mat CAPITAL JOTJUf AZ, IALEM, 013005, TUESDAY, MAT 20, 1913. Aoa Ton Believe Now System Will Make East or for People to Find Their Way Around, It The Portland, Eugene 4 Eastern Company today changed the sign on it Salem street ears, with a view of making it easier for the traveling pub lic to find ite way around the city. The can formerly carrying merely the letter "C" will hereafter have on them "Chemeketa," cars which car Tied "8" will have on them "State" and Cars having had on them "U" earry signs "Twelfth and Oak streets." These signs will all be on the rear of the cars. Tn J.HtiAn i aitrna An tna nULr ' , . ... , . form of government has come to stay, of the cars, each, car will earry dash ; , . " , . . , X-RAYS. Howdy, Pap! Senator Lane has been before the secretary of the interior boosting for tho Deschutes irrigation scheme. Ilar ry should be careful for if the scheme he is advocating goes through he will rob some cf his constituents engaged in the sheep business, of their free pas tures, and to lose the votes he is going back on party pledges to hold. The Oregonian endorses Albee for mayor. The chances are ten to one against bis election. It doesn't seem to make any differ ence what kind of weather the weather bureau mm orders, its the same old rain. If he would take a vacation and give the weather a chance, there might be a little tunshine. From indications the commission 'and will be the rule in Oregon before I long. It can 't be worse and conse ' quently must be better than the pres- The Condon Times says a represent tive of the Warren Construction Co, and another of the Roiall Construction ngns In front The signs will be "Penitentiary," Asylum," "8. P. De em" nn ear h muled for the nlarea named. The southbound cars will have en' J,tem' ob the dash "Ralem Heights" and on' the northbound Commercial street ears ill b "Fair Grounds." . . ,., , , j.j company visited Condon last week. ad Will be more readily understood, and , ' ' ., . , ., ... . . dressed tho council on paving, and that will serve the public much better than , , . the said council "learned more about the old ones. . , , ., . paving man iney ever Knew in meir lives before." This is probably true, but after the companies do some pav ing for thcra they will know a well, a considerable bunch more. PUEPAEINO JO OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAT Veterans of the Spanish war held a meeting in the armory last night which was attended by a goodly number and plans were made to represent Salem at For the Weak ana Nervous. Tired-out, weak, nervous men and the big encampment to be held In Eu-1 women would feel ambitious, energetic, gene on June 20 and 21. Arthur Artns, commander, Tast Commanders Carle Ab'rams, J. B. Chenoweth and Quarter master Bert E. Lewis were olocted del elates to attend the camp from this eity. ' The Spanish War Veterans will tal.e part in the Memorial Day services which are to be held in the armory next Sunday. The 0. A, R., and the Bona of Veterans and families will also observe Memorial Day along with the 8. W. V., and impressive services will be held. A special committee compose! of Commander Artnj and Frank Guard were appointed last night to visit tho cc"icleri(i this afternoon and locate us nauy of the Spanish War Votorars frrave at possible. Thin, in order (lint all i-f tre graves of the dead commies en n le Kjttingly decorated upon Me morial i'yv The ,8, W. V. re'iuei's that any poison who can assist in lo cating graves which have not been heretofore decorated by tho organisa tion, to please call Commander Artns t Main 414 or hand in the name to the Capital Journal. full of life and always have a good ap petite if they would do the sensible thing for health take Electric Bitters. Nothing bettor for the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home rem edy. Mrs. 0. Ithinevault, of Vestal Cen ter. N. Y says: "I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle yourself and see what a difference it will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by J. C. Perry. Wonderful Skin Salve. Buclilen's Arnica Salve is known ev erywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in flammation and is toothing and healing, J T. Sossamon, publisher of News, of Corolius, 8. C, writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Roc ommended by J. C. Perry. L PERMIT 10 TAKE CITY BONDS City Council Will Let Those Who Have Paid Sewer Assessments Take Bonds Instead. A resolution introduced by Council man Macy last evening was adopted by the city council, providing that any one who has paid his sewer assess ment may subscribe for a portion of the $380,000 issue, in amounts of from $23 up. Macy said he believed that it could be legally done, and his opinion was backed by several lawyers. Near ly all the councilmen took a hand in the discussion and City Attorney Page stated that he was still very much at sea on the question of the legality of the transaction. The matter had been discussed