AH the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal tll ll fB Ji fl Wl? ft THE LARGEST HtltMtlll THIPIT-S! SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUKE 6, 1913. PRICE. TWO CENTS. milM?; 'el 'V , - Attory Jefiery Arg-iei t.- vor of Filing of Referen dum Petition. CRAWFORD DEFENDS ACT Gives Reasons Why Referendum Peti tion Is Not in Legal Form to Be Accepted by Olcott. Declaring thut the "dentist's trust" of Portland succeeded in railroading a Tadiinl and discriminating bill through the legislature and that it is one which is destined to aid materially in corner ing the business' for a select few of Multnomah count's dental men, Attor ney John A. Jcff'rt 'Jtoilay appeared be fore Judge Gallod fy and argued the petition asking the "court to issue an order of mandamus, requiring the sec retary of state to! accept for filing a referendum pctitioji which is intended to refer the act in' utiestion to the voto of the people at th'o general election to be held in Novemj';-r, 1914. Secretary of Sts V Oleott was repre sented by Attorn jfrleneral Crawford. In explaining the teretary's reasons for refusing to access the petitions for filing, Attorney . general Crawford utated that at the juie the petitions were filed, they wwf not attached to a copy of the act which was to be re ferred, which is contrary to the pro- visions of the iniative- and referendum - law. Furthermore, a trued the attorney ' "' foriiflftlorr-to the effect the bill is to be referred to the people in 1914 and Sec retary of State Olcott has sufficient .. Teason for refusing to accept the peti tions os the grounds that in an act passed by the last legislature it is pro vided that a special state election shall bo called on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November for the pur pose of permitting the voters of the state to vote on the various referen dum petitions which may be filed in due time prior to that date upon which the election is called. The counsel for the state argued that inasmuch as the pe titions which may be filed in due time prior to that date upon which the elec tion is called. The council for the state argued that inasmuch as the petitions referring the dental bill were circulated and the 7000 signers lead to believe that the snme was to be voted on la K14 instead of at the special election this fall, and that the referendum law was not complied with by reason of the petitions failing to be attached to a -copy of the act to be referred, tho sec retary of state has no legal right to accept the petition. Says Law Kidiculous. Attorney Jeffery, in arguing his side of the issue, declared that that provi sion of the referendum law which pro vides that each petition, or booklet, containing the names of voters must contain an exact and full copy of the law to be referred, is ridiculous and it is not the intent of the provisions to re quire every copy to be represented with a lengthy copy of the act In question. Tie stated that there is no necessity for a copy of the law to be pasted or sowed onto the petition, as the circulator can easily explain the contents and reasons of the act to the votor. According to Attorney Jeffery's statements to tho court, there is a den tists' trust in Portland and it was through that organization's efforts that the dental law was passed by the legis lature. Insofar as the time sot for voting on the petition, said Attorney Jeffery, he docs not believe that the act calling a special election this year is constitu tional. He said that it barred every other issue from being voted upon and especially struck a blow at the Initia tive law. Vnder the provisions of the special set, the attorney states that not in any even can a voter have an op portunity to vote upon any Initiative law which might be drawn up and that the law was passed in order to relieve the taxpayers of the initiative frivilcpc until 1P14. Judge Oalloway took the case under -advisement and will render an opin ion probably tomorrow. Baby 'I Scratch Fatal (csnxo raise uisrd wiaa.1 Cairo, Cal., June . Mrs. Elmira Meenes, aged 22 years, is dead here today of blood poisoning. A playful craut made on her tip by her baby is (held responsible. Issues Newspaper. in-JaiL Ellensburg, Wash., June 6. The first insue of the Oermantown News, named for Sheriff German, was issued here today by the pris- oners in the county jail. Accord- ing to the slogan over the date line, it is "subject to censure and confiscation," but the editor, who is in jail because he charged a few groceries to another man's account did not hesitate to "hand it to the jailer." He also wrote a strong plea for au American merchant marine. I Millions of Dollars Will Be Used Improvements In Willamette Valley Soon. In UNITED PUSS UUBKD WIS!. San Francisco, June 6. A detailed statement of improvements planned on its lines during the next two years was submitted today to the California railf road commission by the Southern Pa cific company. This follows the appli cation of the company for permission to issue $30,000,000 in two-year 5 per cent bonds. The following applies to Oregon expenditures: For electrifying now lines in the Wil lamette valley and the reconstruction of the Sheridan-Willamiua railroad, $2, 501,880. , Tho expenditures planned to be made uj .to December, 3r, next, total $15,422,. ind are apportioned as follows: Southern Pacific company's Pacific system, $11,356,040. Portland, Eugene and Eastern rail road, $2,501,880.'