Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 04, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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I ,
4 M 4 t it M MltitMtMt 4 4 44 M M M 4
HtHH 4444
Recipe Department
If Yon Can Read Yon
! Butter Nut
Can Be a Good Cook
We will show you how. TaUe
any receipt for cake, muffins,
biscuit or pastry, follow direc
tions and use
v I ,..- "i'jT 5 J
74444 4444 4 4 4 MM
1 .
Copyright, 1913. by American
Presa Assoclallon.
yyEl.L here we ire, food people,
With our pretty flats arrayed
Like true and loyal patrlota
To tee tbe big parade.
Opinion Is Divided Concerning It But
Majority Seom to Take an Af
firmative View.
In Saturday Newspapers Many Clergy
men Insert Cards In Paid Adver
tising Columns.
Sy Carletou Ten Eyck.
(UNITED l'UENt l.UAKKD Wlllti.)
Now York, July 4. ShuuM tho
church aJvertincf Tlmt is not at all
an irrovcrvnt quitttion. It is a proti
Im that is today roi'oivinj; tho serious
consiilttralinn of every minister of tho
rohi1 in New York ami many laymen
Opinion is divided on the subject, nat
urally, but Hint tho majority seems to
taka an affirmative view of tho quos
tion is ovideuceil by tho numerous and
varied church advertisements that as
sail the eye and ear in Gotham. A very
dignified Kpiscopal church in tipper
Broadway now displays a largo elec
tric Sinn bearing this legend:
"Full Choral Kvensong, 8 I". M. Sun
days." The sign is not widely different from
those seen in front of theaters further
down tho street. I'orlmps an illumi
nated sign is a radical step but painted
designs with huge letters are now
flaunted over the portals of scores of
New York churches, Informing the pass
or-by of the hours of service and the
"added attractions" of orchestra and
choir. In tho Saturday newspapers
many of tho pastors now Insert regula
tion "cards" in thtf paid advertise
ment columns, calling attention to Sun
day's services and lnying stress on
tho musical features. Some of them
add the words: "Seats free." Thin
lino no doubt rather strikes the rural
visitor as rather un church-like, but it
Is nothing out of the way when ono
understands the situation. Many of the
metropolitan churches n'hnrge n stipu
lated pew rent, and the seats of tho
congregation ore thus paid for ns much
as are theater seats, though there is
no box office in front. "The church is
fighting the world, the flesh and the
dovil and they all advertise their at
tractions," said one advocate of the
new Idea. "Why should i.nt the
church meet the world, tho flesh and
the devil on thir own ground!"
Tbe clergyman of a church up In
Washington Heights that has a small
lamp Id front has tnstallod hooches
' i - K A -V w
f By 0. B. BREUER. Ij
TyE want to aee the soldier men
Go marching, two by two,
to steady file, with banners gay
Of red and white and blue.
there and they are free to all comers.
Tho plai'o is high and there is always
a brce.o and often on summer Sunday
nights, people may bo soon occupying
those benches whilo tho minister is
preaching to his congregation inside.
Discuss Worldly Problems.
A popular Kpiscopal church far
down town has sprung an innovation
in what the pastor called a "Forum."
Kaeh Sunday night ho holds tho brief
est of rJligious services and then tho
congregation settles down for the dis
cussion of some importnnt question of
tho day. A few uights ago they talked
about the tariff and tho following Sun
day currency reform was tho topic up
for consideration. Tho problem to be
discussed is nlwavs announced in the
printed church circular a week in ad-
vnnee, and one man or woman is re
quested to prepare a comprehensive ad
dress on the chosen subject. ATtor this
set discourse, the meeting is thrown
open for general discussion and often
there nro lively debates. Besides the
tariff and currency this particular con
gregation has discussed woman suf
frage, social reforms, the minimum
wage scale for women and kindred sub
jects, ami now the Sunday night at
tendance far exceeds that at the morn
ing service.
