Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 12, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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A Sale of Tremendous Importance to
the suit buying women of Salem
and the Willamette Valley
100 High Class, Stylish Suits regularly
priced to $32.50, your choice of
the entire lot at $14.50
Unquestionably one of the mot important offerings Salem
has seen for many a day. A most representative collection of
beautiful stylish models in the newest fabrics and color ef
fects. The woman who admires correct dress will particular
ly fancy this gathering of high-grade suits. We've too many
suits, owing to a backward spring, and must move them be
fore the season advances.
Your choice of this entire stock of Fancy and Novelty Suits,
priced to $32.50, and Navy Blue Serge Suits up to $27.50, at
only $14.50 each. A ridiculously low price.
Another lot of Suits regularly priced to $18.50, choice $12.50
Prices reduced 20 per cent on our high-grare line of Matzen
Blue Serge Suits, regularly priced at $30.00.
We urge an early ielection, for the choicest suits will be the
first to go.
A New, Large Line of
Motoring Hats
Tan, brown and gray, plain colon and
in striped patterns also. A new water
pioof ermvenette motoring hat in tan
only with ventilators in the frown. A
splendid hat at $1.00 each. Silk hats
at "5c to $1.25.
A second shipment of
Children's Straw and
Cloth Hats arrived
All the latest shapes and colors, priced
from 15c to $3.00. Mothers will be
pleased to select from such a choice
and varied assortment.
Burglars An Busy.
Four robberies were reported to the
police this morning by different Salem
I merchants. The candy and cigar store
least of the Wexford theatre, was brok
en into and 3 taken; the Cozy Kitchen
conectionery store lost $6 as the result
of some, one cutting the screen doors;
the Fitts Fish and Poultry market was
1 sawed into and the Thielsen Cash Gro
jcery store was entered. The burglars
relieved the latter establishment of 45
'cents, while Fitts Market contained
nothingof value besides its general
equipment. The officers have nothing
to work on, as the guilty parties were
seen by ao one. nor did they leave any
tell tale signs behind them.
Surprise Sale 638th for next Wednesday, 14th,
Women's Burson Hosiery, special 2 pairs for 25c
Here's a sale that will be welcomed by hundreds
of women in and around Salem, as we have been
repeatedly asked as to when we would have an
other special sale of those good Burson Hose.
They arrived this week and are offered at the
low price of 2 pairs for 25c several styles to
choose from -plain or ribbed top. See the big
window display. None sold before 8:30. No
telephone orders received.
New Incorporations.
Antelope Orchard Company, Medford.
Corvalia Amateur Athletic Club, Cor
vallis, 2000.
Palace Hotel. Portland, 10,000.
Columbia Hay t Grain Company,
Portland. 110.000.
Hannibal Mining t Milling Company,
Baker, $96,000.
Paradise Telephone Company, Lim
it, Paradise, $2000.
Portland Business College, Portland.
increase from $5000 to $10,000.
Arizona Will Exhibit.
ciiiTiD r-Bisa uiss wraa.1 -
Phoenix, Ariz., May 12. Friends of
Pan Dicuo in the Arizona legislature
failed today in their attempts to se
cure a state appropriation for an ex
hibit at the Panama-California exposi
tion. A bill carrying an appropriation
of $100,000 for an Arizona exhibit at
the San Francisco exposition passed the
house, but an effort to divide the ap
propriation to include San Diego was
unsuccessful. The bill is expected to
pass tho senate.
A Home Rule Law.
cxitxd rsxsa uuaso wiu.
State (.apitol, Sacramento, Cal., May
12. A constitutional amendment pro
viding for home rule in taxation was
passed by the senate today. The vote
was 27 to 5.
The amendment has passed the as
sembly and will go to the people of the
state for their approval at the next
general election.
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the back,
for which you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sal
by all dealers.
The House
of Quality
l-iV." .'il..4C4 I I V
JiXJIoooiicibbD &kd
Special meeting of Pad Be
tods No. 60, A. P. A A.
M., this eroding. Work In
the M. M. degree. Visiting
brethren welcome.
Miss Nona Shumway was a guost
Sunday of friends at Woodburn,
Mrs. G. II. Nichols, of Eugene, is Dick Andaman, of Independence,
visiting he daughter, Mrs. Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. LaGrauge re
turned yesterday from an extended trip
through California and Arizona, and
aro visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles LaGrangc, in South Salem,
who was a Salem visitor Saturday night
is plaintiff in Pallas this week iu the
trial of a suit for $1000 which he al
leges his father-in-law, A. M. Borwn,
secured from him shortly before Ar
slanian 's wedding.
:'s the Well -Dressed Man
That gets ahead these days and no man has
an excuse for not wearing his spring suit now
"Stein-Bloch Smart
the best clothes made yet, are here in such
beautiful patterns in box-back, semi-English
and conservative models. Come in and try on a
cfw suits.
Prices, $15.00 to $35.00
IDE SHIRTS Smartest patterns.
$1.25 and $1.50
Beautiful Spring Neckwear, 50c.
Straw and Bottle Green Hats.
