Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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1 100 HigK Class, Stylish Suits, regu-
larly priced to $32.50, Your choice
of the entire lot at only 314.50
638TH SURPRISE Sale Tomorrow,
Women's Burson Hosiery, Special,
I Two Pairs for
t Mt tT
1 Nathman t Hill have an ui-to-dat
sheet metal and plumbing shop at 012
North High street. Phone Main WOO.
The police committee today has on its
hands a proposition of Councilman
M in ton to investigate the public mar
ket proposition here.
if W: A
What more can we do to convince you that you positively
can find perfect health and relief from your suitering by
using Lydia E. Phklum's Vegetable Compound f All the
world knows of the wonderful cures which have been made
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, yet some wo
men do not yet realize that all that is claimed for it is true.
If suffering women could be made to believe that
this grand old medicine will do all that is claimed for it,
how quickly their suffering would end I
We have published in the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women in
the world and every year we publish many new testimo
nials, all genuine and true.
Read What These Women Say!
UlufTton, Ohio. "I wish to
thank you for the Rood I derived
from ldiii K. llnklmin' Vegeta
ble Compound Kumetlmo bkh. I
Buffered eneli month tmelt ngony
timt I could Hcarouly endure, nnil
niUr taking three bottles of l.vtliu
K llnklium'B Vegetable Com
pound I whs entirely eured.
"Then 1 hiidnuatUiekof orgiinlo
lntiimm;itio ) and took Lydia K.
l'inkhiun's YoKvtnhlu Compound
ivnd I am cured. I thank you for
wliht your remedies have done for
mo ami tthouM anything bother
mo aKikin, 1 shall use it agnin, for
I havo Rival faith in your reme
dies. You may uso my toatimo
uhd and wehnimo. 1 tell every
Vor .'SO ynani l.ydln, E. rinkhnm's VeirHnMe
Compniitul lias Ihmmi the stamlimt rwiiml v f or f e
male Ills. No one. sick Willi woman's ailments
Icmis) Justice to herself if she doe not try this fa
mum medicine mntto from root ami IhtIw, It
bus rratoredsoniaiiy luffertiigwome-a to health.
fiWrttetol,TIIA E.rmiU 1EIHCIXECO.
IW (COHMDKVrUL) LYNN. MASS.. roradriee.
our letter will le oitenml, nsvl svnil answered
7 wouiaa tvad held In strict eonttdeuce.
Unquestionably one of the most im- E
portant offerings Salem has seen for 3
many a day. A most representative col- s
lection of beautiful, stylish models in
the newest fabrics and color effects. -J
The woman who admires correct dress 5
will particularly fancy this gathering
of high-grade suits. We've too many E
suits, owing to a backward spring, and
must move them before the season ad- E
vntices. ' 3
Y"our choice of this entire stock of jS
fancy anil novelty suits, priced to E
$.'12,150 and navy blue serge suits up to E
c'7.50, at only $14.50 each. A ridicu- ,
limsly low price. I j
Another lot of suits regularly priced E
to $18.50, choice $13.50. Prices reduced E
'JO por cent on our high-grade line of S
Matzon blue serge suits, regularly E
priced at $30.00. ' E
We urge an early selection, for the
choicest suits will be the first to go, S
25 Cents
Here's a sale that will bo wel
comed by hundreds of women in
and around Sulcm, as wo have
been repeatedly asked an to when
we, woulil have another special
sale of tuno ;:ood Burton Hose,
Several styles to choose' from
plain or ribbcl top, 2 pairs for
2."ic. Seo the big window display.
None sold before 8::!0. No tele
pono orders received.
Wall paper the kind you have been
looking for, at prices that will interest
you, Buren & Hamilton.
Twenty five donkey engines have
been purchased by the Silver Falls
Lumber Company and will be sot in
place as soon as possiblo for tho pur
peso of taking out timbor with which to
complete the rnilroad which' now taps
the Silver C'icok district.
ono what your remedies have
done for mo." Mrs Kiioda Win
gate, l!ox 305, lllult'Um, Ohio.
IYntwater, Mich. "A year ago
I was very weak nnd the doctor
said I had a serious displacement.
1 had Imckaehe and bearing down
luiiM so bad that I could not sit
In a chair or walk nerivis the tWr
and 1 was In severe pain all tho
time. 1 felt discouraged as I had
taken everything I could think of
and was no ln'tter. I U'gtn tak
Ing l.ydia K. Tlnkham's Vegeta.
bio Compound and now I am
stMugaud healthv," Mrs. Auc
IUhi.ino, K. V. Li. No. 2, Box V,
lVutwatcr, Mich.
I Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
BemoTei Tin, Ptmpltsv
Freckle, Mlh P-tctiet,
nn beuty. ud d
Dm rk'tectlon, Jt
biUi ituod tbt tut
of to jttn, and
la bo hwmlew we
tte It totMturelt
la properly mmd.
Accapt do counte
felt of aiaitlu
narat. Dr. L. a.
rUyr iild to a
liwiy of the haut
tn (a pallenti :
"Ai you ladiei
will um them
I . rAcoininenrl
laBvflHil'a ra m' m tha le&ai Lirrtifu. nf all tha
klti prcjiaruon." for sale by all dni(fti-U and Kaflcf
Ouoda Dtaiut a la tue Li nltad tiUlea, Cauiul auu urop.
fEflO.T.H0PHHS. Pics, 37 Great Jcnn Sirett InrM
Special meeting of Multno
mah Chapter, No. 1, R. A.
M. this evening at 7:80,
Work in the M. M. degree.
Visiting companions welcome
Miss Franc Newman is a guest of
friends at Creswell.
A new rug and fresh draperies will
work wonders for that room. The larg
est and best assorted line of room-size
rugs In the citjr now on display. Buren
b Hamilton,
Lord's addition Is npw on the mar
ket finest residence property ever of
fered In the city four blocks from
business center. Prices on these lots
are put down very low, so as to
close out the property soon. For sale
by W. A. Rutherford. Phonei401.
Library tables the best in Colonial
and straight line styles, and the great
est variety in Salem. Buren & Hamil
ton. Artisans, attention! 0icu meeting
and box social tomorrow evening.
Mooso hall. Bo thoro. Ladies bring
"Wear Ever" Aluminum cooking
utcnxilx; wear a lifetime, and are safe
and sunitury all the time. Buren &
Tho Women of Woodcraft have b-on
granted perminnion to use the streets of
Salem noxt week for carnival purposes.
Judge flalloway convened department
No. S of the circuit court yesterday and
heard motions and demurrers in sovernl
Artisan's open meeting. Molvin Bur
dick will bo official auctioneer at tho
basket social Wednesday evoning. Good
program. Ladies requested to bring
Now Idea Gas Stoves aro different
and better than tho ordinary. Tome in
and let us show you. Buren & Hamil
ton. The city of Salem will not fight the
suit of Hattie A. Reynolds to nerjuirc
title to a tract. City Attorney Page so
The city council last night revoked
nn order for pnving Leslie street from
Commercial to Liberty. Property own
ers plan to make a more extensive im
provement. The fire nnd water committee of the
city council had under consideration to
day a petition of the White House r es
taurant to build a one story addition of
corrugated iron.
The Christian church has extended a
call to Tlev. ,T. W. Kilburn, pastor at
Tlcaver Falls, Pa., to fill the vacancy
left by Pr. Pavis Errett on his removal
to Boise, Idaho.
Artisans to Portland. The proceeds
of the sale of h&sketf. Wednesday even
ing will be used to send a drill team to
Portland. Open meeting. Bo there.
Bring Itinoh.
State Engineer Lewis is on the pro
gram for an address Saturday at the
tifth annual commonwealth conference
to be held under the auspices of the
Pniversily of Oregon at Eugene.
Br. dames Mcflraw, secretary of the
World's Christian Citizenship confer
ence, addressed the ministers of Salem
yesterday on the conference, which is to
bo held in Portland next month
A fine of from $S to 100 is provided
In an ordinance passed last night for
thoso dealers who fail to screen all pro
ducts, except citms and Bpplos, which
are exposed for Sale. Screens for meat
markets and such places are also re
quired. The ordinance will bo in effect
in ten days.
All employes of the city, Including
tho departments of recorder, treasurer,
fire engineer and street commissioner,
are entitled to a vacation of two wveks,
favorable action beiug taken by the
city council on the proposition. Turner
thought employes of the city engineer's
office were too busy for vacation in the
summer time, while they had plenty of
vacation in the winter. His motion was
lest, however.
The Salem Business Men's Lntgue
will hold its regular meeting in the
Hoard of Trade rooms this evening at 8
o'clock, and the rating system, pro
posed recently, will be brought up for
dlsctissiou. This matter Is said to be
of much interest to members of the
league, and a seed attendsuco is de
sired, Board of Trade meeting. The regu
lar monthly meeting of the Salem Board
of Trade will be held at the rooms of
th board Wednesday, May U, at 8
o'clock, sharp, to which tho officers of
the organiratioa most urgently request
all who have the welfare of tho city
and community at heart to be prewnt.
This is a very important meeting a the
dissolution of the Board of Trade will
be considered and probably voted upon.
