Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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at Meyers
1 Your Choice of Any Remnant Today at HALF PRICE
Men's and Women's and Children's Wearables E
and needs for the household at generously cut E
prices during Meyers' Original June White E
E Sale. Save on your purchases. The best time E
5 of all the year to buy white goods. No better
E place to buy than at Meyers.
An unprecedented $10.00 sale of Women's and
Misses' high grade Suits, Coats and Dresses
garments that were regularly priced up to $55
for just $10.
Tailored navy blue suits excepted.
See window displays.
Your choice of a number of styles and leathers
$3.50 and $4 qualities $1 a pair.
20 per cont discount on every Oxford in the
store not included in the specials except the
staple Grover styles. All white shoes at spe
cial prices, too.
iloooDlcooD sfcr i
Popular as wedding gifts, china. Cap
ital Drug Store.
Ton per cent discount on all Irriga
tion bills payed on or before June 10.
Big ball game Sunday, June 8.
League grounds 3 p. m. Albany vs. Sa
lem. Honj. Iiarcy loft this morning at 3:30
to tulebrate his 86th birthday with
friends and relatives near Lobanon.
Water Notice. Irrigation bills are
now due and payable on or before June
10th, subject to 10 per cent discount.
Charles 11. Jones, who recently re
ceived a brokon log, as the result of a
full from his bicycle, has as a visitor his
brother, Dr. W. P. Jonos, of Albany.
Miss Anna Simpson has received a
call from Portland to take charge of
the Brooklyn park playgrounds. Miss
Simpson has been teaching in the
east school in this city.
Miss Florence Aiken, a former Sa
lem teacher, has writton a book, "Word
Mastery," which has been adopted by
the textbook commission, to be used in
the schools of this state.
Are you neglecting tho stock or poul
try during this season, Relieve them
liy using a good lice Mid mi to killer.
r K. Hhafer, the harness and saddle
hum can supply your wants. 187 South
Commercial street.
Salem's new postmaster, August
llm-kestpiu, yesterday took his oath of
office beforo County Clerk flehlhar. Mr.
llnckewtein will tnlio charge of his new
office July 1, the end of tho fiscal yenr,
Stock ia
Conkey's Fly Knocker
Kills vary fly It hits. ItMps othars
away, and M unce will spray two
animals. The picture UU the story to
Hartuhovt mJ
avc your tikc.
VBm Ka- It h .si
Sc. hiuf nlhxa SOe.l'U
lUa II oa. Try It 13 IU
nil ba euMvlsftrxvL rw aat 1 -
twin your korM nd , , , ,rT JS ""
fcedmen and Secdmen
Poultry and Bee Supplies
E i
See Calof Hros., for your porch fur
niture. Ten per cent discount on all irriga
tion bills payed on or befoie June 10.
The Clear Lake Sunday school will
hold Children's Day service Sunday,
June 8. Program 11 a. in. and 2:30, a
basket dinner.
Albany vs. Salem. Sunday June 8.
League grounds, 3 p. m. Both teams
will be strong, and a hard game is ex
pected. Water Notice. Irrigation bills are
now due ami parable on or before June
10th, subject to 10 per cent discount.
William Wright of this city was
elected secretary-treasurer of the na
tional association of supervisors of
state banks, at a meeting of the asso
ciation held in St. Paul, Minn., June 4.
Ladioe of the Itaptist church will
have a nursery, for small tots five
years old and under, so as the mothers
can attend Sunday morning service Tho
little ones will have a kindergarten
Roy Kceue. of the high school, was
re elected to lead the high school tos
sers for the coming season. Keone
hears the reputation of being one of the
best pitchers that ever worked for S.
II. 8. honors.
The Women's Missionary Society of
tho Kirst Congregntioual Church list
ened this afternoon to an interesting
address by Mrs. Alice Dodd. Mrs. Dodd
spoke in detail of her travels abroad.
Mrs. Thomas Hurrows and Mrs. John
Pnyne were hostesses for the afternoon.
Charles Hull, a member of the sopho
more clnss lit the University, hns re
ceived the sad news thnt his half-brother,
Dr. Francis J. Hull, is dead in China.
