DAILY CAPITA! JOUXHAL, BALEV, OBBOOM. SATURDAY, MAT 17, 1813. Pastor PENTECOST HOT GREOTJUBILEE Stilt Greater Blessings Com ing, Says Pastor RusselL SIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. What the Day of Pentecost 8lgnlfid. It Waa but a Foretaste of Greater On te Coma Why It Cama Whan It Did Why tha Greater Blaaalng Will Coma, and Whan Ara Thara Signs That It la NaarT Tlmaa of Refresh- Ing Tlmaa of Restitution "I Will ' Pour Out My Spirit Upon All Flaah." Boston. Km, May 11. Pastor Russell gore two addressee bere, un der the auspice of tha Iittziuia- TIOHAL BlBI.E STU DIITI ASSOCIA TION. We report one of these, from the text: "Upon the servant and upon the hand maids In thoae daji will I pour nt My Spirit After thla I will pour out lly Spirit upoo all flash. "-Joel 2:28.21). The Pastor called attention to the fact that be had transposed tho two arts of thla text to make their mean ing mora apparent lie declared that the Propbet nnqneatlonnbly taught two outpourings of the Holy Spirit nly one of which has yet come. The ne generally commemorated today by Catholics and Episcopalians la the first of these tbe pouring out of the Holy Bplrit on God's faithful servants and handmaidens. Tbe second one la not to be nnon tbe some class, but upon all flesh not upon the Elect, but upon all mankind, tbe non-elect The Pastor remarked thnt Pentecost was a Jewish festival celebrating the harvest On thnt day. nearly nineteen centuries ago, Ood poured out Ills Holy Spirit upon His waiting servants and handmaidens. In the upper room at Jerusalem. That event was Impor tant not only to those who then par ticipated, but to all of God's peoplo from then until now. Prior to thnt day of Pentecost, no one except Jesus hnd ever received spirit begetting tho Holy Spirit of aonslilp. Prior to thnt dnte, God held all humanity nt a dis tance from Himself, declaring thnt because they were sinners He could not accept them as sons, thnt first their sine must be atoned for. Pastor Rnsscll pointed out thnt this alienation from God bnd continued for more than four thousand yeara before Jeans came. Admn was called a son of God, but after him no one was atyled a son of God until Jesus. Pnr Ing all that time. Abraham alone was styled a friend of God, because of his demotion, his faith. Hut a friend Is not a son, and none other than Abra ham bad even so high a tltlo as friend. The Jews bnd the honorable title of servants of God. attaining thnt through the Ijiw Covenant, under Moses. Not only do tho old Testament Scrip tures not refer to the Jews as sons of God, but tho Jews themselves have never claimed such a relationship. On the contrary, after Jesna had received the Holy Spirit and hnd begun Ills ministry. Ho apnko of Himself as be ing the Son of God, and thla the Jews resented, tnklug up stones to stone Him. They declared It blasphemous to claim so close a relationship to Jeho vah. Again, we rend of the disciples before Jesus' death. "The Holy Spirit was not yet given; because thnt Jesna was not yet glorified." John 7 :IW. Krom these testimonies of the Bible, the Pastor deduced thnt It was neces sary for Jesus to finish His snrrlflce for sins, and to ascend on High, Into the presence of Jehovah God. and pre sent the merit of Ills sacrifice on bo half of the Household of I'nlth. before the Apostles or any of the Church roiiUI be recognised of God. The de sire which Jesus had awakened In their hearts was thnt they might he roine Ills footstep followers In doing the neavenly Father's will-even to the extent of laying down their lives for the Tml h. for righteousness. And so Ills disciples declared thnt they had lert ail to follow Him. Kcforo leaving them, ,lens admon ished that they should not attempt to begin their work nntll after receiving the Father's recognition of (hem as sons He said. "Tarry ye In the city of Jerusalem until yc he endued with power from on lllsh." While He was with them. He breathed iiihiii them and gave them of Ills Holy Spirit and power, by which they healed the sick, cast out demons, etc, Hut when He left them they hud not this power, or authority, and must wnlt nntll the Fa ther gave It to them directly, even as He gave It directly to the Urtl Jesus, at the time the Holy Spirit came upon Htm at Hla baptism. 