in committee at tome length. (Continued from page one.) A man who got rich in tho poultry husineM says his hens laid the foun dation of his fortnuo . IIEWBRO'S HERPICIOE A SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT AND A DELIGHTFUL SCALP DRESSING. boys and girls who desire to take part in the harmless, fun-making sports. The band will be on deck, and everybody will be asked to give plenty of room, as usual, to those exerting themselves for the prizes. Welcome, Eugene-Albany. True to their promise, made hereto fore, Eugene ami Albany, two of the liveliest citieB in the valley, have ad vised Secretary Turner they will make old Salem "look at 'er hole card" next Thursday. This is the date set aside as Eugene-Albany day. Following is a letter received from W. J. Van Order, a prominent Eugene booster: "We, the committee, have this p. m. secured the mayor of Eugene (God bless him) and the manager of the commercial club (hooray for him) as well as members of the same to come with the ball team, and think we will be able to bring a good crowd with us. PlcRse arrange a place for the mayor to sav a few words, as well as the manager of the commercial club, as I have informed them that they will be called upon to take part. Trusting that you will meet us at the Oregon Electric that leaves Eugene at 7:35. We have been hustling all day on the proposition, and are doing our best to get all the people out possible." The Moose lodge of Eugene and the fine commercial body of that city are live wires, and their presence in Salem next Thursday will certainly add to the features of the carnival. The visitors will be met by a band and about 40 local Moose, and quarters will be se cured for each one in the event he or she hasnot as yet engaged same for the day. Albany will be in the swim also, and by the time the Eugene delegation ar rives In Salem's sister eityl there will he about two carloads of live ITub citi zens to join the big excursion train. Mm NERVOUS PROSTRATION Severe Case of a Philadelphia Woman Her Symptoms. Philadelphia, Fa. "I had a severe case of nervous prostration, with palpi tation oi uie neart, constipation, head aches, dizziness, noise in my ears, timid, nervous, rest less feelings and sleeplessness. " I read in the pa per where a young woman had been cured of the same troubles by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound so I threw away the medicines the doctor left me and be gan taking the Compound. Before I had taken half a bottle I was able to sit up and in a short time I was able to do all my work. Your medicine has proved itself able to do all you say it will and I have recommended it in every household 1 have visited. "-Mrs. Mary Johnston, 210 Siege! Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Another Bad Case. Ephrata, Pa "About a year ago I was down with nervous prostration. I was pale and weak and would have hys teric spells, sick headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder-blade. I was under the care of different doctors but did not improve. I was so weak I could hardly stand long enough todo mydishea. ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has made me well and happy and I have begun to gain in weight and my face looks healthy now." Mrs. J. W. Hornbergeb, R. No. 3, Ephrata, Pa. If you want special advice write to Ljdla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. Big Slaughter Sale of the C. H. Hinges Stock will continue all this Week I have cut to a ridiculously low price every diamond, every watch, every piece of silver ware, all the cut glass, every clock and umbrella. Yes, every article in the .tore. You Will Positively Never Aagin Buy So Cheaply The day. of the .ale are numbered. Don't let .uch an opportunity get away from you. Free, for thi. week only. With every Diamond Engagement Ring over $25 a beautiful solid 14-K gold wedding ring HINGES JEWELRY STORE, By J. A. SINCLAIR WANT AD HOROSCOPE May 20. The disecvory and turning in of an alarm of fire makes possible the heroic work of tho firemen in putting it out. I'ndiscovered, a fire spreads with amazing lapidity, destroying every thing within reach. The discovery of the dandruff germ was of inestimable value to mankind, but only bteause it paved the way for the greater service, the discovery of Newbro'i Ilerpicido. Dandruff is contagion, and its spread is checked by the use of florpl ride. This delightful scalp dressing re move all trsces of dandruff, checss the ccumulutiuii of scarf skin and pre- refunded. rents the hail from falling. It stops that itching almost instantly. Ilerpicido is the one standard and original Jandruff germ destroyer. Any other preparation making this claim is an imitation. Recommended and applied by first class barbers. fend 10." in postage or silver for sam ple and booklet to The Ilerpicido Co., lept. li, Detroit, Mich. Newliro's Ilerpicido lu 50c and $1.00 sires is sold by all dealers who guaran tee it to Jo all that is claimed. If you