Dr. Hull has been a missionary in that
country for several years. Recently he
was stricken with typhoid fever.
According to a report from Staytnn, a
1018 crop of clover hay has been har
vested on a ranch belonging to J. II.
and E. II. Hlioten, which is located a
short distance from the Santinm city.
There were 'J- acres acres of clover,
and they yielded two tons to the acre.
Another crop will be harvested from
this ground this year.
A nice young chicken would be deli
cious for that Sundav dinner. Wo also
have everything necessary to complete
a dainty, or substantial, meal. Our
vegetables are kept In a dust proof com
partment. Remember we can recom
mend Davis' Host flour. Sunset (Iro
eery, 121 South Commercial street.
The governor's office is in receipt
of a dispatch from the war department
stating that Detail Major Martin was
to take the position of colonel of the
Third Regiment'of infantry in the state
gourd service in this state. Col. M;
tin was formerly a major in the regular
army, but bv an election of officers he
was chosen colonel of the guards. A
ipiestion arose as to whether he could
make such a change. The judge advo
cate of the war department has decided
that such a change could be made.
Pay your irrigation bills and get the
10 per cent discount.
Ammunition, rtshtn Tackle, Etc
North Commercial Street Phone 363
Pay your irrigation bills ana get the
10 per cent discount.
Alleging that her husband, T. H.
Dun sm ore, deserted her, Pauline Duns
more has filed a complaint for divorce
in the circuit court.
Judge Kelly will be in the city Mon
day, the 9th, to hear matters pertai'.in;;
to Department No. 1 of the circuit
court. He will convene court at 1"
a m.
Elizabeth Barnett today made appli-
cation for a widow's pension. She
states that her husband is dead and
that Bhe has three children. The ap
plicant resides in Woodburn.
Suit was started in the circuit court
today by E. C. Cross & Son against the
Oregonian restaurant to collect $31.1.01
which the plaintiffs allege is due on
merchandise sold to the defendant.
Next Sunday afternoon the Chemek-
eta Lodge No. 1 and the Salem Rebee-
ca Lodge No. 1 will hold memorial ser-
vices in the Grand opera house and the
public is cordially invited to attend. A
fine program has been prepared and
Henry 8. Westbrook of Portland will
deliver the memorial address.
A change in time on the Salem, Falls
City & Western railway to take effect
Sunday, is now being-worked out. It
is announced that the Independence
train will be taken off and all trains
for the north and south will connect
with the Southern Pacific at Cerlinger.
Treasurer Kay left last evening for
Medford, whore he was slated to ad
dress the good roads convention in that
city. Although it was reported by
morning papers that Governor West hail
accompanied Mr. Kay, the governor was
present at his office this morning, nev
er having left tho city.
There's a reason and it's the same
reason why there are so many victrolas
in Salem's best homes. Perfect tone, is
obtainable only by means of changeable
needles. See R. F. Fetors, 521 Court
street, for a demonstration of a musical
instrument which responds to your in-
lividual tastes and requirements.
The Cherry City Patent or Oak blend
is not a one sided flour. It is made to
serve the whole circle of kitchen econ
omy. Either will make good bread,
good biscuit, good pies, good pastry. All
around flours of the choicest kind. Your
grocer has it. Cherry City Flouring
The Olympic Flour is the flour for
making bread of the highest quality.
More nourishment in bread from this
flour than you can get from any other
brand. Delicious a its lightness and
fine flavor and palatable enough to
make a meal on at any time. See Ed
gar, the grocer, Court and High.
The goat which was lead abor.t the
field and tho big notice to the effect
that the Iliihee club "got the Elk's
goat," was re-captured last night Ijy a
band of sturdy Elklets and the mem
bers of the lodge were treated to i
surprise when the horned cud-chewed
was led into the hall.
Fred Bvnon, the bucket bov at the
ball game last night, didn't carry nurh
water but he succeeded in collecting
$18.50 from the crowd. Chief Consta
ble, v oroncr, rounit-master aim "rime
Minister Walter Thompson assisted ma
teriany in maintaining order, lit was
compelled at one time to severely scold
Attorney Frank Turner for being too
loud and showy.
Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Stoeves are enter
taining as their guest, Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. Hunt, of Sublimity, whose daughter,
Mis Helen Hunt, has been attending
school in this city. Immediately at
the close of tho school Miss Hunt will
return to her home, accompanied by
Miss Muriel Stoeves.
August Huckestein, the newly ap
pointed postmnster for Salem, jester
day took the oath of office. County
Clerk flehlhar administered the oath
and stated afterward that it was one
of the longest nnd most complex he has
ever had occasion to administer, and
it wns taken straight nnd without
water, at that.
Lawrence Holland, an inmate of the
state Insane asylum, who was secretly
taken away by his parents, has been
located at fleorgetown. This informa
tion was received by Dr. R. E. L. Stein
er, superintendent of the asylum. It is
stated that unless the Georgetown au
thorities bring Holland to Salem he will
remain at liberty, as the officers here
have no authority to go after him.
The interstate commerce commission
hns ordered the Southern Pacific com
pany to pay E. Lynn Tunnol 72 over
charges for shipping some household
goods from Mobile, Ala., to this state
in 1!)0. Before payment could be made
the matter had to be traced through the
Louisville & Nashville, Galveston, Ilnr
risburg & San Antonio. Morgan's Lou
isiana & Texas, and the Southern Pa
cific railroads.
The district convention of the Women
of Woodcraft of the 21st district con
vened in this city yesterday morning at
10 a. m. The session was completed at
i! p. m while at 8 in tho evening the
ritunlijtie work was put on by the
Silver Bell Cicrclc. Later in the even
ing a reception was given In honor of
the. visiting delegates. The district is
continued of Dallas, Salem, Xcwberg,
Corvallis, Toledo, Albany, Yamhill, Me
Minnville, Amity, Independence, Ball
ston, Shedd, Aumsvllle, Buena Vista,
Gates, Stayton, Airlie, Monmouth, Falls
City, llalsey, Harrisburg, Dayton, Dun
dee, Silverton, Bellefountaine, Monro,
Philomath, Sheridand Lewisberg.
State Engineer Lewis recently read
a paper before the Commonwealth con
ference held in Eugene in which he
mode the statement that electric iron
and steel could be manufactured in Ore
gon as easily as in Pittsburg if. only the
people would make use of their water
resources. The following is a letter
from C. E. Potter, who was formerly
superintendent of the Illinois Steel com
iany's plant in South Chicago, and is
generally considered an authority on
iron and steel questions:
"I acknowledge with thanks the re
ceipt of yours of May 27, enclosing a
copy of your paper before the Common
wealth conference. I am glad to note
you are making real progress in your
program. I have had occasion since
you were here to go considerably more
into the detail of electric steel manu
facture, especially with respect to rails,
tires and other railways material and I
am convinced that electric steel will
displace open hearth and Bessemer steel
as rapidly as it can be supplied. The
few electric rails that are now in ser
vice some 8000 tons are giving truly
remarkable results, and the same is true
of locomotive tires.
"The roads are eager for electric
steel even at the present high premium
as they realize that its use will pretty
nearly solve the serious difficulties un
der which they are laboring with other
kinds of Bteel. It is entirely possible
for you to establish an immense indus
trial centre adjacent to your proposed
power development and I sincerely hope
you can make the people of Oregon
realize and appreciate this. It would
make Oregon a great manufacturing
state, a consummation well worth what
ever preliminary pecuniary outlay that
may be necessary to its accomplish
Will Consider Bond Bid.
The committee on accounts and cur
rent expenses of the city council and
Mayor Steeves and City Attornoy Page
ill hold a meeting tonight to consider
the sewer bond sale question. The com
mittee has under consideration the bid
of the United States National Bank of
Salem. It is likely that some plan will
be adopted in regard to the proposition
to pass an ordinance relieving the prop
erty of the city of sewer liens.
The question of whether an ordinance
compelling the attendance of witnesses
at council investigations 'can be made
effective has not yet been decided. It
is planned to draft it so that witnesses
may be sworn, if possible.
Engineer Eatruna.