'Whan Pentecost Wa Fully Cama. For ten days tho AiMstlct and other faithful brethren tarried, praying In the upper room, waiting for the prom. Ised demonstration of tMvlne accept ance that would Indicate to them that Jesus hnd appeared In the presence of God. and had made satisfaction for their tins, snd that the Heavenly Fa ther had accepted Jesus' sacrifice on their behalf, and by the begetting of the Holy Spirit would recognUe them s sons of God-not as human sons. however. The sonshlp to which Jesus U,,.--.-..kJ Russell's and (he Church have been begotten during this Gospel Age Is on a far higher than bomno plane far above the angelic, also. St Peter explains that our begetting Is to the "Divine nature-"-2 Peter 1:4. Without tbe begetting there could be no ultimate birth to the Divine nature In the resurrection. Thus It was wtlh Jesus. He wns begotten of the Holy Spirit quickened by tbe Spirit and gradually developed during the three and a half years of His earthly min istry. But He was not born of the Spirit until His resurrection, as we resd: "He was tbe First-born from tbe dead" "the First-born amongst many brethren." Tbe Church are be gotten of the Holy Spirit under tbe same Covenant of Sacrifice, that If faithful they may attain to the same Spirit birth by a similar resurrection. St Peter explains that while tbe gift of the Holy Spirit was from tbe Fa ther, it would not come to the Church direct sa though Ignoring tbe Lord Jesus. He says of Jesus, "being by the light bond of God exalted, and bay ing received of tbe Father tbe promise of the Holy Spirit He hath shed this forth." (Acts 2:33). Again be says. "Who is gone Into Heaven, and Is on tbe right band of God, angels and au thorities and powers being made sub ject onto Him." (1 Peter 8:22). The Pentecostal blessing, therefore, was a double attestation. It proved that Je sus ss the great Redeemer accomplish ed, in a manner pleasing to the Father, the work the Father gave Him to do. It proved that those who received the Spirit were accepted as sons of God. their original sin beingcsnceled through the merit of Christ's sacrifice. And although the miraculous mani festations of God's favor hsve not been repeated during this Age, we know that all of tbe same class are partici pants In the snme blessing "Tbe God snd Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to His abun dant mercy hath begotten us again." (1 Peter 1:3.1 While we are required to -Walk by fnith and not by sight" nevertheless our fnitb has its sure footing in thnt origlnnl Pentecostal manifestation. We. as well as the Apostles, can rcnllze thnt the sacrifice of Jesus wns acceptable to the Father, and that we bnve been accepted through onr Redeemer as members of His Body, which Is the Church. It is because the Church Is one Body. although of many members, tbnt no repetition of Pentecost has been neces sary. As soon as we by consecration come into the one Body, we nre sharers In all the blessings that belong to thnt Body, the start of which came on the memorable Pentecost Day. "By one Spirit ye wcro nil baptized Into one Body, which is Christ." Jesus the Head of The Christ. The Messiah, first got His blessing, which wns completed on the plnno of glory. Then no mndo nppllontlon of Ills merit for nil those who desire to become members of His Body, of the Bride of Christ This wns the foundation necessary for Dlvluo acceptance of tho Chnrch. On this basis, the gathering of the Church hns progressed for now nenrly nineteen hundred years. Soon, we be lieve, it will be completed. The Inst member proving faithful and passing beyond the veil, the Body will be com plete In glory united to the Head, or under tho other figure, the espoused virgin Church, united to her Lord, will be the Bride, the Lamb's Wlfo. Ths Greater Jubilee. Pentecost represents to tho Church liberation from tho thraldom of sin and death, as well as Introduction Into the family of God. Thus It signifies the beginning of nil tho blessings which the people of God bnve known as the fruits of the Spirit meekness, gentle ness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness, love, Joy, peace fellow ship with God and our Lord Jesus Chrlst-GalnUnna 8:22, 23. Nevertheless, the Pnstor explained, those wonderful blessings are not com plete. The resurrection thnt glorious chnnge from Imperfections In the flesh to perfection