Earl A. Gregg, acting secretary.
Oscar Hsytof has resigned as South
ern Pacific attorney at Dallas.
Miss Jean MrX'lure has returned to
San FraLcisco, after a visit with Miss
Mollie Mclntyre.
-Mrs. . J. iiibler has returned from
Corvallis, where she was a guest of her
sister, Mrs. C. Hartley.
Mrs. 7. C. Davidson is in Albany to
day to attend the state grange, joining
her husband from the farm at Browns
ville. Mrs. George Flint and son, of Lex
ington, Or., aro visiting Mrs. Flint's
mother, Mrs. Dora Miller, 995 South
-dr. and Mrs. Edward Langenberg
and daughter, Katherine, of Roseburg,
are guests of Dan F. Langenberg, and
may loci.te here.
Andrew Quail, of Silverton, is re
covering rapidly from illness at Salem
hospital and will probably be able to
return home next week.
Former Judge T. L. Davidson, of
Morningfide, a member of the Masons,
Elks and Salem Grange, has not been
enjoying very good health of late.
Keep the Balance Up.
It has been truthfully said that any
disturbance of the even balance of
health causes serious trouble. Nobody
can be too careful to keep this balance
up. When people begin to lose appe
tite, or to get tired easily, the least im
prudence brings on sickness, weakness
or debility. The system needs a tonic;
craves it, and should not be denied it;
and the best tonic of which we have
any knowledge is Hood's Sarsaparilla,
What this medicine has done in keeping
healthy people healthy, in keeping up
tho even balanco of health, gives it the
same distinction as a preventive that it
enjoys as a cure, Its early uso haa il
lustrated the wisdom of tho old saying
that a stitch in time saves nine. Take
Hood's for appetite, strength and en
There nevor was a time when people
appreciated the real merits of Chamber
lain 'b Cough Remedy more than now.
This is shown by the increase in sales
and voluntary testimonials from per
sons who have been cured by it. If you
or your children are troubled with a
cough or cold give it a trial and be
come acquainted with its good quali
ties. For sale by all dealers.
Notice to Property Owners on States
man Street.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the council chambers in the city hall
on Thuisday, May lo, 1913, at 7:30 p.
m., either in person, or by duly signed
proxy, for the purpose of making a se
lection tof the kind of improvement to
be laid ou Statesman street, from the
north line of Center street, to tho south
lino of A street.
CII.'.S. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. '
The funeral of the lato Charley Un
derwood will be held at 2 o'clock to
morrow (Wednesday) afternoon from
Lehman & ('lough's undertaking par
lors. Interment will be in City View
It's All Off
So fnr as health is concerned if
you allow the bowels to. become
constipated. This condition soon
upsets the digestive functions
robs you of appetite and makes
you weak and run down.
A Hit
Clothes made to your measure by
Our display of woolens is by far
tha finest ever shown in this
community. Our stylos the latest
and most up-to-date adn the se
lection is almost unlimited.
Why not call at once and make
your selection. Have your new
i lit tailored to your Individual
taste, saving lO to 15 on any
suit order.
Our Pricea
$15 and $20
No Leaa.
No More
359 State Street. ?
Her Hair Commenced to Grow After
Two Weeks' Use of Newbro's
" Fe 'cr caused me to be entirely bald.
I had given up all hope of again hav
ing hair when I was advised to use
Herpicide. After two weeks my hair
commenced to grow. I now have the
most heautirul bead of hair anyone
ever saw, Praise to Jfewbro's Herpi
cide." Thus writes Mrs. Howard Bailey, of
Bellevue, Mich. We can point to thou
sands of instances where the proper
use of Herpicide has been followed by
a remarkable growth of hair.
Newbro's Herpicide is "the original
remedy which kills the dandruff germ"
and stops falling hair.
Send 10c in postage for sample and
booklet to The Herpicide Co., Dept. R,
Detroit, Mich.
Applications may be obtained at the
best barbers and hair dressers.
Newbro's Herpicide in 50c and $1.00
sizes is sold by all dealers who guaran
tee it to do all that is claimed. If you
are not satisfied your money will be
Notice of Proposed Ee-EstabUslunent
and Change of Grade on Fairmount
Avenue From Lincoln Street to Su
perior Street.
Notice to the public is here
by given that the common coun
cil of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, proposes' to re-establish aud
change the official grade of Fairmount
avenue between the intersection of the
center lines of Fairmount Avenue and
Lincoln street and the intersection of
the center lines of Fairmount Avenue
and Superior street.
The grades which are proposed to be
established by the common council
are described as follows:
At the intersection of the center
lines of Fairmount Avenue and Lin
coin streets, at an elevation of 201.3
feet above said base of grades.
