Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1913, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE THIRTEEN, Image 13

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If They Have Physical Qualifications
He Will Try to Make it Com
fortable for Them
Attractive Cruises Arranged and Jack
Tar Will Not Get Too Much Work
and No Pay.
WashingtonJiine 21. If you are a
man, and are between the ages of 17
and 35 years and are from five feet
two inches to six feet one inch and
weigh in proportion, with a chest meas
urement of from 33 to 36 3 4 inches,
dependent upon your age, height and
weight, Secretary of the Navy Daniels
has a job for you. Moreover, he has
declared that if you pass all these qual
ifications and want the job, he will
give you as fine an oportunity to see
the world as you could get anywhere,
on board a floating home that was built
for from $5,000,000 to $20,000,000.
Secretary Daniels has Borne advanced
views regarding the way the navy of
the United States ought to be run, anil
he is especially "strong" for reforms
that will attract and hold the best
class of men and boys the country can
provide for the navy. lie believes the
navy should be maile attractive to the
young men, the college graduate, the
school boy and to every man and boy
who comes up to the physical qualifi
cations mentioned. Perhaps tire most
radical of the reforms Secretary Dan
ies would like to see effected is his pet
plan to change the rules of enlistment so
that it would bo possible for college
men to accept the hospitality of the
navy and cruise as man-o '-wars-man
during thoir vacations, could take such
cruises and acquaint themselves with
the duties of a sailor.
Socretary Daniels, explaining his pro
ject today, declared he believes every
young man should have a "working
knowledge" of the navy. If this were
the case, ho said, the rank and file of
the navy would be raised even higher
than it is now.
The secretary's plan is virtually the
creation of a volunteer citizen reserve.
He would have conditions such ,that
in case of nocessity there would bo
thousands of young men as useful as
they were willing to go behind the big
guns and uphold the prestige of tho
United States navy.
Although Secretary Daniels is an
avowed "man of peace," ho believes
in maintaining a high depreo of pre
paredness, and it is his aim to ediicato
the young men so that the navy can
be placed on a war footing at very
short notice.
At the present timo, figures at the
navy department show today, the navy
is approximately 500 men short of the
authorized enlistment number. Under
the Daniels regime every effort will be
made to fill these vacancies with en
listed men, as well as to qualify as
many more as possible who are now in
civilian life, for possible emergency
TbiB is one of the many reasons for
the attractive cruise which has been
mapped out for the Atlantic fleet this
year. The coming cruise will be in
the Mediterranean where every port
of moment will be touched and the
sailors given ample opportunity to
spend many hours on shore. Similar
cruises are today being mapped out for
each succeeding year, and while Secre
tary Daniels is at the head of the navy
department there will be no fear, he
decares, of Jack Tar having too much
work and no play.
Following the Mediterranean cruise,
it is planned for the fleet to go through
the Panama canal to Asiatic ports. This
trip is only in embryo at tie present
time. It was said at the department
today that announcement of the itiner
ary for this trip may be made within
the aeit few months.
Budapest, Juno 21. New York state
will grant women the vote in 1915.
Massachusetts will do likewise about
the same time possibly before 1915,
and othor Now England comonwelaths
will be quick to follow the example set
uy the Empire and Bay Btatc. This
was the claim made here today by Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the
great International Woman Suffrage
Alliance which is holding its seventh
annual convention here with 1000 dele
gates representing twenty-eight coun
tries, in attendance. Mrs. Catt declared
that the fight in America is about to
bo won, and that from now on women
who are fighting to have a hand in
making the laws by which they are
governed will center their efforts on
tho Empire state. In explaining the
campaign mapped out for the suffra
gists of America, Mrs. Catt described
how success in New York state would
have a wonderful moral effect on the
Now England states. ' She declared also
that tho South would be more ready
"to fall into line',' after New York
is won. ' "The far-western common
wealths," saUl Mrs. Catt, "have cap
itulated. Woman, suffrage is no longor
an experiment. Too much good has
followed it. The states east will cap
itulate and surrender to the inevitable
when New York sets the bace. We are
certain to win in the referendum of
1'M." The congress which has been.
in session five d.vvs will adjourn next
-To Women-
Seeiting Health and Strength
For those ills peculiar to women Dr. Pierce El
recommends his "Favorite Prescription" as jjj
A medicine prepared by regular graduated physician of unus
ual experience in treating woman's diseases carefully adapted
to work in harmony with the most delicate feminine constitution.
All medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction to cus
tomers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or
sugar-coated tablet form at the drug store or eiid 60one-cent
stamps for a trial box, to Buffalo.
