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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1913)
n ti ii ti ti n 11 El II fl tl II 11 0 0 I I o Daa - iSm kS- fcB3 JLi i CmLfl Of C. H. Hinges Stock of High-Grade Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, etc. ' $ 1 0,000 Must Be Raised. Creditors Demand Immediate Settlement J. A. Sinclair, representing the Creditors of C. H. Hinges, desires to announce to the people of Salem and vicinity that his instructions from the firm he represents are to, "Disregard All Former Prices," "Slaughter Everything for Less than Wholesale Cost," "We Must Have Our Money." Then why should I worry? The creditors' word is law with me. Consequently I will inaugurate a Bona Fide Slaughter Sale of this elegant stock until $10,000 cash has been raised. I appreciate the fact that goods must be sold cheap in order to raise this money quickly, so have cut and slashed the price of every article in the store to such ridic ulously low prices that will certainly insure instant sale. Following are quoted a few prices, which will give the public an idea of the sweeping reductions that have been made of everything in the store. I II fl M N N 11 M 11 II 11 II II 11 M n ii ii ti ii ii n if ti ii 11 ii H ii 11 ii si n 11 11 II II 11 II II II 14 II 11 M n n n u n ii n n 13 LimmmilwwmwimfimimwItfftmmmwlimMltl'WW WffllWIMMilWIOl SSII'PSWIW"'WSJSJ,lWSWW''Sf S"1M"W7' MlilfeMMMMHMMMIMlteWiMMillailillliNNMMWIIiWIH S,A4iMSmMaiMMMaMMNiltlS' $185 Diamond Ring.. $150 Diamond Ring.. $115 Diamond Ring.. $100 Diamond Ring.. $ 65 Diamond Ring.. $ 35 Diamond Ring.. $124 92 73 68 41 22 21 -Jewel Waltham and Elgin Watches, in 20-year case 17-Jewel Waltham and Elgin Watches, in 20-year case 15-Jewel Waltham and Elgin Watches, in 20-year case $12.00 4-piece Silver Sets,- quadruple consisting of Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer and Sugar $12.00 8-Day Mantle Clock.. DIAMOND RINGS, GOLD WATCHES, SILVER TEA SETS GIVEN AWAY FREE. A COUPON TICKET FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE. Stock of C. H. H lifmmmiipn plate, $21.00 11.40 9.40 6.75 2.10 $9.00 Ladies Gold-Handled Umbrellas. $10.00 Rogers 26-piece sets, consisting of 6 Knives, 6 Forks, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon, and Cabinet 1847 Rogers No. 12 Medium Knives 1847 Rogers No. 12 Medium Forks $1.00 Alarm Clocks, "Hinges' Special".. $4.10 5.60 3.75 3.75 .45 SALE STARTS SATURDAY, MAY lO, 9:00 A. M. The fine quality of this -stock Is too well known to require further comment merely an assurance that nothing will be reserved or exempt from this sale anl will be a rare chance to buy for less than wholesale cost high-grade Diamonds, Gold Watches, Solid Gold and Gold-Filled Jewelry, Sterling and Quadruple-Plated Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, Umbrellas, etc. To the Public: Mr. Hinges is not going out of business, but will continue at the conclusion of the sale at the same location. J. A. SINCLAIR. inges, Salem, Ore. By Order of J. A. Sinclair H. Snowden Marshall May Curb New York City's Great Trusts W ' IN) - I I 1 .J A 4 A f UNITED rIS8 I.S1SCD WIU. Sacramento, Cal., May 10. With the passago by the senato today of Senator ti runt's pandering hill, as amended in the) assembly, and tho signing of the governor regarded as certain, Califor nia has forged a new weapon with which to combat tho white slave traf fic. Tho bill makes guilty of pandering any keeper of a holme of prostitution who Khali receive as inmate a woman who has not before engaged in the trif fic, providing a ponulty ranging front 3 to 50 years in tho penitentiary. Here tofore tho term has boon from five to ton years. The reduction of the mini mum was made to secure easier convic tion. Anyone who tnkes part in in ducing a woman to loin) a lifo of shame is responsible under tho act. t " "ii ati'iiiitniMUHMi Vn ir-HMiii fl'a iiiiiw ii r'" i ' 'iir ifn"?