Olaf Laurgoard, who has charge of
the work on the Columbia, irrigation
project, arrived here this morning at
the summons of the desert land board.
Mr, Lanrgaard appeared before that
board this afternoon to give details of
the work that is going on.
Rose Fickh'n today commenced action
for divorce in the circuit court against
her husband, Ross Ficklin. Cruel and
inhuman treatment are the grounds
upon which a decree is asked.
Special Saturdays only, all boats and
canoes at 10c per hour at Dennisons's
bont house, foot of State street.
Public library wants old magazines.
Don't forget during house cleaning time
that the public library will be glad to
receive buck numbers or oid files of
When your child has whooping cough
be careful to keep the cough loose and
expectoration easy by giving Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy as may be re
quired. This remedy will also liquify
the tough mucus and make it easier to
expectorate. It has been used success
fully in many epidemics, and is safe
and sure. For sale bv all dealers.
Watch the Eyes
If they ache after stead v use for
some time; If you have headaches that
you cannot explniu, go to a competent
Optometrist and have your eyes ex
A thorough training In optics and
pleased patrons are our guarantee to
you that we are competent to supply
your glasses.
a. Mcculloch
?l North Commercial Street
Headquarters for
At the Lowest Prices.
Successor to Charles D. Xulllgaa.
ISO Cowt 86 " Phone Its
Two Apply For Pensions,
Only two widows filed applications
for pensions yesterday afternoon. They
were Mrs. Eva M. Wolfe, of Salem, and
Mrs. Effie Osterman of Salem.
It is shown in Mrs. Wolfe's applica
tion that she has six children and that
her husband is dead. The article also
shows that the applicant was left a
thousand dollar insurance policy and
owns a vacant citv lot.
Mrs. Osterman 's application shows
that she owns her own house and lot
and that she has three children. The
husband is dead.
Memorial Service.
To the officers and members of Sedg
wick Post No. 10, G. A. R., Sedgwick
Relief Corps No. 1 most cordially in
vites you to attend a memorial service
held in honor of the late Comrade D. W.
Matthews in Moose hall, Saturday af
ternoon, June 7, at 4 o'clock. Frater
nally yours, Elsie B. Simeral, Corps Sec
retary. The friends of the family are
also invited to the above mentioned ser
vice. Judge Percy B. Kelly will de
liver the address.
Present for Judge.
At the close of the state bar examina
tion, which terminated at 3 o'cock yes
terday, the students of the University
of Oregon law department presented
Judge J. C. Moreland, clerk of the su
preme court, with a traveling bag and a
box of cigars tied together with the col
ors of their alma mater.
The committee of Salem citizens ar
ranging for the entertainment of the
Californians who will visit in this city
on Sunday evening has rearranged the
program so that the program will not
interfere in any manner with the ser
vices at the churches. Tl e program
will be announced tomorrow.
Proposals for Supplying the State In
' Sealed b!ds are invited by the State
Purchasing Board for supplies and
stores, for the Oregon State institutions
for the six months ending December 31,
Bids will be opened at 3 p. m., June
16th. Lists, with instructions to bid
lers, may be had by calling on or ad
dressing C. D. Fraser, Secretary( State
Purchasing Board, Salem, Oregon.
Many were self called for
and commissioners but only
could be chosen.
1 few
FOR SALE 7 good Jersev cows, 614
S. 12th St. Phone 2132.
GET your berry boxes and crates at
Salem Fruit Union.
FOR RENT 5-room furnished or un.
furnished cottage. 1458 Ferry.
sale, corner Cottage and Center Sts.
See R. B. Fleming, 250 Court street
for particulars.
FOR RENT Four-room house, small
barn, good well, one ond one-half
acre of land, fenced with woven wire
for chickens; four blocks from car
line. Price $6 per month. Phone 470.
NEW 5-room modern cottage, newly
furnished for rent close iu. Inquire
1.105 South Fourteenth street.
FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent, $7 per
month. Inquire Fourteenth and Wal
ler streets.
WANTED Employment by all around
mechanic. Inquire "G. B.," Journal
FOR 8 ALE OR RENT Six-room cot
tage. Call at 670 Union. Phone 1901.