Every woman may write fully and confidentially to Dr. Pierce,
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., and may bo
sure that her case will receive careful, conscientious, confidential
consideration, and that experieuced medical advice will be given
to her absolutely free.
Dr. Veres's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liv
mrand bowels Sugar eoated, tiny granules easy to take as candy.
Will Be Eeopened in September on Its
New Site Near North Yamhill.
It Is Announced.
One of Many.
Fellow Guest (who has just told
humorous artist an appalling chestnut)
Aw thought you might illustrate it,
you know. It happened to my fatherl
Artist Many thanks; but what
makes it even more interesting is that
I must have met 20 or 30 of your
Some time a man will boast of his
virtues aftor he has been scared into
being good.
North, South, East, West
men andwomen are subject to the numerous ailments caused
by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and
elimination. Headaches, lazy feelings, depression of spirits
are first consequences, and then worse sickness followsif the
. trouble is not removed. But thousands have discovered that
' jJSescfmm'd 9Uf(f
(Tha Larger Sale of Any M.dlcln. In tha World)
are the most reliable corrective, and the best preventive of these com
mon ailments. Better digestion, more restful Bleep, greater strength,
brighterapirits, clearercomplexions are given to those who use occasion
ally this time-tested home remedy. Beecham's Pills will no doubt help
you it is to your interest to try them for all over the world they
Are Pronounced Best
Sold avarrwhara. In boxai, 10c, 23.
Tha directions with avery boa arc very veluable-eftpecially to women.
Bishop Scott Grammer School for
Boys will bo reopened in September on
the new site near Yamhill, formerly
known as North Yamhill. Tho new
home of the school consists of one hun
dred acres of rich land near the head
of a little valley looking out on the
valley of tho North Yamhill. There
are a number of substantial buildings
on the property, and in addition to these
the Bchool board will erect a now1 build
ing for school and dormitory purposes.
This school was founded by the late
Bishop Morris in the year 1870 on the
familiar location at 19th and Couch
streets, Portland. Nino years ago it
was found necessary to close tho Bchool
for financial reasons, but since that
time the lots have increased in value,
and now bring in a good income on a
ground rent basis.
The Yamhill county farm was bought
three or four years ago. Springs on the
place supply puro water in abundance.
The school has its own cloctric light
plant, modern plumbing is being in
stalled, sanitation will receive strict
attention, and adequate provision will
be made for heating. Thus the most of
the advantages of a city school will be
provided, without the disadvantages of
the city. The greater part of the food
supplies will be produced on the farm,
and the food will be fresh, wholesome
and abundant.
The school will aim to give a thor
ough grammar school education at very
moderate coat. It is to be a practical
home school, under moral and religious
influences, where every boy, whatever
his means or his social position, will
be on the same basis as every other.
The courses offered in the beginning
will not take boys beyond tho ninth
or tenth grades in the public schools. In
general, the course will conform to that
of the best public sehoolB in Oregon,
and the grading will be on the same
basis. However, with much individual
attention, not so much stress will be
laid on grading as in the public schools.
There will also, bo a certain amount of
manual training, and active employ
ment in horticulture, gardening, care
of stock and poultry raising.
The trustees have elected tho Rev.
Barr Gifford Lee, for tho past eight
yars rector of St. Paul's church, Salem,
Or., for tho new rector and headmaster
of the scnool. Only a limited number
of boys will be taken tho first year.
The prospectus has just been issued
and may be obtained by applying to
the school at Yamhill, Or.
up now so fast that it astonishs statis
cians. Every state west of the Eocky moun
tains is feeling the throb of new life,
catching the sound ef new industries,
heaving enormous crops out from great
areas of arable land now being brought
under cultivation for the first time.
Every land-hungry man in the eastern
half of the United States and in Eu
rope is looking to the western portion
of the United States as to a new Canaan
a new promised land where with
, cheap acreage, favorablo climate and
ready to hand markets ho may carve
out for himself a home and a fortune
by the "sweat of his face," and ho is
coming by tho hundred thousand to
plow these lands, to harness the
streams, to fell the forests and to plant
the vine and the fruit tree.