Apropos of "new wrinkles" in
church services to catch tho young peo
ple, a certnin well known pastor of
New York installed a moviug picturo
machine ns an adjunct of his Sunday
night service. For several weeks he
displayed films illustrating Biblical
themes, the return of tho Prodigal Son,
the journey of the Tlireo Wise Men
and such things. Ho followed that lino
up with some pictures of the Holy Land
and never at any time displayed a film
that was far from tho beaton track
of religion. Some members of his con
gregation suggested Hint a few inno
cent comedy pictures might break the
monotony and serve to attract more
youths to the services, The ministor
thought tho idea a good one, aud acted
on the suggestion. Ho obtained several
funny pictures and thought wih satis
faction how ho would give his congre
gation some innocent amusement on tho
hot .Itine night, mnking them want to
come Hack next week. He signalled
his operator to run off one of tho com
edy rolls and after a sputter, the as
tonished audience saw flashed on tho
screen "This is no place for a minis
ter's Sou." As an irrepressible titter
ran around the room, the picture ma
chine was stopped and tho lights went
up. There have been on more comedy
films there. Those who were there that
night have made tho rounds of tho pic
ture shows to find out what kind of
a place It was the minister did not
Hot June In New Tort
Father Knickerbocker long has been
'yyE want to see the carriages
In pretty bunting dressed.
In fact, we're out to see It all,
As you perhaps bave gueised.
noted as a most literal person and in
June he has outdone himself in taking
words at their face value. Some wiso
man once referred to tho metropolis
and ita varied population, garnered
from every quarter of the globe
"Tho Melting Tot of the World." Of
course the epigrainatist did not mean
a real melting pot but Now York wont
ahead and had the hottest Juno that
the Gothiunites have felf for more than
ten years. Trying to livo up to tho
lion mot. Eh, what!
Spokane, Wash., July 4. The city's
new criminnl code was adopted yester
day by the city council after a strong
provision prohibiting unnecessary
noises in the city hnd been inserted.
The code as adopted combines about
10 to ")0 per cent of tho existing ordi
nances, incorporates tho entire state
criminnl code, covering misdemeanors
and adds several new laws covering
petty offenses.
Cincinnati, July 4. The Cincinnati
Ice Company, owner of severnl of the
ice plants seized by tho city, this after
noon asked for an injunction. Simul
taneously Mayor Hunt wired Attorney
(ieneral Melieynolds asking for a feder
al grand jury to investigate the Middle
States Ico Producers' Exchango, alleg
ing that it violates the Sherman anti
trust law.
Portland, July 4. Arthur Pelkoy
tho heavyweight pugilist, whoso right
fist is alleged to have killed Champion
ImtheiT Mcl'artly at Canary few
weeks ago arrived in Portland today
with Tommy Burns, former heavy
weiirht chnmpion.
Pelkoy and Hums are booked to open
a week 's special vaudevillo engago
nieiit nt the Lyric thontro Monday
night. Following their Portland en
gagement the pair will likely go East
to New York, although San Francisco
managers aro bidding high.
Baker, Ore., July 4. Groping blindly
through stifling smoke, Mrs. Henry
Bowman saved tho life of Baltic, the
4A-ear-old .;iughter of Frank Hoax,
vesterdny, when the Hoax home wns
damaged by firo.
The parents were away, and Mrs.
Bowman saw the firo from a neigh
bor's. She called the fire department
and rushed to the house. Feeling her
way through the smoke, she entered
the bedroom, where she found the child
asleep. With great, effort she carried
the girl throueh the smoke and fire to
safety and collapsed. She did not re
cover for two hours, and is still in a
serious condition.
Tho fire did $200 damage to the
kitchen, pantry and bedroom. It
started from an oil heater in the kitch
en. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Your druggist will refund money If
FAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any
case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro
truding riles in t to 14 days. 50c
Now it the time to save
your coupons, anl get a
f beautiful gold band lem
onade set.
i This is berry season.
Save your coupons . and
I get a beautiful berry set. f
iThe California!
t Thone 969,
347 Court St.
Reasoner's Steel Cut Cof
fee, fresh roasted every
day. Try a cup.
Phone 543.
Eppley's Perfection
Baking Powder
Makes a dainty, delicious f
and altogether satisfac
tory biscuit.
Formerly German Bakery.
240 S. Com. St. Phone 378
Why Bend your money to Port
laud, when you can buy your
broad, cuke and pastries at home,
manufactured in an up-to-dato,
X clean, sanitary and modern bak
t ery!
X We own and operate The White
SSwau Bakery aud Dairy Lunch,
319 N. Commercial street.
t Phono 903. J
Meadow Brook!
Nothing better on ' good
bread, than good butter.
Meadow Brook
Made by the Marion
Cherry Tart.
