V Editorial Page of The Salem Capital formal May 28, 191 The Capital Journal Pibllsbed by The Barnes -TaberCompanyJ GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manafer t a Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progres and Development of Balem In Particular and All Oregon In General PaMlihad Bra? BTenln Bimpt Bunr, Btlem, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably Id Advance) Dalit, by Carrier, per year ...15.20 Per month.. 45c Dallj, bi 1111, per year 4.00 Per month.. 85c Weealy, by Mill, per year 1.00 glr month., 60c rUI.L LBAHMD WIRB TKU5GHAPH BRPOKT ADYEBTISINQ BATES. AdTertifilnf ratet will be furnished on application. 'Hew Today" dg strictly cash In adr ance. The Capital Journal carrier boys are j porch. If the carrier does not do this, net to yon on time, kindly phone the tray we can determine whether or not Phone Main 82. OEEOON FIRST EVEN IN GRAT ITUDE. THE parcel post is credited with already taking away 25 er cent of the business of the express companies in the United fltatos. Here is a pretty good argument in favor of the government owning and operating all public utilities. True the principal work of this system is done by privately-owned public utility cor porations, the railroads of tho country, but it shows that In some things, at least, the government can do business as cheaply as private individuals. The parcels post has, in fact, met the ex press companies on their own grounds, and done the work formerly done by tho latter so much more cheaply than they, that it has practically absorbed all their business of a certain class. As UBiial Oregon set the pace, for did not our own senator, Jonathan Bourno, perfect this system, and get it tried by the government. Oregon has shown the way to the balance of the country in a roniarkable rnnnnor. Tt begun when tho good old battleship Oregon set tho pace for the world, and the state hns followed that grand example faithfully. Tho initia tive, referendum and recnll aro nil Oregon-made goods, so is the direct elec tion of senators, and in the enfranchise ment at women, if not tho lender, she was largely tho cause, through the life (work of Mrs. Abigail, Heott-Duniwny, , Oregon's "grand old woman." Tho par cel post is also hers, ns are many other things too numerous to mention, though among these one stimds so prominently that it ennnot be overlooked, and thnt Is tho school children's Industrinl fairs, fltnrted because Superintendent. Aider mnn a few years ago saw some Yamhill county school children raising a purse to send after a supply of popcorn, in stead of raising the popcorn. In a fow years, from his little experiment of of fering a prir.o to those children for rais ing popcorn, the movement has swept over the country. Rixty thousand school children in Oregon took part in the con test last year, and tho movement hns spread over tho entire country, from 'oose Bay to the Kennebec and from Soappooso to Boca Chica. For tho referendum and that part of it and the direct election of United Htntes senators wo have collectively and Individually alternately poked fund at and damned IT 'lien, while adopting his ideas. Wo are now bonstlng about the parcels pout, and using it, too, to our private convenience and profit, and we Oregonlans rewarded the author if it, Jonathan Bourne, by refusing to re elect him to the senate, and taking Hai ry Ijino instead. I.nne Is all right, in a way, but still one cuuont help feeling , that we have traded off our pasture for cow. Alderman hns not got his yet, not all of it, but, according to tho eternal fitness of things, he will surely get a full measure of Oregon's gratitude, which always hits tho recipient about the solar plexus, and leaves him down for tho count from the fullness and force of It. Rtill Oregon is to tho front In everything from start to finish. Initiative to, recall, equal suffrage to parcel post and battleships to popcorn. Genius seems to thrive best on ill treatment, and Oregon's peculiar kind of gratitude seems to bring the best returns, though, as a gift, It would seem to the average man about as welcome as the seven year Itch; It sticks to him about as persistently and keeps him about a steadily entertained and de lighted. Even a girl who isn't a flirt may not want some men to think the isn't. ;; LAPP & BUSH, Bankers jj TBAH8ACTS A GENERAL BAKKINfl BUSINESS. SAFETY DE POSIT BOXES. TaUTELIBS ClIECKS. I "Want" ads and Instructed to put the paper on the misses yon, or neglects getting the pa- circulation manager, as this is the only the carriers are following instructions. THE TROUBLES OF A REPORTER. AS A SAMPLE of the difficulty of a reporter getting at the true in wardness of things, and getting stories absolutely correct, the matter of the earth left or claim ed to be left on Church street by tho Jnhn Contrurtion Co. and on Union street by the P. E. Sc E. is a fair one. It is self-evident that either the dirt was left in the street, as iB claimed, or that it wasn't. As to Church street, there is no question about the matter, unless it arises over the amount; but on