ft : TOE BEST ;: NEWSPAPER j THE LARGEST CIRCULATION HMMMMMMMsti THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY,. MAT 14, 1813. rKlV.IL, 1WU IbNlS. BTAM8. HT1 CHATS. d ft -ft? rl mt IMi rJi m t.rn sir 'lifM II II II u II it 11 11 11 II II II II 11 II I i 1 IIH .I1 r-T I 1 11 II II II M .11 II II II II I District Att6rney May Take a Hand in Stopping Dis graceful Conditions. DETECTIVES DEFY LAW ang of Barm Hirelings Besiege Pri vate Besldence of California Citizen. UKITID MSS LMSID WIRI. Sacramento, Cal., May 14. Acting on his own initiative ' ,District Attorney "Wachhorst, of Sacramento county, threatened today to ;'sehd deputies to Gait to break up the siege now main tained there by ' Burns detectives against the home of Hull McClaughry, in which McClaughry is holding his two children, who are sought by his di "vorced wife, Anita Baldwin Mc Claughry, daughter of the late Lucky Baldwin. 4 . - Wachhorst says it is a digsracefuU condition that a man's home should be thus disturbed, and says, if his aid is unlisted, ho can run the- detectives out of the county. The district attorney added that if the siege is not speedily abandoned, he will- Institute proceed ings against the Burns operatives for disturbing the peace. . The sioge was st. .ieing maintained this afternoon, with neither side show ing any signs of weakoning. CONCERNING THE BRANDING OP BUTTER To the Editor: In explanation of the causes which ld to tho recent ruling from this office on the branding of the country J5uter, I will say that it is not the purpose of this office to work hard ships upon small dairymen, but on tho contrary it is largely for their protoc tion that the ruling was made. Country butter is often bad, yet it is far from tho truth to say that it is all bad, but evory roll of good country butter, if unbranded, has forced upon it all the odium that is pluced upon tho bad butter frequently found in country stores. . The brand demanded by this ruling identifies the good as well as tho bad and each receives his just reward from the commercial world as soon as his brand ar name becomes thoroughly iden tified with the particular quality of the article. Besides this, tho neatness of the lnble and package has a com inercinl value that far more than ro- imburses the fanner for the extra cost of tho printing. How would a dealer diaposo of a case of creamery butter if it came to him in wrappers?. It is not unlikely that the loss from the sales of a single case because of the imprinted wrappers would pay for the printing of a thous ami wrappers. Probably the greatest benefit to bo dorived from tho proper branding is the fact thnt tho quality of the butter . will improve, hence the consumer will be willing to pay a bottor price. When the maker's name follows the butter to the ronsumor, greater precaution will be taken to sue that the quality is good. For instance, eggs that are stamped and guaranteed or money re funded" are very seldom found bad, while it is unnecessary to state that if the guarantee or name of the farmer is not required, tho same care will not be excercised In marketing s good fresh Neatly printed butter wrapper! are being supplied by the dairy supply bouses for one-fourth cents each if or dered in lots of 500 or 1000. This is less than the farmer often pays for tho paper alone when bought in small lots. This, together with the copy of which is enclosed, I think jus tifies me in not only mnking the ruling but enforcing it. J. a MICKI.E Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner At Salem Heights Friday. The pupils of the W. II. Peterson stu dio appear in public recital at the Sa lem Heights hall on Friday May 2.1. at 8 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend. The program will consist of solos. duets, trios and groups of players on the piano, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo, cornet, trombone, etc., and or chestral selections by an orchestra of some 35 pieces. Considering the short period in which his pupils have had Instruction, (Mr. Peterson having been located here hut 1 few months) they show wonderful abilitv on their chosen Instruments. These Enow and Can Tell. Los Angeles, ' Cal., May 14. Fred Stewart and Pat Peterson, drivers of Long Beach, were com manded in subpoenas issued to day to testify before the grand jury investigating white slavery conditions here. It was report ed that they would be questioned regarding automobile trips upon which several Long Beach men were passenjjjs. xne granu jury resumed its consideration of the vice situation today. It was ex pected that several witnesses would be called during the day. t & 3 Concatenated Wisdom of the Country Will Decide Weighty National Question Mohouk Lake. Mav 14. Wide dif ferenccs of opiuiou as t the right of the United Press to remit jtolls of coast wise vossles which may so the Pan ama canal nlid to exclude from, free tolls ships flying flags of other nations were expretsed here today at the nine teenth annual Lake Mohouk Conference on International Arbitration. Despito the differences of opinion the speakers wero practically uuanicous in declaring that tho question should bo put