Line a pie tin with rich paste, fill
with fresh cherries, stemmed and
pitted, sprinkle with one-half cup of
granulated sugar. When baked, cover
the top with the white of ono egg beat-1
en to a stiff froth; with one largo cherries, ouo-half cup of chopped wal
spoon of powdered sugar. Return to mltH a,i,i to boiled frosting, plnce half
oven long enough to make the icing Wl4imit8 and whole cherries on top for
firm. I decoration.
Cherry Olives.
Fill Economy jars with perfect cher
ries on stems, for each jar use ono cup
of cold vinegar, ono tenspoonful of
salt. Fill the jars with cold water and
i The Chadwick Grocery j
Cantaloupes, 3 for 25c.
Table strawberries, 4, 5 and 6
boxes for 2oc.
New cabbage, 5c head
rens, 20c per gallon.
Phc-M 122
How to Cook
A good many husbands are entirely Bpoiled by mismanagement in
cooking, and so are not tender and good. Some women keep them con
stantly in hot water; others fra37.o them; others put them in a stew;
others roast them and others keep tfeem constantly in a pickle. It can
not bo supposed that any husband be good managed in this way, but
they are really delicious when properly treated. In selecting your
liiBband you should not be guided by the silvery appearances, in buying
mackeral, nor by tho golden tint as in buying salmon. Be sure and se
lect him yourself as tastes diffor. Do not go to the market for him,
as those brought to the door are always best. It is far better to have
none than not to know how to cook them properly. It does not make
so much difference what you cook them aS how you cook them. Soe
that the linen in which he is wrapped is white and nicely mended with
the required numbor of strings and buttons. Don't keep him in the
kettlo by forco as he will stay there himself if properly treated. If he
sputter or fizz do not become anxious as some husbands do that. Add
a little sugar in tho from confectioners call "kisses," but no vinegar
or pepper on any account. A little spico improves him, but it must be
used with judgment. Do not try him with any thing sharp to seo if
ho is becoming tender. Stir him gently the while, lest ho become flat
and tasteless. If thus treated, you will find him very digestible,
agreeing nicely with you, aud ho will keep as long as you want.
Pickled Cherries.
To every quart of sound large cher
ries allow a large cup of vinegar, two
tablespoons of sugar, one dozen whole
cloves, ono half dozen blades of mace,
heat the vinegar, sugar aud spices to
gether, boil five minutes, turn into
stone jar, cover closo until perfectly
cold. Pour in tho cold liquid over
Cherry Sherbet.
Thrco cups of cooked Kentish cher
ry juice, juice of four lemons, two and
one-half quarts of water, tlireo cups of
white Bugar, ono tablespoon of corn
starch, whites of tow eggs stiffly
whipped. Make a syrup of one quart
of water nnd tho sugar, thicken with
cornstarch, set aside until cold, ndd the.
remaindcr of tho water, cherry and
lemon juice: fill a gallon freezer two-
thirds full, when nearly frozen add the
egg whites and one cup of chopped
Kentish cherries unsweetened.
Cherry Nugat.
Two cups of cane sugar, onohalf
cup of boiling water, one-half cup glu
cose, one-half cup candied cherries,
beaten whites of tow eggs. Boil the
Bugar, water and glucose to a thin Byr-
up, pour one-half cup full over the "egg
whites, bent briskly with a Dover
beater. Boil the remainder of the syr
up until it cracks in cold wator. Add
to the egg mixture and beat until
creamy, when nearly done add the
Cherry Cake.
One cup of butter, two cups of sugar,
two and one-half cups of flour, one-one-half
cp of cornstarch, whites of
six eggs, ono cup of Bweet milk, two
teaspoons full of Eppley's Perfection
Baking Powder. Cream tho butter and
tho sugar, add the milk with flour and
baking powder, lastly the whites of
eggs beaten to a stiff froth.
Filling One-half cup of candiod
Cherry Conserve.
Take five pounds of Royal Ann cher
ries, seed and press the juico out, un-
I dor a weight, add four thinly sliced
oranges, one pound of shelled walnuts,
coarsely chopped, cover with syrup
4 4 4 M4MHM4 44444444444
String beans, 10c pound
Lettuce, onions, radishes, beets,
carrots and turnips, 5c per
New potatoes, 6 Bis for 25c.
1165 SUte Street
r4444 444444444444444444444
a Husband f
made from three-fourths pound of
white sugar to ono pint of water and
the iuice of one lomon. Boil until the
fruit is transparent, add spices if pre
Cherry Sago.
