TAQB EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOTJXNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAT 29, 1913. Eiiminmniiiiiiiiininim A surprise awaits you, so don't stay away and be sorry after it is over. There will be Dresses, Lingerie and Tailored Sweaters. Skirts. Women's and Misses Suits. Linen Suits, Silk Coats, Pongee Coats, Children's Coats. Evening: Wt Coats, Kiminos, etc. Absolutely the greatest surprise we have ever planned. Qualities up to $25 regularly. Whatever you pick out from these assortments will cost you just $1 that's why we call Thursday and Saturday 'Dollar Days." . Bear this in mind : With such values as these it will be impossible to fit, alter, exchange or refund on any of these Dol lar Bagains. Remember Today and Saturday. Just Two Dollar Surprise Days. Store will be closed Friday, Decoration Day. ilk I ml r SALEM'S LARGEST N W 5 STOEE nmiiuiiuiiHrniHiniiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiuunmiimiiiiiiiniiiiiM CITY NEWS. Bring back old memories by ft pleas ant row on the river tomorrow. Donat ion's boat house, foot of State street. The Ladies of tile Grnnd Army, will iiorvo dinner tomorrow, at Hurst hall, at noon, to the old comrades and their families. Stnto Superintendent Alderman will deliver an address at commencement exercises to be held at Lebanon tomor row night. Miss F.liznboth Sohutz, who 1ms been telephone operator at the Hotel Marion Hini'O November, 1911, leaves shortly to spend the summer with Misses Loniso and Mnrio Schutz. Jim Linn ,Russoll Catlin, and possi bly Hen Olcott, will leave this morning for Bend, Or., on a fishing trip. The (gentlemen have interests in Bend, other t ii u u spurt, which they will look after. Decoration Day, Friday, May 30, Sa lem Senators will piny the fast Che mnwa Indians at league grounds at 3 p. m. The (homawa band will furnish music, and as the Indians have ft fnst team, the af term on should be thor oughly en joyed by all. INDIAN SS New Show Today 2 REFINED VAUDEVILLE ACTS-2 4 EXTRA GOOD PICTURES 4 W3 mil -v,.i.l' 111 r'.'vH ul VI aJ 1 THEATRE Special Change of program beginning Monday matineee, contin uing three days. Complete change of program nightly. Frank Rich Company Presents The Sunshine Girls 20 PEOPLE 20 Dollar Day Bargains-Meyers May 29 TODAY AND SATURDAY May 31 The greatest of all surprises. A new innovation by Salem's big progressive store In a recent advertisement we asked all women of Salem and vicinity to watch for a special announcement telling of the surprise we were planning. Here it is: Read it. Today and Saturday only we will offer special Dollar Bargains. Women's, Misses.' and Children's wear will be prominently featured in the Surprise Sale, though there will be splendid bargains in every section.' $1.00 will buy a pair of oxfords, a pair of shoes, a man's hat, etc. Don't miss this Suprise Event. 1223 Special Sale of Women's and Misses' Dresses'and Linen Suits $48 Will Buy Dresses Regularly Priced toS$2?Ifl These dresses must be sold some are soiled from display and handling, and many are the season's newest garments. These are net dresses, lingeries, lawns, piques, tissues, challis, linens, chambrays, ratine and percale dresses, also a large assortment of Linen Suitsour regular stock, qualities up to $27.50, your choice of three big racks at $4.88. Visit the big store today and take advant age of this unusual offering. See the window display. -1. IIgoodIgood s kJ Threo hundred forms of bids for sup plies for state use wero sent out V State Purchasing Agent Frazier yes terday. Twcntlythroe will graduate from the Normal school at Monmouth Juno 18, according to a commoncomont program being printed at the capitol. Henry Hoeson, employed at the R. D. Gilbert Grocery company's store, left yesterday afternoon for a visit at Green Hay, Wisconsin, his old home. Hurley A. Blaekwcll will leave next week for his homo in Juneau, after a brief visit here, following his return from the graduating escreies at Stan ford university. Prison authorities are investigating tho case of Jim Howe, a paroled man, who rnn away Inst Friday with Harry Haird, who was also a paroled convict and who forged a check in this city lust week. Howe wus employed on a farm south of Salem and it is believed that ho left this county with Raird. Hotel Kelly.formorly tho lrviu, Nye Beach, Newport, Or." is now open to the public. Clean and comfortable. Tables supplied with the best. Three blocks from beach. Free 'bus. Write your reservations; $2.00 per day and up, In cluding luenls. WATT 8HIPP, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Etc. North Commercial Street Phone 303 mm. an I iiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill Take her rowing tomorrow on the beautiful old Willamette. Dennison's boat house, foot of State street. George Tobin, who is accused by Ed. Croisan of the