on the spirit plnne will he the consummation of all the Church's hopes, and that consumma tion, nlthonch near, we believe, has not yet been attained. God has purposely deferred the sec ondary outpouring of His Holy Spirit -that upon the world, "nil flesh" until the establishment of His Kingdom. That will bo a great Jubilee. It was. by Divine nppolntiuent. typified In, Is rael's experiences. During the fiftieth yenr. every Israelite was set free from bondage and debts of every kind, and had a fresh start Thus was pictured how during Messiah's glorious reign as Mediator of the Sew Covennnt, God on account of Jesus' sacrifice will cancel the sins of the w bole world, and grant release from nil weaknesses, and as sistance back to the fulness of Divine favor. In other words, the Jubilee of Israel typified the coming Times of llctonitlon of nil things, when Jesus the Head and the Church the Body, as The Messiah, will reign for a thousand years. Air the purpose of blessing all the families of the enrih and uplifting; them out of sin. weakness, depravity mental, moral and physical. Oh. what a Jubilee that will be! No wonder St. I'eter, in describing it and telling us that it will begin at the sec ond coming of Jesus, also tells us that It will be Times of refreshing from the Divine presence! It will be the world's Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will then be poured ent upon all flesh We are not to understand, however, that It will be done unconditionally. Rather, we may surmise that the con dltlons on which it will be open to all 1esS will be that only th.we who de sire the blessing will revive it But who would refuse such a favor when fully enllcliiened respiting It. when fully swsre of Its Import snd possibilities? We cannot, of course, know In ad vance how this outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh will be manifest Sermon at tbe beginning. We merely assume thnt tbe first manifestation will be In connection with those worthy patri archs. Abraham.. Isaac. Jacob and all tbe Prophets. They have already bees tested and proven loyul to God. They have merely been waiting, "sleeping" until the completion of the Gespel Church. As St Paul says, they can not be perfect, nor enter upon their reward until we first are perfected and enter upon our higher reward, as tbe Spirit Kingdom.-Hebrews 11:39. 40. Tha Elact and tha Non-Elect Our text is In full harmony with all the Scriptures In indicating that God has special blessings for His Elect His servants and handmaidens of this Gospel Age. Not only do these receive tbe Holy Spirit first but to them Its manifestation is different from what It will be with the non-elect by and by. Aa already pointed out tbe Holy Spirit fits and prepares tbe Church for glory, honor and Immortality on the spirit plane. But the Holy Spirit's operation upon the world In the next Age will be totally different Thon its work will be tbe perfecting of all irAo will of the human family an earthly blessing. We are not to forget that God was as well pleased to make Father Adam an earthly being, perfect, tn His own Im age and likeness, a little lower than the angels, as He was pleased te make the angels of a higher order, in His own Image and likeness. The Church, now being begotten of tbe Holy Spirit to the Divine nature. Is to be fur above angels, but It Is tbe same Holy Spirit which operated in all God's creative work, whether of angels or of men, or of the Church of the First-born. Adam undoubtedly bad tbe Holy Spirit of God in bis perfection. Man kind In general, during tbe thousand years of Messiah's Kingdom, will be receiving more and more the Holy Spir it of God. Its operation In them will be the perfecting of their flesh. Thus the Lord declares It. "I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh." (Ezeklel 11:10.) The Scriptures speak of Adam In his perfection as crowned with glo ry and honor, and set over the beasts of tbe field, aa earth's underlord, or king, responsible only to tbe Almighty. (Psalm 8:4-0.) Sin disarranged all this, as we have seen, but God has provid ed the Redeemer. His work of a thou sand years, the pouring ont of tbe Holy Spirit upon the world of man kind, will result In bringing all tbe willing and obedient back to human perfection to that which was lost In Adam, and redeemed