are nut satisfiisl vour money will be This is the last day of the rule of Venus over birthdatee of this period, and the sign of Taurus is no longer dominant. This is rather a difficult birthdate to have for it partakes of the double na ture of the Gemini born, with some of fhe strong characteristics of the Tau rus person. Tho rule of Venus now givee way to Mercury, a most interesting and pow erful planet. Persons of this birthdate will be found to be very undecided and hard to please. They make loyal friends, but want to rule. Children born on this date should be reared in the country and given plen ty of outdoor exercise and air. Travel is under propitious ruling. The Journal Want Ads, will lead those who seek better places to profit able positions in the country, by the sea or lake. DEATH NOTICES. . LINN. At the home uf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Linn, 324 North Capitol street, Monday, May 19, 1913, Francis Leona Linn. In the death of Miss Linn, Salem loses one of its most lovable and highly respected young ladies.. The grim reap er took her from this world when she was in the midst of the sweetest part of life, she being but 17 years of age. Through suffering long she maintained her sweet disposition and linked to her self innumerable friends. Her parents exerted every effort to restore hr to health. Long journeys to warm cli mates were made, physicians from oth er states were consulted, but of no avail. After making a trip through southern California and Arizona, Miss Linn was brought back to Salem and for a time her health seemed, to be im proving and her sudden and unexpect ed death yesterday came as a great shock to both parents and friends. ! The funeral services will be held jfrom the residence and Kev. Barr G. Lee will officiate at 2 o'clock tomor row (Wednesday) afternoon. The re mains will be laid to rest in City View cemeterv. Private services will be held at the grave. IS FILED IN CASE Chief Justice Insists No Error Was Made in Trial of Dr. Harry Start of Portland. MARRIAGES. BOY-LANSING. The supreme court today filed an opinion in the case of Harry A. Start, of Portland, reversing the lower court and granting a new trial to the physi cian, who was charged with sodomy. The opinion is written by Justice Bur nett, who eavs the lower court erred in holding that Earl Van Hulen, the man who was piesent when the offense was committed with Fred Bodey, was not an accomplice. It is also contended by Justice B irnett that half a dozen .cases were brought into the trial, while the indictment charged but one. The dissenting opinion is written by, Chief Justice McBride, who asserts that the court did not err in holding that Von Hulen was not an accomplice. The opinion holds that testimony tend ing to show the degeneracy of Start was clearly admissable. The opinion is concurred in by Justice Eakin. Marion County Case, , A Bailable Hair Tonic. It is an easy matter to prevent bald ness, dandruff and other diseases of the scalp by using Meritol Hair Tonic. It should be used Tegularly to keep the scalp free of dandruff germs, as these germs are the cause of the majority of cases of dandruff and later, baldness. We are authorized to guarantee Meri tol Hair Tonic. Capital Drug Store. Journal Want Advs. Bring Besnlt. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamber lain 's Cough Bemedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from per sons who have been cured by it. If yon or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and be come acquainted with its good quali ties. For sale by all dealers. The circuit court of Marion county is affirmed in the case of P. C. Freres( At the home of the bride's sister,!1'"""'" "u" '"1 f M. Starr, in Hvville. Satrdav ev-,,on Woolen Mill company, a corpora- ening, May 17, 1913, Miss Edith Lans ing to William M. Roy, Rev. T. S. Law- C -1 its rence officiating. Grand Opera House Wednesday, May 28, 1913 ""- pmmmmmmir-mmiBmmiimi fwi n ipns fimnii'ii mwmommu rwmi intuitu iiiwiiii H !1 D-l n i v "-- -..------.--- n m.iiMtjiiiin, J ( YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH YOUR FIRST THOUGHT If you bave children, naturally your first thoughts are for their health. You certainly want them to develop strong healthy constitutions. The most careful attention must be given wben children show the first symptoms of the many common ali ments. Perhaps they are weakly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrific ing strength. These and other ap parently minor ailments may be the forerunner to a weak constitution for life. Such children need Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge which Is essentially a children's tonic. Firm of all, It will properly care for the child's stom ach. It will also Improve the appe tite, and will add strength to the other organs of the body. In cases of thin or Impure blood, It Increases the number of red corpuscles enab ling the enriched blood to keep the body healthy and strong. Among