Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 17, 1913, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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Daily , Capital
9 TO 16
" ' '
Business to Be Forgotten
While Big Carnival Holds
the Boards.
"Whole State From Harney to Clatsop
and Wallowa to Coos Will Say
"Howdy Pap!"
After gaining the pinnacle of success
, as a fraternal organization and acquir
: ing through diligent labors and insis
. tent efforts a beautiful home and one
. of the finest and most completely
equipped lodge halls and club quarters
;' on the const, tho Cherry City Lodge of
Moose is not content to cease in its
; endeavors to show its enterprise, and
. is now making elaborate preparations
: to hold a big carnival in Salom, begin-
ning Monday the 19th, and lasting until
Saturday the 24th, of this mouth. In
other words, the Moose members aro
. J making (heir first attempt to OBsist
! -other organizations' in the city to boost
our commercial interests; it being the
understanding that the lodge is not pre
paring the weok-end program for any
"".financial benefit, but plauning to bring
thousands of people to Salem and en
tertain them royally at a time of the
; .year when festivities are on the wano
and both local and out-of-town people
are generally anxiously awaiting the
time when they can "whoop 'er up"
Fun and amusement galore will be
the orde.' of the carnival week. Rcp
sentatives from every Moose lodge in
this state and in Washington, Idaho
nd California have been invited to
attend, mid tho secretary, II. H. Tumor,
1 utatcd Ibis morning that the brother
Moose inn bo looked for in groat nnm
, , liers from theso statos. The city coun-
i il has literally turned the town over
to the Moose for the occasion and
j beginning Monday, carnival troupes
and their tents will be located at tho
following places: On Court street, near
, the Chi -ago Storo, near Ray L. Fanner
Hardware establishment, near the Cap-
' ital City Creamery, near Wells Fargo
( building, near the Mooso Hall, Grand
? -Opera House and the Masonic Temple.
The Drowning Amusement company,
presenting the latest and some of the
liest entertainments in tho state at
present, has been engaged to fill the
: amusement bill for the week, Mr.
'Drowning, the president of the firm,
.states t'.nt he will give several free
attractions every day and evening and
; that he has been successful in securing
special acts for the week, The Mooho
lodge first secured a written contract
from Mr. Browning that all his shows
shall bo strictly clean and moral, and
,that they must come up to tho expecta
tions in every particular. No fakirs
will be allowed on or near the streets
upon which the shows are to bo located
and everything must be in order dur-
, ing the week.
' Members Enthusiastic
i Members of the different committees
arranging the carnival program, whose
; pictures appear In this addition, are
'enthusiastically working.ro make tho
, event a grand success, and business men
generally are lending every encourage-
inent to the Moose's efforts. Kvcry
1 man, woman and child having the well
fare of Snlcm's commercial and social
'interests at heart should join tho Moose
' in boosting the carnival. In case the
',' week of entertainment is tho success It
' is expected to be, the Mooso will make
the carnival feature an annual event
-" here.
Eugene. Albany, Dallas, Portland,
V Oregon City, Silverton, Seattle and
' Rosebur; and many other lodges loeat
i od outside cf the state have agreed to
send drill teams and take part in the
i exrereisea. Handsome prizes will be of
f fered f.r the victorious teams and the
; drills will be held in plain view of the
" public ic the streets. Many of the
' lodge have attained great efficiency,
it is understood, in drilling, and the
contests to take place here promise to
be exciting. Each drill team will bo
in its lodgo uniform and capable judges
will be appointed to award the prizes.
Just what character of uniforms will be
seen can not be ascertained, but the
local members have been advised to
spnico up something great as visiting
Mooso intend to como prepared both in
dress and equipment to show tho people
some fine stunts in the way of march
Concessioners are already making de
mands for space during the week. Un
less everyone can present a Bona fide
proposition the Moose refuse to sanction
their appearance at the carnival. How
ever, several live Salemitcs will he seen
on the streets behind booths well stock
ed with the usual holiday goods, such
as the carnival spirit brings, and every
one is Invited to dig in and enjoy them
selves to the fullest extent. The Moose
members declare thnt they will show
the visiting public and local people a
good time if thoy havo to bust a sus
pender, and that they want the public
in general to understand that tho car
nival is not being given for the lodge
members only, but for the public, and
evoryone is cordially invited to take
part in the sports and other contests
which have been arranged for each day.
There will be bsnd music on the
streets both dav and night, the local
orcler having engaged several organ
izations outside of the different Moose
bands to take part.
Special Days
On May 20, each state society will
be requested to take part in the jolli
fication and that day will be set aside
as State Society Day. Written invita
tions have been sent to all lodges of the
order and as many of tho other soci
eties as are known by the Moose, and
all others not yt being a recipient of
such invitation, are requested to be on
hand in war toga to assist in raising
things from the foundations here.
Wednesday, May 1, has been set
aside as Fraternal Day. Every frater
nal order in tho Northwest has been
asked to participate' in the celebration
on that date and it, is more than prob
able that Sulein will bo honored by the
presence of many other lodges then.