Before an international court for arbitration. Even speakers who doclared positively that the United States has absolute right to favor American shipping, were just as positive in declaring tout the matter thould be put up to The Hague or some other international body for this very reason. The lonfereuce which opened today "w.ll LjiiUnuti through Friday. This year tho conference was called by Dan iel Smiley, brother of the late Albert Smiley, who was one of the first men in this country to advocate internation al arbitration instead of war as a solu tion of tho differences botwoen nations, by bringing together prominent advo eatos of tho proposition. His first con ference, called nineteen years ago today brought togothcr a more handful of advocates of substitution of judicial proceedure for war in deciding inter national disputes. Today's gathering was a representative body of some of tho brainiest international lawyers and advocates of international peace in this country. Among the speakers today were Dr. Lyman Abbott, editor of the Outlook, of which Col. Roosevelt is a contribut ing editor; Dr. James Brown Scott, sec retary of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; II. S. Perris of Londou; and John A. Stowart, of Now York. "The relations of Pan-America to International Arbitration'.' was the subject discussed at this afternoon's session by Romulo S. Naon, minister to the United States from the Argentine Ropublic, and by Professor William R. Shepherd, of Columbia University. Heinrich York Steiner, of Vienna; Dr. Alexander Geisswein. member of the Hungarian parliament, and M. Henri Boursa, of Montrcnl, Canada, were scheduled for formal discussion of the same subject. . The three-day program includes ad dresses by Charlemagne Tower, of Phil adelphia, former Ambassador to Ger many; I'residcnt Emeritus Charles W. Kliot, of Harvard University; former Governor Andrew J, Montague, of Vir ginia; Congressman James L. Slaydcn, of Texas; Congressman Joseph R. Kriowlnnd, of California; Jackson II. Ralston, of Washington, D. C; United States Commissioner of Education, P. l'. Claxton; Professors Paul 8. Reinsch, University of Wisconsin; Emory R. Johnson, University of Pennsylvania; Amos 3. Hershey, Univeisity of Tndinnu and William P. Rogers, Cincinnati Law .School; William E. Gonzales, editor of The State, Columbus, R. C, and Don C. Seitz, oditor of the New York World. Josephus . Daniels, secretary of the navy, Alton B. Parker, Dr. Andrew Whito, Governor A. (). Kherhart, of Minnesota, and Sydney A. Fisher, Can- adian minister of agriculture, aro other prominent men who have agreed to speak. Others who will attend are the ministers to the United States from Bolivia, Nicaragua, Venezuela ami Haiti and the Persian and I'anaman charge d 'Affaires. The United States Navy was represented by Rear Admirals C. M. Chester, C. Goodrich, John P. Merril aud A. 8. Barker and Commondnnt Cleaves, of the New York Navy Yard. Forty large cities in the United States and Canada were represented by del egates by the respective chambers of c.ommerr of those municipalities. Fifteen of Them to Be Arrest ed on Charges Made by a Score of Young Girls CONDITIONS HORRIFYING Girls, Whose Ages Range Prom 11 to IS fYers, Make Charges Against Prominent Men. . tONITID PRESS LBASID Will. Los Angeles, Cal., May 14. Felony complaints probably will be issued here tonight for 15 men, as the result of charges brought by a score of girls ranging in age from 11 to 15 years. Of ficers, working under the direction of Deputy Constable Louis Kahn, have been furnished with- a list of men wanted, who, juvenile court officers assert, may shed light upon what they believe to be the most vicious vice ring ever unearthed in Southern Cali fornia. The particulars of the charges are withheld by the juvenile court au- thorities. Mrs. Allie Sloan, aged 20, was held under $2000 bail today for trial in the superior court on a charge of contrib uting to the delinquency of Eileen Baust, agtjd 14, and Pearl Petorson, aged 14. At Mrs. Sloan's preliminary hearing the little girls testified that they were invited by her to a place where they were mot by five men. First Cargo of Cuban Sugar. UNITED PBISS XJdASBD WIBB. Vancouver, B. C, May 14. Bringing tho first cargo of Cuban sugar ever im ported by the British Columbia refin ery, tho steamer Starlhfillan docked today, having cut threo days off her scheduled coast. time coming up the west 1 FACTS, FANCY The Petition Hendricks Signed. "To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of Salem, Oregon. "Gentlemen: "We, tho undersigned property own ers of South High street, who are lia ble for our share of the cost of the im provement, beg leave to petition your honorable body to select some hard sur face pavement that will moct the phy sical conditions existing on said street. Wo do not believe tho clasB of pave ment selected by a majority voto of the property owners May 2 has the neces sary strength and lasting qualities to meet our needs. We aro fully con vinced that a Btrong substructure is absolutely uoccssary and thorofore would recommend thnt you ordor either a straight six-inch c