DAILY CAPUT Al JOUXNAL, HALEM. OREOOX, TODAY, JTOE . 1913. A01 rouB 32 S' tMiiiiiiiiMMii wi miiI " mmi i m mmm"" " 1 ' II i! The Western Cloak and Suit Co., For,y Washington Street, Portland, Or. jj 11'. M IS II II nr r urn inn II 11 CI 14 tl U II tl II n ii E3 11 11 tl U 11 II Bl M It ts II ii . m l 111 ti I u II j ti i ti r i r 9 if ii U ti 11 J 'TH ti H ti M tl A U JUUUU ROUGH LOSS OF THE II II II tl II R LOGAT ON 1 This Gigantic Stock Has Been Bought by a Well Known Mer-1 . i ti chant of Salem at 33 1-3 Cents on the Dollar ti n ti E3 tl tl If II 13 n ti ti ti El tl 11 II II 11 If II II M And will be offered to the public at less than Manufacturers' Cost Ii r Commencing M tl 11 II II 11 11 11 Y 9 ' " b? l. 9 10 A. At 247 No. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon, and will continue until all is Spld. 13 ii II u El 13 11 II II ii u H w II If II If II II - U It II " If 11 II II ti ti To the people of Salem and vicinity: Let it be known that the Western Suit and Cloak Co., including Men's Suits for ten years one ot ti S3 the leading concerns in Portland, with an established reputation of carrying only the highest grade of ladies' and men's wearing ap- 11 M parel, have been forced OUt OT tneir location. Ioioemg duie iu mm diiuuicr auiuum; luiauuu uitsy wtie iuiicu iu aim uui iu U5 nit; tn- ii ti tire stock at 33 1-3 cents on the dollar. This stock consists of the latest creations of the season and will be sold regardless of cost, ti I These prices are guaranteed only while these articles last. 11 M ti ii tl M ti 11 ti n ti tl 11 n M 11 11 II 11 M i U 11 11 II M ii ti u M ti $45 LADIES' SUITS NOW AT $20 LADIES' SUITS REDUCED TO $25 LADIES' SUITS REDUCED TO $20 LADIES' SILK AND SERGE DRESSES $30 LADIES' SUIT AT $20 LINGERIE DRESSES REDUCED TO $25 SILK DRESSES REDUCED TO 14.85 $ 6.95 8.95 5.95 10.95 4.98 6.89 $25 LADIES' SUITS NOW REDUCED TO ONLY.... $30 LADIES' SUITS NOW AT REDUCED TO $20 LADIES' BLUE SERGE SUITS AT ONLY LADIES' SKIRTS, VALUES TO $20,00 NOW CUT TO LADIES' SKIRTS, VALUES TO $10.00 NOW CUT TO LADIES' SILK AND SERGE DRESSES,' VALUES TO $20.00 LADIES' PARTY GOWNS, REGULAR VALUES TO $20.00, CUT TO SILK MESSALINE PETTICOATS, VALUES TO 05.00 AT LADIES COATS, REGULAR VALUES TO $20.00, g gg ""' . ' " serge suits now at LA L) I tO tUAia, KtUULAK VALUL9 IU CUT TO LADIES' REGULAR $15.00 RAINCOATS, CUT TO LADIES' REGULAR 22.50 SILK PONGEE COAT, CUT TO EYENING DRESS, REGULAR $20.00, NOW CUT TO $ 2.69 4.89 6.95 14.85 1.69 11.95 5.95 4.95 3.98 $20 LADIES' SUITS NOW REDUCED TO ONLY... MEN'S $10 AND $12.50 SUITS NOW MEN'S $15 AND $17.50 SUITS NOW MEN'S $20 AND $22.50 SUITS NQW $ 7.95 9.95 11.95 9.85 7.95 7.95 9.95 13.75 tl 11 11 K 11 11 ii n ti ti it ti EZ ft IS u If H u ii i II 11 II A big line of Ladies' Suedes, Buck's Pumps and Other High Grade Dress Shoec at Factory Prices 14 ... ' ii IS 1PH ti M 11 tl esteri mm i! 1 I 9 Tl B! m r- m I Wnnforl 10 F"vnfrienced V W W W mm m - -w - v Salesladies. Apply Thursday IS ON SALE 1 oday, June Look for Big Yellow Signs At 247 N. Commercial St. u it 1 H ii ti ii u '! ti ti ti n ti N. Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON A 4 23Z2ISMlII2SI2ii-Zii3S