Tho part Oregon is to play in this
great development is enormous. She
must show her vast resources in a way
that will attract attention from the
greatest number at the least possible
expenditure. A plan iB being prsented
to her by the commissioners of the
Panama-California exposition. Her com
mercial bodies are asked to unite in an
exhibit of Oregon's resources at the
San Diego exposition that shall be so
complete that any one of the thousands
of men and women who visit that expo
sition in search of information as to the
most favorable locality in which to tako
up land may see at a glanee the favor
ablo conditions and grand opportunities
that await the settler in the state of
One of the foremost elements in Ore
gon, the lumber interests, have seen the
light and are bending every energy to
got Oregon 's great lumber resources be
fore the world. The lumber men arc
heading a movement that, if carried out,
will give Oregon one of the most com
plete exhibits of lumber ever made at
any exposition. Tha farme.r and orchard
ist are equally interested, to say noth
ing of the industries possible in the
state, a state with almost unlimited
water poorer, with plenty of rain and
flood water for irrigation and with
plenty of available land for settlement.
It is no exaggeration to say that, by
seizing the opportunity presented by
the San Diego exposition, where will
be thousands upon thousands of men and
women intent on examining the re
sources of every state in the west with
the express purpose of making a selec
tion of a future home, Oregon can dou
ble her population in ten years follow'
ing the opening of the Panama canal,
The San Diego exposition feels that
it is fulfilling its highest purpose in
making it possible for every state west
of the 100th meridian to exhibit its re
sourceB in a complete and comprehen
sive manner.
Sewing Machines Latest Sheet Music
Pianos and Organs
from the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines. Sewing ma
shines rented.
Edison, Victor and
Columbia Talking J
A full stock of Records. j
i Piano and Organ Studies.
Violins, Guitars,
I Mandolins and Banjos.
San Diego Points Out the Vast Markets
to be Opened TJp for Oregon's
Many Products.
DNiTXn mass imusm wma.l
San Diego, C'al., Juno 21. Whatever
building construction is going on in
any part of the Pacific coast or west
ern half of tho Unitod States, wherever
in this samo part of tho country fruit
is under discussion or being traded in,
Oregon, by reason of her vast lumber
and apple interests, is under examina
tion. Large as are her cxportations of
these two eomoditics, sho has not yot
begun to produce a modicum of tho
amount her great area can put forth
had she tho population she needs to
caro for her enormous undeveloped re
sources. Orgon, from her position In tho geog
raphy of the westorn states must face
the task of supplying most of the lum
ber and much of the grain that will be
needed in this great area during the
next fiftr years. Those states have
juat started on their era of development
Other Btates are competing for tho rich
trade that is growing by leaps and
bounds in this territory. The state of
Oregon is in need of more dovelopmont
in order that she may do her full duty
toward these states and reap her just
share of the great business growing
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disenio that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive euro now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh boing
a constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease, and giving
tho patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors have bo
much faith in its curative powors that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole
do, Ohio.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Trusts and Combinations Blamed by
Elm for Preventing Passage of
Satisfactory BilL
Democratic Senators Forgot Their
Fledges and Aided in Passing Bill
Grover Disliked.
By Clyde H. Tavenner.
cKiTiD pin s a uiscd wiu.J
Washiugtqn, June 21. "The trusts
and combinations the communism of
pelf whose machinations have pre
vented us from reaching the success
we deserved, should not be forgotten
nor forgiven,"
These are the words of Grover Cleve
land. He was referring to the tariff
lobbies which prevented the Democratic
party from living up to its campaign
promises of 1892.
President Wilson no doubt had in
mind what the lobbists did to tho Wil
son Democratic tariff bill in the senate
in 1894 when ho recently denounced
the lobbies operating in Washington.
A review of what happened to the
last Democratic tariff bill as a result
of tho work of the. lobbies while tho
measure was in the senate, is especially
interesting at this time whan special
privilege is trying to perform the same
old trick of robbing the consumers of
the fruits of their victory at the polls.
On December 19, 1893, Chairman Wil
son of the Democratic ways and means
committee reported his tariff revision
downward bill to the house of repre
sentatives. It was a fulfillment in near
ly every particular of the promises
made by the Democrats in the campaign
of 1892, which brought about their
election. Although denounced by the
more partisnn Republicans as a free
trade measure it was in reality but a
conservative step in the direction of
freer trade, and was well received by
the Democratic party throughout the
country. It made rather moderate re
ductions in the duties on woolen goods,
cotton, linens, silks, pig-iron, stool bil
lets, steel rails, china, glasswaro and
earthenware. It removed entirely the
taxes on wool, coal, iron ore, lumber,
and on sugar both raw and refined.
Tho bill passed the house February
1, 1894, by a vote of 182 to 100, Bixty
one members not voting.
But in the senate, special privilege at
tacked the bill ferociously, poworful
lobbies being conducted day and night.
Certain Democratic sonators, foremost
among them Gormnn of Maryland and
Brice of Ohio, forgot the solomn
pledges of tho Democratic convention
of 1892 and rendered most efficient ser
vices to the protected interests.
