Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1913, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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Your Car Will Run Best On
Pastor Russell's Sermon
How Differently It Reads From
What Wo Once Supposed!
Patter Russell 8yi Unintentionally
We Read Error Into Our Biblee Our
Eye Were Dimmed by "Dark Agee"
I 8moke The Fog Lifte God's Glory
1 Begine to Appear The Bible 8hinee.
j Ite Truth It the Balm of (Ulead.
I Poor Ditoouraged Humanity Neede
Just 8uoh a God Shortly He Will
' Wipe Away All Teare.
Pasadena, Cal.,
June 15. Pasa
dena Is favored.
Pastor Russell
was to have spo
ken today In Los
Angeles, but the
best auditoriums
were unavailable.
Instead, be spoke
this forenoon at
Santa Ann, this
afternoon and
evening here, giv
ing Friday and
Baturday to Snn Diego and Los An
Reles. Pastor Russell addressed a thor
oughly representative audience. Ills
afternoon topic was, "Beyond the
Grave." Ills evening topic wo report.
Ills text was, "God so loved the world
that He j:nve His Only Begotten Son,
that whosoever bellevo.tb In Hlui
should nut perish, but have everlasting
llfe."-John 3:10.
Forcefully the Pastor pointed out
that once Christian people, even Bible
students, misunderstood this text and
rend Into It a conflicting thought, dis
honoring to God read It as though It
aid that God so loved tho world as to
keep them from perishing, In order
that the few, the saintly Elect, might
attain to glory and look over the bat
tlements of Heaven and see all the re
mainder Jews, benthen and the mass
es of Christendom writhing In tor
ment to all eternity unable to perish
forced to live, In order that they might,
by their sufferings, entertain the more
furtunnto, who were guaranteed bllMs
to tho full.
What right did we ever have, said
tho Pastor, to thus put Into tho mouth
of our Savior, as our creeds have done,
words which He never uttered words
which are very untrue indeed, a blas
phemy against our Maker!
Light 8hines Through the Fog.
We are not fuultlng our forefathers.
Had we been In their place, doubtless
wo would have been as confused as
were they, and we might have Indulged
In heretic burning, etc. And had they
lived In our wonderful dny of great
light, knowledge, privilege opportuni
ty, educntlon. Bibles, etc., doubtless
they would have had as noble Ideas as
ourselves respecting tho proprieties of
Christian conduct and Divine conduct
and Love and Justice. The Blblo tells
as that Satnn and bis fallen angels are
responsible for those torrlblo "doc
trines of demons" which have given
thinking people such horrible night
mares, and driven so many of them
away from God and tho Blblo Into un
belief, agnosticism, am) even atheism.
Let us rejoice In tho light of the bet
ter Day which has dawned. Let us be
come Blblo students In tho highest
sense of the term. Never before has
there been such nn opportunity for
knowing the real teaching of God's
Book what It does contain nnd what
It does not contain, Wo havo the Bi
ble, concordances and helps, mid we
have tho general education which per
mils us to study them. Ourforofn
titers labored against lack of education
time, lack of Bibles, and lack of good
artificial light. '
What the Word Perish Meant.
When wo come to think of It, the
word perish contains not tho remotest
KiiggeHtlon of llro or torture. In our
Ignorance we read all that Into the
text nnd Into other texts of similar
import; for Instn nee, the statement
that God Is not willing that any should
Ivilsh, but would that all should come
unto Him and live; nnd the statement
of St. Peter that tho wilfully Ignorant
vhnll perish like brute beasts, inndo to
I taken end destroyed; nnd tho state-
'uiont through tho Psalmist, "All the
wtcked will God destroy." How lurid
thoHO simple words been me beforo our
Inflamed and perverted Imaginations!