Cook three tablespoons of minute
tapioca, throo tablospoons of sugar, in
two euiis of hot wator until clear. Add
; the juice of one lomon and one cup of
cherry juice, beat smooth with a spoon
and mold, sprinkle with cinnamon and
serve with whipped cream.
Aunt Kate's Cherry Pudding.
One pint of flour, one and one-half
tcaspoonfuls of Eppley ' Baking Pow
dor, one tablespoonful of lard and a
ninch of salt. Mix to a stiff batter
with milk or water. Fill largo cups
nno-half full of pitted chorrics, no
juico,, add three tablespoon fuls of bat
ter to each cup and steam ono half
Servo with tho following sauce: To
tho juice of tho cherries add butter the
sizo of an egg, flavor with nutmeg and
sweeten according to tasto.
Cherry Cup.
Ono quart of Kentish chorry juice.
one-half cau grated pineapples, juice
of four lemons, sweeten lavishly and
serve with ico in punch bowl. When
ready to use add one bottle of syphon
water, and a cup of stoned raw cher
ries. Cherry Rolypoly.
Paste Two cups of sifted flour and
a pinch of salt, one-half cup of mixed
buttor and lard, two scant teaspoons
of Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder.
Roll into a thin sheet with ice water,
place a row of May Duke cherries on
the crust, sprinkle with sugar, turn
crust over and start another row until
tho crust is rolled up. Bake in the
oven and serve with hard sauce, flav
ored with Buckeye vanilla.
Cherry Sponge.
Two cups of finely chopped, cooked
cherries of any variety, a half package
of gelatin, one cup of sugar and two
cups of water, juice of one lomon and
tho whites of two eggs; boil the sugar,
lemon juice and water Into a syrup,
add the gelatin and lomon juico. When
cool add the cherries and egg whites
stiffly beaten, beat In a bowl of ke
water until cold, mold in fanjy Bhapes
and serve with whipjcd cream.'
44444444444 H 44 4 1 1 H
New potntoes
Green peas
String beans
Ripe tomatoes
Take all the time you want to
mix it, and lot it stand ten or
fifteen minutes before bakiag, if
you wish it will be all the bet
ter. "CRESCENT" has two power
units and NEVER FAILS TO
Crescent Manufacturing Company
Seattle, Washington.
444444 44444444444444Ht
Salem Bakery, the place to get
1097 Chomeketa. Phone 24S'l
lust received, a new shipment or
Peanut Butter. MV.-Dound tins. .
45c, 5-pound tins, 85c. "
1 1 lwivirto oc rvuJiicim
I .v.fts.Aii'a
22d and State Streets.
X Free delivery to any part of
me tuy, ana .jiaie.
Phone 2187
I Pall M9.'n 1179
. . VU1I 1I1UU1 All u
For staple and fancy gro
; ceries, fresh fruit and veg-
1601 Center Street j
goods. Lowest prices
Prompt Delivery.
Phone 877. 575 N. 14th street.
4444444444444444 M 44 H
Two quarts of ice water, two lemo
one pint of pineapple juice, one cup
sugar, one-half cup of rich che:
juice. if
Cherry Salad. ''
Remove the stones from largo eti
ries, fill them with hazel or otl
small nuts, serve on white heart k'
tuee leaves with mayonalse or crfi
Crescont Corn Muffins.
One cup sweet milk, ono cup K
milk, one-fourth enp molasses,
half teaspoon salt, one and one-bi
cups corn meal, one-half cup flour, t
teaspoon Crescent Baking Powder,
half teaspoon soda. Steam in cups I'
hours, llalf teaspoon of Maploine
much to flavor of this recipe. -t
Oatmeal Sugar and Crcu
. Broiled Lamb's Kidneys f
Stewed Potatoes
Muffins Cofh
Fish Salad Pim
Sweet Omelet Cocm
Dinner ;
Pea Soup ;
Mutton Cutlets Brown Tomato &V
Molded Bice Creamed Onion
nil'" j reuca nivm"
Wafers Cheese ;.
Cherry Pudding
Fine strawberries
Wild blackberries
Red raspberries ;
Red currants f
Apricots ,
Pineapples i
Oranges . J
Lunch goods for your picnic dinner, ripe olives Swiss cheese, Tillamool
cheese, sardines, minced ham, pickles, etc. See us for fruit jars, f'
rubbers, jar caps and jelly glasses I
339 North Commercial Street. Phone Main iS '
4444 M4 4 4444 MMMM4 4 4 H M 4M444M