WANTED White laborers for street
work. Long job steady work. Ap
ply Academy and North Commercial,
E. W. Geigor Construction Co.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near
City Hall, 330 N. High St., phone 4.
900 ACRES 127 acres under cultiva
tion, 400 acres open pasture,, good
bottom soil, balance in timber, 8 room
house, large barn, 15 acres bearing
orchard, well watered by springs, 4 Vi
miles from railroad town in Polk Co.
Price $30 per acre. U. 8. Bank Bldg.
Room 304. Thone 470.
Co. Quotations for today
Ranch butter . 2023c
Butterfat 30c
Eggs 18c
On Liberty and Ferry Sts.
Phone 2488.
190 -Acre Orchard
for Sale
Of prunes and cherries, one mile
from Dallas, Ore, Five years old and
upwards. In tracts to suit, at 1225 to
1100 per sere.
Also 216 acres of farm land at $80
to S12S.
Payments one-third down, balance In
tlx yean.
By the Fleming Realty Co, Phone
303, or S. P. Kimball, owner, phone
Farmers S61, Salem, Oregon,
A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent.
t ' ' Vn prescrVptions ' t
.-w uifuwv quiftuiy ana
I) charge the lowest prices.
Schaefer's Drug Store
No. 1J5 Commercial Street
Deutsche Apetheke.
Nqjice of Proposed Establishment and ,
Ee-establishment on Change of Grade
on Market Street and the Garden
Road, Which is the Extension There
of From tne Center Line of Church
Street to the East City Limits.'
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, proposes to establish certain offi
cial grades and to re-establish and
change other official grades on Mar
ket street and the Garden Boad be
tween the center line of Church street
and the east city limits. The grades
which are proposed to be established,
re-established and changed by the com
mon council are described as follows,
At the intersection of the eenter
lines of Church and Market streets at
an elevation of forty-two and eight
tenths (42.8) feet, said elevation being
s confirmation of the grade estab
lished by ordinance No. 661 of the city
of Salem, Oregon.
At tne intersection of the eenter
lines of Cottage and Market streets, at
an elevation of forty-four and eight-
tenths (44.8) feet, said elevation being
a confirmation of the grade established
by ordinance No. 574 of the city of
Salem, Oregon.
At the intersection of the center
lines of Winter and Market streets the
elevation is re-established and changed
to an elevation of forty-four and three
tenths (44.3) feet, said elevation be
ing a modification and change from
the grade established by ordinance No.
573 of the city of Salem, Oregon.
At the intersection of the center
lines of Summer and Market streets at
an elovation of forty-six (4C.0) feet
said elevation being a confirmation of
the grade established by ordinance No.
At the intersection of the center
lines of Capitol and Market streets at
an elevation of forty-nine and five
tenths (49.5) feet, said elevation be
ing a confirmation of the grade es
tablished by ordinance No. 576.
At the intersection, of the center
lines of McCoy avenue and Market
street, at an elevation of fifty-one and
five-tenths (51.5) feet.
At a point on the center line of
Market street, which is three hundred
(300) feet east of the center line of
McCoy avenue, at an elevation of
fifty-three and three-tenths (53.3) feet.
At the intersection ef the center
lines of 12th and Market Btreets at an
elevation of fifty-three and three
tents (53.3) feet.
At the intersection of the center
lines of 14th and Market streets at an
elevation of fifty-three and five-tenths
(53.5) feet, the center line of 14th
street being defined in accordance
with the plat of Rosedale addition to
said city.
At the intersection of the northerly
projection of the center line of 13th
Btrcet in Frickey's Railroad addition
with the center line of Market street,
at an elevation ef fifty-four and five
tenths (54.5) feet.
At the intersection of the northerly
projection of the center line of 14th
street in Frickey's Railroad addition
with the center line of Market street,
at an elevation of fifty-six and seven
tenths (56.7) feet.
At the intersection of the Northerly
projection of the center line of 15th
street in Frickey's Railroad addition
with the center line of Market street,
at an elevation of fifty-seven and
seven-tenths (57.7) feet.
At the intersection of the northerly
projection of the center line of 16th
street in Englewood addition with the
center line of Market street at an ele
vation of fifty-nine (59.0) feet.