How tome of us rang tho changes on
Iheee Bible terms in a vnln attempt to
drive men toward God through fear,
when God declares that Ho docs not
want such to come nnd hits no pleasure
whatever In their worship or service
lld not Jesus tell us that tho Father
eeolteth such to worship Him ns wor
ship Him In spirit nnd In truth? (John
4:21.1 And our perversions of the
Divine Word and Plan only helpe
men nwsy from God to inch tnlsun
derHlnndlng of Him that they couli
not worship Mini In spirit nnd (n truth
and. at most, could worship only In
form and ceremony.
Tho Pastor told of nn experience he
had In India. Home of tho higher
'nsto Hindoos, wholfy unnppronchable
by the missionaries, heard that he was
preaching B more reasonable message.
They cnuie. entreating him for further
meetings, declaring their rosieot for
the Intelligence of Christians, but that
they could nbt bellevo the doctrines
usually preached. They con 111 not be
v i
lieve In God so unjust, so unmerci
ful, so wicked that He wonld torment
them aad their forefathers through all
eternity because they did not believe
on Jesus, when they bad not so much
as beard of Him. They said that tbelr
gods were not so unjust; for they for
bade men to torture even dumb brutes.
They preferred to hold on to the rea
sonable gods of their fathers rather
than to believe in the unjust one
preached by the missionaries.
Can we blame tliem? asked the Pas- j
lor. on me couirury, ue auuiiueu mm
in the past himself and other Chris
tians had seriously mlsiuterpreted the
Bible. Fie urged bis bearers to study
the Bible itself and to Ignore the on
reasonable teachings which are driving
men away from the Bible and the God
which It presents.
Pastor Russell found that the heath
en do not really worship the idols, but
through the Idols seek to worship an
unseen deity. At first be wondered
that they could bow before such hide
ous, awkard, vicious-looking Images.
Then the thought came to him, that
these poor heathen bad formulated
their gods of clay, stone, bronze, etc.,
but that we Christians bad formulated
ours differently instead of using ma
terial substances we merely construct
ed Ideals and described them, and that
from this viewpoint, the creednl pic
tures of the God of Love are farther
astray than the Images of stone, wood,
- Import of the Text.
Look crltlcnlly at our text Exercise
the gray mutter of your brains. What
does it really say? It corroborates the
account In Genesis 2, ns explained by
St Paul In Romans 5:12-18. By one
man's disobedience sin entered Into
the world nnd death as tho result of
sin, and death pnssed upon all men,
because all men are sinners by herdl-
ty. This death penalty hns been car
rying down our race to tho tomb for
six thousand years. Tho present death
rate Is about ninety thousand per day.
The declaration of the Bible Is that
these all would have perished would
bave had no more future existence thnn
brute had It not been for God's com
passionate mercy, "The great Love
with which Ho loved us" while we
were yet sinners. Epheslnns 2:4. B.
Our text comes in here, nnd assures
us that this salvation of mankind from
perishing comes only through God's
Love and Mercy, operating through our
Lord Jesus Christ. We nsk, What did
our Lord Jesus do for the race? The
Bible promptly answers, "CbrlBt died
for our sins according to the Scrip
tures"; "Jesus Christ by tho grace of
God tnsted denth for every man"; "He
poured out Ills soul unto denth"; He
mudo "Ills soul an offering for sin." 1
Corinthians 15:3; Hebrews 2:0; Isulah
53:10, 12.
Let us note carefully tlint as perishing
does not mean eternal torture, so the
Redemption price which Jesus guve Is
not eternal torture nor purgatorial suf
fering, but death. "Christ died for the
ungodly." Other Scriptures tell us that
the death of Jesus was a Itnnsom
prlco, or price corresponding to the
penalty that was upon Father Adam
and Inherited by his race. The Bible
thus explains that God, by providing
an equivalent price for the sin-penalty
against Adnm can be Just In releasing
us from the denth penalty.
All Saved From Perishing,
Tho simple proposition of the Bible
is that ns Adnm and nil of his rnco
legnlly perished, so they bnve alt been
legally redeemed from that perished
condition the denth of Jesus being the
Satisfaction price. It is becnuse of
this redemption that the Blblo assures
us that there Is to bo "a resurrection
"of the dead, both of tho Just and the
unjust," because all were redeemed
redeemed from the perished condition.
