DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALBM. OREGON, MONDAY MAT -19, 1913. . PAGE THREE. American League. , K.H.E. St. Louis 9 10 2 Boston . 18 4 Batteries Mitchell and Agnew; Be dieut, Hall and Carrigan. K. H. E. Washington . 2 6 3 Detroit 15 5 Batteries Johnson and Ainsmith; Zamloch, I.uke and McKee. n. h. e. Xew York 3 6 0 Chicago 5 1 t Batteries l'isher, Clark and Swee ney; WaNn and Schalk. R. II. E. SPORTS Women's. Apparel s McMinnville, Kecord of Six Straight Gamed Won, Is Coining Here to Give Battle. i' The Sal'Mii Senators will battle next Sunday afternoon with the McMinn . ville team, and it? the record of the ; visitors counts for anything, the Sena :!. tors will have their hands full. Mc ' lliimville has won six straight games this season, the last victory being over f the Weonas, a fast Portland team yes f, terday. Foster, the McMinnville pitch , er, got 13 Btrike-outs yesterday. ; The Senators retel yesterday, the grounds at Albany being in bad condi tion. Notwithstanding the fact that the team did not go to Albany, quite a number of people who had been plan ' ning the trip, went aHyway. WILIAMETTE WILL MEET 0. A. C. SATURDAY Drake Will Be in Box for Local Bunch and Warm Game Is Certain to Be Pulled Off. The weather permitting, next Satur day, the dosing day of the Moose car nical, will see the biggest intercolle giate ball game of the season staged on "Willamette field with the local univer sity and O. A. C. as the contending fac ; tors. Tho varsity will hold hard work outs during tho week and will attempt to be at the best they have been this season when the nine from the "farmers'" " o!lege invade the city. Drake, tho head twirler for Willam . -otto will bo in tho box and the best lineup on the campus will bo on' tho diamond when the contest is called. JOLTS T Tf ?f f f V T T ' The New York Giants have struck , their gait and have jumped from fifth to third place in a week. Chances are not bad that McOraw's men will again win a pennant. Zamloch, a pitcher recruit from Mis . oula, Mont., deserved a shut-out in his first major league game Sundny when lio occupied the box for Detroit. Bud Anderson's brother, Freddy, pre- . -diets he will win his fiyht with Mandot tomorrow iiilit in (1 rounds. Beginning tomorrow, froe swimming Inst nirtin'i will bo given at tho Y. M. . '. A. to lioys, tho course to continue until the close of the school year. Boys must furnish towels, but snnp is 'free and bathing suits are unnecessary. Boys not Attending school are nsked to seo ' Physical Director Carter and malio ar rangements, and tho following program has been arranged for tho schools: East and Richmond schools, 4 p. m.; Grant ;,' and HighUnd schools, Tuesday, 4 p. m.j Park school, Wednesday, 4 p. m. ; Lin coln schools, Thursday, 4 p. m.; Oar field and Englewood schools) Friday, 4 p. m. t It hag been finally arranged that the relay race cf the Salem and Portland Y .if. C. A.'s will Btart at 10 o'clock on tho morning of June 7, This year ; tho cups and medals will be furnished ' by the Portland association. Utter, Bchaefor, Feicke, Welborn, Tallman, j McKee, , Kennedy, Radeliff, Patchin, ' Cooke, Simcral and Minton are training for the race and Minton will start it 1 here. MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS ,mt wii vtj , . -S ; i i - k j . , ( pec ocf.cer op rEM- 6TofF foN, i Boee.ep .t TV r ' -; n ' ' I I I y y I I WM Twr !m. to voj 1 r A .. a,, sent s V ofS uZwr , U , hcsJAm &.r . sb mMy fM, 0mSmi Cleveland '. '. 2 8 Philadelphia .' 4 10 Butteries Steen and O'Neil; Wyck off, Bender and Lapp. National League. W. L. Philadelphia 16 7 Brooklyn .'. 18 9 New York 14 12 Pet. .696 .667 .533 .500 .500 .417 .393 .308 .731 .654 .633 .625 .424 .400 .323 .250 St. Louis 14 14 Chicago .'. 15 15 Boston 11 14 Pittsburg 11 17 Cincinnati '. 8 19 American League. Philadelphia 19 7 Washington 17 9 Cleveland .'. 