one ret o pavement or a pavement with Btrong concrete base. Wo feel that we can rely upon the council to select a modorate-prieed permanent improvement that will' be justified by tho property along the street." A calm perusal of the petition signed by R. J. Hendricks and twelve others, together with tho Statesman 'b editorial concerning the same) which are printed side by side herewith, will show conclu sively that the "yellow reporter" did not have his wires crossed, but stated the facts in tho Capital Journal just as they are of record. The "yellow re porter," or the ono with "a yelluw streak," did not single out Mr. Hen dricks' name in writing his Btory, but took the statement just as it whs read by the city recorder who, when through reading the petition to the council, add ed: "It is signed by H. J. Hendricks and twelve others," and ho did not read the other names. As a matter of fact why read the i other names, anvwnyf Wasn't one name sufficient to justify refusing the property owners tho kind of pavement.be very glad to have South High street they voted for, if thnt one name was paved under the AmbrusB-llurdsall bid. the right name, with sonorous ring ami It would make a street, he thinks, that ponderous weight? It used to be so, I would be a credit to the city ami satis ami that is, no doubt, why that one ' factory to the property holders in every name was placed at the head of tho pe- tition, the other twelve names being simply a polite concession of the fact that that one was not really all there was, but that there were others. It was perfectly proper for Mr. Hendricks and the others to file their petition, ami eminently proper for tho council to lg- , Australia Will Boycott. Sydney, X. 8. W., May 14. All non-union tools made in Indian- apolis, Ind., will be boycotted in Australia in future. This resolu- tion was made known today by the building trades federation of Australia, which has acceded to a request from the association of machinists in Indianapolis re- ceived recently. The United States unionists asked the Aus- tralians to help them in the mat- ter of a boycott and did not ask in vain. Seven Fatal Accidents, According Detailed Report Furnished by Labor Commissioner. to There were 411 accidents, sovon fa tal, in the factories and placos of em ployment coming under the jurisdic tion of Labor Commissioner Hoff, ac cording to a statoment issued by him today. Tho following is a summary of having a white Australia with a men the accidents: Carpentor, 17; construe- ace like this at the door. tion, 11; logging, 35, 2 fatal; machine shop, boiler shop and foundry, 43; pa per mills, 32; railroad construction, 24, 2 fatul; railroad section, 42; railroad train, 39; railroad yards, 41; Bawmills, 5S, 2 futaal; sawmill yards, 20; miscel laneous, 49. Weather Forecast. Oregon Showors west tonight and Thursday; showors east por tion tonight or Thursday. Warm er east portion tonight. South-' erly winds. AND YELLOW nore it because it did not comply with tho law. 'Mr. Hendricks' name, being more ponderous ouly and not more nu merous than those who voted for the Ambrose Biirdsall paving. Tho morning paper calls tho printing of tho cold facts, telling the exact truth "yellow journalism" ami classes the reporter who writes the straight truth as having a "yellow streak." This being accepted as the meaning of "yel low journalism," we congratulate' our morning contemporary with being abso lutely free of all "yellow" propensi ties. It does not even have a leaning that way. The Statesman this morning, owned and managed by the sRmo H. .1. Hen dricks whose naino led the petition, fol lowed by twelve others, and which hhonid at Vast report him truthfully, says: "Ho" (It. .1. Hendricks) "would wnv, That is what Mr. Hendricks' paper says of him. This is what the petition signed by Mr. Hendricks says: "We do not believe the class of pavement selected by a majority vote of the property owners May 2, (the They and the Chinese Are Rapidly Taking Possession of the New Hebrides THEY BELONG TO FRANCE Islands Are Only 900 Miles From Australia, and Fears of Future Trouble Are Felt, tONITID FUSS UUSID WHS. Sidney, N. 8. W., May 14. The in flux of Japanese and Chinese into the New Hebrides group of islands in the Pacifis is a menace to Australia, ac cording to a statoment today made by the Rev. Aloyslus Paton, who has been engaged in mission work in the islands for some time. Mr. Paton says that under the laws of tho Hobridos Japanese and Chinese can enter easily, and this is going to bring Australia face to face with serious problom affecting the white Australian idool. The reverend gen- tlcman also states that it is no use He suggests that the islands, which belong to the French, should be con verted into British dependencies. At present Japanese are flowing in in a large stream, and their doings there are kopt as silent as the grave. The New Hebrides are only 000 miles from Australia. The Auto Got Him. tminitt pass jiasid wins. Winnotka, 111., May 14. A. 8. Good- rich, i a millionaire tobacco manufactur er, was crushed to death by his auto mobile here today. While cranking the machine, he forgot the clutch