Heuco the Blblo lays great stress
upon tlio resurrection of the dead, and,
further. It assures us that the resurrec
tion of mankind must wait until the
completion of th6 Church. Then the
Second Coming of Christ will be in
order, that Ho may exnlt Ills Church
with Himself ns tho reigning Power,
the Spiritual Seed of A lira hum, which
God for four thousand years Iuib prom
ised shall bo exalted to glory for the
very purpnso of blessing all the fam
ilies of the earth tho non-elect.
"Tham That Sleep In Jetut,"
Surely no Bible student worthy of
the name has overlooked tho fact that
Hie Bible everywhere speaks of tho
dead lis asleep -nowhere does It tell
about their being In Heavenly glory
or purgatorial suffering, or In n hell of
torment. Neglect of tho Word of God
lias confused our poor, Imperfect Judg
ments. Wo lost our way In the fogs
of the Dark Ages, conjured up by Sn-
tnu In support of bis lie, "Ye shall not
surely die," and In contradiction of the
Lord's Word, "The soul that slnnetb It
shall dlc."-Kzeklil 18:4, 20.
Now wo remeiuher that Jesus plain
ly said, "Nn man hnth ascended up to
Heaven." Now wo remember that nei
ther Lnmnis nor nny awakened from
death had nuy tales to tell respecting
the things seen or heard when dead.
Now we remember the particular dec
lariitloii of God's Word. "The dead
know not anything." Now we remem
ber that the Scriptures tench that the
dead are asleepour own unconscious
ness every night being nn Illustration
to us. if we had only heeded the Word
of tied Instead of the word of men.
Now we see that the death state is call
ed n sleep, because of God's Intention
to have a great awakening, or resurrec
tion of the dead. It will come la the
morning of the New Dispensation.
The One who died for man's sin Is to
be tho great Restorer who will awaken
nil the sleeping o Did Ho not Il
lustrate this at His First Advent and
thus show forth tho glories of His emu
Ing Kingdom? Hid Ho not declare
Hint Jnlrus' daughter was asleep, nnd
awaken her? And did He not say,
"Lazarus slcepeth," and awaken him?
He did not resurrect any of these.
They were merety awakened aa4 be
fore the time for the general awakea
Ing. Hence they fell asleep agaia. A
great awakening Day, however, is mmx
at hand, the Pastor declared.
He carried bis hearers back te the
remote past. He reminded tbeal of
the record respecting Abraham, tbat
be slept with bis fathers. He aeked
who the fathers were and where they
slept, and replied that the wee hea
then. He asked whether they conld
sleep in Heaven, or whether they
could sleep in so warm a place as Pur
gatory Is supposed to pe. or in the still
more unreasonable bell. He took It for
granted, apparently, that bis bearers
agreed wltb him that sleep fader each
conditions would be Impassible, and
that the only conclusion Bust be tbat
tbey slept In death.
Tbe Pastor reminded them that simi
lar expressions were used hi res pert to
tbe good and bad kings and Jndges and
prophets. Tbey were gathered to their
fathers, tbey slept with their fathers.
Similarly, when St Stephen was stoned
to death, we read that "he fell on
sleep." He cited St Paul as teaching
that all tbe Church will sleep, except
those who are alive at the time of tbe
Second Coming of Jesus: "We shall not
all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
He quoted Jesus' words, "All tbat are
In the graves shall henr His Jesus'
voice and shall come forth" the faith
ful, the saintly, to a resurrection of
life perfection, honor; the remainder
of mankind unto a resurrection of trial,
testing. 1 Corinthlnns 15:51.