141 N. Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon
Mrs. Willis McElroy, of Portland,
was a guest Sunday of Mrs. G. W.
Johnson, Jr.
Have you tried that lice and mite
killer that we have been urging you to
use? It surely does the work. This is
the timo of year that it is needed most.
See F. K. Shafer, the saddle and har
ness man, IS" South Commercial street.
Our customers pronounce "Yakima
Best" tl'e best ever. The life in the I
wheat is not lost. Our deliveries are
quick, prompt service. Little folks nev
er tire of bread made from this flour.
See Serling, 311 X. Commercial street.
Nothing can equal the Olympic flour,
made from hard wheat. Only $1.35 the
sack. Fresh, crisp vegetables, every
morning. 1 ry our strawberries. i.igar
the grocer, corner Court and High Sts.
Oregon graham and Wheatola is
made in Salem, where every user is in
vited to visit and Bee new and up-to-date
machinery produce quality. The
only new and up-to-date mill in this
The f.inernl of Mrs. Louretta Ru
dolph will lie held at 10 a. m. tomor
row from the United Evangelical
church, North Cottago, near Center, and
the services will bo conducted bv the
pastor, Kcv. A. A. Winter.
Plans for the Teal irrigation project
have been filed with the state engineer
by Representative J. T. Hinkle and his
brother, W. B. Hinkle. The project in
cludes D,000 acres and it is planned to
ipend $1,000,000 on it.
Do you get lonesome evenings? Pa
per read, too tired to seek recreation
away from home, a victrola will drive
away that feeling. Our easy payment
plan suits all. Records of all kinds,
R. F. Peters, 521 Court street, Moose
Rev. Sanford Snyder went to Dallas
today to prosecute a case in which he
is seeking damages in the sum of $5,
i00 from the Salem, Falls City Sc West
ern railroad. He was struck by an en
gine and injured, the vehicle in which
he was riding being completely demol
ished. Men's meeting at the First Presby
terian church Tuesday evening. Chick
en pie supper served at 6:30, followed
by report of Social Service committee
and an addreos on Social Service by
Mr. W. O. McLaren, superintendent of
Portland Commons. The membership
and all men of the church aud their
friends are urged to be present. All
men welcome.
H. N. Veris "barked up the wrong
tree" hvt Saturday night whop he at
tempted to interfere with ( Officer
Welch while in the act of arresting one
C, H. Fisher for being disorderly. The
i result was, Veris was taken to the sta
tion also, and Judge Elgin this morn-
ing sentenced him to ten days in jail,
jbut suspended seutence. Fisher was
given five days.
j Divorce proceeding were started in
i the circuit court this morning by Grace
Hoffman against O. W. Hoffman. In
i the romplaiut filed, tho plaintiff al
leges th. defendant has treated her in
a cruel and inhuman manner and at one
timo locked her out of the house while
he remained within in an intoxicated
I condition. Attorney Frank Holmes ap.
i pears for the plaintiff.
Samuel Pavis and Wane Sonthwick
made things merry on State street in
I front of the Klinger building Saturday
night by punching each other about the
sidewalk for a few minute, and ending
by !avis knocking Southwiek- through
a plate glass window iu front of tho
flier pool hall. Davis pleaded not guil
ty to disorderly conduct this morning
ud his trial will be held tomorrow
Iowa Machine Shop
Punch and die work a specialty. Mod
el work machinery developed and per
fected. Brass patterns. Experimental
work. Automobile repairs.
252 Chemeketa Street.
Salem Box & Mfg. Co.
Screen doors and windows
made to order. All sizes
prompt service.
Phone 308 247 Miller St.
Miss Edith West and Miss Helen
Myers were in from Independence Sun
day to visit friends.
The city council will consider the re
call ordinance tonight. It was the gen
eral opinion this afternoon that the bill
would be passed as amended at the last
The services for the late Mrs. Ru
dolph will be held tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock in the United Evangelical
church on Cottage street. W. C. T. U.
members please attend.
Jupiter has promised fine weather
for the Moose carnival. Make your
preparations to be in attendance every
day. The herd will all be collected,
guaranteeing a rousing time.
Attorney-General Crawford is ex
pected back in Salem Thursday. He
stopped off at Sidney Center, X. T., to
visit bis mother for a few days, aud
planned to attend to some business
matters in Chicago for a day or two.
Dr. W. E. Chancellor, of Columbia
University, Xew York, formerly su
perintendent of Washington, D. C, and
Patterson, X". .1., schools will address
the Salem teachers from 3 to 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, it was announced
today by Supt. Kuntz. This will be a
rare educational treat, as Dr. Chancel
lor is one of the leading educators of
tho country.
All the justices of the supreme court
had returned this forenoon to the capi
tol, except Chief Justice McBride, and
he was schedul d to arrive this after
noon. The chief justice stopped off at
his ranch in Columbia county on his
return from Pendleton. Mrs. McBride
is spending a few weeks at the ranch.
It is expected that a number of de
cisions will be handed down tomorrow
The railroad commission is hearing
evidence today in Portland in the case
of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail
road, which is attempting to get 'the
use of the O.-W. R. 4 X". company's
bridge across the Willamette at Port-
1 land. Commissioner Atchison, who ac
companied Attorney-General Crawford
to Washington recently, has returned,
and participated in the hearing today.
