Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Bought at Sight Because TheyVe Right
ale :
IHow Do You
I Like This
June, the month of months for dainty white merchandise is here and with it Stockton's great June SALE OF WHITE,
a greater and better white sale than we ever held before ; unmatchable prices, quality Al and large and carefully se
lected assortments to choose from
35c Drawers
For women ami childreu
embroidery and lace
trimming. Good materi-
24c pr
Night Gowns. Beauti
fully trimmed; good
quality workmanship
Nainsook Gowns
Slip-on style, trimmed
with embroidery; others
with embroidery yoke.
50c Drawers
Drawers for Women;
splendid material, em
broidery trimmed.
39C pr
Ex-Czar of Cincinnati Accused, With
Four Others, of Removing Big
Note From Bank.
. DNiirD pjutss uuii WIM.
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2. The trial of
George B. Cox, once political czar of
Cincinnati, and four other officials of
the Cincinnati Trust Company, charged
with having removed a $350,000 note
fiom the assets of that bank, began
here today.
Cox and his associates gave the note
at the order of the state banking de
partment to make up a shrinkage in
the bnn's capital. Later tho trust com
pany merged with another bank, and
Cox and his associates withdrew the
It is now well known that not more
than one cae of rheumatism in ten
requires any internal treatment what
ever. All that is needed is a free ap
plication of Chamberlain's Liniment
and massaging the parts at each appli
cation. Try it and see how quickly it
will relieve, the pain and soreness. Sold
by all dealers.
American League Today.
1?. H. E.
Poston 4 4 1
New Tork 3 5 3
Leonard, Bedient and C'arrigan; Fish
er and Sweeney.
BC fmirv iiiiiiii)iiiiiiiiip 1 111,11 in 11.1 im'pii 13
TVT. r ' - -r- , r,'
. ?,
Situated where the ocean, mountain and forest come together, where a cape extends in
to the ocean over a mile, with
Boulevards Water System . Postoffice
Streets Electric Lights General Stores
Sidewalks Telephones Daily Mail
Auto service to and from Newport, iurf bathing, excellent beach, protected from North
west winds, boarding houses and a 62-room modern hotel, all to be found at the Cape.
General agents: Agent on Ground ' "LSU
213 Board of Trade Bid AGATE BEACH 2U "ajonic Temple,
Portland, Ore. Salem, Ore.
White lingerie dresses
for women and misses.
All dress goods at re
duced prices; must re
duced tho stock.
Long white petticoats,
embroidery trimmed.
"White wash dress skirts,
soiled. .,
50c ea
Sheets m. fT J&Zi
$1.10 values and $1.00 fl ' jtt 'T flf II
Huck Towels
8 l-2c ea
American League.
K. H. E.
Philadelphia- 15 3
Washington 4 n 4
Brown, Bush, Bender and Lapp; Mul
lin, Boehling, Engle and Henry.
National League.
R. H. E.
Brooklyn : ' 2 6 0
Philadelphia 6 8 1
Eagoon, Wagner and Miller, Erwin;
Seaton and Killifer.
i i R. H. E.
Boston ,. , 4 9
Pittsburng 7 2 1
James, Strand and Whaling; Hen
drix and Simon.
Murdered by Unknown.
Bakersfield, Cal., June 2. Murdered,
wrapped in a blanket and placed on a
pyre of sagebrush in the desert near
Caliente, Cal., the body of a man whose
identity is unknown to the authorities
is held here today while a search is be
ing made for his slayer. A Southern Pa
cific section hand found the body, still
warm, the head crushed and bleeding,
on a pile of sage brush that apparently
had beer, fired but a few minutes be
fore. Slaver's Bail Reduced.
united fhsbs lmbed wire. J
Los Angeles, Cal., June 2. Bail of
Mrs. Josio Rosenberg, arrested during
the recent white slave investigation
here at the Jonquil apartments, which
she conducted, wns reduced today to
$10,000, covering charges of contribut
ing to the dependency of two girls. Her
trial is scheduled for June 10.
Journal Want Ads Urine licsulK
White cotton blankets,
wool na.p
White Shirts
75c values t..48c
Thought He Was Bewitched.