Without the death of Jesus, said the
Pastor, nil of the race would be per
ished, and only In the resurrection
have we any ground whatever for be
lieving In a salvation from denth. Only
because Christ died Is there an oppor
tunity for the Church during this Gos
pel Age to respond to a "high calling"
to the Divine nature. Likewise only
through the merit of ChrlBt's death
will the world of mnnklnd be saved
from perishing and have an opportu
nity during Messiah's Kingdom to be
recovered from sin and death condi
tions, from Ignorance, superstition,
etc. from the tomb.
Gradually they will be raised up, up,
up. In the image and likeness of God
In the flesh, ultimately to enjoy Him
forever In n world-wide Paradise, from
which will be cut off In tbe Second
Death all wilful evil-doers, all who pre
fer sin to righteousness, when tbe
Truth shall be made clear to them and
when the opportunity will be fully
within their grasp. Incidentnlly, the
Pastor mentioned a gross mistransla
tion of the Inspired Word In John
5:20, namely, "resurrection of damna
tion." The Greek word here, he said.
Is krinls, nnd hns not in it the slightest
suggestion of fire or torture or suffer
ing. The Revised Version renders this
verse properly "a resurrection of
Only "He That Bolieveth."
I am not forgetting, said tho speak
er, that our text proffers Divine bless
ings only to belleverB. Neither am I
forgetting that only a few are believ
ers in the Scriptural sense now. Sta
tistics mention four hundred millions
of Christians: but, ns we all know, this
Includes practically everybody in Eu
rope and America, with n few In Asia
nnd Africa. It Includes many In pris
ons and Insane asylums, penitentiaries,
etc. And that leaves three times as
many whom we call heathen, wbo bnve
no knowledge of CbrlBt whatever
twelve hundred millions. Surely none
of these are believers In tbe sense de
nned by Jesus nnd the Apostles.
Jesus implies thnt If nny one really
believes His Mcssnge. his fnlth will
transform his whole life ho would see
so grent a blessing promised to the
faithful follower of Jesus that ho
would count nil other alms nnd ambi
tions ns loss and dross and run with
patience tho race set before him. Only
those nro believers, and they nro com
paratively few. They nre n fine com
pany. They will get the prize, tho
"pearl of great price," the Kingdom
Jolnt-helrshlp with the Redeemer In
His glory, honor and Immortality.
But are no others to bo blessed? If
not, why did Jesus tasto denth for ev
ery mil ii 7 Hoes not thnt expression
Imply that every man will hnve some
opportunity of profiting by Jesus
death? It surely does! Those who
now hear, appreciate, believe, In tho
Bible sense, alone will have nn oppor
tunity for sharing the First Resurrec
tion of tho blessed and holy. But tbe
remainder, we nro assured, will all
eomo forth from the tomb to be grant
ed an opportunity then for hearing and
believing and gaining nn Inferior bless
ing. The blessing now Is a spiritual
one only; but the blessing to bo offered
under Messiah's Kingdom will be nn
earthly one Restitution, human per
fection In nn earthly Paradise everlast
Tho Bible tells all this, says Pastor
Itussell. It declares that tbe god of
this world, Satan, Is now blinding the
minds of all except believers. It equal
ly tells that In God's due time, during
Messiah's rolgn. nil tho blind eyes will
be opened, and nil the denf enrs unstopped-
(Isnlnh 35:5.1 Then the whole
world will be grunted nn opportunity
of enlightenment respecting the God of
Love, and Ills wise. Just nnd loving
terms of reconciliation, nnd will be
blessed by the grent Mediator of the
New Covenant. Nolo how this Is ex
plained by the Apostle: God wIIIb to
hnve all men come to a knowledge of
the Truth, that they may be saved. To
this end He hns provided that Jesus
shall be tho Mediator between Him-
I sen nun limuKimi. in nnrinony witn
the Father's Plan. Jesus Is now select,
lug the Church class, to he n Rovnl
Priesthood, a Bride clnss, to share with
Him In His Kingdom glory nnd Media
torlnl work for the world. ' It was to
this end that He gave Himself a Ran
som for nil to be testified In due time.