- Scene from the Beautiful Picture, John Banyan's "Pilgrim's Progress,' Opera House, Saturday, March 17, Matinee and Evening. Grand MPOKTANCH attnehes to the nrpolntuient of II. Rnowtlen Marshall as J Iuimni Mines mstrn t Hituniey Tor Now York, especially lu view of the tinouiirvuient that the department of Jiistle wou.d let each district at orney aiteiul to dlrwt protvuUon of alleged violations of the Sherman nU trust aet Man sueti iroeotlinis may be cipeeted In the New York dl trlet Mr. Mnrshsll ta a yoiing law partner of United States Senator Jamea A. O'Oonnaii of Now York, who, however, la uniloretiHMt nut to have rscoiu anended the pH)lntuieiil Mr. Mnmhall tueceeda Usury A, Wise. Amniuultiou Was Deadly. ttlNITIO miss lllD wi l Torvallis, Or., May IO,-(lrnt sur prise was expressed here today when it was learned that no ammunition wu Mil lu a sham battlo betwtH'ii cadet ompaiiies of thp (Iregen Ajiriculturul College yesterday because several steel jarketed shells hsl beoa found in the 'Idnnk ainmunitimi. How the loaded cartridges came to be placed in the blank ammunition is not known, The sham battlo was held during au lunKtiet. by Captain William T. Mer ry, V. . A. Is It possible that enough Democrats are going to hang together t More Truth Than Pootry. The litlle rhyme on tho first page of the seernd section of this issue, was suggested by an incident hapening at the Capital Journal office, and is "a true story." Little Ward Smith, who is known by his puis as "Putchy" was thrown fiom his bicycle whilo coasting down Ackeny hill some weeks ago and his skull fractured. When the boys at the office were raising a little purso to help tide him over whilo in the hospital, the "newsies butted in" about as told in tho alleged poem. They dug up their nickels and pennies man fully ami generously, borrowing from one another in some ettes, and tho lit tle 1'clUms raised among them seven dollars. They were told that their lit tle savings were not needed, that thoso better al io to give would look after iMili-hy, but they insisted on helping their little comrade, and did so, gener ously. As there is ''more truth than poetry" in the little story dono in rhyme, we feel that the attempt to de scribe their generous, big hearted deed in verse, is at least excusable. J. II. C. After a man becomes famous he doesn't need a press agent. His friends will then attribute to him all tho an cient jokes they can dig up. uranauperan louse SATURDAY, MAY 17 Matinee and Evening The World's Best Picture John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" Mado amidst the magnificent scehcry at Turino, Italy, with Alexandra Salvini as Christian; Jefferson Penrose, lecturer; Francis Phillips at piano and organ and Ana Calvori, tho eminent dramatic soprano, will ap pear in concert beforo and after the production, also rendering tjie beautiful solos during the Pilgrim's Progress. PRICES: Evening, 25c and 50c. Matinee, all seats Children 15c. 25c, II II II n n u Tlu 'oiifttmicr vg too imu'h, in most I rnsoH, no iltnitt, but tho nrweryma Glob lie has his troubles, blamed. and mav bo over- Today's Programme 3 Refined Vaudeville Acts3. MISS LEOTA Character Change and Song POT SNYDER, Salem's Favorite. . STRAUSS & BOCKER, America's Premier Instrumentalists. 4-Extra Good Pictures 4. TOMORROW Entire Change of Program. my THEATRE e v auaevi Monday and Tuesday 3 ACTS 3 MAHGUITE FARAR & CO. Musical Comedy HARLISON AND ROLLINSON Novelty Comedy Musicians Direct From Pantages Don't Miss Seeing These NEWLYWEDS Today Only AL WA YS THE PIPE ORGAN THE GLOBE THEATRE ta H iH ii Kl II II If Kl tJ II 14 II II tl 11 U II ii fcdm in 'mil mi cm mm mk mti ,m Am i smsawsfiinnsaaia .SOWIllSl MmMiu mi Sj& WWWWww i i 11 M W U u n n Kl 11 II S3 U U ii ti ts IS n t u ts ii n 15 It El II 11 14 IS If 11 IS IS m is ii ii ts If 11 If 11 tl II 11 11 11 II It 13 II II II M II If II n ii 12 11 II n II El II II 11 13 II 11 II tf tJ 11 11 u M 11 11 II 11 II 11 11 II 11 II II II II FJ II II 11 13 tl II M n