the most common ailments that children develop is that of s disordered stomach, leading to an Impaired digestion. In many cases tills trouble Is due to parasites. In the Intestinal tract. To correct such trouble, Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. ! For more than SO years millions of .children have been restored to health through the us of this tonic In sist upon Jayne's; accept no other. Sold hy drugglBts everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne k Son. Philadelphia, Pa. AUNT SALLY'S ADVICE TO BEAUTY SEEKEBS i tion, A. D. Gardner, L. S. Lambert, de fendants and respondents, Frank Sieg mund, the Crompton & Knowles Loom Works, a corporation, defendants, and E. D. PhiUppi, defendant and appel lant. It was asserted that part of the property hod been omitted in mortgage foreclosure proceedings and from this decision -af the lower court Fhilippi appealed. v BIRTHS. j COTTER. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy V. Cotter, at their home at loOS State street, Mon day, Mav 19, 1913, a son. 1 ' w I Huerta threatened to cause trouble How few are the female blacksmiths, between the United States and Great yet how numerous the women who are Britain, What a ridiculous egotist be expert wielders of the hammer. must be. Lydia "says: "I've tried most every thing for my freckle but can't lose them. What do you suggest! " See an swer to "Stella." The treatment sug gested I've never known to fail in any rase of freckles or other cutaneous blemish. P. J. 1C. asks: "Is there anything better th-m massage to remove wrin kles?" Too much massaging may ag gravate a wrinkled condition, tending to soften and loosen the tissue. I ad vise bathing the face in an astringent lot'ion male by dissolving an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint witch hazel. This is remarkably effective. Stella writes: "My complexion is horribly muddy. What shall I do for itf" Get nn ounce of mercolized wax at your druggist's. Apply this nightly like you'd use cold cream, washing it off mornings. This will cause the of fensive cuticlo gradually to make way, by a process of gentle absorption, for the clear, velvety, healthy hued skin undernea'h, Woman's Realm. 3 mhe Cheerful Life It is the riffht of evervnns tn ltv snd nnlnv tk .hu.fnl or. r I It to onraclves and thos who live with as to live th chwrful life. W. The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervousness, hodaeh. backache drmgwingKlowii fedinf. or i7 otter vealcnew duo to ditanVn . or trmrulMitioi of tho delicsu fuaalo argwi-k not wu burden to hmllt frut to her lovod one. Thtn it a mMV, Fort; jmxt crparlsnet bat proven onmlttakabbr that DR. PIERCE'S Favorite prescription will mtora health to weakened rn.miir.lHnd. For 40 rran It hat turvWnt Erejudiee, envy and malice. Sold by dealer! in medicine in liquid or tablet Torn? T. Pieree'i r vunt Preacrlption T bleta ran re had of dningiit or mallfrfUS receipt crT one-cant ttampa-for IL00 or Sue tisa. Address tt. V. Pierce, M. D, Vr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets resrnlate and Invigorate stomach, Urer and bowK Snrrar-coated, tiny granule. f?iQRC.rSHADES Make an Outdoor SLEEPING ROOM of any porch or veranda. They also form delightful, shady retroats on hot, sultry days. It is only the ' .flEKOLIJ PORCH SHADES that thoroughly protect you from the Summer's heat. They cannot flap on windy days, and as they are made in a variety of attractive colors and delicate tones they add to the appear ance of any home. They cost but little, and will last for years and years. Just the thing for Summer Cot tages. Call and see our display or a telephone call will bring the "Aerolux" man who will show you color samples and then if you wish take the measure ments of your porch. (Sizes and Prices if Desired) Imperial Furniture Company The great calamity in Omaha wat quickly overshadowed by the terrihl) disastrous floods in Ohio. Great suffer iug and sickness from colds and expo lure resulted which Foley's Honey and Tar Compound helped to alleviate, L Poole, 2C17 California St., Omaha, writes: "My daughter had a severe couch and cold but Foley's Honey and Tar Compound knocked it out in no 'e. My wifo would not keep hon without it. We have uaed it for years, always with good results." Dr. Stone Drug Co. Prices, $2.00, $1.50, 75c. Seat Sale May 24 ! T Csre a Cola la Pty. jTake LAXATIVE 11ROMO Oilalnt j Tablets. Druggist refund money If It fails to curs, K. W. QROVK 3 Stfoa turt Is oa each box. S5c Piles Cured In 8 to li Days. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles in 8 to 14 days. 60e I '. .' I :; t :::v A .! Eddie Tor, in "Orer the River, " Opera Hooas Wednesday, Mar 111 uudor PORCH SHADES Don't Let the Sun Drive You from Your Porch Vudor porch shades. A Vudor hammock and some Old Hickory furniture will make it the pleasantest room in the house, no matter how hot the day. Call and let us demonstrate Vudors and timate on shading your porch. give you et- 1 L