I Timothy 2:4 0
San Francisco Exposition Management
Has Set Aside $175,000 for Live
Stock Division.
Two Race Meets, One in Fall and One
in Autumn, Will Be Great Draw
ing Cards This Tear.
San Francisco, June 21. Great
prizes and valuable trophies are to be
offered for prize-winning livestock at
the Panama-Pacific International Ex
position. The exposition management
has set aside (175,000 as prize money
for the livestock division alone and be
sides this there will be many special
funds and trophies. Two hundred and
twenty-five thousand dollars will be
devoted to harness, races.
An innovation which has already at
tracted the attention of breeders all
over the world is that live stock will
be on display throughout the period of
the exposition, which lasts for fen con
secutive months, from February to De
cember, 1915. This is a decidedly new
venture in universal expositions and a
record display is assured in the live
stock division. Prize-winning stock
from all parts of the world will be
Two race meetings will be held at
the exposition during tho year, one in
the spring and one in the autumn. The
$225,000 is offered under the auspices
of tho Pacific Coast Trotting Horse
Breeders' Association. The races will
be international in character and will
be held on a mile track which is now
being constructed on the exposition site
nt Harbor View.
Tho main competition for $175,000 in
prize, money and the supplemental of
ferings of the breed associations will
take place in October and November,
but, with the assistance of the breed
associations, it is planned to have spe
cimens exhibited all the year ronnd in
all of the classes which make up the
livestock department. In keeping with
the character of the whole exposition,
the exhibits in this department will be
one of an educational nature and dis
play signs will be used to tell tho name
of the breed, origin nnd the uso of
every animal exhibited. It is also
planned to have moving pictures, slides
and lectures incident to the livestock
industry in all its branches in nil parts
of the world, an exposition feature
which is regarded as a great step in
ndvanco of all previous efforts. Plans
nre made to land cattle from foreign
countries. at the quarantine station nt
Angel Island In San Francisco bay.
Thence the stock will be transported
directly to the exposition ferry slips.
An initial fund of $1500 has been
sot aside by the American Hereford
Cattlo Breeders' Association to be ap
plied toward supplemental premiums
for the 1015 exposition. It is expected
that a similar amount will bo set asido
in 1014 and 1015.
The American Shorthorn Breedors'
Association has also taken-preliminary
action in regard to reserving funds for
stock prizes and three of the leading
Dairy Cattlo Herd Book Associations
are at present planning for their par
ticipation in the exposition.
Individual sheep breeders in Eng
land and New Zealand aro taking great
interest in the sheep section. Ono of
tho smaller sheep record associations
of America hns inaugurated a plan for
tho creation of a fund of $1000 to be
offered ns supplemental premiums at
tho exposition. The fund is being
rnised by voluntary offerings by mem
bers of the association interested in
tho promotion of tho breeds.' Other
associations in this country and abroad
DrJ.C. Yuen
Successor to Dr. Euro, the greatest
Chinese Expert Herblst.
Care Bow Wo fc Herb Co.
167 South High Street.
Patients speak for themselves.
Shclburn, Ore., April 19, 1913.
Dr. J. C. Yuen, Salem, Ore.:
Dear Sir: I wish to offer you s
testimonial in regard to your wonderful
I had the advice of some of the noted
physicians, and thoy told me that I had
appendicitis, and would have to be
operated on before I could got well.
Not wishing to be oporated upon 1
consulted Dr. J. C. Yuen, and now, af
ter about three months' treatment,
am again foeling strong and healthy.
I wish to do all In my power to dr
culate the knowledge of your wonder
ful medicine. Respectfully,
Shelburn, Oregon.
jCE: "
mtrm -Jfc.-l! r" J"T
The Standard Oil for Motor Cars
What Iufyicating cylinder oil is used on your car? .