crime of embezzlement, was arraigned before Justice Webster yesterday and bound over to the grand jury under f-'oO bonds. State Engineer Lewis has forward ed to the government at Washington recommendations for tho patent of 4, 000 acres of land near Bend, in Cen tral Oregon. This is tho fourth batch of land for which patents are asked in the district. Tho Chemawa Indian baseball team has a fine bunch of playors, having been defeated but twice this season, and then principally on account of pitcher being overworked. They expect to give tho Senators a battlo worth seeing at tho lenguc grounds Decoration Day. There will be music, and all kinds of re freshments. Don 't miss it. State Land Agent Biuehart will re- tiro from office Monday. The law passed last winter abolishes the office and the work will be carried ou by Secretary 0. O. Brown, of tho state land board. Mr. Iiinehart will engage in the practice of law, but has not de cided where he will locate. He gradu ated from Willamette law department recently. The rooms of the Salem high school wero thrown open to visitors yesterday afternoon and a goodly throng inspect ed the work being done at that institu tion. Every department of the school was looked over by the visitors and many interesting features wore prepar ed for the occasion. Tho Salem high school students have been doing some fine work and the visitors were highly pleased with tho maneur in which the school is being conducted and the fit ness of the pupils. Governor West leaven early net week for Salt I.ako to attend the an nunl conference of western governors. Governor West is chairman of the con ference. He has received word from Governors Hunt, of Arizona, Ammons, of Colorado. Haines of Idaho, Stewart of Montana, Oddie of Nevada, McDon ald of New Mexico, Spry of t'tah, an. I Carey of Wyoming, stating they will be present. Secrcetnry of the Interior I.nue am) field officers will be present from Washington. Estle Cooper returned yesterday from ihe T'lnpnoa river where he spent a few hours fishing. Mr. Cooper succeeded in landing a 33-pound Chinook salmon. He aid that the big fish towed the boat in which he and a Mr. Scott were fishing for about 25 minutes before It could he tired out and hauled over the gun wale. The salmon weighed just 27 pounds dressed and Mr. Cooper states that It is one of the largest pulled out of the Vnipqua this year. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Take mother and father for a row ou the river Memorial day. Deuiisou's boat house, foot of States street. You can prevent that sunburn by the use of Fry's Perfection Cold Cream. Prices 23c and 50c. I. M. Welch is here from Ashland to spend a few mouths. , He plans to go to California from here. C. O. Constable, fruit inspector of Marion couuty, gave au interesting ad dress to the students of the high school yesterday on "Fruit Pests." Where "The Silvery Willamette Wend 's Its Way," she would delight in a boat ride tomorrow. Donnison'a boat house, foot of State street. Now is the time to Join the Senators' Booster Club. Don 't put it off any long er. Bo on hand at league grounds at 3 p. m. Decoration Day to see tho fast Chemawa Indians and Senators play. You will never bo sorry. Three crack erjaek good games out of five, and a double-header thrown in. If you don 't get your money's worth, your money rofunded. Band Concert Tomorrow Night. With old Sol "showin' off,' and the sky free from clouds and the wind in the right direction today, a fair night is expected tomorrow for the first band concert of the season. John Graber, the manager of the Sa lem Military band, has been hustling of late, and he declared today that he will come out in colors with his musical organization tomorrow night. The eon cert will be held in Willson avenue, and all of the latest creations in music will be rendered. Now ts the time to get rid of our rheumatism. You can do it by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parti freely at each application. For sale by all dealer. Jim Willson A bargain in 30 acres at station on Oregon Electric, good improvements, good team, 2 fine cows, chickens, farm implements, etc. 10 acros on Garden road; good land, all clear, good buildings, only 3 miles out. Price $3000. one-half cash. SO acres fine river hottora land, one half clear, fair buildings, plenty of fruit, the best for loganberries. Price only $73 per acre. 3-roora house, barn and two lots for 1000, StOO cash, balance 10 per month. Jim Willson HI North llith Street I TEXTBOOKS FOR SIX YEARS WILL BE SELECTED Textbooks to be used in Oregon dur ing the next six years will be selected next week by the state textbook com mission which will convene Monday at the capitol. More than three score pub lishers have entered the competition. The following are members of the com mission, which will allow no agent at the sessions here: T. M. Baldwin, Prineville; E. E. Bragg, La Grande; V. L. Brewster, Portland; Margaret Cosper, Salem, and J.P. O'Hara, Portland. Publishers now furnishing books, con tracts with "whom will expire in Juno, are Oinn 4 Co., Boston; American Book Company, New York; Newsom & Co., Now York; D. C. Heath & Co., Boston; Doub 4 Co., San Francisco; Maynard, Merrill & Co., New York; D. Appleton & Co., New York; W. H. Wheeler & Co., Chicago; 0. P. Barnes, Chicago; the Prang Educational company, New York Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston; Silver Burdett & Co., New York; Scott, Fores man & Co., Chicago; World Book com pany, New York, and Atkinson, Metz ger 4 Grover, Chicago. Wild oata have & few tares mixed with them. BIRTHS. BEUNKALL. At Hollywood, Tuesday, May 27, 1913 ta Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brunkall, a 13 pound boy. This is the sixth boy in the family, no girls. BAXTEE. At the family home, 2605 Hazel ave nue, Wednesday, May 2S, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter, a daughter, 8 pounds. This is the fourth girl, no boys. . PATTERSON. At tho family home, Libeity, Wed nesday, May 28, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tatterson, a 12-pound boy, the thirteenth in the family which consists of 8 boys and five girls. EVANS. At the family home in Clear Lake district, Thursday, May 29, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Evans, an 8-pound daughter, Joan Grace. STODDARD. At the residence, 2233 Fair Grounds Road, Thursday, May 29, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoddard, a 9-pound boy, the first. KLINQER. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Klingcr, at the home iu Gervais, Wednesday, May 28, 1913, a 9-pound daughter. ALLEN. To Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Allen, Wed nesdny, May 28, 1913. a 9-nound irirl. Mr. and Mrs. Allen reside east of the city and both mother and children are doing well. Bechtel & Bynon's Bargains 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS We have some fine small tracts on good roads, near station on Oregon Electric station for only $125 per acre. There is a good school near the prop erty. Terms can be made to suit. BUNGALOW BARGAINS. We have a fine new bungalow of eight rooms and sleeping porch, with all improvements and conveniences, ior only iJO.'iO. This is a real bargain. See Mr. Bynon. LOT SNAP. $250 will buy a good lot close to fair grounds car line. Other near-by lots sell for $350. FIRST CLASS STOCK RANCH. 100 acres, all fenced, running water, buildings, on main road. This is a good buy; only $27.50 per acre. Might con sidor good house and lot as part pay ment. See Mr. Scott. HOUSE TOR 625. Four-room plastered house and large lot in North Salem, $025. Easy pay ments if desired. Ask for Pettyjohn. 320 ACRES. 320 acres, 3 miles from town; all fenced and cross-fenced; well, springs, running water, 2 houses, barn, 30 seres in crop, one acre orchard and berries, 40 acres timber, balance pasture. Have this for a few days at 'only $10.00 per acre. Might consider small acreage as part payment. See Mr. Scott. STOCK RANCH. 140 acres nearly all under cultivation, unlimited outside range on a good road and near a town. Large house, milk honso, woodshed, cow barn, horse barn and other outbuildings. This is one of the best stock farms in this section; plenty of running water, easy of access, in fact every facility that could be asked for. Trice $70 per acre. We have an other good ranch in the same vicinity with poor improvements for only $35 per acre. Ask for Pettyjohn. 10 ACRES 1125a Close to electric line and school. This is all under cultivation and good soil Price only $1230. See Mr. Scott. BECHTEL ft BYNON. 347 State St. Tel. Mais 452 Mrs. Cobnrn. Dead. Mrs, Catharine A. Coburn, sister of Mrs. Abigail Scott-Duniway and of the late Harvey W. Scott, died at her home in Portland Wednesday, aged 73 years. She was on the Oregonian editorial staff and was a remarkably gifted wo man, and forceful writer. French Woman Wins. ositid rsass uabcd wiaa.1 Paris, May 29. Mile. Braquodie, wo man's champion at the Olympic games this afternoon, deioated MisB Ryan of California in straight sets for the wo men's tennis championship of France. The scores were 6-3, 6-0. Constipation Cured, Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in healthy condition again. John Suspic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: "They are the best pills I ever used, and I ad vise everyone to use them for constipa tion, indigestion and liver complaint." Will help you. Price 25c. Recommended by J. C. Perry. NEW TODAY. NATHMAN & HILL have an up-to- date sheet metal and plumbing shop at 642 North High street. Main 1696. LOST Small diamond earring. Return to Journal office; reward. FOR RENT Seven-room house, com pletely furnished, close in. See G. W. Johnson & Co. FOR RENT Fine 6-room modern cot tage. Inquire 430 North Summer. Phoue 1034. TAX1CAB SERVICE It will pay you to see J. B. Underwood, manager of the West Side Transfer Co., when you want a taxi cab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 81. On Sundays phone ..iain 100. Stand at corner of State and Commercial streets. TO THOSE HOLDING COUPONS ON Tom Cronise's studio, the time will be extended to July 1st. WANTED Experienced girl for house work, References. Phone Main 1070. FOR SALE OR RENT Six-room cot tage. Call at 670 Union. Phone 1901. WANTED White laborers for street work. Long job, steady work. Ap ply Academy and North Commercial, E. W. Geiger Construction Co. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near City Hall, 330 N. High St., phone 4. TWO NE'.V BUNGALOWS for sale on installment. Small payment down. We have many bargains. It will pay you to see Harry E. Kennedy before you buy. 210 Masonic building. IT WILL PAY YOU to see Harry E. Keunody before you buy real estate. 210 Masonic building. FOR RENT Two well furnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. Inquire 332 N Church street. MARION CREAMERY It PRODUCE Co. Quotations for today Ranch butter 2023c Butterfat 30c Eggs 18c On Liberty and Ferry Sts. Phone 24S8. FOR SALE OR TRADE for stock, 1250 1b. mare. Phone Farmers 33x1. J. H. Shafer, .Turner, Oregon. DESIRING to leave Salem, I am offer ing to sell my new 6-room modern bungalow, located in Kingwood park for $1000 if taken at once. Inquire 200 Marion street for particulars. A BARGAIN .18 acres, 1 1-3 miles from Bush Bank corner, 1 acre lo ganberry and blackberries, 8 acres fruit in bearing, 4 acres finest gar den soil, part beaverdam, 5 acres un cleared. Fine graveled road; $6000; some terms. For sale by owner, n., Journal. 190 -Acre Orchard for Sale Of prunes and cherries, one mils from Dallas, On. Five years old sod upwards. In tracts to suit, st $225 to $400 per acre. Also 218 seres of farm land st $80 to 1125. Payments one-third down, balance Id six years. By the Fleming Realty Co, Phone 303, or S. P. Kimball, owner, phone Farmers 561, Salem, Oregon. A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent. MONEY TO LOAIN On farm and city property. Jons N Soott, over Chicago Btors, galem. Or com. Phone IB 61. When you ask for Butter Ask for BUTTER CUP BRAND Capital City Creamerr Phone 299. 383 Court St. m rKtautirnoNS We give the highest quality and charge the lowest rricea. t Schaefers Drug Store f No. 135 Commercial Street I Deutsche Apotheka. BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN SALEM Local people are surprised at the QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-1-ka, the German rem edy which became famous by curing appendicitis. J. C. Perry states that this simple remedy anUseptlcizes the digestive system and draws off the im purities so thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN STANTLY. SALEM FENCE WORKS ' Headquarters for HOP WIRE POULTRY NETTIN3 WOVEN WIRE FENCING CEDAR FENCE POSTS BARB WIRE SCREEN DOORS MALTHOLD ROOFING P. B. and READY ROOFING At the Lowest Prices. R. B. FLEMING Successor to Charles D. Mulligan. 2S0 Court St. Phone 124 To Purchasers For farms or city property see Dr. W. A. Cusick, owner, over Fry's drug store. Iowa Machine Shop Punch and die work a specialty. Mod el work machinery developed and per fected. Brass patterns. Experimental work. Automobile repairs. - D. B. BROWN, 252 Chemeketa Street. Salem Box & Mfg. Co. Screen doors and windows made to order. AU sizes prompt service. Phone 308 247 Miller St DR. ASSELN, DENTIST f Graduate N. W. UH Chicago, f Salem Bank & Trust Building. X Suite 205-206. Phone 2418 X Cherry City Candy Factory Cherry City Ice Cream and t 1?- f T roumain oyrups 266 Chemeketa Street. Phone 2482 .. Karl Neugebauer t WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. t Masoaic Temple. 8tate St. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BCRGUARDT k MEREDITH RoslaV.it imt IHl Htate 8tre4 MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE 3141). S. Bank Building MONEY TO LOAN On Goo4 Seal Estate Secsrlty. TH0S.K.F0RD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank. Salem, Or, REAL ESTATE Money to Loan. JACOB k CO. Phone 2424. 206-207 Hubbard Bldg MONEY TO LOAN On v4 Real Estate secirtty. BECHTEL A BTXOH M7 BUte Street COAL AND WOOD Prompt delivery. Sole agents for the Famous Rock Springs Coal. CAPITAL FUEL CO. E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'Neil Phone 210. Yards opposite S. P. pas senger depot. WOOD AND COAL la any Quantity. Prompt dellrsrj our specialty. Falls City Lumlrei Company, tit North Commands street Phone Main 811 JiPiXESE LAUKDHI AND DB1 CLEAJiUifl WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work calls for and delivered promptly. 443 Ferry street . Phone Mais 2252 .. ..IK