. Corvallis and Eastern railroad $270,- 580. Salem, Falls City & Western railroad, $68,080. Pacific Railroad and Navigation coin- any, $134,540. Pacific Fruit Express, $75,625. Coos Bay, Roscburg and Eastern Railroad and Navigation company, $4,- 470. Testifying concerning the company's financial standing, Assistant Auditor Ingram told the commissioners that the Southern Pacific has available unpledg ed stock to the amount of $105,000,000 and unpledged bonds to the amount of $106,000,000. W. 0. A, PLAY MUCH ENJOYED BY AUDIENCE In the rest room of the local Y, W. C. A. yesterday afternoon many women of this city listened with interest to one of the most unique plays of its kind that is ever attempted by those in the ama teur class. Tho titlo of the plav is The Voices of Women," with scenes laid around the peaceful sleep of an "American Beabty," who is only trou bled by dreams of heathen women, beg ging alms, who flit to and fro before her vision. Miss Rosamon Gilbert took the leading role of the American girl. All of those who assisted Miss Gilbert were pronounced to be of best quality and well carried out their several parts. Another feature of the afternoon was the rendering of several songs but tho sophomore girls' quartet of the univer sity. Confesses Murder After Acquittal. (united rsasa mini wiai.) Columbus, O., June 6. Lee ( age, a member of the Iron Molders' I'nion of Wheeling, W. Va., confessed in the Uni ted States district court here yester day that he killed Detective John J. Reardon, of Pittsburg, at Steuhenville Ohio, in 1910. The killing occurred dur ing a period of labor trouble. Cage was tried at Htculienville more than a year ago on a charge of having murdered Keardon, and was acquitted, Having been injeopardy once, another Having been in eojpnrdy once, another trial on the same charge is barred un der the constitution and lawB of Ohio. Cage's confession resulted in speedy dismissal of proceedings which were landing before Judge Slater involving the disposition of $.iOK) renin money offered by the commissioners of Jeffer son county, and another suit by Rear don's administrator to collect $5000 damages from Jefferson county because of Reardon 's death. Following Cage's admission thtt he fired the shots which practically rid dled the body of the Pittsburg detec tive, aa agreed order was entered al io wing the dead man's heirs $1500. Says Prisoner Recently Par doned Received Amount . as ' Prize Money. - DENOUNCES PRESS NEWS Impression That He Was Employed at Salary of $100 Per Month Er roneous and Unfair. in the matter of George lilodgett, re cently pardoned, Governor West this morning issued tho following statement regarding the assertiou that lilodgett has been in tho employ of tho state since his release from the penitentiary: "The statement that George Blodgett recently released from the prison, has time been employed by the state at a fixod 'salary of $100 per month and of fered permanent employment, is abso lutely without foundation. For tho last year and a hulf Blodgett has been in charge of the prison chicken yard and in order that ho might be induced to take more than an ordinary interest in his work, he was promised by the offi cials that he would be rewarded with prizo money to the extent of 25 cents a day or about $7.50 a month. Under this arrangement ho had about $100 coming to him when his conditional par don was issued, but as there were no funds available for tho payment of prize money for service' around the chicken yard, it was docided after his release to put him upon the payroll for a short timo and pay him as salary au amount which was equal to what was due for prize money, i. e., $100. In ef fect Blodgott worked during the month of May without pay, as the $100 paid him was prize money earned during the preceding 14 months. "Blodgett reudored most valuable service while in chargo of tho chicken yard, and while he was nevor offered permanent employment as reported by tho press, we would have been glad to have had him stay another month as he was turning out a large number of young chickens and was jn closo touch with tho work. "Some of the press reports as to this transaction are most unfair and mis leading and give out the impression that this man was being employed at a salary of $100 per mopth, and that he was offered permanent employment. We have no need for a salaried man In this position and if we did would not bo jus tified in paying the said salary." E TIED UP BT I. W. W. Sanitary Bunkhouses, Better Bedding, Bath and Dry Booms and Better Wages Art Demanded. VNITKD PUSS UASED Will.) Everett, Wash., June 6. Charging that the lumber camp buiikhouses are more filthy than Andersonville prison, members of the I. W. W. have tied up a number of logging ramps