It concerns every automobile owner to know that Ms car is
properly lubricated. A good car can be ruined in a short time
1 1..L
If you are not
our nearest agency. We believe that we
can demonstrate to you in person or by
personal letter why ZEROLENE is
the best motor lubricant you can use.
ZEROLENE is sold by dealers everywhere
and at all agencies of the ,
will doubtless follow this initial plan.
One of the most outstanding features
of the department of livestock will
be a great poultry show, where it is
expected that at least 12,000 birds will
be on exhibit. To this end an advisory
committee has been appointed in each
state of tho union. Each committee
consists of three prominent poultry
breeders appointed from each state to
work up an interest in the most com
prehensive poultry exhibit ever made.
Jinny of the poultry associations in
America aro planning supplemental
premiums, among them being the Inter
national American Dominique Club, the
Red Breeders' Club of the World, the
American Light Brahma Club, tho
American Roso Comb Brown Leghorn
Club, and the Crested Fowl Breeders'
Association of America. All these as
sociations have already offered tro
phies and oash prizes and interest is
as keen abroad as it is in America.
The livestock department of the ex
position has set aside the sum of $7500
to be paid as premiums for carlots of
cattle, sheep and swine. Arrangements
have been made for sales at auction of
the animals. This feature, in addition
to the prizes oifcred, is an inducement
to breeders to prepare for the interna
tional competition.
In addition to the competitions there
will be a continuous exhibit of all the
important breeds of horses. Supple
mental premiums will be added to the
exposition premium list. The greatest
collection of pure and cross bred Arabs
is promised by the Arabian Horse
Breeders of the United States.
Au nttractivo feature of tho live-
stink department will bo aa interna
tional army remount demonstration and
contest. It is planned that tho out
como of this demonstration will be an
official pronouncement as to vhnt real
ly constitutes a horse suitable for cav
alry purposes so that breeders may
Know what to produce in order to sup
Baq nn mm m wi wm aHi
"Hopfen und Maltz Gott Erhalis"
A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer
"Gesundheit und ein proher Mut
Sind besser als vie! gelt, und gut
Especially bottled for home use. Send your
order by telephone, Main 229 for a case
ii Salem Brewery Association
X t 1 - T ft .. L--m. :', v
5HJI1I 151
m m sv. y. m -m .it
already using ZEROLENE,
ply tho demand .rom America and oth
er countries.
The livestock department is under
the direction of Daniel O. Lively, one
of the best known livestock men in the
United States. Mr. Lively, who is in
intimate touch with the largest breed-
m a
Season Tickets on
Sale Daily Until
September 30.
To Tillamook and Newport Beaches
Season fares from tho principal
Beaches as follows:
Oregon City
Corresponding low fares from
from various points.
Leaves Albany nt 7:20 a. m., Corvallis 7:50 a. m. and connects with
tho S. P. trains 16 and 14 northbound and No. 13 southbound.
Excursion Fares East
Tickets will bo sold from all main nnd branch line points in Oregon to
Eastern destination ono way through Cnliforuiajor via Portland. Stop
, overs within limit.
TicketB on sulo daily to Septomber 30.- Final return limit October 31,
For beautifully illustrated booklet "Vacation Days," and booklet de
scribing Tillamook county benches and other points, as well as informa
tion about Eastern fnres, routes, stop overs, etc., call on nearest ngent
or writo to t .101IN M. SCOTT,
Gonornl Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
M-- .
it- , I m
communicate with (
eii?nr, i
isr. 1 V i
vJjy! j
' Vs " ,J-
kWyt 'T
any exposition has ever presented to
ers in America and abroad, announces
that tho exhibit will be tho finest that
the world.
As for trouble the supply always
exceeds the demand.
m -v
3-Dny Tickets on
Snlo Saturday and
to Newport or Tillamook
$ 6.25
' 4.00
Tillamook Beaches
$ 4.00
' " 4.70
' " 6.00
' " 7.30
' " 7.10
' " 9.00
' " 12.09
' " 17.20
' " 17.75
Week end tickets on sale
other points.