Iunited rusa uubub iml
Riverside, Cal., June 2. Under the
hallucination that he had been bewitch
ed by Paul Vial, aged 50 years, Peter
belate shot and killed Vial at Winches
tor, near here, according to an alleged
confession to the county authorities to
day following his arrest. Both men are
Gets Big Alligator.
Ed. Wright, the well-known SaU'in
street car inotornian, is now taking his
vacation in Alabama. Mr. Wright has
dropped a letter to his wife saying that,
he and several friends captured a big
alligator recently and now have him
tied to a fence post, pending transpor
tation to his home here. Mrs. Wright
is very undecided as to whether or not
her husband is just joking or means
what he says. In the event of the lat
ter, she declares that she will find the
biggest gun she can get and celebrate
the Fourth of July by blowing up tho
southern hellbender.
When your child has whooping cough
be careful to keep the cough loose and
expectoration easy by giving Chambor
lnin's Cough Remedy as may be re
quired. This remedy will also liquify
tho tough mucus and make it oasior to
1 expectorate. It has been used success
j fully in ninny epidemicfl, and is safe,
ami sure. For sale by all dealers,
A new gold-saving machine has been
set up on the sands at Gold Beach. It
will handle l.'id tons in 20 hours, Those
interested hopo they have solved tho
separation problem.
Men's white Bhirts,
$1.25 values
Japan Likes Plan.
Washington, June 2. Possibility of
war between the United States and
Japan over alien land legislation or
over any other dispute wan materially
lossoned hero today when Viscount
Chimin, the Japanese ambassador, noti
fied Secretary of State Bryan that Jap
an viewed tho Bryan-Wilson peace plan
(Continued from page 1.)
nine years served the grnnd lodge as its
grand secretary.
Sinco li is timo Pacific Lodge has
numbered among Its menibors many
men who have been prominent in Ma
sonic and civic affairs, and five of its
members have been chosen to fill elec
tive offices in the grand lodge, three of
whom havo attained to the office of
grand master.
The lodgo now hus a membership of
moro than 225, and at this time num
bers among its members tho grand mas
ter of Masons iu Oregon, the govornor
and stato treasurer of the statu, a mem
ber of congress and many men holding
minor positions iu county and stato
Present Officers.
Tho present officers of Snlem lodge
No. 4 aro. Fred W. Cook, worshipful
master; David A. Wright, senior ward
en; J. T. Welch, junior wnrdon; S. Z.
Culver, secretary, I). J. Fry, treasurer;
L. McCarty, senior deacon; Fred A. Mc
Intyro, junior deason; C. V. llarrick,
sti'ward; N. P. Jinsniussen, tyler,
Tho present officers of Pacific Lodge
No. 50 are Filwnrd Ifosteio, worshipful
mastor; Sam Adolph, senior warden;
(Jlen C. Niles, junior warden; F.. H.
Chonto, secretary; James A. Godfrey,
treasurer, Hal V, Bolnn, senior deacon;
J. T. Jorlison, junior deacon, Albert II.
Oillo, steward; Henry Hchomnker, tyler.
Guaranteed Eczema Remedy.
Tho constant itching, burning, red
ness, rash and disagreeable effects of
ecueina, tettor, salt rheum, itch, piles
nnd irritating skin eruption can be
readily cured and the skin mado clear
and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment.' Mr. J. C. Kvelnnd, of Bath,
III., sny: " had eczema twenty-five
and had tried everything. All failed.
When I found Dr. Hudson Eczema
Ointment I found a cure." This oint
ment is tho formula of a physician and
has boon in uso for years not an ex
periment. That is why wo can guar
antee it. All druggists, or by mail.
Price 50c, I'felffer Chemical Co., Phil
adelphia, and Ht. Louis. J. C. Perry.
A woman who luis no use fur a se
cret that she can't tell, or money that
she can't spend.
Best Laxative for the Aged,
OM men ami women feel the need of
a laxatlvo morn than young folks, but
it must be safe and hnrmb-is and one
which will not cause pain. Dr. King's
New Life Pills aro especially good for
the aged, for they set promptly and eas
ily. Price 25c. Kecumiriondcd by J. C.