The work of the lobbies had thoir ef
fect. The special interest sorvers in the
sonate obtained one amendment after
another, each one restoring a part of
the remitted duties. In all, the senate
made 634 changes in the house measuTo
destroying entirely its orig'inal charac
ter. Tho peoplo wore cheated out of
their victory at the polls. Special priv
ilege had stepped in and, via the lobby
route had defeated the interests of tho
peoplo. The bill was passed but Presi
dent Cleveland refusd to sign it, allow
ing it to become a law without his Big
nature. President Grover Clevelnnd deserves
credit for having endeavored in evory
good faith to sco that tho pre-election
promises should bo carried .out. His
whole soul wns in the fight. His do-
fent at tho hands of tho lobbies, car- i
Round Package
.-woo mutff
i malted ..
Made In tho largest, best
equipped and sanitary Malted
o r.:;!k plant In the world
We do not make "milk products-.
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.
But th. Original-Genuine
Made Irom pure, full-cream milk
and the extract of (elect malted grain,
reduced to powder form, soluble in
water. Best food-drink for all a jet.
C3asx for iionucies
Used all over tho Globe
ried the bitterest humiliation and dis
appointment. He waB a changed man
all the remaining years of his life. In a
letter to Mr. Catchings, a Mississippi
congressman, he used the quotation al
luded to at the beginning of this arti
cle. The reader should glance back at
thiB quotation, at this point, and re
read it. Then he should realize that
President 'Wilson, in the courageous
fight he is now making against the
lobbies in Washington, is simply trying
to prevent special privilege from again
depriving tho American people of a
well-earned victorv.
To Cure a Cold la fine Day.
Tablets. Druggist! refund money If It
fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S Signa
ture is on each box. 25c x
When your child has whooping congh
be careful to keep the cough loose and
expectoration easy by giving Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy as- may be re
quired. This remedy will also liquify
the tough mucus aud make it easier -to
expectorato. It has been used success
fully in many epidemics, and is safe
and Bure. For Bale by all dealers.
Many a woman who thinks she is in
love is meroly jealous.
A man and his good resolutions fre
quently go broke together.
Nothing is more disagreeable than
eczema, or other skin diseases. It is
also dangerous. un'esB Bpcedily checked.
Meritol EcMma Remedy will afford in
stant relief and permanent results. We
have never seen a remedy that com
pares with it. Capital Drug Store.
Tickets Sold Through Via
Limited Trains Eeast
Spokane, Portland and Seattle
Great Northern
Northern Pacific
Burlington Route. '
Low Round-Trip Fares
Baltimore $109.00
Boston 111.50
Buffalo 03.50
Chicago 74.00
Colorado Springs 50.50
Denver 66.50
Des Moines 67.20
Detroit 85.00
Dulu'th r 61.50
Indianapolis 81.40
EanBas City 61.50
Now York .
. 110.00
St. Louis 71.50
St. Paul . 61.50
Toronto 93.50
Washington 109.00
Winnipeg . 61.50
Tiekots will be on sale daily, May 28th to September 30, 1913. The
return limit is October 31. Choice of routes and stop-overs are allowed,
going and returning, Tickets and other dotailed information furnished
on request,
Baggage checked and sleeping car accommodations arranged through
to destination. C. E.ALBIN, Gen, Agt., Salem, Ore.
R. H. Cror.ier, Assistant Goneral Fasscnger, Agent.
W. C. Wilkes, Asisstnnt Goncml Freight and Paseongor Agont.
Portland, Oregon.
Ohio State Sun -Dial.
Roso He said he would kiss me or
die in the attempt.
Mario Wollf
Roso Ho has no life insurance, and
I pitied his poor old mother.
"Be Somebody"
Bo progressive wake up tho lazy
liver kocp tho bowels regular
mnko tho digestion porfoct with
the- aid of
It Is for Headache, Bloating,
Cramps, Diarrhoea, Indigestion
and Malaria. Try it today.
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' ii . HafO
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y k-a
Situated where the ocean, mountain and forest come together, where a cape extends in
to the ocean over a mile, with
Boulevards Water System
Streets Electric Lights
Sidewalks Telephones
Auto service to and from Newport, surf bathing, excellent beach, protected from North
west winds, boarding houses and a 62-room modern hotel, all to be found at the Cape.
General agents: A , Local Agents:
KNAPP & MACKEY Agent on Ground E. HOFER & SONS,
213 Board of Trade Bldg ...J nPAru 211 Masonic Temple,
General Stores
Daily Mail
Portland, Ore.
Salem, Ore.