and the jcar Btarted, knocking him against a telephone pole. JO 1 The Statesman's Statement, A yellow reporter has his wires cross ed in regard to tho proposod improve ment of South High stroot. What tho thirteen property holdorB on that street who petitioned tho city council on Mon day evening woro trying to do was to keep the paving matter for that stroot alivo, tho understanding being that it was about to go off the boards on a remonstrance Those thirtoon petition ers voted for various kinds of paving. They did not act in concert aa to tho kind of paving to be selected. They will be satisfied with any of tho differ ent kinds for which bids woro submit ted. What they want is some kind, and this year. Mr. Hendricks, whoso name was singled out by the roportor with a yellow streak, did not petition for the Ambroso-Burdsall kind. But he has seen that kind as laid at C'ottago Grove, and thinks it makes a good street. He would be vory glad to have South High street paved under the Ambrose Jlnrd sall bid. It would mako a stroot, ho thinks, that would be a crodit to the city and Bntisfoctory to tho property holders out that way. Ambroso-Burdsull pavement) has the necessary strength and lasting qualities to moot our needs," then as the peti tion above shows, recommondud somo other kind. Now, this matter is of littlo interest to tho Capital Journal, as it owns no property on South High street and is of interest to it only because it wauls to seo every property ( wner, whothor on South llih or elsewhere, havo an abso lutely square deal, and this applies to Mr. Hendricks and tho twelvo with him just as much as to others. But it docs lruuse mo i iipiiui journal s curiosity. Dither Mr. Hendricks was trying to do ceive the council when he signed that petition, or he is trying to deceive the people as to his course.' Ho is surely trying to deceive somebody, or else he tins developed a struin of Idiocy and inn no longer understand the English language, anil cannot realize the in eon ing of his own nets, Believing R. J, would not do anything either wrong or foolish intentionally, the latter is Mr haps the more charitable view. In the meanwhile, we would suggest that he send some of his reporters down to tho apltal Journal office, and expose them to "yellow journalism." They might catch it. If they did, he could then anchor the city editor in the Journal editorial rooms of nights and seo if it would "tako" on him. Four Feet of Snow. ' Ellensburg, Wash.k May 14. With nearly four feet of snow at the eampsito, a force of 200 men is now at work at Lake Keeche lus, for the United States reclam ation service on the storage dam. The deep snow has considerably hampered operations with the re- suit that a larger force will have to be employed to make progress according to calculations. Be cause of the short working sea son, It is estimated that it will take threo years to finish the work. Will Be Immense Structure All Oth er Work on the Fair Sits Is Being Rushed. San Francisco, May 14. The north facade of the Machinery Palace of tho Panama- Pacifio International Exposi tion is being covered with wire and lath and in the next few days will Co clothed with staff of imitation travertine stone, In the centre of the structure there has been erected a workshop where, under the direction of Paul E. Denlvillo about a hundred plnsterors, moulders and modolors are hard at work. On the floor of tho great building are modols and costs and finished orna mentations which will be put in place on the north wall of Machinery Build ing within the next few days. An idea of the immonsity of the building can ho gained from tho dimensions of tho pillar cornices whicii are in some coses moro than twelve feat in diamoter. Tho norfr section of the building will bo complotcd as far as the outside is concerned boforo tho romaindor. is built. It will thon be a matter of no more than two or throe wooks bofore tho wholo building is roady for the mural decorations, though they will not be started until tho end of the yoar. Construction upon tho Agricultural Bection has boon begun by the driving of piles for tho Food Products building and the erection of a contractors of fico of works. Piles for tho Transpor tation building have boon driven and the ground is now ready for the com pletion of tho structure. Itapid progress is being made upon tho ferry slips at the foot of Fillmore streot and the Marina la fully prepared for tho transplantation of trees which havo been uuturcd in the Presidio nursorios. Frosidont Charles C. Mooro has ro ciived woid from tho State Dopartmout at Washington, D. C, that Brazil has formally acceptod tho invitation ox tended by the prosidont of tho United States to participate in tho 1015 Unl vernal exposition. In tho absenco of Archibald Barnard, vice-consul of Brazil, who is ill, Eugano Gesprot, commercial agent In charge, declared his gratification when Inform ed that Brazil would lake part. "I cxpoctod thnt this would happen and while not surprised I am nono the loss exceedingly pleased that my conn try will participate," said Oosprot. ' "Brazil has always made a good showing at tho various expositions, and