Union street, there is a protty wide difference of opinion. Tho P. E. & E. ongincer sayB his company removed all tho earth from Union street that was taken out by them in excavating for tho road, and naively adds that "all tho company left was tho street." Under somo cir cumstances this would bo rather start ling intelligence as a railroad is not supposed to leave anything it gets its grip on, and it is therefore pleasing to mention so notablo an exception. On tho other hand, tho committee ap pointed by tho council to investigate tho matter, cnlled the city engineer to their assistance., and basing their report on bis estimates, say there aro now 114! cubic yards of dirt in Union street, taken from the excavation mndo by the P. U. & E. in Inying its track on Union street and there you aro. Ouo sayB thero iB no dirt, tho other that there aro 11 15 cubic yanls of it, nnd hotween the two tho newspaper reporters can take their choice and get an near tho truth ns possible, yet Juiowing at tho same time that whatever they say one or tho other sides, and perhaps both, will pro- nounco tho statement a lie. As to the Church street dirt, Coucilinen Skaifo and Hatch say tho property owners claimed it and forbade its being re moved. Hero again the reportor is up against it, or was in first mentioning tho story for he gave tho facts as stat ed to him by property owners, and the facts as stated hy Councilmen Skaifo and Hatch only cropped out after tho first story waa In print. I Howover, whatever the truth of the matter is, tho statement in tho Capital Journal served to stir tho matter up, enough at least that it will bo threshed out and settled. In this connection it might be added that yesterday the Capital Journal frankly stated that Councilmen Skaifo and Hatch exonerated Councilman Stolz. It looks as though both Council men Skaifo and Hatch were entirely too generous in assuming the responsibility, for while the dirt was put on the streets before Mr. Stolz entered the council the Inst time, it was thero when he became chairman of the committee on streets, and it waa his duty to see Hint it was removed. The property owners say thnt Instead of compelling the Jahn Company to remove this dirt and comply with the contract, he insist ed thnt it be paid in full for its work, and that they did not ask that tho dirt be left. It Is fair to presume In the light of Skaifo 's and Hatch's state ment, that some of the property own era at least mado this request, and equally fair to presume that some did not, henco tho diametrically opposite statements. Tho committee will report at the council meeting next Monday evening and thero will bo things said, and things doing. Tho man who has much land and ov ervalues It to Immigrant homeseekers is no true friend of Oregon, or the country in which he lives. The girl who has two or three broth ers at home finds no chance to devel op conceit. X-RAYS. The Portland city election is drawing nigh. It has reched the "nailed a lie" point. Considering that Portland is now like Mayor Rushlight's idea of a Sunday school, and that Sheriff Word is round ing up Borne of the toughest and most vicious women on the coast, in that city, a complete description of Mayor Rushlight's idea of a Sunday school would be immensely interesting. A new language has been devised. Perhaps Teddy might use a few of the necessary expletives in that, if it has any and if it hasn't, it will never be come popular. Parcels post is already credited with taking away one-fourth of the express companies' business. And yet Jonathan Bourne, who hail brains enough to get the Bystem adopted, was til mod down for senator by Oregonians; but then it is evident from present senatorial tim ber that she docsu 't want brainy men for that job. THE ROUND-UP. The balloonists who left Roseburg Saturday, reached a height of 12,000 feet. Balloon dropped 3000 feet in a minute and a half and landed in the Cascade mountains, 75 miles from start ing point. The balloonists reached home Monday. Three Grant county cattle men were indicted Saturday on a charge of steal ing cattle. The Porter Bros., contractors on the Willamette-Pacific, line have been or- dorod to begin the work of boring tun nels 3 and 6 on that line. Rev. J. C. Cruzan, who was a pastor in Portland for several years, is re ported as in a dying condition at Snnta Hosa, California. ft bee baughlin, aged nil, and a pioneer of 1847, died at his home in Yamhill county Sunday. Sheridan has let a contract for 17,- 000 yards of paving to a Portland firm. Creswell people aro oxtremely proud of tho new depot park, work on which is about completed. A flower-raising contest for the school children of Bend hns been announced for the summer. Children of moro prac tical natures may rniso vegetables if they like. After occupying the pulpit of tho Second Bnptist church at Baker for the past fivo years, Rov. C. H. Eyman has resigned and will take up a theologicnl course in an eastern seminary, The Burns Commercial club hns been reorganized for activo work in connec tion with prospective railroadB and oth er development agoncios. James J. Bonegan is president, Ben Brown, vice- president. John E. Logan, Bceretary and Oeorgo Fry treasurer. At a birthday party at Lakoview last week in honor of Mrs, Priscilla Miller. 