Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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- ftt0S- -
e i heatre
I Glob
Pantages Vaudeville
Today and Tomorrow
Alice Belle Rooney
Popular Songs.
Eccentric Comedian and Fun-Maker.
In a play entitled
Four of the Best Pictures
Animated Weekly
An Eye For An Eye
Billy s First Quarrel
Call Him Whiskers
The Cap of Destiny
This i another of our fine programs.
Frank Eich Company, Eligh Theatre.
1 Salem Senators.
! AB. R. ll. TO. A. E.
; Humphries. 2b 4 1 3 4 2 0
Maxon, rf 5 10 0
eene, s 5 0 0 1
;McRae, lb - 5 1 0 12
jBurtchet, e 4 1 2 f
Creech, cf 3 0 10
Bell, 3b 3 112
West, If 10 0 2
.Meiring, If 2 0 0 1
Baker, p 12 0 0
..33 7 7 27 11 8
Oregon City.
Carnegie and Lord Weardale
Talk Over Peace Celebration
A. Miller, M 4 12 1
Cong, 2b - 5 10 0
G. Miller, 3b 5 10 2
Crothers, 2b 5 111
, Bruce, If 5 2 11
Freeman, rf 3 12 0
Lavicr, lb 4 0 0 13
Winterbotham, p 4 0 10
Frost, c . 3 10 9
Totals 38 8 7 27
' ':':
''. ":'":,ii-'"' ":: ' : ''Vl- . ' '7;''" ' '
1 f ': ;
8 5
Earned runs, Oregon City 2, Salem 0.
Two-base hits, Miller, Humphries; home
run, Freeman; first on balls, off Baker
1, off Winterbotham 6; struck out, by
Baker 5, by Winterbotham 9; double
plays, Bell to Lavier; . passed balls,
Burtehet 1, Frost 3; first base on errors
Salem 1, Oregon City fl; hit by pit- her,
Frost, Freeman; time of game 2:03;
umpires, Cheyne and Nichols.
No One Takes
The Capital
Except those who want to
read it -tnat i why a Cap-
ital Journal ad. i a pull- 1
ing ad. T
It is true that women more frequent-
The Salem high school took the Al
bany highs' scalp Saturday by a score
of 9 to 0. Albany team got but 3 hits
off Keene, while Salem garnered 9.
Bex DeVogt, formerly of the Sacra
mento and Spokane clubs and well
known to Pacific coast fans, has been
released by Boston to the Toledo Mud
Hens, of the American association.
As a result of the try out, held Satur
day, by the Y. M. C. A., the following ly suffer from kidney trouble than men.
were selected to participate in the re- !lt is also true they suffer more intense
lay race between this city and Portland , l;r, owing to their more sensitive organ- j
to represent Salem: Captain Minton, ism. Katherine L. Xorton, New Bed-j
Tolman, Patchio. Simeral, Feike, ford, Mass., says: "I had a terrible'
Spenoe and Shaefer. Jack McDonald, !Pain across my back, with a burning!
Tom Booth, R. Payton, Fred Vanderlip, and maiding feeling. ,1 took Foley Kid- j
Harry Moss, D. Triechel, E. Quinn, H. ey Pills as advised, with results cer-
Gunther, M. Cv Flemin and A. M. tain and sure. The pain and burning
Brown are to run for the Portland hon- feeling left me, I felt toned up and in
vigorated. I am glad to recommend
Foley Kidney Pills." They are tonic in
The nenltentiarv defeated Willamette acticn, quick in resultB. Dr. Stone's
7 to 6 in a game played at the pen Sat- j Drug Store.
unlav afternoon. The varsitv squal are . ., tr " . , ,, ,
,1 Arthur H. Hamman married Mav 23
working out men for next vear to fill i , . ., , , ,.
...... v .. -j'..,.
the places recently vacated by the med-1
ics and laws. They have a catcher, first
baseman, third baseman and two field
ers to develop. -',T.he; prnt squal will
play practice games with the different
town teams till the close of school.
charging his wife with infidelity com
mitted on the 2."th. Oregon, as usual
sets the pace, for this is a reeord break
er as to time.
Journal Want Ads Brim Remits,
Thuto onpyrlght. 1911, by American Pruat AmocUMuu,
THKSB are two of the (Trent parinclnta of the duy. Of course yon rec
ognize Andrew Curni'k'lo on the left The other la Lord Weiirdala of
Euglrind, chairman of the cominltti-e frutu (irent Britain which rime
to the United Htntca to arranKe with the American committee fur the
eelclirtitlon of the one hundredth anniversary of pence among Enxllsb epenk
Inn pwle In 11113. Mr. Carnegie, the man cf uimiy llhrnrtes and many mil
lions, was one of the New York committee Unit met the visitor and welcomed
them to our shores. Lord Weurdnle aud his communions later Tlalted Wt
tuitun, whure tlu-y Uet the (irvaldent aud otliur uuMbiea.