at Calvary, What This Does Not Mean. This does not mean, said the Pastor, thnt the Holy Spirit will be forced upon any; but merely thnt God's Spirit will be available to all flesh, even as In the present time It Is available to all His servants uud handmaidens. In proportion to their love nnd teal. So the world's progress buck to perfection will depend largely upon their appre ciation of the call of God and of the privileges extended to them. "Tho gift of Cod Is everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." This gift will not be given to any except to those who demonstrate their desire for it on God's terms. The wicked will not be granted everlasting life at all. On the contrary, we read, "All the wicked will God destroy." "It shall come to pass that every soul that will not obey thnt Prophet Messiah shall tie destroyed from amongst the people." Neither does this great generosity on God's part in the forgiveness of sins and provision for tho return of human ity mean that sins of the present life will go unnoticed. We may be sure that it Is because we nre Incompetent to Judge as respects the guilt and re sponsibility of others that the Lord baa so strenuously guarded His people, saying. "Judge nothing before the lime." We may be sure, therefore, that nny Judgment we might form, or other men might form, would be more or less defective, proportionately dif ferent In God's Judgment In God's Judgment respecting wick edness, we perceive that He takes Into account all the circumstances tbe ig norance, the superstition, the heredi tary taints and weaknesses, etc. From Cod's stands.'lut nny transgression of His Unv is sin, but tbe seriousness of the sin depends upon the wilfulness with which It Is committed. The Lord will deal Justly with all of our race: and the Church, associated with Him In glory and tn the work of Judging, will then be fully competent for that appointed work. So we read, "Do ye not know that the snln's shall judge the world?"-1 Corinthians 6:2. The Scriptures, therefore, warn ev erybody, "Whatsoever a msn soweth that shall he also reap" This Indi cates that our words, our thoughts, our deeds, all bare a bearing upon tbe future lifa While only the splrlt-be-gotten are yet on trial for life or death eternal, nevertheless the world's words and deeds have either an elevating or degrading Influence upon their con sciences. Accordingly their opportuni ty In the future will And them either lower or higher, with more or less steps to retrace. In order to attain tbe perfection of character In the flesh. Surely sll who rightly appreciate tne Church's Pentecost of nearly nineteen centuries ago will rejoice to see the Divine- srrsngement for the world's Pentecost, under Messiah's Kingdom Nor can It do barm to let the Truth be known The lack of the knowledge of the Truth and rreedal nilsrepresen t.itlons have doubtless led many to de spalr, and robled others of peace ss w ell as Joy. By those means the Heav enly Father's character has been slnn dercd. It Is time to tell the world about the Love of God It Is time that Chrts tlans should remember that It was not fear that drew them to God. bnt. as St. Paul declares. "The love of Chrlsi coiutralneib us.' -I CorUitUiara 5:14 HE URGES EXHIBITS BE MADE IN EAST Northwest Is Fax Behind Southwest and Canada in Methods to At tract Immigration. Literature is all right but an ex hibit and personal representative in the east is what Oregon and the Pacific coast country needs to attract immi grants, says G .M. Hunt, ex -president of the Ad club of Washington, D. C, and at present sepcrintendent of the register department of the postoffice at that place. He is in Portland on a tour of the coast. "The coast is far behind the south and southwest in reaching out after the eastern immigration,'1 he continued "The coast is behind Canada, also. For illustration, the southern states have organized the Southern Commer cial congress, the object being to in duce immigration to the southwest, and south. The states have joined in the expense of maintaining a bureau at Washington, D. C, where a man is in charge, ready at all times to go to Bos ton, Philadelphia, New York and all the eastern cities to meet civic bodies, where the merits of the southwest can be placed before them. The congress also maintains an exhibition