E. T. Mcf'ormack, of Salem, has been
added to the commission that will rec
ommend the names of candidates
it deems eligible to fill the position of
president of Pacific university. The
committee has the names of ten can
didates under consideration, and ex
pect to eliminate half of them by
Thursday. Dr. Ferirn's resignation
takes effect next month.
FOR REXT Housekeeping and fur
nished rooms, in good order. Mrs.
Franced Freeman, 152 South Church
WAX'TED A seamstress. Mrs. D.
Davis, 376 South Church street.
HOUSE J'OR SALE Owner being
forced to sell place, offers a splendid
house anil large lot on paved street,
walking distance, close to Garfield
and 1 lgh schools. All assessments
paid. Will sell cheap and on easy
terms. X. X. X., care Journal.
To Purchasers
For farms or city property see
Dr. W. A. Cusick, over Fry's
drug store. tf
FOR SALE Xearly new spring wagon
aud harness. Inquire at ISoj Lee
FOR SALE Will sell at a bargain,
white they last, all or auy part of my
household furniture, including good
piano, sewing machine, kitchen cabi
net, rew range, dining-room set, and
many other articles, almost new. Call
A a. m. to 12 m., and 1 to 4 p. m.,
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. H.
A. Johnson, Jr., 2A Xorth Twentieth
street. Phone Main 1397.
The House of Comfort
Should be erected on this beautiful
terrace overlooking the Cherry City and
peaceful Willamette. This quarter-
block 's within one block of the car
line and will be sold at a bargain. Ad
dress Box 54, Salem, Or., for full particulars.
Are throe occupations which denia-d
glomes to lessen the strain on the eves
If your eyes tire ever so little, have
me examine them and prescribe eve
glases for CLOSE WORK that will
rest the nerves, relieve the eye strain
and keep the wrinkles away.
a. Mcculloch
291 North Commercial Street
(Ground 1oorl
tatties. Fl.slas Taekle, Its,
Itrta CMrelal Street rasa M
FOR SALE Xew seven-room house
and lot on Court street, will sell it at
cost. Call at 331 Xorth Fourteenth
street aud we will show you. Terms
FUR KEXT Two well-furnished rooms
suitable for housekeeping. Inquire
Josse-Moore Furniture Co.
FOR SALE CHEAP 100 rawhide bot
tom chairs, and almost new sewing
machine. Call at 70S Xorth 17th,
Phone 2471.
GET FREE $25 Look straight; can
you see the little hungry friend.
Fred, in front of the Madison.
On farm and city property. Jobs tX
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
egoa. Phone 1661.
Cherry City
Candy Factory
Cherry City Ice Cream
and X
tountam Svruos 4-
266 Chemekota Street.
Phone 2482 t
; : Graduate N. W. U.', Chicago,
;; Salem Bank & Trust Building.
X Suite 205-206. Phone 2418 X
Co. Quotations for today
Ranch butter 2023c
CREAM, butterfat 30c
Egg' 17c
On Liberty and Ferry Sts. 5-1-tf
I Karl Neugebauer !
Masonic Temple. State St.
FOR REXT Depot Hotel, furnished.
A. A. Englebart. Phone 1190.
FOR REXT Housekeeping rooms near
City Hall, 330 X. High it., phone 4.
FOR REXT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 753 N. Commercial. 5-7-4t
FOR SALE Xew 5-room, modern bun
galow, 5 rooms, bath, gas, woodshed,
east front, 1300; easy terms. 633
X" 20th street.
FOR 8ALE. CHEAP-Fine gat range.
Phone 855.
190-Acre Orchard
for Sale
Of prune and cherries, one mile
from Dallas, Or. Flvt years old and
upwards. In tracts to salt, st 1225 to
1400 per sere. t
Also 216 seres of farm land st 180
to 1125.
Payments ons-thlrd down, balance In
six yean.
By th Fleming Bealty Co, Phone
303, or S. P. Kimball, owner, phone
Farmers 561, Salem, Oregon.
A. J. Barham, Dallas Agent
When you ask for Butter
Ask for
Capital City Creamery
Phone 299. 383 Court St.
W give the highest quality and I
I charge the lowest prices.
X Schaefer's Drug Store
No. 135 Commercial Street
X Deutsche Apothek.
RetUetit Agents I8i State Street
314 U.S. Bank Building
Oa Good Real Estate Sectrtty.
Orer Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Or.
Money to Loan,
Phone 2424. 06-207 Hubbard Bldg,
Oa rood Beat Estate teeartty.
H7 State Street
Prompt delivery. 8ole agents fof
the Famous Rock 8prings Coal.
E. H. Jory, successor to J. J. O'Nell.
Phone 210. Yards opposite 8. P. pas
senger depot,
1 any quantity. Prompt dellrer?
our specialty. Palls City Lumber
Company. I7 North Commercial
street Phone Main 811.
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics. Work called
for and delivered promptly.
411 Terry SL Phone Main HW