19 11 Chicago 20 12 St. Louis : 14 19 Boston ....12 18 Dotroit 10 21 New York 7 21 EUGENE HIGH SCHOOL WINS MEET WITH SALEM HIGH With Willamette field as muddy as it has been at any time this year, Sa lem and Eugene high schools mot for a track and field meet Saturday after noon, Sale n being defeated 69 to 62. Tho track was so soft that tho ma nors' feet sunk about four inches every step and with this handicap the watch recorded the 50 yard dash in 5 4-5 and the hundred in 11 flat. The events and records follow: 50 yard dash, Bounds (E) first, Brown (S) second, Truit (8) third, time 5 4-5; polo vault, Truit (S) first, Lowe (S) and Barnes (S) tied for second, height 9 feet 0 Miohes; high hurdles, Ross (E) first, Dim ,K) second, time 20 seconds; 440-yard dash, Ross (E) firs, Truit (S) second, Tburcheon (S) third, time 57 1-5; nile run, West (E) first, Wright (S) second, Rowland (S) third, time 5:2-1; shotput, Titus (E) first, Lowe (S) second, Ross (E) third, dis tance 39 feet 10 inches; 100-yard dash, Bounds (E) first, Ford (S)' second, By non (8) third, time 11 flat; javelin, West (E) first, Ross (E) second, Lowe (S) third, distance 126 feet 9 inches; high jump, Truit (S) first, Bounds (E) second, Ross (E) third( height 5 feet 6 inches; 220-yard dash, Bounds (E) first, Ford (S) second, Bynon (S) third time 24 2-5; low hurdles, Ford (B) first Iiynon (S) second, time 28; relay won by Eugono, time 2:45 4-5. Salem's re lay team consisted of Brown, C'ircleson, Ross and Dim. Starter, Earl Fiecke, Timeh Pomoroy, judges Pomoroy, Meek and Johnson. Two Splendid Gatherings. In tho event of ehnngo of nastors of j the Seventh Day Adventist church, two1 very enjoyalile gatherings hnvo been held by the members of the church at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kelly, l.'i.'fi Court street, tho first on the ev ening of May .Id, being a reception in honor of Klder Thurston, of California, who will take the place of Elder Fall enberg as pastor of the .Salem church. More than 100 guests wero present,, mid the ovening was spent in a social way, music filling a very largo place DEVON ARROW COLLAR ClUETT FEABODOf&CGiraor N.TC Entire Line Reduced UNION SUITS, VESTS, TIGHTS. Waists Women's and misses' lin gerie waists, lawn and voile materials, embroidered and lace trimmed. High and low necks. Special, 98 cents in the program. Light refreshments wore served. Wordds of appreciation of tho event wero spoken by Klder Thurston and wife. The second, a farewell party in hon or of Elder O. W. Fnlkenborg and fam ily, was held on the evening of Satur day, May 17th. Ono hundred and thirty-seven guests were counted. Among tho out-of-town guests wero Mr. and Mrs. Eowe, of Silverton; Miss Julia Fnlltenberg, of Fortland; Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Chemawa, and Hazel McLean, of Falls City. Tho musical program was much en joyed and included' the following. Finno solo, Miss Olive Kelly. Fiaiio duet, Miss Georgia lliee and Mrs. G. Fonts. Vocal solo, Msr. Louis Warner. Piano duet, Misses Olive and Ethel Kelly. Vocal duet, Mrs. Thurston nnd daugh ter, Miss Vera. Vocal solo, Dr. Etta Heisley. .Vocal selections were also given by the male quartet and the ladies' quar tet. "Blest Bo tho Tie" was sung at the conclusion of tho program by Elder and Mrs. Falkenberg. An abundance of dainty refreshments was served, after which a cane of beau tiful silverware was presented to Elder and Mrs. Falkenborg by tho members of the church, with appropriate remarks by Dr. O. F. Heisley. Elder and Mrs. Folkenber garmwored in words express ing gratitudo for the gift, and for the leve and co-operation of the church dur his past two years of labor at this place. While their departure is much re- GOATS In which the newest style ' ideas have been carried to a point of perfection. Serges mixtures and fancy weaves in all wool. Full range of sizes and colors. Come in and inspect these tomorrow. Special $9.98 Children's Tub Dresses These certainly are a help to mothers. Neat little wash frocks that are made to play in, yet possessing style enough for dressy occasions. Lot 1, ages 2 to 6, special, 57c Lot 2, ages 6 to 14, special, 98c. WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE. QUALITY