near here. Just how strong the strike will be, will not be known until Sunday. At present between 200 and 300 men are out. Thoy demand sanitary Imnkhoiises, spring mattresses ami clean bedding furnished free, clean towels and soap furnished free, with bath and dry rooms, and for good measure add an 8-hour day with $3 wage in the field and $2.50 in the mills. MILLIONAIRE'S CASE IN JURY'S HANDS FINALLY CK1TK0 Mass U!tSKD Will.) Boston. Mass. , June 6. The case against William Wood, millionaire presi dent, of the American Woolen company; Frederick Atteaux, a wealthy nianufac- tuier, an I I (runic Collins, of Cambridge is in the hiili.li of the jury. All three are charged with having planted dyna mite at Lawrence during the textile strike there Inst year. Judge Crnniir began his charge to the jury at 11 o'clock. He had iutcndcil to deliver his instructions at 9:30 0 'clock but rumors concerning Juror Shuriian prevented. With attorney for the prosecution and defense, Judge Crosby Investigated re ports that Mhuman had expressed an opinion, but after a thorough examina tion Hhuman demonstrated bis right to it ia the case. Ha Was Matching Chinaware. Chicago, June 0. Mrs. George Penrose today visited in his cell her husband, who is under arrest charged with killing John D. Van Keuren, when the latter found him in the home of Mrs. Van Keuren, despite Mrs. Van Keuren s own declaration that she shot and kill- ed, her husband thinking him a burglar. "If George was in Mrs. Van Keuren 'a apartments," 'said Mrs. Penrose, "it was because he was there matching chinaware. I am confident his relations with her were entirely proper." ' 10 Greatest Opportunity in Her History Will Be Given Orogon at Port land This Month. There will be a union meeting of all the Salem churches Sunday evening to arrango for the sending of a delegation to attend the annual World 's Christian Citizenship Conference, to bo held iu Portland June 29-JuIy 6. That the world's conference will give Oregon, the greatest opportunity in hor history for advertising the resources of this state is the belief of those who have kept in close touch with the ar. rangements. Salem will profit largely in the visit of the people from all over the civilized world and it is up to thorn to see that this city is well represented at Portland. ' There will be 20,000 people at the conference and Wst of them will iin douhtcdly make trips up the Willam ette valley. 1 The meeting 'Sunday night is for the purpose of giving Dr. Mc.Uaw an op portunity to explain tho object and ex tent of the conference. That the arm ory will be crowdod is considered cur tain. 10 E HKHWAY Would Have Government Sell Five Per Cent of Public Lands and Use Money for Roads. (dmitbo rasas liashd wiaa.) Salt Lake City, Utah, Juno B.Oov ernor Amnions, of Colorado, was the speaker of most note at the morning ses sion here of the Wostern Governors' conference. He recited numerous In stances of alleged Injustice to farmers resulting from tho segregation of ag ricultural lands In forest areas, and as serted that the inclusion of mineral lands in the national forest reserves Is retarding Colorado's development. This afternoon Governor Amnions will introduco a resolution asking the United States government to sell fvc per cent of the public lands, the pro ceeds to be used for the construction of the public highways. Another Row In Sight f united rust Miami wiss.1 London, June B. Strong probability of new complications in peace negotia tions in the Balkans is seen here In a report that Hottmaula stands ready to join Bulgaria in the event of war with Ssrvla and Greece. Other reports also indicate that the old cabinet resigned because of irritation shown over eon cessions to Greece and Servia and it is freely predicted thnt the new cabinet will be more bellicose than that headed bv Premier Gechoff. California Wins. ' f uwiTKD push uiAsrn wins 1 New York, June 6. Outplaying his adversary at every angle of the eiime. Maurice E, Mcf.ouglilin, of California. ho holds the nutional chitinpioiirhip, defeated Horace Rice, the sen national Australian plnyer, iu straight et, 8 1, 6 3, iu today's piny for the Davis international tennis cup. Weather Forecast Oregon Fair tonight and Patur- day; northwesterly winds. OPERATORS SETTLED Union Not Recogniied, Strikers Reinstated and Conditions Bettered. NOT VICTORY OR DEFEAT Head of Wireless Men Explains Condi tions Mads It Better to Accapt Compromise. San Francisco, June 8. Tho strike of the wireless operators against tho Mar coni Wireless company has been settled and the men roportod for work this moruiug. The settlement was a com promise. The union is not rccognizod, but all strikers are reinstated, and con ditions are bettered. The wage in crease demanded was not granted. .The strikors wore instructed by In ternational President S. J, Kononkamp to report for duty today. While thero is no recognition of the union, there is an agreement that union men will not ue discriminated against. The com pany promised to reinstate the opera tors as fast as vessols reach ports where they are stationed. "The settlement is not a victory; neither is it a defeat," said Konen kamp. "Conditions made it better to effect a compromise than to continue the fight, and tho company was very willing to meet us half -,y, " Matter of Fromotio;-.