at tbe cap ital that can be taken from one city to another to be presented at conven iens and various gatherings. At all large meetings through any part of the east, tho congress is represented by a man in charge, literature and an exhi bit. The result is that the flood of im migration is drifting toward the south west. "Canada is doing the same thing. Westetn Canada has central bureaus established at Montreal. Winnipeg, nnd eastern cities. Men armed with facts arc in charge and attend all public gatherings, where there is a chance to advertise western Canada. The result is that tho small home owner who is thinking of going to the new country has at hand a man with whom he can consult relative to conditions at the place to which he is going. "The Pacific coast is a large, prac tically undeveloped country. Xo such movement as I have mentioned has been started out here. Oregon, Wash ington and California could take no better or more effective step toward colonization than to establish a bureau in an eastern city, from which place representatives could be accessible to all points from which immigration flows This representative would easily and chenply attend nil important" conven tions, where the immigrant could ask questions not answered in the adver tising literature. "The illustrated literature is good, but not enough. It does not take the place of a corps of workers going from town to town presenting the claims of the country. Tho east does not Know half the possibilities on the western roast. Oregon alone should attract one-half million people within the next five years. From what I have already seen of the state, that number could easily locate and turn the undeveloped eastern part of the state into a vast agricultural district The land is there. The people are in the east, thousands willing to come if they are properly in formed of conditions and possibilities." When the society ball season ends that of the moth ball begins. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing luflerera of rheumatism, whether tuuncuUr or of the joints, niatica, luruUt(., backache, paim in the kidneys or neuralgia pains to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cured all of them tortures. 8h ft?! it her duty to seiid it to all tutferera FRKK. You cure youraelf at home as thousands will testify do change of climate heinjr ueoesar. This simple discovery banihes uric acid from the blood, loosen ihe itifiVned Joint, purine the blood and brightens theeyea, jrivmg elasticity and lane to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof addresa Mr. At Buiunur, ik'l Hi iNoLrt Dante, led. DlJ. C. Yll6n Successor to Dr. Kum, the greatest Chinese Expert Herhist ESTABLISHED 1S87. Care Bow Wo k Herb Co. 167 South High Street Patients apeak for themselves. Shelburn, Ore., Arril 19, 1913 Pr. J. C. Yuen, Salem, Ore.: Pear S;r: I wish to offer you testimonial in regard to your wonderfu1 medicine. I had the advice of some of the noted physicians, and they told me tiat I had appendicitis, and would have to b operated on before I could pet well. Not wishing to be operated upon 1 consulted. Pr. J. C. Tuen, aod now, af tcr about three months' treatment, I am in feeling strong and healthy. I wish to do all in my power to cir culate the knowledge of your woader ful medicine. Respectfully, J. L. OOLESBEE, Saalbara, Oregon. HAWAIIAN SCHOOLS Japanese pupils now form the most numerous element in the Hawaiian schools, and they are increasing at a more rapid rate than any other race, j according to a statement by Governor j Walter F. Frear, received at the United States Bureau of Education. The Jap anese now have a considerable lead in tbe school population, with over SI : per cent of the total; the Portuguese' follow . with a little less than 7 per cent; tbe Hawaiians come next with 14 per cent; Part-Hawaiians comprise 14 per cent; Chinese, 11 per cent; and all other nations or races, 12 per cent. Governor Frear gives other interest ing information about Hawaii s schools. He shows how, after the establishment of the Territorial Government in 1900, the public schools fared worse and worse until 1907, when, with increasing prosperity for the islands, more ample provision was made for education. Fin ally, in 1911, a new method of financ ing the schools was adopted, under which there