At the intersection of the center
lines of 17th and Market streets at an
elevation of sixty-three and five-
tenths (63.5) feet, said elevation be
ing a confirmation of the grade estab
lished by ordinance No. 993 of said
city. .
At the intersection of the northerlv
projection of the center line of 18th
street in Englewood addition with the
center line of Market street, at an ele
vation of sixty-eight and five-tenths
(63.5) feet.
At the intersection of the northerly
projection of the center line of 19th
street in Englewood addition, and the
center line of Market street, at an ele
vation of seventy-three and six-tenths
(73.0) feet.
At a point which is the intersection
of the present easterly city limits and
the center line of Market street at an
elevation of seventy-seven and seven-
tenths (77.7) feet.
All persons owning property adjacent
to said Market street, and the Garden
Road, which is the extension thereof,
or the part thereof described-above and
upon which it isproposed to establish
and also re-establish and change the
official grades are hereby notified to
make snd file their written remon
strances, if any they have, with the
city recorder, against the said estab
lishment, re-establishment and change
of grades within the period of ton (10)
days from the final publication of this
notice, and unless the owners of more
than two-thirds majority of the super
ficial area of the property adjacent to
said Market street and the Garden
Road, or the part thereof particularly
affected by said proposed establish
ment, re-establishment and change of
grade, remonstrate in the manner pro
vided by the charter of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, within the period above
named, the common council will proceed
to establish and re-establish snd
change the grades of said Market
street nd the Garden Boad, at the ele-
vations set forth in this notice by the
passage of an ordinance on or after
twenty (20) days from the date of the
first publication of this notice. This
notice is published for ten (10) days in
a daily newspaper published in the city
of Salem, Oregon, the first publication
being the 27th day of May, 1913.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Becorder.
Most Children Have Worms,
Many mothers think their children
are suffering from indigestion, head
ache, nervousness, weakness, costive-
ness, when they are victims of that
most common of all children's ail
ments worms. Peevish, ill-tempered,
fretful children, who toss and grind
their teeth, with bid breath and colicky
pains, have all the symptoms of having
worms and should be given Eickapoo
Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge,
which expels worms, regulates the bow
els, tones up the system, and makes
children well and happy. Kickapoo
Worm Killer is guaranteed. All drug
gist or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo
Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and
St. Louis, J. C. Perry.
Prairie city has increased its saloon
license from 300 to $600. The increase
takes effect July 1.
A cloud burst in Shirt Tail gulch near
Durkee, Baker county, Tuesday, did
much damage, considerable livestock
being killed.
Treatments given at Imperial Hotel.
Rheumatism and dropsy my specialties.
Magnetic Healer.
Residence: 1105 North street, near col
lege dormitory. P. O. box 713, New
burg, Oregon.
To Purchasers
For farms or city property see
Dr. W. A. Cusick, owner, over
Fry s drug store.
Salem Box & Mfg. Co.
Screen doors and windows
made to order. AH sizes
prompt service.
Phone 308 247 Miller St.
Graduate N. W. U., Chicago. ;
Salem Bank & Trust Building.
8uite 205-206. Phone 2418 ',
On farm and city property. Joha k)
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, 0
egoa Phone 16B1
i Cherry. City
Ice Cream
T It has the creamy taste.
t Buy It Eat it
266 Chemekets Street. f
Phone 2482 I
ReslsV-t street SMS Nrate Htre-t
314 U.S. Bank Building
Oa Govt Best Estate Secarlty.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. SsJern, Or
Money to Loan.
Phone 2424. 06-207 Hubbard Bldg
Oa fo Real Estate ecirtty.
47 State Street
Prompt delivery. Sole agents for
the Famous Rock Springs Coal.
E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'NsiL
Phone 210. Yards opposite 8. P. pas
senger depot
la any quantity. Prompt deliver
our specialty. Falls City Ltunssr
Company. 179 North CommercisJ
street Phone Main 811
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics. Work eallss
for and delivered promptly.
44S Ferry street Phoae Mai a 225!
II II IHI lllllilililll II in . I I II- II