87 years of age, the guests besides tho honor guest were: Mrs. Taylor, 8,1 Mrs. Best, 8.1; Mrs. Whorton, 80; Mrs. Foster, 80; Mrs. Green, 77; Mrs. D. Croiiemiller, 77; Mrs. Russell, 71; Mrs. Nichols, 73; Mrs. Walters, 71. Lafayette Visitor; Wo should have announced in tho last issue that we were now sailing through tho mnils as second class matter, having secured our entry in a little over three weeks from date of application. How is that for unwinding postoffico tapef Not content with huyiug a steam road roller and a traction engine for road work, Linn county now has a "saerlfieer," which, as described by the BrowiiBvillc Times, is an implement used In scraping off the high places in tho roadways, after which they are graded in tho customary stylo. Raymond Henrichs, of Moro, 9 years old, has been demonstrating what can be done on a city lot. The Observer tells how from an area 25x50 feet he has sold this season $9 worth of radishes, onions and lettuce. As the different crops have matured he has prepared the ground for reselling and has thorough ly applied the principles of intensive farming. There never waa a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamber lain 's Cough Remedy more than now. This Is shown by the Increase In sales and voluntary testimonials from per sons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with rough or eold give tt a trial and be come acquainted with Its good quali ties. For sale by all dealers. Now Is the time to get rid of our rheumatism. You can do it by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts freely at each application. For sale by all dealora. Knees Became Stifr Five Years of Severe Rheumatlar The cure of Henry J. Goldstein, 1 Barton Street, Boston, Mass., Is anoth er victory by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine has succeeded In many cases where others have utterly failed. Mr. Goldstein says: "I suf fered from rheumatism Ave years, It kept me from business and caused ex cruciating pain. My knees would be come as stiff as steel. I tried many medicines without relief, then took Hood's Sarsaparllla, soon felt much better, and now consider myself en tirely cured. I recommend Hood's." (let k todav In usual llqu'd form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS ARE IN BIO DEMAND Tho difefrent university professors are being called on to give high school commencement addresses for the next few weeks. President Homan, of Willamette, preached the baccalaureate sermon at Creswell high school last Sunday; to night he is delivering the commence ment address at Estacada high school and tomorrow evening he will make the commencement address at the graduat ing exorcises of Roseburg high school. He will act in a similar capacity at Myrtle Point on June 4, and at Al bany on June 6. Vice-President Todd preached tho bacccalaureate sermon at Hillsboro last Sunday, and will give the baccalaureate sermon at La Grande high school next Sunday, and the commencement address at Astoria June 20. Prof. Matthews preached the bacca laureate Bermon at Woodburn last Sun day. All tho members of the faculty, and especially tho president and vice president, have found it necessary to refuse many requests, on account of the increased burdens of tho coming uni versity commencement. 30,000 VOICES! And Many Are the Voices of Salem People. Thirty thousand voices! What a grand chorus! And that's the number of Americau men and women who are publicly praising Doan's Kidney Pills for rcliof from backache, kidney and bladder ills. Thoy say it to frionds. They toll it in the home papers. Salem people aro in this chorus. Horo is a Salem case. W. II. Bradley, farmer, 614 South Twenty-first street, Salem, Oregon, says: "About two years ago kidney, trouble enmo on mo. First my back began to ache, then pain seemed to j spread all over my body, like rheuma- j tism. I noticed that tho kidney secro tions were unnatural and I knew that j my kidneys were disordered. I road an endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills given by ono of my neighbors and I got some. I found them to bo just what I needed. Before I had started tho second box, I was almost freo from pain and my kidneys acted regularly. I have used Doan's Kidney Pills since with good results." For sale by all dealers. Prico 50 cents. Foator-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unitod States. Romembor the name Doan's and take no other. A Progressive Century. The twentieth century has given us t satisfactory treatment for rheumatism. The American Drug and Press Asiocia tion, of which we are members, are man ufacturing a preparation called Meritol Rheumatism Powdors, from a formula adopted by them after medical experts had pronounced it one of great merit. Give Meritol Rheumatism Powders s trial. They are guaranteed. Capital Drug Store, exclusive agents. If a man has talent he