laundry here.
Phone now and wagon will call, or drop a postal for price list.
136-166 S. Liberty St Phone 25,
M Surprise tor Marion ana tw lountiei:
nr. v... . vin mtrvV f nni1. boxing, saws and al' kinds of tan-
and machinery. Alao chicken netting, nog wire, roonng paper amitt.
harness, xsig iarm wagon auu piuwo i "i'
gain prices. ' Everything from a needle to a piece of gold. '. Ths kous
of a half million bargains.
Big stock of new and second-bund tinware and gasoline tugiu
Our 3-horeepower' electric motor can be used in Salem.
When men are busy building
scheme of high finance,
Thev can't be too conservative;
they've got to take a chance.
We'd rather not pay death claims out,
but in the last account,
They're cheaper than big running cost,
by quite a snug amount.
And so, when on our right of way we
see a lurid flame
Leap forth from car to car, we say:
"The engineer's to blame."
A Los Angeles lawyer told this atory
at dinner the other night. Some time
To l knowing iiiflerert of rheum.. t inn,
whether muscular or of tbe Joints, telatica,
lnj-baffu backache, pain in the kidney or
neuralgia paina, to write to her for ft home
treatment which hai repeatedly cured all of
these torture. Bbe frelt it her duty to send
ft to all lutferer FREE. You cure youraelf
at home a thoanands will testify no change
of climate being necessary. This simple
Al. V. ..U,. ,. 1 . ti.. 1,1 J
the blood
loose.) the stiffened Jointu,
and brirhten the eyes, in
tone to the whole system.
Interest yoa, for proof addres Mr.
gammers, Box a, INotr Dam. X&d.
ft, nurin
iTint elasticity and
ii me aoov
Z33 SUte Street
Phone Mailt
Pianos and Organs
from the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Eel -fit 17'T flfll
LU12Ulla T1VIU1 CI,
Colnmliia Tallrir
at l r
A full stock of Recoc
Sewing Machines i Latest Sheet He:
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines. Sewing ma
chines rented.
Piann anri flrnjn Cturf
V IUIIIIO, uuiicuo, i
Mandolins and Banir
! Ml
Robert Leonard.
Robert Leonard, one of the latest re
cruits of the Pacific t oast force of the
I'niversal Film Company, aspired in
his school days to be a great baseball
pitcher. "Bob" has been deprived of
a great career in a different line, but
it surely cannot be said that fate has
been unkind to him aa he ia now one
oi the most capable and popular men on
tho smreen. few have come to the
front in tho phntoplaying art aa rapidly
as Mr. Leonard. Vor the last few years
he has alternated between picture and
the legitimate stage, but ia now in the
screen world permaneutlv. He ia tdav-
ling character leads, chieflv with the
Wenll&ct Raid
Universal Proe,rAm
The M Ornnts in embryo, who re
ceived their diplomas at the handa of
Secretary l.indley M. Garrison at West
Point, on .Inne 12, are destined to an
importance thnt never rv;,.i,aK. i...
been achieved hv a rraduatin.r cla.a ' t ompany, and he write many of j
of the National' Militarv Acidemv. I thfl ,ori''" '" w,'i,,k h" "'"'"K" ,-- I
They have been immortalired In mov- Lwnsr'1 " 1'hotoplayer of diversified ;
in If pictures. Through the courtes v of n'1 -"H'S and his re-1
the Hr department the Animated ! mrk1,1 ver-atility fits him to enact
Weekly was enabled to record on cine- !'"' ltnT rnl 'xfn
matonraph film the historic event, and, ACTEESS HAS NARROW ESCAPE !
It will fnrni.h most appropriate subject T,, movi.,w picture actors take ter-1
birthdav 'l,n,lli''",,',n',,i0n',rili1 ri!,K ""' ninBKfT ,hoir ,iv.
' I while appenrinjc in battle scenes was!
It ia easier to en broke in a month 'P"ved, recently t Universal City dur
than it la to get rich in a vear. iin8 ,D production of "The IToad Hunt
We are just in receipt of a fresh car.
This is a new brand, but
We Guarantee Satisfactior
Give It A Trial
.SnniilfKrio I
bma4aiac, a4v:iiiif .vviBiiim in
Front and Ferry Streets
Phone 183C.