from information that I obtained from tho representatives who was recently hero she will mako a Splendid exhibit in this city in 1915." D. O. Lively, chief of tho doartmont of livo stock of the Panama Pacific International exposition announced that plans worn being perfected which will Insure a display of livo stock during tlio enlir-j term of the exposition. Students of exposition attendance aulhoritively stale that practically one hundred per cent of tho peoplu who enter the gates are interested In mine form of animal life because of tho durational opportunities afforded, Thi'ie will be displays of horses, cat tle, sheep, swine, goats, poultry, pigeuns and pet stock, from the beginning to the iluso of tho exposition. Heretofore at world's fairs tho live stock shows havo been confined to competitions between numbers which took place usually in October and Nov ember. Similar competitions wilt be held at Han Francisco in which 1 75,000 will be awarded in prizes. From as surances already received there will bo interest in these competitions from practically all over the world. The English breeders are making preparations to show sheep, swine, beef and dairy cattle. Thcro will also bo exhibits from Denmark, Holland and Sweden. New Zealand Slid Australia will show beef, cattle and sheep. Horses HE MUST SIGN 1 BILL Wire Secretary of State Bry an That Duty to the Peo ple Compels This. SENTIMENT IS UNANIMOUS Vot In Senate Is 35 to 2 and la ths Assembly 73 to 3 to Favor of the Bill. (united raass uusso wisa. Sacramento, Cal., May 14. "It Is with the highest respect for yourself and the president that I feel my duty to my state compels me to approve the action of the legislature." This is the roply of Governor Hiram W. Johnson to the plea of the national administration to dolay action on the anti-alion land law, as it set forth in a lengthy tolegram sent to Secretary of State Bryan today. The sotatment follows: "We of California believe firmly that in our legislative dealings with this alien land question we have vio lated absolutely no troaty rights; we have shown no shadow of discrimina tion; we have given to no nation the right to be justified In taking offense. So bolleving with a strong reliance on the justice and righteousness of our cause, and with due deforence and courtesy, and with proper considera tion for the feelings and the views of othors wo had hoped the authorities at Washington would have seen the quostion as we in this state have been forced to see it as we must see it or be blind. No Choice Left Him. ''And so, with all respect and cour tesy, the stats of California; fools it its bouuden duty to its citizens to do what the interests of Its people demand; that which the conscience of its people approves; that which violates no trea ty rights; that which presonts no dis crimination, and that which can give no just cause for offense, ' ' You havo suggeslod to mo to delay, but this (Juostion was vory earnestly and fully prosoutcd by you to our leg islature, and tho legislature determined to proceod. My province is to ap prove or disapprove tho law as pre sented. Our poople as represented in the legislature have overwhelmingly expressed tholr desire for the pres ent alien land hill. The vote In the senate was 35 to 2, and In the assem bly 73 to 3. With such unanimity of opinion, even did I hold othor views, I would foel it my plain duty to sign the bill, unless somo absolutely controlling necessity demanded contrary action. Apparently no such controlling neces sity exists. "It Is with the highest respect for yourself snd the prosidont that I fool my duty to my state compels me to ap prove tho action of the legislature." (Siguod) "HIRAM W. JOHNSON, . "Governor of California." An Army Officer. . To be quietly shining up the glass ware at an early hour, with only a holpor In sight, and to have a big, black negro walk up to the bar with a horse pistol strapped about bis waist and his Insides full of much moro rum than necessary for the or-' dluary man to carry, was the experi ence of Pat O'Gary, the day bartond or at the Annex saloon, this morn ing. Tho negro whon refused a drink, advised Mr. O 'Grady that be was an officer of the United States, and that ho hail come to Salem to take charge of a prisoner now hold In the peniten tiary. After hit left, tho police were notified, and Officer Wolch started out after tho heavily-armed mnn. The last heard of the negro was when ho passed Street Commissioner Tom Cornelius, on Twelfth street, going south. Officer Welch hurried to tho depot and caught sight of his mnn traveling up the Southern Pacific, track south, Hit hailed the fellow, but that individual spurted so lively that tho offcer could not get within reach of him. will he shown from Australia and the Argentine, France, Belgium and Eng land. An advisory committee has been ap pointed from every state in the Unina In addition to tho largest poultry show that has ever been held in the world, there will be now specimens that have never been seen in this country. Pro visions are being made to secure spec imens of tho long tailed chickens from Japan, which attain a plumage of twenty feet.