At the intersection of the confer
lines of Fairmount Avenue and Wash
ington street, at an elevation of 215.5
feet above said base of grades.
At the intersection of the center
lines of Fairmount Avenue and Supe
rior street, at an elevation of 232.0
above said base of grades.
All persons owning property adja
cent to said Fairmount Avenue or the
part thereof described above and upon
which it is proposod to re-establish and
change the grade, are hereby notified
to make and file their written remon
stance with the city recorder, if any
they have, against the said proposed
re-establishment and change of grade
within the period of ten (10) days
from the final publication of this no
tice, and unless the owners of more
than two-thirds majority of the super
ficial area of the property adjacent to
said Fairmount Avenue or the part
thereof particularly affected by said
proposed re-establishment or change of
grade, remonstrate in the manner pro
vided by the charter of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, within the period above
named, the common council will pro
ceed to re-establish and change, the
grade of said Fairmount Avenue, as
above set forth by the passage of an
ordinance on or after twenty (20) days
from the date of the first publication
of this notice.
This notice is published for ten (10)
days in a daily newspaper published
in the city of Salem, Oregon, the first
publication being the Cth day of May,
OIAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Call for Bids North 18th St. Imp.
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, invites sealed bids for the making
of an improvement of Eighteenth Btroet
in the city of Sulem, Oregon, from the
south line of Center street to the north
line of State street with 6-inch gravel
cement concrete, El Oso No. 2, consist
ing of ,t inch hydraulic cement base
and Hi-inch wearing surface, El Oso
No. 5, consisting of asphaltic concrete
foundation 3'j inches in thickness and
ll-i-in.'h wearing surface, Clark & Hen
ery Asphalt Pavement No. 1, consisting
of 4-inch cement concrete taso a.id lHi
inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface,
Clark A Henery Asphalt Tavement No.
2, consisting of 3j-inch asphaltic con
crete base and l'j-inch asphaltic con
Crete wearing surface, Ambrnse-Burd
sail asphalt Concrete Pavement No. 2,
consisting of 4-inch Portland cement
concrct-" base and lj-ineh wearing sur
face, Amhrose-Burdsall Asphalt Con
creto i'.ivement No. 4. consisting of 3'-i-
inch crushed rock asphaltic concrete
base and l'-J-inch wearing surface, Nc
4 Light Standard Bitulithic 4-inch hy-
Iraulie cement foundation and l'-i inch
wearing surface, or No. 5 Heavy Grav
el Bitu'ithic 3'ii inch bituminous con-
rote foundation, l'j inch wearing sur
face in accordance with the plans, spc-
ifications and estimates on file in the
office of the city recorder of said city,
which are hereby referred to and made
a part of this notice.
Said bids will be opened on or after
the 19th day of May, 1913, at or about
":30 o'clock p. m.. In opn council meet
n g in the city hall in Salem, Oregon.
Each bid submitted must be iccom-
Aaia!Uea, risalag Taeile, It
Vertt Cewaerdal Street Phase HI
paaied by a certified check equal in
amount to ten per cent of the amount
of the bid. The city reserves the right
to reject any and all bids. This notice
is published for five successive days in
a daily i.ewspaper published in the city
of Saleji, Oregon, the date of first pub
lication being May 13, 1913.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, Recorder.
Notice to Property Owners on Fair-
mount Avenne.
You aie hereby notified to appear at
the council chambers in the city hall
on Friday, May 10, 1913, at 7:30 p. m.
either in person or by duTy signed
proxy for the purpose of making a se
lection of the kind of improvement to
be laid on Fairmount street between
the south line of Lincoln street and the
north iine of Superior street.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Notice to Property Owners on Washing
ton Street.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the council chambers in the city hall
on Friday, May 16, 1913, at 7:30 p. m.,
either in person or by duly signed
proxy for the purpose of making a se
lection of the kind of improvement to
be laid on Washington street, from the
west line of Fir street to the east line
of Fairirount street.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
The case of Rev. Sanford Snyder
against the Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railroad company, to recover dam
ages in the sum of $5000 for injuries,
is on trial in circuit court at Dallas to
TO TRADE Poultry and dairy ranch,
to trade for Salem property, 31 acres,
S acres iu cultivation, balance pas
ture and hardwood, fair buildings; 8
miles from Salem. Good resideuee
preferred. German Investment Co.
FOB SALE Threo cheap work horses.
Box 80, route No. 7, Salem.
FOR KENT Two suites of housekeep
ing rooms, electric light and bath.
Phone 209.
FOR RENT Modern 9-room house, $15
por month. Phone 935,
WANTED A seamstress. Mrs. D.