This is a stylish little shoe.
Looks real comfortable, too,
doesn't it? It feels as comfort
able as it looits, because it is
one of those shapes that hug
the foot closely all around
without die "Pinch."
White Buck $3.65
Tan.... $2.35, $2.65, $3.00
Gun Metal $2.35
Kid $2.65
Bechtel & Bynon's
If you want something worth ,the
money look' this up. 150 acres 1-4
miles to railroad station, 115 acres un
der cultivation, 100 acres of which is in
clover and timothy, 35 acre in pasture
and timber; good family orchard, house,
barn and other outbuildings; well,
springs and running water; fenced and
cross-fenced. With this placo are 3
horses, 3 cows, 1 hoifer, 4 calves, 20
hogs, abont 20 ahoop, 200 chickens, 2
wagons, carriage and full outfit of
farming implements. Some of the house
hold goods will also be included. Build
ings alone cost over $0000. Owners are
old BJid muBt sell. Price for all $105
per acre. Ask for Mr. Scott,
30 acre hop yard In fine condition,
good hop house; only 2V4 miles from
Salem-on good road. 300 per acre.
including crop, If taken Boon. Raw
land in the snmo vicinity is selling at
$.100 to $350 per aero. Easy terms may
be had on this if doslred. Ask for Pot
tyjohn. 5 AND 10- ACRE TRACTS.
Wo have some fino small tnicts on
good roada, near station on Oregon
Flectric railroad for only $125 per acre.
Thero is a good Bchool near the prop
erty. Terms can bo mado to suit.
We have a fino new bnngnlow of
eight rooms and sleeping porch, with
all improvements and conveniences, for
only $2050. This is real bargain. See
Mr. Bynon,
$250 will buy a good lot closo to fair
grounds car lino. Other near by lots
sell for $350.
100 acres, all fenced, running wnter,
buildings, on main rnnd. This is a
good buy; only $27.50 per acre. Might
consider good house and lot an pari
payment. See Mr. Scott.
Just outside the city limits and 10
minutes' wnlk from street cnr. All
under cultivation, good rich soil. Small
family orchard in full bearing, logan
berries, raspberries, blackberries and
strawberries: sufficient for family uso.
Good 8-room plastered house and prac
tically all furniture for same, $3."00.
Ask for Pettyjohn.
M0 acres nearly all under cnlliva
tion, unlimited outside rnngo on a good
rond and near a town. Large house,
milk house, woodshed, cow barn, horse
barn and other outbuildings, -This is
one of tho best stock farms In this
section; plenty of running water, easy
of access, in fact veory facility that
could bo asked for. Price $70 per acre.
We have another good rnnch In the
same vicinity with poor improvements
for only $35 per acre. Ask for Mr. Pet
tyjohn. 10 acres finely Improved land at
Creswell to exchange for Halem prop
erty. Ask for Pettyjohn.
Phone 452. 317 Stale St.
that, f ..K-wtr C, fc...
& . C0. .... I;- li
The Brilliant Stars of June.
By the end of Juno, Mars, Venus,
Saturn and Jupiter will all be morning
stars, but Foley's Honoy and Tar Com
pound is at all times the "Star"' medi
cine for coughs, colds, croup and whoop
ing cough, A cold in June is apt to de
velop into bronchitis or pneumonia as
at any other time, but not ff Foley '
Honey and Tar Compound is taken. It
will surely head off the cold, and heal
the inflamed membranes. The genuine
in a yellow package. Dr. Stone's Drug
John Barret has been mentioned as
governor of the Philippines.- A Demo
crat f Why, of course, now.
A Worker Appreciates This.
Win. Morris, a resident of Florence,
Oregon, says: "For the lat fourteen
yeara my kidneys and bladder incapaci
tated me for all work. About eight
months ago I began using Foley Kidney
Pills, and they have done what other
medicines failed to do, and now I am
doing and fcoling fine. I hoartily rec-
ommond Foley Kidney PiUs.!' Foley
Kidnoy Pilla do not contain habit form
ing drugs and are tonic in acting, quick
in results. Thoy will help any case of
kidney trouble not beyond the reach of
medicine. Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo
No Substitute Could So This.