MERCHANDISE. J gretted, it is with many prayers ami sineerost wishes for their welfare, and for the hastening on of the great nies ' sago that must go to all the world for a witness, that wo wish them God speed. Poor appetite is a sure sign of im paired digestion. A few doses of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Pills will strengthen your digestion and Improve your appetito. Thousands have beon benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold liv all dealers. WHY PAY STORAGE? ." tell you, Tom, my wife is a wonder. Last JUy, when wo moved to tho country for tho summer, 1 put a lot of clothes and ol I broken and worn furni- tore in storage. Wo took another flat on our return Inst fall and I found that about 'one-third of the goods I stored wero useless to mo, although I had been paying for their keep for five months. "This year my wifo ran an Ad. ' in tho Journal Want Columns j. n.l .... .,,1.1 .,,, ,,,10 Hint 4i wo wanted to dispose of last week to more than pay our faros to the country." That's a capital idea, George. Isn't It funny I never thought of it boforot I'll get my old stuff together tomorrow and put an Ad. in the Want Column right away." There are moro ways than one of saving through the Wants. Dress Skirts Women's and misses' dress skirts in serge, mixtures, corduroy, voile, panama, all well made and neatly finished. We have divid ed these into two lots. Lot I. Special $1.98 Lot II. Special $4.95 House Dresses Women's and misses' house dresses in high and low neck, light and dark colors, all well finished. Regular $1.25 to $2.00. Special, 89 cents Harvard Mills" Entire Line Reduced $m Underwear. . mi0l,sms- vests- t,ghts- POPULAR LI6CRTT STRtCT BtTWtCN STATE Lame back is usually caused by rheumatism of tho musclvs of tho back, far which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Doctor Stone's Corn Remedy y -A Knocks Corns and Bunions h 1 g h o r 'than "Gilroy's kite." Prico 2.1c. DB. STONES Boroto Compound and Plaster will take tho kinks out of your lamo back. Prico iiOc. DR. STONES Itch Ointment will cure you of that itch which you caught from that follow. Prico if. SR. STONES Poison Oak, Remedy will euro your Poison Oak, which you got last Suuday. Price 2,"c and 00c. DR. STONES Cough Iiomody will clear your pipes of phlogm and cure your cough, Prico 25o and 50c. DR. BTONES Toothache drojn will stop the toothache in one minute by the watch. Price 2.1c. DR. STONE'S DRUG STORE, Salem, Oreogn. Froe delivery to any part of the city. FANCY SUITS Women's and misses' fancy suits, styles that are very pop ular now. We will not carry a suit over, hence the big re duction. We can't buy them at this price, so don't waste the opportunity to purchase at less than cost. Navy, tan, greys, etc. Special, $12.50 Regular $37.50, $32.50, $27.50. - COURT PRICES In any assembly where well dressed men and women congregate you will find the results of this Laundry The "Why" of this is easythe special care we give to our customer's laundry is making new enthusiasts every day. For our service is "PERSONAL SERVICE." There is a whole world of meaning in those two words when you connect them with a laundry. It means all that is best in finish and quality of work. As our work meets with the approval of our customers we want you to try us for one week. Let us call for your next week's laundry. ' Salem Laundry Co. 136-166 South Liberty Street Phone 25 nm Big Surprise for Marion and Polk Counties HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD CLOTHES, BAGS AND RUB BER. We have a big stock of pulleys, boxing, saws sad al' kinds of tools sad machinery. Also chicken netting and hog wire. Bargain prices. Everything from noodle to s piece of gold. The house of half of million bargains, H. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. 2.13 State Street. Phone Main 224 By Gross Silk Hosiery Women's Silk Hosiery in pure thread silks, lisle heel, toe and sole. Lisle garter top. Don't miss this sale. Special, 87 cents Paw TWAWKFVL that WMfrTO liiEHRY JR. SAYS