Davis, 376 South Church streot.
FOB SALE Will sell at a bargain,
while they last, all or any part of my
household furniture, including good
piano, sewing machine, kitchen cabi
net, rew range, dining-room set, and
many other articles, almost new. Call
9 a. m. to 12 m., and 1 to 4 p. in.,
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. H.
A. Johnson, Jr., 250 North Twentieth
streot. Phone Main 1597.
FOB SALIi Now seven-room house
and lot on Court stroet, will sell it at
cost. Call at 331 North Fourteenth
street aud wo will show you. Terms
Co. Quotations for today
Ranch butter 2023c
CREAM, butterfat 30c
Lggs 17C
On Liberty and Ferry Sts.
FOR RENT Depot Hotel, furnished.
A. A. Englebart, Phone 1190.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms near
City Hall, 330 N. High st., phone 4.
FOR SALE New 5-room, modern bun
galow, 5 rooms, bath, gas, woodshed,
east front, $1500; easy terms. 633
N 20th street.
FOR S.ALE At Newport, Oregon, one
corner lot, S.-x56 feet, hiBh and
"iRhtly, near Xye creek. Prioo $300,
warranty deed. ' Inquire of, owner,
Charles IT. Woods, Chcmawa, Oregon.
I HAVE 6-room house, toilet, bath,
basement and full lot, valued 3S00,'
to trado for Newport property. What
have youf J. Baumgartner, U, 8.
bank building.
8-room house, hard finish, bath, water
and light, lot UVjilOO, closo in, val
ued $5000; will take good automobile
as part payment, not to exceed $1000.
J. Baumgartner, V. S. National bank
190 -Acre Orchard
for Sale
Of prunes and charrlea. on.
from Dallas, Ore. rive yean old and
uBwaras. in tracts to nit at swa t
I4O0 per acre.
Alao 216 acres of farm land at ISO
to 1125.
Payments one-third down. haUr, i.
six years.
By the Fleming Realty Co, Phone
303, or S. P. Kimball. nwnn
Farmers 561. Sslem. Orn,.nn
A. J. Barham, DHt Agent.
When you ask for Butter
Ask for
Caoital fli'tw r
Phone 299. 3ai r... c
tttt tlttttsu .....
i we cive the hiuli ...i:. - .
. umii.j anu
I charge the lowest prices.
.uaeier urug store
No. 135 Commercial Street
Deutsche Annth.V.
210 8. Com. St. Phone 378
Why send your money to Port
land, when you can buy your
bread, cake and pastries at home,
manufactured in an up-to-date,
clean, sanitary and modern bak
ery! We own and operate the Ger
man Bakery, branch store 12th
and Center streets, phone 161.
The White Swan Bakery and
Dairy Lunch, 319 N. Commercial
streot. ,
Phone 903. f
Iowa Machine Shop
Punch and die work a specialty. Mod
el work machinery developed and per
fected. Brass patterns. Experimental
work. Automobile repairs.
252 Chemeketa Street.
Salem Box & Mfg. Co.
Screen door and windows
made to order. All aizea
prompt service.
Phone 308 247 Miller St.
To Purchasers
For farms or city property see
Dr. W. A. Cusick, over Fry's
drug store. tf
On farm and city property. Joha .
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
egoa. Phone 1652.
T .
I Cherry Citv I
Candy Factory
Cherry City Ice Cream
Fountain Syrups
266 Chemeketa Street.
Phone 2482 .
: ; Graduate N. W. U Chicago.
Salem Bank & Trust Building,
f Suite 205-206. Pbone 2418
j; Karl Neugebauer
t Masoaic Temple. State St.
ResliVit Agents IHt State Street
314 US. Bank Building
On flood Real Estate Seeirity.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or
Money to Loan.
Phone 2424. 206-207 Hubbard Bldg
Oi good Real Estate seesrtty.
147 State Street
Prompt delivery. Sola amnts for
the Famous Rock Springs Coal
E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'NsiL
Phons 210. Yards opposite 8. P. pas
senger depot
In any quantlu. Pmmnt fUitran
our specialty. Falls City LumksV
Company, lra Nnrth nimnmlil
Street Phone Main 811
. No machinery to tear sad wear
out delicate fabrics. Work called
for and delivered promptly.
4SI Ferry 8t Phone Mais 116!
I' I' M"" ''!' mm i ii.ii n im,m,mpl
' 'ty'' '''''' '
'---,-'-'. . - u
A man may feel sorry after stealing
a kiss fn;m a pretty girl sorry that he
(ixltl 't Katfit -
M M H M . I
"vgiM twu?r,