No inferior substitute, but only the
genuine Foley Kidney Pills could have
rid J. F, Walllch, Bartlott, Nebraska, of
his kidney trouble He says; "I woe
bothered with backache and tho pain
would run up to tho back of my head,
and I had spells of dizziness, I took
Foley Kidnoy Pills and they did tho
work and I am now entirely rid of kid
ney trouble. My fiithor-ln-lnw, now
past 03 years, haa Jaken them and they
havo added years to his life."
Tons of Roots and Herbs
Are used annually in tho manufacture
of Lydia K, Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com
pound, which is known from ocean to
ocean as tho standard remedy for fe
inalo ills.
For nearly forty yenri this famous
root 11 ml herli medicine has been pre
eminently successful in controlling tho
discuses of women. Merit nlono could
liavo stood this test of time.
Piles Cured in 8 to It Days.
Your druggist will refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any
case of Itching, Blind, Blooding or Pro
truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 80s
Explanation and Conditions
Securing votes in The Journal's Re
fund Bargain Contest is simple. All
that is necessary to do is to call for a
cash check or receipt when making pur
chases St any store advertising 01 the
llargain Page which appears in this
paper eery Tuesday and Friday for
a period of ton weeks commencing May
6, 11113, and ending July 10, 11113.
Bring or mail these checks to The
Journal office within ten days of the
purchase date, where five votes will
bo Issied for every five coiiti repre
ented on the checks,
Theso voting slips aro to be depos
Nomination Coupon
Good for lOOO Votes J
Capital Journal's Refund Bargain Contest, $100 in cash t
For I
(Good for nomination and only one allowed each Con
testant. Must be used within five days of date.
MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1913.
Real Estate Specials,
95-acre farm, well improved, good
buildings, nearly all undor cultivation,
some timber, fine spring, good road,
four miles from Salem. Price $12,500;
20 acres of first-class land, all under
cultivation, first-class loganberry land,
four miles from Salem; will take house
and lot in Salem as part payment. Price
10 acres of land, nearly all under
cultivation, some timber, drainage good,
good fruit land, close to school, close to
Salem; will take Salem city lots up to
$800 ss part payment. Price $2000.
If you are looking for s small tract
close to Salem, let us show you Holder
Fruit and Berry Tracts, choice red hill
soil, best for berries and orchard, 20
per cent down and 10 per cent per yeaf
will secure one of these tracts.
Five acres of 8-yoar-old bearing Ital
ian prune orchard, In first-class condi
tion, good roads, 8','j mile south of Sa
lem. Price $2000. "
140 acres' of good bottom land, 100
acres under cultivation, balance pasture
and timber, good buildings, family or
chard. This would miko a good dairy
ranch; will take good Salom residence
to the amount of $3000 as part payment
Price $70 per aero. What have yout
320 acres of land in Colorado for
trade for Willnmetto valley property.
What havo you! See O. H. Grabeu
horst. 115 acre ranch, 25 acrci under culti
vation bnlnnee tibmer and pasture; 30
or 40 acres more easily clearod, run
ning water. This is a good buy. price
$50 per acriP Terms.
Six-room modern honso, large lot, east
front; located on Fairmount hill. Trice
If you wnnt to buy, trade or sell, sea
Rooms 1 and 2 Bush Bank Building,
fhono 2315.
Each nge of our lives has Its joys. Old
people should be happy, and they will
bo If Chamberlain's Tablets are taken
to strengthen tho digestion and keep
the! bowels regular. These tablets nm
mild and gentle in their action and es
pecially suitable for people of middlo
ago and older. For sale by all deal
ers. ited in the ballot box at this office for
the contestants you are voting for.
Every contestant is entitled to one
nomination coupon which may be used
any time during tho first two weeks
of the contest. .
This coupon when neatly cut out and
trimmed and properly filled is worth
1000 TOU.
All cash checks mut be in this office
not lator than Saturday, July 21, 11U3.
Porsons employed by this paper or In
the stores advertising on the Bargain
Page are the only ones barred from
articipation In th contost.