-Adjusted. It was distinctly understood thnt the operators havo the right to join the union, and tho company agreed to re ceive and treat with grievance commit tors, despite the fact that recognition of the union as a whole was not ac corded. The matter of promotions on the basis of ability and soniority was adjusted. The company promised to put into ef fect rules which will protect the men irom summary dismissal without a hear ing, and, in case of dismissal, for re consideration of the case. Want Men in Sympathy. Washington, June fl. It was ad mitted at the treasury department hero yesterday afternoon that tho resigna tion of Surveyor of Customs Duncan McKinlay, Naval Officer Goorgo Stono, Appraiser John G. Mattoa and E. A. Muentor, collector of internal revenue, all in the San Francisco district, havo been requested. It was said their suc cessors will be mon in sympathy with the new regime. PRISON SENTENCE Following His Sentence to Not Less Than 10 years, Manlnlr.k Hangs Self in His Cell. loHiTiD raiss laiasn wiaa.l North Yakima, Wash., Juno B. Mo ses Meninick, aged 20 years, full blood ed Indian, is on the long trail in the happy hunting grounds today, following his sentence to ten to fifteen years at Monroe reformatory for horse stealing. Mosen listened attentively to the jury when sentence was pronounced, and when the deputy sheriff, who escorted him back to his ceil suld "ten years is a lung time, Mose, and it's kind of tough on you, being an Indian and used to living in the open," the red man smiled and winked knowingly. This morning he was found hanging by his belt strap. lie had held up his feet to keep them from resting on the floor. For Treaty Renewal. " (nsiTxn I'risk iissn wiaa. Washington, June fl. The senate for eign affairs committee yesterday after noun recommended a renewal of arbi tration treaties with Italy, Great Bri tain and Spain for five years. It also approved the proposed extradition treaty with Paraguay and endorsed the plnn to make the post at Madrid, Spain, an ambassadorship. Burglar Attacks College Girl. (nxiTio rasas raisin wibs.j Wellesley, Mass,, Juno B. Dormito ries of Wellesley rolb-ge are to be dou bly guarded here after causing a great commotion last night when s venture some burglar invaded them and attack ed Miss Louise Palen, a sophomore. A chorus of screams by the girl students put the Intruder to flight. Writes Poetry and Kills Self. Fairbanks, Alas., June 6. While in an apparently philosophical state of mind, Fred Church, a young man well known throughout the Yukon country, ended his life at Ruby, after penning a note to the coroner, inverse, according to word received here today. Anoth- er note was found addressed to his mother, saying: 1 Don 't cry when you read this; 'tis God's Will I go, for He came to my cabin door and said ' come, ' so I go. " - LAST DAY OF REGULAR CLASS IRK AT 0. Examinations Will Bogin Monday and Will Continue Throughout Week at Institution. Today is the last day of regular class work at Willamette university. On Mon day examinations will begin and con tinue throughout next week and the Monday of tho next week. The final commencement exercises take place one week from Wednosday. The orators are very busy proparing for the oratorical contest to be hold between tho literary societios on com mencement week. This evening the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. will hold a r'ption to the seniors iu Katon hall. liys will be final big varsity function Ot. the year. The rhilodpsians recently elocted the following officers: President, Ava Me Mahau; vice-president, Inct.Oolfra; sec retary, Ruth Tanker; treasurer, Beryl Holt; critic, Stella Graham; reporter, Ola Clark; sergeant at-arms, Clara SchuasBo, The sophomoros elocted Vhe' folUwitig officers for new year. President, Em ory Doan; vicoprosidont, Florence Page; secretary, Daisy Mulkoy; report er, Harry Irviuo; sergcant-at-arma, Ja cob Stocker. GUARD ACCUSED OF AN , ASSAULT ON CONVICT A complaint charging F. II. Suodgrass with assault and battery on the person of Sum Davis, a convict, was filed in the justico of tho peace court this morn ing, L. II. McMahau appearing aa the private prosocutor. It is alleged In the complaint that Snoilgrass assaulted Davis on tho streets of this city on May 10 this year. This action ia tho ultimatum of a sen Hal ion which occurred last May when Davis, who was a paroled prisoner, was chased and caught in the vicinity of the feed sheds on West Ccntor street. As sisted by Officor Woolory, Snodgrass and another guard nt the prison, cap tured Davis and returned him to prison for breaking his parole. While Snod grass and the other guard were holding the prisoner on the corner of State and Center streets until Officor Woolory en gaged an auto, tho prisoner mumbled a few words and Snodgrass struck him two times. Davis was securely hand cuffed and when the guard struck him tho first