Tho best drilled lodgo team on that,
date will bo awarded a silver loving
cup by tho Moose lodgo and it is hoed
by the committoo on entertainment that
local orders will take part in the drills
together with the Moose and other
lodgos from oth;r placos.
The committees arc exerting every
effort to get word to other lodges
throughout the Northwest to como to
Salem on May -1 and get acquainted.
I In view of the fact the "Woqdinen
of tho World will spring out in its fine
duds three days during tho carnival, and
'is now !unmng to hold its annua) con-
vention here, assures tho Moose that
(they will be only too glad to assist in
making fraternal day a success. The
W. O. W. will elect delegates to tho
main ramp during the convention and
Inge numbers of visiting members of
that order will lie in Sulem during the
On tho 22nd, Thursday,, things will
I be humming for sure. This is Eiigcue
! Afhany l)ay and tho two southern cities
, hnve assured the local Moisu thnt they
will turn out in full force and bring
along lot only bands, but a I'ruikei-
jack of a base ball team, composed en
tirely of Eugene Moose members, on
thnt date. Oh! you Eugene-Albany.
Salem rreds you and will surely tickle
vour riln and chuck on under the chin.
Eugene has issued a challenge to the
Moose of Salem for a base bn(l game,
and tha Salem order will muster up nine
tossers to meet tho sister lodge bunch.
A grand parade has been arranged
for thnt date and In the evening a
grand ball will be given in the Moose
hall to hich the general public is in
vited. ,
Tho "Prune City of the World."
Dallas, has been asked to parcipate dur
ing Friday of the carnival, this day
having been set aside as Salem-Dallas
Day. Walter L. Toor.e, Jr., of Dallas,
took up the matter of visiting Salem
that day with the Dallas Commercial
Club, ard the organization voted to
storm tho Capital City on tho 2.'(d. The
'Moose committee has arranged a mon
ster auto parado on Hunt date and Mr.
Toozo advises Secretary Turner that he
can bo sure of antes from Dallas to
take part in the procession.
Secretary Turner also declares that
link local automobile owners havo sig
nified their intention of joining tho
larade and that ho hopes to have
enough machines beforo tho dnto set to
reach much longer in distance than on
tho occasion of the bridge celebration
Hatuidny, the last day of the carni
val, will bring several hundrod Moose
and other carnival-loving citizens from
Portland, it being Portland Day. The
Salem lodgo has been Informed that
every "dod gasted Mooso in Portland
will bo with yer." Portland Moose,
have attained a reputntion as live wires
and that they will take the wrinkles
out of Salem Saturday the 24th, goes
without saying, and the Salem Moose
members declare that the metropolis
visitors can havo anything they want
just as 1( ng as they lenvo the hall in
tact on the corner of Court anil High
Will Initiate 100 .
In connection with holding the big
rnriiivnl. tho Salem r of !.fn will
tnko ii: 100 new members some time
during the week, the lodge having sie.
ere led in signing up this r.nu her In the
pnst few months. A contest is now
on in which a prize is to be awarded to
the member who turns in the most ap
plications, and Moose list's been scour
ing the woods for every likely man he
could find to boost the member dilp.
The poor, old lodge gout will have the
hardest time in his life when he tackles
these 100 men who will be invited to
ride him at least twicn around tho hall
and tho members will no doubt be com
pelled to tighten their belts and nearly
bite an eye-tooth in two in order to
awake the next morning without a lame
back from laughing too much.
The sntics performed by the new
members while they are being put
througa the mill will be interesting,
and Tha Capital Journal has been as
sured that it will bo given an accuruto
description of the whole affair. "Let
'er buds and bo durned," said one ap
plicant yesterday, "I've rode a wild
hoss and on a S. P. train and come out
safe, so why should I worry and get a
However, the old saying of "live and
let livj" will prevail when tho vic
tims for initiation como beforo that se
lected body which will have its work
outlined for it, and thero is no cause
for tho 100 prospective moinbers to take
out a life ihsurunco or back out on
their replication. While one innmiioi
is getting his declare the initiating body
tho other follow who hns already got
ten hisn' can si and by and gloat or
feel sorry for the poor cuss, just us bo
Everybody Will Sport
"Hillie" Wolf and II. C. Coursoy,
tho two Moose committeemen who havo
arranged tho program for sports during
the rurnival, have lertainly concocted
some i itcresting contests. Every per
son in the "ity dnri'ig tho week will
bo invited to talio nunc part in those
sports and the results promise to be
both interesting and exciting. Knees
and oilier stunts which call for agility
and sh,!i have been Included in the
program ami the entrances will un
doubtedly be full by the time thu car
nival opens.
Kolbiviiig is the sporting program nu
compile I by Cnnimittenmun ('oursey:
Monday, May 19, at 10:30 a. m.
Hoys under 15 years, flO yard dash.
(lirls under 12 years, 35 yard dash.
Free for all, 100 yard dash.
Hoys under 1.1 yours, crawling
through barrels for a distance of 100
Tuesday, May 20, at 10:30 a. m.
Free for all, KIO yard dash.