can make use rf n.'iother 's genius. "THE OLD RELIABLE" t sptVltslMkUaaUk'c 'HIajI 1 HEME D t for MEN AT DHUQGIBT8.0R TRIAL BOX BV MAIL 60. FflOMPlANTEN 93 HENRY ST. BROOKLYN. HY. -WCWAKE OF IMITATIONS . I COLD DUST FLOUR Made by ' the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Use Ask your grocer for it.. Bran I and shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agent Great Chinese Doctor L M. Hum Prepares medicines which will cure all known diseases. Ha makes s specialty of asthma, lung, throat, stomach, liver kidney, rheumatism, debility and hernia troubles, smallpox epidemic, lost man hood female weakness, paralysis, bolls and bruises of all kinds... Care of Ylck So Tons, Chluese Med ical Co, Sooth Hlf h Street, 8alsm, Or. Office hours from 10 to 13 s m. and 1 to 7 p. m.. Including Sunday. THE CHICAGO STORE IS SALEM'S GREATEST STORE For the quick selling of reliable merchandise at the lowest prices. This is the store that saves you money all the time. Compare prices MM FASHIONABLE SUITS AND COATS Juet received by express 50 new garments now placed on sale; alBO gradu ation and one-piece Bilk and wool dresses. Come and get our advertised prices. Suits, $7.50, $1 0.50 and $1 2.50 . Coats, $6.90, $9.90 and $1 2.50 Ws Are Hera With the Best Values This Interests Every Woman. A family doctor said recently that women come to him thinking that they have female trouble, but when he treats them for their kidneys and bladder, they soon recover. This is worth know ing, and also that Foley Kidney Pills are the best and Bafost medicine at such times. You cannot got better, purer medicine for backache, irregular kidney and bladder action and nervousness due to kidney troubles. Try them. They are tonic in action, quick in results Dr. Stone Drug Ce. Don't tell everything you know: keep a little for seed. There Is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That la Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO Iff OHE DAY. Always remember the full name. tor this signature on every box. 13 MMMMMMMMMM II ; m 61 HAVE "SALAMANDER" "Hopfen und Maltz Gott Erhalis" A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer t J i El !! 11 II 11 t a Salem Brewery Association n i 11 FASHIONABLE SPRING MILLINERY In the latest Milan shapes, white and Bureat straw ' small and large Btyles; also hundreds of other new style shown. STYLISH TRIMMED HATS OX $1.98, $2.50, $3.50 and SHOE 1 0,000 Yards DOMESTICS LrtIVjAII lj ;; Silks in Salem now placed Bon8 newest wash goods The best in Salem. Come n our counters for fast ; now opened up 0J) our and D-et nnr tirices nn nn. " Selling. Come and B06 the ' ' , and get our prices on up- ., .,.,, counters for fast sc ing. to-date Bhoes. 500 pairs " great variety and our low .. B now on sale at advertised " P"- Every class and ! Only Beasonablo goods ' ' kind iB shown. shown. Trice, yard PRICES, PAIR PER YARD 90c, $1.49, W 25c, 35c, 1 5c, 81 -3c. $1 .98 up 49c, up :: and 10c. b.l. A man living at Auburn, New York, had a severe attack of kidney and blad der trouble. Being a working man, not wanting to lose time nor run up a heavy doctor's bill, he cured himself completely by using Foley Kidney Pills. A year later he says: "It is a pleas ure to report that the cure was per manent." lie has had no return what ever of the pain, backache and burn ing. His name is J. A. Farmer, and he says: "Of course I rocommend Foloy Kidney Pills as a very effective cure for kidney and bladder trouble." Dr. Stone Drug. Co. A woman's mission is to sweeten a man's life, theoretically. Look 25o. MSTORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY rk MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM YOU TRIED IT? !! "Gesundheit uni tin proher Mut Sind besser ah viel gelt, and gut Especially bottled for home use. Send your order by telephone. Main 229 for a case iHiaiiI.MiSHllalilMBMMMA,kMuAhH2i.UM4HiiJ V SALE up f Li A A AAA A A ..A. .A..-. A A. rV rTTTTTT"TTTTTTTT? -1 ..3B.jte-,f- 1 Parcel Post at Tout Service Poor appetite is a sure sign of im paired digestion. A few doses of Cham berlain 's Stomach and Liver Pills will strengthen your digestion and Improve your appetite. Thousands have been benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold by all dealers. Many a married man has mado his wife happy by leaving home. Take FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tonic In Action Quick In Results Get rid of your Deadly Kidney Ailments, that cost you a high price in endurance of pain, loss of time and money. Others have cured themselves of KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES by the prompt and timely use of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Stop BACKACHE, HEADACHE, and ALL the many other troubles thatfollowDISEASEDKIDNEYS and URINARY IRREGULARITIES. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURE any case of KIDNEY and BLADDERTROUB LE not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. In a yellow package. ML STONE'S DRUG STOBE. si II II a fm t II 11 If II 11 II M P ri ii '! ii El El M II 19 II If II II 11 r