Secord Is 8 to 7 at Close of llot Weath
er flams in Which Many Unex
pected Things Happen.
Orvgnn City won the ball game Sun
day afternoon 8 to 7, when Pitcher lla
ker of the Snlcin Sciiutors, failed to
keep up his strike-out record. Jones
was iinuMo to ofl'iciatu as catcher on
rcount of an injury to his foot, and
llurtcliet took his Dlace. Kurtchet
found it a difficult matter to hold'"" Bruce 's fielder
Salem got three scores in tho third
inning when Baker walked, Humphries
got a twobagger, and an error gavo
Humphries third and brought linker
home. Maion got a base on a catch
er's error and stole a baso. Humphries
ncored on a passed bull. Koenn struck
out. Mcltae was fielded out and Butt
chot went out on a fly.
Four other scores were made by the
Senators in the sixth. .Mcltae got a
base on balls, liurt.'het followed with
a hit and before tho session ended, Mc
ltae, llurtchet, Hell and Baker scorwl.
Tho visitors got six runs in the fifth
inning. Frost got a base when hit by
the pitcher ami A. Miller and Long got
on when errors were recorded. (1. Mil
ler got a fielder's choice. Crother got a!
! hit. When it was all over, the two Mil-1
llers, Long, Outliers, Bruce ami Frost
had crossed the salver. I
lu the seventh inning Crothers got ai
start on nn error and was fielded out I
hoico. Freeman '
Frank Rich Company
The Sunshine
In a New and Up-to-Date
Tabloid Musical Comedy
20 People
A mile a minute show. A carload of beautiful scen
ery and electrical effects, elaborate wardrobe, real
dancing and singing girls. A complete change of pro
gramme Each and Every Night.
Today, Tomorrow, and Wednesday
2, 3 and 4
Jiaker, and this had something to do 'cored a home run, bringing in Bruce,
with the result. It was one of thoso The score:
games in which tho unexpected hup- Oregon City 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 8
jieued frequently. , Salem 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 07
Chorus Girls' Contest Wednesday Night
Matinee every day, IS cents. Night all seats 25 cents
Are closing out their entire
stock to remodel the store now
occupied by them.
On the first of September we
will open an entirely new store
that will not be surpassed by
any store on the Pacific coast.
We have already placed or
ders for an entirely new stock,
so that we must close out all
the shoes we now have regard
less of price.
The only complete stock of
shoes in the city.
All $5.00 ladies' shoes and ox
fords in tan, gun-metal patent
now go at
All $4.00 ladies' shoes and ox
fords in tan gun-metal patent
now go at
All $5.00 and $6.00 men's shoes
in gun-metal and tan now go at
All $4.00 shoes in tan, patent
and gun-metal, botton and lace,
now go at
Largest line of Children's and Boys'
shoes in the city at sale prices
The Small Profit and Quick Sale Store
326 Tfll PiCE Next
State tTfff to
Street (SilUlk Ladd
f ft and
Phone V$ Bush's
616 I Bank
, ,
TJlcers and Skin Troubles.
If you are suffering with any old.
ni n ti i ii x of fever tores, ulcers, boils, ec
zema or other skin troubles, get a box
of llucklcn's Arnica Snlve and you will
get relief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones,
of Birniingliam, Ala., suffered from an
ugly ulcer for nino months and Buck
leu's Arnica Salve cured hr in two
weeks. Will help you. Only 2."c. Rec
ommended by J, C. Terry.
I In mnjt cases a trial judge knows
"the rights'' of a case better than ap-
pellate judges can know them.
j A sprained ankle may as a rule be
cured in from three to four days by ap
plying Chabmerlaiu 's Liniment and ob
i serving the directions with each bottle.
I For sale bv ill dealers.
A Good Investment
There is no better investment than a
fifty-cent piece in a bottle of Meritol
White Liniment. Muscular and rheu
matic pains, swelling, lameness and
soreness of the muscles are promptly
relieved. Meritol White Liniment is
especially recommended as a general
pain killer of unusual merit. Capital
Drug Store.
Vncle Sam speaks very friendly to
litle Cuba, but there is in his address
a warning that she must be quiet and
It was a sure thing that the Balkan
allies would fall out.
Nothing is more disagreeable than
eczema, or other Bkin diseases. It is
also dangerous, unless speedily checked.
Meritol Kczema Remedy will afford in
stant relief and permanent results. Wo
have never seen a remedy that com
pares with it. Capital Drug Store.
Big Surprise for Marion and Polk Counties
BER. We have a big stock of pulleys, boxing, saws and aP kinds of tools
and machinery. Also chicken netting, hog wire, roofing paper and old
harness. Big farm wagon and two plows for sale, very cheap. Bar
gain prices. Evreything from a needle to a piece of gold. The house
of a half million bargains.
233 State Street.
Phorle Main 94