Free for all, 50 yard clash,
(iirls under 12, hopping on one foot,
1.1 yards,
Hpoon and egg race, distance 50 yards
Wednesday, May 21, at 10:30 a. m.
Keg race, 74 yards.
Wheelbarrow race carrying one boy,
distanco 75 yards.
Cracker eating contest, greatest num
ber in five miuutos.
Pio outing contest, as many as poa-
sililo in given length of time.
Thursday, May 22, at 10:30 a. m.
Free for all race, distanco, 200 yards.
Hack lace, distance, 35 yards.
Hoys miliar 15, 50 yard danh.
(Jirls enrrying a doll lu thoir arms,
listanco 35 yards.
Friday, May 23 , at 10: 30 a. m.
Three legged raco, distance, 35 yards.
Fat man's raco, distanco, 75 yards,
Freo for all, dash, 100 yards.
Hounding tho stulio and back, dis
lance, 50 yards.
Saturday, May 21, at 10:30 a. m.
Potato race, ton positions in carry
ing sumo, distance, 25 yards,
iittlo girls' skipping rope contest for
n distance of 50 yards.
Freo for all, grand prlzu offered, dis
tance Km) yards.
Slow bicycle race, distance, 100 yards
All f the races will bogiu promptly
ut the time stated in the program and
will bo completed before 12 o'clock. All
entries should bo submitted to W. M.
Wolfe and H. (.'. Coursoy in duo time
to assure admittance i tho contests.
Judges for the contests will bo named
Inter and tho committee has on hand
several nice things for those who win
out in the different races.
One of Salem's wide streets will be
used as the courses lor the races, the
name of thnt thoroughfare will bo an
nounced later. Owing to the character
of the prizes offered by tlm Moose to
winners in the racing contest, it is
morn thsn likely that there will be a
good si.ed field in eah raco and the
results will be interesting to witness.
There v. ill no doubt bo many other in
teresting events included In the above
program In vlow of the fact tho list is
subjoct to change by the committee,
and in any event, the public will be
(Continued on Pag 10.)
Railroads AU Make Special
Rates and All Western (,
Oregon Is Coming.
Black Bock Coming From Original
Home of the Moose With New
Stunts Front tho Forest.
It is the sincere dosire on the part
of tho parade committee of the Moose
carnival that every automobile owner
in the city take part in the big parade
which is to take place on Salem-Dallas
day, Friday, May 23, No maculae tteed
be ddcoratod unloss the owners so de
sire but every available auto in the city
is needed to make the parade the big
gest and best of the kind ever seen in
the city.
Many outside automobile enthusiasts
will bo here for the parade and the
Mooso wont Salom to go on record as
having pullod off one of the lengthiest,,
if not tho longest, vehicle parades ever
made on tho coast. In the event the
parado succeeds to this extent, photos
and descriptive articles will be sent to
all tho leading lodgo periodicals and to
the Reading magazines in the east. It
is the intention of the Moose parado
committee to engage an export news
paper photographer to catch a panoram
ic picture of the parade from the top
of the Masonic Temple while the pro
cession winds up Stato stroet oast.
Motion picture companies will be asked
to visit Salem on tho date and pro
visions will also be made to have pan
oramic views taken with those ma
All thoso who have cars aro unable
to drive tho same on Friday, will con
fer a grout favor upon the parade com-
mittoe by allowing it to select, coin
potent chauffeurs to handlo the autoi,
and allow them to appear.
Railroads Boost
Beginning next Sunday, all railroads
in the sluto will reduce their possongor
rates to one and a third which assures
thoso intending to visit the Moose car
nival regular excursion fares and the
opportunity to visit the city and enjoy
the carnival at little oxponso, as far
as transportation is concerned.
The Southern Pacific company is
rising to tho occasion, It has issued
big posters especially for tho Mooso
carnival which are being tacked up in
ovory waiting station and depot lu the
stato. A largo number of thoso posturs
have also been rocoivod by Secretary
Turner, and the work of distributing
them is about complotod. John M.
Scott, tho 8. P. traveling passenger
agent, has advised Secretary Tumor
that his company is doing all It can to
boost the carnival and hopes the Salem
people will have a thoroughly good time
next- week. Tho West Hide roads ari
making preparations for excursion
trains during tho week while a big ex
cursion is being nuido up by Eugene
and Albany.
And ("clnr tha street; look out for
yer hossos") llluck Rock, tho bouncing
littlo city tucked away at the foot of
the mountains near Falls City, is going
to whnop things up during carnival
week by storming Salem with about
one hundred Moose right from that
animal's stamping grounds. Thero will
bo pawing of earth, the scent of the
wild and general pow wow when Illac.k
Hock tu'iis louso on the Capitol City.
Warning has been sent iilung by tha
lull Moose, of llluck Rock, that this
ity had better prepuro Itself for some
thing quite out of tho ordinary, as
Hack Rock does things when it awakes
and starts once, and the day they visit
here will sure produce some surprising
With Black Rock's herd of Moose
and Falls City's pen to boost the num
ber to be sent from Dallas, Old Polk
will be fittingly represented. The
"Prune City" Is making elaborate
(Continued on page 10),