time, blood streamed out of his noso. In explaining Why tie struck the prisoner, Snodgrass stated at tho time that Davis was calling hi in vilo names. West Would Not Act. "I waited until this timo before bringing this action with the hopes that Govornor West would either discharge or prnsoriito Snodgrass for this vicious and uncalled for abuse of the prison er," stated McMahan today, "but he has refused to act either way." Attorney McMahan, several years ago, was a leading factor in instigating an inventigHtiim at the prison wherein several convicts hail been whipped and flogged. Ho also acted in behalf of a prisoner who was shut In the foot by a local officer and succeeded in obtaining a nominal damage, Judge Kelly, who presided in the ruse, informed the jury that no officer of the slate or city had u legal right to shoot at or strike an other person unless that person had I ciiniuiittci! a fclonv. At the present time SiiiHlgrn holds the position of Biipcrintcinli-nt of the guards at the prison, He was formerly a deputy warden. ' Money for Boosters. Oukland, ul., June 0. The eit ci nncil hss appropriated $500 fur the OaklBnd "Boosters" who will leavs for the Portland Rose Carnival next Saturday. The monoy will he expended ia advertising Oakland In the cities be twees here sad Portland. VICE PROBE AGAIN Heads of Windy City's Largest Banks and Department Stores Witnesses A BANKER DISCUSSES IT Says Connection of Low Wages and Im morality Infinitesimal, if It Exists at All. (unhid miss LI IS id wiaa.1 Chicago, June S, The senate investi gation commiteo resumed today its probe into vice conditions here. About 40 witnesses, including the heads of Chicago's largest bauks and depart ment stores, and economists will testi fy. ' . ; . The witnesses will be asked regarding wage's paid malo employes and whether the low wages of men are contributing factors to the ruin of young girls. They also will be asked whether married men average better wages than single men, and whether the wages paid married men are sufficient to support s family, without compelling the children to leave school and go to work. It is expected that the committee will rocommend s minimum wage law aa a result of the investigation. ' i The bankers who responded to the subpoenaes of the committee represent ed (1,000,000,000 of capital. George M. Reynolds, president of the Commer cial and Continental National bank, the Hibernian and other banks, testified that the wage of men In the banking business averaged (000 a year. He said: "We have Bever investigated what it costs a man to support himself and wife and a child. In my opinion. It would work wron to uteri( te fix a minimum wage for men, It would put all labor on s par. t believe merit should be rewarded," James Simpson, manager of the great Marshall Field department store, testi fied that his concern employes 3150 men and boys at an average of $19 per week, and a minimum of $12 per week for men over 21 years of ago. He said that no married men got less than $13 a week, and that no boy gets less than $8. Simpson thought a federal minimum wage law for men would be good, but he was opposed to such a state law. "The connection of low ' wages and thoso home conditions which cause im morality is infiultesimal, If it exists at all," he said. WIDOW'S PENSION ACT TAKES LOTS OF MONEY With the widows' pension act in ef fect but four days and applications fil ed during that time for pensions call ing for a mouth allowance in the total sum of $112.50, county officials are be ing led to believe that before very long County Treasurer Moore will be com pelled to turn over about alt the tax monoy handed to him by Sheriff Ksch. The applications for pensions aro being filed thick and fast since the law went into effect and up to date seventeen widows have announced their desire to be aided by the county. According to county statistics, thore are a thousand widows In Marion coun ty, Figuring that each widow is the mother of at least two children, and providing that tho county court sees fit to favorably recognize each application, this county woud be required to ex ieud monthly approximately $17,000 or $210,000 a year. It is not probable, however, that the county court will grant many of the a plications filed, but it is believed that in the majority of cases, the widows of the county who ask for the pension will he awarded tho privilege of drawing the 10 per month for tho first child and 7. no per month for every other child under the age of HI years Tho county judge is given considerabln power to decide iu pension cases, but up to ths present time, there has not been any definite action taken. Kills Throe Persons. osiTsn rssna uusno wiss.l Canton, (., Juno fl. Throe murders are laid today at tho door of Robert Roache, who flew Into a rage when he came home and found his wife absent, lie shot and killed bis niothor-ln law, his sister In law and 16 months-old ba by, After probably fatally wounding another sister-in-law, Roache shot a po liceman in the leg and bit another mna ia the hand. He also attempted to as phyxiate himself, but waa revived.