has been a decided gain in the number of teachers, in salaries and in generally efficiency. Industrial schools that are partly self-supporting are a feature of the Hawaiian school system. There are three such schools, and in addition, the Normal school, the college of agricul ture and mechanic arts, two high schools, and 151 schools of elementary grade. A number of the schools main tain city or county governments con ducted by the pupils for practice in citizenship, and patriotic exercises are emphasized in all the schools. There are now nearly 30,000 children in the Hawaiian schools, about twice as many as there were at the time the Territorial Government was established, twelve years ago. The territory last year spent $182, 536 for education, and the counties themselves $17,799 ad ditional. These figures are exclusive of expenditures for the College of Ha waii, which uow occupies a permanent site in the suburbs of Honolulu and has graduated its first class. The Hawaiian school are np to the American practices in the length of term; their school year is 38 weeks. Attendance is compulsory from 6 to 17 years of age, the maximum age having been raised from 13 years a year ago. Good attendance records are the rule; the average last year was S6 per cent of the enrollment. In this and other respects tho schools of Hawaii com pare favorably with the best in the United States. if- nXknXJ 1 1 Ly 1 Dj UnUJ 11 1 Ws .... ''' tttty''":'v y ' ' 37, .;.v5V- r"v " ..Mi is'm'ii's"' 'l '!'"" """" " y i ..e.frT ' ':!", i l .- . - " . " . " (S .rftvmim. V ' ' '.'',"? YJ JUST NORTH OF NEWPORT, AT THE LIGHT HOUSE. Situated where the ocean, mountain and forest come together, where a cape extends in to the ocean over a mile, with Boulevards Water System Postoffice Streets Electric Lights General Stores Sidewalks Telephones Daily Mail Auto service to and from Newport, surf bathing, excellent beach, protected from North west winds, boarding houses and a 62-room modern hotel, all to be found at the Cape. General agents: i . c j Local Agents: KNAPP & MACKEY Agent rowi E. HOFER & SONS, 213 Board of Trade Bldg AGATE BEACH 211 Masonic TemP,e Portland, Ore. Salem, Ore. 1 cazzzsazazzzsisz: ii ti n u ii H ii HAVE YOU TRIED IT? "SALAMANDER" "HopfeD und Maltz Gott Erhalis" A reproduction of the old-fashioned all-malt Beer "Gesundheit und tin proher Mut Sind besser als viel gelt, und gut Especially bottled for home use. Send your order by telephone, Main 229 for a case 11 ii : n ti : n : : a n t n ; m : ii : M x H x u x j Salem Brewery Association a ti 11 M f Mill 1W tfciw imOm mt am j E &rWOUICK NEED 3M SnK- DR. KING'S5 NEW DISCOVERY COUGHS AND COLDS WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL TROUBLES OP THROAT AND LUNGS PROMPT USE WILL OFTEN PREVENT PNEUMONIA AND CONSUMPTION PRICE SOe and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. FEH.BT. To promote moral education in the schools of France independently of religious doctrine is the object of the "French League for Moral Education." The league offers a first prize of $1,000 and other prizes amounting to $2,000 for contributions to a bulletin which it publishes. Start out with the intention of call ing everything bv its right name and you will change your mind before you cave gone a block. Protect n-" mm. fnmn-''h The Food Drink For All Ages Highly Nutritions and Convenient Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form-dissolves in water more healthful than tea or coffee. Used in training athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Aged. It agrees with the weakest digestion. Ask for "HOIlLICK'S"-at Hotels, Restaurants, Fountains Don't travel without it Also keep it at home. A lunch in a minute. In Lunch Tablet form, also, ready to eat Convenient nutritious. LfiafiSaSQSSSaSCw.w,www,-.Z-.S 1 1 1 1 OFTEN MAKES A cnn. sTHE CURE THAT'S SURE FOR The government of Belgium has in vited the United States and separate States to be represented at the Fiint International Congress of Cities to be held in Ghent, in July. The congress will be devoted to the two main topics of City Building and the Organization of Municipal Life. The girl with two or three good-looking brothers always has more girl friends than she knows what to do with. CI IJ II 11 u II It 11 N II II 13 II rj m ii n U n H n ri ii 1 tn ,t, , v